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Papuan Lorikeet
Charmosyna papou

Papuan Lorikeet


Papuan Lorikeet


25 cm.. length and a weight between 90 and 115 g..

The head of the Papuan Lorikeet (Charmosyna papou) It is red with a black patch on the back of the crown and a crescent-shaped mark on the nape; patch in the crown with mottled blue extends to the top of the eyes.

Under the nape a red uniform coat; centre of back Dark emerald green; under the back bright red; rump light blue. Wings Emerald green with vane internal black; undertail, the flight feather grey with coats red; coverts marginal green. Throat red, darker than the upper part of the chest and a little more off: lower chest Red clear with a variable black patch in the center of the belly, Sometimes it extends over them the thighs; the sides of chest and flanks with two obvious yellow stripe sets; bottom of the belly and coverts of the tail, red. View from the top, the tail is green and yellow is your long tip, the axis of the Central feathers is of dark brown; below, the tail is yellow, finished in Orange at its end.

The bill orange; Orange the irises; Orange and the legs.

In the nominal species, both sexes are equal.

Immature more turned off than adults. A band yellow variables at the bottom of the secondaries; rump with mottled Green; Naranja-Pardo the bill and legs; irises pale yellow.

Description 4 subspecies

  • Charmosyna papou papou

    (Scopoli, 1786) The nominal.

  • Charmosyna papou goliathina

    (Rothschild & Hartert, 1911) With sexual dimorphism and two different colors. The normal morph is similar to the subspecies Stellae, but differentiated by the yellow at the tip of the tail (non-fusion Orange to yellow). The coverts of the tail they are longer, in color purple blue, not red as in the stellae. As in the subspecies stellae, This subspecies has melanism, the upperparts is green, and underparts blue-black in their entirety. Head and the mantle, only broken by the blue of the stripes in the nape; Red in the coverts of the back and bottom of the tail. The wings are green. The tail seen from below it is more yellow-green in color than in normal morphology, and streamers they are fused opaque to verdoso-amarillo down Green.

  • Charmosyna papou wahnesi

    (Rothschild, 1906) Similar to the subspecies goliathina, but the Red of the part superior of the chest It is bordered below with a narrow yellow band. Does not have a green-washing in the flanks and abdomen top. The belly Central and tail coverts are red.

  • Charmosyna papou stellae

    (Meyer,AB, 1886) This species has sexual dimorphism and also has a melanism (excess of dark pigmentation). In comparison with the nominal, the black patch has much more extensive of the nape, blue-violet striped; This black patch replaces the two areas of black in the crown and in the nape of the speciesnominal. The streamers of the tail They also differ, merging from green to orange red (instead of green to Orange) and finally to yellow on the tips. The subspecies stellae also lacks of the chest yellow and stripes on the flanks that if you have the Papou, as well as his black patch on the belly that extends to the flanks.

    The females They show a visible patch of yellow on the lower of the back Green-tipped on the longest feathers, and coverts of the tail red (male shows red with blue on the patch of the rump). The Red of the part superior of the chest seems more uniform. In the metamorphosis by melanism the Red is largely replaced by black (see goliathina).

    The young birds with dark and thin stripes on the underparts.


Have been recorded at an approximate height of 1.200 meters above a row of trees and also to the 3.500 m, although the most common is to see them above the 2.000 meters and rare to see them below the 1.500 m; found by Forshaw in the forest of Nothofagus and Podocarpus to 2.800 m.

A species active and agile you are often found in pairs or in small groups. The birds move through the trees with jerky movements, often waving his serpentine tail, However, It can be very discreet between the tops of the trees.

Observed in Scheffleras, often in the company of other species, with the same food taste, as the Yellow-billed Lorikeet (Neopsittacus musschenbroekii). Seen often making passes above the trees or half-height, among the plants through the clear.


The nesting in nature it is not described, but Pratt observed an adult tracing branches above and below a large group of epiphytes , Perhaps in search of a nesting site. A pair in breeding conditions was also observed in late August., and young people have been in nature during October and November. In captivity, the implementation has been two eggs, lasting about three weeks of incubation and the young remain in the nest for about two months.


Feeds on flowering trees or flowers of the epiphytes, nectar, pollen, fruits and small seeds. Larvae of insects occasionally.


Intervals in the center of New Guinea in Irian Java (Indonesian) and Papua New Guinea, in where are distributed from the southeast of Vogelkop towards the Adelbert range, Huon Peninsula and intervals in the Southeast.

Distribution 4 subspecies:



• Current IUCN Red List category: Least concern.

• Population trend: Stable.

The world population It has not been quantified, Although that it is more thought of 500.000 specimens. The species appears to be quite common throughout its area of distribution (pit et to the ., 1997).

The hunting of this species for the use of their feathers as tribal headdresses and capture for the bird trade do not believe today that can affect the size of the population.

It is suspected that the population is stable in the absence of evidence of any reduction or other substantial threat.

"Papuan Lorikeet" in captivity:

Coupled pairs will defend their territory vigorously. Individual birds active and playful; they require a cage as big as possible. May be a bit uncomfortable due to liquid diet.

Son rare in captivity.

Alternative names:

Papuan Lorikeet, Fairy Lorikeet, Fairy Lory, Papuan Lory, Stella’s Lorikeet (ingles).
Lori papou, Lori de Stella (French).
Papualori (German).
Lori de Cola Larga, Lori Rabilargo (español).

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittaculidae
Genus: Charmosyna
Scientific name: Charmosyna papou
Citation: (Scopoli, 1786)
Protonimo: Psittacus Papou

Images “Papuan Lorikeet”:

Videos "Papuan Lorikeet"


“Papuan Lorikeet” (Charmosyna papou)


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife


1 – (1) “Charmosyna papou goliathina1” by dragusOwn work. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.
2 – (2) “Stellas Lory 2” by LtshearsOwn work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
3 – (3) “Charmosyna papou-Fort Worth Zoo-8” by Philip Shoffner – originally posted to Flickr as Dsc_0120. Licenciado sob CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
4 – (4) Charmosyna papou goliathina by Zdenek Chalupabiolib.cz
5 – (5) Charmosyna papou goliathina – Birds-pet-wallpapers
6 – (6) Charmosyna papou goliathina By Elaine Radford (ilustración) – rightpet.com

Sounds: Andrew Spencer (Xeno-canto)

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