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27 to 30 cm. length between 55 and 85 g. of weight.
The Red-rumped Parrot (Psephotus haematonotus) It has a bright pale green head, slightly iridescent, with the front of the crown Blue pale and diffusion in the throat. Mantle Green grey with stripes dark fine; floor area of the back and Hip, Scarlet pale; uppertail-coverts bright green. Curve of the wing blue-violet shiny; carpal edge dark blue; small coverts bluish green, the external medium yellow, the inner of a pale blue-green; greater coverts, bluish green, clearer internal; primary coverts dark blue. Flight feathers Blackish with vane external edges and dark blue yellowish; tertiarys grey-green with vane Dark internal. Wing feathers dark blue. Green light the chest with a broadcasting slightly yellow, belly bright yellow, feathers of the chest and belly with stripes more dark very fine; the thighs, vent and undertail- coverts off-white, sometimes blur of yellowish-green. Upper, the tail Green feathered side of greenish-blue with white tips; by down whitish appearance when it is closed.
Bill black; irises brown; legs grey.
The female It is much more off than the male, usually greyish green. With white spots on the ear-coverts, the upper part of the chest is grey olive clear with fringed slightly more dark and the belly whitish with a blue-green light diffusion. The wing-coverts are of a gray olive more uniform that it's the male (medium-sized coverts pale blue). The vane outside of the flight feather they are more muted and more greenish, with the tail green. The bill and the irises are more pale, with some brands shaped pale wing bar.
The immature They also have a pale bar on the wings. Males are darker, with more olive than females and a rump with a narrow margin of Red; The feathers greenish blue begin to show in the head, the chest and wing-coverts first.
The adult plumage was purchased in two or three months, the male young retain the bar of wing and have it rump more off for another year.
- Sound of the Red-rumped Parrot.
Description 2 subspecies
Psephotus haematonotus caeruleus
Psephotus haematonotus haematonotus
The Red-rumped Parrot usually sedentary, but some movements of flocks with breeding sites have been recorded at the edges of their range.
They prefer open terrain and trees of ribera, grasslands and croplands until 1.000 meters above sea level, where the annual precipitation is inferior to 800 mm. They are also found in suburban areas, having canevale for golf courses, roadsides and parks, and locally in the mangroves.
They are generally replaced by Bluebonnet and Mulga Parrot in wetter areas.
They are usually in pairs or small groups, but they are not uncommon flocks of 100 specimens or more during the post-breeding season. In these groups the pair bond is maintained and mutual grooming is common.. The Red-rumped Parrot are sociable, and to retire to the roosts are constantly called.
The breeding season of the Red-rumped Parrot extends from July to January, Although you can rely more on the rains in the North than elsewhere. The courtship the male consists of head and tail Wiggles, as well as the drooping-wings pose.
The nesting they tend to occur in small colonies, often resulting in disputes between couples. The nest usually in a hollow tree, in different heights, often in a eucalyptus, it can also be located on a tree stump or even the eaves of a building can provide a suitable place. Between two and eight eggs (usually four to five) they form the laying. The female incubates alone for around 20 days, regularly fed by the male.
The pricipio, males remain in small groups, but as the chicks grow, These groups begin to disperse and males joined young people directly in the moments of eating. Young people take to abandon the nest between four to six weeks.
The Red-rumped Parrot they tend to feed on the ground, but it is also common to see them feeding in trees and shrubs.
The diet comprises a mixture of grasses and herbs, also seed sprouts, leaves, flowers and grain. They rest during the heat of the day and can remain hidden, unless you disturb them.
Size of the area of distribution (reproduction / resident): 1.930.000 km2
The Red-rumped Parrot are confined to the southeast of Australia, from the north of the Peninsula Eyre and Yorke, in the South of Australia, until the Montes Flinders, the basin of the Lake Eyre and Innamincka in the Northeast. The species expands eastward through Victoria, having come up to Melbourne in the middle of the Decade of 1970.
In the news, the species is still scarce in the eastern end of the State. But, in New South Wales can be found around Sydney and along the coast towards the North, extending inward across the fullest part of New South Wales (largely absent in the Northwest of the darling river,).
In Queensland reaches Windorah, in the West and the surrounding area of Charleville, Chinchilla and Brisbane, in the East.
Its population is common and growing in the north and towards the south coast of Queensland, to the South of New South Wales, benefiting from the expansion of agriculture.
The world population is more of 200.000 specimens and the species is protected by law.
Distribution 2 subspecies
Psephotus haematonotus caeruleus
(Condon 1941) – Basin of the Lake Eyre and coves drainage of Cooper-Strzelecki in the southwest of Queensland, Northwest of New South Wales and this from Southern Australia.
Psephotus haematonotus haematonotus
• Current category of the Red List of the UICN: Least concern
• Population Trend: Crecent
The size of the world population It has not been quantified, It is estimated over the 200.000 specimens.
Considered as a bird common to abundant in some parts of its area of distribution, do not believe that the Red-rumped Parrot is in danger of extinction, although there is some evidence that the numbers they may be decreasing slightly. The reasons for this are not clear.
As the Red-rumped Parrot It is immersed in the pet trade, This species is included in the Appendix II the Convention on international trade in endangered species (CITES), which means that all international trade in this species should be carefully controlled.
"Red-rumped Parrot" in captivity:
You have a nice voice. He is active and not especially shy. It can be kept with other parrots outside the breeding season..
The Red-rumped Parrot (Psephotus h. Psephotus) It is one of the species of breeding parakeets more common in captivity. The first imports of Australia they arrived in the middle of the 19TH century. In 1857, the Zoo's London announced the first reproduction successful with this species. Other reproductive successes would follow in Germany and Netherlands, already in 1860.
It's a tough species recommended for novice breeders. The Red-rumped Parrot It is very tolerant of our climate and prefers an Aviary in the open air all year round.
You can play from the age of one year; being two years total maturity age. Playing at the end of the winter, early spring. Usually has two to three young.
The El Perico shrike is also used as a foster parent. Breeders have used their good reproductive dispositions for the breeding of more delicate species such as the Australian King-Parrot (Alisterus scapuleris), the Red-winged Parrot (Apromictus erytropterus) or other species of Polytelis.
The first mutation mentioned back in the middle of the Decade of 1930. This mutation of Australian origin was named as Yellow before later being renamed as Green cake. They are currently known as cinnamon.
Other mutations emerged later as the panache, blue, lutino, opaline, etc … In the news, this species is very common in aviaries. Observations show an unrecognized majority of mutated subjects and a worrying decline in wild-type phenotypes.. Reasonably, it is likely that genetically pure wild type phenotypes are extremely rare today.
According to sources, a sample lived 12,2 years in captivity.
Alternative names:
– Red-rumped Parrot, Grass Parrot, Grassie, Green Leek, Ground Parrot, Red rumped Parrot, Red-backed Parakeet, Red-backed Parrot, Redrump, Red-rumped Grass Parakeet, Red-rumped Parakeet (ingles).
– Perruche à croupion rouge (French).
– Singsittich (German).
– Periquito-dorso-vermelho (Portuguese).
– Perico de Dorso Rojo, Perico Dorsirrojo, Periquito de Rabadilla Roja, Cotorra de rabadilla roja, Espalda roja, Periquito cantor (español).
scientific classification:
– Order: Psittaciformes
– Family: Psittaculidae
– Genus: Psephotus
– Scientific name: Psephotus haematonotus
– Citation: (Gould, 1838)
– Protonimo: Platycercus haematonotus
Images «Red-backed Parakeet»:
Videos "Red-rumped Parrot"
«Red-backed Parakeet» (Psephotus haematonotus)
– Avibase
– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– AnAge: The Animal Ageing and Longevity Database – Anagé entry for Psephotus haematonotus
– Birdlife
– Photos:
(1) – A male Red-rumped Parrot by Yarra River, Victoria, Australia By Andrea (originally posted to Flickr as rainbow parrot) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(2) – A male Red-rumped Parrot near Lake Ginninderra, Canberra, Australia By Duncan McCaskill (Picasa Web Albums) [CC BY 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(3) – Red-rumped Parrot in Capertee Valley, Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia. The red rump is seen only in male By Lip Kee Yap from Singapore, Republic of Singapore [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(4) – Red-rumped Parrot male (Psephotus haematonotus) – Flickr by Patrick_K59
(5) – Red-rumped Parrot (Psephotus haematonotus) Photographed @ Yarra Bend Park, Melbourne, Australia – Flickr
– Sounds: Peter Woodall (Xeno-canto)