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Characteristics "Dachshund"
Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Dachshund" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.
Adaptation ⓘ5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
friendly dog ⓘ2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
hair loss ⓘ1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Affection level ⓘ5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Need for exercise ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Social need ⓘ4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Home ⓘ4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Toilet ⓘ2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Friendly with strangers ⓘ2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
barking ⓘ5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Health ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Territorial ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Cat friendly ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Intelligence ⓘ4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Versatility ⓘ2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Child friendly ⓘ2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Surveillance ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
joy ⓘ5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
The Dachshund he is a very special dog, not only because of its unique appearance. Even today it is still a versatile hunting dog and of course a family dog.. It is probably the only small dog that is still regularly used for work.. In times past it was called "Dachshund» and that remains their official breed name today. The specialty of Sausage dog, what hunters like to call it, is hunting.
The Dachshund He was sent to the caves to take a badger from its burrow. He was not to fear that great defensive marten that, After all, he could easily counter the brave with twice his weight. Dachshund in the battle. Even today the Dachshund are still used for hunting foxes and rabbits. It also, demonstrates himself in the search and in the work of sweat.
Today, the Dachshund is one of the most popular hunting dogs in Germany and many other countries. And it is also one of the most popular companion dogs. Since primitive times, the low-breasted sausage has been bred as a hunting dog. They are already shown in the photos of the ancient Egyptians. As early as the Middle Ages, dogs were described and painted that look almost exactly like our own. dachshunds from today. Also the purposes were the same.
The Dachshund It is one of the dog breeds that were and continue to be the most resistant and one of which for the longest time has been entrusted with a task at the service of man. With the emergence of modern dog breeding, the modern Dachshund was born in germany. Already in 1888 the German Club of Dachshund. It is the oldest sausage breeding club and the second oldest purebred dog club in Germany.

There are three varieties of Dachshunds according to the size which in turn are subdivided each into three subvarieties depending on the length of their fur:
1 – Standard
- to – Longhair
- b – shorthair
- c – Wire-haired

2 – Miniature
- to – Longhair
- b – shorthair
- c – Wire-haired
3 – Rabbit Dachshund
- to – Longhair
- b – shorthair
- c – Wire-haired

It is said that the spaniels were bred in the past by the long-haired dachshund, while the hard-haired Teckel had a terrier between its ancestors.
What is your correct name: Teckel, Dachshund o Dackel?
All three names are correct. Name "Dahshunt» (derived from badger), late middle ages, became "Dächsel» at the beginning of the 18th century, in the second half of that century in «Teckel» in northern Germany and later, towards the end of the 19th century – as a short tiny shape – «Dackel«.
Physical characteristics
The main external feature of the Dachshund it's his downfall, called chondrodystrophy. This chondrodystrophy is a mutation of the cartilage that, among other things, produces dwarfism in long bones. This has been established in ancient times and maybe even before that., since such dogs are very useful for humans. These may include, both hunting and working in tight spaces. The humble character of Dachshund is combined with an elongated and slim body.
The Dachshund is bred in two lines: as a hunting dog and as a companion dog. In the line of companion dogs also move lovers of dog shows, where it's over and over again at the expense of the well-being and health of dogs, for example if dogs are bred too long and too low.
The Standard dachshund has a chest circumference of more than 35 centimeters and weighs between four and nine kilograms. The Miniature dachshund have a circumference of 30 to 35 centimeters in the bust and a weight between three and four kilograms, the Rabbit Dachshund, about three kilograms in weight, but no less.
Character and skills
The Dachshund he is a hunting dog and has never been a lap dog. It is a small dog, very large. In the burrow, the Dachshund he is a persistent solitary hunter and must make decisions independently. A strong will, perseverance and great courage are other qualities that are required for hunting. These requirements have had a lasting effect on his character.. He is self-confident and sometimes stubborn, but contrary to popular opinion he is extremely well mannered and manageable. He is a true professional. His stubbornness makes up a good part of his special charm, that you not only have to accept but you like. He is friendly and not submissive, shows your opinion and is neither fearful nor aggressive. He also has a well-balanced temperament. Even if you have it as a companion dog, the Dachshund still a passionate hunting dog, persistent, fine and agile nose. Can be trained well – also for dog sports.
Dachshund care
The Dachshund has no special demands regarding its maintenance. He loves his humans, either in a small apartment or in the countryside with a large garden. But, you should never expect me to climb the stairs, at least not regularly. The Dachshund he is a hunter and a dog who enjoys nature. Regular excursions must be allowed, if possible daily, to the nature. Despite its short legs, the Dachshund has amazing resistance. It is always impressive to see with what zeal, speed and endurance this dog runs through nature. It is not unusual for him to accompany his master or carer when he runs, but this doesn't have to be the rule. Like a sturdy little dog, the Dachshund can be carried everywhere without problems. In a restaurant or hotel, he knows how to behave. The Dachshund it is an excellent family dog. Can be problematic with other pets due to their hunting instincts. This can be changed during the puppy stage if the dog gets used to it and is educated accordingly.
Coat and muzzle should be checked daily. The coat should be brushed regularly. The Dachshund wire-haired needs to be trimmed.
Dachshund education
Despite his passion for hunting, the Dachshund is a dog for everyone, whether hunter or non-hunter. Contrary to popular opinion, he is a well trained dog. You just have to earn it as a partner consistently and with conviction and patience. Then he gives her proverbial trusting nature the warm "look of Dachshund«. Is never submissive; has a strong self-confidence with a strong self-will. This must be respected, even appreciated. Each Dachshund has its own individual character. It should not be misinterpreted as a lapdog, must be challenged and above all his individual personality must be accepted. It can then be coached and managed consistently on the basis of the bonds of friendship.. With a little commitment, this is also possible for a less experienced beginner.
Typical diseases of Teckel
The Dachshund enjoy robust overall health. You just have to be careful that the dogs are not too small, too long, too light and not too short legs. Also show breeds, in which dogs are judged on their external appearance, should be considered with caution. The Dachshund occasionally suffers from paralysis of the Dachshund It is named. It is a special sliding disc, that has the same inherited causes as your lack of movement. It also, diseases of the heart valves, rheumatic diseases and idiopathic epilepsy are more common. La endogamia, mating with extreme characteristics such as dwarf - exaggerated ratio (short legs, long back)- represents a considerable risk to health and dramatically shortens life expectancy.
Nutrition / Food
The Dachshund has no special nutritional requirements. For your general physical condition, especially with regard to the risk of paralysis of the Dachshund, you must take care that it stays strong and slim.
The life expectancy of the Dachshund
The Dachshund belongs to the healthy breeds, vital and long-lived. This is because, among other things, for use as a professional hunting dog. He often reaches the age of 12 to 15 years without any problems, sometimes even more.
Buy a Dachshund
If you want to buy puppies, you should be the first to decide if you want to have a Dachshund as a hunting helper or as a family companion. You should only buy your Dachshund to a recognized local breeder. You can also look at the local animal shelter. Puppies usually cost between 1.000 and 1.500 EUR.
Images "Dachshund"
1 – Dachshund standard straight hair by Katemil94 / CC BY-SA
2 – A long-haired Dachshund puppy by Tam Tam from Shizuoka, JAPAN / CC BY-SA
3 – A red and tan smooth haired Dachshund by Raven Underwood / CC BY
4 – Dachshund in Cannes by Tiia Monto / CC BY-SA
5 – A Wirehaired Dachshund Sleeping in the Sun by Jeuwre / CC BY-SA
6 – Dachshund running in a green field by Dan Bennett / CC BY
Videos "Dachshund"
Type and recognitions:
- Group :
- Section : . .
- – FCI – Group 4 – Section 1 Sausage dog. ⓘ
- – AKC – Sausage dog ⓘ
- – ANKC – Sausage dog ⓘ
- – CKC – Sausage dog ⓘ
- – KC – Sausage dog ⓘ
- – NZKC – Sausage dog ⓘ
- – UKC – Sausage dog ⓘ
FCI breed standard "Dachshund"
Hunting dog, above and below ground.
General appearance:
Low structure, with short limbs, elongated but compact body with strong muscles. The head is carried with ease and pride; the expression is cunning.
Despite having short limbs, in relation to the body, must not be clumsy or limited in their movements. The specific development of both sexes is typical.
IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS : With the distance from the chest above ground level approximately one third of the height at the withers,the length of the body must be in a harmonious relationship with the height at the withers, approximately 1 to 1.7 -1.8.
By nature friendly, neither fearful nor aggressive, with a balanced temperament. Passionate hunting dog, persistent, agile and with a fine nose.
Elongated, both seen from above and in profile, narrows proportionally to the truffle, but it should not be pointed. The superciliary arcs are clearly defined. The nasal cartilage and nasal shank are long and narrow.Skull: Rather flat,gradually joining with a slightly arched bridge of the nose.
Depression front naso (Stop): Little marked.
facial region:
- Truffle: Well developed.
- Snout: Long, wide and strong enough.It should be opened wide, divided up to eye level.
- Jaws / Teeth: Strongly developed upper and lower jaw. Scissor bite,regular. Ideally, a complete denture with 42 teeth according to the dental formula,with strong and exactly meshed fangs.
JAW DEFECTS: (Prognathism)
- Lips: Tight, covering the lower jaw well.
- Eyes: Medium-sized, oval and well separated, with clear and energetic expression, but at the same time confident and not penetrating. Dark red-brown and glossy to black-brown in all dog coat colors. Gazy eyes in harlequin dogs are undesirable, but they must be tolerated.
- Ears: High inserted, not too far ahead, quite but not too long, rounded, Mobile, the front edge is well attached to the cheeks.
Long enough and muscular; tight skin without double chin, slightly arched at the nape, carried free and erect.Body:
- top line:Harmonious, extends from nape to rump slightly oblique.
- Cross: Pronounced.
- Back: After the high cross, along the thoracic vertebrae, level or slightly oblique back. Strong and well muscled.
- Pork loin: Strong musculature, long enough.
- Rump: Wide, long enough and slightly sloping.
- Breast : Sternum strongly pronounced and so prominent that slight holes form on each side. The thorax, seen from the front, it is oval, viewed from above and from the side is wide to ensure excellent development of the heart and lungs. The ribs extend far back. If the length and angulation of the scapulae and arm are correct, front limbs, viewed profile, They should cover the lowest point of the chest line.
- Bottom line and belly: Slightly gathered.
Implanted not too high and carried in the extension of the line of the back. A slight curve in the last third of the tail is allowed.Tips
- As a whole: With strong muscles and well angulated; seen from the front dry limbs, straight with strong bones and feet directed straight forward.
- Shoulder: Relief muscles. The long scapula is sloping and well attached to the thorax.
- Arm: The same length as the scapula, should form approximately a right angle to it. Strong bones and good musculature, glued to the ribs, but free in its movements.
- Elbows: They must not be inclined either inwards or outwards.
- Forearm: Short, but long enough so that the distance from the chest to the ground is approximately one third of the height at the withers. As far as possible right.
- Carpal articulation: The carpal joints are somewhat closer together than the shoulder joint.
- Metacarpus: In profile, not steep or visibly inclined forward.
- Previous feet:Fingers placed next to each other and well arched with strong pads, resistant and thick and short and strong nails. The fifth toe has no function but should not be amputated.
- As a whole: Strong musculature, in correct proportion to the previous members. Well angled in the knee and tibial tarsal joints, limbs parallel and in position neither too close nor too far apart.
- Thigh: It should be of good length and with strong muscles.
- Knee: Wide and strong, with marked angulation.
- Leg: short, approximately at right angles to the thigh, strong muscles.
- Corvejón: Strong, tendinous and dry.
- Metatarsus: Relatively long, mobile relative to the leg, slightly bent forward.
- Rear foot: Four well-arched, close-together fingers rest fully on the sturdy pads.
The movement must cover a lot of ground, should be fluid with a strong thrust with a long stride and not raised forward, strong push and causing a light and elastic transition on the top line. The carriage of the tail should be a harmonious continuation of the upper line and slightly drooping.. During the movement the front and rear limbs must move parallel forwards.Mantle
Well stuck.
The Three Types Dachshund:
- By Sizes: Standard, Miniatura y rabbits.
- By Pelo: Lasted, Short and long.
HAIR: Short, thick, bright, smooth, well glued to the body, strong and hard should not show hairless areas.
TAIL: With fine and thick hair, but it's not too hairy. Protective hair somewhat longer at the bottom should not be penalized.
- to)Unicolores dogs: Red, Rojo-Amarillo, yellow, all colors without or with black speckling. Clean color is always preferred and red is more appreciated than red yellow or yellow. Also dogs heavily splashed with black are included in this category and not among dogs of other colors..
White is not desirable, but in the form of a few small spots is not qualifying. Black nose and nails; reddish-brown is also allowed,but it is not desirable.
- b)Bi-coloured dogs: Deep black or brown, all with rusty red or yellow fiery markings above the eyes, on the sides of the muzzle and lower lip, on the inside edge of the ears, in the backsplash, in the Interior and later parts of extremities, in feet, around the anus and from here to a third or half of the bottom of the tail. Black nose and nails in black dogs; in brown dogs the nose and nails are brown.
White is not desirable, but in the form of a few small spots is not qualifying. Excessive fire marks are not desirable.
- c)Spotted dog (Harlequins, atigrados): The basic color is always the dark color (black, Red or gray). Irregular gray but also beige spots are desirable (very large stains are not desired). Neither dark nor clear must prevail. Brindle Dachshund color has darker stripes on a red or yellow background. Nose and nails as in uni or bicolor dogs.
HAIR: With the exception of the snout, eyebrows and ears, has on the body, mixed with the inner layer of hair, a regularly glued outer layer, thick and barbed wire. A well marked beard forms on the muzzle. The eyebrows are bushy. In the ears, the hair is shorter than in the body, almost smooth. Tail with well developed hair, uniform and very stuck.
COLOR: Predominant light or dark pig color, as well as the color of the dry leaves. In the rest the descriptions of the colors are valid as in the Short Hair from the point to) patient c).
HAIR: The hair with an undercoat is smooth with shine and close to the body., It extends below the neck and the lower part of the body, it excels in the ears and presents a clearly more long feather-shaped hair on the back of the extremities. The longest hair is at the bottom of the tail where it forms a true flag.
COLOR: As in the description of the Short Hair in points a) patient c).
Size and weight:
- Dachshund: Chest circumference greater than 35 cm.. Maximum weight approximately 9 Kg.
- Miniature dachshund: Chest perimeter between 30 and 35 cm., at the minimum age of 15 months.
- Rabbit Dachshund:Chest circumference less than 30 cm., at the minimum age of 15 months.
Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered a fault and its severity is considered to the degree of the standard deviation.
Los M3 (molars 3) are not taken into consideration during the evaluation. The absence of two PM1 (Premolar 1) should not be considered as a fault. As a lack, the absence of a PM2 must be considered, when no other teeth are missing except M3, as well as any other deviation from a correct scissors bite, such as a pincer bite.
- Weak constitution, very long or short limbs that the dog appears to crawl on the ground.
- Absence of other teeth to those described in fouls or elimination fouls.
- Gazy eyes any color other than spotted dogs.
- Pointed or heavily creased ears.
- Body fallen between the shoulders.
- Overdue or carp back.
- Weak loin.
- Dog with too strong a build. (The rump is higher than the withers).
- Very weak rib cage.
- Agalgados flanks.
- Poorly angled forelimbs and hindlimbs.
- Narrow hindlimbs, lack of muscles.
- Beef or Barrel Hocks.
- Feet turned inward or too far out.
- Separate fingers.
- Heavy movement, clumsy, clumsy.
Short haired dachshund:
- Very fine hair, very thin, bald spots on the ears (leather ears), other bald spots.
- Too thick or too long hair.
- Brush-shaped tail.
- Partial or full length hairless tail.
Hard-haired Teckel:
- Soft hair, either short or long.
- Long hair parted from the body in all directions.
- Wavy or curly hair.
- Soft hair on head.
- Tail forming a flag.
- No beard.
- Absence of undercoat of hairs.
- Short hair.
Long haired dachshund:
- Hair of the same length all over the body.
- Hisurto wavy hair.
- No flag in the queue.
- No protruding hair on the ears.
- Short hair.
- Hair sharply parted on the back.
- Hair too long between the fingers.
- Very fearful or aggressive behavior.
- Prognathism, enognatismo, crossbite.
- Deviated arch of incisors.
- Absence of one or more canines and one or more incisors.
- Absence of other premolars or molars.
Exceptions:The two PM1 or one PM2 respectively without taking into account the M3.
- Reduced chest.
- Any defect in the queue.
- Shoulders too loose.
- Carpus deviated forward.
- Black color without markings tan color, white with or without tan markings. Other colors than mentioned.
- Any dog showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified..
- Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..
Alternative names:
1. Doxie, Wiener dog/hotdog, Sausage dog, weenie dog (English).
2. chien-saucisse (French).
3. Dackel, Teckel (German).
4. Cachorro salsicha, Teckel (Portuguese).
5. Perro vienesa, Perro longaniza, Perro salchicha (español).