The Mekong Bobtail cat still a rare breed of cat, since at the beginning of the decade of 2010 its population barely exceeded 600 registered copies.
Photos By Sinitsyn
Characteristics "Mekong Bobtail cat"
Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Mekong Bobtail cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.
5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Activity level
5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Friendliness to other pets
3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Friendliness to children
5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Grooming requirements
1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Need for attention
4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Affection towards its owners
5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
The Mekong Bobtail it is a natural breed originating from Thailand, for which it has long been known as Thai bobtail. It has been present in Southeast Asia for many centuries, and legend has it that his courage led the kings of Siam to use him as a guard to protect the treasure chamber from possible theft.
In the 19th century, these cats were considered symbols of loyalty. Royalty used to gift them to the nobility to reinforce their good relations. So it is not surprising that, at the end of the 19th century, el rey Somdetch Phra Paramindr Maha Chulalongkorn, better known as Rama V, give away 200 from them to Tsar Nicholas II of Russia.
Several of them were Mekong Bobtail, that sparked some interest in Russia, so more specimens were imported in the following years. These cats and their descendants are the origin of the breed we know today.. In other words, although it is basically a Thai cat breed, it was the Russians who allowed it to develop and flourish, without modifying it.
But, the breed could not develop under the communist regime, and it was not until the decade of 1980 when Olga Mironova, a renowned cat specialist, took an interest in her and decided that she should be recognized. With the help of Ludmila Esina, Russian breeder and cat specialist, drew up the first standard and adopted the name Mekong Bobtail, in tribute to the river that runs through Southeast Asia.
This cat was first presented at an international feline show in November 2003, during the «Royal Canine Grand Prix» held in Moscow. A few months later, in august 2004, received the recognition of the World Cat Federation (WCF). WCF has not been followed by other organizations since., so it remains the only major feline association that recognizes the breed.
In fact, the Mekong Bobtail cat still a rare breed of cat, since at the beginning of the decade of 2010 its population barely exceeded 600 registered copies. The vast majority are in the former Soviet countries, mainly in Russia and Ukraine. It is almost non-existent in Western Europe and North America.
MEKONG BOBTAIL cat of rare lynx-point colour Dona Miya Ayutthaya. Cofein Pride cattery (WCF). – Alex opryatin, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Physical characteristics
The body structure of the Mekong Bobtail is similar to that of Siamese cat. With its long, muscular body and its long, thin legs, has preserved the refined elegance of Thai cats. The strong stature in combination with the beautifully modeled head give the animal a noble appearance. The characteristic feature is the short tail. It is a quarter the length of the body and has different combinations of curves and folds. According to the international breed standard, its length is at least three vertebrae.
The coat color of the Mekong Bobtail reminds of the Siamese cat. Belonging to typical cats point, breed standard allows all colors point no target. Cats often appear with sandy to cinnamon colored fur. The coat is soft and silky to the touch. Hugs the body closely. The effect is produced because the purebred cat has hardly any undercoat.
If you look at the cat's face, you will notice the large ears with the rounded tips. They perch on top of the animal's head and give it an attentive impression. This is enhanced by the slightly outwardly curved ears.. Similar to the Siamese, the breed is characterized by its large, oval eyes. Its deep blue color contributes to the exotic beauty of this rare breed of cat..
Last, sexual dimorphism is well marked, being the males larger than the females.
Size and weight
Height: 30 cm.
Weight: Of 3 to 5 kg
Character and skills
The Mekong Bobtail cat he is an affectionate cat who enjoys the company of humans. They are very faithful and devoted to their owner and constantly seek their company.. Demands a lot of attention, that returns multiplied by a hundred in affection.
Sociable and curious by nature, this cat loves to hang out with new people, especially if they give you the attention you seek. Calm and balanced, it is an ideal cat breed for children, as long as, of course, have learned to behave with animals: his patience has limits and he runs the risk of biting, even more than scratching, to those who amuse themselves by pulling their tail or whiskers.
The sociability of Mekong Bobtail spreads to other animals, and enjoy the company of other dogs, as well as other cats. The presence of other animals in the home is an option to be seriously considered by any owner who has to be away for long periods of time each day., since it is a breed of cat that does not tolerate loneliness. On the other hand, coexistence with small rodents or reptiles should be avoided, since his hunting instinct can overcome his good manners at any moment.
On the other hand, the Mekong Bobtail easily adapts to a new environment, and traveling by car with your cat should not be a problem. So, they are an ideal option for those who move regularly or want to take their cat on vacation.
Active and athletic, to the Mekong Bobtail he loves to run around the house, jump on the furniture and perch on the closet. With this energy level, ideally they should have access to the outdoors, where they can run and have fun before returning to their owner to rest quietly. But, can live in a flat, as long as his owner makes sure he gets enough exercise by playing with him often, or even taking him out on a leash.
If you have free access to the outside, it is recommended to put a necklace with a locket in which your name and phone number appear, In addition, of course, of the essential identification of the cat by chip or tattoo. In effect, although he is very close to his master and wants nothing more than to return to his side, his curiosity and the fact that he likes the company of humans can take him away from home; the risk is that you realize too late that you don't know how to get home
Last, it is a breed of cat that usually meows, either to let its owner know that it is time to eat or that it is time to open the door to go chase the birds.
Rare MEKONG BOBTAIL kittens, color tabby-point. Mekong bobtail hatchery Cofein Pride – Alex opryatin, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The Mekong Bobtail it is a robust breed with no known genetic predisposition to disease.
But, can be prone to several conditions common to all cats:
The feline idiopathic cystitis, a common bladder infection in cats that can have serious consequences if left untreated;
Various eye problems: secretion, redness or even a color change in the eyes;
Gastrointestinal disorders: vomiting, flatulence, diarrhea or constipation. These problems are usually due to diet and can pass within a few days or persist for several weeks..
It also, as with any breed, care must be taken to avoid being overweight or obese, that could cause serious health problems. Adequate nutrition and sufficient activity levels will normally avoid this problem..
The Mekong Bobtail cat is a low maintenance cat breed. His short-haired coat only needs to be brushed once a week to remove dead hairs and keep it looking its best..
It is advisable to prolong the grooming session a bit to take time to check the teeth, ears and, above all, the cat's eyes to make sure they are clean. They can be cleaned with a damp cloth.
Last, depending on the activity level of the cat and the use of the scratching post, nails may need to be trimmed with nail clippers.
Rare MEKONG BOBTAIL chocolate tip color – Talestra of Cofein Pride – Alex opryatin, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
For sale "Mekong Bobtail cat"
The price of a Mekong Bobtail cat is of some 20.000 hryvnia in Ukraine or 50.000 rubles in Russia, what corresponds to some 700-800 EUR.
As this breed is not yet common in Europe and America, it is usually necessary to import it. In this case, the cost of transport and possible customs duties must be added to the purchase price.
The Neva Masquerade cat it's the traditional cat Colorpoint of the Siberian cat. The Neva Masquerade has its source along the Neva River in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). When were the other cats breeds imported to the area of Siberia, the place street cat, mixed with other races like the Balinese cat, the Siamese, Persians, himalayas, etc, the descendant States that it arose naturally.
The traditional ideal of Neva Masquerade is that of a medium-sized cat, robust, strong and long-haired. They are believed to be a mixed race based on the Siberian cat, the Persian and with bloodlines Siamese.
Mature cats are corpulent with a general appearance of strength and a pose of alert. Powerful hind legs that are slightly longer than the front. They have a natural expression of sweetness. Their fur is dense due to the weather and varies in length and coat density with different seasons.. The traditional Neva Masquerade originally withstood the rigors of the weather, the cold of his native Russia. Since then it has been adapted easily to different environments.
The color of your eyes it is deep blue. The ears are slightly inclined forward, a little convex. The tip of the ears should be rounded and generally with longer strands of hair at the ends.
Although the Neva Masquerade share most of the characteristics of a Siberian cat traditional (including his physique and personality), has some distinct attributes that make it special.
They lack the enzyme tyrosinase, responsible for the production of the pigment melanin, what gives rise to his white body.
While some have black legs, gray or brown as part of your colorpoint, others may have white legs despite their dark face and ears.
The color of these cats can be of the following types:
The character of the cat Neva Masquerade It is very similar to the Norwegian Forest Cat . Although it is often described as a silent force, it is a cat that shows great vitality, has a strong personality and a strong character. One of the peculiarities of Neva Masquerade is that it is hypoallergenic.
Although he is descended from the rustic mountain cats, the Neva Masquerade it is an easy-going animal that gets along well with children, with other cats and even with dogs. This sociable character explains his success. It is also a demonstrative feline, intelligent and very communicative. As he has highly developed hunter instincts, must be able to meet your needs, what comes with the desire for freedom and independence. It is highly recommended to put at your disposal a tree so that the cat can vent.
The Neva Masquerade he is no longer the rustic mountain cat he used to be. Now, he is a very sociable cat, able to get along with everyone (cats, dogs, children…) As long as you are not in a hurry and are nice to him. Very affectionate, demonstrative and communicative, it can even be exclusive with its master or a little tail.
lively and smart, has brilliant qualities as a hunter. Sometimes you may have a certain desire for independence and freedom, but that does not prevent him from living in an apartment as long as he can vent comfortably with games, a cat tree and other entertainment sources.
The Neva Masquerade it is a model of robustness. No specific disease is attributed to him.
Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev he owned a well-known cat Neva Masquerade call Dorofei, who was crowned with the title of "First Mascot" in 2008.
The Neva Masquerade they have even been diplomatic gifts from Russian officials. People say that Vladimir Putin gave one to a Japanese governor, and that Dmitri Medvédev gave one to the former Finnish president.
Playing with Siberian Cats and Kittens - Neva Masquerade
With a more robust silhouette than that of the Modern Siamese cat, the Thai cat ( Wichien Maat) it is distinguished mainly by a more moderate and much shorter head triangle.
Characteristics "Thai cat ( Wichien Maat)"
Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Thai cat ( Wichien Maat)" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.
4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Activity level
4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Friendliness to other pets
4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Friendliness to children
4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Grooming requirements
1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Need for attention
3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Affection towards its owners
5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
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4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
If nothing allows us to historically affirm that these "Thai Siamese" find their origin in Thailand (ex Kingdom of Siam), documents dating from the 19th century testify instead to the very real presence of these cats in the feline world.
But, at the beginning of the year 70, a group of breeders decided to progressively lengthen the muzzle and ears of the Siamese. So much so that, by dint of selection, the Thai cat no longer corresponded at all to the standard, which in turn had evolved as the appearance of the Siamese. To the point where a decision had to be made, and so he was born Thai, whose breed was officially recognized in France in 2002.
With a more robust silhouette than that of the Modern Siamese cat, the Thai cat ( Wichien Maat) it is distinguished mainly by a more moderate and much shorter head triangle. Its snout is less "sunken" and its ears are clearly shorter.. These characteristics correspond perfectly with the photographs that testify to the presence of these cats., and of which some date back to before 1900.
If the LOOF standard of the Thai now lets find the Thai cat, there is matter to make it evolve, the currently defined features allow for a bit too much length in their interpretation.
The British call it "apple head«, the Italians "siamese tradizionale» and the Americans have kept the name «siamese«. Only a few European countries, including France, They have removed the word "Siamese" from their name for obscure reasons. But, it cannot be argued that the Thai is really a Siamese cat.
The breed standards are documents produced by official bodies that list the conditions that a dog must meet. Thai cat ( Wichien Maat) to be fully recognized as belonging to the race:
Very affectionate and naughty, kind to humans, the Thai cat ( Wichien Maat) he is extremely sociable. In many aspects, its character is similar to that of a dog.
With a sharp intelligence, the Wichien Maat Always gets what he wants, either by trickery or by the tenderness of his master, with whom you regularly have long conversations.
Very tame and not aggressive, they are great company for both young children and the elderly.
The Thai cat it is a very expressive cat with a strong personality, but it can also be perfectly adapted to the lifestyle of its owners.
Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Snowshoe cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.
5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Activity level
4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Friendliness to other pets
4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Friendliness to children
4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Grooming requirements
3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Need for attention
4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Affection towards its owners
5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
The Snowshoe cat as we know it today originated in the United States in the 1980s. 1960, but the first Siamese white-legged appeared as early as the nineteenth century. In fact, numerous photographs from the Victorian era show that these cats already existed in Great Britain. More recently, in the decade of 1950, some appeared Siamese cats with white paws under the name of Silver Laces, but they soon disappeared from circulation.
Over the years 60, Dorothy Hinds-Daugherty, a breeder of Siamese from philadelphia ((UNITED STATES)UU.), discovered that three kittens in a litter had white tips on all four paws. Seduced by this new look, decided to cross a Siamese cat with a American shorthair cat bicolor. The resulting kittens did not have the patternpoint» (light colored body and dark colored tips), but they did carry the corresponding gene. So when they crossed cats Siamese, produced kittens with the desired appearance.
Dorothy Hinds-Daugherty decided to baptize these cats with the name of Snowshoe, in reference to its white paws, that give the impression that they have just walked through fresh snow. Although there is little written record of his work, it is accepted that he continued to cross these cats with siamese cats and the American shorthair cat, but also with him Sacred Cat of Burma (Birman), aiming to get a cat of type Siamese with white legs and a more rounded body.
One of these crosses with a American shorthair cat (black with white markings on the belly, the legs and the face) resulted in the white “V” shaped mark on the face, which is now a characteristic of the breed.
But, Dorothy Hinds-Daugherty stopped breeding and interest in the breed diminished, so in 1977 there was only one breeder, Vikki Ollander. He had already drawn up the first breed standard and was struggling to develop it. Then he received the support of Jim Hoffman and Georgia Kuhnell, who decided to raise themselves to Snowshoes. They were soon joined by other breeders and got the breed recognized by the American Cat Breeders Federation. (CFF) in 1983.
The Snowshoe arrived in Britain at the same time, and the first kennel of Snowshoe It was established in 1986. Soon a small group of breeders got together to form a breed club in the country., the Snowshoe UK Club. The Snowshoe cat received experimental breed status from the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), the main feline organization in the country. But, just like in the United States, interest declined rapidly to the point that in 1998 Maureen Shackell she had become the only breeder in the whole country. Joined him Mollie Southall, and together, with a handful of copies, decided to revive the Snowshoe cat and recruit other breeders to form a breed club.
In 1995, the TICA (International Cat Association, one of the most important organizations in the world) finally recognized the Snowshoe and granted him the right to compete in cat shows organized under his auspices. The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) waited until 2003 to accept the Snowshoe as a race in its own right, and Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé) did the same in 2004. curiously, the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA), the main American organization, still does not recognize the race, despite its local origins and the fact that every other organization in the country does: the American Association of Cat Enthusiasts (AACE), the American Cat Fanciers Association (ACFA) and Cat Fanciers Federation (CFF).
In France, the first litter of Snowshoe born in 2006, but it is still a very rare feline breed, with solo 43 specimens registered in the Official Book of Feline Origins (LOOF) between 2006 and 2019.
In fact, both in France and elsewhere, including your country of origin, still rare. The number of annual registrations in the British GCCF is certainly higher than in France, but the number is still limited: less than a hundred births a year (and even less than 50 in some years), and the trend seems even downward from 2015.
It has a balanced appearance, a muscular body without being corpulent and great flexibility. His long and muscular legs are those of an athlete made to run and jump. Its tips are white, which gives the impression that the cat is wearing socks, or just walked through the snow, hence its name. The tail is sharp and of a length proportional to the rest of the body.
The head of the Snowshoe cat is shaped like a rounded triangle, with gently contoured cheekbones. It has a more or less well-defined marking in the shape of an inverted V, it should be white. The ears they are medium in size and rounded at the tip. The eyes they are also medium size, larger and rounder than the Siamese, but smaller than those of the Persian. They can be various shades of blue.
The fur is short, soft to the touch and dense. All are allowed colors of fur of the Siamese.
The kitties Snowshoe they are born completely white. Dot mark (darker fur on tail, the legs and the head) begins to appear within a few weeks and develops as the kitten grows.
The white markings on the tips of the legs and on the face differ from kitten to kitten. While the best show specimens have the same size stockings and a perfect V between the eyes, the vast majority of Snowshoes have more random marks, with different socks on each foot.
But, the sexual dimorphism is well marked in this breed, the female being smaller than the male.
Size and weight
Male size: 24 to 28 cm.
female size: 22-25 cm.
Male weight: 4-6 kg
female weight: 3 to 5 kg
Breed standard
The breed standards are documents produced by official bodies that list the conditions that a dog must meet. Snowshoe to be fully recognized as belonging to the race:
The Snowshoe gets along well and is affectionate with the whole family, but he is quick to choose his favorite human to spend most of his time with. He likes to be with his owner, whether sitting on the couch watching TV or lying at the desk working. This attachment makes him not tolerate loneliness and does not adapt to a person who is absent often.
They are sociable and get along well with other dogs and with other people, and can live in harmony in a home with other animals. But, have a possessive streak and may resent the fact that their owner is paying attention to another animal instead of them.
On the other hand, it is a breed of cat that adores children and, if they have been trained to behave well in the presence of an animal, can spend hours playing with them before taking a nap next to them.
The Snowshoe is intelligent, making it possible to teach your cat tricks, how to go looking for an object. But, it is the ability to teach his owner that makes him such a special companion. The owners of a Snowshoe cat they quickly learn when they want a reward, when they want to play or when they want to be scratched between their ears.
Active, this cat likes to take advantage of his physical abilities by running and jumping. Although they can live in a flat, Ideally, they should have access to an outdoor area where they can exercise freely.
The Snowshoe is also attracted to water and will play with a dripping faucet for a while. They also don't miss the opportunity to admire the eddies in the sink or toilet when someone flushes the toilet.. Some cats even accompany their owners in the shower, and others have learned to swim.
Another peculiarity of this cat is its propensity for kleptomania. Likes to pick up personal items, walk them around for a bit and then put them in one of your favorite spots, usually near your water bowl or in a sink.
Last, It is a breed of cat that meows a lot.: discuss any topic, whether it's dinner time or the newscaster's dress that its owner wants to see quietly. His voice is quite soft and melodic.
The Snowshoe is a robust cat breed with little susceptibility to genetic diseases.
But, there have been some cases of renal polyquistosis, a genetic disease that causes the formation of numerous cysts in the kidneys. The existence of a genetic test for this disease can considerably reduce the risks, since a responsible breeder will systematically analyze the individuals that he considers for breeding and will exclude from breeding those that are carriers.
The Snowshoe has also inherited from Siamese a tendency to squint or have a crooked tail. But, these are purely cosmetic considerations and do not pose a threat to the cat's health.
But, like any indoor cat, the Snowshoe may be vulnerable to the greatest scourge of modern house cats: the Obesity. Although it is not especially prone to it, any responsible owner must ensure that their cat is healthy and does not gain more weight than it should.
The maintenance of Snowshoe It is easy. In effect, as he is used to taking care of his fur himself, a simple weekly brushing to remove dead hairs and distribute the skin's protective sebum well is amply sufficient.
To make sure you stay healthy, it is advisable to take advantage of this grooming session to check their eyes and ears, and clean them if necessary.
It is also a good time to brush your cat's teeth to prevent plaque and the problems it can cause.. Having said that, more frequent brushing is ideal.
Last, when wear and tear and / or the use of a scratching post are not enough and your claws have become too long, must be trimmed with nail clippers to avoid injury.
The Snowshoe it does not present any difficulties in terms of feeding and can be fed with commercial industrial cat food. But, it is important to ensure that the food is of good quality and provides all the nutrients and vitamins that the cat needs.
It also, to fully meet your needs, you must make sure that he eats a diet adapted to his age and activity level, and that the daily amounts recommended by the manufacturer or the veterinarian are respected.
Even if the Snowshoe not particularly prone to obesity, excessive weight gain is a warning sign that the owner should not ignore. If required, You have to go to the vet to rule out a disease and establish a more appropriate diet with him..
Last, like any cat, you must have fresh water at all times.
For sale "Snowshoe cat"
A kitten Snowshoe it costs about 1.200 EUR, and females tend to be somewhat more expensive than males.
With a history of several centuries, the Modern Siamese cat began to be recognized by national and international official organizations in the years 30.
Self-made photo of Coco, sealpoint Siamese cat – Yannbee at Dutch Wikipedia, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Characteristics "Modern Siamese cat"
Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Modern Siamese cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.
4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Activity level
5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Friendliness to other pets
4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Friendliness to children
4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Grooming requirements
2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Need for attention
4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Affection towards its owners
5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
The sophisticated Siamese takes its name from its country of origin, the kingdom of siam, which is now thailand. The oldest document that mentions it, the Tamra Maew, data of 1350 and was found in Ayutthaya, the capital of the kingdom since 1350 until 1767. This work is a treatise on cats, in the form of poems accompanied by illustrations. Some of the illustrations show cats with thin, pale bodies and darker masks on their faces., ears, legs and tails. At that time, they were cross-eyed and had knots in their tails, characteristics that only centuries later became defects that breeders were able to practically eliminate.
Legend has it that these cats were none other than the guardians of royal treasures, and that they watched them with such attention that they ended up squinting.
In Europe, it was in great britain, at the end of the 19th century, where the Siamese was first heard. In 1871, two specimens were exhibited in the first feline exhibition in modern history, held in the Crystal Palace From london. In the event catalog it was said that they were the first to set foot in the country, which is very likely.
But, they were not the ones who started the development of the breed in the country, but Pho and Mia, two specimens that Owen Gould, British Consul General, received in 1884 as a gift from the king of Siam.
He took them to Britain and his sister, Lilian Jane Veley, took care of them. He fell in love with these magnificent cats and decided to present them at the Palacio de Cristal Exhibition in 1885. Aroused great interest from the public. There are some photographs from this time that show that they were quite robust and had a round head.. They were the first two specimens registered in the British Register of Siamese, a register kept by one of the cat owners' clubs which had been in existence for several years and which were the forerunners of the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), founded in 1910.
They died right after this exposure, but meanwhile they had given birth to a litter. Lilian Jane Veley continued to dedicate herself to these cats; with a view to developing the breed, came to found the Siamese Cat Club in 1901, the world's first Siamese breed club.
Among 1884 and late nineteenth century, many were imported siamese cats from Siam to Great Britain and enrolled in the British Siamese Register. In fact, the breed quickly gained in popularity among the English aristocracy; as a result of fashion, many of its members wanted to own one. In 1892 a standard was developed that defined the physical attributes that a subject must have to be admitted to the registry.
The Siamese arrived in France in 1885, when a French diplomat brought two specimens from Bangkok to the Jardin des Plantes in Paris. In 1893, the Dr. Oustalet, professor at the Museum of Natural History, wrote about the siamese cats brought by the president's daughter-in-law Carnot. He took care to describe them accurately and wondered if this race descended from a wild species..
The introduction of Siamese cat in the United States took place in 1879. The American Consul in Bangkok, after learning about the fondness for cats of the then president's wife, Rutherford Birchard Hayes, sent him a Siamese, who he called Siam.
The breed really took off in America in the early 1900s, helped by the lady's cats Clinton Locke. Founder in 1899 of the Beresford Cat Club, the first registry of breed cats in the country, bought a copy in France, Lockehaven Siam, which won the award for the best cat in America in 1906 en Detroit. He repeated this feat the following year in Chicago, this time with a female, Lockehaven Elsa. In 1909 a breed club was founded, the Siamese Cat Society of America, who published a first standard.
But, the breed's development was interrupted by the First World War, both in the United States and in Europe.
The development of Siamese cat in the United States it also owes a lot to Virginia Cobb. Originaria de Massachusetts, fell in love with the breed during a cat show at the Madison Square Garden of New York in 1928. He decided to import his first copy, whom he called CH Oriental Nanki Pooh de Newton. This female lived 17 years and had many litters.
In addition to being very active and involved in the breeding and distribution of Siamese in United States, Virginia Cobb was also interested in its genetics. In collaboration with Clyde Edgar Keeler, Harvard University geneticist, explored in particular the scientific aspects of different coat colors. The first known color of the Siamese had been the seal point, with dark brown tips and a creamy coat. But, as reproductions were made, appeared the blue point (dark blue tips and bluish-white fur), the chocolat point (chocolate tips, ivory fur) and the lila point (pink gray tips, White fur).
The Second World War was a second brake on the expansion of the race, especially in Europe. At the end of the war, the breed was even on the verge of extinction in Britain.
New blood was needed to expand the gene pool and advance. Once again, several specimens were imported from Thailand, both to Europe and the United States.
But, just like before the two world wars, the Siamese had difficulty adapting to the local climate, very different from the tropical climate of your native Thailand. Breeders in all countries faced heavy losses, mostly due to gastroenteritis and parasites.
This did not prevent the breed from gaining popularity from the decade of 1960, both in Europe and the United States. Many breeders and show judges began to favor a slimmer look. The latter began to gradually evolve, as breeding and selection progressed.
The Americans, in particular, they preferred a tubular and elegant body, as well as a long head. Englishmen, on the other hand, they gave priority to almond eyes, large ears and a little lower on the skull. In addition to evolving, standards also began to differ from country to country.
But, around the world, the Siamese got longer, with a fine bone structure and a narrow head. The breeders' work also made it possible to eliminate strabismus and tail knots..
This way of evolving the morphology of the breed was chosen by most breeders, since the beginning of the years 70. Other, few, they decided to keep Thai cat. With the passing of the decades, the gap between a Modern Siamese cat, heavily modeled by man, and Thai cat, corresponding to the original physical type of the breed and known as Thai. At the beginning of the Decade of 2000, the latter was finally recognized as a distinct breed by most official bodies.
But, the Modern Siamese cat has stolen much of the limelight and enjoys much greater popularity. This explains that she herself was at the origin of several other races:
the Balinese cat, who is none other than a modern long-haired Siamese;
With a history of several centuries, the Modern Siamese cat began to be recognized by national and international official organizations in the years 30.
The American Cat Breeders Association (CFA) was the first to recognize the breed in 1934. The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) did the same in 1936.
The Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé), that brings together the feline authorities of some forty countries, including Switzerland and Belgium, did the same in 1949. Ten years later, also recognized the Oriental shorthair cat, before doing the same in 1983 with the him Balinese cat, and then in 1985 with the him Oriental Longhair cat: these four races together constitute a group in their own right.
The Canadian Cat Association (CCA) recognized the Siamese in 1950, just one year after FIFé.
In 1979, the International Cat Association (TICA) also recognized the Siamese and included him in a group with the Balinese cat, the Oriental shorthair cat and the Oriental Longhair cat, who were admitted at the same time.
Popularity of "Modern Siamese cat"
In Europe, It was in Great Britain that the Siamese, and still today it is in this country where he is most successful. Still the most successful cat in the UK, ranking fourth in number of annual registrations in the British Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), at around 1.500 a year. But, this figure triples that of the middle of the years 90, when the number of records exceeded 4.500 a year and was the second highest. The decline was especially marked in the second half of the 1990s. 2000, but continued throughout the next: early in the decade 2010 there was still more than 2.000 registrations per year.
In France, there has also been a decrease in both absolute and relative terms, and in any case the breed has never reached similar popularity levels. Nails on 250 registrations per year in the Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF), the breed is located around the position 20. In the middle of the Decade of 2000, this figure was rather 350 births per year.
In Switzerland, the Siamese has also lost part of its glory. After a peak of about 150 over the years 90, the number of annual registrations in the Fédération Féline Helvétique (FFH) steadily decreased, to the point that today it does not exceed 50 births per year. But, this places it around the tenth position in the statistics of the organization.
in Canada, it's even more discreet. In fact, the number of kittens registered each year with the Canadian Cat Association (CCA) places it around the position 25 of the ranking.
In United States, the Siamese was between 10 most popular breeds in the country in the early 1990s 2010, According to the annual registration statistics of the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA). Since then it has lost ground and is now around the position 12.
Physical characteristics
The Modern Siamese cat, a different looking cat Thai cat
Written in 1892, shortly after the breed's arrival in the West, the first standard of the Siamese lets us know what this cat looks like before breeders got involved. The Siamese he had a stocky body, a head round and eyes blue. It also, many of the cats were cross-eyed and/or had knots in the tail, what was not considered a defect at that time.
The traditional siamese has stayed quite true to this initial appearance, with its body and head round. On the other hand, decades of selective breeding have made the Modern Siamese cat away from the morphology of its ancestor and show more extreme forms: a body delgado, long and tubular, a head long in the shape of a triangle, ears very big and a tail very long and thin.
So, it is quite legitimate that these two cats are considered today as two different breeds, Although they share their intense blue eyes. The work of the breeders has also made it possible to eliminate the problem of strabismus that affected both, as well as the crooked tail.
The emergence of the "modern Siamese Cat"
The Modern siamese it is a medium size cat, lanky (Eastern) and elegant looking. Slim and athletic, they have a very harmonious overall look. But, he is quite muscular, which explains why it is heavier than one might think at first glance.
Its long body has a tubular shape, with shoulders and hips of equal width. Has firm musculature and fine bone structure. The tail it is long and fine and ends in a point.
The legs they are well muscled, long, slim and graceful. Hind legs are slightly longer than front legs. Both end in small, oval feet.
The head it is medium size, long, triangular, wedge-shaped and rests on a neck long and thin. The skull and the forehead are flat or very slightly rounded. More concretely, three types of profiles are accepted: straight, slightly convex or in two planes (the plane of the forehead is prolonged with that of the nose, but without a clear break between the two).
The ears they are very big, wide at the base and prolong the triangular shape of the head.
The eyes they are moderately large, macaroons, far apart and deep blue. They can be vairones (one green eye and one blue) in individuals whose fur is particular. Some individuals have both green eyes, but they are not recognized by the norms established by the different official organisms.
The cheeks are flat and dewlap is only allowed in adult males.
The nose it's long and straight, fitting perfectly into the triangle of the face. Its tip should not be narrow. Master medium-sized jaws and a strong chin.
The fur of the Siamese it's closed, shiny and silky. Consists only of an outer coat: this cat doesn't have undercoat. It also, It colourpoint, which means you have a darker mask on your face and ears, as well as on the legs and tail. This makes it look like he's ready to go to a costume party.
The rest of the body color is uniform, with a clear contrast between the body and the extremities, except for kittens. Kittens are born with slightly colored tips, that darken in the following weeks.
The most common combination is seal point: the tips are dark brown and the rest of the body is cream colored. The blue point it is also quite common, with a bluish-white fur and dark blue tips.
Most official agencies accept all color points. It is the case of the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé), the International Cat Association (TICA), the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) en el Reino Unido, the Association Féline Canadienne (AFC) or the Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF) in France.
The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) is more restrictive, since it only accepts 4 combinations:
The seal point: cream to fawn coat, seal points (dark brown), dark brown pads;
The chocolat point : ivory cloak, chocolate dots, pink pads and skin of the nose;
The blue point: bluish white cloak, dark blue tips, slate-colored nose pads and skin;
The lila point: White fur, lilac tips (grey pink), pink and leather nose pads.
Selective albinism in the Siamese
Male siamese cat red tabby point. name: By Aristotle Mike Delfino – Kamée, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Although the morphology of the Modern Siamese cat has been partially modified by breeders, still basically a natural breed, that was not created by man. In particular, his dark mask on his face, the ears, legs and tail is due to a spontaneous and fairly benign genetic abnormality. This specificity was already visible in the first representations of this cat, dating back several centuries, and it was also found in all individuals imported in the 19th century to Europe and the United States. It is also present in the Thai cat.
It is related to the fact that all Siamese they have the albino gene. This gene encodes a heat-sensitive enzyme, that is to say, is active at low temperatures, but inactive at high temperatures. This explains that the main part of the body, the warmest, be light in color, while the coldest extremities, like ears, the face, legs and tail, They are darker.
The environment affects this thermosensitivity. When the kittens are born, they have a completely light color because the temperature in the uterus is constant and elevated. Their limbs begin to darken within a few weeks, and show their final color when they are about a year old.
This genetic trait also explains why individuals living in warmer climate countries tend to be lighter than those living in colder regions.. This phenomenon also occurs in other breeds colourpoint, as the Balinese cat or the Himalayan cat.
Size and weight
Male size: 30 cm.
female size: 30 cm.
Male weight: 2-6 kg
female weight: 2-6 kg
Breed standard
The breed standards are documents established by official bodies that list the conditions that a dog must meet. Modern Siamese cat to be fully recognized as belonging to the race:
Although not all of them are necessarily recognized by all feline organizations, or are sometimes considered as simple varieties, the Siamese was the origin of several other races, developed from the years 50:
The Balinese cat, which is simply a Siamese longhair;
But, Things have changed since then, since some organizations now prohibit the breeding of a Siamese with a representative of another race. This is the position of the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) and the Canadian Cat Association (CCA).
On the other hand, other associations authorize marriages with some other races of the same group, in order to expand the gene pool.
Like this, the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé), as well as the International Cat Association (TICA), accept matings with :
Male siamese cat Lilac Point, modern type. Name: Freaky Curry vom Elzer Berg – Martin Bahmann, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Although their appearance differs, the Modern Siamese cat has a character very similar to Thai cat, although the latter is sometimes presented as a little more sociable.
It is a very affectionate cat, who loves to live as a family. But, it is better if the owner likes cats with a strong character. In effect, he is passionate about the person he considers his human of reference, and establish a very strong relationship with him. He is fully involved in the life of his protector, follows him in all his movements, sleep next to him, leans on his knees in quiet moments… He is totally devoted and faithful to him. So, he is quite a demanding cat: to be fully happy, the Modern Siamese cat needs a master willing to dedicate time, interest, honey and, sometimes, patience.
The downside is that they quickly become possessive and protest if they don't get the attention they expect.. He is very sure of himself, even moody and impatient: you like your requests to be answered quickly, and if you don't get the answer you want, does not hesitate to express his point of view with meows that only cease when he gets his way.
Although it is clear that he has his favorite human, the Modern Siamese cat usually have a good relationship with other people in the family, especially if they surround you with their presence, they caress him and play with him. This is because they help meet your need for care.. But, It may happen that you feel a certain dislike for one of the members of the house and do not hesitate to show it, dismissively ignoring him and refusing to interact with him.
He gets along very well with children and is a very good playmate for them (and vice versa), as long as they treat you with respect. But, remember that a small child should never be left alone with a cat without adult supervision. This is valid regardless of the breed of the cat, for the safety of both parties.
Affectionate with his family, this cat is on the other hand very suspicious of strangers. If a stranger enters "your" house, prefers to stand aside and observe the situation from above, for example from the top of your cat tree, an essential accessory.
On the other hand, his proximity to family means that he does not appreciate loneliness at all. Not recommended for people who are out most of the day.
In addition to leaving toys to distract him, a solution to make the absences of their masters more bearable may be to make them share their home with a fellow man. In fact, cohabits easily with another cat and is glad to have an additional playmate and partner in crime. This also prevents you from finding other things to do, how to shred paper towels, what he does with some relish.
It is also usually a cat that gets along well with dogs, although this, of course, it also depends on the compatibility of your partner with the feline species. In any case, things go better if coexistence is instituted from an early age. Otherwise, it is better to ensure that the contact is made gradually.
It is much riskier to have a bird or a small rodent living next to you, since his hunting instinct can be awakened at any time. If the situation presents itself, some vigilance is required. These may include, if you are out, the small animal should be kept in a place inaccessible to the cat.
Athletic and energetic, the Modern Siamese cat need to be active. It is imperative that I can run, but this does not necessarily mean that living in a flat is impossible for him, as long as the house is big enough. Especially since it is very possible to teach him to walk on a leash; you are likely to enjoy those outings, since he shares them with his master. But, Ideally, a cat flap would allow you to leave the house whenever you wanted..
In any case, you have to satisfy your urgent need to scratch. If there is no scratching post in the house or garden, will not hesitate to use the furniture or curtains.
Games are essential for him too, both to exercise and to develop or maintain your skills. Playing is essential for your mental and emotional balance and, Therefore, for your well-being.
This is especially true for intelligent and curious children., as it provides them with intellectual stimulation. These traits make him an ideal candidate for anyone who wants to teach their cat tricks., such as retrieve a thrown object. Having said that, does not stop learning various things on his own. Capable of opening taps and doors, they like to hide in cupboards and closets and stay there even when called, until they decide it's time to make their presence felt.
Last, the Modern Siamese cat is known to be a very talkative cat. As they seldom stray far from their owners, who does not like to have a partner who vocalizes all day with a hoarse voice, another breed would be better. It is impossible to avoid this behavior: it is his way of communicating not only with his master, but also with all family members. It is his way of communicating not only with his master, but also with all family members, so you can expect long conversations in which he expresses his approval or disagreement. Si and Am, the talkative conjoined twins of Beauty and the tramp (1955), are perfect examples of the eloquence of this cat.
They can also be very noisy when it comes to claiming attention., especially if they are left for many hours without company or without a toy: no wonder they do a series of shenanigans and long meowing sessions.
The Modern Siamese cat it is generally a robust dog.
But, like all races, are more prone to certain ailments. In your case, is about:
Amyloidosis, a hereditary disease caused by the deposit in different organs of a protein called amyloid, that prevents them from working properly. Most of the time, the kidneys are the most affected, resulting in kidney failure or even diabetes. The main symptoms, if any, are intense thirst and frequent urge to urinate, diarrhea, loss of appetite … Drug treatment and changes in the animal's diet (especially to reduce protein intake) they can wipe out these deposits. But, existing lesions are irreversible;
Aortic stenosis, a congenital disease that corresponds to a decrease in the diameter of the outlet of the left ventricle of the heart, at the level of the aorta. Most often causes a state of fatigue and a heart murmur. There are treatments to improve the comfort of life of the animal, but the disease itself is incurable;
Urolitiasis, characterized by stone formation in the bladder, the kidneys or even the ureter. Then, the cat has difficulty urinating, drink more and, sometimes, we notice the presence of blood in the urine. Stones can be removed with surgery;
Asthma, also known as chronic or allergic bronchitis, causing short-term breathing difficulties and long-term lung damage. Corresponds to an allergic reaction to certain substances present in the environment, like dust mites, pollens, chemical or synthetic products (for example cleaning products), cigarette smoke … The affected animal suffers bouts of coughing and shortness of breath, while your breath makes a kind of hiss. But, treatments can greatly improve your quality of life, reducing both the number and intensity of attacks;
Respiratory problems, due to the elongated and triangular shape of its head. If so, is less inclined to move and strain;
Progressive retinal atrophy, an incurable inherited disease that causes progressive deterioration of the cat's eyesight, up to total blindness. Often not detected until very late, when it is very advanced and the cat collides with everything;
Glaucoma, which is caused by increased pressure in the eye. This gradually degrades the optic nerve, so the affected animal gradually loses sight. Eye drop treatments are sometimes enough to remedy the problem, but the most serious cases require surgery;
Hereditary strabismus, reducing visual acuity and field of vision. This anomaly manifests itself from birth and is incurable., but not very disabling;
Mouth problems, again because of the shape of her face.
As many of the conditions the breed is prone to are inherited, it is important to go to a breeder of Siamese serious to obtain an animal that has not only grown up in a quality environment and has benefited from good socialization from its first weeks, but also have all the possibilities to enjoy -and stay- Of good health. In effect, a professional worthy of the name ensures that certain genetic tests are performed on proposed stallions, to make sure they are not carrying a disease that they would risk passing on to their young. If they do it, are excluded from the breeding program. So, must be able to present the results of these tests, along with a certificate of good health from a veterinarian and a list of vaccinations already administered to the kitten, registered in the kitten's health or vaccination card.
Once the adoption is complete, the new owner is responsible for the kitten's health for the rest of its life. A visit to the vet at least once a year, and more often as the cat ages, is essential to maximize the chances of keeping you healthy. This appointment allows the professional to carry out the necessary vaccination boosters, but also, and above all, carry out a complete health check of the animal. The latter should make it possible to detect any health problem as soon as possible., to be able to treat it in the best possible conditions.
At the same time, It is essential to protect your cat against parasites by renewing its antiparasitic treatments throughout the year, whenever necessary, so you never stop being protected. This applies even to an animal that lives in a flat, since you are not completely safe from danger.
As beautiful as it is, the fur of the Modern Siamese cat, requires little maintenance, especially because it does not have undercoat. Normally, brushing once a week is enough to remove dead hair and shine the coat.
But, it is better to double the frequency during your annual molts, in spring and autumn. Although the coat is short, the molt is much more pronounced.
The weekly brushing session is also an opportunity to check his ears. Wiping with a damp cloth removes dirt and reduces the risk of infection (for example, in the ears).
You should also check your eyes once a week and, if required, clean them with a damp cloth to prevent dirt from accumulating and becoming infected.
Teeth require more frequent care. It is important to limit the accumulation of plaque, that can cause not only bad breath, but also various diseases of varying severity. Brushing your cat's teeth once a week with a special feline toothpaste is the bare minimum., but it is best to brush more often, or even daily.
Last, it is important to keep your claws in good condition so that they are not too long, which could cause discomfort or even break and hurt you. Whether you live exclusively indoors or have access to the outdoors, should be checked once a month: if natural wear and tear is not enough, must be trimmed manually. This does not prevent you from having a scratching post at your disposal., otherwise it will fall back on the furniture, something he does without hesitation if necessary.
Whether the fur, the ears, the eyes, teeth or claws, caring for a Siamese is not particularly complex. But, it helps to know what to do: this not only ensures that action is taken effectively, but also that there is no risk of injuring or traumatizing the animal. So, it is advisable to seek advice from a veterinarian or professional groomer the first time.
This cat has a very strong relationship with its owner. For this reason, if the owner knows how to do it well, grooming sessions can become moments of tenderness and shared complicity. This is more likely if the cat is used to it from a young age.
Like any cat, the Modern Siamese cat requires a diet that, both qualitatively and quantitatively, must meet your nutritional needs. As such, it must correspond to your age, your physical activity and your state of health.
Industrial foods may be perfectly suitable, as long as they are of good quality. But, the same cannot be said for human food. Unless specifically selected for that purpose, does not meet a cat's nutritional needs. Even worse, some of the foods that are potentially very popular with their owners turn out to be toxic to the little feline. So, it is a service for him not to offer him bits on the table, nor give him the leftovers or let him put his little head in the garbage can.
In any case, but the Siamese be very energetic and tend to eat a little more than a cat of another breed, He is not one of those who gorge himself. like most cats, the Siamese they self-regulate, so it is possible to make food available at all times without fear of overeating.
Last, like any cat, you must have fresh water at all times.
For sale "Modern Siamese cat"
It is not difficult to find breeders of Siamese. On the other hand, you should expect to pay a considerable amount of money, because it is by no means one of the cheapest breeds.
These may include, adopt a Modern Siamese cat usually costs between 1000 and 2000 EUR.
whatever the country, the price varies depending on the reputation of the hatchery, of the animal's lineage and, above all, its intrinsic characteristics, especially on a physical level. For this reason, the amount charged may vary from one individual to another within the same litter.
The Seychellois cat still a very confidential breed around the world, and is mainly found in the UK and continental Europe, including France.
Larabii of Gentle Mind, Seychellois at Helsinki Cat Show – Heikki Siltala, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Characteristics "Seychellois cat"
Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Seychellois cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.
5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Activity level
5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Friendliness to other pets
3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Friendliness to children
5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Grooming requirements
3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Need for attention
4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Affection towards its owners
5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
The Seychellois it is a rather rare domestic cat of very recent origin. In the Decade of 1980, a London-based geneticist and breeder named Patricia Turner wanted to start a cat breeding project based on the characteristics of a cat that was once endemic to the Seychelles. He had learned about this animal through reading the travelogues written by explorers who had visited the Indian Ocean archipelago.. Passionate about breeding purebred cats, the Mrs. Turner had already participated in the sixties in the registry of the Scottish Fold -and, Therefore, of the Scottish Straight– in the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), the leading British feline association.
To create the Seychellois cat, the breeder began to cross Siamese with Persians bicolor and the Oriental shorthair cat. Later, breeders began to cross Siamese and longhair balinese within the new breed, which resulted in a variety of Seychellois cat long and semi-long hair.
The race Seychellois is recognized by the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé), Europe's leading feline association, that in 2005 allowed him to participate in the championships organized under his auspices. But, being quite rare, only seen quite occasionally at cat shows.
In 2011, the FIFé decided to combine the Breed Councils and the Siamese Cat standards, the balinese cat, the Oriental shorthair cat and the Oriental Longhair cat. at the end of 2013, Seychellois Shorthair and Seychellois Longhair were integrated into this group. Later, the organization announced that, starting at the 1 in January of 2016, the Short-haired Seychellois would be called Siamese (with white) and the Longhair Seychellois would be called balinese (with white).
At the end, the Seychellois cat still a very confidential breed around the world, and is mainly found in the UK and continental Europe, including France.
Physical characteristics
Larabii of Gentle Mind, Seychellois at Helsinki Cat Show – Heikki Siltala, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The Seychellois cat share the same breed standard FIFé (Fédération Internationale Féline) with the Siamese, the Balinese cat, the Oriental shorthair cat and the Oriental Longhair cat. Similar to the Siamese, it is a medium size cat, which measures approximately 30 cm to the cross. Weighs 4 to 6,5 kilos in adulthood. His body is muscular, graceful and slim, and its legs are long and thin.
The eyes are almond-shaped and a remarkable azure blue, located in a head elongated, triangular in shape and attached to the trunk by a neck Strait. The cat has a ears quite large and a tail long, thin and pointed.
The fur is short, except in the varieties balinese and Oriental Longhair cat. The coat is silky and smooth and the extremities -face, ears, legs and tail- are at least partially colored. The kitties, like their cousins Siamese, they are white at birth. Only in the following days and weeks do their colors appear.
Color variations
The Seychellois comes in three color variants, according to the area occupied by the white spots on its fur. They are due to the gene piebald, responsible for the presence of random white spots in the animal kingdom. It is not only present in domestic cats -including the Seychellois– but also, for example, in dogs and snakes.
There is a classification system -del 1 to the 10- according to the surface of the animal's body covered by white spots. Individuals classified as "1" are almost all black, while those classified as "10" are almost all white. The high degree of whiteness present in Seychellois place them in categories 7 to 9.
More concretely, the three variants of piebald present in the Seychellois are:
Seychellois 7: the body is white, while the tail is colored, as well as parts of the head, body and legs;
Seychelles 8: the body is white, but small areas of the head and legs are colored;
Seychelles 9: the body is white, the tail is colored and there are small areas of color on the head.
Size and weight
Size: Of 30 to 35 cm.
Weight: Of 3 to 5 kg
Varieties of "Seychellois cat"
Originally, cats Seychellois from the breeding project of the British breeder and geneticist Patricia Turner they were shorthair cats. The cats that were then used for crossing were the Siamese, the bicolor Persian and Oriental shorthair cats.
A new variety of cat Longhair or semilargo appeared most recently, When the Balinese cat were incorporated into the development of this breed.
Like his close cousin, the Siamese, the Seychellois cat he is a lively cat, energetic and very active. They love to play, jump and climb, and they really appreciate having cat toys and a cat tree. As they are intelligent and curious, it is advisable to keep valuables out of reach, fragile or potentially harmful.
The Seychellois He is also affectionate and very attached to his owner. They need their owner to return affection and give them enough time and attention; they should not be left alone too often or for too long. This makes it an ideal companion for people who live alone., as long as, of course, be able to take care of it.
His love of play also makes him a cat who appreciates the presence of children.. But, you have to teach them not to rush with their little friend, since this one does not take it well. On the other hand, the Seychellois cat tends to adapt well to the presence of other domestic animals.
Last, the Seychellois is known to be very vocal, although a little less than his cousin the Siamese, which also has a slightly more powerful voice.
The Seychellois has a half-life of about 12 years.
Being a very new breed, there is still little evidence of predisposition to certain diseases, but is currently considered to be in good health and does not appear to be affected by hereditary or congenital diseases, unlike other domestic cats.
Life expectancy
12 years
The short and dense coat of the Seychellois does not require particularly careful maintenance.
A weekly brushing of the cat's coat is sufficient. The new variety of longhair cat requires more care: you have to brush it about three times a week.
Videos "Seychellois cat"
RUSORI HOUSE *PL Siamese Seychellois and Oriental cats 2019
Recognized by the CFA, FIFe, TICA, ACF, ACFA/CAA, CCA-AFC, GCCF
Origin: United States
Antiquity: Decade 1950
Character: Energetic and exhibitionist
Weight: 2,5 to 5 Kg
The Balinese cat can boast of having among his close relatives the famous Siamese cat.
Characteristics "Balinese cat"
Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Balinese cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.
5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Activity level
4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Friendliness to other pets
3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Friendliness to children
3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Grooming requirements
2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Need for attention
5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Affection towards its owners
4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
The origins of the breed as such are in the United States and go back to the years 50, but the first references to this type of cat are much older. In fact, a Chinese tapestry from several centuries ago already depicted long-haired cats with features Siamese. More recently, in 1871, Penny Illustrated magazine mentioned a long-hair Siamese, and in 1928 the American Federation of Cat Fans (CFF) accepted the registration of a long-hair Siamese.
In the Decade of 1950, Marion Dorsey and Helen Smith, of the creators of Siamese Americans based in California and New York respectively, they became interested in these long-haired kittens and decided to start a dedicated breeding program. The program was successful and resulted in Balinese cat what do we know today.
Despite what its name may suggest, the Balinese cat It, in effect, an american cat breed. The name was chosen by Helen Smith to highlight its grace and elegance, similar to that of the ballerinas on the island of Bali
Already in 1961, the Federation of Cat Fans (CFF) recognized this new breed, and the Cat Fan Association (CFA) did the same in 1970. In 1979, this same CFA set a new standard for a breed called Javanese, whose characteristics were those of Balinese cat, and that it simply allowed covering the coat colors not accepted by the latter's standard. In fact, the Balinese standard had been established by accepting the same colors as the Siamese cat, that is to say, seal, blue, chocolate and lilac.
That same year 1979, the International Cat Association (TICA) also recognized the Balinese cat, antes de ser seguida for the International Feline Federation (FIFé) in 1983 and, later, por el British Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) in 1986.
Today, but the Balinese cat is present and recognized throughout the world, still a relatively uncommon cat. in your country of origin, United States, the CFA statistics indicate that it is in the second half of the breed table based on the number of annual registrations. In France, each year less than 20 ejemplares en el Official Book of Feline Origins (LOOF). In Great Britain, GCCF figures even show a very steep decline, mainly due to the appearance of new races: Enrollments in the organization went from 150 to 200 per year at the beginning of the decade 2000 less than 50 at the end of the Decade of 2010.
Muscular but slim, the Balinese cat seems very delicate and flexible in its movements.
With a weight between three and four kilos, the Balinese cats belong to the medium-sized breeds.
Males balinese they can weigh a little more and are around five kilos.
While the body, face and character are similar to those of the Siamese cat original, coat length differs considerably, which is particularly evident in the bushy tail of the balinese. But, from the start of breeding, the balinese has changed a bit and, with its elongated body and its triangular face, has been adapted to the modern variant of the Siamese cat.
If you want to buy Balinese cats, nowadays you will only find a few breeders that breed this breed in its original breeding way. In most breeders, cat lovers can buy the modern shape of the Balinese cat, whose body is narrower and its head is more wedge-shaped. A distinctive feature of Balinese cat it's her bright blue eyes, that seem especially alive and vibrant.
The only coat pattern allowed is colourpoint: the body is one color, but the tips are a darker and different color. Although the only colors allowed in the original CFA standard, written in 1970, are accepted for the Siamese, that is to say, the seal, the blue, the chocolate and lilac, the vast majority of current standards also allow the cream, The candy, red, apricot and other non-traditional colors.
blue eyes, of a unique beauty, are present regardless of coat color and are characteristic of the appearance of the balinese.
Last, sexual dimorphism is moderately marked, the male being slightly larger than the female.
The case of a Balinese cat with colors other than the seal, the blue, chocolate and lilac divide cat lovers from all over the world, as well as various organizations. While the International Cat Association (TICA) and the British Feline Fantasy Governing Council (GCCF) consider that these cats are indeed balinese, the American Cat Fan Association (CFA) consider from 1979 that all "Balinese" of different colors constitute a different race: that of Javanese cat.
Despite the official merger in 2008 of the two breeds under the standard balinese of the CFA, the term Javanese still commonly used in the US. to define the balinese different colors from the original standard.
This term was chosen in reference to the island of Java, neighbor of the island of Bali, in Indonesia: is a nod to the fact that the Javanese its near to balinese.
The balinese he is a very cuddly cat, who is lovingly attached to his family and does not leave their eyes. They demand a lot of attention, they follow their owner everywhere and constantly seek to play with him or be petted by him. It is sociable, accepts other pets without difficulty and enjoys the company of children, provided they have been taught to behave with animals.
His constant need for attention makes him not tolerate loneliness well, and you can quickly adopt destructive behavior if you feel that your family does not give you the attention you deserve. So, not suitable for a teacher who is absent often.
It is reputed to be sensitive to human emotions, and knows how to comfort a sad man or, on the other hand, share your moments of joy. They also know how to interpret voice intonations, so reprimands can hurt your sensitive nature, while encouragement reinforces the bond they have with their family.
Activos, agile and curious, to the balinese they love to explore the corners of the house. These may include, you can crawl out from under your bed with a toy you lost weeks ago or find that old photo that fell behind your living room closet years ago. But, one of his favorite activities is to climb on the shoulders of one of the family members.
He is also very smart and playful, making you an excellent candidate for teaching your cat tricks. It is very possible that he will learn something by himself, and then come proudly show your family what you can do.
Despite his high energy level, It is a breed of cat that lives very well in an apartment -if the apartment is not tiny- and does not need outer space.
Last, one of the main characteristics of the Balinese cat is your propensity to be vocal. They seem to have an opinion on everything, and they do not stop making it known, commenting from his food to what is on television or the cover of the book his master wants to read in a low voice. Although he has no problem giving long monologues, you expect to be listened to and risk starting over if you think your family has not paid attention to what you are saying. Both in terms of activity level and volume, they are definitely not one of the calmest cat breeds.
Care "Balinese cat"
Seal Point Balinese kitten at 13 weeks of age – Flickr
The Balinese cat it is an easy-care breed of cat, since its long and silky coat does not tend to knot and sheds very little. So, a simple brushing once a week is enough.
This brushing session is an opportunity to check that your teeth and eyes are clean., and to pay special attention to their ears, which often need to be cleaned with a damp cloth. It also, make sure its claws are not too long, and trim them if necessary.
Indoor or outdoor cat?
The Balinese cat not necessarily a cat that should be kept outside, since these graceful animals are sensitive to cold. But, as the balinese it is one of the most active cat breeds, your house should be as big as possible and, above all, be equipped with many climbing possibilities. The ideal is to have a well-protected balcony or garden, that can also be used for running. To the balinese cats they also like to get inspired by climbing trees outdoors, and a small pool of water and other play opportunities are always welcome for this breed of cat.
How much activity does he need? "Balinese cat"?
If you decide to have a balinese, it does not matter if it is a puppy or an adult, you should take your time with him. Intelligent breed cats are very affectionate and like to be the center of attention, so they will gladly dispense with the company of other cats, but not from human attention.
So, the Balinese cat he needs a lot of pampering and you also have to take time to keep him busy. The balinese is very receptive to training and learns very quickly, which is why search games are so easy for him balinese how to learn new tricks or intelligence games. However, in regards to scratching opportunities, climb and play, you should also make sure your cat has quiet places to retreat to, since animals tend to prefer places where they have their favorite humans in sight.
Health and nutrition
The balinese is an exceptionally long-lived breed of cats, since many reach or exceed the 20 years of age.
Despite this overall robustness, are at increased risk for certain diseases:
The progressive retinal atrophy (ARP), a retinal disease that causes blindness in cats;
The amyloidosis, a disease that causes kidney failure and is often fatal;
Achalasia or megaesophagus, a gastrointestinal disorder that can cause food blockages;
Squint, a vision disorder without serious consequences for the animal;
Acromelanismo, a genetic disease that causes changes in coat color based on skin temperature.
Last, obesity is a major risk to the health of the balinese, but can easily be avoided with a vigilant and responsible owner.
Life expectancy
15 to 20 years
When it comes to feeding, should focus on a protein-rich diet. So, a high-quality cat food with a high meat and protein content is essential. Especially since balinese cats they are very active and need a lot of energy, a good diet is essential. As an alternative, can feed your balinese on a soft diet, but you should thoroughly familiarize yourself with the subject and also seek advice from a veterinarian, because only with the right composition can the needs of the cat be met in a specific way.
For sale "Balinese cat"
If you want to get a "Balinese cat", you should know that they are very affectionate and that these intelligent purebred cats want to keep busy. Do not underestimate the necessary care of the coat.. If you are thinking of buying a Balinese cat, should only be done by a reputable and responsible breeder.
Responsible breeders ensure that the Balinese cats are raised in a family and are well socialized. It also, if you want to buy a cat of this breed, you should know that good breeders do not place their balinese in new homes before the end of the imprinting period.
If you want to buy a Balinese cat, do not respond to ads from amateur breeders offering purebred cats for sale without papers. The balinese kittens should only be purchased from an experienced breeder who is a member of a breeding club. Since experienced breeders only sell cats that have been vet checked and are healthy, should expect to pay between 900 and 1100 euros for a balinese kitten.
If you want to give a new home to a Balinese cat adult, with a bit of luck you can also find it in shelters and animal protection organizations. Also in this case you will have to pay a nominal fee.
Fawn Point is a rare Siamese point. Only the traditional Cat Association recognizes it as an official color. – Photo by Hockeyben
The Colorpoint shorthair cat is a variety of domestic cat. Depending on the cat registry, can be considered an independent breed of cats, or more often a variant of a pre-existing one, if it is accepted. These cats are distinguished by their conformity to a wide range of sixteen different colors, in addition to the four standard Siamese colors.
The Colorpoint shorthair shares the dot coloring pattern with the Siamese, but in the non-traditional colors of red, cream, tortoiseshell and lynx dots (striped), and in small variations of the same. Regarding body style, head shape and other features, may be intermediate between the two founding breeds, showing cats leaning towards Siamese features. Those who prefer the traditional look of the Siamese may also favor the Colorpoint shorthair of a more moderate type that resemble their ancestors of the American shorthair cat in terms of shape.
The Cat Fan Association (CFA) and the World Cat Federation (WCF) they are the only major registries that recognize them as an independent breed. In other records, they are part of the races siamesa u Oriental shorthair (and may not be accepted as show and breeding quality, depending on the colors that the registry allows in these breeds, and if they allow some type of crossing in the lineage). Since these cats are a cross, various registries are reluctant to accept them as races or as Siamese valid.
The effort to produce a dotted cat of style Siamese in colors other than the traditional four began in England and America in the decade of 1940, carried out by breeders who used crosses between the Siamese cat, the Abyssinian cat and the Red domestic shorthair cat. The American shorthair cat also became part of the matrix.
At the beginning, the breeders of Colorpoint suffered setbacks and failures; in the effort to get the right colors in the right places, body type was often sacrificed Siamese. The breeding was further complicated by the difficulty of working with the red coloration because it is a sex-linked color..
Physical characteristics
"Colorpoint Shorthair Cat" is the name that the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA), an association of the breed in the United States, used to refer to spotted cats of Siamese descent and of type in colors other than the four "traditional" Siamese colors (seal, chocolate, azul y lilac point). This name is also given to cats of Siamese descent in all four recognized colors whose eight-generation pedigree shows ancestors with other colors. In records of other countries, However, «Colorpoint» (o «Colourpoint«) It is the name given to cats of the Persian type and dotted coloration, as in the Himalayan cat.
At the CFA, a Colorpoint shorthair cat It can also be any of the four traditional colors of the Siamese cat; However, can only be displayed at the red dot (also called flame point, in the Persian Family) or cream point, or any of the above colors in tabby point (also called lynx point) or tortoiseshell point.
In most records, in addition to the CFA, the Colorpoint shorthair cat not considered a separate breed, but simply a color class within the Siamese race.
The Colorpoint shorthair cat is a very intelligent breed, playful and that gets along with people. They are extremely affectionate and outgoing and enjoy lazing around and playing with people., which causes them to also be described as "extroverts". They can also be very sensitive with nervous temperaments., who do not adapt well to changes in the environment or strangers.
Like the Siamese, can be extremely vocal and demanding of attention, feeling the need for human company. They have more than 100 vocal sounds, much more than other races, so they emit very unusual meows. Males are sometimes overly aggressive towards other animals and will fight with other cats when they feel that their territory has been invaded or simply to express their dominance..