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Bombay cat
Recognized by the CFA, cTIC, ACF, ACFA/CAA, CCA-AFC

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Although the Bombay looks like a little panther, does not have the character of a: it is neither wild nor aggressive.

Bombay cat



The Bombay cat it was created in 1958 by Nikki Homer, a breeder of American shorthair cat based in Kentucky, United States. Dreaming of having a cat similar to a black panther, but in miniature and as meek as a lamb, That year he decided to cross specimens from his breeding program with the American Burmese Cat.. His morphology seemed perfectly adapted to his project, since like the panther, this breed has a very apparent musculature.

A first mating was carried out between a female sand-colored American Burmese Cat and a American shorthair cat black, which was followed by other marriages between representatives of the two races. But, the results were not really satisfactory. The resulting cats looked more like the American shorthair cat black than the little panthers. Nikki Homer decided to neuter them and sell them as pets.

But, did not give up and tried again a similar breeding in 1965. After two years of selective breeding, he got the black cat he had imagined: a majestic look, coppery eyes and a very shiny ebony black fur. He named it after Bombay, in honor of the Indian city of the same name (now mumbai), where you can see black panthers in the Sanjay Gandhi National Park, which is part of the city.

Among 1967 and 1972, managed to produce nothing less than 27 litters and allowed the birth of some 100 kittens. But, only kept the kittens from the breeding program of the Bombay who met the criteria that she herself had established; the others were given away as pets.

Delighted with the result, dedicated himself to gaining recognition for the breed he had created. It took him a few more years to achieve his goal, but his efforts were finally crowned with success: in 1976, the American Cat Fan Association (CFA) became the first feline organization to take the step of recognizing the Bombay.

After putting so much energy into the cat for almost 20 years, Nikki Homer wanted to move on. Decided to stop raising the Bombay.

But, other American breeders who fell in love with the little black panther took up the torch. Among them, Suzanne y Herb Zwecker played an especially important role, investing a lot of time and effort in the development and recognition of the breed. They decided to create additional new lines from scratch, instead of just using existing copies.

But, despite the best efforts of everyone involved, the breed had a hard time breaking through. Superstitions about black cats and the reluctance of American Burmese cat breeders, who saw the newcomer as a competitor. But, interest in the black cat became more important when in 1985 Luv It Black, one of the copies presented by Suzanne y Herb Zwecker, was honored by the CFA in the events organized by the organization.

But, the development of Bombay cat was also hampered by genetic issues. Because breeders are the American shorthair cat, the American Burmese cat or the same Bombay cat, and in the same litter the Bombay and kittens with different coat colors and eyes, more in line with those of the American shorthair cat. These are systematically withdrawn from the breeding program and sold as pets..

In France, the breed's arrival dates back to 1989. It was in that year when the first pair of specimens was introduced into the country., Opium and Bagheera. A breeding program was created and imported 10 more copies in the next five years.

Bombay cat
Bombay cat

The recognition of "Bombay cat"

Although the Bombay still pretty weird, is recognized by many organizations, starting with the most important on an international scale.

Having been created in the United States, no wonder the breed was first recognized by the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA), the country's leading feline institution. This was done in 1976, and neighboring Canadian Cat Association (CCA) followed suit in 1988. Many other national organizations followed suit, like the french Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF), the Australian Cat Association (ACF) wave New Zealand Cat Fancy (NZCF).

The International Cat Association (TICA) awarded him recognition in 1979, making it part of a group that also includes the American Burmese Cat. The World Cat Federation also accepts it.

On the other hand, the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé), which brings together organizations from around forty countries -among them Felis Belgica, from Belgium, y the Swiss Feline Federation (FFH), from Switzerland-, does not recognize the Bombay.

There is also an English version of the breed, which was developed in Britain in the decade of 1980 and that differs substantially from American Bombay. It is recognized since 1994 by the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), the main feline organization in the country. The GCCF considers it a variety of the Asian race, along with the Asian Smoke Cat, Asian tabby cat, Burmilla and Tiffany. But, does not recognize the Bombay, that can be found all over the world.

Physical characteristics

Bombay cat
Bombay cat

When crossing the American shorthair cat Black and American Burmese Cat, the creator of Bombay, Nikki Homer, I wanted to create a cat that resembled a “miniature black panther”. It's fair to say the gamble paid off. Y, like is logic, the resulting breed has inherited most of the physical traits of its ancestors.

The elegant Bombay It is a stocky breed with a medium-sized body and a greater weight than one might think at first glance.. It must be said that it has a fairly strong bone structure, on which also rests an important and very apparent musculature. The chest it is round and wide, the back straight from shoulder to rump. The tail is straight and of medium length, tapering to the tip.

The legs are proportionate to the body, good muscular, and they last in feet round with black pads.

The head It is medium and round in size. On the top of the head are the ears well spread and moderately large. They are wide at the base, rounded at the tip, and lean slightly forward giving the dog an alert look.

It is said that the Bombay cat has the eyes as round as shiny copper coins. In fact, they are big, round and located in the extension of the base of the ears. Its bright color ranges from copper to gold, being the first the most appreciated. They are even more beautiful because they contrast with the totally black fur, and this combination is a distinctive feature of the breed.

The profile also shows a slight stop, and nose has a slightly rounded tip. The nose is black and is crowned by a snout short, wide and rounded. The chin is well developed, but it is neither prominent nor sunken.

The Bombay practically does not have undercoat. The upper coat is short, dense but fine, silky and satin, What is another characteristic of the breed?. This is another characteristic of the breed. The fur of this cat should be shiny like patent leather.

It is also jet black from root to tip., and this cat is the only breed that is consistently black. But, It is not until they are two years old when they acquire their final color: are born with a slightly lighter coat, that gets darker as they grow, until it turns into a deep black.

There is also a slight sexual dimorphism in this breed. Males and females are very similar in size, but its weight differs more. The male can weigh up to 5 kg, while the female must not exceed 4 kg.

Last, It is worth mentioning the English version of the Bombay, having some specific physical characteristics. In effect, while his american cousin is cobby type, this one is midline type (a slightly less slim body type). So, has thinner legs, ending in oval feet. Its head is triangular and slightly hollow. It is also distinguished by its almond-shaped eyes., whose color varies from golden yellow to green. But, Apart from these few features, the American Bombay and the English Bombay they are physically quite similar.

Size and weight

  • Male size: 20 – 25 cm.
  • female size 20 – 25 cm.
  • Male weight: 3 – 5 kg
  • female weight: 3 – 4 kg

  • Bombay cat
    Bombay cat

    Character and skills

    Although the Bombay looks like a little panther, does not have the character of a: it is neither wild nor aggressive. On the other hand, He is very sociable and affectionate, and it is an ideal option for those looking for a cat to live in the family, so much that he seeks the company of humans. He is especially attached to the person who cares the most for him, without being a one-man cat: your closeness to a particular person does not prevent you from giving affection to all family members.

    He also likes to be caressed, and this is good: caressing him is really very nice, since her hair has the texture of silk. And since he especially likes warm places, it is not uncommon for him to get under the covers in bed, or snuggle up on the couch with one of your family members.

    Bombay cat
    Bombay cat

    To the Bombay he likes attention and pampering. If you feel neglected, will call out to your family members with gentle vocalizations that don't break the ground. In other words, this cat can be talkative to claim attention, but their meows have the good taste not to be shrill.

    They like to play with children and are patient with them, provided they are treated with respect. With a little boy, there is a real risk that this condition will not be met, so it is better never to leave him alone with a small child, without adult supervision. The safety of both parties is at stake, and this is valid for any breed of cat.

    The Bombay He is a very affectionate cat that needs the attention and love of those around him. He loves to interact with his surroundings and follows his owner everywhere: in the classroom, the bedroom, the kitchen…

    This, coupled with his intelligence and very active temperament, explains that he is an excellent student for anyone who wants to teach their cat tricks such as, for example, to look for an object.

    But, also needs alone time and can be left alone for a few hours at home, This does not mean that you should not provide your cat with games when he is out, to keep you busy and not suffer from anxiety when your owners are away too long. Invest in interactive games, like the puzzles, it's a great way to stimulate your high brainpower, whether you play with them alone or with your family.

    Having him share his home with a small companion is also a sensible way to make the absences of his owners more bearable.. In fact, the Bombay cat cohabits easily with peers or even a dog, as long as you feel loved and receive the care you need. This coexistence is all the better if it is established from the earliest age of the two protagonists. If that is not the case, at least it's better to make sure they get to know each other little by little, so that they get used to each other and each find their place.

    On the other hand, it is less appropriate to make him live with a bird or a small rodent, since the Bombay has a highly developed predatory instinct: he is an excellent hunter. If you must spend some time with that animal, it is better to place it in a cage inaccessible to the cat, or even better, in a room reserved for him. This will avoid unpleasant surprises..

    As for the unknown humans, the Bombay cat seems to be often torn between his spontaneous distrust of them (hence he is not one of those who approach them immediately) and his intrinsic curiosity. As soon as you feel comfortable, the latter is in charge of encouraging him to approach them to smell the new scents and to ask for some caresses from time to time. In any case, it is essential that you have a cat tree at your disposal: it is a place where you feel safe and can take refuge at any time, either to observe your surroundings from your perch or simply to rest in peace.

    Like any cat, the Bombay need rest periods, but he has plenty of energy. Living in a house with a garden that can be accessed at any time through a cat flap is ideal for him.: so he can roam and climb trees all he wants, which helps your head feel as good as your legs.

    It is not surprising, because, that his facet of ferret and / or his hunting instinct lead him to explore other territories or to follow a prey outside his domain: that does not stop him from being happy to return to his cozy nest, where caresses and good food await you.

    As long as he is surrounded by his owners, this cat can be relatively flexible in terms of living environment: as long as it is spacious enough for you to play, run and expend your energy, can adapt very well to a flat life. But, it is important to note that they generally accept being walked on a leash, as long as they get used to them from a young age: for people who live in such a household, This can be a good option for your little feline to discover new horizons and to roam outside.

    Whether you have access to the outside or not, the Bombay you should be able to do your first steps whenever you want, like all his classmates. So, it is essential that you have a scratching post available at all times: this saves you from having to turn to furniture or curtains to satisfy this irrepressible need.

    Last, It is worth mentioning that the English version of the Bombay cat has the same character traits as their American counterparts, inherited largely from their ancestors burmese.

    Bombay cat
    Bombay cat

    Care and Cleaning of the "Bombay cat"

    The Bombay has a dense but short top coat, and its bottom layer is very light. This explains that their coat does not require much maintenance.: you only have to brush it once a week to remove dead hairs and maintain its characteristic shiny appearance. The shedding periods, in spring and autumn, they are not very important, but it is necessary to brush two or three times a week to keep the coat healthy and beautiful.

    It is necessary to check the ears of the Bombay once a week and wash them with a clean, damp cloth to remove dirt and limit the risk of infection.

    The weekly maintenance session should also be an opportunity to check the eyes. They are more likely to be dirty if the Bombay is prone to epiphora (excessive tearing). In this case, it is essential to clean the corners of the eyes with a damp cloth to minimize the risk of infection.

    Regular brushing of the teeth of the Bombay it is essential to avoid all kinds of health problems in this area. This is true of any breed, but the risk of improper maintenance is even greater for the Bombay cat, since it is prone to gingivitis. Regular brushing with a special cat toothpaste prevents plaque buildup, which can cause more or less serious diseases when it becomes tartar. Once a week is the minimum, but daily is the ideal.

    Bombay cat
    Bombay cat

    You should get used to checking the length of your claws. Bombay each month. As long as you have access to the outside, natural wear and tear is usually sufficient. If that is not the case, it is necessary to cut them manually: if they get too long, they are likely to break, that bother you or even hurt you. It also, there should be a scratching post available at all times so that you can satisfy your irresistible need to scratch, instead of having to resort to furniture…

    coat care, the ears, the eyes, the teeth and claws of the Bombay does not require any special skills. But, instead of doing it only the first time, the expertise of a veterinarian or cat groomer may be helpful. Learning the correct gestures from a professional, the probability of not only being ineffective is greatly reduced, but also and above all to act clumsily and thus injure or even traumatize your pet.

    It also, It is essential that your pet is used to these grooming sessions from his first months: the sooner they become part of your routine, more easily accept them throughout your life. Like this, he and his owner are in the best position to make them spend special moments together, and the opportunity to caress and hug. Being very affectionate and close to its owner, appreciates being groomed even more.

    Indoor or outdoor cat?

    The Bombay cat it is an excellent indoor cat. In any case, prefers to be with his humans and does not have a great desire for freedom. In a big and cozy apartment for cats, with a scratching post, a litter tray and a feeding area, nothing stands in the way of a happy life together.

    You must avoid unrestricted access to the outside, since this open minded and curious cat is not afraid of anything. Unfortunately, this also includes cars and receivers. Ideally, let the black cat run in a safe garden or on a balcony.

    Some representatives of the breed can even be taught to walk on a leash like a dog. With a little practice, these smart and loving cats will do as well as a dog. But, this depends on the individual character, as well as the conditions of the area of “paseo”. You should not walk your cat where there are many dogs or other dangers.

    How much activity does he need? "Bombay cat"?

    How many members of the breed are indoor cats, need a certain amount of activity. This mini panther appreciates emotions and loves to play with children or other cats. Both classic cat toys and learning tricks are fun for these cats.

    With a challenging intelligence toy, the Bombay they are also very busy. The most important thing is that you offer your cat variety. He is a human-oriented cat and should not be left alone too often either.. Should be pampered regularly.

    Health and nutrition

    Both the American and British lines enjoy, in general, Of good health.

    It also, this little cat can live in all climates, except in the coldest. But, must be well protected from cold and drafts at low temperatures, since its scarce undercoat means that it is not ideally equipped for winter weather.

    On the other hand, the Bombay have a tendency to be overweight and even obese. This is even more true if you don't have access to the outdoors., since then you have fewer opportunities to exercise. It is not a matter to be taken lightly, since being overweight can cause illnesses or worsen existing ones.

    In any case, to adopt a Bombay in the best conditions, it is essential to contact a breeder worthy of the name. In effect, a serious professional cares about genetic testing of proposed breeders (in particular, for the hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and the facial cleft syndrome media), in order to rule out those who could give birth to unhealthy kittens. It is also concerned with offering kittens an ideal environment for their physical and mental balance., and strives to develop their sociability from the first weeks. This is absolutely crucial for the rest of their lives.. In any case, at the time of adoption, the breeder must be able to provide a certificate of good health issued by a veterinarian, as well as the health card (or vaccination) in which the vaccines the cat has received are recorded.

    To keep your cat healthy throughout its life, it is important that you take him to the vet for a complete check-up at regular intervals, although everything seems to be fine. These reviews give the professional the opportunity to detect as soon as possible any possible problem other than (yet) visible, allowing you to treat it in optimal conditions. It is also an opportunity to carry out any necessary booster shots.. These visits must be scheduled at least once a year, and even more as the animal ages.

    At the same time, the owner is also tasked with protecting his little feline against parasites throughout the year, remembering to renew your deworming treatments each time it is time to do so. It is important to remember that even a cat that lives in an apartment can contract parasites and must be dewormed..

    Bombay cat
    Bombay cat

    Life expectancy

    12 to 18 years


    Like any other cat, the Bombay you need a diet adapted to your nutritional needs, both in terms of quality and quantity. So, should be chosen with your age in mind, your state of health and your level of physical activity.

    It is advisable to monitor the amounts of food that are given, because unlike many of his peers, the Bombay does not know how to regulate itself. Greedy and a little gluttonous, have a true propensity for obesity. So, it is not possible to leave food in self-service, at the risk of gorging. That is why, the best solution is to offer two meals a day, given at fixed times and rigorously weighed.

    Bombay cat
    Bombay cat

    It is perfectly possible to give him industrial food, as long as they are of good quality and carefully chosen to suit your needs. On the other hand, you have to be very careful with human food, although do not hesitate to ask, for example, during their owners' meals. Not only is there little chance that the nutritional intake provided corresponds exactly to your needs, rather, some foods appreciated and regularly consumed by humans are toxic to cats. This also explains why it is best to avoid giving him the table scraps or letting him rummage through the trash..

    Last, the fact that you tend to gain weight easily makes it essential to monitor your weight every month. If the weight gain is confirmed or even increased during several consecutive weighings, it is necessary to visit the vet. In effect, only a healthcare professional can diagnose the cause of the problem (improper diet, disease, side effect of a medication, etc.) and, Therefore, determine how to remedy it.

    To finish, like any cat, the Bombay you should have fresh water available at all times so you can drink as soon as you feel the need.

    For sale "Bombay cat"

    Before purchasing a Bombay cat, you need to make sure you have enough time for the people-facing cat. The first obstacle to overcome is the lack of breeders in Europe. It is best to do research on the internet and contact a private breeder. But, beware of fake offers and take a good look at the breeder. Observe the kitten's parents and siblings, as well as the accommodation conditions. For a healthy kitten, vaccinated and dewormed, will pay about 750 EUR.

    Characteristics "Bombay cat"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Bombay cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Activity level

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to other pets

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to children

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Grooming requirements

    1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for attention

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection towards its owners

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Videos "Bombay cat"

    BOMBAY CAT 🐱 Characteristics, Care and Health! 🐾
    BOMBAY CAT Characteristics, Care and Health!
    BOMBAY CAT 🐱 Features, care and health! 🐾
    GATO BOMBAY ? ¡Características, cuidados y salud!

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