▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

American Longhair Cat (Maine Coon)
Recognized by the CFA, TICA, AACE, ACFA/CAA, CCA-AFC, GCCF, FIFe

The American Longhair Cat has a great addition to the stables, since it tends to be very fond of other animals such as horses, goats and cows, and tends to get along very well with dogs.

Amrican longhair



The American Longhair Cat (Maine Coon), was the result of breeders' attempts to infuse certain varieties of Persian color into the American shorthair cat. The longer coat and some of these colors appeared to be genetically related., and the result was a cat with a combination of traits from its Persian and American shorthair cats.

Unlike in the Domestic long-haired cat, that does not have a clear lineage, the American Longhair Cat comes from champion bloodlines, and some individuals are registered with multiple cat fancier associations, but the breed itself is not recognized by the larger organizations yet.

The main difference between American Longhair Cat and the Domestic long-haired cat is that the American Longhair Cat must have a pedigree that can go back as far as American shorthair cat as to the Persian cat.

Times, cats Maine Coon se denominan American Longhairs, because they were developed in the United States.

physical characteristics of the American Longhair Cat

Breed standard:

American Longhair Cat

  • Head: The head must be big, round, wide and well developed. Cheeks should be full and have a powerful appearance. The face should be slightly concave or "domed". The muzzle is square and may be somewhat compressed, with a strong, well-formed chin.
  • Ears: The ears should not be excessively large, but medians in proportion to the head, wide at the base with rounded tip and good space between them. It is very desirable that the ears have feathers.
  • Eyes: The eyes must be large and round, widely spaced, bright, clear and of any color. Strange eyes are allowed, as long as it is not accompanied by deafness.
  • Body and tail: Must be a medium to large size cat, slightly longer than tall, with a powerful, broad body and a deep, well-formed chest. A fat pad on the abdomen is common for this breed and completely acceptable.. The neck is short and robust. The legs are of medium length and have good bones with a fleshy quality.. Feet are medium to large in size and round, with five fingers in front and four behind. The tail should be of medium length, feather-shaped, and is usually carried at the level of the top line.
  • Fur: It has a full double coat with long, straight outer hairs. Any color, except tick or spike patterns.
  • General aspect: It must be a robust animal, broad and attractive face, with a natural appearance, only slightly refined, quiet, sometimes reserved, but not shy. It is a charming and classic domestic cat, with a full and double coat, and a very hairy tail, pen-like.
  • Most of the American long-haired cats they have a bit of the upturned nose of Persian cats, but this varies between individuals. Athletic, well-muscled body is the standard, along with the double coat, dense and abundant molt.

    Character and skills

    Personality American Longhair Cat it is usually quite peaceful, with a slightly independent vein.

    Can be a great choice for a busy home or a working single, since it does not require too much care, but its long coat requires some care, as it tangles easily without good brushing once or twice a week.

    American Longhair Cat

    The American Longhairs tend to be slightly more active than any of their parent breeds. They are more athletic than the Persian cat and, in general, friendlier than him American shorthair cat.

    These cats are a great addition to stables, since they are usually very affectionate with other animals such as horses, goats and cows, and they tend to get along very well with dogs. Big dogs don't have to be too picky about him American Longhair big boned, and small dogs often find a warm pampering partner.

    These kittens are not usually lap cats, but due to the influence of Persian cat they can be very pleasant and patient companions for the elderly or those who cannot leave the house, provided your grooming needs are met.

    The American Longhair enjoys the outdoors a lot and can spend a lot of time looking out the window. Fortunately, they are usually easy to train and quiet enough to fit into a harness and leash for a short walk outside.

    Although large animals and dogs are his friends, these cats tend to be cunning hunters, and the parakeets, small animals and even pet fish could be on the menu if their cages and tanks are not properly secured.

    These cats adapt well to various lifestyles, but they may not be the first choice for a family with many young children, not because they are aggressive, but because they can be elusive, choosing to avoid the fuss.

    Handsome, long-lived and resistant, the American Longhair Cat it can be a wonderful pet for the right home.

    Characteristics "American Longhair Cat (Maine Coon)"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "American Longhair Cat (Maine Coon)" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Activity level

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to other pets

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to children

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Grooming requirements

    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for attention

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection towards its owners

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Videos "American Longhair Cat (Maine Coon)"

    MAINE COON - The giant cat breed
    MAINE COON – The giant cat breed
    Maine Coon Cat 101 - Watch This Before Getting One (Full Guide)

    Maine Coon Cat 101 – Watch This Before Getting One (Full Guide)

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Norwegian Forest Cat
    Federations: ACF, ACFA, CFA, FIFé, LOOF, TICA, WCF

    Bosque de Noruega
    Photo: antagene.com

    The only true thing about the cat Norwegian Forest Cat It's an ancient race.

    The legend, He says that he is none other than the troll of Scandinavian fairy tales cat, But history suggests otherwise.

    It is known that the domestic cat reached Norway by the year 1000 d. c. In addition to arrive with the gradual expansion of cats throughout Europe during previous centuries, cats arrived in Scandinavia due to the trade between the Vikings and the Byzantine Empire. Evidence of this movement are in some colors of fur, which are common in Turkey and Norway, but rare in the rest of Europe.

    This relationship suggests the possibility that the gene for long hair came to Norway by the same trade routes. Long hair gave advantages to the harsh winters of the North, and became a widespread feature in Norwegian cats.

    Gato de os Bosques de Noruega
    Photo: Wilkipedia

    The skogkatt or skaukatt, as is known, not recognized as a race in his native land until the Decade of 1930, and only a few decades later their selective breeding was carried out.

    But, Since the Norwegian Forest cat has gained acceptance in its terra and abroad, Although it remains less well known that the Maine Coon , another similar past long-haired cat.

    This race, also known as wegie, continues to reflect its origins as a farm cat, and breeders sometimes refer to him as their "little lynx".

    It is great, robust and muscular, and his triangular head is defined by a long nose. His glossy hair has a waterproof layer and a less thick, insulating. It still also has the personality of a farm cat.

    These cats are flexible and agile, excellent hunters, and it is known that they fish. Although they are calm and docile companions, they are independent and tend to vigorously defend their territory. A Norwegian lives happily being the only cat in the house.

    Alternative names: Skogkatt / Skaukatt / Norsk Skogkatt / Norsk Skaukatt / Weegie

    Cat breeds: Norwegian Forest Cat

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Cornish Rex
    Federations: LOOF, CFA, ACF, ACFA, TICA, FIFé, WCF, Chats Canada Cats, CCC

    The Cornish Rex it is absolutely unique because it wags its tail like a dog when it is happy.

    Cornish Rex


    Characteristics "Cornish Rex"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Cornish Rex" you know certain factors.
    You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Activity level

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to other pets

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to children

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Grooming requirements

    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for attention

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection towards its owners

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    The history of Cornish Rex started in the summer of 1950 in the small town of Bodmin Moor, Cornwall, England, when serena, a turtle cat owned by Nina Ennismore and Winifred Macalister, gave birth to five kittens. One of the kittens, red and white, He stood out from the crowd for his curly coat and was christened Kallibunker.

    as i grew up, Kallibunker developed other physical characteristics: a long slim body, big ears and a very fine tail. Amused by the little Astrex rabbit-like cat, Mrs. Ennismore discussed it with her vet, who advised him to contact a British geneticist named A.C. Jude. He admitted to Kallibunker's unique characteristics and advised that he be raised with his mother., This serene.

    The result was a new litter of three kittens.: one straight-haired female and two curly-haired males. Unfortunately, one of the males died at 7 months and only one, called Poldhu, survived. Junto con su padre Kallibunker, they then crossed paths with domestic cats, but also with Siamese, the Russian Blue Cat, the British Shorthair cat and the Havana brown cat, in order to obtain sufficient genetic diversity to establish a healthy and solid foundation for this new breed. It also, these various crosses also gave rise to new coats, both in terms of color and pattern.

    In 1956, Life magazine published an article on the Cornish Rex, named for its origin (English Cornwall) and by the similarity of its fur with that of the Astrex rabbit. This article put the new breed in the spotlight of the world. The following year, in 1957, Frances Blancheri imported a cat to California Cornish Rex called Lamorna Cove, nieta de Kallibunker. At the time, she was pregnant with Poldhu and gave birth to a litter of four kittens in the United States., which marked the beginning of the breed in North America.

    In 1960 it was discovered that the gene responsible for the distinctive appearance of Cornish Rex is recessive, that is to say, both parents must be carriers and pass on the gene for their offspring to have curly fur. So, and a Cornish Rex crosses with a cat of another breed (that does not carry the kinky gene), all her kittens will be born with straight hair. But, if they cross paths with a Cornish Rex adult, the 50% of kittens will have a distinctive coat, that is to say, Cornish Rex (the 100% of kittens carry the gene). The recessive character of this gene also makes it possible to obtain curly-haired individuals by crossing two straight-haired cats., if both are carriers of an unexpressed “curly hair” gene, and if it is the latter that is transmitted.

    Despite its British origin, it was an American organization, the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA), the one who first recognized the Cornish Rex in 1964. It wasn't until three years later, in 1967, When the British Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) he did the same, followed by the Fédération Internationale Féline (FiFé) in 1968. But, was not up 1997 when the International Cat Association (TICA) also fully recognized the breed and allowed it to compete in the feline shows organized under its auspices.

    The Cornish Rex is now relatively common in the United States, where it fluctuates between 10th and 15th place in the ranking of breeds by number of annual registrations in the CFA (over forty in total).

    On the other hand, is struggling to establish itself in Europe. Even in your home country, it's relatively rare, since the GCCF statistics show that only a few 60 individuals per year. It is even in decline, as the number of individuals has dropped by a factor of four compared to the turn of the century. In France, the number of births per year approaches that of Great Britain, at around 80 Cornish Rex registered annually in the Livre Officiel des Origine Félines (LOOF), a figure that has remained fairly stable since 2009, but before it was less than half.

    Physical characteristics

    Cornish Rex
    Young Cornish Rex – No machine-readable author provided. Groeni assumed (based on copyright claims)., CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons

    The Cornish Rex it is a medium size cat, long and thin, with unusual appearance and features. But, his long and slim body is very muscular, and her arched back, prolonged by a long and fine tail, forms an elegant curve. Their legs they are also long and thin, but surprisingly powerful, especially the rear ones, that allow you to jump to impressive heights.

    Its head it is longer than it is wide, it is egg-shaped when viewed from the side and is relatively small in relation to its body. This impression is reinforced by their huge ears conics located at the top of the skull. Its big eyes ovals are slightly sloping upwards and can be any color. The whiskers they are not straight but curved, unlike most cats.

    The most distinctive feature of Cornish Rex It, of course, his short coat, very soft and silky, notched or even curly. But, in the head, shoulders and legs, sometimes it can be too short to have that specific wavy texture. It also, all coat colors and patterns are allowed by breed standards.

    Last, the sexual dimorphism it is well marked, being the male much larger and heavier than the female.

    Size and weight

  • Male size: 32 – 35 cm.
  • female size: 30 – 33 cm.
  • Male weight: 3,5 – 4,5 kg
  • female weight: 2 – 3,5 kg

  • Varieties "Cornish Rex"

    The Cornish Rex Variant, a cross between Cornish Rex and the British Shorthair cat, does not have the characteristic coat of the breed, but it carries the gene that gave rise to it. When this cat crosses a Cornish Rex, each of its offspring has a probability of 50 % of having the specific coat of the breed and, Therefore, to be recognized as Cornish Rex by the different organizations.

    These cats have been used since the beginning of the breeding program to increase the gene pool by introducing new individuals., thus guaranteeing the good health of the breed, while allowing the specific characteristics of the Cornish Rex are passed on to the next generations.

    Character and skills

    The Cornish Rex is loving, very sociable and constantly seeks the attention of his family. He loves to follow his owner and interact with him, either playing or purring on your lap. He loves the company of humans, not just his family, but he is also capable of having fun alone if he cannot find a playmate. But, needs attention: it is a breed of cat that does not tolerate loneliness well, therefore not suitable for homeowners who are away often. On the other hand, the fact that he appreciates so much being cared for makes him an excellent therapy cat.

    Playful and very open, he likes to spend time with children, as long as they have learned to behave in the presence of an animal and do not intimidate it. They can be an active child's favorite playmate.

    In addition to humans of all ages, their sociability also extends to other animals, and accepts other dogs very well, as well as dogs used to cats. But, care must be taken that the other occupants of the house are not disturbed by this energetic cat, for example if you have to cohabit with a very calm and / or elderly dog.

    The Cornish Rex he is very active and can spend hours playing and exploring. Running after a ball, retrieving a thrown object or displaying exceptional climbing skills by climbing to the top of the closet are activities he never tires of.

    with such energy, you obviously like to have access to the outdoors, where you can jump higher and run further, but its owner must be aware that the risk of the cat escaping is very real. In fact, being close to all humans, you may decide to stay in another home for a long time if you find food and distractions, like a playmate. In addition to microchipping your cat, a collar and tag with his name and his owner's phone number - or even a GPS collar for cats, so you know where it is at all times- can be a good investment if you are allowed to roam freely around the neighborhood.

    The Cornish Rex can live in a flat, but you need room to run and jump, both inside and outside. It is also important that the family has one or more lockable areas to ensure that their pet does not rob the kibble supply or knock over that beautiful vase that is so important to them.. In fact, besides being dynamic, has slim, agile legs that allow you to pick up and manipulate small objects with ease: for example, using a doorknob is child's play for him.

    In any case, he loves the heat, so he especially appreciates being near the fire, on a radiator or under a duvet. But, his favorite place to nap is his owner's lap. When they are caressed, they seem warmer than other breeds, but it's not like that. In fact, your body temperature is quite similar; only that the thinness of their fur makes their skin temperature feel more.

    In addition to being active and agile, he is also a very intelligent cat, able to learn to open doors and cupboards or sneak up to steal food as soon as the owner turns his back on him. They also excel at puzzle-type cat games that offer a reward. Teaching your cat tricks is perfectly doable with this breed, and can give impressive results.

    Last, They are one of the most meowing cat breeds, who do not hesitate to claim attention by meowing and / or launching long monologues.

    care and grooming

    Cornish rex
    Cornish rex – Tomi Tapio K from Helsinki, Finland, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    The Cornish Rex It is an easy-care breed of cats, as a brief weekly brushing is all you need to keep your coat healthy. More frequent brushing, or too strong, can damage the beautiful coat. For the same reason, bathing your cat should be an exception.

    In the case of a cat with very short hair, just run your hand through its fur. But, for a cat with a thicker or longer coat, a brush is more appropriate. In any case, being sociable and appreciating being touched - as long as it is done delicately- often appreciate these grooming sessions.

    This breed usually sheds very little throughout the year. But, some specimens have a more pronounced shedding period in autumn and spring.

    It also, ears should be cleaned weekly with a damp cloth to prevent buildup of wax and dirt that could lead to infection. You should take the opportunity to make sure that his eyes and teeth are clean and that his claws do not need to be trimmed..

    Indoor or outdoor cat?

    As the Cornish Rex has a very fine fur, not suitable as an outdoor cat. Especially in winter, the cat, with its fine fur, cannot stay outside for long in cold weather. But, if the weather is good, you can let the cat out under supervision. A fenced garden or a secure balcony are ideal to satisfy the cat's urge to move. But, the cat prefers a warm and cozy place on the windowsill. If the cat stays indoors, a litter tray and scratching post are essential.

    How much activity does he need? "Cornish Rex"?

    The Cornish Rex is an active cat breed that loves to jump and needs a lot of exercise. Due to his great intelligence, these active cats need regular and meaningful exercise. They are always on the lookout for new challenges and quickly learn even the most difficult intelligence games.. With patience, you can also teach your smart four-legged friend little tricks, how to open doors. A great tree for cats to climb and jump, as well as a varied selection of toys make the child happy. gato Rex

    Health and nutrition

    Cornish Rex
    Two Cornish Rex female cats – Tomi Tapio K from Helsinki, Finland, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commonsv

    The Cornish Rex it is rather a hardy breed of cat, with little genetic predisposition to any particular disease.

    But, is particularly susceptible to certain conditions:

    • The umbilical hernia, a malformation that allows part of the intestines to pass through the abdominal wall. But, the last case registered in this breed was in 1997;
    • Congenital hypotrichosis, better known as "hereditary baldness", which makes the coat much less dense than normal;
    • The patellar dislocation, a relatively common knee problem that can cause difficulty walking;
    • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, an enlargement of heart tissue that causes changes in its function.

    Another risk factor for the health of the Cornish Rex is the exposure to the sun, since its thin and sparse coat protects it little from the sun's rays. So, special care must be taken to protect the cat from the sun in summer, for example, not allowing you to go outside during the day. In the case of white or very light colored cats, it may even help to put sunscreen on their ears to prevent burning.

    In general, their fur does not protect them well from the elements, especially bad weather. No cat should be left outside in bad weather, but the Cornish Rex, despite his British origins, it is much less resistant to rain than most of its congeners.

    Life expectancy

    12 to 14 years


    The Cornish Rex not a fussy cat, and can be easily fed commercially produced cat food, either food or croquettes. But, to keep you healthy, the food must be of sufficient quality to provide all the necessary nutrients, and be adapted to their age and activity level.

    On the other hand, he also likes to help himself to his family's food, so you have to ensure that there are no leftovers.

    Being very active and capable of self-regulation, the risk of obesity is quite limited in this cat. So, it is safe to leave food available at all times.

    For sale "Cornish Rex"

    Before getting a cat as special as him Cornish Rex, must also be well informed. How cats are quite unknown, there is probably no standardized breeding association and you will have to look for private breeders. At the time of buying, make sure that kittens do not have bald spots on their fur and that they look healthy all over their bodies. You also have to look at the parents.

    The average price of a Cornish Rex kitten is about 850 EUR. The price range is quite small, since the vast majority of individuals are offered between 800 and 1.000 EUR.

    Male kittens tend to be somewhat more expensive than female kittens.

    Videos "Cornish Rex"

    Five Cornish Rex Kittens Meet Some New Fluffy And Scaly Friends | Too Cute!
    Five Cornish Rex Kittens Meet Some New Fluffy And Scaly Friends | Too Cute!
    Cats 101: Cornish Rex
    Cats 101: Cornish Rex as featured on Animal Planet

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Geoffroy's cat
    Leopardus geoffroyi

    The Geoffroy's cat it is a relatively unknown species to the general public, but not without reason. In fact, remains first and foremost a wild cat.
    Geoffroy's Cat
    Geoffroy’s Cat – Charles Barilleaux from Cincinnati, Ohio, United States of America, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons



    The Geoffroy's cat (Leopardus geoffroyi) is a small and little known spotted wild cat native to central and southern South America. Etienne Geoffroy Saint- Hilary (1772-1844), 19th century French zoologist who gives his name to Geoffroy's cat, studied this animal when he was a professor of zoology in Paris. During your study, identified five subspecies based on their geographic dispersion:

    • Leopardus geoffroyi geoffroyi – Central Argentina
    • Leopardus geoffroyi euxantha – North of Argentina, West of Brazil
    • Leopardus geoffroyi leucobapta – Patagonia
    • Leopardus geoffroyi paraguae – Paraguay, southeast of Brazil, Uruguay
    • Leopardus geoffroyi salinarum – Northwest and central Argentina

    Physical characteristics

    "Geoffroy's cat"

    Gato de Geoffroy
    Geoffrey's cat, taken at the Cincinnati Zoo. Photo by Greg Hume – Greg Hume, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    The Geoffroy's cat has small black spots that evenly cover its fur with little variation in size and spacing. Its fur varies from an orange-brown color in the northern areas to a gray color in the southernmost areas with numerous shades between them., but completely black coats have been found to be common. Like most wild cats, the fur on its belly is pale in color ranging from cream to white. Its tail and limbs are covered with dark rings, almost equally spaced.

    The Geoffroy's cat is the size of an average domestic cat, with an average of about 60 centimeters (24 inches) from the head to the base of the tail and an average of about 30 centimeters (12 inches). Males weigh an average of 4,5 kg (10 pounds), while females weigh an average of 3,6 kg (8 pounds), although individuals weighing up to 7,7 kg (17 pounds).

    When samples were compared between regions, only the mass of the male cat varied with geographic location. Those found in the southern part of their range are usually larger than those in the north, although no correlation was found between body mass and latitude.

    Unusual among wild cats and cats in general, it has been observed that geoffroy's cats stand up on their hind legs to scan the surrounding area. Some individuals from geoffroy's cats live more than 20 years in captivity, but, average, wild cats usually live up to 14 years.

    Habits and skills

    Geoffroy's cat
    Baby Geoffrey’s Cat – Steve Jurvetson from Menlo Park, USA, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    The geoffroy's cats are nocturnal and their activities peak in the middle of the night. They tend to spend most of their time on the ground, but they are able to climb trees and can swim very well, since the locals call them "fishing cats" for their ability to easily enter the water.

    Like lonely hunters, the Geoffroy's cat only comes into contact with others during the mating season. It has been described as an opportunistic predator, which means that it will feed on whatever is most abundant in its area or easiest to prey. Small mammals are their most frequent prey, representing at least the 63,3% of their primary diet in each season, while birds are the most hunted during the warmer seasons.

    The geoffroy's cats they tend to use grasslands and marshes for hunting and lounging and use forest views to mark their scent. Seasonal differences in their diet were markedly greater between the warmer and colder seasons., suggesting that the diet was limited by seasonal fluctuation and prey availability.


    The geoffroy's cats they inhabit the grasslands of the Andes pampas, in the deserts and semi-deserts of Mount, in the dry forests and savannas of the Gran Chaco landscape, from southern Bolivia to the Strait of Magellan, at a height of up to 3.300 meters above the sea level. The total size of the range of these cats is, on average, of about 8,83 km2, while the main habitat these cats frequently visit only encompasses 1,46 km2. When observed in nature, the geoffroy's cats who lived in habitats modified by ranches and cattle grazing were more active, they had wider ranges and traveled greater distances than those found in protected areas.

    Conservation status

    Geoffroy's Cat
    Leopardus geoffroyi (Geoffroy’s Cat), Karlsruhe Zoo, Germany – Daf-de, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    In the news, the Geoffroy's cat is almost threatened and, though not in immediate danger, you are at risk.

    The geoffroy's cats suffer from very high hunting pressure outside their protected area, which currently constitutes one of its greatest threats to conservation. But, the exploitation of their skins for the illegal fur trade industry between the years 60 and 80, it is estimated that some 350.000 skins only between 1976 and 1978.

    Since the middle of the years 80, hunting and trade in their skins have decreased significantly, but it's still one of your biggest threats. In a recent study using camera traps, It is estimated that the population density of the Geoffroy's cat is of some 9-40 individuals for each 100 km2. Although the population size is currently unknown, we believe the population is declining and thinning. But, they are still occasionally killed when seen as pests or as predators of livestock. These skins can be seen in circulation within the local illegal trade.

    In the center of Argentina, man-made mortality represents the 62% of the known deaths of the Geoffroy's cat, including poaching, death by domestic dogs and collisions with vehicles. Another factor contributing to their danger is the overwhelming demand for them by the exotic pet trade.

    The "Geoffroy's cat" in captivity

    The Geoffroy's cat it is a relatively unknown species to the general public, but not without reason. In fact, remains first and foremost a wild cat: if it can withstand the presence of man in its natural environment or even be bred in captivity, It is unlikely, on the other hand, that can be tamed.

    Nonetheless, these cats are illegally caught and bred with domestic cats, which produces hybrid cats and reduces the total population. Critical forests and habitats are rapidly being lost to human causes, like deforestation, but unlike other species that depend heavily on their habitat, the Geoffroy's cat has learned to adapt and to use open areas as well. Currently, the Geoffroy's cat is protected in Argentina, but due to the lack of information available on its natural history, it is not possible to develop an adequate and scientifically sound conservation strategy to protect this animal.

    Videos "Geoffroy's cat"

    GEOFFROY CAT Species Spotlight

    Salt Cat: The Ghost of South America

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Minskin cat
    Federations: TICA

    Even in his homeland, United States, the Minskin remains unknown. Breeders of the breed can be counted on the fingers of one hand, so the annual number of births is extremely limited.


    Characteristics "Minskin cat"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Minskin cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Activity level

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to other pets

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to children

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Grooming requirements

    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for attention

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection towards its owners

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    the atypical Minskin is the result of the will of Paul McSorley, an American breeder of Munchkin based in Boston (Massachusetts) that one day he set out to create a breed of cat with no hair and short legs, hence the name he gave it, given that "min» is short for «miniature» and «skin» refers to your skin.

    To achieve your goal, in 1998 crossed a specimen from his kennel with a Sphynx cat (Canadian Sphynx). In fact, the most striking feature of Munchkin cat is having very short legs, while that of the Sphynx is having skin without hair or with hair on the ends (legs, tail, ears and face mask). This crossover allowed him to combine the two characteristics he wanted.

    Next, continued his breeding program by introducing the American Burmese cat and the Devon Rex. He wanted to expand the genetic pool and recover certain physical and temperamental traits of these breeds.

    How the first generations did not give the expected results, Paul McSorley had to wait until July 2000 to get the first kitten that met your expectations. For the next five years, were born no less than 50 short-legged, hairless cats.

    Recognition by official bodies

    "Minskin cat"

    Minskin kitten photo taken in Massachusetts by Minskin breed founder Paul McSorley – Paulmcsorley, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    The short legs of the Minskin, characteristic that it shares with its ancestor Munchkin cat, correspond to a delay in the growth of bones that contain. Thus, all four limbs do not grow as large as the rest of the body, which has a medium size.

    This is due to a spontaneous genetic mutation associated with a dominant gene.. In other words, an individual only needs to have one copy of the gene to have this particularity. This also implies that kittens can inherit the gene even if only one parent has it..

    This morphological characteristic explains that the Munchkin has always been a source of debate and controversy. Following the example of the International Cat Association (TICA) or Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF), some feline reference organizations have recognized it, but other associations, on the other hand, refuse to take the plunge: the fact that the race is based on a genetic anomaly puts them back.

    It is no wonder that the Minskin has inherited the controversies associated with his ancestor: the fact that it is a recent feline breed is by no means the only explanation why its recognition by global or national feline institutions remains almost non-existent at the moment.

    The TICA was an exception and recognized it as an experimental breed in 2008. Next, closely followed by the organization's genetics committee, whose mission is to control the work of the breeders and supervise the development of the breeds. In 2019, the organization eventually reversed its decision and no longer recognizes the breed.


    The Minskin it is one of the rarest cat breeds in the world. The fact that it is not (yet?) recognized by the main feline organizations does not favor, Obviously, its development, not to mention that some breeders are reluctant to develop a breed based on a genetic abnormality.

    Even in his homeland, United States, the Minskin remains unknown. Breeders of the breed can be counted on the fingers of one hand, so the annual number of births is extremely limited.

    Physical characteristics

    The Minskin has a particularly original look, and rarely leaves anyone indifferent. Almost hairless, it is small in size and has short legs that keep it close to the ground.

    Minskin – The Discerning Cat

    Size and weight

    • Male size: 18 to 20 cm.
    • female size: 18-20 cm.
    • Male weight: 2 to 3 kg
    • female weight: 2 to 3 kg


    The Minskin it is a medium length dog (semi-cobby). Long but small to medium in size, his body is made of solid bones and strong muscles. The chest is broad and strong. As it grows, keeps her cute kitty look.

    The Minskin it is distinguished by its very short legs of equal length. They can make your body appear longer than it actually is, but they do not impede their agility: it is quite comparable to other cats.

    The feet are round and compact, in line with the legs and pointing forwards, which gives the cat a solid foundation.

    However, It should be noted that this particularity inherited from his ancestor the Munchkin cat is not exempt from debate. It is the result of a genetic mutation that corresponds to a delay in the growth of the bones of the four extremities.


    The back of the Minskin it is flat and ends in a tail slightly larger than the body, tapering from base to tip. The tail is somewhat blunt.


    Supported by a neck well developed, the Minskin's head is wider than it is long. Its shape is rounded, so much that there is no flat surface. The profile shows a slight stop.

    The ears they are especially large and are located on the top of the head or on the sides. They have a wide, open base and a rounded tip.

    The eyes they are far apart, they are big, round and open. They give the dog a gentle air that melts those who cross its path, but also an alert and intelligent expression.

    The nose it is neither straight nor bulky. It is prolonged in its alignment by a strong and firm chin.

    Whisker pads are prominent, and the whiskers themselves can be very dense, scarce or absent altogether.


    The Minskin has short fur on the limbs (legs, tail, ears and face mask), while the rest of the body has a small barely visible down or is completely naked. But, the hair on the legs may rise a little on the shoulders, hips or hindquarters. The hair on the temples is very sparse, but sometimes there are tufts of hair at the entrance of the ears. The belly is always totally hairless.

    In all cases, this peculiarity is not the result of genetic manipulation or skin disease: it simply corresponds to a natural genetic mutation that has existed for a long time in the feline species, and that in this case he has inherited from his ancestor the Sphynx cat (Canadian Sphynx). The corresponding gene is recessive: to have this particularity, an individual must carry two copies of the gene. This also means that only two parents with hairless or lightly fluffy fur can give birth to offspring that also have these characteristics. (but not necessarily all).

    The skin of the Minskin may be wrinkled, especially when he's still a kitten. The texture is similar to that of cashmere.

    layer colors

    The coat of the Minskin can be of any pattern and color; there are no restrictions in this regard.

    Character and skills

    Closeness to their owners

    The Minskin not only distinguished by its unusual physique, but also because of his very affectionate character.

      In fact, it is an ideal cat for a family, since he loves and seeks the company of humans, being very loving and affectionate with everyone. He is not stingy with his affection, and expresses their attachment by waiting outside the door to greet their owners when they enter. May show slight preference for human referent (the person who cares the most for you), but he is not one of those who are dedicated to a single cat, so he has a good relationship with all members of the household.

      They like pampering and care, and they are very good at making themselves understood when they feel the need to be taken care of, without being too loud or intrusive.

      Get satisfaction more easily because stroking it is very pleasant: her almost hairless and warm skin gives the sensation of touching cashmere. The absence of a coat makes him seek the warmth of others: doesn't hesitate to snuggle up against one of their own to warm up and soak up the sun.

    Ability to endure loneliness
      Very attached to his family, the Minskin can't stand being alone for hours or even days, even if you share your home with another cat or dog.

      If you want to adopt this cat, I better have a more homey lifestyle, otherwise you could develop behavioral problems.

    Get along with children
      The Minskin it is a good companion for children, since he likes to play with them and is patient.

      But, not necessarily a good companion for a very restless child. In fact, both its small size and its bare skin make it especially exposed and require it to be treated delicately.

      In any case, no cat, Whatever your race, must be left alone with a very young child, without adult supervision: the safety of both partners is at stake.

    Get along with strangers
      As this cat is still new and underdeveloped, some character traits remain unclear. This is especially true in his relationship with unknown humans., which can vary greatly from one subject to another.

      Waiting to see it clearer, it is important to ensure that you are never forced and that you always have a workaround. A cat tree is an essential accessory to allow you not only to exercise, but also observe the world around you and evaluate situations from above, so that you feel calm. If you want to meet the visitor, can approach him.

    Need for exercise
      Contrary to what her short-legged appearance might suggest, the Minskin is relatively athletic and has a fairly high exercise need.

      He especially likes to run, and is capable of going much faster than you would expect. He also likes to climb, and here too its particular morphology does not harm it much.

      All this explains that you need a certain space to be comfortable: it is not a matter of living within the four walls of a very small apartment.

    Recommended activities
      To the Minskin he likes children because he is very playful. It is not enough to caress it and give it affection, but you also have to challenge your intelligence through various games. Thus, it is recommended to spend twenty minutes two or three times a day playing with the dog and thus stimulate it not only physically but also intellectually.

      Leave interactive toys, like puzzle, it's also a good way to keep you busy when you're out and about.

    Sound level
      The Minskin knows how to communicate and make himself understood by his family when he has a request to make, for example if you want a hug. But, not the type to meow excessively (or even for no reason), and the volume of his meows is quite reasonable.

      In other words, does not hesitate to express himself when necessary, but he does it gently.

    Adaptation to change
      Moving houses or going on vacation does not have to upset a Minskin as much as he usually does with his peers. In fact, his curiosity makes him adapt quite easily to changes in his environment: he does not stop touring his new home and quickly finds his place in it.
    Getting along with other cats
      Usually, the Minskin has no difficulty living with a travel companion: this makes him a playmate and makes his masters' absences less painful.

      But, if the two dogs have not known each other since they are puppies, it is preferable to accustom them in stages, so that everyone can find their place and feel comfortable.

      It also, as the Minskin barely has hair, your skin is more prone to small wounds. So, you should check your dog's nails regularly and trim them as soon as they get too long, to prevent inadvertent scratching.

    Get along with dogs
      The Minskin gets along very well with canines, If and when, of course, a cat-friendly breed of dog is chosen. Sharing a home with another animal is a great way to give your Minskin a playmate and make him feel less lonely when his owners are away.

      Things go better if the coexistence is established from the earliest age of the two protagonists. If that is not the case, it is better to start the relationship gradually, so that everyone finds their place and thus minimizes the risk of conflict.

      In any case, it is important to regularly trim the claws of your(s) pet(s), since the absence of hair means that your skin is not really protected: could inadvertently hurt her when playing together.

    Ideal home

    Minskin – stealyourheartexotics.com
      The Minskin is a suitable jack for a floor, as long as it is large enough to allow you to exercise comfortably. Don't let its short legs fool you: this cat is no less athletic than any other. Can run under the ground, but that doesn't stop you from moving quickly, like any cat. He is also quite capable of climbing and jumping, and does not miss the need to find another route to get where he wants.

      On the other hand, the fact that you live indoors protects you from external aggressions: cold, Sun, bad weather… In effect, your almost bare skin can easily be burned by ultraviolet rays in case of prolonged exposure to the sun, and makes you especially sensitive to cold when mercury drops.

    In the garden?
      Although Minskins they are perfectly in a flat, they are never happier than when they live in a big house with free access to the outside, thanks to a cat flap that allows them to come and go as they please.

      But, you have to take certain precautions, due to its lack of fur. When the temperatures are low, it is useful to equip him with a cat coat and/or not leave him outside during the coldest hours. This accessory also has the advantage of protecting your skin, to avoid injury to tree branches, the bushes, etc. During the hot season, it is essential to apply a sun cream designed for felines, and it is better to avoid leaving it in the sun when it is at its peak.

    as first cat?
      The Minskin needs their owners to be present by their side, and his skin almost or totally devoid of hair makes it need more care and attention.

      So, it is a quite demanding breed, not necessarily recommended for a first adoption.

    For a person with little time?
      It is clear that the Minskin not a good choice for an unavailable person, since its proximity to its humans means that it does not cope well with their prolonged absences: can cause real separation anxiety.

      The problem is less likely to arise if you share your home with another cat or canine representative, but it is still true that it needs human presence and daily care.

      Thus, before adopting a cat of this breed, it is important to think about the time that you will be able to dedicate, at the risk of ending up with an unhappy partner.

    for an older person?
      The Minskin it is very suitable for an older person, as long as you are willing to go the extra mile to take proper care of it, including daily skin care.

      They are close to people, loving and cuddly, without being "drinkable". It also, although it is playful, also appreciates long rest periods.

      So, cohabitation can be very beneficial for both parties.

    For a person with allergies?
      As the Minskin has almost hairless skin, sometimes comes across as a hypoallergenic breed.

      It's about forgetting that no breed is totally hypoallergenic.. In fact, cat allergies are caused by proteins (especially the Fel d 1, the most allergenic) found in urine, tallow, saliva, perspiration and in certain skin cells. All cats produce them and, Therefore, are likely to cause an allergic reaction.

      But, It is true that the fact that the Minskin almost completely hairless means that it does not shed and, Therefore, does not leave allergens everywhere in its path.

      Since zero risk does not exist, an allergic person should not do without a test in real life, which consists of spending several hours with the animal you are considering adopting.

    For a small budget?
      What is rare is expensive, and the Minskin is no exception. So, at the time of purchase, far from a budget-friendly breed.

      It also, the amount spent on their diet tends to be slightly higher than average. In effect, his lack of hair makes, to maintain a body temperature between 40° and 41°C at all times (that is to say, two degrees higher than most other races), should burn more calories, Therefore, eat more.

    Grooming and caring for the "Minskin cat"

    "Minskin cat"

    coat care
      As the Minskin it only has hair on the limbs and the rest of the body is completely lacking or covered by a very light down, your skin is especially exposed and requires certain care.

      Ideally, clean the skin daily with a soft, damp cloth to keep it healthy. Frequent bathing is also essential.

      The Minskin you should bathe approximately once every fortnight. This is because the light fluff that covers the skin is not enough to absorb all the sebum that the dermis emits. (the underside of the skin), and the skin becomes fatty. Washing the skin removes the accumulation of oil and keeps the skin tissue soft and clean. As in the case of any cat, this requires the use of a moisturizing shampoo specially designed for felines.

      Once soaped and rinsed thoroughly to avoid skin irritation, a soft towel should be used to dry the cat. An electric dryer is not appropriate, as it can cause burns.

    ear care
      the ears of Minskin should be checked and cleaned weekly. Removing dirt with a damp cloth will help prevent infection (starting with the ear).

      This is especially important, since the Minskin has little or no hair to protect it.

    Eye care
      as with the ears, it is necessary to check the eyes of the Minskin weekly.

      If they are not clean, it is essential to clean the corners with a damp cloth: This will prevent the accumulation of dirt., that can cause disease.

    Teeth care
      As in the case of any race, maintenance of the teeth of the Minskin. Helps prevent plaque build-up, that can cause not only bad breath, but also serious diseases.

      Brushing once a week with a toothpaste designed specifically for small felines is a minimum, but the ideal is to do it daily.

    Nail care
      The length of your nails Minskin should be checked at least once a month, even if you have access to the outside. This is because natural wear and tear may not be enough.. If the claws are too long, they can get in the way, break or even hurt the dog. So, if they have grown too much, you have to cut them manually.

      It also, like any cat, the Minskin you should be able to scratch whenever you feel the need. So, a scratching post is essential; otherwise, you may have no choice but to fall on the furniture or curtains.

    Introduction to hairdressing

    Whether the skin, the ears, the eyes, teeth or claws, caring for a Minskin it's not very complex. But, it is essential to master the correct gestures, at the risk of hurting or even injuring you. So, it is best to learn them the first time from a vet or professional groomer.

    In any case, the Minskin has the advantage of loving to be handled. So, easily accept these grooming moments, And he is all the more receptive and cooperative if his master knows how to make these occasions special moments of caresses and tenderness.. Things also go better if you get used to it from a young age.

    Health and nutrition

    Resistance to cold and heat
      The completely or almost completely bare skin of the Minskin makes it especially sensitive to low temperatures and sunlight. Although the body of the Minskin is covered by a small, almost invisible coat, this is not enough to protect you from the elements, and not just the weather.

      So, during the summer months, you should apply sunscreen to your cat's body and avoid letting it go outside during the hottest hours. This will prevent sunburn, burns and possible skin cancer.

      The other way, It is also essential to invest in a small coat to keep your cat warm in low temperatures, or even sickness. In any case, it is best to avoid keeping it outside during the coldest hours of winter, first thing in the morning or in the evening.

      There should always be a place in the house where the cat can be kept warm, away from cold and drafts.


    As the Minskin it is a recent breed and is not yet widespread, information about your health is missing.

    But, like any race, is more prone to certain diseases. In your case, is about:

    • The Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which corresponds to a thickening of the heart muscle. May cause respiratory problems, severe fatigue and difficulty exercising. It is caused by a genetic mutation and can be detected by a DNA test. But, it is impossible to know when symptoms will start to appear;
    • Lordosis, that is to say, an excessive curvature of the spine;
    • The excavated breast, a concave deformation of the rib cage. This leads to compression, which can cause breathing or heart problems;
    • Cutaneous mastocytosis, a skin disease causing lesions that require treatment, usually on time. The causes of this condition are not well known..
    Healthy adoption
      As in the case of any race, it is essential to go to a trusted breeder to have the best chance of adopting a kitten Minskin healthy. It is also a guarantee that the little feline has been raised and socialized in an environment that allows him to be healthy in the head and legs..

      A serious professional will ensure that certain genetic tests are performed on the proposed breeders, to ensure that they are not carriers of a genetic disease that can be passed on to their offspring. It will not hesitate to exclude from its breeding program any individual that presents such a risk..

      In addition to the results of the tests carried out on the stallions, must be able to present a certificate of good health issued by a veterinarian, as well as the list of vaccinations administered to the kitten, that have been registered in your vaccination or health card.

    Maintain good health
      Once adopted, the new owner is responsible for keeping the kitten healthy throughout its life.

      This includes taking the dog to the vet for a regular checkup.. Once a year is enough for the first few years, but this frequency should be increased as the animal ages.

      These checks allow the vet to diagnose potential problems, sometimes even before they appear (and, Therefore, treat them in optimal conditions), but also carry out the necessary vaccination reminders.

      They are likely to be carried out without too much difficulty: it is known that the Minskin enjoys handling and is not one to put up a lot of resistance when examined.

      The owner must also ensure that their cat is treated for parasites as often as necessary throughout the year.. This preventative effort is essential to ensure that your dog is always protected against parasites., even if I live between four walls. Although the probability is significantly lower, an indoor cat can get parasites.

    Minskin –

    Life expectancy

    12 – 14 years.


    Like any other cat, the Minskin should be fed a diet that meets their nutritional needs, both quantitatively and qualitatively. This means that it differs according to your age, activity level and health status.

    In any case, is distinguished by its appetite, which is slightly higher than that of most of its congeners, as it happens with his ancestor the Sphynx cat (Canadian Sphynx). In effect, his almost bare skin forces him to continuously maintain a body temperature between 40 y 41°C, that is to say, two degrees higher than most other cat breeds. As such, have to burn more calories… and, Therefore, eat more.

    This is most noticeable in winter, when you need to feed more, especially if you have access to the outside. In any case, to avoid underfeeding or giving him more than he needs, it is best to consult a veterinarian to find out the daily dose to be given.

    Industrial foods can perfectly meet your needs, as long as they are of good quality. On the other hand, you should avoid giving food intended for humans, Unless you select them carefully to match your needs. Not to mention the risk of foods that are popular with humans but toxic to cats.. In other words, although he knows how to soften his owners, they should refrain from systematically giving him food scraps and offering him access to bins, who does not hesitate to delve with relish if the opportunity is offered.

    Last, as in the case of any small cat, it is essential that the Minskin have fresh water at your disposal at all times, so you can quench your thirst when you feel the need.

    For sale "Minskin cat"

    The Minskin it is a very rare recent breed. The fact that it is not recognized by any major feline organization (mainly due to the controversy over the genetic mutation associated with short legs) explain that it is difficult for him to develop.

    In fact, in Europe , currently there are no breeders of the breed.

    To adopt a Minskin, you have to go to the United States, your country of origin. There are only a handful of breeders there, that they usually offer their little ones between 1.500 and 2.400 USD.

    But, adopting a cat abroad implies finding out about the regulations that regulate the importation of pets in the country where you live, to avoid unpleasant surprises. It also, It is important to note that administrative and transport costs will be added to the purchase price.

    In any case, the latter can differ considerably depending on the reputation of the breeding, of the line from which the animal comes, but also its intrinsic characteristics, in particular its physical characteristics. This last point justifies the differences, sometimes significant, within the same litter.

    Videos "Minskin cat"

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    Alternative names:

  • Teddy Rex
  • ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Selkirk Rex cat
    Federations: LOOF, CFA, ACF, ACFA, TICA, WCF, FIFE (provisional)

    The word Rex is generally used to refer to curly-haired cat breeds, while the first term is simply the name of your stepfather. The Selkirk Rex It, Therefore, the only breed in the world named after a person.
    Photo Wilkipedia


    Characteristics "Selkirk Rex cat"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Selkirk Rex cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Activity level

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to other pets

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to children

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Grooming requirements

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for attention

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection towards its owners

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    In 1987, a litter of kittens, whose mother was straight-haired and whose father was unknown, was abandoned in a Wyoming shelter, United States. Among them was a small curly-haired cat. It was adopted by Jerri Newman, a Persian breeder from Montana who was drawn to the unusual-looking felines and was immediately fascinated by the small, curly-haired animal. He called the little blue and white cat with alert green eyes that looked like a little lamb Miss Pesto of NoFace . When he reached sexual maturity, decided to cross it with Photo Finish of Deekay, one of his black persians.

    From this mating six cubs were born, three of which had curly fur. After studying the genetics of cats, Jerri Newman realized that his cats' curly hair was the result of a spontaneous genetic mutation (that is to say, without human intervention, randomly and naturally), and that the gene for curly hair is dominant. In other words, it is enough for an individual to inherit the mutated version of the gene from only one of their parents for them to also have this particularity.

    In this first litter, one of the kittens was long-haired, which meant that the lady Pesto of Noface she was also a carrier of the recessive gene for long hair; in other words, was heterozygous for the short hair gene.

    Jerri Newman decided to create a breed of curly hair (short or long) who you called Selkirk Rex. The word Rex is generally used to refer to curly-haired cat breeds, while the first term is simply the name of your stepfather. The Selkirk Rex It, Therefore, the only breed in the world named after a person.

    To fix the characteristics of this cat, and in particular the hair that gives it the appearance of a sheep, Jerri Newman decided to mate the lady Pesto of NoFace with one of her children with curly white fur. He also used this son to write the breed standard. Three of the four pups that were born from this union met the desired criteria.: a solid body, but also and above all a curly coat, either short or long.

    So he surrounded himself with other breeders who shared his passion for the herding cat and worked with them to further develop the breed.. To expand the breed's gene pool and avoid inbreeding problems, that could lead to health problems, but also to obtain graceful looking cats, they decided to cross the Selkirk Rex with the American shorthair cat, the British Shorthair cat, the Persian and the Exotic Shorthair. The first two are very similar breeds, short-haired and balanced character. The Exotic Shorthair is a cross between the Persian and the British Shorthair cat (among others). As he exotic as the Persian they are long-haired and have a friendly and homely character.

    In the following years, Jerri Newman and other breeders developed the breed and quickly began the process for it to be recognized by feline organizations.

    Recognition of the «Selkirk Rex»

    The Selkirk Rex it is a recent breed of cats, but the quality work done by Jerry Newman and his collaborators has allowed it to be recognized very quickly around the world.

    Already in 1990, the International Cat Association (TICA) was the first official body that took the step of recognizing the Selkirk Rex with a provisional status reserved for new breeds. Just four years later, in 1994, granted to Selkirk Rex full recognition, thus opening the doors to the feline exhibitions organized under its auspices.

    The Canadian Cat Association (CCA) followed him in 1997, and the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) did the same in 2000.

    The import of Selkirk Rex to Europe in the years 90 it also allowed him to gain the support of local organizations. In France, where it was introduced in 1991, the Official Book of Feline Origins (LOOF) recognized her in 2003. El Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) did the same in 2004.

    In 2017 it was the turn of the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé), that coordinates organizations of no less than 40 countries -including Felis Belgica in Belgium and the Fédération Féline Helvétique in Switzerland-.

    If we add to this that it is also recognized by the World Cat Federation, we can see that the Selkirk Rex is now recognized by all major international and national feline organizations.

    Popularity of the «Selkirk Rex»

    Selkirk Rex
    Selkirk Rex

    The Selkirk Rex is a relatively new breed. But, is already well established, especially in North America and Europe.

    In United States, your country of origin, appears around the stalls 20 and 25 of the classification established by the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) depending on the number of annual registrations in the organization.

    in Canada, the Canadian Cat Association (CCA) registers an average of about 70 births per year, which places the Selkirk Rex around the tenth place among the other breeds recognized by the organization.

    In France, the number of registrations Selkirk Rex in the Official Book of Feline Origins (LOOF) has increased considerably since 2006. Although until then he had not exceeded twenty per year, suddenly rose to about sixty, and then to a hundred at the end of the decade. It continued to increase throughout the decade of 2010, up to the 200, but this evolution is mainly due to the long-haired variety, which represents three-quarters of births, whereas before it was a minority. The curves crossed at 2013, and from then on the Selkirk Rex Shorthair continued to decline both in relative and absolute terms, having peaked in the early 1990s 2010 With almost 100 births per year only.

    It also, organization statistics also show some 60 annual inscriptions of copies of non-curly hair, that cannot be shown in exhibitions but can be used as reproducers. If they are also taken into account, The total number of births per year is between 250 and 300.

    In Switzerland, was not up 2015 when the first Selkirk Rex shorthair on Fédération Féline Helvétique (FFH). The long-haired one followed in 2017, but in total they barely exceed a dozen annual registrations. So, the breed has made its entrance into the country, but it is still very little established there.

    In Great Britain, it's even in clear decline. In fact, the number of annual registrations in the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) was around the 70 at the end of the Decade of 2010, while only 10 years before it was 3 to 4 times greater. The explosion of the race between 2004 and 2008, less than 50 registrations per year to almost 300, it's clearly a thing of the past.

    Physical characteristics

    Selkirk Rex
    Selkirk Rex

    Its curly coat gives the Selkirk Rex an atypical and very recognizable appearance. The Selkirk Rex it is a medium to large size cat, stocky and semi-thick.

    Its body solid and rectangular is built on well-developed musculature and strong bones. The shoulders and hips are of equal width. The legs are size medium, good muscular, and end in feet wide and round that give a good base.

    The tail it is thick and of medium length, tapering to a rounded tip. In short-haired individuals, has fluffy curls that cover it completely. On the other hand, in semi-long hair, hair is feathered.

    The head of the Selkirk Rex rests on a neck short and thick. The head it is well rounded and wide, with a well-rounded skull that continues in a slightly concave curve.

    This appearance is enhanced by the fact that the ears are well separated in the skull. Medium-sized, broad at the base and rounded at the tips.

    The eyes they are very separated, large, round and open, which gives this cat a very soft and soulful look. All colors are possible, but the most appreciated are the intense and bright.

    Inherited from Persian, the nose is short, wide and straight. A slight stop is allowed.

    Tame well-filled whisker pads, which gives the appearance of a snout slightly square. The chin is in line with the tip of the nose and well defined.

    The Selkirk Rex has a undercoat dense and comes in two varieties, depending on the length of the top layer: individuals of shorthair and semi-long-hair. Apart from this aspect, share the same characteristics, both physical and behavioral.

    In both cases, the fur is dense, soft and curly all over the body. The length of the curls can vary depending on the season, but they are more prominent on the neck, the throat, belly and tail. Mustaches and eyebrows are also curly, but often fragile.

    In individuals of shorthair, the coat is fluffy and the curls are regular all over the body. In those of semi-long-hair, they grow in all directions. The ruffled curls are especially long and frame the head well..

    Regardless of the length of the coat, the kitties Selkirk Rex they are born with a curly coat, but this can become smooth at 2 or 3 months of age, and then curls are formed again at the 8 or 10 months. Next, keep growing, and the cat has its final coat around two years of age.

    It also, the different standards accept all colors and coat combinations.

    Last, there is no sexual dimorphism real in this breed. In particular, males and females are very similar in size and build.

    A physical characteristic due to a dominant gene

    In the Selkirk Rex, the genetic mutation that causes curly hair is linked to a dominant gene. For an individual to have this characteristic, it is enough that he inherits the corresponding gene from only one of his parents. In other words, Yes it is Heterozygosity in the gene associated with the appearance of hair, that is to say, carries one gene for "normal hair" and another for "curly hair", it is necessarily the latter that imposes itself and expresses itself. Of course, Yes it is homozygous, that is to say, if you carry the “curly hair” version of the gene twice, will also have this particularity.

    In this sense, the Selkirk Rex differs from most other curly-haired cat breeds, in which this characteristic is due to a recessive gene. In the Devon Rex, the Cornish Rex, the German Rex or the Ural Rex, both parents must have transmitted the genetic mutation in question and, therefore, the individual must carry two copies of the "curly hair" version of the gene (that is to say, ser homozygous for this gene), to really have that fur. If he is heterozygous, that is to say, If you have one gene for “curly hair” and another for “normal hair”, inevitably it is the latter that prevails and, Therefore, the fur is not curly.

    Having a dominant gene allows, Obviously, that the population of Selkirk Rex grow much faster. If an individual is crossed homozygous with another Heterozygosity, all kittens have curly hair. It also, the mating of two heterozygous results in a litter in which an average of three-quarters of the kittens have curly hair. A mating between a Heterozygosity and a straight-haired cat will give rise to an offspring with half the curly-haired kittens.

    Size and weight

    • Size: 30 cm.
    • Weight: Of 3 to 5 kg

    Breed standard

    The breed standards are documents established by official bodies that list the conditions that a dog must meet. Selkirk Rex to be fully recognized as belonging to the race:

    Varieties of "Selkirk Rex cat"

    "Selkirk Rex cat"

    Selkirk Rex
    One selkirk rex à poil long à l’exposition féline d’HelsinkiHeikki Siltala, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    The Selkirk Rex it comes in two varieties:

    • The Selkirk Rex shorthair;
    • The Selkirk Rex semi-long hair.

    The length of the coat is the only thing that differentiates them: for the rest, their physical characteristics and character traits are identical regardless of the length of their fur. It also, the official organisms that recognize the race accept both varieties.

    Both kittens Selkirk Rex shorthair Like the ones of semi-long-hair they can be born in the same litter. It also, even though both parents are Selkirk Rex and, Therefore, have curly hair, they can be heterozygous for the genetic mutation associated with this trait: in this case, a quarter of their offspring are straight-haired.

    So, These Selkirk Rex "straight" can have a short or semi-long coat and are accepted as breeding aids, that is to say, are allowed to breed and can give birth to kittens of curly hair. But, they are not allowed to participate in the various championships.

    Crossings allowed

    Considering that the breed's population is still relatively limited, and in order to expand their gene pool to avoid health problems that inbreeding could cause, the International Cat Association (TICA) authorizes the crossing of Selkirk Rex with :

    In France, the Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF) it's a little more restrictive, since it only allows marriages with three other races:

    in Canada, the Canadian Cat Association (CCA) only accepts matings with him Himalayan cat. Until 2015, also allowed to cross the Selkirk Rex with the British shorthair cat, the Exotic Shorthair shorthair, the Exotic Shorthair longhair and the Persian cat. But, with the development of the breed, these crosses were no longer necessary or desirable.

    Character and skills

    Selkirk Rex
    Selkirk Rex – Nickolas Titkov from Moscow, Russian Federation, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    The Selkirk Rex it's a cat that looks like a little curly stuffed animal, but do not confuse it. It has a balanced character that gives it both the calm and cuddly side of the Persian or British Shorthair cat, but he's also playful and mischievous.

    He especially likes being around humans and interacting with them, which makes it an ideal companion for the whole family. They are especially good with children.: they are playful enough to have fun with and be a good playmate, while being patient and tolerant of them. But, This does not mean that they should not be taught to be respectful and gentle, since they can lose patience if they are mistreated. In any case, for the safety of both parties, a cat - whatever its breed- should never be left alone in the company of a small child without the slightest adult supervision.

    Although they are attached to all members of their family, the Selkirk Rex they tend to have a special affection for the person who cares the most for them. They enjoy sleeping with them, sitting with them on the couch or spending long periods snuggled on their lap.

    Extremely cuddly and loving, He loves to be caressed and asked for pampering, but he does not stop giving it to them in return. During these moments of affection, does not hesitate to express his satisfaction by purring. He also knows how to make himself heard if his requests for sweetness go unheeded., meowing softly until he gets his way.

    The proximity of Selkirk Rex your family also means that you are always willing to participate in family activities, and hates to stay out. It also bothers him that he is left out of the family for long periods of time..

    Letting him live with a partner or a dog is a great way to avoid loneliness.. As long as acclimatization is done gradually (especially if the two protagonists are already a certain age), that coexistence usually goes well, and both are usually delighted to have a partner to play with or relax with. But, if he Selkirk Rex you have to share your home with a canine representative, of course it is better to choose a breed of dog that is compatible with a cat.

    The Selkirk Rex it can also live under the same roof as a bird or even a small rodent, as long as each one has their respective corner. The Selkirk Rex does not have a true hunting instinct and, therefore, he is quite placid with them.
    He is also usually placid when he meets strangers., since he is not a bellicose guy. So, if there is a confrontation, the other cat is likely to be the cause.

    The Selkirk Rex feels very comfortable with all family members, both humans and animals, and can become just as comfortable with strangers, since it is a sociable cat. In any case, not one of those who freaks out as soon as a new person crosses the threshold of home.

    Having said that, like any feline worth its salt, be grateful to have a high place (for example, a tree for cats) from which you can scan your environment at any time. In fact, although he is cuddly and playful, it is not overly intrusive either; he also likes his moments of independence and isolation while observing what happens.

    It also, like all cats, has an irrepressible need to fix its claws, so you must have a scratching post that you can indulge in, especially if you live indoors. Otherwise, furniture or curtains are equally acceptable solutions for him.

    Grooming and caring for the "Selkirk Rex cat"

    Selkirk Rex
    Selkirk-rex – Flickr

    Whether short or long, the curly hair of the Selkirk Rex is dense and requires special care, especially since it breaks easily. To prevent it from being damaged and to take proper care of it, it is important to invest in a comb with wide and fine teeth.

    An individual from Longhair should be combed every two days to avoid knots and remove dead hair. During the shedding periods in autumn and spring, the cat loses a lot of hair, and a daily brushing is necessary.

    for a shorthair cat, two brushing sessions a week are usually sufficient. During the moulting season, brushing should be done every other day.

    In any case, brushing prevents the cat from ingesting too much hair when licking, which then regurgitates in the form of hairballs. Once the brushing is finished, Running your hands through your cat's fur will serve both to freshen the fur and put him in a good mood for the rest of the day and the next session, since at Selkirk Rex loves pampering.

    But, their fur tends to get greasy, as sebum stays at the base of the coat and makes the skin oily. So, it is necessary to bathe him from time to time, making sure to use a moisturizing shampoo specially designed for felines and to proceed gently, so as not to damage the fur. Next, let the hair air dry, since the use of the dryer will make the hair frizzy.

    Like any cat, the ears of the Selkirk Rex they should also be cared for regularly. So, it is essential to check them once a week and clean the dirt with a damp cloth to avoid infections (otitis, etc.).

    This is also an opportunity to check the eyes and, if required, wipe the corners with a damp cloth to remove dirt. This will also reduce the risk of infection..

    Keeping your cat's teeth clean is also important, as it helps prevent plaque build-up, that can not only cause bad breath, but also more or less serious diseases. Brushing once a week with a special toothpaste for felines is essential, but the ideal is to do it more often, even daily.

    It is also important to ensure that its claws are not too long: they could not only annoy you, or even break and hurt you, but also hurt his owner when he jumps on him, how much you like to do. For a cat with free access to the outdoors, natural wear and tear will work, but it's not always enough: it is better to check once a month and cut them manually when needed. For an indoor cat, this is usually how often it needs to be trimmed. In any case, whether the animal has access to the outside or not, a scratching post is essential: otherwise, it is very likely that it will fall back on the furniture to make its claws.

    coat care, the ears, the eyes, teeth and claws is not complicated. But, to carry out maintenance of a Selkirk Rex in the best conditions, it is better to master the different gestures perfectly, in order not only to be effective, but also to avoid injuring or even traumatizing your cat. So that the maintenance sessions are moments of tenderness and complicity instead of a torture feared by each of the protagonists, it is therefore useful to learn these gestures from a professional veterinarian or groomer the first time.

    These deals become privileged moments that reinforce the bond between the owner and his animal., since at Selkirk Rex likes to be paid attention to and handled tenderly. The more used the Selkirk Rex grooming from an early age, more likely it will go well.

    Indoor or outdoor cat?

    As long as the area is large enough for you to stretch your legs, the Selkirk Rex you can live both in a flat and in a house with a garden. On this last case, the ideal is to install a cat flap, so you can come and go as you please.

    It also, generally better adapted to a change in environment than peers. This flexibility is also illustrated by the fact that she does not mind traveling with her family and is well tolerant of car trips..

    How much activity does he need? "Selkirk Rex cat"?

    Sweet and endearing, he is also playful, curious and intelligent. This makes him very fond of interactive toys to develop his skills. He is also a good student for anyone who wants to teach their cat tricks., and he is also perfectly capable of learning certain things on his own, how to open doors or cabinets. It also, has a bit of insanity that often leads him to jump on the back of the person he is playing with without warning. To avoid this being a problem, it is best to check the length of your claws every month.

    Health and nutrition

    Selkirk Rex
    One selkirk rex à poil long à l’exposition féline d’HelsinkiHeikki Siltala, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    The Selkirk Rex is generally in robust health.

    It also, regardless of the length of its coat, its dense undercoat helps it withstand cold temperatures well. But, it is short enough to prevent you from suffering too much in the heat. But, they don't feel comfortable when it's hot, and it is essential that they have permanent access to a shaded and ventilated area.

    As all cats, are especially prone to certain diseases. In this case, the top three threats to your health are inherited from your ancestors:

    • The Hip Dysplasia, a deformation of the joint that causes movement difficulties and often leads to osteoarthritis as the animal ages;
    • The hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which also especially affects British shorthairs and Persians. This disease corresponds to a thickening of the heart muscle, which can cause breathing difficulties, fatigue and intolerance to exertion. A genetic mutation may be the cause of the problem, and a DNA test can detect it. But, this does not predict when symptoms will appear or how severe they will be;
    • The poliquistosis renal, an inherited disease to which Persian and British Shorthair are also susceptible. It manifests as cysts in one or both kidneys and leads to chronic kidney failure. There's no cure, but certain treatments and changes in the cat's diet will allow it to maintain a better quality of life for longer.

    On the other hand, the Selkirk Rex he is a greedy cat, so it tends to be overweight or even Obesity if nothing is done to prevent it. Not a problem to be taken lightly, given the number of health problems that being overweight can cause or worsen.

    Using a serious and competent breeder is the best way to adopt a Selkirk Rex which is probably healthy and balanced. A professional breeder not only makes sure that kittens are well socialized and have good living conditions from the first weeks of life, but also wants them to be born and raised in good health. As such, ensures genetic testing is performed on future breeders, in order to rule out any hereditary conditions that they can transmit to their offspring. So, must be able to present the results of the various tests carried out to the parents (or even the young animal), in addition to a certificate of good health drawn up by a veterinarian and the details of the vaccinations received by the young animal, registered in your health or vaccination card.

    Once the adoption is done, it is the owner's responsibility to do everything possible to keep the cat in good health for as long as possible. One way to do this is to get into the habit of taking your cat to the vet for a complete checkup at least once a year., and even more as he gets older. These appointments can help diagnose any problems as soon as possible., to be able to treat it in the best possible way. They also offer the opportunity to carry out the necessary booster vaccines.

    At the same time, to ensure that your pet is always protected against parasite-borne diseases, you should try to repeat antiparasitic treatments throughout the year. This is true even for an indoor pet.: may have less risk, but not totally safe from infestation.


    "Selkirk Rex cat"

    Selkirk Rex
    This is a picture of my cinnamon tabby Selkirk Rex Pollo – Wikipedia

    Like any other cat, the Selkirk Rex you need a diet perfectly adapted to your nutritional needs. I.e., both in terms of quality and quantity. Must be age appropriate, the health and activity level of the cat.

    A good quality industrial food can perfectly satisfy your needs. On the other hand, unless they are carefully selected, it is better to avoid giving them food intended for humans. These may include, give your cat a habit of picking up a small portion of the owner's food, or even eat leftovers, or have a free hand to rummage through the garbage, it is not a service for him, especially since some of the foods in question can be really toxic to cats.

    This is true of any cat., but even more with him Selkirk Rex, given their greed and tendency to be overweight. The latter explains why, unlike most cats, it is better not to leave food out all day, as it may not be able to regulate. Fixed meal times are a better way to feed him.

    Regular weight control, weighing himself once a month, it is also essential to protect yourself from obesity. In case of an increase that is confirmed in several consecutive measurements, it is necessary to seek professional advice. Only a veterinarian can make a reliable diagnosis to determine if the problem is due to an inadequate diet, to lack of activity, to a reaction to the medication, to a disease, etc. Once this is done, tell you how to remedy the problem.

    Last, like all cats, the Selkirk Rex you need fresh water at all times, especially since it is prone to renal polyquistosis.

    For sale "Selkirk Rex cat"

    The price of a kitten Selkirk Rex usually oscillates between 800 and 1300 EUR.

    In all countries, the asking price varies depending on the reputation of the kennel and the lineage of the animal, as well as its intrinsic characteristics, especially the physical ones. This last aspect justifies the fact that within a litter there can sometimes be significant price differences..

    Videos "Selkirk Rex cat"

    Get to Know the Selkirk Rex

    Selkirk Rex kittens - daily practice....avi

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Mojave Spotted cat
    Federations: IPCBA

    Copyright © Animals & Pets picture



    The Mojave Spotted was developed to preserve the bobcat in the mojave desert. The mojave desert is located in the southwestern United States, riding through California, Nevada and Arizona.

    The Gato of the mojave desert was discovered in 1980 by April Langford, an American breeder. Your number has not been registered, but the colonies lived under bushes or in burrows to protect the young from the harsh desert climate.

    The first colony he observed was in the small town of Hesperia, in southern california. All its members were very homogeneous in terms of their morphology: they were bigger than the domestic cats and they had powerful and raised bodies and very muscular legs that ended in feet polydactyls (of 6 to 7 fingers on each leg). His coat color was not uniform -silver, brown, gold or even black-, but they all had the same pattern of spots. Later, April Langford realized that the individuals of the different colonies shared the same appearance, except for the color of its fur.

    April Langford decided to breed them to preserve this feline from extinction, endemic to mojave desert. He observed that it reproduced very slowly and began to disappear. But, his first attempts were unsuccessful, since these wild cats were not allowed to be tamed.

    In 1984, accidentally found a litter of kittens under a juniper. How food was scarce during the winter, it seemed that their mother had abandoned them to survive herself. He decided to take them in instead of abandoning them to their fate. He placed them in a closed enclosure under a cedar and fed them a substitute for cat milk.. But, they were not domesticated and remained wild.

    April Langford decided to cross them with him Bengal cat, also a spotted cat, which was a cross between a Domestic cat and European wildcat, the cat bengal leopard. The result was a cat thirteen with a spotted fur. But, even though they were born and raised in captivity, the first generations were still wild and were not domesticated.

    At that time, to the polydactyl cats they were often called Hemingway cats, in honor of the famous American writer Ernest Hemingway. A Hemingway they gave him a gata polidáctila, which is known to have given birth to many litters.

    Cats with six or seven toes on some legs are not a special breed.; on the contrary, they are found in many different breeds. It is simply an inherited genetic defect that can occur in any individual, regardless of race or gender. Most of the time, the sixth or seventh extra toes are on the front legs, but sometimes they are in the back, and even more rarely in all four. Far from being a disease or having any effect on the health of the animal, this particularity is rather an advantage, since it gives you greater agility.

    April Langford decided to call the race he was trying to create Mojave Spotted, in reference both to its geographical origins and to the stains that its representatives present.

    In the Decade of 1990, the natural habitat of mojave desert wildcat was being invaded by construction, and the feline, already in danger of extinction, was disappearing.

    April Langford accelerated his breeding program by continuing to cross the Mojave Spotted with the Bengal cat, but also with him American Polydactyl Cat of other races. From 2007, these crosses are no longer necessary. In effect, the created population had reached a sufficient number of individuals to be able to continue breeding only from the cats already obtained, inbred.

    It also, with the passing of the generations, the Mojave Spotted began to be tamed, although there is still a long way to go.

    Breed recognition and popularity

    The only organization that recognizes Mojave Spotted is the International Progressive Cat Breeders’ Alliance (IPCBA), an organization specialized in new breeds of cats.

    So, no major body recognizes this cat, whether international -such as the World Cat Federation (WCF), The International Cat Association (TICA) o the International Feline Federation (FIFé)- or national, as the American Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA), la Canadian Cat Association (CCA), el British Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) o the Official Book of Feline Origins (LOOF) French. Given its extremely confidential distribution, there is little chance this will change in the near future.

    In any case, the Mojave Spotted was created primarily as a reaction to the extinction of the mojave desert wildcat, to try to keep it another way, not with the aim of developing a new breed and spreading it as widely as possible.

    Just a hatchery, Cheshire Cattery, with sede in EE.UU., participates in the development of Mojave Spotted. Giving cats are systematically neutered, to avoid parallel breeding and maintain control.
    All of these factors combined limit the reputation of the Mojave Spotted.

    Physical characteristics

    Larger than most house cats, the Mojave Spotted it's a long and powerful body type (or long and substantial).

    The body have strong bones and muscles, but the skin on the belly is slightly distended, so they are not too prominent. The back is prolonged with a tail that can be short or medium long.

    The legs they are long, wide and very muscular, slightly larger at the rear than at the front. The vast majority of individuals are polydactyls, that is to say, have of 6 to 7 fingers on one or more feet. This specificity is due to a dominant gene, that is to say, it is enough for an individual to have inherited this genetic mutation from one of their parents to be thirteen. In general, the phenomenon is symmetrical, that is to say, affects both hind legs (that normally only have 4 fingers) or the front two (in which there are usually 4 fingers and a spur), the latter being the most common case. Some individuals are even polydactyls on all fours. In all cases, the claws are powerful and sharp.

    The head it is quite fine, slightly oval and medium in size. Ears are medium to large, with a wide base and rounded tips. Some individuals have a tuft of hair at the base. The eyes they are big, oval and widely spaced. The snout it's wide, short and square. The leather of the nose, that is to say, the part where the nostrils meet, it is solid pink, black or brown. Last, whiskery areas are prominent.

    The fur of the Mojave Spotted it's short and silky. Accepted colors and patterns are brindle, the leopard, snow leopard, the rose window, Marten, Brown, the fawn, the silver, blue and charcoal. On the other hand, the coat has dark spots that may fade with age.

    But, remember that the Mojave Spotted is still a very new and developing breed. So, It is possible that, in the future, and in particular in the context of a possible recognition by some important organization, details are added about the appearance that this or that part of your body should have. It also, there may also be changes in your current appearance.


    The Mojave Spotted comes in 4 varieties:

    • Mojave Spotted short-tailed polydactyl;
    • Mojave Spotted semi-long-tailed polydactyl;
    • Mojave Spotted short-tailed;
    • Mojave Spotted medium long-tailed.

    The same litter can combine representatives of the four varieties.

    Apart from differences in the number of toes or the length of the tail, all individuals of the breed have the same physical appearance and temperament.

    Character and skills

    The Mojave Spotted developed a handful of decades ago in response to the extinction of the mojave desert wildcat. Numbers are still low, so you have to be cautious when generalizing about their temperament. But, whatever the individual observed, your wild ancestors are never far away in your family tree. Although he appreciates the company of man, this wild cat is still very independent, and only with successive generations is domestication possible. In any case, it is difficult to have him locked up, so you can't be happy in a flat, even more so when it is very active and its hunting instinct is still very present.

    They need a garden to thrive, and they won't hesitate to explore beyond it if they get the chance: it is difficult to contain them in a concrete environment. In fact, being extremely curious, they usually have a strong desire to exceed the limits of their territory. Agile and athletic, they don't get tired of climbing trees, search and capture small prey, and even playing in the water, as they are one of the few cat breeds that love water.

    As the breed is still new and developing, it's hard to say if he Mojave Spotted will eventually behave like most house cats, and when will, as successive selections are made. But, it is true that with each new generation, being increasingly away from the wild cat, becomes a little more tame.


    Since the Mojave Spotted is still very new and is in full development, information about your health and, in particular, about the possible diseases to which you are predisposed.

    On the other hand, a trait inherited from European wildcat from which it descends, and that explains in part that the latter is close to extinction, is its very low fertility. the number of litters (from one to three a year) is comparable to domestic cats, but instead the number of kittens they produce (of 1 to 3 at most) is significantly less. Obviously, this is not unrelated to the fact that the number of specimens of the breed grows very slowly.

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    American Polydactyl Cat
    Hemingway Cat

    The American Polydactyl Cat is specifically bred to have extra fingers, for his temper, your good health, and its color or size.
    American Polydactyl
    Photo: Wilkipedia



    A "Polydactyl Cat" is a cat with a physical congenital anomaly called polydactyly (or polidactilismo, also known as hyperdactyly), a type of genetic mutation that makes the cat born with more fingers than usual in one or more of its legs.

    These cats are very hardy and can survive even in time of snow.

    They reached the United States on Board of ships in the colonial era. Stayed them for sailors who considered as the lucky pets when they were in the sea.

    Historically, polydactyly represented the 40% of the population registered among Maine Coon. Stated that the extra toes acted as snowshoes, to help these cats resistant to negotiate the snowfall in the harsh winters of New England.

    The cats polydactyls It can be found in any race, but the American Polydactyl Cat is specifically bred to have extra fingers, for his temper, your good health, and its color or size.

    Physical characteristics

    How many fingers can a cat have on one paw??


    Some american polydactyl cats they have up to seven. Perhaps the most famous American polydactyl cats were those that Ernest Hemingway wrote about., and as a result this breed is sometimes known as the Hemingway cat or mitten cat..

    The American Polydactyl Cat he is medium to large in size and has a strong and muscular body.

  • Their heads they are wide, with a modified and medium-sized stop.
  • Its nose and your snout they are medium in size and the chin has a square look.
  • The ears they are wide and have a pointed tip. Times, The american polydactyl cat used as a stallion has highly developed cheeks.
  • The rounded eyes of the American Polydactyls are set at an angle, and any color or combination of colors is acceptable.
  • The same goes for the color of the coat and the length of the coat., as long as the hairs are attached to the body.
    The american polydactyl cat long-haired must have a hair soft and silky.
  • The bodies of the American polydactyls they are rectangular in shape, well muscled on a medium bone structure. Their breasts are well rounded and wide.
  • Some american polydactyl cats have tail short, and these cats have shorter bodies than those with long tails.
  • The legs of the american polydactyls they are straight and robust, and cats with tails have significantly longer hind legs than front legs.
  • Of course, the characteristic feature of american polydactyl cat are their feet with extra fingers. One of the extra finger shapes looks like a thumb, and for this reason the american polydactyl cats They are also known as "cats with thumbs". The other conformation is that of another three-toed foot attached to the cat's five-toed foot.. The extra toes can be found only on the front feet or only on the rear feet, or all feet may have extra toes.
  • Character and skills


    The american polydactyl cat It is very similar to any other cat in terms of its personality and care. But, many owners have observed that their american polydactyl cats seem to have a more relaxed and gentle personality than other cats that have had. These cats are quite hardy and can survive even in snowy climates.

    The American polydactyl cat adapts very well to life indoors or outdoors, or a combination of both. They are outgoing pets, and they are said to be loving and patient even with children.

    Alternative names:

    1. Hemingway Cat, Mitten Cat, Extra Toed Cat, Six-Toed Cat, Big Foot Cat (English).
    2. Chat d’Hemingway, Chat à moufles, Chat à orteils supplémentaires, Chat à six orteils, Chat à gros pieds (French).
    3. Hemingway-Katze, Handschuh-Katze, Katze mit zusätzlichen Zehen, Katze mit sechs Zehen, Katze mit großen Füßen (German).
    4. Gato de Hemingway, Gato com luvas, Gato com dedos dos pés extra, Gato com seis dedos dos pés, Gato com pés grandes (Portuguese).
    5. Gato Hemingway, Gato de manopla, Gato de dedos extra, Gato de seis dedos, Gato de pies grandes (español).