▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Sphynx cat (Canadian Sphynx)

Photo: wilkipedia


Characteristics "Sphynx cat (Canadian Sphynx)"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Sphynx cat (Canadian Sphynx)" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Activity level

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to other pets

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to children

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Grooming requirements

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for attention

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection towards its owners

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


The Sphynx it is a singular cat, that does not stop turning those who cross it. In fact, His physical appearance, with her bare and wrinkled skin, does not leave anyone indifferent.

But, only mentioned for a few decades, although the existence of naked cat breeds is not new.

In ancient egypt, hairless cats already attracted attention, and only pharaohs could have them. More recently, wall engravings from Aztec times show that they raised cats very similar to those of the Sphynx current.

In 1830, Swiss naturalist and physician J.R. Rengger described these cats in his book on the mammals of Paraguay (Naturgeschichte der Säugethiere von Paraguay).

In 1903, hairless cats were mentioned in the book The Book of the Cat, written by Frances Ann Simpson, a cat historian. He mentioned two nude specimens named Dick and Nellie who lived in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The Pueblo Indians gifted them to an American cat lover, F.J. Shinick. They told him that they were the last two descendants of the cats bred by the Aztecs.

At a cat show held in Paris in 1930, a male and a female aroused great curiosity. The photos of them show that they look a lot like the Sphynx. Given the rarity of these individuals and the fact that they came from the same neighborhood in Paris, they were assumed to have the same father, which in turn should be hairless. But, the two owners refused to attempt mating.

In the following years, similar individuals were reported in Morocco, Australia and the United States.

The phenomenon was repeated in Toronto (Canada) in 1966: a pair of short-haired domestic cats gave birth to a litter in which one of the males, called Prune, I had no hair. This did not leave Ridyah and Yania Bawa indifferent, breeders by profession, who decided to start breeding naked cats. They acquired Prune and Elizabeth, his mother, and they made them raise. They obtained a litter with a hairless individual. With the help of Keese and Rita Tenhove, they continued their work to develop the breed, who was called first Moonstone Cat and then Canadian Hairless, finally choosing the name of Sphynx cat.

But, the early days were chaotic, with medical problems caused by limited gene pool and inbreeding. As a result, some kittens died quickly from undiagnosed illnesses. In fact, the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) granted recognition of the breed on a provisional basis in 1970, before withdrawing it the following year precisely for these health problems.

In 1975, Milt y Ethelyn Pearson, Minnesota farmers ((UNITED STATES)UU.), they found a hairless kitten in one of their litters, even though both of his parents did not have this specificity. They called it Epidermis. The following year they had more hairless kittens, one of whom they named Dermis. In 1981, Kim Muesk, from the Z’Stardust hatchery in Oregon, bought the two cats from farmers to try to develop the breed.

At the same time, another Minnesota breeder, Georgiana Gattenby, he also used naked kittens from the Pearson farm to cross with the Cornish Rex and help develop the Sphynx cat.

At the end of the year 70, a dutch amateur, The doctor. Hugo Hernandez, got a male cat and a female, named Starsky and Johnny respectively. Both specimens were probably descendants of Prune. Raised them, but the litter resulting from their mating died.

At the same time, more specifically in 1978, Shirley Smith, a Siamese breeder from Toronto (Canada), he found three little hairless cats on the streets of his neighborhood. He took them in and called them Bambi, Paloma and Punkie. Castrated Bambi, but he sold the other two to Hugo Hernández, who still owned Starsky and Johnny.

Hugo Hernández tried several crosses, but none of them were successful. Castrated Starsky in 1981 and sold Paloma to a German breeder. Finding herself without a male Sphynx able to create, raised Punkie with a white Devon Rex. She gave birth to a litter of five kittens, two of which were hairless and named Q-Ra and Q-Ramses. In collaboration with the German breeder, a mating was arranged between Q-Ra and Paloma, that allowed the latter to give birth to a small Sphynx called Hathor.

The two men also arranged marriages between Q-Ramses and Paloma. In 1983, one of the resulting litters passed into the hands of Patrick Challain, a Parisian breeder, and the breed was introduced in France. One of the kittens in the litter, Chnoem, came to acquire notoriety as European champion of the breed.

In 1985, a couple of French breeders, Aline and Philippe Noël, two little Sphynx were brought from Holland, Mogwi y Gizmo. They had a litter from which came a little cat named Amenophis Clone. The latter was used by the Official Book of Feline Origins (LOOF) to set the standard Sphynx.

Beyond the fact that the breed faced many pitfalls before it was born, sometimes faced a certain suspicion, even open hostility. In effect, if some cat lovers were quickly fascinated by this particular looking cat, others, on the other hand, they had a much less enthusiastic attitude, arguing that the gene that gives bare skin can be considered as a genetic disease, and that, therefore, this particularity should not be encouraged at all, and even less to be recognized by official authorities.

Your point of view is questionable, because the hairless skin trait is due to a spontaneous genetic mutation that has existed since ancient times, no to a disease. But, despite his detractors, the breed managed to develop and be recognized, especially thanks to the crosses made with the American shorthair cat and the Devon Rex: they were a precious help to expand the genetic background of the breed and avoid inbreeding.


Recognition of Sphynx

Although the Sphynx cat It is a fairly recent breed and its beginnings were somewhat chaotic, was quickly recognized by the various reference bodies, both international and national.

The International Cat Association (TICA) was in 1986 the first official body to take the step. The Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé), that brings together the feline authorities of some forty countries, including Switzerland and Belgium, did the same in 2002. It was also that year when Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) definitely recognized the Sphynx, after a true false start in 1970, when he was granted provisional recognition, to withdraw it the following year.

In fact, most official organizations in the world have done the same, as the World Cat Federation (WCF), the British Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), the Canadian Cat Association (CCA) or the Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF) in France.

The unique appearance of this cat has not prevented it from being widely recognized throughout the world, and its success is undeniable.

Authorized crossings

In order to expand the still relatively small gene pool of the breed, and thus reduce the risk of health problems induced by inbreeding, Most organizations allow a Sphynx cat is raised with a representative of some other races.

The International Cat Association (TICA) allows crossings with :

In United States, the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) does the same, at least until 2023. In fact, starting at the 1 in January of 2024, Only kittens whose parents are both purebred can register with the organization. Sphynx.

In Great Britain, the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) add russian blue to the list. So, the Sphynx can cross with :

On the other hand, the Canadian Cat Association (CCA) it is much more restrictive, since it only allows crosses with the American shorthair cat.

The Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF) French is the strictest of all, since it does not allow any crossing of the Sphynx cat with other races. In short, is already applying the policy that the CFA will follow from 2024.

Popularity of "Sphynx cat (Canadian Sphynx)"

Maybe the Sphynx be a recent breed of cat, but it is already very popular in both Europe and North America.
in Canada, despite a hiatus in 2018, in the second half of the Decade of 2010 occurred around 200 annual registrations with the Canadian Cat Association (CCA), which places it on the podium as one of the most popular cat breeds in Canada.

The United States also contributed a lot to its development, so it is not surprising that it is also well established there. Throughout the decade of 2010, log statistics on Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) placed them between sixth and ninth in the popularity ranking.

In France, the number of annual registrations in the Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF) has increased almost continuously since the beginning of the century. While at the beginning of the decade of 2000 there were barely hundreds, at the end of it the 300. Things picked up speed in the following decade, to the point that the number of registrations per year exceeded 1.000 at the end of the Decade of 2010, which even allowed the Sphynx enter the Top 10 of the favorite feline breeds of the French.

In Switzerland, things are more mixed. Certainly, annual enrollment statistics Fédération Féline Helvétique (FFH) show a regular progression from the beginning of the years 2000 until 2015, as their number went from a handful to almost fifty, which allowed them to approach the doors of the Top 10. But, in the following years there was a sudden collapse, and the number of cats Sphynx registered in the organization each year was reduced to about 20.

In Great Britain, there was also a similar decline from 2013, although it was much less pronounced. Like this, while the inscriptions in the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) they were approaching 400 early in the decade 2010 (versus less than a hundred in 2006, for example), later they were reduced to 250, and even some 200 at the end of the decade. As a result, after reaching the position 13 in the ranking of the most popular breeds in the country (based on the number of annual registrations) in 2012, the Sphynx cat had been demoted to the position 17 in 2019.


Physical characteristics

With her bare and wrinkled skin, its big ears and its long rat tail, the Sphynx cat is definitely a cat with an atypical appearance, and he rarely leaves those who come across him indifferent.

Its body It is medium in size and semicobby. Has well-developed musculature, that is very evident under her hairless skin. His chest is "barrel shaped": is wide and the abdomen is rounded, which gives the impression that you have eaten too much. In fact, this cat is heavier than most of its congeners, but this is mainly due to their muscle mass. The well-shaped hips and rump are proof of this..

The body ends in a tail long and flexible, slightly thick at the base, that looks like a rat. In some individuals, has a lock of hair on the tip: it is then said that they have a lion's tail.

The legs have fine bone structure and well-defined musculature. The hind legs are slightly arched. They all have oval feet with long, thin toes and clearly defined phalanges.. The pads are meatier than in other cat breeds. This gives the impression of walking gracefully on air cushions..

The head it is medium in size and triangular in shape, longer than wide. The skull and forehead are flat. The neck it is quite slim and arched, what gives to Sphynx a haughty look.

This is reinforced by the ears, that are totally oversized in relation to the head. Wide at the base and rounded at the tip, they are very open and have no hair inside.

The eyes they are very open, are lemon-shaped and have few or no eyelashes. all colors are accepted, and they give you in any case a penetrating and expressive look.

Profile, there is a concave curve from the forehead to the straight nose.

The cheekbones they are bulging and round.

The snout it celebrities, rounded and rather short. The pasterns, fleshy parts of the muzzle where whiskers normally grow, they are complete and round. But, the Sphynx he doesn't have mustaches. The chin is well defined and firm.

The skin of the Sphynx can be characterized by alopecia in the strict sense, all over the body. But, usually covered by a small, barely visible down. In both cases, is thicker than fur breeds, and quite comparable to the touch of the skin of a peach.

It also, kittens are born with very wrinkled fur. This softens a bit as they grow, but a Sphynx cat adult retains folds especially on the legs, neck and head. All colors and designs are accepted. But, black and white is the most common color. The pigmentation of the skin is what gives the breed its varied colors.

Last, this breed is not characterized by a sexual dimorphism very pronounced: the male and female are quite similar in size.

Curious Sphynx cat. – Flickr
A physical characteristic due to an autosomal recessive gene

The Sphynx has completely bare skin or has a small amount of down. This alopecia is due to a spontaneous mutation of a gene, without human intervention.

This gene is autosomal, that is to say, can affect both men and women. It is also recessive in relation to the gene for short or long hair.: to have this morphological peculiarity, an individual must have inherited one copy of the mutated gene from each of their two parents. Otherwise, has hair.

More concretely, if both parents are carriers of the mutated gene and have fur at the same time (that is to say, are heterozygous in the gene that determines the presence or absence of fur), an average of 25% of their kittens have no hair.

If, on the other hand, one of the two parents is hairless (that is to say, is homozygous for the fur gene) and the other is a carrier of the gene but has hair (that is to say, is heterozygous), the 50% of the kittens have no hair.

Last, in the event that both ancestors are hairless (and, Therefore, homozygous for the fur gene), all their offspring are hairless.

But, as detailed by researchers from the University of Davis (California, (UNITED STATES)UU.) In an article titled "The naked truth: Sphynx and Devon Rex cat breed mutations in KRT71«, published in 2010 in Mammalian Genome Magazine, the specificity of the hairless skin of the Sphynx It is produced by the same gene that gives Devon Rex her curly hair. But, unlike the allele associated with curly hair, the one corresponding to the absence of hair is dominant. So, breeding cats Sphynx with cats Devon Rex would produce hairless individuals and was identified as an interesting way to increase the cat population Sphynx and, at the same time, diversify the breed's gene pool. But, It turned out that a large proportion of the individuals born from these matings suffer from dental or nervous diseases.

This gradually led most organizations to ban the breeding of the Sphynx with the Devon Rex. So they decided Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF) French, the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) British and the Canadian Cat Association (CCA). The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) has done the same, but this new rule will only be applicable in 2023: starting at the 1 in January of 2024, will stop recognizing kittens born from such a mating. The International Cat Association (TICA) it is the last major institution that admits these crossings.

Size and weight

  • Size: 30 cm.
  • Weight: Of 2,5 to 4,5 kg

Varieties of "Sphynx cat (Canadian Sphynx)"

Contrary to what its name might suggest, the Donskoy (Don Sphynx) it has nothing to do with him Sphynx cat.

The confusion is even more possible because it is also a naked cat breed and has a similar appearance.. This is why he was called Don: Don refers to the city of Rostov-on-Don, near which he was born, While Sphynx refers to the fact that it resembles the latter. But, their origins and stories are completely different.

Character and skills

The physical appearance of Sphynx cat can sometimes confuse, not to say discourage. But, his character makes him worth knowing.

He is especially affectionate and attached to his family, and even humans in general. In fact, loneliness weighs on him, for which he appreciates the company of another human in the absence of that of his relatives. So, can be easily attended by a third person in case of prolonged absence.

His attachment to his master makes him feel free to follow him everywhere., or even sleeping in his bed (preferably under the sheets, to be warm) if you are offered the opportunity. He also especially likes to lean on the shoulders, to scrutinize your surroundings while in contact with the person who matters most to you. In short, It is not recommended for a person who does not want a "sticky" animal or who is often absent during the day and leaves it alone.

Although he has a particular attachment to his human reference, he is very tender with all members of the family. He is very cuddly and will cuddle up on the couch with everyone else to keep you company and warm., not hesitating to take advantage of their human warmth by snuggling with them.

He also really likes tenderness and pampering, and it must be recognized that caressing a Sphynx cat it is a very pleasant experience. In fact, her skin is as smooth as a peach, and radiates a reassuring warmth. It is sometimes used in zootherapy to combat nervousness or anxiety.

Nor is he deprived of welcoming his little world at the door., how would a dog. Sometimes she even winks to show how happy she is to have her family back..

It usually delights children, whose company you enjoy. Playful, patient and non-aggressive, it is an excellent entertainment companion for them. But, like any other dog, should never be left alone with a young child, Unsupervised, because a misunderstanding or awkward gesture can happen quickly. The safety of both parties is at stake.

It also, his closeness to humans is not limited to his family members: he is also very sociable and kind to strangers who come into the house. Far from greeting them with suspicion, as do most of his peers, does not hesitate to go to meet him, for example, jumping on his lap.
In short, whether it comes from your family or from strangers in the house, loves to be the center of attention.

They are very friendly, not aggressive and quite willing to share their territory, so they will easily coexist with a companion or a dog, especially if that dog is of a cat-loving breed. Sharing your home with another animal is a great way to help you cope with your family's absence.: if you are also well disposed, they can become best friends, playing together from morning to night. As he does with his humans, does not hesitate to sleep curled up against his little companion, to benefit from its body heat. So that the coexistence goes well, Ideally, each of the two protagonists should be used to the presence of the other from a young age. Otherwise, a gradual introduction is essential so that no one rushes and everyone gradually gets used to the situation.

Nor is it a problem that a Sphynx live with a bird or a rodent. But, if the family is out, it is always better to ensure the safety of the animal by keeping it in a closed place, either in a cage or in a room that the cat does not have access to.

In addition to his interpersonal qualities, the Sphynx he is a smart cat, lively and curious. All of these qualities combine to make the Sphynx an excellent student for anyone who wants to teach their cat tricks, how to look for objects and come when called. It is also very good at learning things by itself, especially when it follows its owners and observes them. So, it's not surprising to see him open doors, wardrove, drawers and taps. It is also a good idea to stimulate their intellectual faculties with interactive toys., with whom he usually enjoys.

Usually, cats like to rise up to observe the world around them, and the Sphynx is no exception. His master's shoulders are one of his favorite observatories, but this does not mean that a cat tree should not also be installed in the home where it can perch and contemplate its surroundings.

Last, the Sphynx cat it is much more adaptable than most of its congeners. Quickly and easily adapts to a possible change in environment, either punctual (for example, during a trip) the permanent (in the event of a move with your cat). In a way, gives more importance to where you live than to the people you live with.

Sphynx cat
Sphynx cat – Dmitry Makeev, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Grooming and caring for the "Sphynx cat (Canadian Sphynx)"

Those who think that a hairless cat is necessarily less demanding than one with hair will be in for a surprise.: It is not the case of Sphynx cat.

In particular, their skin should be moisturized daily with a mild oil or lotion specifically for felines. As he likes very much to be caressed and does not mind being manipulated, these cares soon become a pleasure for him.

It also, the lack of fur means that the sebum emitted by their skin is not absorbed by the hair, so your skin quickly becomes oily. Daily cleaning with a feline washcloth will help keep your cat clean and prevent oil build-up on the skin., so that it does not leave greasy marks on furniture or fabrics. At the same time, it is necessary to bathe your cat every week with a moisturizing shampoo specially designed for cats. You should also make sure to rinse your cat well afterwards.: shampoo left on your skin could lead to scratching and irritation.

You should also plan to apply sunscreen if you have access to the outdoors and the weather is good.: replaces melanin, the protective substance against ultraviolet rays that, unlike other races, your body does not produce. This is a precaution that should not be overlooked, since sunburn can cause severe burns or even skin cancer if repeated.

It also, as in the case of any cat, you need to check your ears every week. Cleaning them with a damp cloth will remove impurities and prevent infection. (otitis, etc.); This is all the more useful as the Sphynx it has no hair to protect them.

Weekly care should also include checking the condition of the eyes. If they are dirty, it is necessary to clean the corner of them with a damp cloth to avoid the accumulation of dirt that could become infected.

The maintenance of the teeth of the Sphynx is especially crucial to avoid the risk of periodontitis to whom he is predisposed. Brushing once a day is ideal for limiting the buildup of plaque that, when it turns to tartar, not only leads to bad breath but also to more or less serious diseases. It is essential to always use a toothpaste specially formulated for felines.

Last, it is important to periodically check that its claws do not get too long, as this could cause discomfort or even break or injure you. In fact, even for an individual who has access to the outside, natural wear and tear is not always enough. So, inspecting them once a month allows you to check what is happening and, if required, trim them manually. In any case, whether the cat can leave the house or not, providing you with a scratching post is essential: prevents you from satisfying your irresistible need to scratch furniture.

Whether it's skin care, the ears, the eyes, teeth or claws, the need for maintenance of a Sphynx cat is not, Therefore, negligible, although there is nothing complex in these manipulations. But, it is better to know the proper gestures to be efficient and avoid hurting or even injuring him. As such, nothing better than using the experience of a veterinarian or a professional groomer the first time, to learn from them how to proceed in the best possible way.

In any case, this cat readily accepts being handled and, Therefore, it is much less resistant than its congeners to maintenance sessions. Of course, This is even more true if the owner instills a dose of tenderness and takes care of getting him used to it from a young age.: then they have every chance of becoming sweet complicity moments.

Cat Sphynx
Cat Sphynx – Dmitry Makeev, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Indoor or outdoor cat?

By being active and playful, the Sphynx cat need space. But, a garden is not necessarily essential: can be perfectly happy on a floor with enough room for her to run. In any case, is a cat made to live indoors, both because of his closeness to the family and because of his lack of hair, which makes it sensitive to extreme temperatures, either hot or cold. If you live in a house with a garden, the installation of a cat flap is essential so that you can come and go as you please, in particular to take shelter when you get too cold or too hot. Some owners even avoid letting it out unsupervised, since its high price makes it a target for malicious people.

How much activity does he need? "Sphynx cat (Canadian Sphynx)"?

The Sphynx Canadian is an extremely intelligent animal that quickly sees challenging toys. She loves that you spend a lot of time with her and demands daily playtime. He gladly accepts smart toys and also likes to chase toy mice or balls. Of course, like any other cat, he likes to rest. If possible, provide him with a large cat tree where he can play and sleep. A sunny and warm windowsill would also be ideal, where the cat can doze comfortably and warm up.

Health and nutrition

The Sphynx cat is generally in good health.

Although this is partially offset by a thicker layer of fat under the skin than in most other breeds., its lack of fur makes it more sensitive to cold. If you have access to the outside, you must have access at all times to a warm corner where you can come to warm up as soon as you feel the need.

This morphological peculiarity does not prevent it from tolerating heat well. But, does not produce melanin, the molecule that protects from ultraviolet rays. Thus, the risk of sunburn is especially high in this breed. Thus, if they have access to the outside, it is essential to apply a sun cream specially designed for cats, even when the weather is cloudy. It is important to be especially attentive, as repeated burns can lead to skin cancer.

It also, like any race, the Sphynx are prone to certain health problems. In your case, is about:

  • The Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which is characterized by thickening of the heart muscle and can lead to breathing difficulties, fatigue and intolerance to exertion. It is caused by a genetic mutation that can be detected by a DNA test, but this does not indicate when the symptoms will appear;
  • hereditary myopathy, sometimes known as spasticity, an extremely rare muscle degeneration due to neuromuscular dysfunction, leading to generalized muscle weakness. It occurs in the first months of life and can develop rapidly or remain stable for a short or long period of time before deteriorating abruptly.. In any case, is incurable and leads to the death of the animal;
  • Cutaneous mastocytosis, a skin disease whose causes are still unknown. Results in skin lesions that require generally temporary treatment;
  • The periodontal disease, a gum disease caused by plaque buildup, that turns into tartar. It can cause serious illnesses like sepsis.

Last, lack of hair can lead to comedones (excessive accumulation of sebum in the pores of the skin), especially on the chin or tail. But, there are treatments for it, which can be periodic or permanent.

Go to a breeder Sphynx earnestly will maximize the chances of adopting a healthy and well-behaved kitten. In fact, is the guarantee that the animal has been well socialized and, in general, has spent the first weeks of life in optimal conditions. It also, a professional worthy of the name takes care of genetic testing the subjects he intends to breed, to verify that they are not carriers of a hereditary defect that can be transmitted to their descendants. If they do it, are excluded from the breeding program. So, must be able to present the results of tests performed to parents and, possibly, to the pups, a certificate of good health from a veterinarian, as well as the details of the vaccinations received by the animal, registered in your health or vaccination card.

From the moment the adoption is finalized, the owner is responsible for keeping the animal in good health. As such, should take their pet to a vet for a full check-up at least once a year, and even more regularly as the pet gets older. This is an opportunity for the professional to diagnose any problems and, if required, treat it in the best possible conditions. It also, You can take advantage of this appointment to repeat the necessary vaccinations at the same time. As in all visits to the vet, usually goes smoothly, since the Sphynx is known for being handled without complaint.

Last, always in the field of prevention, the owner must ensure that his partner's deworming treatments are renewed throughout the year, so you are never unprotected against parasite risks. Even an individual who lives inside is not immune.

Sphynx kittens
Sphynx kittens – Dmitry Makeev, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Like any other cat, the Sphynx you need a diet that meets your nutritional needs, both in terms of quality and quantity. Must suit your age, activity level and health status.

In any case, is distinguished by its greater appetite than most of its congeners. This is not simply because he is gluttonous: her nudity causes her to maintain a body temperature between 40 and 41°C at all times, which is about two degrees higher than most other cats. To maintain this temperature, need to burn more calories (especially in winter, if you have access to the outdoors), and therefore needs to eat more. To be clear about the amount of food you need each day, and thus avoid being underfed, do not hesitate to ask a veterinarian for advice.

In any case, industrial cat food is perfectly suitable for your cat, but the same cannot be said for human food. In fact, unless it has been carefully selected to fit your nutritional needs, chances are high that it will do you more harm than good. So it is best to avoid succumbing to his pleading gaze and never give him leftovers or let him rummage through the bins.. This is all the more true since some very popular foods among humans are toxic to cats..

Last, like all his classmates, the Sphynx cat must have fresh water available at all times.

For sale "Sphynx cat (Canadian Sphynx)"

Exceptional looking, the Sphynx Cat is also usually exceptionally priced, since it is one of the most expensive breeds of cats.

In effect, the price of a kitten Sphynx usually oscillates between 1000 and 2000 EUR.

whatever the country, the amount charged differs depending on the reputation of the kennel, the lineage from which the animal comes, but also and above all its intrinsic characteristics, especially on a physical level. Therefore, prices can vary greatly from one individual to another within the same litter..

The "Sphynx" as a hypoallergenic cat

One might think that a Sphynx cat it is especially suitable for allergy sufferers due to its lack of hair. But, this assumption is not entirely correct, since many people are allergic to cat dander or body secretions and not to hair. But, hairlessness can significantly reduce allergy risk. So, before acquiring a naked cat as hypoallergenic, I should test if it reacts or not.

Videos "Sphynx cat (Canadian Sphynx)"

🐱 Sphinx Cat, Sphynx ("bald cat") 🐈 -My favorite breed of cat - Information, care ..etc 🐱
Gato Esfinge, Sphynx («gato calvo»)
Sphynx Cat 101 - Must Watch BEFORE Getting One!
Sphynx Cat 101 – Must Watch BEFORE Getting One

Alternative names:

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Burmese cat
Federations: LOOF, CFA, ACF, ACFA, TICA, FIFé, WCF

Today, you can still find cats similar to the current ones Burmese cats in the Buddhist temples of Southeast Asia
Burmese cat
Burmese Cat «Gamse» – DPCS.ie, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons



The first written records of the Burmese cat date back to the 14th century. El Tamra Maew, a manuscript of poems and illustrations found in Ayutthaya, the capital of the Kingdom of Siam (current Thailand), date of this period. This "treatise on cats" describes, among other things, to the Rajah, a round-headed cat, slightly chunky body and very silky chocolate coat: a description that corresponds in all respects to the Burmese what do we know today. According to legend, it was one of the 16 races that lived with Buddhist monks, who considered them sacred.

For centuries confined to his homeland, the cat began to spread internationally when in 1930 a US Navy medic, Joseph Thompson, brought a chocolate coated female from Thailand, Wong Mau. As the fur of this one was almost black at the tips (ears, legs and tail) and chocolate-colored in the rest of the body, guessed it was a Siamese cat. But, genetic testing disproved this assumption and established that it was a different breed. Fascinated by the beauty of this animal, Joseph Thompson decided to start a breeding program with other enthusiasts. Thus was born the American Burmese cat, a round-headed cat with a slightly chunky body.

The Burmeses did not arrive in Britain until later. It was not until the end of World War II that soldiers returning from Burma brought some brown cats.. Breeders who learned about the development of the American Burmese cat in the United States and Canada were interested in these cats and started a breeding program.

They contacted the American breeders so that they could send them some specimens. Among 1949 and 1956 some imports were made that allowed to expand the gene pool, which otherwise risked being insufficient due to the small number of subjects.

The program was a success: from the third generation, and more specifically in 1952, the breed was recognized by the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), the british feline organization. It was distinguished from Burmese Raised in America for his more triangular head and less stocky body.

The first standard only specified one layer color: chocolate. But, as time passed and more cats were raised, other colors appeared in the litters and lines. Like this, the first blue guy was born in 1952, and others with red fur followed in the following years, cream, tortoiseshell or even lilac in 1971. Breeders continued to develop the breed incorporating these additional colors, that were recognized in the successive updates of the breed standard.

But, until the end of the decade 1960, the gene pool of European Burmes cat remained very small, what limited its development. In 1969 imports could be reorganized, this time from canada, that contributed greatly to the development of the breed.

It also, the breed spread fairly quickly to most of western Europe. so it happened, for example, already in 1956 in France and in 1970 in Germany.

Male Brown/Sable Australian Burmese Cat – Psypherium, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
The controversy between the European Burmes cat and the American Burmese cat

The breeding of Burmese has developed in parallel, but in a somewhat different way, in the United States and Great Britain, respectively. This explains a certain divergence between the North American and European lines..

Like this, the American Burmese cat, also called Contemporary Burmese, has a rather round head, a rather short nose and a somewhat stocky body.

The European Burmes cat, also known as Traditional Burmese, has a more triangular head, a longer nose and slimmer body.

This heterogeneity divides breeders and institutions. These may include, the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) has refused to register specimens from the United States since 1980, to preserve traditional English lines.

The controversy is amplified by the existence of serious cranial deformities in some kittens from North American lines. These may include, some have two noses or just one cheek. Most affected kittens are stillborn., and those who are born are immediately euthanized. But, due to the limited size of the breed's gene pool, not even Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) not even Asociación Canadiense de Gatos (CCA) require routine sterilization of breeders with these defects. This decision is left to the discretion of each breeder..

The English Burmese lines are not entirely free from these problems.. But, the prevalence of these problems is much lower than on the other side of the Atlantic.

Physical characteristics

Burmese cat
Burmese – Flickr

The Burmese it is a medium size cat, muscular and of strong stature, tending to weigh between 4 and 6 kg.

The legs they are long and delicate, with delicate oval feet. Overhead wedge-shaped, with one forecrown wide, some settle ears wide and of medium size and a straight nose.

The Greats eyes are golden yellow to amber in color and have an oriental curved upper eyelid. The fur of the Burmese, dense and silky, has a very fine undercoat, so it is attached to the body.

Officially, ten different coat colors are recognized, no pattern allowed. The Burmese comes in ten generally recognized colors. As a common feature, they all have so-called spiky coloration, why the face, the ears, legs and tail are darker than the rest of the body. The most common coat color is nut brown..


As a result of separate breeding programs, the English Burmese are different from americans. European tends to be more eastern, with a more triangular face, while the American Burmese cat it is plump and rounded in the body, head, eyes and feet; with full cheeks and a short muzzle.

Character and skills

The Burmeses they are curious cats, energetic and loving. They especially like to play and are very people-oriented. You should not leave them alone for a long time, as they quickly feel lonely. Not in vain, These affectionate cats are called "people's cats".

They need close physical contact and cannot do without daily caresses. The friendly cats remain active and attentive until old age. They do not show any fear towards strangers and are usually quite "talkative".

Indoor or outdoor cat?

The "Burmese cat" it is an active animal that needs a lot of space. You are not comfortable in a narrow flat. So that they are happy, must have at least one secure balcony or, even better, a fenced garden. If the conditions are good, the Burmeses they can also go abroad. The only problem is that these friendly cats are not afraid of the neighbors or other strangers.. So, They can easily fall victim to "cat thieves".

How much activity does he need? "Burmese cat"?

The Burmeses They are great cats for the whole family. They need a lot of activity and are reluctant to be alone. In fact, They consider themselves so affectionate that they would rather come on vacation with you than wait home alone. If you have to leave your loving cat alone more often, you should get a second cat to keep each other busy.

Especially if cats can't go outside, you must provide them with a suitable substitute occupation. Even outdoor cats are not averse to playing regularly with their humans. With his attentive and curious character, to the Burmese loves to play and chase toys. It is best to provide this clever cat puzzle games or encourage him to seek and chase with hidden treats..

Burmese cat
Burmese cat

Grooming and feeding

The coat of the Burmese cat it is very easy to care for and does not need any special treatment. Just brush the silky fur from time to time to remove dirt. This will not only guarantee a well-groomed and silky appearance, it will also do your cat a favor with extra petting.

A varied and healthy diet also contributes to the well-being of the cat.

For sale "Burmese cat"

Before buying a Burmese cat, you must be sure that you can dedicate the necessary time. The Burmeses they are considered one of the breeds with the longest life expectancy. You can't leave, often, to this cat only for the next 12 to 18 years and you will have to take care of it daily. If you have discovered this oriental cat for yourself, looking for a trusted breeder. There is currently no independent breeding club for the breed and you will have to turn to amateur breeders.. When you choose a kitten, make sure both the kittens and the parents appear healthy.

The price of a "Burmese cat" ranges between 800 and 1300 EUR.

European Burmes cat
Chocolate (American «Champagne») British/European Female Kitten –

Characteristics "Burmese cat"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Burmese cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Activity level

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to other pets

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to children

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Grooming requirements

1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for attention

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection towards its owners

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Videos "Burmese cat"

Cat Who Lives On A Boat Loves Visiting New Places - MISS RIGBY | The Dodo
Cat Who Lives On A Boat Loves Visiting New Places – MISS RIGBY | The Dodo
🐱 Burmese Cat - Characteristics, Behavior and Origin 🐱
Gato Burmés – Características, Comportamiento y Origen

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Modern Siamese cat
Federations: TICA, FIFe, WCF, CFA, GCCF, CCA

With a history of several centuries, the Modern Siamese cat began to be recognized by national and international official organizations in the years 30.
Modern siamese
Self-made photo of Coco, sealpoint Siamese cat – Yannbee at Dutch Wikipedia, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


Characteristics "Modern Siamese cat"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Modern Siamese cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Activity level

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to other pets

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to children

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Grooming requirements

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for attention

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection towards its owners

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


The sophisticated Siamese takes its name from its country of origin, the kingdom of siam, which is now thailand. The oldest document that mentions it, the Tamra Maew, data of 1350 and was found in Ayutthaya, the capital of the kingdom since 1350 until 1767. This work is a treatise on cats, in the form of poems accompanied by illustrations. Some of the illustrations show cats with thin, pale bodies and darker masks on their faces., ears, legs and tails. At that time, they were cross-eyed and had knots in their tails, characteristics that only centuries later became defects that breeders were able to practically eliminate.

Legend has it that these cats were none other than the guardians of royal treasures, and that they watched them with such attention that they ended up squinting.

In Europe, it was in great britain, at the end of the 19th century, where the Siamese was first heard. In 1871, two specimens were exhibited in the first feline exhibition in modern history, held in the Crystal Palace From london. In the event catalog it was said that they were the first to set foot in the country, which is very likely.

But, they were not the ones who started the development of the breed in the country, but Pho and Mia, two specimens that Owen Gould, British Consul General, received in 1884 as a gift from the king of Siam.

He took them to Britain and his sister, Lilian Jane Veley, took care of them. He fell in love with these magnificent cats and decided to present them at the Palacio de Cristal Exhibition in 1885. Aroused great interest from the public. There are some photographs from this time that show that they were quite robust and had a round head.. They were the first two specimens registered in the British Register of Siamese, a register kept by one of the cat owners' clubs which had been in existence for several years and which were the forerunners of the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), founded in 1910.

They died right after this exposure, but meanwhile they had given birth to a litter. Lilian Jane Veley continued to dedicate herself to these cats; with a view to developing the breed, came to found the Siamese Cat Club in 1901, the world's first Siamese breed club.

Among 1884 and late nineteenth century, many were imported siamese cats from Siam to Great Britain and enrolled in the British Siamese Register. In fact, the breed quickly gained in popularity among the English aristocracy; as a result of fashion, many of its members wanted to own one. In 1892 a standard was developed that defined the physical attributes that a subject must have to be admitted to the registry.

The Siamese arrived in France in 1885, when a French diplomat brought two specimens from Bangkok to the Jardin des Plantes in Paris. In 1893, the Dr. Oustalet, professor at the Museum of Natural History, wrote about the siamese cats brought by the president's daughter-in-law Carnot. He took care to describe them accurately and wondered if this race descended from a wild species..

The introduction of Siamese cat in the United States took place in 1879. The American Consul in Bangkok, after learning about the fondness for cats of the then president's wife, Rutherford Birchard Hayes, sent him a Siamese, who he called Siam.

The breed really took off in America in the early 1900s, helped by the lady's cats Clinton Locke. Founder in 1899 of the Beresford Cat Club, the first registry of breed cats in the country, bought a copy in France, Lockehaven Siam, which won the award for the best cat in America in 1906 en Detroit. He repeated this feat the following year in Chicago, this time with a female, Lockehaven Elsa. In 1909 a breed club was founded, the Siamese Cat Society of America, who published a first standard.

But, the breed's development was interrupted by the First World War, both in the United States and in Europe.

The development of Siamese cat in the United States it also owes a lot to Virginia Cobb. Originaria de Massachusetts, fell in love with the breed during a cat show at the Madison Square Garden of New York in 1928. He decided to import his first copy, whom he called CH Oriental Nanki Pooh de Newton. This female lived 17 years and had many litters.

In addition to being very active and involved in the breeding and distribution of Siamese in United States, Virginia Cobb was also interested in its genetics. In collaboration with Clyde Edgar Keeler, Harvard University geneticist, explored in particular the scientific aspects of different coat colors. The first known color of the Siamese had been the seal point, with dark brown tips and a creamy coat. But, as reproductions were made, appeared the blue point (dark blue tips and bluish-white fur), the chocolat point (chocolate tips, ivory fur) and the lila point (pink gray tips, White fur).

The Second World War was a second brake on the expansion of the race, especially in Europe. At the end of the war, the breed was even on the verge of extinction in Britain.

New blood was needed to expand the gene pool and advance. Once again, several specimens were imported from Thailand, both to Europe and the United States.

But, just like before the two world wars, the Siamese had difficulty adapting to the local climate, very different from the tropical climate of your native Thailand. Breeders in all countries faced heavy losses, mostly due to gastroenteritis and parasites.

This did not prevent the breed from gaining popularity from the decade of 1960, both in Europe and the United States. Many breeders and show judges began to favor a slimmer look. The latter began to gradually evolve, as breeding and selection progressed.

The Americans, in particular, they preferred a tubular and elegant body, as well as a long head. Englishmen, on the other hand, they gave priority to almond eyes, large ears and a little lower on the skull. In addition to evolving, standards also began to differ from country to country.

But, around the world, the Siamese got longer, with a fine bone structure and a narrow head. The breeders' work also made it possible to eliminate strabismus and tail knots..

This way of evolving the morphology of the breed was chosen by most breeders, since the beginning of the years 70. Other, few, they decided to keep Thai cat. With the passing of the decades, the gap between a Modern Siamese cat, heavily modeled by man, and Thai cat, corresponding to the original physical type of the breed and known as Thai. At the beginning of the Decade of 2000, the latter was finally recognized as a distinct breed by most official bodies.

But, the Modern Siamese cat has stolen much of the limelight and enjoys much greater popularity. This explains that she herself was at the origin of several other races:

The recognition of Modern Siamese cat

Modern Siamese cat
Modern Siamese cat – Wikipedia

With a history of several centuries, the Modern Siamese cat began to be recognized by national and international official organizations in the years 30.

The American Cat Breeders Association (CFA) was the first to recognize the breed in 1934. The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) did the same in 1936.

The Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé), that brings together the feline authorities of some forty countries, including Switzerland and Belgium, did the same in 1949. Ten years later, also recognized the Oriental shorthair cat, before doing the same in 1983 with the him Balinese cat, and then in 1985 with the him Oriental Longhair cat: these four races together constitute a group in their own right.

The Canadian Cat Association (CCA) recognized the Siamese in 1950, just one year after FIFé.

In 1979, the International Cat Association (TICA) also recognized the Siamese and included him in a group with the Balinese cat, the Oriental shorthair cat and the Oriental Longhair cat, who were admitted at the same time.

Popularity of "Modern Siamese cat"

In Europe, It was in Great Britain that the Siamese, and still today it is in this country where he is most successful. Still the most successful cat in the UK, ranking fourth in number of annual registrations in the British Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), at around 1.500 a year. But, this figure triples that of the middle of the years 90, when the number of records exceeded 4.500 a year and was the second highest. The decline was especially marked in the second half of the 1990s. 2000, but continued throughout the next: early in the decade 2010 there was still more than 2.000 registrations per year.

In France, there has also been a decrease in both absolute and relative terms, and in any case the breed has never reached similar popularity levels. Nails on 250 registrations per year in the Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF), the breed is located around the position 20. In the middle of the Decade of 2000, this figure was rather 350 births per year.

In Switzerland, the Siamese has also lost part of its glory. After a peak of about 150 over the years 90, the number of annual registrations in the Fédération Féline Helvétique (FFH) steadily decreased, to the point that today it does not exceed 50 births per year. But, this places it around the tenth position in the statistics of the organization.

in Canada, it's even more discreet. In fact, the number of kittens registered each year with the Canadian Cat Association (CCA) places it around the position 25 of the ranking.

In United States, the Siamese was between 10 most popular breeds in the country in the early 1990s 2010, According to the annual registration statistics of the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA). Since then it has lost ground and is now around the position 12.

Physical characteristics

The Modern Siamese cat, a different looking cat Thai cat
Modern Siamese cat
Modern Siamese cat – Aleichem at Dutch Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Written in 1892, shortly after the breed's arrival in the West, the first standard of the Siamese lets us know what this cat looks like before breeders got involved. The Siamese he had a stocky body, a head round and eyes blue. It also, many of the cats were cross-eyed and/or had knots in the tail, what was not considered a defect at that time.

The traditional siamese has stayed quite true to this initial appearance, with its body and head round. On the other hand, decades of selective breeding have made the Modern Siamese cat away from the morphology of its ancestor and show more extreme forms: a body delgado, long and tubular, a head long in the shape of a triangle, ears very big and a tail very long and thin.

So, it is quite legitimate that these two cats are considered today as two different breeds, Although they share their intense blue eyes. The work of the breeders has also made it possible to eliminate the problem of strabismus that affected both, as well as the crooked tail.

The emergence of the "modern Siamese Cat"

The Modern siamese it is a medium size cat, lanky (Eastern) and elegant looking. Slim and athletic, they have a very harmonious overall look. But, he is quite muscular, which explains why it is heavier than one might think at first glance.

Its long body has a tubular shape, with shoulders and hips of equal width. Has firm musculature and fine bone structure. The tail it is long and fine and ends in a point.

The legs they are well muscled, long, slim and graceful. Hind legs are slightly longer than front legs. Both end in small, oval feet.

The head it is medium size, long, triangular, wedge-shaped and rests on a neck long and thin. The skull and the forehead are flat or very slightly rounded. More concretely, three types of profiles are accepted: straight, slightly convex or in two planes (the plane of the forehead is prolonged with that of the nose, but without a clear break between the two).

The ears they are very big, wide at the base and prolong the triangular shape of the head.

The eyes they are moderately large, macaroons, far apart and deep blue. They can be vairones (one green eye and one blue) in individuals whose fur is particular. Some individuals have both green eyes, but they are not recognized by the norms established by the different official organisms.

The cheeks are flat and dewlap is only allowed in adult males.

The nose it's long and straight, fitting perfectly into the triangle of the face. Its tip should not be narrow. Master medium-sized jaws and a strong chin.

The fur of the Siamese it's closed, shiny and silky. Consists only of an outer coat: this cat doesn't have undercoat. It also, It colourpoint, which means you have a darker mask on your face and ears, as well as on the legs and tail. This makes it look like he's ready to go to a costume party.

The rest of the body color is uniform, with a clear contrast between the body and the extremities, except for kittens. Kittens are born with slightly colored tips, that darken in the following weeks.

The most common combination is seal point: the tips are dark brown and the rest of the body is cream colored. The blue point it is also quite common, with a bluish-white fur and dark blue tips.
Most official agencies accept all color points. It is the case of the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé), the International Cat Association (TICA), the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) en el Reino Unido, the Association Féline Canadienne (AFC) or the Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF) in France.

The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) is more restrictive, since it only accepts 4 combinations:
  • The seal point: cream to fawn coat, seal points (dark brown), dark brown pads;
  • The chocolat point : ivory cloak, chocolate dots, pink pads and skin of the nose;
  • The blue point: bluish white cloak, dark blue tips, slate-colored nose pads and skin;
  • The lila point: White fur, lilac tips (grey pink), pink and leather nose pads.

Selective albinism in the Siamese

Modern Siamese cat
Male siamese cat red tabby point. name: By Aristotle Mike DelfinoKamée, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Although the morphology of the Modern Siamese cat has been partially modified by breeders, still basically a natural breed, that was not created by man. In particular, his dark mask on his face, the ears, legs and tail is due to a spontaneous and fairly benign genetic abnormality. This specificity was already visible in the first representations of this cat, dating back several centuries, and it was also found in all individuals imported in the 19th century to Europe and the United States. It is also present in the Thai cat.

It is related to the fact that all Siamese they have the albino gene. This gene encodes a heat-sensitive enzyme, that is to say, is active at low temperatures, but inactive at high temperatures. This explains that the main part of the body, the warmest, be light in color, while the coldest extremities, like ears, the face, legs and tail, They are darker.

The environment affects this thermosensitivity. When the kittens are born, they have a completely light color because the temperature in the uterus is constant and elevated. Their limbs begin to darken within a few weeks, and show their final color when they are about a year old.

This genetic trait also explains why individuals living in warmer climate countries tend to be lighter than those living in colder regions.. This phenomenon also occurs in other breeds colourpoint, as the Balinese cat or the Himalayan cat.

Size and weight

  • Male size: 30 cm.
  • female size: 30 cm.
  • Male weight: 2-6 kg
  • female weight: 2-6 kg

Breed standard

The breed standards are documents established by official bodies that list the conditions that a dog must meet. Modern Siamese cat to be fully recognized as belonging to the race:

Varieties "Modern Siamese cat"

"Modern Siamese cat"

Gato Siamés moderno
Chat siamois bleu pointEdenvane, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Although not all of them are necessarily recognized by all feline organizations, or are sometimes considered as simple varieties, the Siamese was the origin of several other races, developed from the years 50:

But, Things have changed since then, since some organizations now prohibit the breeding of a Siamese with a representative of another race. This is the position of the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) and the Canadian Cat Association (CCA).

On the other hand, other associations authorize marriages with some other races of the same group, in order to expand the gene pool.

Like this, the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé), as well as the International Cat Association (TICA), accept matings with :

In France, the Official Book of Feline Origins (LOOF) authorizes people with :

Last, the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) authorizes the mating of the Siamese with :

Character and skills

Modern Siamese cat
Male siamese cat Lilac Point, modern type. Name: Freaky Curry vom Elzer BergMartin Bahmann, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Although their appearance differs, the Modern Siamese cat has a character very similar to Thai cat, although the latter is sometimes presented as a little more sociable.

It is a very affectionate cat, who loves to live as a family. But, it is better if the owner likes cats with a strong character. In effect, he is passionate about the person he considers his human of reference, and establish a very strong relationship with him. He is fully involved in the life of his protector, follows him in all his movements, sleep next to him, leans on his knees in quiet moments… He is totally devoted and faithful to him. So, he is quite a demanding cat: to be fully happy, the Modern Siamese cat needs a master willing to dedicate time, interest, honey and, sometimes, patience.

The downside is that they quickly become possessive and protest if they don't get the attention they expect.. He is very sure of himself, even moody and impatient: you like your requests to be answered quickly, and if you don't get the answer you want, does not hesitate to express his point of view with meows that only cease when he gets his way.

Although it is clear that he has his favorite human, the Modern Siamese cat usually have a good relationship with other people in the family, especially if they surround you with their presence, they caress him and play with him. This is because they help meet your need for care.. But, It may happen that you feel a certain dislike for one of the members of the house and do not hesitate to show it, dismissively ignoring him and refusing to interact with him.

He gets along very well with children and is a very good playmate for them (and vice versa), as long as they treat you with respect. But, remember that a small child should never be left alone with a cat without adult supervision. This is valid regardless of the breed of the cat, for the safety of both parties.

Affectionate with his family, this cat is on the other hand very suspicious of strangers. If a stranger enters "your" house, prefers to stand aside and observe the situation from above, for example from the top of your cat tree, an essential accessory.

On the other hand, his proximity to family means that he does not appreciate loneliness at all. Not recommended for people who are out most of the day.

In addition to leaving toys to distract him, a solution to make the absences of their masters more bearable may be to make them share their home with a fellow man. In fact, cohabits easily with another cat and is glad to have an additional playmate and partner in crime. This also prevents you from finding other things to do, how to shred paper towels, what he does with some relish.

It is also usually a cat that gets along well with dogs, although this, of course, it also depends on the compatibility of your partner with the feline species. In any case, things go better if coexistence is instituted from an early age. Otherwise, it is better to ensure that the contact is made gradually.

It is much riskier to have a bird or a small rodent living next to you, since his hunting instinct can be awakened at any time. If the situation presents itself, some vigilance is required. These may include, if you are out, the small animal should be kept in a place inaccessible to the cat.

Athletic and energetic, the Modern Siamese cat need to be active. It is imperative that I can run, but this does not necessarily mean that living in a flat is impossible for him, as long as the house is big enough. Especially since it is very possible to teach him to walk on a leash; you are likely to enjoy those outings, since he shares them with his master. But, Ideally, a cat flap would allow you to leave the house whenever you wanted..

In any case, you have to satisfy your urgent need to scratch. If there is no scratching post in the house or garden, will not hesitate to use the furniture or curtains.

Games are essential for him too, both to exercise and to develop or maintain your skills. Playing is essential for your mental and emotional balance and, Therefore, for your well-being.

This is especially true for intelligent and curious children., as it provides them with intellectual stimulation. These traits make him an ideal candidate for anyone who wants to teach their cat tricks., such as retrieve a thrown object. Having said that, does not stop learning various things on his own. Capable of opening taps and doors, they like to hide in cupboards and closets and stay there even when called, until they decide it's time to make their presence felt.

Last, the Modern Siamese cat is known to be a very talkative cat. As they seldom stray far from their owners, who does not like to have a partner who vocalizes all day with a hoarse voice, another breed would be better. It is impossible to avoid this behavior: it is his way of communicating not only with his master, but also with all family members. It is his way of communicating not only with his master, but also with all family members, so you can expect long conversations in which he expresses his approval or disagreement. Si and Am, the talkative conjoined twins of Beauty and the tramp (1955), are perfect examples of the eloquence of this cat.

They can also be very noisy when it comes to claiming attention., especially if they are left for many hours without company or without a toy: no wonder they do a series of shenanigans and long meowing sessions.


"Modern Siamese cat"

The Modern Siamese cat it is generally a robust dog.

But, like all races, are more prone to certain ailments. In your case, is about:

  • Amyloidosis, a hereditary disease caused by the deposit in different organs of a protein called amyloid, that prevents them from working properly. Most of the time, the kidneys are the most affected, resulting in kidney failure or even diabetes. The main symptoms, if any, are intense thirst and frequent urge to urinate, diarrhea, loss of appetite … Drug treatment and changes in the animal's diet (especially to reduce protein intake) they can wipe out these deposits. But, existing lesions are irreversible;
  • Aortic stenosis, a congenital disease that corresponds to a decrease in the diameter of the outlet of the left ventricle of the heart, at the level of the aorta. Most often causes a state of fatigue and a heart murmur. There are treatments to improve the comfort of life of the animal, but the disease itself is incurable;
  • Urolitiasis, characterized by stone formation in the bladder, the kidneys or even the ureter. Then, the cat has difficulty urinating, drink more and, sometimes, we notice the presence of blood in the urine. Stones can be removed with surgery;
  • Asthma, also known as chronic or allergic bronchitis, causing short-term breathing difficulties and long-term lung damage. Corresponds to an allergic reaction to certain substances present in the environment, like dust mites, pollens, chemical or synthetic products (for example cleaning products), cigarette smoke … The affected animal suffers bouts of coughing and shortness of breath, while your breath makes a kind of hiss. But, treatments can greatly improve your quality of life, reducing both the number and intensity of attacks;
  • Respiratory problems, due to the elongated and triangular shape of its head. If so, is less inclined to move and strain;
  • Progressive retinal atrophy, an incurable inherited disease that causes progressive deterioration of the cat's eyesight, up to total blindness. Often not detected until very late, when it is very advanced and the cat collides with everything;
  • Glaucoma, which is caused by increased pressure in the eye. This gradually degrades the optic nerve, so the affected animal gradually loses sight. Eye drop treatments are sometimes enough to remedy the problem, but the most serious cases require surgery;
  • Hereditary strabismus, reducing visual acuity and field of vision. This anomaly manifests itself from birth and is incurable., but not very disabling;
  • Mouth problems, again because of the shape of her face.

As many of the conditions the breed is prone to are inherited, it is important to go to a breeder of Siamese serious to obtain an animal that has not only grown up in a quality environment and has benefited from good socialization from its first weeks, but also have all the possibilities to enjoy -and stay- Of good health. In effect, a professional worthy of the name ensures that certain genetic tests are performed on proposed stallions, to make sure they are not carrying a disease that they would risk passing on to their young. If they do it, are excluded from the breeding program. So, must be able to present the results of these tests, along with a certificate of good health from a veterinarian and a list of vaccinations already administered to the kitten, registered in the kitten's health or vaccination card.

Once the adoption is complete, the new owner is responsible for the kitten's health for the rest of its life. A visit to the vet at least once a year, and more often as the cat ages, is essential to maximize the chances of keeping you healthy. This appointment allows the professional to carry out the necessary vaccination boosters, but also, and above all, carry out a complete health check of the animal. The latter should make it possible to detect any health problem as soon as possible., to be able to treat it in the best possible conditions.

At the same time, It is essential to protect your cat against parasites by renewing its antiparasitic treatments throughout the year, whenever necessary, so you never stop being protected. This applies even to an animal that lives in a flat, since you are not completely safe from danger.

Life expectancy

11 to 15 years

Care and grooming

"Modern Siamese cat"

Gato Siamés moderno
Siamese cat Chocolate Point, modern typeMartin Bahmann, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

As beautiful as it is, the fur of the Modern Siamese cat, requires little maintenance, especially because it does not have undercoat. Normally, brushing once a week is enough to remove dead hair and shine the coat.

But, it is better to double the frequency during your annual molts, in spring and autumn. Although the coat is short, the molt is much more pronounced.

The weekly brushing session is also an opportunity to check his ears. Wiping with a damp cloth removes dirt and reduces the risk of infection (for example, in the ears).

You should also check your eyes once a week and, if required, clean them with a damp cloth to prevent dirt from accumulating and becoming infected.

Teeth require more frequent care. It is important to limit the accumulation of plaque, that can cause not only bad breath, but also various diseases of varying severity. Brushing your cat's teeth once a week with a special feline toothpaste is the bare minimum., but it is best to brush more often, or even daily.

Last, it is important to keep your claws in good condition so that they are not too long, which could cause discomfort or even break and hurt you. Whether you live exclusively indoors or have access to the outdoors, should be checked once a month: if natural wear and tear is not enough, must be trimmed manually. This does not prevent you from having a scratching post at your disposal., otherwise it will fall back on the furniture, something he does without hesitation if necessary.

Whether the fur, the ears, the eyes, teeth or claws, caring for a Siamese is not particularly complex. But, it helps to know what to do: this not only ensures that action is taken effectively, but also that there is no risk of injuring or traumatizing the animal. So, it is advisable to seek advice from a veterinarian or professional groomer the first time.

This cat has a very strong relationship with its owner. For this reason, if the owner knows how to do it well, grooming sessions can become moments of tenderness and shared complicity. This is more likely if the cat is used to it from a young age.


Like any cat, the Modern Siamese cat requires a diet that, both qualitatively and quantitatively, must meet your nutritional needs. As such, it must correspond to your age, your physical activity and your state of health.

Industrial foods may be perfectly suitable, as long as they are of good quality. But, the same cannot be said for human food. Unless specifically selected for that purpose, does not meet a cat's nutritional needs. Even worse, some of the foods that are potentially very popular with their owners turn out to be toxic to the little feline. So, it is a service for him not to offer him bits on the table, nor give him the leftovers or let him put his little head in the garbage can.

In any case, but the Siamese be very energetic and tend to eat a little more than a cat of another breed, He is not one of those who gorge himself. like most cats, the Siamese they self-regulate, so it is possible to make food available at all times without fear of overeating.

Last, like any cat, you must have fresh water at all times.

For sale "Modern Siamese cat"

It is not difficult to find breeders of Siamese. On the other hand, you should expect to pay a considerable amount of money, because it is by no means one of the cheapest breeds.

These may include, adopt a Modern Siamese cat usually costs between 1000 and 2000 EUR.

whatever the country, the price varies depending on the reputation of the hatchery, of the animal's lineage and, above all, its intrinsic characteristics, especially on a physical level. For this reason, the amount charged may vary from one individual to another within the same litter.

Videos "Modern Siamese cat"

CATS FIGHT 👊 Old Siamese VS Modern Siamese kitten

modern siamese facial expressions

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Seychellois cat
Federations: FIFe

The Seychellois cat still a very confidential breed around the world, and is mainly found in the UK and continental Europe, including France.
Seychellois cat
Larabii of Gentle Mind, Seychellois at Helsinki Cat Show – Heikki Siltala, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Characteristics "Seychellois cat"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Seychellois cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Activity level

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to other pets

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to children

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Grooming requirements

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for attention

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection towards its owners

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


The Seychellois it is a rather rare domestic cat of very recent origin. In the Decade of 1980, a London-based geneticist and breeder named Patricia Turner wanted to start a cat breeding project based on the characteristics of a cat that was once endemic to the Seychelles. He had learned about this animal through reading the travelogues written by explorers who had visited the Indian Ocean archipelago.. Passionate about breeding purebred cats, the Mrs. Turner had already participated in the sixties in the registry of the Scottish Fold -and, Therefore, of the Scottish Straight– in the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), the leading British feline association.

To create the Seychellois cat, the breeder began to cross Siamese with Persians bicolor and the Oriental shorthair cat. Later, breeders began to cross Siamese and longhair balinese within the new breed, which resulted in a variety of Seychellois cat long and semi-long hair.

The race Seychellois is recognized by the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé), Europe's leading feline association, that in 2005 allowed him to participate in the championships organized under his auspices. But, being quite rare, only seen quite occasionally at cat shows.

In 2011, the FIFé decided to combine the Breed Councils and the Siamese Cat standards, the balinese cat, the Oriental shorthair cat and the Oriental Longhair cat. at the end of 2013, Seychellois Shorthair and Seychellois Longhair were integrated into this group. Later, the organization announced that, starting at the 1 in January of 2016, the Short-haired Seychellois would be called Siamese (with white) and the Longhair Seychellois would be called balinese (with white).

At the end, the Seychellois cat still a very confidential breed around the world, and is mainly found in the UK and continental Europe, including France.

Physical characteristics

Seychellois cat
Larabii of Gentle Mind, Seychellois at Helsinki Cat ShowHeikki Siltala, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Seychellois cat share the same breed standard FIFé (Fédération Internationale Féline) with the Siamese, the Balinese cat, the Oriental shorthair cat and the Oriental Longhair cat. Similar to the Siamese, it is a medium size cat, which measures approximately 30 cm to the cross. Weighs 4 to 6,5 kilos in adulthood. His body is muscular, graceful and slim, and its legs are long and thin.

The eyes are almond-shaped and a remarkable azure blue, located in a head elongated, triangular in shape and attached to the trunk by a neck Strait. The cat has a ears quite large and a tail long, thin and pointed.

The fur is short, except in the varieties balinese and Oriental Longhair cat. The coat is silky and smooth and the extremities -face, ears, legs and tail- are at least partially colored. The kitties, like their cousins Siamese, they are white at birth. Only in the following days and weeks do their colors appear.

Color variations

The Seychellois comes in three color variants, according to the area occupied by the white spots on its fur. They are due to the gene piebald, responsible for the presence of random white spots in the animal kingdom. It is not only present in domestic cats -including the Seychellois– but also, for example, in dogs and snakes.

There is a classification system -del 1 to the 10- according to the surface of the animal's body covered by white spots. Individuals classified as "1" are almost all black, while those classified as "10" are almost all white. The high degree of whiteness present in Seychellois place them in categories 7 to 9.

More concretely, the three variants of piebald present in the Seychellois are:

  • Seychellois 7: the body is white, while the tail is colored, as well as parts of the head, body and legs;
  • Seychelles 8: the body is white, but small areas of the head and legs are colored;
  • Seychelles 9: the body is white, the tail is colored and there are small areas of color on the head.

Size and weight

  • Size: Of 30 to 35 cm.
  • Weight: Of 3 to 5 kg

Varieties of "Seychellois cat"

Originally, cats Seychellois from the breeding project of the British breeder and geneticist Patricia Turner they were shorthair cats. The cats that were then used for crossing were the Siamese, the bicolor Persian and Oriental shorthair cats.

A new variety of cat Longhair or semilargo appeared most recently, When the Balinese cat were incorporated into the development of this breed.

Character and skills

"Seychellois cat"

Gato Seychellois
Seychellois at Jämsä Cat show. maleSeychellois-Jämsä_show.JPG: Heikki Siltaladerivative work: Abujoy, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Like his close cousin, the Siamese, the Seychellois cat he is a lively cat, energetic and very active. They love to play, jump and climb, and they really appreciate having cat toys and a cat tree. As they are intelligent and curious, it is advisable to keep valuables out of reach, fragile or potentially harmful.

The Seychellois He is also affectionate and very attached to his owner. They need their owner to return affection and give them enough time and attention; they should not be left alone too often or for too long. This makes it an ideal companion for people who live alone., as long as, of course, be able to take care of it.

His love of play also makes him a cat who appreciates the presence of children.. But, you have to teach them not to rush with their little friend, since this one does not take it well. On the other hand, the Seychellois cat tends to adapt well to the presence of other domestic animals.

Last, the Seychellois is known to be very vocal, although a little less than his cousin the Siamese, which also has a slightly more powerful voice.


The Seychellois has a half-life of about 12 years.

Being a very new breed, there is still little evidence of predisposition to certain diseases, but is currently considered to be in good health and does not appear to be affected by hereditary or congenital diseases, unlike other domestic cats.

Life expectancy

  • 12 years


The short and dense coat of the Seychellois does not require particularly careful maintenance.

A weekly brushing of the cat's coat is sufficient. The new variety of longhair cat requires more care: you have to brush it about three times a week.

Videos "Seychellois cat"

RUSORI HOUSE *PL Siamese Seychellois and Oriental cats 2019

Seychellois Cat Wilkie Capri Happy Jungle RU SYS f 03 21 (M.T. Thousands) (www.baltior.eu) 20090613

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Ragdoll cat
Federations: LOOF, CFA, ACF, ACFA, TICA, FIFé, WCF

Photo: Wilkipedia


Characteristics "Ragdoll cat"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Ragdoll cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Activity level

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to other pets

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to children

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Grooming requirements

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for attention

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection towards its owners

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


The Ragdoll cat He is originally from California, United States. At the beginning of the Decade of 1960, Ann Baker, a breeder of persian cats, a white cat began to cross, semi-wild and looking like Turkish Angora cat call Josephine with several street cats. Josephine gave birth, among others, to two cats named Buckwheat and Fugianna.

They were large and docile in temperament and tended to relax completely when picked up., becoming real "Ragdolls".

Two males were added to the breeding program of the Mrs. Barker: Blackie, a black guy looking like Burmese cat, and Daddy Warbucks, dark in color and with white tips of the legs. These five cats interbred and gave rise to the breed Ragdoll as we know it today.

Aware that he had a new breed of cat on his hands, Ann Baker decided not to have her recognized by feline associations and, Instead, chose to register the trademark Ragdoll and create your own record, the International Ragdoll Cat Association (IRCA), in 1971. At the same time, prohibited anyone from using the name Ragdoll, breed these cats outside the strict conditions imposed to preserve the purity of the breed or register them with another feline association.

Although the eccentric claims of Ann Baker about what Josephine was genetically altered by aliens in a car accident are not credible, it seems likely that he had a unique genetic makeup, probably a natural genetic mutation, which was later passed on to their offspring.

The eccentricities of Ann Baker sparked dissension among other breeders of the Ragdoll cat, especially because of the high level of inbreeding caused by the strict restrictions imposed by. In 1975, Denny and Laura Dayton they were among the first to distance themselves from the breed and attempt to give it a legitimate existence under the umbrella of recognized feline associations. They drew up the standard that was used later when it was recognized by the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé) in 1991 and for the American Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) in 1993.

In the meantime, the Ragdoll had arrived in Britain already in 1981, when breeders Pat Brownsell and Lulu Rowley they imported the first specimens and began to breed this cat that little by little would conquer British cat lovers. A few years later, in 1986, made its appearance in France.

In the news, the Ragdoll is recognized by most major national and international feline associations: is the case, in particular, of the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) British, of the Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF) French, of the International Cat Association (TICA) and of the World Cat Federation (WCF).

Well established in both North America and Europe, and its success is undeniable. In United States, it is one of the most popular breeds in terms of number of registrations in the CFA, and even ranked first in 2018. In the United Kingdom, has firmly established itself in second place since 2010; with about 3.000 kittens registered every year, it only represents around the 15% of the country's cat population.

It is also one of the five most popular cat breeds in France., and its growth is dazzling: While in 2003 less than 100 specimens in the LOOF, in 2010 more than 1.000 and in 2019 more than 2.600, surpassing the Persian for the first time. So, represents almost the 6% of births registered in the country.

Physical characteristics


The Ragdoll it is one of the largest breeds of domestic cats, but it grows slowly and in fits and starts, and does not reach maturity until four years.

Has a kind of body long and mighty. His body is wide and imposing, with a solid bone structure and supported by medium-sized muscular legs that end in legs round and wide. The tail is quite long and tapers slightly towards the tip.

The head forms an equilateral triangle viewed from the front. Profile, the rounded forehead is prolonged with a slide-shaped depression at the nose. The ears are size medium, point forward and end in a rounded shape. The eyes they are big, oval and of an intense blue color that rarely leaves you indifferent.

The fur of the Ragdoll, composed of a sparse undercoat and a medium length topcoat, it is silky and close to the body. Tends to elongate in winter and is densest in the back of the body, and the queue is particularly crowded. It also, some dogs have a well-developed mane.

The fur tends to be colourpoint (a light color and dark tips), but it can also be gloved or bicolor. In United States, the CFA (Cat Fanciers’ Association) also allows pattern van, or Seychelles, which is a white individual with a colored tail and head, and spots on the body. The colors allowed by the standards of the different organizations that recognize the breed are the seal, the blue, chocolate, the lilac, red and cream. These colors can be found in tortoiseshell patterns (black and Red) or tabby (striped), which gives rise to a large number of possible combinations and, Therefore, to as many cats with different appearances.

Last, the sexual dimorphism it is very marked, being the male much more imposing than the female.

Size and weight

  • Male height: Of 30 to 35 cm.
  • Female height: 28-32 cm.
  • Male weight: 5-9 kg
  • female weight: 4-7 kg

Breed standard

The breed standards are documents established by official bodies that list the conditions that a dog must meet. Ragdoll to be fully recognized as belonging to the race:

Character and skills

Male Ragdoll, about three years old, with prototypical tabby patterns in the head region – BlackIceNRW, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Docile and devoted, the Ragdoll he loves the company of his family and follows them around the house, greeting them at the door when they arrive. He is a gentle and loving companion, who just wants to get into his master's lap to warm him up and relax him with a lot of purring after a hard day's work.

Very sociable, he has no problem greeting guests. If they take it in their arms, he behaves as he would with his masters: relax all your muscles, which reminds us why it's called "Ragdoll".

Its quiet character, relaxed and easygoing makes it an excellent choice for a cat breed with children, especially if they have learned to interact with an animal. But even if they are not treated with respect, for example, if they are carried around the house for a long time, it is very rare that they remove their claws. And if there is a cat that is willing to be dressed like a doll and then carried in a stroller, it's the ragdoll. Of course, make sure that the child does not cross the line and abuse their indulgent nature.

It is not a problem of coexistence with other dogs, as long as they don't chase you around the house. It can even live with small rodents or fish, but it is advisable not to tempt the devil: the Ragdoll still a feline, and his hunting instincts can resurface at any moment.

Its flexible and calm personality makes it a cat that adapts well to changes and is capable of living in almost any environment. A move with a cat goes much better if it is a Ragdoll that a race that does not share this quality. The owner can also perfectly consider taking his cat on vacation, without fear that your partner will be completely disoriented and not enjoy the change of scenery. It is also possible to take your cat around your holiday destination on a leash, since it is something that this breed accepts very well.

Despite its impressive size, the Ragdoll adapts perfectly to life in a flat, as long as you have everything you need: the warmth and comfort of a cozy home, the affection of his family and a little space to play. Even if you live in a house and have free access to the outside, it's more of an indoor cat: rarely goes outside to explore the garden or surroundings.

On the other hand, his closeness to humans and his patience make him suitable for friendship with anyone, and turn you into a excellent therapy cat. His presence and willingness to interact with people also means that he can be a real comfort to his owner when he is going through a difficult time., and he knows that he has a support in him that he can trust in those circumstances. On the other hand, It is not for someone who likes to be alone and does not want a companion who is a little "clingy", who prefers to opt for a more independent breed.

The Ragdoll is moderately active, but enjoy chasing a cloth mouse, especially because he retains a playful side throughout his life. They are also able to learn some tricks, especially if the owner uses positive reinforcement techniques with praise and treats. It also, if given the opportunity, they love to play fetch for an object thrown by its owner, how would a dog. But don't expect him to constantly jump on the kitchen table or climb on furniture.: prefers to run rather than jump and does not venture beyond the living room sofa or bed. Like this, unlike most of his peers, does not seek a high position to observe its surroundings from above, but choose a place that facilitates contact with your family.

It also, against a legend, not insensitive to pain, and reacts like any other cat if someone steps on its tail: cries out in pain and then walks away with a reproachful look at the offender.

Last, has a soft and musical voice, but he rarely uses it, except when you order your food.


"Ragdoll cat"

Male Ragdoll of 4 months. Blue mitted with a blaze – CalistaZ, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Ragdoll cat it is a fairly robust breed with few genetic predispositions.

But, you are not immune to certain health problems. Among the possible risks, the most common are:

  • The feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a growth of heart tissue that can have serious consequences. But, from 2007 there is a DNA test to detect the responsible gene, so serious breeders of Ragdoll have taken all precautions to minimize this risk;
  • Bladder lithiasis, that is to say, stone formation in the bladder;
  • The urolitiasis, what is stone formation in the urethra.

These last two conditions can cause the cat to be unable to urinate, a serious situation that requires the urgent intervention of the veterinarian.

Life expectancy

Of 12 to 15 years


The Ragdoll it is a breed of cat that is easy to care for: the brushed once a week removes dead hairs and knots that may form. This session is usually appreciated by the receiver, who enjoys the attention and caresses he receives.

Although they do not shed excessively (especially because its undercoat is not very abundant), it is advisable to increase the frequency of grooming sessions during their shedding periods, in autumn and spring.

The teeth, the eyes and ears should also be checked and maintained once a week to make sure they are clean and free of infection.

It also, depending on wear and tear and how often your dog uses the scratching post, its claws need to be trimmed more or less frequently.

Last, keep in mind that, given its size, a large litter box is necessary so that she can turn over without difficulty.



The Ragdoll it does not pose any difficulties in terms of feeding and adapts very well to industrial cat foods available on the market. But, food must be of good quality, adapted to your age and activity level, to provide you with everything you need to stay healthy.

Kittens of this breed can experience large growth spurts, so it is important that they always have food at their disposal to develop properly. This is especially true as they are capable of self-regulation., so the risk of being overweight is very limited. This is not a sign of obesity, but a normal morphological characteristic of the breed.

Adults are also capable of self-regulation and can also have food at all times without this generally posing a problem.

But, your dog's weight should be monitored regularly and a veterinarian should be consulted in the event of a pronounced increase.

What is the price of a "Ragdoll cat"?

The price of a kitten Ragdoll round the 1100 euros on average, whether it is a male or a female.

But, this stocking hides a fairly wide range of prices, since it goes from the 600 euros of the cats with the characteristics furthest from the standard up to almost 3.000 euros of the specimens belonging to a prestigious lineage and destined for their physical attributes to shine in feline exhibitions.

Interesting data

Do "Ragdolls" have a reduced sense of pain?

Since the Ragdoll hangs limply when caught and lets everything hang over him, some researchers assumed the breed has a lower sense of pain than other cats. For some time, experiments were done on the poor animals. It is even believed that the founder of the breed, Ann Baker, made this claim to better market his breed. At the end, the tests led to the conclusion that there are no differences with other cats.

The "Ragdolls" on social networks

Their funny and clumsy character makes cats Ragdoll be real stars on the internet. There is hardly a compilation of "funny cat videos" in which this breed does not appear.. The Ragdolls most famous on Instagram are the three cats Lola, Nina and Olan, whose day to day you can follow under the name of @ladylolathecat. The three cats live with their owner in a floating house and delight 139.000 subscribers almost daily with funny videos and images.

When I hugged the cat tightly, I got annoyed by saying 'Ang'.

3 Minutes of a Ragdoll Cat Being a Ragdoll Cat

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Safari cat
Unrecognized breed.


"Safari cat"

Gato Safari
Safari cat


The Safari it is a relatively new breed of cat, dating back to the years 70. It is a hybrid between Domestic cat (or "street cat") and the Geoffroy's cat (Leopardus geoffroyi). The latter is a small wild cat -some 4 kg adult- whose habitat is southern South America, from Bolivia to Patagonia. The breed was first called "Criollo" and then "Appaloosa.". Finally, the name of Safari, to refer to its exotic and wild origin.

It is not recognized by American organizations such as the American Cat Fanciers’ Association (ACFA), the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) or The International Cat Association (TICA), nor by European organizations such as Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), the World Cat Federation (WCF) wave Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé). However, some have been registered 100 specimens in the TICA, which makes the Safari in a very rare cat. For this reason and for its price, Some have even called it the “Rolls Royce of cats.”.

The first Safaris were created in the United States in the decade of 1970 by Washington State University for use in a leukemia research program. In particular, were used as guinea pigs for stem cell studies and the like.

Upon completion of the medical research project, the hybridization program was abandoned by university researchers due to difficulties encountered. The cells of the geoffrey cat and those of Domestic cat do not contain the same number of chromosomes. The private breeders who have taken over have had to face the same genetic problem. In particular, lack of male fertility makes the breed very difficult to develop. This is the reason why the Safari cat still so rare today.

Physical characteristics

As the breed is not recognized, no standard has yet been established for the Safari cat. But his genetic heritage makes him a tabby and exotic-looking cat.: its fur is reminiscent of a leopard.

It is a Domestic cat large: first-generation hybrids can weigh up to 15 kg. But, size tends to decrease in subsequent generations, stabilizing around the 11 kilos for males and 8 kilos for females.

Size and weight

  • Size: Of 40 to 45 cm.
  • Weight: Of 6 to 12 kg

Character and skills

"Safari cat"

Gato Safari
Safari cat – Stock Credit; iStock

There are a growing number of "breeds" that are being developed through the crossing of our Domestic cat Felis catus with wild cats. Apart from the first generations, these cats are being bought by people who want a pet with something different, but the character and behavior of cats is uncertain and many of them are quite large cats. To this must be added the problems if they go outside and are aggressive and very territorial with other cats., or are they much more avid hunters causing the devastation of the fauna.

What is not taken into account is the welfare of the wild cats kept for breeding, the danger to domestic cats that mate with wild ones and the welfare of the first generations that cannot be sold as pets but must be kept as wild cats.

Keeping them confined may not contribute much to your own well-being. hybrid cat.

In conclusion, no need to hybridize domestic cats with wild cats and the resulting races, as the Safari cat, they have many welfare issues and should not be bred or kept as pets.


The small number of individuals makes it difficult to identify the specific health problems of the Safari cat.

But, males are known to be infertile, which makes it difficult to breed the breed. The breeders of Safari they usually stay with the females for breeding, so the cats available for adoption are mostly infertile males.


In general, the races with pedigree use a much smaller gene pool for breeding than domestic cats and, therefore, are at increased risk of developing inherited disorders. It also, A number of "newer" pedigree breeds are derived from crosses between one or more "older" breeds., and in these situations hereditary problems seen in older breeds are likely to be perpetuated within newer breeds.


As it is a very rare breed, no specific care requirements have been mentioned so far Safari cat. All you have to do is provide the general care any domestic cat needs.. How is a shorthair cat, a weekly brushing is enough.

For sale "Safari cat"

The price of a Safari cat varies greatly from farm to farm. On average, it can cost from 4.000 at €6,000 given the rarity of this breed. Your sex, the uniqueness of your lineage or your age can influence the price of a Safari. You have to calculate, In addition, around €50 per month to ensure you have a quality meal and keep you in good health.
Special care must be taken with fraudulent breeders who try to sell cats of other breeds under the name of "Safari”.

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Sacred Cat of Burma (Birman)
Federations: CFA, FIFé, ACF, LOOF

Birmano de pies blancos
Photo: hizapearls.com


Characteristics "Sacred Cat of Burma (Birman)"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Sacred Cat of Burma (Birman)" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Activity level

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to other pets

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to children

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Grooming requirements

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for attention

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection towards its owners

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


The Sacred Cat of Burma (Birman) has recently appeared in Europe and its origin remains mysterious. It is said that some Englishmen brought a couple of cats from Burma from the so-called Lao-Tsun temple.

It is said that one such Mrs. Leotardi, In the south of france, was the owner of Madalpour doll, a burmese cat Seal point, exhibited in Paris in 1926, whose parents came from Burma and were given to him by a certain Mrs. Thadde-Haddish.

In fact, the first subjects would be the result of crossing a Siamese cat marked in white at the end of the legs with a longhair cat (angora the persian) practiced in the twenties, in the Nice region.

About 1930, the God of arakan, A male Seal point, became the star of feline shows.

After the Second World War, during which the race was about to disappear, blood infusions were made from a Persian cat colourpoint to limit inbreeding.

In 1950, the breed was renamed as Sacred Cat of Burma (Birman) to avoid confusion with the Burmese cat.

Introduced in the United States in 1959-1960 and in Great Britain in 1965, where it was recognized, this breed is very popular with the public and has great success.

Physical characteristics

Sacred Cat of Burma (Birman)
Sacred Cat of Burma (Birman)

The Sacred Cat of Burma he's a long and powerful guy. He is relatively burly, with one head wide and round with large ears and eyes deep, almost round, light blue.

The face it is not flattened and the nose is rather long and straight. The body is elongated and the legs are long..

The fur is long, silky, more dense in the neck. The belly has slightly curly hair.

A characteristic feature of this breed is the presence of symmetrical white markings on the legs., called "gloves".

Colors points: seal, blue, lilac, Red and cream. Tortoise shell of all colors, except red and cream.

Size and weight

  • Size: 30 cm.
  • Weight: Of 4 to 6 kg

Breed standard

The breed standards are documents produced by official bodies that list the conditions that a Burmese must meet to be fully recognized as belonging to the breed.:

Character and skills

"Sacred Cat of Burma (Birman)"

Gato Sagrado de Birmania (Birmano)
A Seal Point Birman Cat called Strofe – Kristin Kokkersvold, Copyrighted free use, via Wikimedia Commons

Halfway between the Persian and the Siamese, this cat is calm, balanced, neither passive nor exuberant.

Less docile than Persian, it is however calmer, quiet and less active than Siamese.

Kind, affectionate (especially the males), often a bit possessive, Can't stand indifference and less loneliness, although it seems a bit individualistic. His voice is soft.

He is sociable with his peers.

Playful, it is a nice companion for children. But he also likes peace and quiet.

Abroad, they are robust, athletic and great hunters.

The females., adults of about 7 months of age, They are mothers who are very concerned about their pups..


The maintenance of the coat is relatively easier than that of the Persian, since knots and tangles are rare.

In normal times, weekly brushing and combing is sufficient to maintain the coat. But, during the move, daily brushing and combing is necessary.

Videos "Sacred Cat of Burma (Birman)"

Birman Cat Are Awesome - Cute Birman Cats Videos Compilation

Burmese Cat Routine

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

RagaMuffin cat
Federations: CFA, WCF, ACFA

Photo: mypetsmart.com


Characteristics "RagaMuffin cat"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "RagaMuffin cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Activity level

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to other pets

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to children

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Grooming requirements

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for attention

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection towards its owners

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


The history of RagaMuffin cat is closely linked to that of the Ragdoll.

It all started in 1963, When Ann Baker, a breeder of persian cats Of California, adopted the kittens of a semi-wild, semi-long-haired stray cat named Josephine. Josephine suffered a car accident that dramatically affected his character, making her calmer, friendly and loving. Pass on these behavioral qualities to your litter, to the amazement of Ann Baker, I didn't expect to get such obedient kittens from an originally wild stray cat. So he decided to start breeding a new breed called Ragdoll, in reference to the amazing propensity of these cats to go limp, extremely relaxed and even inert, as soon as they are caught.

But, Ann Baker He is a rather eccentric person and wants to maintain control over the evolution of "his" race.. By refusing to register the Ragdoll in official feline standardization bodies (like TICA), created his own association, the International Ragdoll Cat Association (IRCA), intended to regulate development, the establishment of norms and the control of the different breeds of Ragdoll. It imposes very strict rules on breeders who want to market to the Ragdoll cat, which caused a first division in the community of breeders in 1975. This division led to the development of Ragdoll and its inclusion in the official international standards of organizations such as FIFé (Fédération Internationale Féline) and Cat Fancier Association (CFA).

In 1994, four breeders who disapproved of the practices of Ann Baker they also left the IRCA and developed a new breed similar to Ragdoll: the Ragamuffin, a Ragdoll Nameless. Favoring the preservation of the health and personality of the breed above its aesthetic appearance, they crossed to Ragdoll cat with the Persian, the Himalayan cat and semi-long haired stray cats, until reaching the current form of the Ragamuffin. The crossing of Ragamuffins with Ragdolls was allowed until 2010, before being banned, so as not to create confusion for potential buyers.

But, today, the RagaMuffin cat is only recognized by a limited number of feline associations. It is the case of the World Cat Federation (WCF) from 2009, and of the American Cat Fancier Association (ACFA) from 2010, but with stricter acceptance criteria. The Cat Fancier Association (CFA) also recognizes the breed from 2003, and allows your horses to compete from 2011.

But, the lack of acceptance by larger organizations such as the TICA or the LOOF does not yet allow breeders of Ragamuffin certify the pedigree (lineage) of a litter of kittens Ragamuffin.

Last, the Ragamuffin is present today mainly in the United States, Canada and Europe.

Physical characteristics


The Ragamuffin It is a breed of cat with semi-long hair whose physique is still very similar to that of its ancestor., the Ragdoll.

Bigger than the average cat, the body of the Ragamuffin is rectangular, quite muscular, with a broad chest and powerful shoulders, but a rather short neck. In general, the Ragamuffin is perceived as rounder than the Ragdoll.

The head is triangular, with good cheeks, round whisker pads and a skull well rounded. Ears tilt slightly forward. The eyes they are walnut-shaped, which gives the dog a very soft look. The Ragamuffin may sometimes have heterochromia iridis (one eye of each color), a characteristic that is not accepted in its cousin.

The fur it is dense and very soft, similar to a rabbit. Hair is longer around the head, the neck and under the belly, but not as long as a Ragdoll. All are accepted colors coat and pattern variations, with the exception of colourpoint.

Size and weight

  • Male size: Of 23 to 25 cm.
  • female size: 22-24 cm.
  • Male weight: 6-9 kg
  • female weight: 4-6 kg

Breed standard

The breed standards are documents established by official organizations that list the conditions that a Ragamuffin to be fully recognized as belonging to the race:

Character and skills

"RagaMuffin cat"

Name: Ramu Gender: Female Kind: Ragamuffin – Takashi Hososhima from Tokyo, Japan, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Ragamuffin is a perfect indoor cat. He is known to be very docile, extremely affectionate and calm. Not a great athlete, but he loves to play and climb between naps. You can even learn to retrieve items, if its owner is very patient in cat training.

To the Ragamuffin likes to spend time with other people in the house and follow them to participate in the activities of the day, what sometimes makes his owners say he behaves like a dog. Patient with children and particularly eager to be petted, loves to be the center of attention, sometimes to the point of being intrusive.

self-confident and fearless, will be the first to greet strangers who visit home and rub his knees. It also does not show any animosity towards other animals in the house. (dogs, cats, birds and even rodents), provided they are gradually introduced.

This excess of kindness even leads some owners to say that their partner should stay indoors for their own safety., since it has very few reflexes to protect itself against aggression or danger.

It also, nothing disturbs this quiet force, not even a move or a family change.


Name: Ramu Gender: Female Kind: Ragamuffin – Takashi Hososhima from Tokyo, Japan, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commonsv

The Ragamuffin is a big cat with a slow growth rate. Like this, representatives of this breed reach their physical and behavioral maturity at the age of three or four years.

Like his ancestor the Ragdoll, Ragamuffin may have a similar predisposition to certain feline diseases, as the periodontal disease, the polycystic kidney disease and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, an inherited syndrome that is more common in cats of Persian ancestry. It is recommended to use the available DNA tests for these last two diseases, and ask the breeder if he has had the kitten's parents tested.

It also, the Ragamuffin it is also prone to feline obesity, due to its not very athletic nature.
Last, and this is rare enough to be mentioned, crossing with other breeds is allowed (mainly Persians and himalayan) every five generations, in order to reduce the effects of inbreeding on the general health of the Ragamuffin.

Life expectancy

12 to 18 years


Regular brushing of the dog's coat RagaMuffin cat necessary to remove tangles from the coat and help prevent shedding throughout the house.

It is also recommended to trim the cat's nails every fortnight if he does not use them enough on a scratching post..

Last, daily brushing of the cat's teeth is recommended to prevent periodontal disease (periodontosis). But, if the cat is not really docile, weekly brushing may be enough.


The Ragamuffin is known to be a healthy cat. But, your laziness and greed can quickly lead to weight problems in the cat. So, it is important to pay attention to the amount of your food, as well as its quality.

For sale "RagaMuffin cat"

The average price to adopt a kitten Ragamuffin is of some 300 EUR.

This rather low price is explained by the fact that, due to lack of recognition by the main international feline organizations, a breeder's Ragamuffin you are unable to provide a pedigree for the kittens you are trying to sell. In fact, due to the lack of tangible and irrefutable evidence that it is true Ragamuffins And not from Ragdolls that do not meet the standards (or even kittens from another cross), negotiating the price of a kitten Ragamuffin is essentially based on trust between the breeder and the future owner.

RAGAMUFFIN CAT 101 - The Most UNDERRATED Fluffy Cat Breed

CFA International Show 2019 - Ragamuffin Kitten Class Judging