▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Australian mist cat
Recognized by the WNCA

The Australian mist cat has been named Australia's national cat.
Australian Mist
Photo: breeds.traditionalcats


Characteristics "Australian mist cat"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Australian mist cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Activity level

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to other pets

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to children

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Grooming requirements

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for attention

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection towards its owners

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


In 1977 The doctor. Truda Strait, the creator of the “Australian Mist Cat” breed, It presented an idea to the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Cat Control (This body was replaced by the Cat Fanciers’ Association of NSW, a member agency of the Coordinating Council of the cat from Australia) to develop a cat breed that was truly unique to Australia.

The breed was developed by crossing the European Burmese Cat., Abyssinian cat cats and dogs domestic short hair to create a cat for short hair with a spotted coat.

The goal was to create a new breed with a peaceful temperament and spot pattern especially for use indoors.. In 1986, the breed was really recognized in Australia, at that time still under the name «Spotted Mist«. By increasing the range of brands and colors -between, the cat is also available with tabby coat-, the name was finally changed into 1998: Today the cat is called "Australian Mist".

Physical characteristics

Mist australiano
A Blue-spotted Australian Mist – Regis2007, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Australian mist cat has an athletic and muscular body. His figure with strong legs and wide torso already suggests that he likes physical activities. This medium-sized cat has large green eyes and a rounded head.. Ears are slightly rounded and stand out alertly. In general, the face radiates kindness and curiosity, attributes that are part of your personality. The fur has several drawings (stains, stripes and squiggles) and color dimensions that give the cat a hazy look. Due to these color characteristics, It is also called "Australian fog cat".

The Australian mist cat comes in different colors:

  • blue
  • brown
  • Caramel
  • Chocolate
  • Oro
  • Lila
  • Durazno
  • Character and skills

    The Australian mist cat is caring and people-oriented. But it is also social in relation to other species, so socialization with other cats is not only possible, but also very important.

    Whenever it can come into contact with other creatures, prefers solo adventures. Although she is one of the typical house cats, seldom lazily lies down. The Australian mist cat is lively, curious and active, so he does not like monotony or boredom.

    Some Mist can be trained to go leash walking.

    Care and health

    Australian Mist
    Australian Mist – kitty.green66, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    The Australian mist cat adapts flexibly to the living conditions of its owner. Can cope with large families, both in a flat and in a nursing home, as long as there's someone to hang out with.

    If you acquire an adult cat, you may need some time to get used to the new environment, especially if there are children around and the cat does not yet know how to interact with them. By the way, there are no diseases typical of the breed with regard to the Australian mist cat. This breed of cat is healthy, robust and long-lived. However, You must go regularly to veterinary check-ups and update vaccination and antiparasitic protection.

    Life expectancy

    The life expectancy of a "Australian mist cat" healthy is from 13 to 17 years on average.

    Indoor or outdoor cat?

    The Australian mist cat it is a social animal that prefers to stay close to its interaction partners rather than roam outside only. They will take advantage of small outdoor spaces, like an adjoining garden, but they will also be happy in a flat, as long as, of course, can exercise and occupy themselves at home. A spacious apartment is not essential, but it would be ideal due to its agile character. If there are several options to climb and play on the premises, the Mist australiano thoroughly explore your environment.

    It also, in an unsupervised outdoor area, there is always a basic risk of loss for purebred cats. Criminal gangs see lucrative business in outdoor cats, especially when it comes to a specimen as special as the Australian mist cat. If a getter gets it, he catches it and sells it. For this reason, if you allow your cat to access an outdoor area, you will need adapted protection. These may include, equip your cat with a GPS tracker or transponder. It may even be mandatory for your cat to be marked where you live.

    How much activity does he need? "Australian mist cat"?

    The Australian mist cat is a cat with a playful interest and a greater desire to exercise, so if you keep it as an indoor cat, will need to climb a lot. Variety in the form of different toys should also be provided at all times. The cat likes it best when it doesn't have to take care of itself, but its owner or a fellow man plays with it.

    For sale "Australian mist cat"

    Buy purebred kittens Mist australiano can be treacherous, as these purebred cats are practically non-existent outside of Australia. In all Europe, it is considered a real stroke of luck to get hold of one of these rare kittens, as they are mainly bred in New Zealand and Australia. In general, the feline race is still very young, so global awareness must first be broadened before a jurisdiction of special breeding clubs can gradually emerge. It also, cats have a proud price. A prospective buyer has to pay a few 1000 euros for your desired cat, always depending on the breeder, general demand and location.

    But, with a little luck, you will find a Australian-Mist-Mix or a cat of at least similar appearance.

    Videos "Australian mist cat"

    Niebla Australiano o Australian Mist / Cat Breed
    Niebla Australiano o Australian Mist / Cat Breed
    Bronson the Australian Mist cat playing fetch
    Bronson the Australian Mist cat playing fetch

    Alternative names:

    1. Spotted Mist (English).
    2. Spotted mist (French).
    3. Australian Mist (German).
    4. Australian Mist (Portuguese).
    5. Gato de la niebla (español).

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Maine Coon cat
    Federations: LOOF, CFA, ACF, ACFA, TICA, FIFé, WCF

    The tallest cat in the world, with 123 centimeters in length, was Stewie, a Maine Coon from the State of Oregon. After his death to the 13 years, the cat Maine Coon Omar from Melbourne successfully took his place.

    Maine Coon


    Characteristics "Maine Coon cat"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Maine Coon cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Activity level

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to other pets

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to children

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Grooming requirements

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for attention

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection towards its owners

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    The origins of the Maine Coon

    The Maine Coon It is a natural breed native to the northeastern United States, and more specifically the state of Maine, of which is the "official cat" since 1985. But, its exact origins are unclear, and many more or less far-fetched legends surround it.

    The most widespread, but also the least credible, is the origin of his name: the myth that it is the result of a cross between domestic cats and wild raccoons («Raccoons» o «Coons«) Is very nice, but genetically impossible.

    Another popular theory is that the Maine Coon descends from six Turkish Angora Cats owned by the French queen Marie Antoinette (1755-1793). Preparing to flee France after the French Revolution, entrusted them to the care of a certain captain Nathaniel Clough, that took them across America to Wiscasset, Maine. The queen was unable to escape and retrieve her cats, so they stayed in Maine and began to breed with the local felines, giving rise to this race.

    Although unlikely, this theory is believable. In fact, it is now accepted that the Maine Coon is the result of the crossing between shorthair cats present in North America and longhair cats coming from europe. But, due to lack of actual evidence, it is impossible to know if these cats arrived with the Norwegian Vikings in the 11th century (which would explain its striking resemblance to the Norwegian Forest Cat ), with English sailors in the 19th century (like the captain Charles Coon) or with the fishermen of New England around the same time.

    Recognition of the «Maine Coon»

    Maine Coon
    Maine Coon

    Whatever its exact origin, Since the beginning of the 19th century, Maine farmers and fishermen appreciated the ability of the Maine Coon to hunt mice and other rodents. useful and resistant, This cold-hardy cat began to be exhibited at local agricultural shows beginning in the 1980s. 1850.

    The first references to Maine Coon appeared in 1861 and they were referring to a black and white cat named Captain Jenkins of the Marine Corps. In 1895, a female of Maine Coon call Cosey was exhibited at the first North American Cat Show, held in the Madison Square Garden from New York, where he won a silver necklace engraved with his name, as well as the title of “Best in Show”.

    But, the popularity of Maine Coon decreased greatly in the early 20th century due to the emergence of more exotic breeds, as the Persian cat and the Siamese cat, and its decline was so severe that at the beginning of the decade of 1950 the breed was declared extinct. This statement was premature and exaggerated., but it made cat lovers aware of the seriousness of the situation. Under the leadership of Ethylin Whitemore, Alta Smith y Ruby Dryer, the Central Maine Cat Club, who worked hard to promote the breed at various shows and competitions, and developed its first standard in 1960.

    This was followed by the official recognition of the American Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) in 1976, the International Cat Association (TICA) in 1979, the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé) in 1982 and the British Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) in 1993. Like this, in just a few decades, the Maine Coon not only rose from the ashes, it became one of the most popular cat breeds in the world.

    The popularity of the "Maine Coon" in the world

    For many years, the Maine Coon has been one of the five most popular cat breeds in America, but now it is also one of the most common cats in Europe. In Great Britain, for example, the Maine Coon has firmly established itself as one of the 5 most popular breeds in the country.

    But it is above all in France where his success has been most dazzling.: from 2011, it is the most popular cat breed among the French. Year after year, it even ends up widening the gap that separates it from its rivals: With almost 14.000 inscriptions in the Official Book of Feline Origins in 2018 (versus almost three times less than the Sacred Cat of Burma (Birman), the first of his rivals), alone accounts for more than a third of new births recorded during the year. It also, There is more than 2.500 hatcheries of Maine Coon assets in France, that is to say, that have registered at least one litter in the last two years.

    Physical characteristics

    Maine Coon
    Maine Coon

    The Maine Coon he is an imposing cat, to the point that their representatives regularly hold the record for largest cat in the world: Some male specimens reach 12 kg of weight and 120 cm length! But, these are exceptional cases: although it is indeed much larger than a "normal" cat, a Maine Coon does not usually reach these record dimensions. The vast majority are similar in size to norwegians, breed with which they share many characteristics.

    Rather long and rectangular, their body he is muscular and harmonious, While their legs, Of medium height, they are strong, with a solid and wide foot: as such, they are a kind of long and powerful cat. The tail it is one of the most distinctive features of this breed: dense and carried high, is as long as the body and tapers to the tip.

    The cheekbones they are tall and prominent. Side view, the forecrown is subtly rounded and the line of the nose forms an unbroken, slightly concave curve. Seen from the front, their snout angular looks square; its large and expressive eyes, angled, appear round when attentive and can be any shade of green, dorado, copper or yellow. In white individuals, they can be even blue or mint (that is to say, of two different colors). Its big ears, broad based and moderately pointed, are placed on the top of the head, with the inner hairs extended horizontally out. Looking for plumes on the tips of the ears, similar to the lynx.

    The fur semilargo, denso e impermeable, offers good protection against inclement weather. It is shorter at the head and shoulders, but gradually lengthens on the sides. The undercoat it is less dense than that of other long-haired breeds, but it becomes denser in winter to protect it from the cold. The Maine Coon It then has a dense ruff that resembles the mane of a lion. The coat can be of different colors, usually tabby, although single color raccoons are also accepted. The brown tabby color is the most common. But, some coat colors, like chocolate or lavender, are not accepted by all standards.

    The sexual dimorphism it is quite marked: females are significantly smaller than males, whose tilted ears seem smaller.

    Last, the Maine Coon it is a slow growing animal, that does not reach its adult size until 3-4 years of age.

    Size and weight

    • Male size: 30 to 45 cm.
    • female size: 25 to 40 cm.
    • Male weight: 6-10 kg
    • female weight: 4-7 kg

    Varieties of the «Maine Coon»

    Existing since the early days of the breed, the Maine Coon polydactyl is recognized as a variety in its own right by TICA (International Cat Association). As the name suggests, this cat may have extra claws or fingers.

    The polydactyly in cats it exists in many breeds, but the Maine Coon it is clearly one of the most affected breeds, estimating that it affects a 2% of individuals. Some historians believe it is a trait inherited from sea cats, that needed better balance and grip to resist pitching boats.

    Character and skills

    Maine Coon Silver Tabby
    Maine Coon Silver Tabby, two year old breeding male – T. Bjornstad, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    The Maine Coon he is a calm cat, smart and loving who easily adapts to different lifestyles and personalities. They are very attached to their owners and enjoy their company., but they do not require special attention: they like to be caressed, but they are just as happy sitting next to their owner or supervising their actions. It is common for him to follow you around the house or wait patiently behind a closed door. On the other hand, he is much more suspicious of people he does not know.

    Smart and close to its owner, the Maine Coon is a good candidate for training: armed with a healthy dose of patience and your favorite treats, it is quite possible to teach your cat tricks.

    It also, coexistence with other cats and even with dogs is not a problem, as long as the latter are accustomed to cats. The Maine Coon it is also an ideal cat breed for children, since he adores them, He is very affectionate with them and enjoys playing with them. They are very playful and, even as adults, they will chase a ball or toys.

    On the other hand, thanks to its dense and waterproof coat that protects it from inclement weather, It is a breed of cat that does not fear the cold, nor the humidity.

    To much Maine Coon they are fascinated by water: perhaps a memory of his ancestors who traveled in New England fishing boats? No doubt aided by their waterproof coat, they like to lie on the floor of a still wet shower or touch the bath water with their curious paw. But, Most of the time, this attraction does not go further: to the Maine Coon does not particularly like swimming, and he is not one of those who follows his master in the bath or shower.

    Last, meows very little or not at all, but it emits a high-pitched screech that is surprising for an animal of this size.

    Grooming and caring for the "Maine Coon cat"

    Despite having a dense and relatively long coat, the silky texture of the hair of the Maine Coon prevents excess tangling. But, it is recommended to brush the cat with a stainless steel comb weekly, to detangle hair and evenly distribute skin secretions.

    A cat grooming rake (o peine) also useful for removing dead undercoat, which can cause tangles if it builds up. This tool should be used gently, especially in the belly, where the skin is most sensitive.

    In any case, the Maine Coon she changes a lot, especially during the molting season (Fall and Spring). So, not recommended for people who want to have a perfectly clean interior at all times.

    The underside of the tail should also be checked daily to make sure there is no residual droppings embedded in the coat.. If required, can be cleaned with a baby wipe. Many owners choose to cut their hair in this area to avoid this inconvenience..

    Last, maintenance of your cat's ears is recommended every 2-3 weeks, checking that they are clean and infection-free. You should also brush your cat's teeth regularly to remove food debris and prevent tartar build-up.. Maintenance sessions are also an opportunity to check if your claws need to be trimmed.

    Indoor or outdoor cat?

    Maine Coon
    Giants Challenge – Maine Coon America – Fabrizio NeitzkeFlickr

    Despite its large size, the Maine Coon can live in a flat. Less inclined to vertical scanning than its peers, prefers to stay on the floor or on the sofa rather than climb up the curtains or furniture. Given its size, this is not necessarily a bad thing…

    On the other hand, as soon as the opportunity presents itself, his hunting instinct is awakened and he chases mice and other small rodents without hesitation. It is especially known for its ability to hunt mice. In fact, coexistence with domestic rodents such as hamsters should be ruled out, guinea pigs or other small animals, since it will most likely end badly.

    How much activity does he need? "Maine Coon cat"?

    In general, the Maine Coon it is quite unproblematic in its maintenance. The cat may doze for 16 hours in a row without getting bored. But, even sleepy little ones need a helping of activity once in a while. Especially if they are kept indoors, regular exercise is essential.

    When these clever cats (especially the males) they are bored, they come up with all kinds of nonsense. Games with a fishing rod, toy mice or balls next to their humans provide enough exercise. They also strengthen the bond between two-legged and four-legged friends..

    If you don't have much time and you have to do other things apart, you can turn to intelligence toys for cats. Here, the Maine Coon can be occupied for a time under supervision. As one of the few breeds of cats, the Maine Coon they have some affinity for water and can also be wonderfully busy with a leaky faucet.

    Health and nutrition

    The Maine Coon it is rather a robust cat breed with strong health. But, there are some risks.

    First of all, has a predisposition to feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (Ho Chi Minh City), the most common form of heart disease in domestic cats, that usually affects adult cats. Since almost one in three individuals is a carrier of the gene, cardiac myosin-binding protein mutation screening recommended to reduce HCM risk, but not to remove it.

    The risk of renal polyquistosis, a slowly progressive disease that can lead to fatal kidney failure, it is also more pronounced than in other breeds. It is advisable to learn about the health of the parents before adopting a kitten Maine Coon, since this disease is hereditary.

    The spinal muscular atrophy, affecting the muscles of the trunk and limbs, is another genetic disease this cat is susceptible to. But, not deadly, and most affected individuals live comfortably for many years. There is a test to detect carrier specimens and affected kittens.

    It also, like all big cat breeds, the Maine Coon are at increased risk of Hip Dysplasia. According to a study titled "Demography of hip dysplasia in cats Maine Coon" Made in 2015 in the United States for the Orthopedic Fundation for Animals in more than 2.500 cats Maine Coon, the 24,9% of subjects had hip dysplasia. The prevalence is higher in males (27,3%) that in females (23,3%).

    Some professionals believe that this epidemic of Dysplasia it is due to the fashion of cats Maine Coon giants at the end of the first decade of the 21st century. To meet the demand, many breeders of Maine Coons they tried to create larger and larger individuals by selecting the largest individuals for breeding, but also by providing them with a very high protein diet to promote rapid growth. The latter is dangerous for the joints.

    It also, keep in mind that the Maine Coon has a very low reproduction rate, with litters limited to 2 or 3 kittens.

    Life expectancy

    9 to 15 years


    The Maine Coon behaves very well with industrial cat food, both dry and wet (cans and trays). But, whatever food is given, it is important to make sure it is of good quality and provides you with the items you need. So, should be high in protein, low carbohydrate content and less than 20% of fat, but it must also contain all the vitamins and nutrients that the cat cannot synthesize.

    It is also possible to prepare your meals at home, for example with a BARF type diet consisting mainly of raw meat, organs and bones. In this case, it is essential to consult the vet to ensure that a diet is established that provides all the necessary nutrients and vitamins for the cat, and does not suffer from vitamin or mineral deficiencies.

    Except in special cases (cat disease or obesity), the cat Maine Coon self-regulates, so food and water must be available at all times. On the other hand, chlorine-rich water can damage the cat's kidneys and lead to kidney failure; if this is the case, it is therefore advisable to filter it or even prefer bottled water.

    Maine Coon
    Maine Coon reclining

    For sale "Maine Coon cat"

    The price varies according to the color of the fur, but generally a kitten Maine Coon female is sold for about 1400 to 1500 EUR, while a kitten Maine Coon male is more likely to sell for 1600 to 1800 EUR.

    Interesting facts and curiosities

    • In 2012, «Hank the Cat» was about to reach the Virginia Senate. Initially intended as a joke for an animal welfare campaign, the cat got a whopping of 7.319 votes, coming third in the election.
    • In the Harry Potter movies, la Sra. Norris, caretaker's cat Argus Filch, is represented by a Maine Coon red.
    • The tallest cat in the world, with 123 centimeters in length, was Stewie, a cat Maine Coon from Oregon. After his death to the 13 years, the cat Coonie Omar from Melbourne successfully took his place. With 1,20 meters long and 14 weight kg, He is currently the largest cat in the world and a true celebrity on the net.

    Videos "Maine Coon cat"

    The life of a Maine Coon cat breeder

    Mr. ViVo | Most handsome Maine Coon cat in the world.

    Alternative names:

    Maine Coon
    Female Maine coon smoke red van with minnow eyes – Alixia Pain-Brun, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

  • Coon Cat
  • Maine Cat
  • Maine Shag
  • American Longhair
  • American Coon Cat
  • American Forest Cat
  • Gentle giants
  • Coonie
  • Maine coon
  • Mancoon
  • giant cat

  • ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Egyptian Mau
    Recognized by the CFA, FIFe, TICA, AACE, ACFA/CAA, CCA-AFC

    The Egyptian Mau does not give his affection to everyone: to earn their trust, your family should give you all the attention you deserve.

    Photo: Wikipedia.org


    Characteristics "Egyptian Mau"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Egyptian Mau" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Activity level

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to other pets

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to children

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Grooming requirements

    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for attention

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection towards its owners

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    Mau it is an egyptian word that means “cat”, and all existing races, the Egyptian Mau It is probably the one that has the most similarity to the domestic cats of Ancient Egypt. This appearance is not due to recreation detailed with various races or varieties, but to the descendants of the race of Egyptian Street cats that may have lived in the same region and have been essentially equal for millennia.

    If the appearance of this variety is taken as the date of the race, It is by far the oldest in the world. More recently, the Egyptian Mau as a pedigree breed is the creation of Nathalie Troubetskoy, exiled Russian living in Italy since the second world war, it imported cats of Cairo. Reproduced them and showed the resulting kittens in Europe, and in United States recorded, where is installed in 1956. The full recognition of the breed took another twenty years, and much more in Great Britain, where it was delayed by confusion with similar spotted tabby cats: that used to be called maits and they were part of Oriental shorthair cat, and because of its similarity with the Ocicat cat.

    Its international diffusion also continued, so that in the years 90 was present in both America and continental Europe, but also in more distant latitudes, like japan. The Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé) recognized her in 1992.

    But, the United Kingdom, a country with a great feline culture, stayed a little behind, since it was not until 1998 When Melissa Bateson imported the first Egyptian maus to the country, and up 2006 When the British Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) granted the definitive recognition to the breed.

    Today, the Egyptian Mau is well represented on all continents, but their popularity is still well below the new breeds of cats of wild origin, as the Bengal cat or the Savannah cat. In United States, is around the post 30 of the CFA breed ranking by number of registrations, and it even looks like it`s stagnating, since at the beginning of the decade of 2010 I was around the post 20. In the United Kingdom, the breed was quite popular after its recognition by the GCCF, With almost 200 specimens registered every year around 2010, but his popularity only decreased thereafter, to the point that since 2015 the number has dropped to less than 100 by year.

    Physical characteristics

    Egyptian Mau
    Egyptian Mau – Pieter Lanser from The Netherlands, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    The Egyptian Mau it is a semi-linear cat. Its body he is both muscular and elegant, well settled on long legs (more in the front than in the back) and powerful, to the point of turning him into a speed champion. It is distinguished by an excess of skin between the flanks and the hindquarters, which forms a kind of ventral pouch called "bellows". The tail is medium in size and tapers towards the tip.

    Seen from the front, the head of the Egyptian Mau is shaped like a rounded triangle, no straight lines. The forecrown has a very characteristic mark in the form of an M, called "beetle mark". The eyes are wide open and have a color specifically called "currant green.". The ears they are medium in size and have a rounded tip.

    The fur of the Egyptian Mau It is of medium length, and its texture depends on the color of the coat. Like this, the black smoke (black marks on charcoal background) and the black (black marks on black background, only visible under certain lighting) they have fine, silky fur. The silver (black marks on silver background) and the bronze (dark brown markings on bronze background) have a dense and flexible coat.

    Whatever its color, the fur of the Egyptian Mau is always stained. The Egyptian Mau It is the only breed of domestic cat that has this peculiarity., since the other races in this case were all created by man.

    Last, the sexual dimorphism it is well marked: the male is significantly larger and heavier than the female.

    Size and weight

    • Male size: Of 28 to 32 cm.
    • female size: 25-28 cm.
    • Male weight: 4-7 kg
    • female weight: 2,5-4,5 kg

    Breed standard

    The breed standards are documents established by official bodies that list the conditions that a dog must meet. Egyptian Mau to be fully recognized as belonging to the race:

    Character and skills

    "Egyptian Mau"

    Mau egipcio
    Eyes of Egyptian Mau change colour according to mood, first pale green – Madame Diana, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    The Egyptian Mau does not give his affection to everyone: to earn their trust, your family should give you all the attention you deserve. He seems to like to be admired and the center of attention, as were their ancestors, who were considered deities in ancient Egypt. Once the link is established, he is completely devoted and loyal, and enjoy spending time playing with his master or being caressed.

    But, they are much more wary of strangers and are quite shy and fearful in a noisy environment. To prevent the cat from becoming overly stressed, it is important to get him used to a certain level of activity at home from an early age, as well as the various noises you may face later: television or music at high volume, vaccum cleaner, fire siren, etc. This is especially true for those individuals who are destined to participate in feline shows., since the atmosphere and the agitation that reign in these events can be extremely stressful for a cat that until then has only known the calm of a quiet home.

    Being playful, to the Egyptian Mau likes the company of children who know how to behave in the presence of an animal, but he quickly runs away from the little ones and / or those he finds too agitated for his liking. They enjoy the company of other dogs and cats, but they want to remain the center of their family's universe.

    On the other hand, how is an excellent hunter, you have to avoid living with rodents, fish or birds, since it is very likely that it will end badly. It also, if you have access to the outside, it should come as no surprise that from time to time he brings a gift to his family, mouse or bird shape. He would not understand that his family was not happy to enjoy the fruits of his efforts, so it is advisable to congratulate him with lots of caresses and some treats, to let you know that your gift is appreciated.

    Smart and active breed, the Egyptian Mau quickly learn to return a thrown object, to run after a plastic mouse or to open a door, either the one in the closet where the goodies are kept or the one that offers you the access to the outside that you like so much. However, can live in a flat, but then it is necessary to play with it daily and that the floor is large enough for this little car to run around.

    They are also one of the few cat breeds that love water.. Although unlikely to join its owner in the shower, you can play with the water from your bowl or from an open tap for a while. He also likes to jump and position himself high to observe his territory., so it is quite possible that the top of a closet will become your favorite place.

    Last, although it is not very vocal, the Egyptian Mau she does not hesitate to make her soft and melodious voice heard when her bowl is empty, or when he is especially happy. It is also capable of emitting clucking sounds quite specific to this breed., while wagging his tail in a rather unusual way.


    The Egyptian Mau It is a very resistant feline breed and has hardly been shaped by the hand of man throughout its long history, making you less prone to genetic diseases.

    But, are more prone to certain diseases:

    • Leucodistrofia, an extremely rare disease of the nervous system;
    • Umbilical hernias (organ that crosses the abdominal wall), that can be corrected by neutering the cat;
    • The pyruvate kinase deficiency, another rare disease, that affects an enzyme in the blood. Causes anemia in other breeds, but it doesn't seem to have any effect on the Egyptian Mau: even if it is a carrier, does not seem to develop any particular symptoms.

    It also, this breed is especially drug sensitive and anesthetics; therefore, before any treatment or operation, make sure that the vet is well aware of this specificity.

    Last, the risk of Obesity in cats it is especially pronounced in the Egyptian Mau, especially if they live indoors. It is not a disease in itself, but it can be the cause or an aggravating factor of many health problems.

    Life expectancy

    Of 12 to 15 years


    Egyptian Mau
    Egyptian Mau – Flickr

    The Egyptian Maue is an easy-care cat. In fact, a quick brushing once a week is enough to rid his coat of dead hairs.

    This weekly grooming session is also an opportunity to check that your teeth, eyes and ears are clean and to clean if necessary, in order to avoid any risk of infection.

    Last, if its claws are too long, you have to cut them with a nail clipper. This is more likely in the case of a person who lives indoors, since there is less natural wear.


    The Egyptian Mau he is not picky about his meals and can be fed commercial cat food without any problem. But, These must be of good quality and adapted to your age and activity level, to provide you with everything you need for your health.

    How they are quite gluttonous and prone to obesity, it is important to keep a close eye on your daily rations and not leave food available all the time as, unlike other cat breeds, are not capable of self-regulation.

    For sale "Egyptian Mau"

    The price of a kitten Egyptian Mau it is on average about 1400 EUR.

    But, this figure hides great disparities between a subject with a prestigious pedigree and characteristics destined for feline exhibitions, whose price can easily amount to 1800 EUR, and another destined simply to become a pet, that can be found around the 1000 EUR.

    In any case, there is no significant price difference between male and female kittens.

    Taking a Walk With Egyptian Mau Cat Leo : Bad Egipcio

    Talkative Egyptian Mau Cat Meow : Bad Egipcio

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Manx cat
    Federations: LOOF, CFA, ACF, ACFA, TICA, FIFé, WCF

    According to reports, King Edward VIII was a fan of the Manx cat and often attended cat shows with the breed. The British formed the first club on the Isle of Man in 1901.


    Characteristics "Manx cat"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Manx cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Activity level

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to other pets

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to children

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Grooming requirements

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for attention

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection towards its owners

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    The Manx cat It has existed since the middle of the 18th century on the Isle of Man, situated between England and Ireland, but its exact origins are the subject of speculation. A legend says that it was the last animal to climb into Noah's Ark and that its tail was cut off when the door was closed.. Another legend claims that the invaders, Vikings or Irish depending on the version, they cut off the kittens' tails to use as good luck charms: to protect their young, mother cats would have cut off their tails with their teeth at birth. Last, another wild theory is that it is the result of a cross between a cat and a rabbit, but it has been scientifically proven that it has no basis.

    In fact, the most likely explanation is that it is a genetic mutation that appeared spontaneously among the island's feline population and spread rapidly thanks to its dominance (it is enough that one of the two parents is a carrier of the corresponding gene, and therefore have this characteristic, so that some of the kittens are in the same case).

    Manx cat
    This is a one year old rumpy manx cat – Michelle Weigold, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    The presence of cats on the Isle of Man is also the subject of speculation. One of the theories is that the Vikings took them to the 9th century, another that the English sailors took on their frequent voyages from the 13th century and another that arrived with the survivors of the sinking of a Spanish galleon in 1588. All these explanations may have some basis of truth, but one thing is true: the first representatives of the feline species that appeared on the island had a full tail.

    What is also true is that the fact that the Isle of Man was a port with some international traffic in a context of increasing trade facilitated the spread of manna around the world during the 19th century., especially in the UK (since the beginning of the century) and then in the United States. This is how the Manx became one of the breeds exhibited in the first cat shows in history, which were held in Great Britain from 1871. In 1903 a breed standard was developed and the famous Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) recognized the breed at its founding in 1906. The same happened with the creation of the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé) in 1949, and then with the TICA (The International Cat Association) in 1979.

    Authentic national symbol of its island of origin, where it appears mostly in coins, seals, postcards and badges, manx is still unpopular outside, despite its long history and international recognition. In United States, CFA statistics place the Manx cat between the posts 25 and 30 (of about 45) in the ranking of breeds according to the number of annual registrations. In Great Britain, there has even been a certain disaffection for this cat since 2006: while in 1997 and 2006 about forty individuals were registered per year, now their number can be counted on the fingers of one hand, although 2018 marked a jump, with 22 registered births. It remains to be seen if this holds up over time.… In France, In addition, it is a rare breed of cat, since they only registered 56 specimens in the Official Book of Feline Origins (LOOF) between 2003 and 2019. Their number is even zero in some years.

    Physical characteristics

    The Manx has a short morphology / Cobby. Its body it is compact and curvilinear, but well muscled and with good bones. The legs foreheads are short and widely spaced, while the rear ones are much longer.

    Like the rest of the body, the head of the Manx cat she is also plump, seated on a neck wide and short. The ears are size medium, wide at the base and rounded at the tip. The eyes they are large and round and can be of various colors: yellow, copper, Hazelnut, green or even blue.

    The no tail is the most distinctive feature of this cat. Unlike in the Bobtails, they have a short tail, the Manx has no tail at all (variety rumpy), or just a bone growth (variety riser) consisting of one to three sacral vertebrae, that is to say, at hip level. The standard of the Official Book of Feline Origins (LOOF) also recognizes specimens with a short tail formed by between 1 and 3 caudal vertebrae, that is to say, located beyond the hips and that, Therefore, already forms a queue (variety "stumpy«), but neither the Cat Fancier’s Association (CFA) neither him Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) accept them. There's also Manx cats that have a tail as long as that of another breed (variety "longy«); they are not recognized as Manxs by no rule, but they remain in the breeding program, since they can still give birth to tailless individuals («rumpy» o «riser«).

    The fur consists of a dense, cottony undercoat and a harder, glossier topcoat. The undercoat may be less dense in summer, and white or light-colored specimens may have a softer top coat. Your top coat can be short or long. But, while some organizations consider that the Manx longhair it is a mere variety, other (as the Fédération Internationale Féline or The International Cat Association) consider it a breed in its own right, other than Manx and named Cymric cat.

    All are accepted coat colors, except for those resulting from hybridization: chocolate or lavender. Similarly, all patterns are possible except the Himalaya.

    Last, the sexual dimorphism it is well marked, the female being smaller than the male.

    Size and weight

    • Size: 35 cm.
    • Weight: Of 3,5 to 5,5 kg
    Chatelaine, ginger tabby Manx cat – Flickr

    Varieties of the “Manx Cat”

    The Manx longhair, also known as Cymric cat, is considered by feline associations well as a simple variety of the Manx (this is the position taken by the British Governing Council of the Cat Fancy and American Cat Fanciers’ Association), fine as a breed in its own right (this is the case, for example, of the Fédération Internationale Féline and The International Cat Association).

    It also, not all individuals, whether they are short or long hair, completely lack a tail (variety rumpy) or have a small bump made up of one to three sacral vertebrae (variety riser). There are also short-tailed individuals (stumpys) with one to three vertebrae in the tail, and long-tailed individuals.

    The latter are not considered Manx, but nevertheless they are used in the breeding program, since they can give birth to healthy litters with kittens rumpy or riser. This is lucky, since the offspring of two parents rumpy or riser it's troublesome, since some of their offspring are victims of the manx syndrome or even die before being born.

    Character and skills

    The Manx cat he is affectionate with his whole family, but he usually has a favorite person who he follows around the house and with whom he likes to rest. They are perfectly capable of spending the day alone when their owners are away., but they prefer the company of their humans to solitude: they are not a suitable cat breed for someone who is absent often.

    Its playful nature makes it a breed of cat suitable for children, provided they have learned to behave with and respect animals. He also gets along well with other cats and with dogs accustomed to cats, as long as they get to know each other little by little. On the other hand, how he has preserved his hunting instincts, the little rodents, birds or fish would run a great risk of a quick and tragic end if they had to cohabit with a Manx.

    Rather suspicious in character, is reserved with strangers and is even an excellent guardian cat -or at least alert-, who does not stop warning his master when a newcomer approaches. If you see that the owner remains calm, accept the situation and observe it.

    Clever and skillful, the Manx cat It is a good option for those who want to teach their cat tricks, as for example, to retrieve an object. They are also very good when walked on a leash. On the other hand, his intelligence can also turn against his master: It is very probable, for example, who understands how a doorknob works, so it is advisable to close the food cupboard.

    This is especially true because, despite his fat and lack of a tail, that might be mistakenly thought to impair your sense of balance, the Manx is surprisingly agile and active. Its powerful hind legs make it an excellent jumper, and it is quite common to find it sitting on top of a cupboard. Having said that, it is also a breed of cat that adapts well to life in a flat, as long as I have enough opportunities to run and play.

    From its island origins, the Manx cat retains a fascination for water, what can take you, for example, to observe a tap that is open for a long time or to play with the water in the bath. But, this does not go much further: does not like to get wet and, therefore, does not have the possibility to follow his master in the shower.

    Last, this cat has a nice voice, who does not hesitate to share with others by having a conversation from time to time.

    Grooming "Manx cat"

    Manx cat – pixabay

    The Manx it is an easy cat to care for: just brush it once a week to keep its coat healthy. But, this frequency should be increased during the annual spring and fall molts, when it is necessary to brush every 2 or 3 days to remove excess dead hair.

    Weekly brushing of the cat's hair is an opportunity to ensure that its teeth are free of cavities and tartar., and that their eyes and ears are clean. They should be cleaned with a damp cloth.

    Last, if they have become too long, you should cut your cat's nails with a nail clipper to prevent it from being hindered in its movements. But, this operation is not usually necessary, since a cat trims its nails regularly and keeps them in good condition and with the right length.

    Health and nutrition

    The Manx cat is a carrier of a gene responsible for the disappearance of its tail, what has consequences on your health. This gene is dominant (it is not necessary for both parents to have this anatomical feature for their kittens to have it), but it is not expressed in the same way in all cats, so some do not have a tail, while others have a partial tail.

    "Manx cat"

    rumpy riser tail Manx cat
    This is an example of a «rumpy riser» tail in a Manx cat – Michelle Weigold, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    A fetus that receives two mutated genes has serious developmental problems and usually dies in the womb.. Those with only one mutated gene manage to develop, either no tail or with a short tail; In the latter case they are called variety «stumpy«. But, between 20% and the 30% of them are affected by what is commonly called "Manx syndrome.".

    Affects the spine and various internal organs, like bladder, intestines or stomach. These deformities are fatal in the long run, so affected kittens are usually euthanized. Those who are not usually die after 3 or 4 years, with a peak of 5 years. The syndrome is detectable from 4-6 months old watching the kitten, so a responsible Manx breeder will not put kittens up for adoption before this age.

    Individuals who are saved tend to live long, most exceed 15 years of age and some reach 20. Yes indeed, are more likely to suffer from certain diseases:

    • The tail arthritis, which mainly affects purebred individuals and can be very painful for the animal;
    • The corneal dystrophy, a genetic eye disease that begins around the 4 months old and causes vision problems that can lead to blindness.


    The Manx is not picky about food and can be fed commercially available industrial cat food without any problem. It must be ensured that the quality of the feed is sufficient to provide the necessary essential nutrients, depending on the age and activity level of the cat.

    This cat is a greedy guy and has a healthy appetite. So, not necessarily capable of self-regulation, so it is best to avoid leaving food at your disposal all the time: its owner must, on the other hand, make sure to provide you with daily rations tailored to your needs, and ensure that you are not overweight. If this is the case, a veterinarian should be consulted to establish an appropriate feeding program.

    For sale "Manx cat"

    The price of a kitten Manx male is about 800 EUR, while that of a female Manx is of some 700 EUR.

    Videos "Manx cat"

    Silly Manx cat playing

    Epic battle between Boston Terrier and Manx cat

    Alternative names:

    • Manks
    • Stubbin
    • Rumpy
    • Isle of Man cat

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Minskin cat
    Federations: TICA

    Even in his homeland, United States, the Minskin remains unknown. Breeders of the breed can be counted on the fingers of one hand, so the annual number of births is extremely limited.


    Characteristics "Minskin cat"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Minskin cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Activity level

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to other pets

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to children

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Grooming requirements

    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for attention

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection towards its owners

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    the atypical Minskin is the result of the will of Paul McSorley, an American breeder of Munchkin based in Boston (Massachusetts) that one day he set out to create a breed of cat with no hair and short legs, hence the name he gave it, given that "min» is short for «miniature» and «skin» refers to your skin.

    To achieve your goal, in 1998 crossed a specimen from his kennel with a Sphynx cat (Canadian Sphynx). In fact, the most striking feature of Munchkin cat is having very short legs, while that of the Sphynx is having skin without hair or with hair on the ends (legs, tail, ears and face mask). This crossover allowed him to combine the two characteristics he wanted.

    Next, continued his breeding program by introducing the American Burmese cat and the Devon Rex. He wanted to expand the genetic pool and recover certain physical and temperamental traits of these breeds.

    How the first generations did not give the expected results, Paul McSorley had to wait until July 2000 to get the first kitten that met your expectations. For the next five years, were born no less than 50 short-legged, hairless cats.

    Recognition by official bodies

    "Minskin cat"

    Minskin kitten photo taken in Massachusetts by Minskin breed founder Paul McSorley – Paulmcsorley, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    The short legs of the Minskin, characteristic that it shares with its ancestor Munchkin cat, correspond to a delay in the growth of bones that contain. Thus, all four limbs do not grow as large as the rest of the body, which has a medium size.

    This is due to a spontaneous genetic mutation associated with a dominant gene.. In other words, an individual only needs to have one copy of the gene to have this particularity. This also implies that kittens can inherit the gene even if only one parent has it..

    This morphological characteristic explains that the Munchkin has always been a source of debate and controversy. Following the example of the International Cat Association (TICA) or Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF), some feline reference organizations have recognized it, but other associations, on the other hand, refuse to take the plunge: the fact that the race is based on a genetic anomaly puts them back.

    It is no wonder that the Minskin has inherited the controversies associated with his ancestor: the fact that it is a recent feline breed is by no means the only explanation why its recognition by global or national feline institutions remains almost non-existent at the moment.

    The TICA was an exception and recognized it as an experimental breed in 2008. Next, closely followed by the organization's genetics committee, whose mission is to control the work of the breeders and supervise the development of the breeds. In 2019, the organization eventually reversed its decision and no longer recognizes the breed.


    The Minskin it is one of the rarest cat breeds in the world. The fact that it is not (yet?) recognized by the main feline organizations does not favor, Obviously, its development, not to mention that some breeders are reluctant to develop a breed based on a genetic abnormality.

    Even in his homeland, United States, the Minskin remains unknown. Breeders of the breed can be counted on the fingers of one hand, so the annual number of births is extremely limited.

    Physical characteristics

    The Minskin has a particularly original look, and rarely leaves anyone indifferent. Almost hairless, it is small in size and has short legs that keep it close to the ground.

    Minskin – The Discerning Cat

    Size and weight

    • Male size: 18 to 20 cm.
    • female size: 18-20 cm.
    • Male weight: 2 to 3 kg
    • female weight: 2 to 3 kg


    The Minskin it is a medium length dog (semi-cobby). Long but small to medium in size, his body is made of solid bones and strong muscles. The chest is broad and strong. As it grows, keeps her cute kitty look.

    The Minskin it is distinguished by its very short legs of equal length. They can make your body appear longer than it actually is, but they do not impede their agility: it is quite comparable to other cats.

    The feet are round and compact, in line with the legs and pointing forwards, which gives the cat a solid foundation.

    However, It should be noted that this particularity inherited from his ancestor the Munchkin cat is not exempt from debate. It is the result of a genetic mutation that corresponds to a delay in the growth of the bones of the four extremities.


    The back of the Minskin it is flat and ends in a tail slightly larger than the body, tapering from base to tip. The tail is somewhat blunt.


    Supported by a neck well developed, the Minskin's head is wider than it is long. Its shape is rounded, so much that there is no flat surface. The profile shows a slight stop.

    The ears they are especially large and are located on the top of the head or on the sides. They have a wide, open base and a rounded tip.

    The eyes they are far apart, they are big, round and open. They give the dog a gentle air that melts those who cross its path, but also an alert and intelligent expression.

    The nose it is neither straight nor bulky. It is prolonged in its alignment by a strong and firm chin.

    Whisker pads are prominent, and the whiskers themselves can be very dense, scarce or absent altogether.


    The Minskin has short fur on the limbs (legs, tail, ears and face mask), while the rest of the body has a small barely visible down or is completely naked. But, the hair on the legs may rise a little on the shoulders, hips or hindquarters. The hair on the temples is very sparse, but sometimes there are tufts of hair at the entrance of the ears. The belly is always totally hairless.

    In all cases, this peculiarity is not the result of genetic manipulation or skin disease: it simply corresponds to a natural genetic mutation that has existed for a long time in the feline species, and that in this case he has inherited from his ancestor the Sphynx cat (Canadian Sphynx). The corresponding gene is recessive: to have this particularity, an individual must carry two copies of the gene. This also means that only two parents with hairless or lightly fluffy fur can give birth to offspring that also have these characteristics. (but not necessarily all).

    The skin of the Minskin may be wrinkled, especially when he's still a kitten. The texture is similar to that of cashmere.

    layer colors

    The coat of the Minskin can be of any pattern and color; there are no restrictions in this regard.

    Character and skills

    Closeness to their owners

    The Minskin not only distinguished by its unusual physique, but also because of his very affectionate character.

      In fact, it is an ideal cat for a family, since he loves and seeks the company of humans, being very loving and affectionate with everyone. He is not stingy with his affection, and expresses their attachment by waiting outside the door to greet their owners when they enter. May show slight preference for human referent (the person who cares the most for you), but he is not one of those who are dedicated to a single cat, so he has a good relationship with all members of the household.

      They like pampering and care, and they are very good at making themselves understood when they feel the need to be taken care of, without being too loud or intrusive.

      Get satisfaction more easily because stroking it is very pleasant: her almost hairless and warm skin gives the sensation of touching cashmere. The absence of a coat makes him seek the warmth of others: doesn't hesitate to snuggle up against one of their own to warm up and soak up the sun.

    Ability to endure loneliness
      Very attached to his family, the Minskin can't stand being alone for hours or even days, even if you share your home with another cat or dog.

      If you want to adopt this cat, I better have a more homey lifestyle, otherwise you could develop behavioral problems.

    Get along with children
      The Minskin it is a good companion for children, since he likes to play with them and is patient.

      But, not necessarily a good companion for a very restless child. In fact, both its small size and its bare skin make it especially exposed and require it to be treated delicately.

      In any case, no cat, Whatever your race, must be left alone with a very young child, without adult supervision: the safety of both partners is at stake.

    Get along with strangers
      As this cat is still new and underdeveloped, some character traits remain unclear. This is especially true in his relationship with unknown humans., which can vary greatly from one subject to another.

      Waiting to see it clearer, it is important to ensure that you are never forced and that you always have a workaround. A cat tree is an essential accessory to allow you not only to exercise, but also observe the world around you and evaluate situations from above, so that you feel calm. If you want to meet the visitor, can approach him.

    Need for exercise
      Contrary to what her short-legged appearance might suggest, the Minskin is relatively athletic and has a fairly high exercise need.

      He especially likes to run, and is capable of going much faster than you would expect. He also likes to climb, and here too its particular morphology does not harm it much.

      All this explains that you need a certain space to be comfortable: it is not a matter of living within the four walls of a very small apartment.

    Recommended activities
      To the Minskin he likes children because he is very playful. It is not enough to caress it and give it affection, but you also have to challenge your intelligence through various games. Thus, it is recommended to spend twenty minutes two or three times a day playing with the dog and thus stimulate it not only physically but also intellectually.

      Leave interactive toys, like puzzle, it's also a good way to keep you busy when you're out and about.

    Sound level
      The Minskin knows how to communicate and make himself understood by his family when he has a request to make, for example if you want a hug. But, not the type to meow excessively (or even for no reason), and the volume of his meows is quite reasonable.

      In other words, does not hesitate to express himself when necessary, but he does it gently.

    Adaptation to change
      Moving houses or going on vacation does not have to upset a Minskin as much as he usually does with his peers. In fact, his curiosity makes him adapt quite easily to changes in his environment: he does not stop touring his new home and quickly finds his place in it.
    Getting along with other cats
      Usually, the Minskin has no difficulty living with a travel companion: this makes him a playmate and makes his masters' absences less painful.

      But, if the two dogs have not known each other since they are puppies, it is preferable to accustom them in stages, so that everyone can find their place and feel comfortable.

      It also, as the Minskin barely has hair, your skin is more prone to small wounds. So, you should check your dog's nails regularly and trim them as soon as they get too long, to prevent inadvertent scratching.

    Get along with dogs
      The Minskin gets along very well with canines, If and when, of course, a cat-friendly breed of dog is chosen. Sharing a home with another animal is a great way to give your Minskin a playmate and make him feel less lonely when his owners are away.

      Things go better if the coexistence is established from the earliest age of the two protagonists. If that is not the case, it is better to start the relationship gradually, so that everyone finds their place and thus minimizes the risk of conflict.

      In any case, it is important to regularly trim the claws of your(s) pet(s), since the absence of hair means that your skin is not really protected: could inadvertently hurt her when playing together.

    Ideal home

    Minskin – stealyourheartexotics.com
      The Minskin is a suitable jack for a floor, as long as it is large enough to allow you to exercise comfortably. Don't let its short legs fool you: this cat is no less athletic than any other. Can run under the ground, but that doesn't stop you from moving quickly, like any cat. He is also quite capable of climbing and jumping, and does not miss the need to find another route to get where he wants.

      On the other hand, the fact that you live indoors protects you from external aggressions: cold, Sun, bad weather… In effect, your almost bare skin can easily be burned by ultraviolet rays in case of prolonged exposure to the sun, and makes you especially sensitive to cold when mercury drops.

    In the garden?
      Although Minskins they are perfectly in a flat, they are never happier than when they live in a big house with free access to the outside, thanks to a cat flap that allows them to come and go as they please.

      But, you have to take certain precautions, due to its lack of fur. When the temperatures are low, it is useful to equip him with a cat coat and/or not leave him outside during the coldest hours. This accessory also has the advantage of protecting your skin, to avoid injury to tree branches, the bushes, etc. During the hot season, it is essential to apply a sun cream designed for felines, and it is better to avoid leaving it in the sun when it is at its peak.

    as first cat?
      The Minskin needs their owners to be present by their side, and his skin almost or totally devoid of hair makes it need more care and attention.

      So, it is a quite demanding breed, not necessarily recommended for a first adoption.

    For a person with little time?
      It is clear that the Minskin not a good choice for an unavailable person, since its proximity to its humans means that it does not cope well with their prolonged absences: can cause real separation anxiety.

      The problem is less likely to arise if you share your home with another cat or canine representative, but it is still true that it needs human presence and daily care.

      Thus, before adopting a cat of this breed, it is important to think about the time that you will be able to dedicate, at the risk of ending up with an unhappy partner.

    for an older person?
      The Minskin it is very suitable for an older person, as long as you are willing to go the extra mile to take proper care of it, including daily skin care.

      They are close to people, loving and cuddly, without being "drinkable". It also, although it is playful, also appreciates long rest periods.

      So, cohabitation can be very beneficial for both parties.

    For a person with allergies?
      As the Minskin has almost hairless skin, sometimes comes across as a hypoallergenic breed.

      It's about forgetting that no breed is totally hypoallergenic.. In fact, cat allergies are caused by proteins (especially the Fel d 1, the most allergenic) found in urine, tallow, saliva, perspiration and in certain skin cells. All cats produce them and, Therefore, are likely to cause an allergic reaction.

      But, It is true that the fact that the Minskin almost completely hairless means that it does not shed and, Therefore, does not leave allergens everywhere in its path.

      Since zero risk does not exist, an allergic person should not do without a test in real life, which consists of spending several hours with the animal you are considering adopting.

    For a small budget?
      What is rare is expensive, and the Minskin is no exception. So, at the time of purchase, far from a budget-friendly breed.

      It also, the amount spent on their diet tends to be slightly higher than average. In effect, his lack of hair makes, to maintain a body temperature between 40° and 41°C at all times (that is to say, two degrees higher than most other races), should burn more calories, Therefore, eat more.

    Grooming and caring for the "Minskin cat"

    "Minskin cat"

    coat care
      As the Minskin it only has hair on the limbs and the rest of the body is completely lacking or covered by a very light down, your skin is especially exposed and requires certain care.

      Ideally, clean the skin daily with a soft, damp cloth to keep it healthy. Frequent bathing is also essential.

      The Minskin you should bathe approximately once every fortnight. This is because the light fluff that covers the skin is not enough to absorb all the sebum that the dermis emits. (the underside of the skin), and the skin becomes fatty. Washing the skin removes the accumulation of oil and keeps the skin tissue soft and clean. As in the case of any cat, this requires the use of a moisturizing shampoo specially designed for felines.

      Once soaped and rinsed thoroughly to avoid skin irritation, a soft towel should be used to dry the cat. An electric dryer is not appropriate, as it can cause burns.

    ear care
      the ears of Minskin should be checked and cleaned weekly. Removing dirt with a damp cloth will help prevent infection (starting with the ear).

      This is especially important, since the Minskin has little or no hair to protect it.

    Eye care
      as with the ears, it is necessary to check the eyes of the Minskin weekly.

      If they are not clean, it is essential to clean the corners with a damp cloth: This will prevent the accumulation of dirt., that can cause disease.

    Teeth care
      As in the case of any race, maintenance of the teeth of the Minskin. Helps prevent plaque build-up, that can cause not only bad breath, but also serious diseases.

      Brushing once a week with a toothpaste designed specifically for small felines is a minimum, but the ideal is to do it daily.

    Nail care
      The length of your nails Minskin should be checked at least once a month, even if you have access to the outside. This is because natural wear and tear may not be enough.. If the claws are too long, they can get in the way, break or even hurt the dog. So, if they have grown too much, you have to cut them manually.

      It also, like any cat, the Minskin you should be able to scratch whenever you feel the need. So, a scratching post is essential; otherwise, you may have no choice but to fall on the furniture or curtains.

    Introduction to hairdressing

    Whether the skin, the ears, the eyes, teeth or claws, caring for a Minskin it's not very complex. But, it is essential to master the correct gestures, at the risk of hurting or even injuring you. So, it is best to learn them the first time from a vet or professional groomer.

    In any case, the Minskin has the advantage of loving to be handled. So, easily accept these grooming moments, And he is all the more receptive and cooperative if his master knows how to make these occasions special moments of caresses and tenderness.. Things also go better if you get used to it from a young age.

    Health and nutrition

    Resistance to cold and heat
      The completely or almost completely bare skin of the Minskin makes it especially sensitive to low temperatures and sunlight. Although the body of the Minskin is covered by a small, almost invisible coat, this is not enough to protect you from the elements, and not just the weather.

      So, during the summer months, you should apply sunscreen to your cat's body and avoid letting it go outside during the hottest hours. This will prevent sunburn, burns and possible skin cancer.

      The other way, It is also essential to invest in a small coat to keep your cat warm in low temperatures, or even sickness. In any case, it is best to avoid keeping it outside during the coldest hours of winter, first thing in the morning or in the evening.

      There should always be a place in the house where the cat can be kept warm, away from cold and drafts.


    As the Minskin it is a recent breed and is not yet widespread, information about your health is missing.

    But, like any race, is more prone to certain diseases. In your case, is about:

    • The Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which corresponds to a thickening of the heart muscle. May cause respiratory problems, severe fatigue and difficulty exercising. It is caused by a genetic mutation and can be detected by a DNA test. But, it is impossible to know when symptoms will start to appear;
    • Lordosis, that is to say, an excessive curvature of the spine;
    • The excavated breast, a concave deformation of the rib cage. This leads to compression, which can cause breathing or heart problems;
    • Cutaneous mastocytosis, a skin disease causing lesions that require treatment, usually on time. The causes of this condition are not well known..
    Healthy adoption
      As in the case of any race, it is essential to go to a trusted breeder to have the best chance of adopting a kitten Minskin healthy. It is also a guarantee that the little feline has been raised and socialized in an environment that allows him to be healthy in the head and legs..

      A serious professional will ensure that certain genetic tests are performed on the proposed breeders, to ensure that they are not carriers of a genetic disease that can be passed on to their offspring. It will not hesitate to exclude from its breeding program any individual that presents such a risk..

      In addition to the results of the tests carried out on the stallions, must be able to present a certificate of good health issued by a veterinarian, as well as the list of vaccinations administered to the kitten, that have been registered in your vaccination or health card.

    Maintain good health
      Once adopted, the new owner is responsible for keeping the kitten healthy throughout its life.

      This includes taking the dog to the vet for a regular checkup.. Once a year is enough for the first few years, but this frequency should be increased as the animal ages.

      These checks allow the vet to diagnose potential problems, sometimes even before they appear (and, Therefore, treat them in optimal conditions), but also carry out the necessary vaccination reminders.

      They are likely to be carried out without too much difficulty: it is known that the Minskin enjoys handling and is not one to put up a lot of resistance when examined.

      The owner must also ensure that their cat is treated for parasites as often as necessary throughout the year.. This preventative effort is essential to ensure that your dog is always protected against parasites., even if I live between four walls. Although the probability is significantly lower, an indoor cat can get parasites.

    Minskin –

    Life expectancy

    12 – 14 years.


    Like any other cat, the Minskin should be fed a diet that meets their nutritional needs, both quantitatively and qualitatively. This means that it differs according to your age, activity level and health status.

    In any case, is distinguished by its appetite, which is slightly higher than that of most of its congeners, as it happens with his ancestor the Sphynx cat (Canadian Sphynx). In effect, his almost bare skin forces him to continuously maintain a body temperature between 40 y 41°C, that is to say, two degrees higher than most other cat breeds. As such, have to burn more calories… and, Therefore, eat more.

    This is most noticeable in winter, when you need to feed more, especially if you have access to the outside. In any case, to avoid underfeeding or giving him more than he needs, it is best to consult a veterinarian to find out the daily dose to be given.

    Industrial foods can perfectly meet your needs, as long as they are of good quality. On the other hand, you should avoid giving food intended for humans, Unless you select them carefully to match your needs. Not to mention the risk of foods that are popular with humans but toxic to cats.. In other words, although he knows how to soften his owners, they should refrain from systematically giving him food scraps and offering him access to bins, who does not hesitate to delve with relish if the opportunity is offered.

    Last, as in the case of any small cat, it is essential that the Minskin have fresh water at your disposal at all times, so you can quench your thirst when you feel the need.

    For sale "Minskin cat"

    The Minskin it is a very rare recent breed. The fact that it is not recognized by any major feline organization (mainly due to the controversy over the genetic mutation associated with short legs) explain that it is difficult for him to develop.

    In fact, in Europe , currently there are no breeders of the breed.

    To adopt a Minskin, you have to go to the United States, your country of origin. There are only a handful of breeders there, that they usually offer their little ones between 1.500 and 2.400 USD.

    But, adopting a cat abroad implies finding out about the regulations that regulate the importation of pets in the country where you live, to avoid unpleasant surprises. It also, It is important to note that administrative and transport costs will be added to the purchase price.

    In any case, the latter can differ considerably depending on the reputation of the breeding, of the line from which the animal comes, but also its intrinsic characteristics, in particular its physical characteristics. This last point justifies the differences, sometimes significant, within the same litter.

    Videos "Minskin cat"

    This Cat Breed Looks Like A Kitten For Its Whole Life! | Cats 101

    New Cat Breeds: Meet the Hairless SphynxieBob And BamBob

    Alternative names:

  • Teddy Rex
  • ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Munchkin cat
    Federations: LOOF, TICA


    Characteristics "Munchkin cat"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Munchkin cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Activity level

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to other pets

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to children

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Grooming requirements

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for attention

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection towards its owners

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    The Munchkin cat is a recent American feline breed, but the existence of short-legged cats has been documented several times throughout the 20th century. These may include, already in the decade of 1930, en el Reino Unido, These cats lived for four generations before disappearing during WWII. Over the years 50, in St. Petersburg (Russia), a short-legged cat appeared, nicknamed the "Stalingrad Kangaroo" for its propensity to sit on its hips and box with its small front legs. Another short-legged cat was also observed in the 1990s. 1970 in new england, United States.

    But it was in 1983, in Louisiana ((UNITED STATES)UU.), when a music teacher called Sandra Hockenedel found two pregnant short-legged cats under a truck and called them Blackberry and Blueberry. Found a home for Blueberry, but he stayed with Blackberry. Blackberry gave birth to a litter of normal and short-legged kittens. One of the latter was named after Toulouse, in honor al pintor Toulouse-Lautrec, that conserved the legs of a child in the body of an adult, and gave it to her friend Kay LaFrance, who lived nearby.

    All the Munchkins current descendants of the various encounters of Blackberry and Toulouse with others domestic cats. In fact, their owners allowed them to roam freely on the plantations, and their various encounters with other domestic cats resulted in many litters with kittens of the same anatomical peculiarity. Like this, a colony of short-legged cats soon developed in the area. Hockenedel and LaFrance they decided to call the cats Munchkin, in honor of the inhabitants of Munchkinlandia in Victor Fleming's film 1939 The Wizard of Oz, and they got in touch with him Dr. Solveig Pflueger for me to study them.

    He discovered that the short legs of the Munchkin cat were due to a natural genetic mutation that makes the upper leg bone short. This gene is dominant, which means that it is enough for one of the two parents to be a carrier, and therefore have this physical characteristic, so a kitten is likely to have it too. Aware of possible health risks, several breeders asked the teacher David Biller, from the University College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Kansas, to X-ray the spines of several Munchkins. He concluded that there was nothing wrong with these cats, but that the results of his work could not be considered definitive, since the breed was too new.

    At the same time, breeders examined the paws of some of the older cats - also with X-rays- and found no damage to the joints or bones. They concluded that the mutation did not pose a risk to cats, sparking a debate that continues to divide cat lovers around the world..

    "Munchkin cat"

    Munchkin cat
    Munchkin cat – Sasha Krotov, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    In 1991, the Munchkin cat was presented to the general public at a cat show held at the Madison Square Garden from New York, and the breeders began to pressure the TICA (International Cat Association) to recognize the race. The TICA refused at first (in 1991), but four years later it took a turn: in 1994, granted the breed the official status of a new breed in development, despite protests from Katherine Crawford, TICA judge for many years, who resigned arguing that this recognition was an affront to ethics.

    Indifferent to the heated debates that sparked, the Munchkin they continued to live their feline life and conquer the public, obtaining in particular in 2003 full recognition of the TICA, and therefore the possibility of competing in the exhibitions organized under the aegis of the organization.

    This remains the only major feline association to have recognized the breed.. The American Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) has not taken the step, the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé) says he refuses to recognize a race 'based on a genetic disease', and the British Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) has held a similar position since 1991 advising against the importation of these cats, adding that "it is not intended to recognize a race based on a genetic abnormality".

    In other words, the dispute of Munchkin is far from over. But, it would be too easy to summarize, as some do, as a dispute between "retrograde feline organizations that do not accept change", on the one hand, and "feline organizations that do not think about the welfare of cats and only seek novelty", for another. All renowned feline organizations are committed to the health of the feline population, but they have different approaches: some prefer to take time to study any new mutation to make sure it is safe before recognizing a breed that carries it, while others choose to recognize it quickly to establish a framework for breeders and study the new mutation.

    It's not the first time, not the last, that these debates shake up the world of cat lovers. But, if the discussions around the Munchkin cat they are so virulent and they take so long, it is mainly due to the attitude of some unscrupulous breeders who take advantage of the situation to make easy money without worrying about the health of the animals. Like this, although they know perfectly well that in that case a quarter of the litter never passes the fetus phase, some do not hesitate to raise two Munchkins, with the sole objective of not obtaining a litter with half the "normal" cats that are not sold.

    At the end, despite the mistrust it generates, the Munchkin cat is present all over the world. But, due to lack of recognition and, Therefore, official registration of the breed's representatives in the registries, it is difficult to get an exact idea of ​​its true popularity. But, the countless photos and articles on the net suggest that this cat at least arouses great curiosity.

    In France, where the Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF) is one of the few national associations that recognizes the breed (in two different varieties, depending on the length of your hair) and, Therefore, keep a record, between 2011 and 2019 were registered 134 Munchkin shorthair and 198 Munchkin longhair. The trend is up, nails on 50 registrations per year, but race only represents something more than 0,1% of the country's feline population.

    Physical characteristics

    munchkin cat
    munchkin cat – Tasy Hong, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

    The Munchkin cat has a midline morphology semi-foreign. His body is muscular but not compact, and ends in a tapered tail about the same length as the rest of the body.

    The legs they are short (between 5 and 10 cm shorter than a normal cat), and the upper bone is approximately the same length as the lower. They are straight, with a medium bone structure and proportionate musculature.

    The head is slightly rounded, with cheekbones well defined. The ears are of a size proportionate to the rest of the body and end in a slight curve. The eyes they are almond-shaped and can be of any color.

    The fur of the Munchkin cat can be short (Munchkin shorthair) or semi-wide (Munchkin longhair). Some organizations, as the TICA (International Cat Association), They even consider them two different breeds that compete in two different categories at cat shows., but they share the same standard. This is not the position of the LOOF (Livre Officiel des Origines Félines) French, for whom they are simply two varieties of the same breed. In any case, long hair coat has a silky texture, while the one with short hair looks shiny.

    All are allowed colors and fur patterns, including the typical pattern colourpoint of the Siamese cat.

    Last, the sexual dimorphism is marked, the female being smaller than the male.

    But, it is important to point out that today many crosses of Gatos Munchkins with other races and others domestic cats, both long-haired and short-haired. This diversifies the breed's gene pool to avoid health problems, but it also means that the aspect of the breed is not fixed and can continue to evolve in the future.

    It also, if even 2015 short legs were officially considered the exclusiveness of the Munchkin cat, and that any cat that presented this particularity and corresponded to the standard (regardless of their origins) could be recognized as Munchkin cat, It's not like that. In fact, Since this date, los «Munchkins with Persian appearance" are regarded as a breed in their own right by the TICA (The International Cat Association): the Minuet (or Napoleon).

    Size and weight

    • Male size: 16 to 20 cm.
    • female size: 15 to 18 cm.
    • Male weight: 3 to 4 kg
    • female weight: 2 – 3,5 kg

    Breed standard

    The breed standards are documents established by official bodies that list the conditions that a dog must meet. Munchkin cat to be fully recognized as belonging to the race:


    "Munchkin cat"

    Munchkin Cat
    Munchkin Cat – Flickr

    There is a Munchkins shorthaired and Munchkins longhair. The TICA (The International Cat Association), the only world association that recognizes the Munchkin cat, even consider that they are two different races. On the other hand, for the French reference body, the LOOF (Livre Officiel des Origines Félines), they are simply two varieties of the same breed.

    The Long-haired Munchkin cat has the same origin as the short haired munchkin cat. It is not known if Blackberry, the original female rescued by Sandra Hochenedel in Louisiana, he had the gene for long hair, but the subsequent wide variety of crosses with pedigree and non-pedigree cats may have introduced him to this breed at an early stage, Surely with all the colors and known patterns of the feline world.

    The Long-haired Munchkin cat has a semi-long, silky coat and a moderate undercoat. The hair is described as suitable for all climates, although most breeders recommend that this tiny cat be kept indoors. In other respects, the long-haired variety is very similar to short hair. It has a body size medium and rounded, wedge-shaped head and large eyes. Despite his small stature, they are very active, they have a curious nature and strong personality.

    It also, the Munchkin cat has crossed with him Persian cat to create the Minuet, sometimes called Napoleon, a new breed of feline accepted by the TICA in 2016.

    in addition, it has also been crossed with other cats to create new breeds. But, unlike in the Minuet, the results of these crosses are not yet recognized by any official body. This is how he crossed Munchkin cat with the :

    Character and skills

    munchkin cat
    A munchkin cat grooming herself – in:User:Pockle, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    The various organizations that recognize race allow a Munchkin cat grew up with another Munchkin cat, with a European shorthair cat (Common european cat) or with a Domestic cat (that is to say, no pedigree, but owned by a family that normally guarantees his good health). But, some people do not hesitate to break this rule and organize breeding with individuals of other breeds. How the short leg gene is dominant, some of the kittens born from these unions have short legs, so they are considered Gatos Munchkins.

    Knowing this diversity of origins, it is easy to understand that it is difficult to define the character traits that are shared by all representatives of the breed. In fact, the personality of the Gatos Munchkin varies greatly from individual to individual, since they may have more or less preserved the traits of the races from which they came. Like this, some are very attached to their family, while others are much more independent. In general, they can be especially lonely or, on the other hand, very sociable.

    Most individuals, However, are in the latter case, being very attached and affectionate with both adults and children.

    They also greatly appreciate the company of their peers and enjoy playing with them., without its anatomical specificity being perceived as a disadvantage by any of the protagonists. They also get along perfectly with the presence of a canine companion, provided that it belongs to a breed of dog adapted to cats, and therefore refrain, for example, of chasing him around the house. On the other hand, coexistence with small animals is not recommended, since many Gatos Munchkins they have retained their hunting instincts.

    It also, many owners of Gatos Munchkin have noticed that their pet has a special attraction to shiny objects, like jewels, who does not hesitate to steal and hide in a place that only he knows. They are more likely to do so because they are usually very curious and observant. There is also a point common to all representatives of the breed: they are active and surprisingly agile and lively cats. Their little legs do not prevent them from being very fast and are a definite advantage when taking a sharp turn or making a sudden change of direction. It's hard not to smile when you see a Munchkin cat running at full speed after a ball around the house and making incredible turns.

    If you prefer to stay at ground level and, usually, do not venture beyond the sofa or coffee table, unlike many other breeds, it's more by choice than obligation. In fact, even though they may not be able to jump as spectacularly as their long-legged counterparts, they are especially agile and resourceful, so that they always end up finding a way to reach in several jumps the furniture that another race will have reached in one.

    in addition, their short legs do not prevent them from climbing a cat tree, and they are very likely to end up on the curtain rod, leaving their owners wondering how they got so high.

    The Munchkin cat has developed the habit of sitting on its hind legs, adopting a position similar to that of the suricata to observe your surroundings. This feature has already been observed in 1956 in the «Stalingrad kangaroo», a short-legged cat discovered in Russia, that is not related to the current ones Gatos Munchkin, which suggests that it is an adaptation to its physical particularity.

    The Munchkin cat it is rather a breed of indoor cat, that is to say, designed for life in a flat, especially since its short legs are a disadvantage on the outside, where it is more likely to suffer accidents or predation than another breed. But, they like to be walked on a leash under the supervision of their owner.

    With everything, the Munchkin cat leads a normal life as a cat and is not particularly affected by his condition. His peers consider him completely as one of their own, and he himself doesn't seem to know the difference. So, the difference is mainly in the eyes of humans.


    Munchkin cat
    Munchkin cat – Fedorov078, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    All the Gatos Munchkins have acondroplasia, a genetic condition associated with dwarfism. But, it is not clear whether this genetic mutation, responsible for the short legs of the breed, has any other impact on the health of affected individuals.

    Studies have shown that homozygous embryos (carriers of two mutated genes) are not viable and die in utero, while heterozygous individuals (carriers of a single mutated gene) they do not appear to be affected and lead a completely normal life. This means that when two intersect Gato Munchkins, the 25% of embryos fail to mature and die in the womb: it is precisely to avoid it that they allow themselves, and are even encouraged, crosses with domestic cats, versus breeding between two representatives of the breed.

    It also, although this cat is recent and, Therefore, be wary of jumping to conclusions, some conditions seem to affect you especially:

    • The lordosis, an excessive curvature of the spine;
    • The excavated breast, a deformation of the rib cage inwards, causing compression leading to breathing difficulties and/or heart problems.

    Last, as with any indoor cat, obesity is a serious risk to the health of the Munchkin cat. May cause other illnesses and / or aggravate existing health problems. Thus, a good owner should regularly check that his cat maintains a normal weight, and quickly correct it if it isn't.

    Life expectancy

    12 to 14 years


    The maintenance of Munchkin cat it's relatively easy, especially for short-haired cats. In the case of short-haired cats, just brush its coat once a week. The long-haired variety needs to be brushed a little more frequently, once every two or three days.

    In both cases, It is also advisable to spend a few minutes each week checking your teeth for cavities and tartar., and quickly clean their eyes and ears with a damp cloth.

    Last, when they have gotten too long, you need to trim your cat's nails, to avoid being hampered in your movements.


    In general, the Munchkin cat it does not pose any problem in terms of feeding and is perfectly in line with the industrial cat food available on the market. To provide your cat with all the nutrients it needs for good health, it is recommended to give him a quality food, adapted to your age and activity level.

    It also, to avoid obesity risks, it is advisable to control your daily rations. If your cat is overweight, you should consult a veterinarian to establish a feeding program to help you lose weight.

    For sale "Munchkin cat"

    A kitten Munchkin cat it usually costs about 800 euros for a male and 700 euros for a female.

    Videos "Munchkin cat"

    Can Munchkin Cats Walk On Foil?

    How FAST can munchkin cats run?

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Nebelung cat
    Federations: TICA, LOOF, GCCF, WCF


    Characteristics "Nebelung cat"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Nebelung cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Activity level

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to other pets

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to children

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Grooming requirements

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for attention

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection towards its owners

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    The Nebelung cat today originated in the United States in the 1980, but its history is much older and inseparable from that of the Russian Blue Cat.

    The Russian Blue Cat already existed in Russia in the 19th century, where it was often hunted for the quality of its hide, which caused a population decline. The breed included both individuals of shorthair like Longhair. If he Russian Blue Cat shorthair was exported to Great Britain from 1870 and quickly met some success there, his cousin from Longhair did not have this opportunity, and it continued to decline. The 20th century and its two world wars sealed its fate, and is now considered extinct. In other words, the Nebelungs current replicate their appearance, but they are not his descendants.

    The history of the Nebelung starts in 1984 and Denver, Colorado ((UNITED STATES)UU.), when the cat of the son of Cora Cobb, a computer developer, gave birth to a long-haired gray-blue male kitten. Seduced by this ball of hair, Cora Cobb decided to stay with him and called him Siegfried, in honor of the protagonist of Wagner's opera "The Ring of the Nibelung".

    "Nebelung cat"

    This is a Nebelung cat – Howdyhithere, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    A few months later, this cat gave birth to another litter in which one of the kittens had long bluish gray hair. Cora Cobb he also adopted this cat and named her Brunilda, again in reference to the characters in Wagner's opera, based on the 13th century Germanic poem Nibelungenlied.

    When he moved to Old Paso, Texas, Cora Cobb took to Siegfried and Brunhilde, who thanked him by giving birth to a litter of three kittens in 1986. They all had the same medium-long, blue-gray fur..

    This is because the gene responsible for Longhair and the gene responsible for blue-gray hair are both recessive, which means that the individual must inherit it from both parents to have this appearance. Like this, kittens resulting from the mating of two long-haired gray or gray-blue cats must have the same coat as their parents.

    Decided to call the cats Nebelung, a clear reference to Wagner's opera and original poem, but also a pun on the German word «Nebel» (What does "fog" mean?) and the Russian «Nebo» (what does "heaven" mean). Then the breed recognition process began, contacting the Dra. Solveig Pflueger, head of genetics of the TICA (International Cat Association).

    Following his advice, developed a standard for the Nebelung cat based on the Russian Blue Cat, changing only the description of the fur. The TICA provisionally recognized the breed in 1987, and Cora Cobb founded his kennel, who called Nebelheim.

    In 1989, the Nebelung was featured at a cat show in Paris, where it had some success and offspring began to appear in Europe. In 1997 was definitely recognized by the TICA, later for him Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF) french in 2008 and by the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) british in 2015. The World Cat Federation (WCF) has also recognized the breed, but neither the American Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) not even Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé) have yet taken the step.

    Although it is now present in North America, as well as in Europe, the Nebelung still a rare breed of cat, and has not yet conquered the general public. In France, the statistics of Libro Oficial de Orígenes Felinos (LOOF) indicate that less than fifty specimens are registered each year, while in Great Britain these figures do not exceed twenty. Breed is even more discreet in America, where there are only a handful of hatcheries in the entire country.

    Physical characteristics

    Majestic shadow beast. He prote – Amarnth7, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    The Nebelung It has a type morphology Semi-Foreign. Its body, long and elegant, he is athletic and well proportioned, and rests on muscular legs that end in oval legs. The tail is long, at least as much as the body, and the hair of the same is longer than in the rest of the body.

    The head wedge-shaped is well proportioned to the size of the animal and the ears they are big and pointed. The boca is slightly turned up at the corners, which gives the appearance of constantly smiling, and the nose is charcoal gray. The eyes They are slightly oval and of a deep green color similar to that of the Russian Blue Cat. But, kittens may have greenish-yellow eyes until they reach maturity, around two years old.

    The fur of the Nebelung, that is not fully developed until that age, it's semi-long, and males can have mane. The undercoat it is dense and waterproof, while the outer coat is long and silky. In winter, the coat becomes longer and denser, allowing you to better protect yourself from the cold.

    The only coat color allowed is gray., but this one is called "blue" in the world of cat shows. Kittens can have "ghost" stripes, but these disappear as they grow, giving way to a nice uniform tone.

    Last, the sexual dimorphism it is quite marked, the female being smaller than the male.

    Size and weight

    • Male size: 26 to 30 cm.
    • female size: 25-28 cm.
    • Male weight: 4-7 kg
    • female weight: 3-6 kg

    Breed standard

    The breed standards are documents established by official bodies that list the conditions that a dog must meet. Nebelung to be fully recognized as belonging to the race:


    If he Nebelung it is called often Russian Blue longhair, this is a mistake: is a long-haired equivalent of the Russian Blue Cat, but the Nebelung and this one are two different races that do not share common origins. In fact, contrary to what one might think, the Nebelung does not descend from Russian Blue longhair found in Russia in the 19th century and have since disappeared.

    But, the rules allow the crossing between these two breeds, what, of course, can only lead to confusion. A kitten resulting from such a union is considered as Russian Blue if you have short hair, and as Nebelung if, on the contrary, the Longhair.

    Character and skills

    Nebelung – Nebelung, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    The Nebelung he is extremely affectionate with his family and loves to spend time with them. But, he is a rather shy cat, you need some time before you trust humans; after adopting one, you should not be forced to socialize with your family, but should be allowed to get used to at your own pace. Once you feel comfortable, he will follow his family members throughout the house and remain devoted and loyal to them for life.

    Like is logic, even when it is well integrated into your home, prefers the tranquility of a family evening to social life. It is common for him to run away when guests arrive at the house, and can stay hidden for a while before showing up to greet newcomers.

    They get along very well with the children in the family who have learned to behave with an animal, but they run away from the too boisterous youth. in addition, can live very well with other cats, or even with dogs accustomed to cats, as long as you are not being chased around the house and introductions are made on your terms, that is to say, without forcing you to socialize quickly.

    In general, cats don't like changes, and the Nebelung is no exception. He likes routine and does not like his habits to be altered. It is an excellent alarm clock, that every morning reminds its owner that it is time to get up and, step, to give him breakfast. So, not suitable for people who move often and / or have a chaotic lifestyle.

    When you feel safe in the family nucleus, this peaceful companion becomes active and playful, not hesitating to invite his master to play or run after a shiny object that has fallen to the ground. Once they have had enough exercise, they will gladly accommodate with a family member to receive well-deserved caresses.

    As an intelligent race, the Nebelung is even able to learn some tricks, like fetching a ball or opening the door to the candy closet. This intelligence enables you to understand the intonations of voices, and makes you able to recognize the compliments, but also teasing: it's not uncommon to see him sulking at his family after making them laugh against their will, for example, falling off the couch.

    Last, it is a cat made to live in an apartment and not in the garden: finds your marks faster and feels safer there, what favors their adaptation. In fact, even if I have access to the outside, you probably prefer the comfort of home to the possible novelties that await you outside. It also, it is a breed of cat that tolerates loneliness well, so it can be left home alone when your family is working: unlike other active and intelligent breeds, there is no need to fear that he will adopt destructive behavior, especially if you get extra care at night.


    The Nebelung it is a very resistant cat breed, no known genetic diseases.

    This does not protect him from most of the diseases that all cats are exposed to; even if he spends his life inside, it is essential to vaccinate him well and give him adequate antiparasitic treatments.

    The most important health risk is Obesity. It is not a disease in itself, but it can cause serious problems. The owner is the only person who can protect the dog from this condition, so you should make sure to weigh it regularly to control your weight and avoid being overweight.

    Life expectancy

    15 to 18 years


    "Nebelung cat"

    Nebelung Male, Aleksandr of Song de China – Nebelung, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    The maintenance of Nebelung cat is not difficult, but it takes a little time.

    Its beautiful coat should be brushed twice a week to remove dead hairs and distribute sebum from the skin. These actions help keep the coat shiny and avoid knots..

    During the moulting season, in spring and autumn, this brushing should be done every day to deal with the large amount of dead hair.

    It also, it is advisable to spend a few minutes each week to check the condition of the ears, cat's eyes and teeth: to avoid any risk of infection, must be kept perfectly clean. Ears and eyes can be wiped clean with a damp cloth if necessary.

    When they get too long, it is necessary to trim the claws with a nail clipper. As the Nebelung it is generally an indoor cat, natural wear is usually insufficient.

    Last, It should be noted that the Nebelung has a very high level of cleanliness, even more than most of its congeners. So, to avoid problems, it is important to replace the litter box and clean it regularly.


    The Nebelung is not demanding in terms of food and can be fed with commercially available industrial cat food. These must be of sufficient quality to provide you with all the necessary nutrients and vitamins to keep you healthy.. Y, as in the case of any cat of any breed, diet should be adapted to your age and activity level.

    The Nebelung he's a big glutton, and your appetite can be a source of trouble. So, it is important to respect the daily servings recommended by the manufacturer, and pay attention to the calorie content of any cat treats you receive; the ideal is, of course, deduct from your ration of croquettes or pate the amount contributed by them. It also, not usually able to self-regulate, so it is better to avoid having food available all the time.

    In case of excessive weight gain, do not let the situation get out of control, Instead, you have to quickly consult a veterinarian to establish a new feeding program more suited to your needs..

    For sale "Nebelung cat"

    A kitten Nebelung it costs on average about 1.200 EUR, but the price range goes from 1.000 to 1.400 EUR, depending on the physical characteristics of the kitten.

    The price of females is usually slightly lower than that of males, but there are no big differences.

    Videos "Nebelung cat"

    Nebelung / Cat Breed

    the nebelung cat family.

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Mandalay Cat
    Federations: NZCF, ACF, CCCCA

    The Mandalay it is a very rare and very unknown breed of cat. Its breeding began in New Zealand at the end of the 20th century., and developed in Australia some twenty years later.


    Characteristics "Mandalay Cat"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Mandalay Cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Activity level

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to other pets

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to children

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Grooming requirements

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for attention

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection towards its owners

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    The Mandalay originated in the decade of 1980 in New Zealand.

    A cream-colored female from the hatchery of American Burmese cat of Dorothy Horton and Pat Hogan, in the south of the country, crossed paths with a red shorthair cat. The kittens she gave birth were a beautiful deep red color with very shiny fur.

    At the same time, in the north of the country, a female American Burmese from another breeder named Jan Parson crossed paths with a black cat. The kittens that were born were jet black with shiny fur.

    The three breeders realized that the kittens they got from each other had very dark and deep colors that made them beautiful.. They were so fascinated that they decided to try to create a specific breeding program together..

    They kept crossing American Burmese with brightly colored street cats, and they began to call the kittens obtained darker in color and totally solid, Mandalays, and raise them together. On the other hand, those that had a less intense color and whose external face (back, head, flanks and outer part of the legs) it was darker than the inside face (belly and inside of the legs) they kept calling each other burmese. So, a litter could contain both kittens Mandalay as burmese.

    The breeding program accelerated when other breeders joined Jan Parson, Pat Hogan and Dorothy Horton. Dorothy Horton wrote the first rule of Mandalay. Since then, enthusiasts fought for the breed to be recognized by the New Zealand Cat Fancy (NZCF), the official feline organization of the country. His efforts were eventually successful in 1990. As a result, from that year, kittens with strong, solid color were recorded as Mandalays on the NZCF Pedigree Cat Register.

    Breeders also tried to expand the color palette, which was initially limited to solid colors (black ebony, bronze blue, dark brown chocolate, cinnamon, leonado, red, cream, caramel and apricot). They also developed the brindle pattern. These advancements were later updated in the standard.

    But, for many years, New Zealand was the only country that bred the Mandalay. Was not up 2013 when Australia joined the ranks of breeders, where a breeding program was also created. In the absence of imports from New Zealand, the program began with the breeding of Burmese and British Shorthairs. Next, breeders crossed the Mandalay obtained from the first matings with Burmeses.

    Just two years later, in 2015, the Mandalay was recognized by the Australian Cat Federation (ACF) and the Australian Cat Control Council (CCCCA).

    At the same time, in New Zealand, the gene pool of Mandalay had been depleted due to the low number of offspring since the creation of the breed. Jan Parson, Pat Hogan, Dorothy Horton and the other breeders who had been responsible for the development of the breed decided to create an experimental program, NZCF approved, to reintroduce matings similar to those that had given rise to the breed, that is to say, Burmese cat matings with dark, intense, short-haired stray cats. But, in the second generation, a large number of individuals had a problem with congenital hypothyroidism. This fiasco led to the decision to sterilize all the cats participating in the program., thus putting an end to it.

    But, the problem persisted: they had to find a solution to expand the gene pool of the breed. In 2018, asked the NZCF for permission to import a Mandalay from australia. The NZCF granted the permit and the following year Bahati Outrageous Fortune, A male Mandalay ebony, was brought from Australia to help develop the breed in New Zealand. As the gene pool of the Mandalay in Australia it was also extremely limited, only one individual could be imported.

    Recognition of the «Mandalay»

    My beautiful mandalay, Raven by Holly Ellery – omlet.us

    The Mandalay it is a very rare and very unknown breed of cat. Its breeding began in New Zealand at the end of the 20th century., and developed in Australia some twenty years later. But, remains limited to these two countries and has not spread beyond.

    This explains that, outside these two countries, the breed is not recognized by the different national or international organizations. These may include, not even Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé), not even International Cat Association (TICA), not even American Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA), neither him British Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), neither him Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF) French recognize the Mandalay.

    There is little chance that this will change in the future. In effect, on the one hand, the breed's population is still very limited, And on the other hand, is competed by the Bombay cat: this cat that also descends from American Burmese cat is extremely close to Mandalay, and it is already accepted by these organizations. It is not very plausible that the latter recognize two races so similar, as this could lead to confusion.

    But, the Mandalay is recognized by the reference organizations of its two countries of origin: the New Zealand Cat Fancy (NZCF) from 1990, the Australian Cat Federation (ACF) and the Co-Ordinating Cat Control Council of Australia (CCCCA) from 2015.

    Popularity of «Mandalay»

    The development of Mandalay has been limited to New Zealand and Australia.

    Even in these countries, its dissemination remains confidential. There are no statistics that give an idea of ​​the population size of the breed, but it is very limited, just like your gene pool, which obviously also hampers any significant and rapid progress. In any case, in each of these countries there are less than a dozen breeders of Mandalay.

    Regarding the geographical distance of these two countries with respect to Europe and North America in particular, obviously does not facilitate the development of the breed in the rest of the world, both then and now. The Bombay cat, developed by American breeders and also a descendant of the American Burmese cat, then i would be on my way. The Bombay is very close to Mandalay, although the two races are not strictly identical: the Bombay has a totally black coat and a slightly longer body.

    So, the development of Mandalay outside of Oceania is not easy, especially since his future is uncertain even in his homeland. In fact, if New Zealand breeders cannot find a solution to expand the breed's gene pool, This can end up being affected by numerous health problems caused by excessive inbreeding.

    Physical characteristics

    "Mandalay Cat"

    Mandalay (full color burmese) – Pinterest

    The lines Mandalay New Zealand and Australian are quite different, since until 2019 the first specimen was not exported from one country to another. But, its appearance is quite similar, except for the brindle pattern of the coat.

    On the other hand, whatever the country of origin, the Mandalay looks the same as his ancestor the American Burmese cat, except for the fur and the color of the eyes. The coat is darker than that of the American Burmese and completely solid, while the eyes go only from golden yellow to amber and should be intense.
    On both sides of the Tasman Sea, it is a semi-linear cat of medium length and height. Its body is built around a strong, rounded chest, but its elegance is due in part to the fact that its strong muscles remain harmonized. But, the latter implies that it is heavier than it seems.

    The back is flat between the shoulders and the rump, then continue with a straight tail of moderate length, that tapers and ends in a rounded tip.

    The legs they are muscular, slim and well proportioned to the rest of the body. Hind legs are slightly longer than front legs. Both end in well defined oval feet.

    The head rests on a neck moderately strong muscular. Profile, presents a concave curve between its upper part and the lower jaw. The skull is slightly rounded, then there is a clear break between the slightly rounded forehead and the straight nose.

    The ears, well spaced on top of skull, are medium in size and slope slightly downward when viewed in profile. They are wide at the base, with rounded tips. Some kittens are born with oversized ears, but this disproportion disappears as they grow.

    The eyes they are far apart, they are big and bright. His topline is straight and slopes towards the nose, while its bottom line is rounded. Its color ranges from golden yellow to amber, the latter being the most sought after.

    The cheekbones they are wide and end in a wedge in the muzzle. In men, can become prominent with age. But, the jaw is strong and the chin is firm.

    The Mandalay has hardly any undercoat, but has a short thin top coat, distinguished by its silky texture and very shiny appearance. This sheen is a sign of good health and is the most prominent feature of the breed., that gives it both grace and beauty.

    The the fur color is solid: may be black ebony, bronze blue, dark chocolate brown, cinnamon, leonado, red, cream or even caramel with its apricot hue. In all cases, some rare and scattered white hairs tolerated.

    The coat can also have a tortoiseshell color (a mixture of red and black) and a brindle pattern. But, the latter is only accepted in New Zealand, not in australia.

    Size and weight

    • Male weight: Of 3 to 6 kg
    • female weight: Of 3 to 6 kg

    “Mandalay” varieties

    "Mandalay Cat"

    Mandalays and new colour Burmese – Rafoej Cattery – Weebly

    Since the beginning of the decade 1950, approximately 30 years before breeders in New Zealand and Australia developed the Mandalay, others based in the United States and Canada developed the Bombay cat.

    The Bombay is a cross between the American Burmese cat and the American shorthair cat and is recognized by the Cat Fanciers’ Association américaine (CFA) and the Canadian Cat Association (CCA). Like the latter, his temperament is similar to that of American Burmese, and their physical characteristics are also very similar. The only differences are the smooth, darker coat and the intense color of the eyes, ranging from golden yellow to amber.

    But, there are some differences between the Bombay cat and the Mandalay. In particular, the Bombay it has a slightly longer body and its fur is only black.

    It has spread much further than its Oceanian cousin, and is especially known in Europe. This explains that it is recognized, among others, by the influencer Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) British. But, the GCCF does not consider it a breed in its own right, but simply a variety of Asian cat, which in turn is the result of matings between the European Burmes cat and the Persian cat. It also, the organization only accepts black ebony cats.

    In France, the Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF) combine the Bombay cat and the American Burmese cat in the same standard. The organization distinguishes between the latter and the European Burmes cat, also known as Burmese English. The differences are physical: the American has a rounder head and a slightly more robust body.

    In any case, organizations such as the CFA are unlikely, the AFC, and GCCF, the LOOF and all other organizations that recognize the Bombay cat do not end up also recognizing the Mandalay as a race in its own right, since these two cats are very similar. Recognizing them both and considering them as two different races would probably lead to confusion.

    Character and skills

    The Mandalay has inherited the temperament of his ancestor the American Burmese cat.

    So, it is an ideal cat for a family, since he especially appreciates the presence of humans around him. He is usually very kind and affectionate with them.

    They especially like to play with children, and they are excellent playmates, enthusiastic and energetic; the reverse is also usually true. He is very tolerant of them, but that does not mean that there are no risks on both sides. So, just like any other cat, should never be left alone with a young child: their interactions should always take place under the supervision of an adult.

    To the Mandalay loves to be petted and has a great need for recognition, so it requires a lot of attention. It can even be a slightly clingy cat, who does not hesitate to follow their masters wherever they go and sit: in the kitchen, in front of the tv… You can also chat with them and be chatty, but their meows are soft and not loud, unless you want to reproach a lack of attention.

    "Mandalay Cat"

    Mandalay – anthonynichols

    In other words, it's perfect for anyone who wants maximum interaction with their little friend. On the other hand, it is much less suitable for people who are away from home often or for long periods. They find it very difficult to tolerate being away from their family, especially if it is for long periods. They soon become anxious and develop behavior problems such as excessive licking, meows or even aggressiveness. Leaving several games at his disposal at those times helps to alleviate his discomfort., but the ideal is that you even share your home with another animal, either a companion or a cat-friendly dog. In fact, this ensures that you are never alone.

    This coexistence is all the more feasible since this little feline is not aggressive for a penny. So, usually maintain peaceful relationships with their alter egos, as well as with dogs, at least, of course, those who can tolerate the presence of a cat. Things go better if the two partners are used to living together from an early age. If that is not the case, it is better to introduce them little by little, so that they get used to it and find their place.

    In any case, that he lives under the same roof as a small rodent or a bird is a completely different story. In fact, his well-developed hunting instinct could turn the experiment upside down at any moment. If you come into contact with such a small animal, it is better to keep it in a cage or in a separate room to limit the risk of accidents.

    Regarding the unknown humans entering their domain, not the type to be very suspicious of them. On the other hand, if you feel comfortable with them, it is very likely that you will approach them and ask for their attention. Having said that, even if it's not fearful, it is still essential that you have a cat tree to lean on to observe your little world, or just to rest.

    Grooming and caring for the "Mandalay Cat"

    "Mandalay Cat"

    Lilac Mandalay Variant male – Facebook

    The beautiful silky and satin coat of the Mandalay does not require complicated maintenance, especially since it has practically no undercoat. Brushing once a week is enough to remove dead hairs and give it a new shine.. But, during its annual molting period, it is better to brush it two or three times a week.

    You should also check his ears once a week. Cleaning them with a damp cloth will remove impurities and reduce the risk of infection..

    The weekly maintenance session is also an opportunity to check the eyes. If they are dirty, cleaning them with a damp cloth will also reduce the chance of an infection.

    Brushing your cat's teeth is important to all breeds, but even more so for him Mandalay due to its predisposition to gingivitis. Do it at least once a week (and ideally every day) helps prevent plaque build-up, which can cause all kinds of more or less serious diseases by turning into tartar. It is necessary to systematically use a toothpaste designed specifically for cats.

    Last, Once a month, you need to check the length of your claws, especially if you live indoors. In fact, if they get too long, they can break, annoy or harm you: Trimming them manually when necessary helps avoid these types of problems. Even for a person with access to the outside, this check is necessary, as natural wear and tear may not be enough. It also, these cares do not exempt you from providing your cat with a scratching post.

    coat care, the ears, the eyes, the teeth and claws of his Mandalay does not require any special skills. But, to adopt the correct gestures and avoid injuring or traumatizing your cat, it is best to ask a veterinarian or professional cat groomer for advice the first time. In any case, It is essential to accustom your pet to these grooming sessions from a young age, so they are part of your routine and don't get recalcitrant.

    In fact, once the owner has learned to carry out the different treatments, these moments can even become privileged moments of caresses and pampering. In fact, the Mandalay is always delighted to receive attention and affection, and does not hesitate to show it with small meows.

    Indoor or outdoor cat?

    Ideally, you should live in a house with a garden that you can access at any time through a cat flap when you feel like running. Curious, he loves to frolic, climb and hunt. They do not hesitate to leave their domain to follow a prey, but then they return quite naturally to their cozy nest.

    If the outside is too dangerous to let you run free, you can walk him on a leash: generally does well if you get used to it from a young age, and thus it is avoided that it is enclosed between four walls.

    How much activity does he need? "Mandalay Cat"?

    Playing with their masters is also an activity that they love, In addition to stimulating you physically and mentally. His intelligence makes him an ideal candidate for anyone who wants to teach their cat tricks.. You can also test yourself through various interactive games that allow you to develop your skills.

    In any case, whether your living environment is confined indoors or you have access to the outdoors, the Mandalay you need to have a scratching post at your disposal, like any of his classmates. Scratch is a compelling urge that cannot be denied. If there are no facilities for it, will not hesitate to turn to furniture.

    Health and nutrition


    The Mandalay has robust general health.

    It also, is able to adapt to all climates. But, the lack of undercoat makes me afraid of drafts. Thus, in winter it is necessary to protect it from drafts to prevent it from catching a cold.

    It also, like any breed of cat, are more likely to suffer from certain health problems. In this case, is the same one that his ancestor is predisposed to American Burmese cat:

    • Congenital endocardial fibroelastosis, characterized by thickening of the muscular walls of the heart leading to heart failure. The affected individual is easily out of breath, tires quickly and sometimes coughs. If it is not possible to solve the root problem, at least it is possible to improve the comfort of the animal with a lifelong medication that limits the symptoms;
    • The Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which is the result of an enlarged heart that causes a decrease in the volume of blood circulating through the body. This causes the typical symptoms of heart failure: intense fatigue, weightloss, breathing difficulties, loss of appetite, etc. Several causes are possible (hereditary origin, nutritional deficiency, etc.), and the prognosis is usually bad. But, various pharmacological treatments allow the affected animal to gain a few months - or even years- of life;
    • The Mellitus diabetes, an endocrine disease caused by insufficient insulin secretion, leading to high blood sugar levels. Then the cat begins to eat and drink more and lose weight.. The only effective treatment is regular insulin injections throughout the cat's life;
    • hypokalemic myopathy, that usually appears between the second and the tenth month of age. It is caused by low potassium levels in the blood and manifests as general weakness, muscle pain and motor difficulties. Treatment with potassium supplements and diet adjustment is enough to solve the problem.. However, a risk of recurrence cannot be excluded;
    • The peripheral vestibular syndrome, a congenital abnormality of the inner ear. In this case, the kitten keeps its head bowed, have problems with motor coordination and involuntary eye movements and, in some cases, he's even deaf. The problem usually resolves itself when the animal grows;
    • The flat rib syndrome in kittens it is a hereditary disease in which the rib cage is deformed. The rib cage is flattened from birth, and is even hollowed out in the most severe cases. This causes both shortness of breath and hyperventilation., which causes reduced blood flow and can lead to syncope. This deformation can be fatal, but individuals who reach adulthood are saved and manage to live with it;
    • Bent tail, congenital and hereditary malformation that causes the tail to twist in the cartilage. But, it is not dangerous or incapacitating for the animal: the only consequence is aesthetic;
    • The elbow osteoarthritis, a degenerative disease, progressive and irreversible. It corresponds to a progressive destruction of the cartilage of the joint., that loses its role as a buffer. This causes pain that leads the cat to restrict its movements to avoid suffering, or even lethargy. But, it is possible to improve the cat's quality of life with analgesic and anti-inflammatory treatments that slow down the progression of the disease;
    • The orofacial pain syndrome, a very rare disease that can be inherited. Causes the animal to lick and chew excessively. Sometimes it is even very painful to feed. No treatment, but it is possible to stop the symptoms with analgesics or antiepileptics. It is also advisable to put a collar on the cat to prevent it from licking;
    • Lipemia of the aqueous humor of the eye, which only affects kittens and is characterized by the milky appearance of the eye. It is only temporary and resolves itself;
    • Dermoide corneal, congenital and hereditary malformation, characterized by the presence of cutaneous tissue in the conjunctiva and cornea. This irritates the conjunctiva and weakens the cornea.. This can be remedied with surgical intervention.;
    • The gingivitis, which is an inflammation of the oral mucosa caused by the accumulation of tartar on the teeth. The cat has bad breath, suffers, has difficulty eating and can no longer wash. Next, scraping and polishing required (always under general anesthesia), which may be accompanied by a treatment with antibiotics or anti-inflammatories;
    • Allergic reactions to products used during anesthesia. So, if it is necessary to carry out an operation of this type, it is always advisable to make sure that the professional is aware of this particularity.

    In addition to these various conditions, the Mandalay also has a tendency to overweight, yes no to obesity. Obviously, the risk is especially pronounced for people who live exclusively indoors and are not very active. Not a problem to be taken lightly, as it can aggravate existing diseases or cause new ones.

    Taking into account the high number of hereditary diseases to which the breed is predisposed, the interest in adopting a Mandalay from a serious breeder who carefully selects his breeders. In effect, Systematically excluding from breeding individuals with a disease that can be transmitted to their offspring significantly reduces the risk of obtaining kittens carrying these diseases.

    It also, a good breeder ensures that kittens are well socialized from an early age and that they grow up in a suitable environment, so that they are not only healthy, but have a good head and legs. It also, must be able to present a certificate of good health issued by a veterinarian and a vaccination or health record that contains the vaccines administered to the animal.

    From the moment the pet is adopted, the new owner is responsible for his health throughout his life. In particular, the new owner must take the animal to the vet at least once a year (and even more often as the animal ages) for a complete health check. This allows any health problems to be detected as soon as possible and, if required, treat it in the right conditions. This appointment is also an opportunity to carry out any necessary booster shots..

    Last, the owner must take care to protect his cat from parasites by repeating his antiparasitic treatments as many times as necessary, throughout the year. This is especially important for a cat that spends most of its time outside., but it is also necessary for a cat that lives indoors, since it is not completely safe from the risks.

    Life expectancy

    10 to 17 years


    Like all its fellow men, the Mandalay requires a diet that meets your nutritional needs, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Must suit your age, your level of physical activity and your health status.

    His propensity to overweight, or even obesity, forces a certain vigilance. In effect, his greed makes it difficult for him to regulate himself: contrary to what is possible - and even desirable- with many other cats, it is better to avoid giving him free access to his food. So, it is advisable to opt for meals given at fixed times, and show some rigor in determining your daily ration.

    Industrial cat food is perfectly suitable for your needs, but human food rarely is, unless carefully selected for that purpose. Of course, to the Mandalay loves attention and won't hesitate to ask for a bite during the meal to join the feast. But, attention and food are two different things: it does you no favors to respond to this type of request, Nor does letting him finish the table scraps or rummage through the trash. This is especially true because some foods that humans enjoy are toxic to little felines..

    The trend of Mandalay obesity makes it essential to control your weight at least once a month. If a slippage is evident - or even worse- during several successive weighings, it is necessary to visit the vet. Only a healthcare professional can diagnose the cause of the problem: improper diet, disease, side effect of a medication, etc. Once the cause is identified, can indicate how to remedy it.

    It also, like all his peers, the Mandalay you must have fresh water at all times, regularly renewed.

    For sale "Mandalay Cat"

    Despite having a very limited gene pool, the breeding of Mandalay is trying to develop in New Zealand and Australia, but the breed is completely unknown abroad.

    In New Zealand, your country of origin, there are just under a dozen breeders across the country. They sell their kittens for between 800 and 1800 New Zealand dollars (between 450 and 1000 EUR).

    In Australia, the number of breeders is of the same order of magnitude. Adopt a kitten Mandalay costs between 700 and 1600 Australian dollars (between 400 and 1000 EUR).

    whatever the country, there are big price differences between one and the other. Can be explained by the reputation of the farm, the line from which the animal is descended or its intrinsic characteristics, especially in terms of his physique. This last point is the one that explains why prices can vary even within the same litter..

    In any case, the small number of breeders makes the choice relatively limited and it is necessary to wait several months before being able to adopt a representative of the breed.

    If the breed is to be repatriated to a country other than the country of origin, It must be taken into account that transport costs and administrative costs will be added to the purchase price. It also, it is essential to know the legislation regarding the importation of animals in the country in which you reside and, of course, respect her, to avoid unpleasant surprises.

    Videos "Mandalay Cat"

