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Edwards' Fig-Parrot
Psittaculirostris edwardsii

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Edwards' Fig-Parrot



18 cm.. length and weight around 105 g..

The Edwards' Fig-Parrot (Psittaculirostris edwardsii) you have the front and a bright yellowish-green Crown, with a green stripe on the back; neck greyish-Brown band above the band of gris-negruzco color that extends into the eye; area before and just behind the eyes, green. Elongated lower headset feathers and orange-red fire Gorge, with some green basal feathers interspersed and ends the headphone rear (also elongated) golden yellow with orange.

Dark green back: curve of the wing marked in blue. Black flight feathers marked with green in vane outer (except the primary outer) and with vane internal yellow, forming a set of bars under her wings; marked inner coverts reddish-orange. The wings of blue-green feathers, the longest with yellow tip. Purple-blue ruff with some lighter green feathers; Centre of the breast and upper belly of a showy orange-red; flanks, supracaudales yellowish-green coverts and thighs. Upper, the Green tail; undertail, opaque yellow olive.

the black beak; reddish brown to Brown irises; light grey legs.

The female of the Edwards' Fig-Parrot It lacks the heart of red on the chest and upper abdomen, and has a broader purple-blue band on the chest, inset below with red.

Immatures resemble females, but with the headphones coverts greenish yellow.


The Edwards' Fig-Parrot (Psittaculirostris edwardsii) are distributed among the humid lowland forests, partially cleared areas, wooded edges, as well as near rural areas, up to about 800 meters above sea level.

The birds are usually found in pairs or small noisy flocks, Although groups have been found for up to 400 birds collected in the canopy of fruit trees.

Rapid movements are, and usually they hang you upside down to reach food.
Has been in mixed flocks with the Double-eyed Fig-Parrot.


Nesting behavior of the Edwards' Fig-Parrot they have been observed since January through may. In October he was seen a male rubbing its peak with the female and hovering above its perch. The nest is in a hole, at the top of a tree in the forest.


The diet consists of fruit, including the Ficus figs and casuarinas, nectar and probably insects


Endemic to the lowlands of the North of New Guinea in Irian Jaya and Papua New Guinea. It is commonly distributed in the northeast of all Jayapura along the coastal lowlands and inland to around of Pagwi, Chamhri Lake and the jimi river. Observed in the region of the Sepik River, extending eastward to the lowlands of the Huon Peninsula and the markham river. The world's population is believed to be in excess of 100.000.


minor concern

• Current IUCN Red List category: Least concern

• Population trend: Stable

The size of the world population Edwards' Fig-Parrot It has not been quantified, It is estimated around the 100,000 specimens. The species according to sources, it is common to very frequent, at the local level (pit et to the. 1997).

The population is suspected to be stable in the absence of evidence of any reduction or substantial threats.

"Edwards' Fig-Parrot" in captivity:

active parrot, need space to exercise. It has nice voice, harmless. Initially shy and nervous, It is customary to the caregiver with the time. You can die suddenly without apparent reason.

It is very rare in poultry.

Alternative names:

Edwards’ Fig-Parrot, Edward’s Fig Parrot, Edwards’ Fig Parrot, Edwards’s Fig Parrot, Edwards’s Fig-Parrot, Scarlet-cheeked Fig Parrot (ingles).
Psittacule d’Edwards (French).
Edwardszwergpapagei, Edwards Zwergpapagei, Edwards-Zwergpapagei (German).
Psittaculirostris edwardsii (Portuguese).
Lorito de Eduardo, Lorito de Edwards (español).

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittaculidae
Scientific name: Psittaculirostris edwardsii
Genus: Psittaculirostris
Citation: (Oustalet, 1885)
Protonimo: Cyclopsittacus Edwardsii

Images "Edwards' Lorito":


«Edwards' parrot» (Psittaculirostris edwardsii)


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife


(1) – Indonesia Traveling Guide – by Farelli in Indonesia Bird
(2) – Birds-pet-wallpapers
(3) – «Psittaculirostris edwardsii» by http://www.birdphotos.com – http://www.birdphotos.com/photos/v/parrots/IMG_3537b.jpg.html. Licensed under CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
(4) – By Michal Pilar – Methodical Portal
(5) – By Katerina Tvardikova – New Guinea Birds

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