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Seychelles Black Parrot
Coracopsis barklyi

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Seychelles Black Parrot




35-40 cm. length and 132-153 g. of weight.

The Seychelles Black Parrot (Coracopsis barklyi) They have a pale brown, less black than the plumage Black Parrot (Coracopsis nigra), but gray / blue reflections in the outer layers of the primary feathers; pale brown patches with slight pale streaks on the crown.

The tone becomes slightly paler in uppertail-coverts.

The underparts They are pale grayish brown. We can see some short lines in throat, while the chest and the belly show a diffuse pale obstruction. The tail is pale-grey.
The bill dark gray becomes paler during the breeding season. The eyes are dark brown, surrounded by a naked orbital gray area. Legs and feet are dark gray to bluish gray.

Both sexes are very similar.

Youth colorization:

Immature paler than adults with a yellowish tinge bill and tips of the feathers tail with pale gray.

Taxonomic status:

Formerly a subspecies of Black Parrot (Coracopsis nigra), originating from Madagascar. Parrots Gender Coracopsis only found in the Western Indian Ocean.


Seychelles Black Parrot

The Seychelles Black Parrot (Coracopsis barklyi) inhabits native and mixed woodland in Praslin, (Rocamora and Laboudallon 2013, A. Reuleaux y N. Bunbury a slightly. 2016). It is also found in cultivated areas and residential areas with gardens, habitats that are suitable feed (A. Reuleaux y N. Bunbury a slightly. 2016). They are usually seen alone or in pairs.


Their main breeding areas They are in a forest dominated by endemic palms coco de mer (Lodoicea maldivica). The tree species nests in cavities primarily in mer coconut dead, but also registered that nests in cavities and other palms living trees broadleaf (Reuleaux et al. 2014to), with reproductive activity October to March (Rocamora and Laboudallon 2013, Reuleaux et al. 2014to). Preferred deep cavities of hollow logs of L. maldivica with a dense cover canopy over the entrance (Reuleaux et al. 2014to). The reproductive activity fluctuates widely between years (A. Reuleaux y N. Bunbury a slightly. 2016). In a study, the 53% of nests they were successful in 36 nesting attempts, with a 57% incipient year survival (Reuleaux et al. 2014to).


The Seychelles Black Parrot It feeds on a variety of plant species, most of which are endemic and native (Reuleaux et al. 2014b), mainly from the fruit pulp, seeds and buds, with occasional observations feeding on leaves, flowers, crusts and scale insects (Reuleaux et al. 2014b).


Extending its range (breeding/resident): 70 km2

The Seychelles Black Parrot (Coracopsis barklyi) reside in Praslin, with occasional records in Curieuse (to 1 km to the North of Praslin), Seychelles (Reuleaux et al. 2013).

No individual was detected in curious during spot counts over four days and during supplementary fieldwork, so it is assumed that there is no resident population there (Reuleaux et al. 2013).



• Current category of the Red List of the UICN: Vulnerable.

• Population trend: Stable.

• Population size : 340-600 individuals.

Rationale for the Red List category

This newly divided species is listed as Vulnerable because, but it appears to be stable or possibly increasing, their population is still very small, and therefore it is at risk of stochastic events and human impacts.

Justification of the population

Count surveys conducted in Praslin points in 2010 and 2011 They found a density of 0.14-0.24 individuals / ha, as resultadi giving an estimate of the Total population 520-900 individuals (confidence intervals 95%) obtained through the distance sampling methodology (Reuleaux et al. 2013). After reviewing recent survey results, Rocamora and Laboudallon (2013) estimated total breeding population less than 200 couples, suggesting that there might be less than 400 mature individuals. Based on these data, it is assumed that there 340-600 mature individuals in the population.

Justification trend

They suspected that the population is stable the absence of evidence of any reduction or immediate threat. It is believed that the species has increased at least until the beginning of the century, but it is not clear if it is still increasing (Reuleaux et al. 2013, Rocamora and Laboudallon 2013).


It is believed that the decline of Seychelles Black Parrot before age 60 It was mainly due to predation by introduced rats and hunting conducted by settlers and farmers (Rocamora and Laboudallon 2013). Other causes of increased mortality include capture as pets and trade, and bycatch when targeting other species.

The most serious current threats for the species include diseases such as disease Beak and feather, continuous nest predation by rats and cats, competition from introduced species of birds for food and nesting sites, poaching of their main nesting tree (coco de mer), and habitat destruction caused by fires, with potential threats including persecution, pesticides, bats and kinship networks (Rocamora and Laboudallon 2013, Seychelles Islands Foundation in litt. 2014).

The forest fires They may represent the most serious threat to the species, with records since the beginning of the decade 1980 showing that approximately every 10 years a major fire occurs (The Seychelles Islands Foundation in litt. 2014). The availability of nesting cavities can be a limiting factor in years of very active reproduction, some females occupying suboptimal cavities.

Collection sea ​​coconuts probably reduce the area of ​​palm forest long term.

The presence of the Rose-ringed Parakeet (Psittacula krameri) in Mahe, one of which is registered Praslin, increases the risk of disease.

The impacts of introduced species causing nest predation and competition for nesting sites can not be serious enough to limit the population; However, mice are increasing in Praslin.

The crazy ants or zanconas ants (anoplolepis gracilipes) not appear to have impacted the species so far, probably because they use dead palms, where the appropriate cavities Seychelles Black Parrot.

Chicks predation by cats and dogs is probably limited, and post-harvest mortality is not currently a major concern. The persecution of the species by farmers is considered a minor threat.

Other risk factors for the species include their low genetic diversity and unexplained large fluctuations in reproductive activity of one station to another (Seychelles Islands Foundation in litt. 2014).

conservation actions

Conservation actions underway

The species is protected by law from 1966 (Rocamora and Laboudallon 2013). Endemic palms have been protected from 1991, and the restoration of native palm forest on Praslin and Curieuse is underway. The species is found in the Praslin National Park, created in 1979, and Vallée de Mai It was declared a World Heritage Site in 1983. The Background islas Ferdinand curious y They are administered as nature reserves, but no official protection. Among 1983 and 2005 boxes were provided artificial nesting (Rocamora and Laboudallon 2013, A. Reuleaux y N. Bunbury a slightly. 2016).

In Vallée de Mai there is a firebreak around the brood nucleus, but it is not guaranteed to work in the event of a large fire that can not be contained quickly (The Seychelles Islands Foundation in litt. 2014), However, It has only proved partially effective when a fire destroyed several hectares of breeding habitat high quality 2010 (A. Reuleaux y N. Bunbury a slightly. 2016). Poaching coco de mer nuts it being countered with increased security and a program regeneration, and they have carried out awareness activities to reduce the persecution by farmers. Measures are being taken to eradicate the presence of the Rose-ringed Parakeet (Psittacula krameri) and also they are conducting tests for the virus Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease Virus (The Seychelles Islands Foundation in litt. 2014).

In 2009 a national plan of action was drawn up for the species, It is including plans to introduce the species Silhouette, along with captive breeding in Frigate y North Island, if you can carry out a proper restoration and habitat management (reviewed by Rocamora and Laboudallon 2013). Other conservation identified for this species include control of introduced, the renovation and improvement of nests, population monitoring and public awareness campaigns (reviewed by Rocamora and Laboudallon 2013). Analysis using statistical models is intended to 2014, after annual counts have been made for three years without interruption, and conclusions on the trend of the species will be published from 1982 (G. Rocamora in litt. 2014). Repeating the remote sampling survey is scheduled at intervals 5-10 years (A. REuleaux y N. Bunbury a slightly. 2016).

Conservation Actions Proposed

Carry out further surveys to get a more accurate estimate population size and to monitor the demographic trend. Conduct research on the impacts of potential threats. Protect additional areas of native forest of palms. Suitable restore native habitats. Continue awareness activities to eliminate any residual persecution.

"Seychelles Black Parrot" in captivity:

This species is protected by law from 1966. No copy of Seychelles Black Parrot should be kept in captivity, unless it was under a controlled breeding program in order to reintroduce birds of this species to their habitat.

Alternative names:

Seychelles Black Parrot, Seychelles Lesser Vasa Parrot, Seychelles Parrot (English).
Vasa des Seychelles, Vaza des Seychelles (French).
Seychellenpapagei (German).
Seychelles Black Parrot (Portuguese).
Loro de Seychelles (español).

scientific classification:

Newton Edward
Newton Edward

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittaculidae
Genus: Coracopsis
Scientific name: Coracopsis barklyi
Citation: Newton, E, 1867
Protonimo: Coracopsis barklyi

Images “Seychelles Black Parrot”:

Videos "Seychelles Black Parrot"

Seychelles Black Parrot (Coracopsis barklyi)


Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr


(1) – Coracopsis barklyi (=Coracopsis nigra barklyi) by Joseph Wolf [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
(2) – Coracopsis barklyi By Post of Seychelles ([1]) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

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