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Antipodes parakeet
Cyanoramphus unicolor

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Antipodes parakeet




32 cm.. of length and a weight of 130 g..

The Antipodes parakeet (Cyanoramphus unicolor) has a plumage brighter yellowish green, more yellowish on the hand down and sometimes with irregular yellow markings at the top. It is the only species that does not have color markings on head and tail. It is the largest of its kind.

The face and top are bright emerald green, and the contrast with the neck and the chest is more off.

At the top of the wings, the outer bands of the flight feather are blue, While the long tail It is green with fine yellow piping.

The great bill is silver-grey with dark end. The eyes are orange-red. The legs and feet are greyish.

Both sexes are identical. The female is slightly smaller than the male.

The young birds they are of tail shorter. The young people have the bill Pink White and the eyes light brown.


Antipodes parakeet

The Antipodes parakeet, usually, they prefer areas with tall grass (POA littorosa), areas of open scrub and sedges (Carex). Can also be seen in areas where thorny ferns grow (Polystichum vestitum) and the bushes (Coprosma antipode).

The birds are most common on steeper slopes and near water courses, alone or in small groups; They walk on the floor and climb among the branches as they seek food, normally during the morning and before nightfall.

These birds are very Meek and curious. When frightened, they disappear among the dense vegetation, keeping silent or giving a short alarm call. More than half of the day is spent sunbathing and grooming in protected areas. They bathe in small ponds and rest in burrows.


The season of reproduction takes place between October and March. The Antipodes parakeet nest in soils with good drainage, a length of at least one meter. The nests is carved in fibrous peat, under the thick base of the tall grass vegetation. The nesting Chamber It is full of rootlets or fern scales.

The spawning occurs between November and January. The female lays 2-3 white eggs (5-6 in captivity). She carries out most of the duties of nesting, and incubates the eggs for a few 26 days. She cares for and feeds the chicks for nearly two weeks. The male contributes to breeding, feeding the female during this period, as well as feeding the young until their independence, at least two weeks after leaving the nest.


The diet main consists of leaves; an amount of crushed leaves, still attached to the plant, they are a distinctive sign of the power of the Antipodes parakeet. Also consume seeds, berries, the remains of penguins and petrels dead. They often enter into colonies of the Rockhopper Penguin (Eudyptes chrysocome) and of the Sclater's Penguin (Eudyptes sclateri) between the months of October and may, to feed on their eggs or dead young. It also feeds on the eggs and sometimes on the newborns of the same species.. (The sympatrico Red-crowned parakeet prevents competition by taking advantage of the niche that provide seeds, flowers, berries and small invertebrates.)


Endemic to the main island Antipodes, In addition to Bollons, Leeward, Inner Windward and Islands Archway.



• Current Red List of UICN: Vulnerable

• Population trend: Stable

The world's population of the Antipodes parakeet It is estimated between 2.000 and 3,000 specimens. Although common and stable within its range, the species is permanently at risk due to accidental introduction of predators, problem that could be fixed in no time.

Some birds are kept in captivity in New Zealand.


"Antipodes parakeet" in captivity:

This stocky parakeet can live in community with species with similar characteristics.. It is usually outgoing, Active and depending on their way of breeding (natural or hand) and earlier experiences, It may be a trusted Parrot (hand raised or treated early), even being raised by their parents tends to be entrusted.

As a pet it could be good pet by his way of being cheerful and curious.

It is a rather nice parrot as vocalizations. It is not just loud. He likes to climb, There is no great need to crack and loves to be on the floor. enjoy the baths.

However, due to their vulnerability, is very rare poultry.

Alternative names:

Antipodes Parakeet, Antipodes Green Parakeet, Antipodes Green Parrot, Antipodes Island Parakeet, Antipodes Island Parrot (English).
Perruche des Antipodes, Kakariki des Antipodes, Perruche d’Antipodes (French).
Einfarbsittich (German).
Kakariki dos Antípodas (Portuguese).
Perico de Antípodas, Perico de las Antípodas (español).

scientific classification:

Edward Lear
Edward Lear

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittaculidae
Genus: Cyanoramphus
Scientific name: Cyanoramphus unicolor
Citation: (Lear, 1831)
Protonimo: Platycercus unicolor

Images “Antipodes parakeet”:

Videos "Antipodes parakeet"

“Antipodes parakeet” (Cyanoramphus unicolor)


  • Avibase
  • Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
  • Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
  • Birdlife
  • Loromania

  • Photos Antipodean Parakeet:

(1) – Cyanoramphus unicolor at Wellington Zoo, Wellington, New Zealand by Peter Halasz. (User:Pengo) – Wikimedia
(2) – Cyanoramphus unicolor at Wellington Zoo, Wellington, New Zealand by Peter Halasz. (User:Pengo) – Wikimedia
(3) – Antipodes Island Parakeet, Auckland Zoo by russellstreet – Flickr
(4) – Antipodes Island parakeet (Cyanoramphus unicolor) by Chlidonias – zoochat
(5) – Antipodes Island parakeet (Cyanoramphus unicolor) by Chlidonias – zoochat
(6) – A painting of Antipodes Parakeet, also known as Antipodes Island Parakeet, (originally captioned “Platycercus unicolor Uniform Parrakeet”) by Edward Lear 1812-1888 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

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