▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Selkirk Rex cat
Federations: LOOF, CFA, ACF, ACFA, TICA, WCF, FIFE (provisional)

The word Rex is generally used to refer to curly-haired cat breeds, while the first term is simply the name of your stepfather. The Selkirk Rex It, Therefore, the only breed in the world named after a person.
Photo Wilkipedia


Characteristics "Selkirk Rex cat"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Selkirk Rex cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Activity level

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to other pets

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to children

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Grooming requirements

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for attention

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection towards its owners

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


In 1987, a litter of kittens, whose mother was straight-haired and whose father was unknown, was abandoned in a Wyoming shelter, United States. Among them was a small curly-haired cat. It was adopted by Jerri Newman, a Persian breeder from Montana who was drawn to the unusual-looking felines and was immediately fascinated by the small, curly-haired animal. He called the little blue and white cat with alert green eyes that looked like a little lamb Miss Pesto of NoFace . When he reached sexual maturity, decided to cross it with Photo Finish of Deekay, one of his black persians.

From this mating six cubs were born, three of which had curly fur. After studying the genetics of cats, Jerri Newman realized that his cats' curly hair was the result of a spontaneous genetic mutation (that is to say, without human intervention, randomly and naturally), and that the gene for curly hair is dominant. In other words, it is enough for an individual to inherit the mutated version of the gene from only one of their parents for them to also have this particularity.

In this first litter, one of the kittens was long-haired, which meant that the lady Pesto of Noface she was also a carrier of the recessive gene for long hair; in other words, was heterozygous for the short hair gene.

Jerri Newman decided to create a breed of curly hair (short or long) who you called Selkirk Rex. The word Rex is generally used to refer to curly-haired cat breeds, while the first term is simply the name of your stepfather. The Selkirk Rex It, Therefore, the only breed in the world named after a person.

To fix the characteristics of this cat, and in particular the hair that gives it the appearance of a sheep, Jerri Newman decided to mate the lady Pesto of NoFace with one of her children with curly white fur. He also used this son to write the breed standard. Three of the four pups that were born from this union met the desired criteria.: a solid body, but also and above all a curly coat, either short or long.

So he surrounded himself with other breeders who shared his passion for the herding cat and worked with them to further develop the breed.. To expand the breed's gene pool and avoid inbreeding problems, that could lead to health problems, but also to obtain graceful looking cats, they decided to cross the Selkirk Rex with the American shorthair cat, the British Shorthair cat, the Persian and the Exotic Shorthair. The first two are very similar breeds, short-haired and balanced character. The Exotic Shorthair is a cross between the Persian and the British Shorthair cat (among others). As he exotic as the Persian they are long-haired and have a friendly and homely character.

In the following years, Jerri Newman and other breeders developed the breed and quickly began the process for it to be recognized by feline organizations.

Recognition of the «Selkirk Rex»

The Selkirk Rex it is a recent breed of cats, but the quality work done by Jerry Newman and his collaborators has allowed it to be recognized very quickly around the world.

Already in 1990, the International Cat Association (TICA) was the first official body that took the step of recognizing the Selkirk Rex with a provisional status reserved for new breeds. Just four years later, in 1994, granted to Selkirk Rex full recognition, thus opening the doors to the feline exhibitions organized under its auspices.

The Canadian Cat Association (CCA) followed him in 1997, and the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) did the same in 2000.

The import of Selkirk Rex to Europe in the years 90 it also allowed him to gain the support of local organizations. In France, where it was introduced in 1991, the Official Book of Feline Origins (LOOF) recognized her in 2003. El Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) did the same in 2004.

In 2017 it was the turn of the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé), that coordinates organizations of no less than 40 countries -including Felis Belgica in Belgium and the Fédération Féline Helvétique in Switzerland-.

If we add to this that it is also recognized by the World Cat Federation, we can see that the Selkirk Rex is now recognized by all major international and national feline organizations.

Popularity of the «Selkirk Rex»

Selkirk Rex
Selkirk Rex

The Selkirk Rex is a relatively new breed. But, is already well established, especially in North America and Europe.

In United States, your country of origin, appears around the stalls 20 and 25 of the classification established by the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) depending on the number of annual registrations in the organization.

in Canada, the Canadian Cat Association (CCA) registers an average of about 70 births per year, which places the Selkirk Rex around the tenth place among the other breeds recognized by the organization.

In France, the number of registrations Selkirk Rex in the Official Book of Feline Origins (LOOF) has increased considerably since 2006. Although until then he had not exceeded twenty per year, suddenly rose to about sixty, and then to a hundred at the end of the decade. It continued to increase throughout the decade of 2010, up to the 200, but this evolution is mainly due to the long-haired variety, which represents three-quarters of births, whereas before it was a minority. The curves crossed at 2013, and from then on the Selkirk Rex Shorthair continued to decline both in relative and absolute terms, having peaked in the early 1990s 2010 With almost 100 births per year only.

It also, organization statistics also show some 60 annual inscriptions of copies of non-curly hair, that cannot be shown in exhibitions but can be used as reproducers. If they are also taken into account, The total number of births per year is between 250 and 300.

In Switzerland, was not up 2015 when the first Selkirk Rex shorthair on Fédération Féline Helvétique (FFH). The long-haired one followed in 2017, but in total they barely exceed a dozen annual registrations. So, the breed has made its entrance into the country, but it is still very little established there.

In Great Britain, it's even in clear decline. In fact, the number of annual registrations in the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) was around the 70 at the end of the Decade of 2010, while only 10 years before it was 3 to 4 times greater. The explosion of the race between 2004 and 2008, less than 50 registrations per year to almost 300, it's clearly a thing of the past.

Physical characteristics

Selkirk Rex
Selkirk Rex

Its curly coat gives the Selkirk Rex an atypical and very recognizable appearance. The Selkirk Rex it is a medium to large size cat, stocky and semi-thick.

Its body solid and rectangular is built on well-developed musculature and strong bones. The shoulders and hips are of equal width. The legs are size medium, good muscular, and end in feet wide and round that give a good base.

The tail it is thick and of medium length, tapering to a rounded tip. In short-haired individuals, has fluffy curls that cover it completely. On the other hand, in semi-long hair, hair is feathered.

The head of the Selkirk Rex rests on a neck short and thick. The head it is well rounded and wide, with a well-rounded skull that continues in a slightly concave curve.

This appearance is enhanced by the fact that the ears are well separated in the skull. Medium-sized, broad at the base and rounded at the tips.

The eyes they are very separated, large, round and open, which gives this cat a very soft and soulful look. All colors are possible, but the most appreciated are the intense and bright.

Inherited from Persian, the nose is short, wide and straight. A slight stop is allowed.

Tame well-filled whisker pads, which gives the appearance of a snout slightly square. The chin is in line with the tip of the nose and well defined.

The Selkirk Rex has a undercoat dense and comes in two varieties, depending on the length of the top layer: individuals of shorthair and semi-long-hair. Apart from this aspect, share the same characteristics, both physical and behavioral.

In both cases, the fur is dense, soft and curly all over the body. The length of the curls can vary depending on the season, but they are more prominent on the neck, the throat, belly and tail. Mustaches and eyebrows are also curly, but often fragile.

In individuals of shorthair, the coat is fluffy and the curls are regular all over the body. In those of semi-long-hair, they grow in all directions. The ruffled curls are especially long and frame the head well..

Regardless of the length of the coat, the kitties Selkirk Rex they are born with a curly coat, but this can become smooth at 2 or 3 months of age, and then curls are formed again at the 8 or 10 months. Next, keep growing, and the cat has its final coat around two years of age.

It also, the different standards accept all colors and coat combinations.

Last, there is no sexual dimorphism real in this breed. In particular, males and females are very similar in size and build.

A physical characteristic due to a dominant gene

In the Selkirk Rex, the genetic mutation that causes curly hair is linked to a dominant gene. For an individual to have this characteristic, it is enough that he inherits the corresponding gene from only one of his parents. In other words, Yes it is Heterozygosity in the gene associated with the appearance of hair, that is to say, carries one gene for "normal hair" and another for "curly hair", it is necessarily the latter that imposes itself and expresses itself. Of course, Yes it is homozygous, that is to say, if you carry the “curly hair” version of the gene twice, will also have this particularity.

In this sense, the Selkirk Rex differs from most other curly-haired cat breeds, in which this characteristic is due to a recessive gene. In the Devon Rex, the Cornish Rex, the German Rex or the Ural Rex, both parents must have transmitted the genetic mutation in question and, therefore, the individual must carry two copies of the "curly hair" version of the gene (that is to say, ser homozygous for this gene), to really have that fur. If he is heterozygous, that is to say, If you have one gene for “curly hair” and another for “normal hair”, inevitably it is the latter that prevails and, Therefore, the fur is not curly.

Having a dominant gene allows, Obviously, that the population of Selkirk Rex grow much faster. If an individual is crossed homozygous with another Heterozygosity, all kittens have curly hair. It also, the mating of two heterozygous results in a litter in which an average of three-quarters of the kittens have curly hair. A mating between a Heterozygosity and a straight-haired cat will give rise to an offspring with half the curly-haired kittens.

Size and weight

  • Size: 30 cm.
  • Weight: Of 3 to 5 kg

Breed standard

The breed standards are documents established by official bodies that list the conditions that a dog must meet. Selkirk Rex to be fully recognized as belonging to the race:

Varieties of "Selkirk Rex cat"

"Selkirk Rex cat"

Selkirk Rex
One selkirk rex à poil long à l’exposition féline d’HelsinkiHeikki Siltala, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Selkirk Rex it comes in two varieties:

  • The Selkirk Rex shorthair;
  • The Selkirk Rex semi-long hair.

The length of the coat is the only thing that differentiates them: for the rest, their physical characteristics and character traits are identical regardless of the length of their fur. It also, the official organisms that recognize the race accept both varieties.

Both kittens Selkirk Rex shorthair Like the ones of semi-long-hair they can be born in the same litter. It also, even though both parents are Selkirk Rex and, Therefore, have curly hair, they can be heterozygous for the genetic mutation associated with this trait: in this case, a quarter of their offspring are straight-haired.

So, These Selkirk Rex "straight" can have a short or semi-long coat and are accepted as breeding aids, that is to say, are allowed to breed and can give birth to kittens of curly hair. But, they are not allowed to participate in the various championships.

Crossings allowed

Considering that the breed's population is still relatively limited, and in order to expand their gene pool to avoid health problems that inbreeding could cause, the International Cat Association (TICA) authorizes the crossing of Selkirk Rex with :

In France, the Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF) it's a little more restrictive, since it only allows marriages with three other races:

in Canada, the Canadian Cat Association (CCA) only accepts matings with him Himalayan cat. Until 2015, also allowed to cross the Selkirk Rex with the British shorthair cat, the Exotic Shorthair shorthair, the Exotic Shorthair longhair and the Persian cat. But, with the development of the breed, these crosses were no longer necessary or desirable.

Character and skills

Selkirk Rex
Selkirk Rex – Nickolas Titkov from Moscow, Russian Federation, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Selkirk Rex it's a cat that looks like a little curly stuffed animal, but do not confuse it. It has a balanced character that gives it both the calm and cuddly side of the Persian or British Shorthair cat, but he's also playful and mischievous.

He especially likes being around humans and interacting with them, which makes it an ideal companion for the whole family. They are especially good with children.: they are playful enough to have fun with and be a good playmate, while being patient and tolerant of them. But, This does not mean that they should not be taught to be respectful and gentle, since they can lose patience if they are mistreated. In any case, for the safety of both parties, a cat - whatever its breed- should never be left alone in the company of a small child without the slightest adult supervision.

Although they are attached to all members of their family, the Selkirk Rex they tend to have a special affection for the person who cares the most for them. They enjoy sleeping with them, sitting with them on the couch or spending long periods snuggled on their lap.

Extremely cuddly and loving, He loves to be caressed and asked for pampering, but he does not stop giving it to them in return. During these moments of affection, does not hesitate to express his satisfaction by purring. He also knows how to make himself heard if his requests for sweetness go unheeded., meowing softly until he gets his way.

The proximity of Selkirk Rex your family also means that you are always willing to participate in family activities, and hates to stay out. It also bothers him that he is left out of the family for long periods of time..

Letting him live with a partner or a dog is a great way to avoid loneliness.. As long as acclimatization is done gradually (especially if the two protagonists are already a certain age), that coexistence usually goes well, and both are usually delighted to have a partner to play with or relax with. But, if he Selkirk Rex you have to share your home with a canine representative, of course it is better to choose a breed of dog that is compatible with a cat.

The Selkirk Rex it can also live under the same roof as a bird or even a small rodent, as long as each one has their respective corner. The Selkirk Rex does not have a true hunting instinct and, therefore, he is quite placid with them.
He is also usually placid when he meets strangers., since he is not a bellicose guy. So, if there is a confrontation, the other cat is likely to be the cause.

The Selkirk Rex feels very comfortable with all family members, both humans and animals, and can become just as comfortable with strangers, since it is a sociable cat. In any case, not one of those who freaks out as soon as a new person crosses the threshold of home.

Having said that, like any feline worth its salt, be grateful to have a high place (for example, a tree for cats) from which you can scan your environment at any time. In fact, although he is cuddly and playful, it is not overly intrusive either; he also likes his moments of independence and isolation while observing what happens.

It also, like all cats, has an irrepressible need to fix its claws, so you must have a scratching post that you can indulge in, especially if you live indoors. Otherwise, furniture or curtains are equally acceptable solutions for him.

Grooming and caring for the "Selkirk Rex cat"

Selkirk Rex
Selkirk-rex – Flickr

Whether short or long, the curly hair of the Selkirk Rex is dense and requires special care, especially since it breaks easily. To prevent it from being damaged and to take proper care of it, it is important to invest in a comb with wide and fine teeth.

An individual from Longhair should be combed every two days to avoid knots and remove dead hair. During the shedding periods in autumn and spring, the cat loses a lot of hair, and a daily brushing is necessary.

for a shorthair cat, two brushing sessions a week are usually sufficient. During the moulting season, brushing should be done every other day.

In any case, brushing prevents the cat from ingesting too much hair when licking, which then regurgitates in the form of hairballs. Once the brushing is finished, Running your hands through your cat's fur will serve both to freshen the fur and put him in a good mood for the rest of the day and the next session, since at Selkirk Rex loves pampering.

But, their fur tends to get greasy, as sebum stays at the base of the coat and makes the skin oily. So, it is necessary to bathe him from time to time, making sure to use a moisturizing shampoo specially designed for felines and to proceed gently, so as not to damage the fur. Next, let the hair air dry, since the use of the dryer will make the hair frizzy.

Like any cat, the ears of the Selkirk Rex they should also be cared for regularly. So, it is essential to check them once a week and clean the dirt with a damp cloth to avoid infections (otitis, etc.).

This is also an opportunity to check the eyes and, if required, wipe the corners with a damp cloth to remove dirt. This will also reduce the risk of infection..

Keeping your cat's teeth clean is also important, as it helps prevent plaque build-up, that can not only cause bad breath, but also more or less serious diseases. Brushing once a week with a special toothpaste for felines is essential, but the ideal is to do it more often, even daily.

It is also important to ensure that its claws are not too long: they could not only annoy you, or even break and hurt you, but also hurt his owner when he jumps on him, how much you like to do. For a cat with free access to the outdoors, natural wear and tear will work, but it's not always enough: it is better to check once a month and cut them manually when needed. For an indoor cat, this is usually how often it needs to be trimmed. In any case, whether the animal has access to the outside or not, a scratching post is essential: otherwise, it is very likely that it will fall back on the furniture to make its claws.

coat care, the ears, the eyes, teeth and claws is not complicated. But, to carry out maintenance of a Selkirk Rex in the best conditions, it is better to master the different gestures perfectly, in order not only to be effective, but also to avoid injuring or even traumatizing your cat. So that the maintenance sessions are moments of tenderness and complicity instead of a torture feared by each of the protagonists, it is therefore useful to learn these gestures from a professional veterinarian or groomer the first time.

These deals become privileged moments that reinforce the bond between the owner and his animal., since at Selkirk Rex likes to be paid attention to and handled tenderly. The more used the Selkirk Rex grooming from an early age, more likely it will go well.

Indoor or outdoor cat?

As long as the area is large enough for you to stretch your legs, the Selkirk Rex you can live both in a flat and in a house with a garden. On this last case, the ideal is to install a cat flap, so you can come and go as you please.

It also, generally better adapted to a change in environment than peers. This flexibility is also illustrated by the fact that she does not mind traveling with her family and is well tolerant of car trips..

How much activity does he need? "Selkirk Rex cat"?

Sweet and endearing, he is also playful, curious and intelligent. This makes him very fond of interactive toys to develop his skills. He is also a good student for anyone who wants to teach their cat tricks., and he is also perfectly capable of learning certain things on his own, how to open doors or cabinets. It also, has a bit of insanity that often leads him to jump on the back of the person he is playing with without warning. To avoid this being a problem, it is best to check the length of your claws every month.

Health and nutrition

Selkirk Rex
One selkirk rex à poil long à l’exposition féline d’HelsinkiHeikki Siltala, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Selkirk Rex is generally in robust health.

It also, regardless of the length of its coat, its dense undercoat helps it withstand cold temperatures well. But, it is short enough to prevent you from suffering too much in the heat. But, they don't feel comfortable when it's hot, and it is essential that they have permanent access to a shaded and ventilated area.

As all cats, are especially prone to certain diseases. In this case, the top three threats to your health are inherited from your ancestors:

  • The Hip Dysplasia, a deformation of the joint that causes movement difficulties and often leads to osteoarthritis as the animal ages;
  • The hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which also especially affects British shorthairs and Persians. This disease corresponds to a thickening of the heart muscle, which can cause breathing difficulties, fatigue and intolerance to exertion. A genetic mutation may be the cause of the problem, and a DNA test can detect it. But, this does not predict when symptoms will appear or how severe they will be;
  • The poliquistosis renal, an inherited disease to which Persian and British Shorthair are also susceptible. It manifests as cysts in one or both kidneys and leads to chronic kidney failure. There's no cure, but certain treatments and changes in the cat's diet will allow it to maintain a better quality of life for longer.

On the other hand, the Selkirk Rex he is a greedy cat, so it tends to be overweight or even Obesity if nothing is done to prevent it. Not a problem to be taken lightly, given the number of health problems that being overweight can cause or worsen.

Using a serious and competent breeder is the best way to adopt a Selkirk Rex which is probably healthy and balanced. A professional breeder not only makes sure that kittens are well socialized and have good living conditions from the first weeks of life, but also wants them to be born and raised in good health. As such, ensures genetic testing is performed on future breeders, in order to rule out any hereditary conditions that they can transmit to their offspring. So, must be able to present the results of the various tests carried out to the parents (or even the young animal), in addition to a certificate of good health drawn up by a veterinarian and the details of the vaccinations received by the young animal, registered in your health or vaccination card.

Once the adoption is done, it is the owner's responsibility to do everything possible to keep the cat in good health for as long as possible. One way to do this is to get into the habit of taking your cat to the vet for a complete checkup at least once a year., and even more as he gets older. These appointments can help diagnose any problems as soon as possible., to be able to treat it in the best possible way. They also offer the opportunity to carry out the necessary booster vaccines.

At the same time, to ensure that your pet is always protected against parasite-borne diseases, you should try to repeat antiparasitic treatments throughout the year. This is true even for an indoor pet.: may have less risk, but not totally safe from infestation.


"Selkirk Rex cat"

Selkirk Rex
This is a picture of my cinnamon tabby Selkirk Rex Pollo – Wikipedia

Like any other cat, the Selkirk Rex you need a diet perfectly adapted to your nutritional needs. I.e., both in terms of quality and quantity. Must be age appropriate, the health and activity level of the cat.

A good quality industrial food can perfectly satisfy your needs. On the other hand, unless they are carefully selected, it is better to avoid giving them food intended for humans. These may include, give your cat a habit of picking up a small portion of the owner's food, or even eat leftovers, or have a free hand to rummage through the garbage, it is not a service for him, especially since some of the foods in question can be really toxic to cats.

This is true of any cat., but even more with him Selkirk Rex, given their greed and tendency to be overweight. The latter explains why, unlike most cats, it is better not to leave food out all day, as it may not be able to regulate. Fixed meal times are a better way to feed him.

Regular weight control, weighing himself once a month, it is also essential to protect yourself from obesity. In case of an increase that is confirmed in several consecutive measurements, it is necessary to seek professional advice. Only a veterinarian can make a reliable diagnosis to determine if the problem is due to an inadequate diet, to lack of activity, to a reaction to the medication, to a disease, etc. Once this is done, tell you how to remedy the problem.

Last, like all cats, the Selkirk Rex you need fresh water at all times, especially since it is prone to renal polyquistosis.

For sale "Selkirk Rex cat"

The price of a kitten Selkirk Rex usually oscillates between 800 and 1300 EUR.

In all countries, the asking price varies depending on the reputation of the kennel and the lineage of the animal, as well as its intrinsic characteristics, especially the physical ones. This last aspect justifies the fact that within a litter there can sometimes be significant price differences..

Videos "Selkirk Rex cat"

Get to Know the Selkirk Rex

Selkirk Rex kittens - daily practice....avi

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Snowshoe cat
Federations: LOOF, ACFA, TICA, FIFé


Characteristics "Snowshoe cat"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Snowshoe cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Activity level

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to other pets

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to children

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Grooming requirements

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for attention

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection towards its owners

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


The Snowshoe cat as we know it today originated in the United States in the 1980s. 1960, but the first Siamese white-legged appeared as early as the nineteenth century. In fact, numerous photographs from the Victorian era show that these cats already existed in Great Britain. More recently, in the decade of 1950, some appeared Siamese cats with white paws under the name of Silver Laces, but they soon disappeared from circulation.

Over the years 60, Dorothy Hinds-Daugherty, a breeder of Siamese from philadelphia ((UNITED STATES)UU.), discovered that three kittens in a litter had white tips on all four paws. Seduced by this new look, decided to cross a Siamese cat with a American shorthair cat bicolor. The resulting kittens did not have the patternpoint» (light colored body and dark colored tips), but they did carry the corresponding gene. So when they crossed cats Siamese, produced kittens with the desired appearance.

"Snowshoe cat"

Gato Snowshoe
Male Snowshoe cat – Editor.els.dc, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Dorothy Hinds-Daugherty decided to baptize these cats with the name of Snowshoe, in reference to its white paws, that give the impression that they have just walked through fresh snow. Although there is little written record of his work, it is accepted that he continued to cross these cats with siamese cats and the American shorthair cat, but also with him Sacred Cat of Burma (Birman), aiming to get a cat of type Siamese with white legs and a more rounded body.

One of these crosses with a American shorthair cat (black with white markings on the belly, the legs and the face) resulted in the white “V” shaped mark on the face, which is now a characteristic of the breed.

But, Dorothy Hinds-Daugherty stopped breeding and interest in the breed diminished, so in 1977 there was only one breeder, Vikki Ollander. He had already drawn up the first breed standard and was struggling to develop it. Then he received the support of Jim Hoffman and Georgia Kuhnell, who decided to raise themselves to Snowshoes. They were soon joined by other breeders and got the breed recognized by the American Cat Breeders Federation. (CFF) in 1983.

The Snowshoe arrived in Britain at the same time, and the first kennel of Snowshoe It was established in 1986. Soon a small group of breeders got together to form a breed club in the country., the Snowshoe UK Club. The Snowshoe cat received experimental breed status from the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), the main feline organization in the country. But, just like in the United States, interest declined rapidly to the point that in 1998 Maureen Shackell she had become the only breeder in the whole country. Joined him Mollie Southall, and together, with a handful of copies, decided to revive the Snowshoe cat and recruit other breeders to form a breed club.

In 1995, the TICA (International Cat Association, one of the most important organizations in the world) finally recognized the Snowshoe and granted him the right to compete in cat shows organized under his auspices. The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) waited until 2003 to accept the Snowshoe as a race in its own right, and Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé) did the same in 2004. curiously, the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA), the main American organization, still does not recognize the race, despite its local origins and the fact that every other organization in the country does: the American Association of Cat Enthusiasts (AACE), the American Cat Fanciers Association (ACFA) and Cat Fanciers Federation (CFF).

In France, the first litter of Snowshoe born in 2006, but it is still a very rare feline breed, with solo 43 specimens registered in the Official Book of Feline Origins (LOOF) between 2006 and 2019.

In fact, both in France and elsewhere, including your country of origin, still rare. The number of annual registrations in the British GCCF is certainly higher than in France, but the number is still limited: less than a hundred births a year (and even less than 50 in some years), and the trend seems even downward from 2015.

Physical characteristics

Snowshoe cat
Mr Slinky.–Champion Snowshoe cat with puurrfect markingsCooseman22 at the English Wikipedia project, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Snowshoe it is a cat foreign medium-sized.

It has a balanced appearance, a muscular body without being corpulent and great flexibility. His long and muscular legs are those of an athlete made to run and jump. Its tips are white, which gives the impression that the cat is wearing socks, or just walked through the snow, hence its name. The tail is sharp and of a length proportional to the rest of the body.

The head of the Snowshoe cat is shaped like a rounded triangle, with gently contoured cheekbones. It has a more or less well-defined marking in the shape of an inverted V, it should be white. The ears they are medium in size and rounded at the tip. The eyes they are also medium size, larger and rounder than the Siamese, but smaller than those of the Persian. They can be various shades of blue.

The fur is short, soft to the touch and dense. All are allowed colors of fur of the Siamese.

The kitties Snowshoe they are born completely white. Dot mark (darker fur on tail, the legs and the head) begins to appear within a few weeks and develops as the kitten grows.

The white markings on the tips of the legs and on the face differ from kitten to kitten. While the best show specimens have the same size stockings and a perfect V between the eyes, the vast majority of Snowshoes have more random marks, with different socks on each foot.

But, the sexual dimorphism is well marked in this breed, the female being smaller than the male.

Size and weight

  • Male size: 24 to 28 cm.
  • female size: 22-25 cm.
  • Male weight: 4-6 kg
  • female weight: 3 to 5 kg

Breed standard

The breed standards are documents produced by official bodies that list the conditions that a dog must meet. Snowshoe to be fully recognized as belonging to the race:

Character and skills

Snowshoe cat
Eight-month-old Snowshoe female puppy – Educasadocerrato, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Snowshoe gets along well and is affectionate with the whole family, but he is quick to choose his favorite human to spend most of his time with. He likes to be with his owner, whether sitting on the couch watching TV or lying at the desk working. This attachment makes him not tolerate loneliness and does not adapt to a person who is absent often.

They are sociable and get along well with other dogs and with other people, and can live in harmony in a home with other animals. But, have a possessive streak and may resent the fact that their owner is paying attention to another animal instead of them.

On the other hand, it is a breed of cat that adores children and, if they have been trained to behave well in the presence of an animal, can spend hours playing with them before taking a nap next to them.

The Snowshoe is intelligent, making it possible to teach your cat tricks, how to go looking for an object. But, it is the ability to teach his owner that makes him such a special companion. The owners of a Snowshoe cat they quickly learn when they want a reward, when they want to play or when they want to be scratched between their ears.

Active, this cat likes to take advantage of his physical abilities by running and jumping. Although they can live in a flat, Ideally, they should have access to an outdoor area where they can exercise freely.

The Snowshoe is also attracted to water and will play with a dripping faucet for a while. They also don't miss the opportunity to admire the eddies in the sink or toilet when someone flushes the toilet.. Some cats even accompany their owners in the shower, and others have learned to swim.

Another peculiarity of this cat is its propensity for kleptomania. Likes to pick up personal items, walk them around for a bit and then put them in one of your favorite spots, usually near your water bowl or in a sink.

Last, It is a breed of cat that meows a lot.: discuss any topic, whether it's dinner time or the newscaster's dress that its owner wants to see quietly. His voice is quite soft and melodic.


The Snowshoe is a robust cat breed with little susceptibility to genetic diseases.

But, there have been some cases of renal polyquistosis, a genetic disease that causes the formation of numerous cysts in the kidneys. The existence of a genetic test for this disease can considerably reduce the risks, since a responsible breeder will systematically analyze the individuals that he considers for breeding and will exclude from breeding those that are carriers.

The Snowshoe has also inherited from Siamese a tendency to squint or have a crooked tail. But, these are purely cosmetic considerations and do not pose a threat to the cat's health.

But, like any indoor cat, the Snowshoe may be vulnerable to the greatest scourge of modern house cats: the Obesity. Although it is not especially prone to it, any responsible owner must ensure that their cat is healthy and does not gain more weight than it should.

Life expectancy

Of 12 to 15 years


"Snowshoe cat"

Gato Snowshoe
Male Snowshoe cat – Editor.els.dc, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The maintenance of Snowshoe It is easy. In effect, as he is used to taking care of his fur himself, a simple weekly brushing to remove dead hairs and distribute the skin's protective sebum well is amply sufficient.

To make sure you stay healthy, it is advisable to take advantage of this grooming session to check their eyes and ears, and clean them if necessary.

It is also a good time to brush your cat's teeth to prevent plaque and the problems it can cause.. Having said that, more frequent brushing is ideal.

Last, when wear and tear and / or the use of a scratching post are not enough and your claws have become too long, must be trimmed with nail clippers to avoid injury.


The Snowshoe it does not present any difficulties in terms of feeding and can be fed with commercial industrial cat food. But, it is important to ensure that the food is of good quality and provides all the nutrients and vitamins that the cat needs.

It also, to fully meet your needs, you must make sure that he eats a diet adapted to his age and activity level, and that the daily amounts recommended by the manufacturer or the veterinarian are respected.

Even if the Snowshoe not particularly prone to obesity, excessive weight gain is a warning sign that the owner should not ignore. If required, You have to go to the vet to rule out a disease and establish a more appropriate diet with him..

Last, like any cat, you must have fresh water at all times.

For sale "Snowshoe cat"

A kitten Snowshoe it costs about 1.200 EUR, and females tend to be somewhat more expensive than males.

Kit Kat the Snowshoe | Purring

Holly the Snowshoe Cat Personality

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Russian black and white cats
Federations: GCCF, ACFA

Today, the Russian white cat is fully recognized in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa and exists in various stages of recognition in the UK, many continental European countries and the United States.
russian white cats, black and tabby
White russian cats, black and blue – capalabacatcottage.com



White cats, Russian blacks and tabbies are the result of an Australian breeding program that began with a female cat Siberian white and a Russian Blue Cat. The Siberian white cat had no pedigree, However, when she was paired with a russian blue, produced two white offspring. Breeders, Dick and Mavis Jones, from the kennel Myemgay, they kept a white kitten and called her White Rose. When he reached adulthood, looked like a pure white version of a Russian Blue Cat.

"Russian black and white cats"

Gato ruso tabby
Russian tabby cat – worldlifeexpectancy.com

White Rose she was paired with her father Russian Blue, Myemgay Yuri. She gave birth to two more white Russian kittens, who were eventually paired with stallions Russian Blue. The best white kittens were continually crossed with russian blues until the breed was fully established. The Royal Agricultural Society (RAS) from New South Wales (Australia) granted champion status in 1975, but only to Russian White Cat.

The Russian black cat and ruso Tabby can occur when two cats Russian Blue they mate with each other, and sometimes they occur when one of the parents is a White Russian cat.

Not all registries recognize all cat colors «russians» or put them all in the same category. These may include, the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) y la Federation International Feline (FIFe) they only recognize the Russian Blue Cat. The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) recognize white russian and black russian cats, and American Cat Fanciers Association (ACFA) has distinct breed standards that separate him Russian Blue Cat of the russian shorthair cats in blue colors, black and white.

Physical characteristics

Russian white cat
Russian white cat – istockphoto.com / Mironmax Studio

White russian cats, black and tabby are medium size, with fine bones and a finely muscled, athletic appearance.

The head should have a medium wedge shape. The muzzle should be blunt, continuing the wedge-shaped profile of the head. The nose should not be visible and the whisker pads should not be too prominent.

White russian cats, black and tabby have comparatively large ears with broad bases, pointed tips, and little or no furnishing.

White russian cats, black and tabby have a double coat with a dense, fine texture and a superbly soft touch.

Solid white colors, solid black and brindle are allowed by various breed registries. White Russian cats can be born with a darker hair color "cap" on their head, that disappears upon reaching adulthood.

The eyes should be round and wide apart. The bright green color of the eyes is present in all the colors of the russian shorthair cats, including white; kittens may have yellow eyes that turn green in adulthood.

The legs should be long and fine-boned., and the legs should be small with a slightly rounded profile.

White russian cats, blacks and blues should have long, shapely tails that taper from base to tip.

Character and skills

Russian black cat
Russian black cat

The russian black cats, White and tabby they are playful and friendly, but not terribly naughty. Happy to keep their families entertained, these kittens are fun companions thanks to their great intelligence. Like their blue haired cousins, These cats quickly learn what behaviors earn pats and praise from their human relatives and what behaviors are best to avoid. They share the sensitive nature of Russian Blue Cat; a strong reprimand is likely to hurt this individual's feelings and cause him to hide.

Friendly and sociable with family members, including other domestic animals such as dogs, white russian cats, blacks and brindle have a decidedly shy streak. They do not like strangers at all and hide in a safe place when new people come to visit.. This trait means that they are not good candidates for leash training.; Instead, better to provide plenty of indoor exercise opportunities that allow for safe enjoyment on cat terms.

Those who spend long hours away from home will be glad to know that russian white cats, black and tabby they are perfectly fine with the idea of ​​keeping themselves entertained (or asleep) while your human friends are at work or school. You will likely be greeted with a series of cheery meows and tail wagging when you return..

Talking about meows, these kittens are somewhat talkative, but much less than their ancestors Siamese. They have a reputation for snapping back when spoken to and spreading the word when they want attention.. Some "sing" to themselves while playing with their favorite toy, and others become quite picky when they feel that mealtime is approaching.


All “Russian” cat colors share similarities in coat texture. This exceptionally thick and lustrous coat has often been compared to that of a seal or a castor, with very fine internal hairs and protective hairs that stick out from the body instead of being completely flat.

Videos "Russian black and white cats"

Russian white cat snowy

Meet Shade the russian black

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Singapura cat
Federations: LOOF, CFA, ACF, ACFA, TICA, WCF

as the number of Singapura cats it is rather small, you must ensure that both parents do not weigh less than 2,5 kg. You should also check the pedigree carefully before buying., as inbreeding can greatly reduce the life expectancy of Singapura cats.
Photo: wilkipedia


Characteristics "Singapura cat"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Singapura cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Activity level

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to other pets

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to children

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Grooming requirements

1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for attention

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection towards its owners

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


«Singapura» is the Malay name for Singapore. The name has also been given to a small cat considered the smallest domestic cat in the world and originally from the Southeast Asian city-state located at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula.

In Singapura, brown or dark brown color is widespread in the genetic makeup and is characteristic of the local population of domestic cats. But, the fur of the Singapura is usually quite pale, and its origin story is not simple at all. It's not easy to find out.

Historically, the most widely accepted version was that of the International Cat Association (TICA), starring an American geophysicist, Hal Meadow, who was in Singapore at the beginning of the years 70, working for an oil company. His wife, Tommy, had been a judge of Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) and was interested in breeding cats - he had bred the Burmese, to the Abyssinian and Siamese-, as well as by genetics - he had carried out genetic experiments with mice and rats -. Due to the interests of Tommy, Thing sent him three brown cats from Southeast Asia during a visit to the city-state in 1971. He had obtained them from the crew of a ship that had adopted them and in which he had sailed.

In 1974, When Thing He was posted to Singapore for work reasons, he moved with his wife and cats: two burmese and three descendants of those who had been sent from Asia three years earlier. In 1975, upon his return to the United States, the Meadow they brought a Burmese and five brown cats, including two kittens born in Singapore. Hal y Tommy Meadow started a breeding project to create a new breed to be called Singapura.

In 1980, Barbara Gilbertson, one of the first breeders of the Singapura cat, brought another cat to America, call Chiko, that he had obtained from SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) from Singapore, and that was included in the breeding program. Finally, in 1987, another breeder named Gerry Mayes traveled to Singapore to get some local stray cats, Known as "sewer cats" to the public due to their tendency to seek refuge in the city drainage system. These specimens were registered in the TICA and were incorporated into the breeding project of the Singapura.


Singapura cat
Raw Singapura and Pedigreed Singapura side by sideStraits Singapuras, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

But, with the passage of time, other versions have emerged about the origin of the breed, that have caused controversy. The Meadows they first claimed to have captured one of their precursor cats in the vicinity of a Thai restaurant in Singapore and to have removed the other two from a nest found on the city's waterfront. This initial story was finally dismantled by a series of key events.

First of all, when the enthusiastic breeder Gerry Mayes traveled to Singapore in 1987 to bring "sewer cats", discovered that Meadow, when they arrived in 1974, had brought with them - and registered with the Singapore Ministry of National Development- Abyssinians and burmese. It also, No one on the ground seemed to have ever seen cats on the streets of Singapore that looked like the "gutter cats" described by Hal y Tommy Meadow.

Gerry Mayes he wondered if the Singapuras of Meadow were actually descended from Abyssinians and burmese that they had brought to Singapore. This did not stop him from bringing several cats from Singapore to the United States., but they could not be registered with the CFA as Singapuras, as they did not meet the breed criteria of the CFA. TICA agreed to register them. After five generations, the descendants of these cats are now recognized by the CFA as Singapuras.

around that same time, Lucy Koh, who had been collaborating with the Singapore Cat Club for a long time, undertook research and found very few cats in Singapore that met the criteria of the Singapura cat. He even claimed to have found a real Singapore cat, call Baby Bull, he had dark brown fur, much darker than the Singapuras ivory and sepia color Meadow. And what is more important, its size was much larger.

It also, Lucy Koh claimed to have a copy of a letter from 1975 of Tommy Meadow to the editor of Cat World Magazine, a month before she and her husband left Singapore. In this letter, allegedly declared his intention to achieve fame by passing American cats as singapurenses.

A third event that raised questions about the true origins of the Singapura happened in 1991. In that year, the Singapore Tourism Promotion Board (STPB) decided to grant the Singapura cat the national mascot title. After a contest to find the best nickname, the tourism body renamed it “Kucinta«, a crossword puzzle consisting of «kucin» ("cat" in Malay) y «cynta» («amor»). Kucinta It also means "the one I love". Thus, the small feline's new name means "love cat", and is often known as the "Singapore love cat".

The STPB had asked Lucy Koh your opinion about him Singapura. He gave them his opinion that it was a american cat hybrid. I affirm that Tommy Meadow -participating in the Feline Society of Singapore (SFS) as a registrar- he had created the breed standard himself and had changed the procedures for registering cats at the SFS. By refusing to give credit to this information, the STPB resorted to Tommy Meadow to give his version, what was it, of course, very different. Of course, the STPB did not want to give up its great promotional campaign based on the use of the kitten as a national emblem.

Seeing this, Lucy Koh told the story to Sandra Davie, reporter of Singapore Strait Times. The reporter investigated and ended up publishing an article stating that, far from having rescued Singapore's stray cats, as he had stated, Tommy Meadow Instead, he had created Singapura in Houston (Texas), hybridizing Abyssinians with burmese.

A true novel by Le Carré

Summoned to appear before the CFA to explain itself, the breeder adapted her version stating that the cats that created the breed were, In fact, those that her husband sent her in 1971, when I was already working in Singapore. Apparently, found the cats on or near the docks in Lo Yang District. To justify your previous lies, claimed that Thing I was then on a very discreet mission, if not secret, for the oil company that had hired him. In other words, his interlocutors were almost immersed in a real spy novel.

Tommy Meadow he also denied having raised Abyssinians during the time he was in charge of raising the Singapura. He also developed several responses to counter his critics' arguments.. It seems that his explanations were accepted by the feline associations, since the Singapura is still recognized by most of them. The CFA went so far as to affirm that, Regardless of whether the mating of the original cats occurred on the streets of Singapore or Michigan, the breed's gene pool originated in Southeast Asia, as in the case of Burmese and the Abyssinian.

In any case, having died in 2004, Mrs Meadow you will never have the opportunity to provide new information about the history of this feline breed with which you were so closely linked.

Recognition by feline associations and notoriety

In 1979, TICA recognized the Singapura as a "natural" race (non hybrid) and allowed him to compete in championships. The CFA recognized the breed in 1982, but he didn't pass her for the championships until 1988. In United States, the breed is also recognized by the American Cat Fanciers’ Association (ACFA).

In Europe, the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) and Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé), the main feline associations of Great Britain and Europe, they also recognize it.

So there is unanimity, despite the controversy surrounding the breed.

The Singapura It remains a rare breed, above all because feline associations - in particular the CFA- They consider it a "natural" breed and, Therefore, crossing is not allowed. So, the number of their representatives can only increase very slowly. According to the CFA, the world population of Singapuras it was about 5.000 individuals in 2006. In France, fewer than fifty births are registered per year.

Physical characteristics

Oyster and Hudson – Flickr

The Singapura it's a small cat. It is even known as the smallest domestic cat in the world. The adult female weighs about 2 kg, while the male can reach a weight of about 3,5 kg.

It is a somewhat stocky and muscular cat: as such, It is considered medium and semi-rigid.. Its head it is round and has large eyes hazelnut-colored almonds, brown, green or yellow. The ears they are wide at the base, deep and quite large for its size, ending slightly pointed. The tail it is thin and slightly shorter than the body, with rounded tip.

The fur is short, very fine and bright and is of the type ticked tabby, that is to say, hair strands are alternately light and dark shades. The bottom of the animal, including throat, muzzle and chin, are of a lighter shade.

In addition to his unusually large eyes and ears for his size, the third remarkable physical characteristic of the Singapura cat is the color cuttlefish from its fur. It is a coat with beige to dark brown reflections on a deep ivory background..

Size and weight

  • Size: 25 cm.
  • Weight: Of 2 to 4 kg

Breed standard

The breed standards are documents established by official bodies that list the conditions that a dog must meet. Singapura to be fully recognized as belonging to the race:

Character and skills

This is a picture of a female cat of the breed singapura, crouchingUser:Renamed user 51g7z61hz5af2azs6k6, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Singapura he's a beautiful little fellow, loving and lively. It is a lively cat, energetic and very active, who is also very affectionate and friendly, since he loves human company. They love to lie on their owner's lap or shoulders and are delighted to show their affection, and expect the same in return.

Intelligent and curious, they love to play and climb on shelves and cabinets to get a good look at their surroundings. Throughout his life, her youthful and playful temperament never leaves her. This explains that it adapts very well to the presence of children or other domestic animals., who are welcome playmates for him. But, like any other breed of cat, should not be left alone in the presence of a very young child.

The Singapura cat he is also known for being very calm. He doesn't meow very often and his voice is quite discreet..

If we add to this that they like the heat and that they are reluctant to go outside when it is cold, we have the ingredients of an ideal domestic cat. But, his need for activity makes it essential to provide him with a tree and cat toys to keep him from destroying the floor, especially when left alone for a while.

They don't like to be alone and they don't get along. So, you better have a home where you are not left alone too often or for too long, and in which at least one person spends some time with him every day.

Grooming and Care "Singapura cat"

"Singapura cat"

Singapura cat in Singapore – Straits Singapuras, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The short and fine coat of the Singapura It does not require a lot of care. Brushing the cat's coat weekly is enough.

Daily brushing of the cat's teeth is also recommended to prevent periodontal disease.

Last, the cat's ears should be examined weekly and, if required, clean them with a cotton ball or soft cloth soaked in a mixture of half and half cider vinegar and warm water.

Indoor or outdoor cat?

Thanks to its small size, cats Singapura can be easily kept in a small flat. It would be great if you could provide a cat proof balcony or, even better, a garden. But, even without this welcome change, the Singapura you will feel right at home if the floor is designed accordingly and there are enough opportunities to play and climb.

Much more important to him Singapura that the opportunity to spend time outdoors is the company of a companion and that his owners do not leave him alone for an unnecessarily long time, then it can be kept as an indoor cat without any problem.

How much activity does he need? "Singapura cat"?

Whether it is a female Singapura like a male Singapura, don't underestimate the high energy level and intelligence of this breed. So, a feline companion is almost essential, so that the Singapura, with its social nature, never be completely alone and can thus also dissipate energy during playful confrontations and fast chase runs.

But, the Singapura cat is very people-oriented and should not be left alone for a long time. It is much more important that caregivers take time every day for play sessions and cuddles. Especially hunting and intelligence games go well with representatives of the breed Singapura.

Health and nutrition

How this breed has a very limited gene pool, it is very possible that hereditary or congenital diseases occur in the Singapura. But, is considered robust and not prone to disease.

For the moment, according to him Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), the leading British feline association, only the progressive retinal atrophy and pyruvate kinase deficiency as diseases to which the Singaporea is especially susceptible.

As the name of the disease indicates, cats affected by progressive retinal atrophy experience gradual deterioration of vision due to retinal atrophy. The pyruvate kinase deficiency can cause some form of anemia in affected animals. This can cause lethargy., diarrhea, loss of appetite and weight, and affect the appearance of the cat's coat. The disease can even lead to premature death of the animal.

Both can be detected by genetic testing, allowing serious breeders of the Singapura cat identify and eliminate individuals carrying the defective genes from their breeding grounds. Any prospective buyer should require proof that the kitten they wish to adopt has been tested negatively..

It is interesting to note that these two diseases are also present in the Abyssinian cat. The Abyssinian is the only breed of cat in which progressive retinal atrophy has been shown to be congenital. It is also one of the two races suspected of being the cause of Singapura

Last, it has also been reported that the female Singapura have a predisposition to uterine inertia. In cats affected by this failure of the reproductive system, contractions are insufficient to allow expulsion of the fetus when the cat gives birth, and then a caesarean section is necessary. As there is no test to detect this disease, It is important to be vigilant when giving birth to a Singapura for the first time and seek veterinary assistance if possible. If you are found to have this condition, it is recommended that she be spayed or neutered, as any future childbirth would be risky for her and her unborn babies.

Life expectancy

11 to 15 years


Feed a Singapura cat not particularly difficult. You just have to make sure that the food is balanced and of good quality, asking a breeder of Singapura or a vet if necessary.

As with any other race, it is important to bear in mind that the nutritional needs of the cat change throughout his life.

Last, as the Singapura does not tend to overeat and is usually content with the amount of food that he needs, it is a breed not prone to feline obesity.

For sale "Singapura cat"

If you are thinking of adopting a kitten Singapura, you should know that this cat can reach an age of 12 years and more. During this period of time, be prepared to provide a loving home for her and give her the right time and care.

Since the breeders of Singapura are scarce, it is not easy to find a suitable breeder, but the search is worth it, because the Singapura, extremely sociable, it is a perfect family cat that will give you many joys. Of course, it is important that you are prepared to keep it with one or more cats, because only then will the little bundle of energy really feel at home.

By the way, the breeders of Singapura renowned charge between 700 and 1500 euros for healthy kittens and vet checked with papers.

Videos "Singapura cat"

Lily Before Bedtime - Baby Singapura Kitten Talking (Smallest Cat Breed)

Singapore cats

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Savannah cat
Federations: TICA, CCA-AFC, LOOF

Before buying a Savannah cat, you must bear in mind that it is considered the most expensive breed of domestic cat in the world.
Photo: blogs.inlandsocal.com


Characteristics "Savannah cat"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Savannah cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Activity level

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to other pets

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to children

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Grooming requirements

1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for attention

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection towards its owners

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


The Savannah is a breed of cat created in the United States in the decade of 1980. It is the result of the crosses between domestic cats (generally Egyptian Mau, Ocicat, Oriental shorthair cat and Domestic Shorthair) and servales males (Leptailurus serval). The latter is a medium-sized African wild cat with long legs., long neck and large oval ears. It shares a common ancestor with the lion and, having managed to adapt to various habitats, lives in the savannas, the forests or wetlands of your home continent.

The first Savannah was born the 7 in April of 1986. It was a kitten, daughter of a Siamese cat and serval male. It was named "Miracle" for Judee Frank, the breeder who owns the cat. It must be said that it was really a near miracle for the breeder, since he didn't know that his Siamese I was pregnant. At that moment, housed a Serval quite fragile that, Obviously, was responsible for the "miracle". Later, the Mrs. Suzi Mutascio He acquired the miraculous female and renamed her “Savannah.”, name that the breed also received.

Patrick Kelly, another passionate breeder domestic cats wild looking, heard about Savannah and wanted to create a new race based on the "miracle". As such, got in touch with Joyce Sroufe, an Oklahoma breeder specializing in breeding feral cats, including serval. He agreed to participate in the project and began to cross short-haired domestic cats with servales. So, all the kittens he offered for adoption were first generation hybrids (called F1). Your firsts Savannah They were born in 1994.

In 1996, in an effort to gain recognition for the breed, Patrick Kelly and Joyce Sroufe, In colaboration with Karen Sausman -a breeder of Bengalis– drafted a proposed standard for the Savannah, presented to the International Cat Association (TICA), the world's largest purebred domestic cat registration body. But, at the same time, this organization announced a moratorium on the recognition of new breeds.

This did not prevent other enthusiasts from taking an interest in savannah farming in the following years., and the breed became more and more popular. An association was even created in the year 2000 to promote the breed before the TICA. Originally called Savannah International Member & Breeder Association (SIMBA), this organization is now called simply Savannah Cat Association.

In February of 2001, TICA accepted the registration of the Savannah and allowed them to be displayed in cat shows, but not that they competed. That year more than a hundred. In 2006, the Canadian Cat Association (CCA) recognized the breed and its standard, which allowed to register the Savannah and participate in feline exhibitions organized under his authority. Regarding the TICA, was not up 2012 when he agreed to grant the same full recognition to the new breed.

In any case, as it usually happens with hybrid breeds, only dogs are allowed in cat shows Savannah from the third generation (F3). This generation is of special interest, since it is the one that can compete that theoretically has the highest percentage of Serval (although this rate may vary depending on the individual).

But, This generation is not recognized or cataloged by the American Cat Fanciers’ Association (ACFA) and Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) in United States; nor for him Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), the World Cat Federation (WCF) and Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé) in Europe.

Today, the Savannah cat is present all over the world, mostly in North and South America, Europe, Japan and Malaysia. But, is prohibited in some countries, like australia, where it was banned in 2008. Its great predatory capacity could pose a threat to the maintenance or even the survival of certain native species., with which it could compete if individuals were found in nature.

Some states, counties or cities in the United States also prohibit the possession of Savannah in its territory. Sometimes all representatives of the breed are prohibited, but sometimes only to the first generations. In other cases, a permit is required to own this cat. In summary, sometimes it's hard to navigate…

Physical characteristics

Savannah cat
F1 Savannah cat – Flickr

The Savannah is very large: in fact, a male was recognized in 2017 like the tallest cat in the world, with 48,3 centimeters at the withers. In fact, this breed has inherited several characteristics from its wild relative: it is a tabby cat with a spotted coat, a slim body, muscular and graceful, a head small, long legs, large ears and a slightly short tail. This is a type semi-foreign.

But, is significantly smaller than the Serval, and it also shows a noticeable difference in size from one generation to another. In fact, as they move away from the first generation of hybrids, the Savannah tend to be shorter in height and weight, between 6 and 9 kg. It also, in all generations, females are smaller than males.

There are some color variations in the Savannah. They can be inherited from one or both parent races. According to the standards of the International Cat Association (TICA), accepted colors are

Brown spotted tabby

The Savannah of this color are the most popular among breed enthusiasts, probably because its fur is the most similar to that of the serval. Your background color can be wheat, marten or saber, while its spots vary from orange brown to black and dark brown. Inside this fur color, it is rare to find adult cats with completely black noses.

Silver Spotted Tabby

This color is probably the second most popular. The background color of the coat ranges from very pale silver, almost white, even dark silver. Stains vary from carbon black to ink black. In some individuals, can cover a large area and be accompanied by hives; This pattern is called "marbled". Some individuals of this color have a completely black nose.
The genetic inheritance of Silver Spotted Tabby comes from domestic cats that contributed to hybridization.


The Savannah of this color variation are black, but the root of her hair is white, which gives them a lighter coloration.

Black Savannah cat

There is a servales melancholy, that is to say, blacks, in the nature. The corresponding color variation in the Savannah cat has been inherited from the genetic background of some servales with this property. Cats of this color are spotted, although their spots are usually visible only under strong light. These Savannah they always have a black nose.

But, in addition to those accepted by the TICA, there are other colors. Cats with these colors can even be registered with the association. In fact, sometimes they are more popular with some fans of the Savannah than officially accepted colors. It is about the following colors:


This coat goes from white to light gray, and the spots are light brown. The aquamarine blue of his eyes is the most noticeable feature of the Savannah snow. Although it is not accepted by the TICA, this rare color is highly prized by some breed enthusiasts.


The color lavender (ranging from cream to peach) is dotted with grayish spots. Again, this is a very rare color.

Size and weight

  • Size: Of 40 to 45 cm.
  • Weight: Of 6 to 12 kg

Breed standard

The breed standards are documents established by official bodies that list the conditions that a dog must meet. Savannah to be fully recognized as belonging to the race:

Character and skills

Savannah cat
F4 Melanistic Savannah cat – Flickr

Despite his semi-wild ancestry, the Savannah is known to be a good-natured cat, affectionate, Gentile, loyal and playful from the first generations. He is also extremely smart, active and curious. It must be said that the serval, is contributing to your genetic makeup, It is a wild cat with a very familiar character and easy to tame. In some parts of Africa, in rural areas, servals can be used as companion cats or as hunting aids.

In fact, the owners of a Savannah often happily report that their pet is distinguished by character from any other breed of domestic cat.

Although they are not unhappy on the inside, they greatly enjoy the outdoors, allowing them to have fun climbing trees or hunting, and thus exhaust their unlimited energy. If you have your cat indoors, the best thing is that he has a large home where he can run, jump and climb with ease. A cat tree is essential to keep it active and prevent it from damaging furniture and curtains.

If you've gotten used to it from the start, can be easily walked on a leash. Like its relative the serval, the Savannah is one of the few domestic cats that enjoys frolicking in the water.

In general, to the Savannah loves the company of humans, as well as other pets in the home. They really enjoy being hugged and played with. But, la Savannah Cat Association (SCA) recommends that a first generation cat (F1) not be placed in a home with minor children. Young children love to pet and cuddle animals, but a Savannah F1 is a size that does not lend itself to such displays of affection. Although normally, when a cat is fed up, it just walks away, This SCA recommendation is a simple -but very wise- precautionary measure..

The association also suggests that small rodents or pet birds should not be left within reach of a savannah., since this could have a bad destiny for them. It also, owners who have an aquarium at home should ensure that it has a secure lid. If that is not the case, they can find their cat swimming among the fish, especially because Savannah they are water-loving cats.

Another precaution recommended by the SCA is for the owner to ensure that his Savannah do not have free access to the outside. If it escapes, the chances of me coming home are very low, and their chances of long-term survival in the wild would also be low. It has been established that a Savannah indoor can live up to 18 years, while their life expectancy in the wild is reduced to about 18 months.

Grooming and caring for the "Savannah cat"

Savannah cat
Pregnant F1 Savannah cat – Flickr

The smooth and short coat of the Savannah cat it is very easy to care for and does not require any special care. A weekly brushing is enough.

It also, as to the Savannah He likes water, can be bathed easily at times.

Indoor or outdoor cat?

The Savannah cat he is a hunter, jumper and climber much more skilled than other domestic cats. So, if kept as an indoor cat, needs a space above average, as well as varied and solid climbing opportunities.

It is also possible that the big cat is delighted to have a secure outdoor enclosure or garden.. With a little patience and a lot of practice, can also be taught to Savannah to walk on a leash. It is not advisable to keep the F1 to F4 generations as outdoor cats, as they are very valuable and also excellent hunters.

How much activity does he need? "Savannah cat"?

Due to his enormous agility and his great intelligence, the Savannah cat needs a lot of attention and activity. He does not like to be home alone and loves to follow his owner around the house. He likes to be the center of attention and will confidently tell you when he wants you to keep him busy..

An especially exciting activity for the Savannah cat is playing with the water or taking a bath in the bathtub. Some breeds like water so much that they will follow you into the shower. The cunning cats also learn to look for toys with gusto and run wildly all over the floor..

Health and nutrition

"Savannah cat"

Gato Savannah
Matahah Me Al (Motzie ) is F2 savannah – Galawebdesign, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

In general, the Savannah is in good health.

But, two hereditary diseases are known in this breed, that have their origin in the domestic cats that contributed to their birth. Are the progressive retinal atrophy and pyruvate kinase deficiency (a type of anemia). Both can be revealed by genetic testing, allowing serious breeders of Savannah identify and remove individuals carrying the defective genes from your breeding program. Any prospective buyer should require proof that the kitten they wish to adopt has been tested negatively.

The Savannah Cat Association (SCA) also advises owners of this breed of cats not to remove their claws. The declawing, which consists of the amputation of the last phalanx of the fingers, can cause pain that can last for the rest of the cat's life. Nail removal is not recommended for all breeds of cats, and is especially contraindicated for Savannah, due to the large amount of energy you need to expend, for example, clawing a cat tree.

It also, cats of this breed should be watched carefully when they are sick, as they can become dehydrated and lose weight quickly.

Last, the Savannah fear the cold.


In general, the Savannah does not require any special diet. As with other cat breeds, it is only necessary to ensure the quality of the food that is offered.

But, for the Savannah of the first generation after hybridization (F1) and of the second generation (F2), some breeders recommend serving the animal a daily meal of raw poultry.

Other breeders recommend feeding all Savannah with a diet consisting of raw meat - minced- chicken and beef. But, this diet is discussed by some of your colleagues, they point out that it requires a good knowledge of nutrition, and that all the necessary ingredients must be added for a complete and balanced diet. If adopted, this practice should be done with caution, as over-supplementation can be harmful.

For sale "Savannah cat"

Before buying a Savannah cat, you should know that it is considered the most expensive breed of domestic cat in the world.

Depending on the generation, will pay between 1.000 and 10.000 euros for a kitten. Other difficulties may arise, especially when buying a cat from the F1 to F4 generation. These animals are not very easy to conserve and are subject to the Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. So that, if you want to import a cat from the USA. or from another non-EU country, there are many requirements, such as tenure and confinement permits.

Gato Savannah Gato Savannah Gato Savannah

Interesting data

Criticism of breeding "Savannah cats"

The detractors of the breeding of the Savannah believe that mating a wild animal with a domestic cat for the sole purpose of obtaining a particular coat pattern is irresponsible.

As the gestation periods of cats and servales They are different, every generation of F1 is born prematurely.

The mortality rate, as well as stress for the mother, is therefore extremely high. Many of the so-called wild cat hybrids they continue to show the characteristics of a wild animal even after generations. So, keeping them species-appropriate is not possible for everyone.

Video Longest cat – Meet the Record Breakers


In Australia and New Zealand, the Savannah they are even prohibited from entering the country because they can endanger biodiversity. So the question arises whether it is really necessary to travel a path that nature did not foresee., just to get a breeding goal.

Famous cats «Savannah»

One of the Savannah cats most famous in the world is Scarlett’s Magic, of United States. Received the Guinness record the largest living domestic cat in 2010, with a shoulder height of 45,9 cm.. She was also the longest domestic cat in the world, with a length of 108,51 cm..
But, the current record is held by the cat Maine Coon Ludo with a length of 118,33 cm..

Videos "Savannah cat"

Savannah Cat : The Most Expensive Pet in the world / Largest cat breed F1 Savannah savannah-cats.com

5 Reasons for NOT OWNING a F2 Savannah cat

Alternative names:

  • Gato de la Sabana

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Scottish Fold
Federations: CFA, TICA, ACFA, CCA


Characteristics "Scottish Fold"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Scottish Fold" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Activity level

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to other pets

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to children

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Grooming requirements

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for attention

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection towards its owners

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


The Scottish Fold first appeared in 1961 in Coupar Angus, Scotland. Susie, a white female, lived on the farm MacRae and she never would have become a household name if he hadn't noticed her William Ross, a shepherd who was also a breeder of British Shorthair cat. He fell in love with Susie and his ears folded forward, and MacRae they promised to give him one of their kittens.

But, there are previous references to cats with these ears, especially in Asia. These may include, the Universal Journal of Knowledge of John Hinton, published in 1796, mentions the existence of feral cats with those ears in China. More recently, the Guide to the World’s Cats (Loxton, 1975) states that in China there has always been a breed of cat with folded ears, some of whose specimens were brought to Europe by sailors.

But, It Susie the origin of all Scottish Fold that exist today.

"Scottish Fold"

Scottish Fold
Scottish Fold

The MacRae they kept their promise and in 1963 Mary y William Ross they received Snooks, that he had the same white fur and the same folded ears as his mother Susie. Snooks gave birth to her first litter, in which a white male named Snowball was chosen to be crossed with a British Shorthair white call Lady May. Lady May gave birth to five kittens, all with ears folded forward, and this litter marked the beginning of the line of Scottish Folds.

At the beginning, the Ross they called the resulting race "Lops«. But, starting at 1966 and official recognition by the British Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), with which they were allowed to show them in the feline exhibitions, they were called Scottish Folds, in reference to his Scottish origins.

With the help of the English geneticist Peter Dyte, the Ross started a breeding program with british shorthair cats and farm.

But, the situation of Scottish Fold in his country of origin it ended up souring. Already concerned about a potentially abnormally high risk of ear infection and deafness (although this fear was later shown to be unfounded), the GCCF decided on 1971 close the registration of the Scottish Fold, after the appearance of the first genetic problems. The last specimen recorded in Great Britain was Denisla Morag.

Although the Scottish Folds he had fallen from grace in his native land, had already begun his conquest of the Americas. Denisla Judy, Denisla Joey and Denisla Hester, all of them daughters of Snooks, had been imported into the United States in 1970 by the Dr. Neil Todd, a Newtonville geneticist, Massachusetts. But, after giving birth to two litters, interrupted his research project and Denisla Hester ended up in the hands of Wolf Peters Room, a well-known breeder of the Manx cat.

In 1972, the first Scotsman was exhibited in an exhibition of the American Cat Breeders Association (CFA), and the interest was immediate. Several breeders were involved in the development of the breed. In particular, Wolf Peters Room, from the kennel Wyola, and Karen Votava, from the kennel Bryric, they campaigned on 1974 so that the first specimens were registered with the CFA as an experimental breed.

At that time, the gene responsible for the mutation that causes folded ears was still unknown. It was during the work on this gene, at the beginning of the year 70, made by the Dr. Oliphant Jackson, an english geneticist, when the bone problems of the Scottish Fold, mainly due to the numerous inbreeding crosses between the first generations.

So, it was decided to introduce large amounts of new blood into the breed, and numerous crosses with him American shorthair cat and the British Shorthair cat helped reduce these bone problems. Even today, the crosses between a Scottish Fold and Shorthair are common and help preserve the genetic diversity of the breed. They are also approved by reference feline organizations.

The Scottish Fold received final recognition from the CFA in 1978, and the TICA (International Cat Association) did the same in 1979. On the other hand, el GCCF, supported in this decision by the British Veterinary Association, has never backed down from its decision to ban this breed. This is a rare case where a cat breed is recognized in many countries, but not in the country where he was born. Having said that, the GCCF is far from alone in taking this position, Since the Fédération Internationale Féline (FiFé), for example, neither does he recognize her.

This has not prevented it from conquering the rest of the world and becoming quite common.. According to CFA figures, is even among the 10 America's Most Popular Cat Breeds, and it became so within a few years of its official recognition by the organization. In France, where it first appeared in 1982, is more and more popular: while at the beginning of the decade of 2000 less than 100 kittens per year in the Official Book of Feline Origins (LOOF), now there are more than 500, which places the Scottish Fold around the post 15 among the most popular cat breeds among the French.

Physical characteristics

Scottish Fold
Lilac 3 months old Scottish Fold – Psychopath, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Scottish Fold it is a medium size cat, round and solid boned, but retains a flexible and agile appearance. The legs they are quite short, while the tail is quite long and tapers to a rounded tip.

The head it is also round, with a well defined chin and jaws, and prominent cheekbones. The eyes they are big and round, usually coppery, but they can be of other colors, especially blue in white fur cats.

The Scottish Fold is known for its small ears with rounded tips that fall forward. But, kittens are born with straight ears, that don't start to fold until they have a few 3 weeks, at least half of them. The other half keep their ears straight, and are known as Scottish Straight or Highland Straight. They are not excluded from breeding, since the crossing with a Fold can lead to a kitten with folded ears.

It should be noted that the fact that they are folded forward does not prevent the ears of the Scottish Fold be mobile and very expressive, turning to hear better or getting up when opening a can of food.

The Scottish Fold has a fur dense, with a heavy undercoat and an outer coat that can be short or long. Texture may vary based on coat and/or regional or seasonal variations.

All the colors They're possible, except those that show an unauthorized crossing with another Scottish Fold, or any other race other than the American shorthair cat and the British Shorthair cat

Last, the sexual dimorphism it is well marked, being the males larger than the females.

Size and weight

  • Male size: Of 23 to 28 cm.
  • female size: 20-25 cm.
  • Male weight: 4-6 kg
  • female weight: 2,5 to 4 kg

Breed standard

The breed standards are documents produced by official bodies that list the conditions that a dog must meet. Scottish Fold to be fully recognized as belonging to the race:

Varieties of "Scottish Fold"

Scottish Fold
Scottish Fold – Flickr

The Scottish Fold it comes in two varieties: of shorthair and Longhair.

The latter are sometimes called Highland, or Highland Fold. For some organizations, as the International Cat Association (TICA), they even form a race in their own right, call Scottish Fold Longhair.

in parallel, there are cats Scottish Straight, or Highland Straight, who have the same genetic inheritance as the Scottish Fold and, Therefore, The same characteristics, but whose ears are straight, instead of folded. Although these cats are not always recognized, neither as a variety nor as a distinct breed, are essential for the health of the breed. In fact, to avoid health problems, it is forbidden to create from Scottish Folds: one of the two parents must be a Scottish Straight (or a licensed breed, as the American shorthair cat or the British Shorthair cat).

Character and skills

Scottish Fold
Lilac colored Scottish Fold – Psychopath, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Scottish Fold he is close to humans and very loyal. They are affectionate and enjoy spending time with all members of their family, but they do not take long to choose their favorite human, to whom they are especially attached. Needs a lot of attention, but it is not intrusive: if you are made to feel uncomfortable sitting on your lap, will sit next to you without question, and if his owner does not have time to play with him, will just follow you around the house.

Sociable and relaxed, he loves the attention he can get from the little ones: It is an ideal cat breed for children who have learned to have fun with animals and to respect them.

In general, They also enjoy the company of other cats and get along very well with dogs that are used to cats.. On the other hand, although it is possible -especially if you have gotten used to them since childhood-, coexistence with small animals should be avoided, rodents or reptiles.

Moderately active, adapts very well to life in a flat, especially if his family takes the trouble to spend some time playing with him every day.

Their need for attention and interaction makes them prone to loneliness, but having other animals at home is a good way to overcome it. If you have playmates, she has no problem spending her days at home when her owners are at work, just asking for more caresses at night. But, if left alone for a long weekend or even a vacation, is likely to express dissatisfaction by causing more or less damage.

It also, the Scottish Fold is known for his more or less surprising postures: sleeps on his back, sits on the couch like a human or stands on its hind legs to observe the surroundings, like a suricata. It is also a cat that prefers to drink water from the tap rather than from its bowl., and some specimens have the habit of eating with their legs.

The legs are extremely agile, allowing them to open closet doors or catch an object thrown by their master. Scottish folds love to exploit this ability and are especially fond of games that involve dexterity.. But, they also enjoy cat puzzle games, that stimulate their intelligence and provide them with some food if they can.

Last, it's not very noisy, not just because it's moderately vocal, but also because their meows are so soft, almost hard to hear.


Scottish Fold
Kimi-kun, Scottish Fold – tata_aka_T from Tokyo, JAPAN, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Scottish Fold It, in general, a healthy feline breed, to the point that many specimens have more than 15 years.

But, is susceptible to certain diseases:

  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, an enlargement of heart tissue that causes disturbances in how the heart works;
  • The renal polyquistosis, a genetic disease that causes numerous cysts in the kidneys and can now be detected with a DNA test;
  • The osteocondrodisplasia, which affects the development of bones and cartilage and can cause osteoarthritis from an early age, causing pain and difficulty in movement. The first symptoms are usually stiffness in the hind legs and/or tail. A very short and thick tail is an indication that the individual is potentially affected.

It also, but the Scottish Fold it is by no means the most affected race, the Obesity in cats it is a very real health risk. Thus, a good owner should regularly check that his cat is not overweight, and correct it if you have it, with the help of a vet.

Last, given the shape of their ears and to avoid infections and parasites, you have to pay special attention, that is to say, check and clean them frequently.

To avoid breeding between two Scottish Fold and the health problems that often result, it is possible to organize a mating with another authorized breed. The International Cat Association (TICA) allows you to, for example, the crossing with the American shorthair cat or the British Shorthair cat.


One Scottish Fold of shorthair it only needs to be brushed once a week to keep its coat healthy and beautiful. One Scottish Fold (or Highland Fold) of Longhair needs to be brushed more regularly to prevent tangling and to remove dead hair: the ideal is to do it two or three times a week.

It also, a weekly check of the teeth, eyes and ears will ensure they are clean and free of infection. Pay special attention to the ears, which should be cleaned with a damp cloth.

Last, depending on your lifestyle, natural wear and tear and the use of a scratching post may or may not be enough for your claws. If not and they become too long, can be easily trimmed with nail clippers.


The Scottish Fold can be fed commercial cat food. But, food must be of good quality and appropriate to the cat's age and activity level, to provide you with the essential nutrients and vitamins you need for good health.

How in general they are capable of self-regulation, food can be left in their bowl at all times, but you have to be careful that they don't get too fat. If this is the case, It is recommended to consult a veterinarian to establish a feeding program adapted to your specific needs..

For sale "Scottish Fold"

The average price of a kitten Scottish Fold is something less than 1000 EUR.

But, this average hides great disparities between kittens with physical characteristics far from the standard, whose price can be as low as 500 EUR, and those that come from prestigious lines and have characteristics that predestine them to feline shows, whose price may be higher than 2500 EUR.

In all cases, there is no significant price difference between males and females.

Videos "Scottish Fold"

A day in cat life | What's it like to have a scottishfold cat | cuddly cat | What cat does all day

😍🐱 Gray Scottish Fold Kitten 🐾💖

Alternative names:

1. Scot Fold (English).
2. Highland Fold (French).
3. Scottish Fold, Highland Fold (German).
4. Fold escocés (español).

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Siberian cat
Recognized by the CFA, CFA, TICA, WCF, FFE, AACE, ACF, ACFA/CAA


Characteristics "Siberian cat"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Siberian cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Activity level

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to other pets

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to children

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Grooming requirements

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for attention

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection towards its owners

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


The Siberian cat is a breed of cat native to Russia and has a natural origin: already roamed the Siberian forests more than 1000 years. Its exact origin is not known, but the fact that the mutation responsible for long hair in cats appeared almost simultaneously in regions as distant as Siberia, Asia minor (which corresponds to the eastern part of Turkey, and from which the Turkish Angora cat and the Turkish Van Cat) and persia (which became Iran, and from which the Persian cat) suggests that these different long-haired cat breeds share common origins.

In fact, some specialists think that these cats appeared in Turkey and that human migrations to the Great North explain their appearance in Siberia. On the other hand, others believe that the first long-haired cats originated in Russia and spread to Asia Minor, giving rise to Turkish Van Cat, to the Turkish Angora cat and to the Persian cat, but also to Scandinavia, where would they be at the origin of Norwegian Forest Cat , and then to North America, where they would have evolved to Maine Coon cat.

But, it is certain that they played an important role for the local populations who had to survive in the extreme conditions of Siberia, since they protected the provisions from rodents. Russian folklore says that they once weighed more than twenty kilos and were true "guardian cats.", who protected their homes from wild animals and hunted other animals to feed their families. Still today, many stories tell of magical cats whose mission is to protect children.

The Siberian cat It is known in Europe and North America since the 19th century. It was even one of the breeds exhibited in the first feline exhibition in modern history., held in 1871 at the Crystal Palace in London. It was also presented in the United States at 1884, at the exhibition held in the Madison Square Garden from New York. It is documented in the book Our Cats de Harrison Weir de 1889 and in the book Domestic & Fancy Cats the John Jennings the 1898. A photograph of a representative of the breed also appears on Concerning Cats, written by Helen Winslow and published in 1900.

But, the Siberian cat disappeared from the international scene for much of the 20th century, since his country of origin was isolated from the rest of the world by the Soviet regime that came to power in 1917. It was not until the decade of 1980 when Russian cat lovers were once again free to own domestic cats and organize into associations to define the rules. He had a great success at the first Moscow cat show in 1988, and soon became the national cat of Russia.

Siberian cat
Female Adult Siberian Cat with Seal Lynx Point Coat Color – The voice, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

In 1990, Ophelia, Naina and Kalostro they became the first Siberians to set foot on American soil in almost 100 years, When Elizabeth Terrell, a creator, exchanged them with Nelli Sachuk for four gatos himalayos. A few weeks later, David Boehm, another american breeder, traveled to Russia to bring fifteen cats from the Siberian jungle. Thanks to these two enthusiasts, the breeding of this breed began in North America..

Once the Iron Curtain fell, its international recognition was fast: the International Cat Association (TICA) was the first to do so in 1993, followed by Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé) in 1997 and then for the American Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) in 2000. Surprisingly, the first copies Siberians did not arrive in the UK until 2002. Two years later, in 2004, the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), the country's main body, granted the breed full recognition, including the right to compete in exhibitions organized under their auspices.

Today, as well as remaining extremely popular in his home country, the Siberian has clearly found an audience beyond its borders, helped by his reputation, although unfounded, hypoallergenic cat.

In United States, for example, the Siberian cat stands above the position 20 (of 45) in the classification of breeds according to the number of annual registrations in the CFA. Its success is also growing in Europe. In Great Britain, GCCF statistics show that births in the second decade of the 21st century have risen from about 100 per year to more than 300, which places it in the top ten of the favorite cat breeds of the British.

There is also a blazing growth in France: the statistics of the Official Book of Feline Origins (LOOF) show that if in the mid-1990s 2000 only thirty specimens were registered per year, this figure had already exceeded 200 in 2010, and then cross the barrier of 1000 in 2016 and overcome the 1500 at the end of the decade. Since 2015, is one of the 10 favorite breeds of cats of the French, representing more than 3,5% of registered births.

Physical characteristics

The Siberian has a semi-cobby midline morphology. Sometimes it is confused with the Maine Coon cat or the Norwegian Forest Cat , as it has a similar general appearance, but it differs by having a much more rounded head and body.

Of average length, He is powerfully muscular and his back is slightly arched. The legs they are also very strong with a solid bone structure, the rear ones being somewhat longer than the front ones. The tail is slightly shorter than the body, very full and sharp.

The head is wide and has a triangular shape with rounded sides when viewed from the front. Profile, the rounded forehead ends in a slope at the nose. The ears are size medium, wide at the base and ends in a rounded shape. The eyes they are big, almost round, slightly oblique, and they can be green, yellow, coppery or blue in some white-coated dogs.

The fur of the Siberian it is medium to long, and consists of three parts: abundant down and undercoat, and a thick, shiny protection layer. It is much more abundant in winter than in summer and forms a mane around the neck.

Except for chocolate and lilac, all the coat colors They're possible, but the brown tabby is the most common. All coat patterns are also accepted by the standard, but some organizations, like the FIFé (Fédération Internationale Féline), consider the Siberian colourpoint as a breed apart, call Neva Masquerade.

In any case, this cat grows slowly, as it does not reach full maturity until it is about five years old. But, most of the growth occurs during the first 18 months.

Last, the sexual dimorphism it is very marked: the male is much more imposing than the female.

Size and weight

  • Male size: 30 – 38 cm.
  • female size: 28 – 35 cm.
  • Male weight: 7 – 11 kg
  • female weight: 5 – 9 kg

  • Varieties of "Siberian cat"

    The fur colourpoint (a light color on the body and darker on the tips of the legs, the tail, ears and face) is accepted by most associations, as the International Cat Association (TICA), the World Cat Federation (WCF) and the Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF), the reference organization in France. But, some consider cats Siberian colourpoint like a different race.

    Is the case, in particular, of the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé), that since 2011 registers them with the name of Neva Masquerade cat. The LOOF also recognizes the term Neva Masquerade, but in conjunction with the name «Siberian«: in his eyes, is simply another way of designating siberianos colourpoint, but by no means a breed in its own right.

    Siberian cat
    A 3-year-old Calico Tabby Siberian Cat – Lilllio, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Character and skills

    The Siberian he is a loving and devoted cat who loves his family. He waits for his owner at the door when he comes home from work, and immediately begins to tell him about his day following him around the house. Loves to participate in various household activities, either helping in the kitchen, lying on the computer keyboard where his owner is working, or sitting in front of the TV that its owner is watching.

    Having said that, although he loves to receive attention from his owners, not overly intrusive or demanding, and he is perfectly capable of waiting patiently for his owners to have time for him. They can be left alone during the day without separation anxiety.

    They are also excellent hosts and, after observing the newcomer from a distance to meet him, they will not hesitate to come over to greet you and participate in the conversation. It is also an ideal cat breed with children who have learned to behave with a certain respect., since he likes to play with them and has enough patience to tolerate some oddities and clumsiness.

    His outgoing character also applies to his peers, but also the dogs: he is not afraid of anything and is aware of his respectable size, is not easily impressed and likes to resolve conflicts amicably.

    On the other hand, has retained a strong hunting instinct that makes it very difficult, yes not impossible, cohabitation with rodents and birds. The fish are not safe either, especially because they have a certain fascination for water. This can lead to, for example, to play with the water in your bowl or toilet, or even to spray his master when he is bathing.

    The Siberian cat he is extremely intelligent, able to learn to retrieve objects (activity that you especially enjoy) or to be walked on a leash, but also to solve complex problems, like opening the closet door or reaching for that toy that its owner thought was out of reach. Teaching your cat tricks is a great way to spend quality time with him., while giving you the opportunity to exercise both physically and intellectually.

    They are also very good at understanding human emotions and know when to go play with a cheerful owner., or comfort someone who has had a bad day by purring on their lap to show their affection. This makes them an excellent therapy cat..

    Although the Siberian cat has a rather calm and quiet character, he is also an active cat that retains a playful side throughout his life. They are surprisingly agile for their size, being able to climb almost anywhere and make dizzying jumps. Some owners still wonder how their dog got the spider in the living room.… And is that, like most of his peers, he likes to be in a high place from which he can admire his territory; if you think your cat tree is not tall enough, do not hesitate to find a closet more to your liking.

    Curious and without any notion of property rights, does not hesitate to steal any object to make a toy with which to play. Thus, it is strongly recommended to store jewelry and other valuables in a safe place.

    On the other hand, although they are delighted to have access to the outside and to be able to run and climb at their ease, they are still a breed of cats capable of living in a flat. In fact, for a Siberian, the company and affection of your family are even more important than physical exercise.

    Last, this cat has a wide vocal range of soft meows, trills and chirps, but also a powerful purr reminiscent of a boat engine. They are not as talkative as the eastern races, but they like to communicate and give their opinion.

    Siberian cat
    Siberian cat

    Grooming and caring for the "Siberian cat"

    The triple coat of the Siberian it is low maintenance, since it does not tend to knot. But, a thorough brushing is necessary every week to remove dead hairs and distribute sebum from the skin. During the moulting season, in autumn and spring, the dog loses a lot of hair, so it is recommended to brush it every day. This grooming session is also an opportunity to share a complicity moment with your pet., especially since he especially appreciates staying quietly on his owner's lap while he is being brushed.

    On the other hand, it should be noted that, against popular belief, the Siberian it can perfectly provoke allergic reactions in its master. The amount of Fel d1 (an enzyme that causes allergies in people sensitive to it) in the saliva of the Siberian cat is much lower than that of a cat without a pedigree, but the amount is not zero. Thus, it is simply a race of hypoallergenic cat, that is to say, that is less likely to cause an allergy.

    Unless you want to expose your cat in a feline exhibition, it is rarely necessary to bathe him. This is certainly a good thing, as it is very difficult to shampoo their thick, waterproof fur.

    But, the weekly grooming session is an opportunity to check your teeth, eyes and ears looking for dirt, and clean them with a damp cloth if necessary. This will reduce the risk of cavities and infections of all kinds.

    Last, if your dog spends a lot of time outdoors, it may be that natural wear and tear is enough to file your nails. If not the case, it is advisable to trim them with a nail trimmer when they have become too long, so that they are not hindered in their movements.

    Indoor or outdoor cat?

    The Siberian cat it is a nature loving breed that spends a lot of time outdoors if allowed to roam freely. This independent cat loves to roam for hours in nature, hunt and explore the environment. Like a good hunter, Siberian he usually takes his prey home.

    That you Siberian gift you with dead birds and mice is not to everyone's liking and should be considered prior to purchase. If the cat stays indoors, a large floor with a sturdy scratching post is a minimum requirement. The ideal would be a safe garden, where the cat can live its desire to move. With the proper precautions, your cat will live happily.

    How much activity does he need? "Siberian cat"?

    As an active breed, the Siberian cat needs a lot of space to play and hunt. Independent cats prefer to occupy themselves and explore their environment. Of course, especially at a young age, they still like to be kept busy with a gaming rod or mice.

    Intelligence toys for cats also keep them busy and boost their intelligence. They also like to play with other cats, so they should not be alone. As one of the few cats, to the Siberian he likes to play with water and can also keep busy for a long time with a leaky faucet.

    Siberian cat
    Siberian cat Tofik – Mstachul, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Health and nutrition

    The Siberian it is very robust. Able to live in environments as difficult as the Siberian forests from which it originates, It is a breed of cat that does not fear the cold. But, not at its best when temperatures exceed 30 °C: to avoid any risk of heat stroke, it is then important to keep it in a shady area or even with air conditioning.

    It also, have a predisposition to certain genetic diseases. This is the case, in particular, of :

  • The feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a relatively common disease in domestic cats that causes abnormal development of heart tissue, with potentially serious heart problems. Screening of parents can minimize, but not delete, the risk of transmission to the kitten;
  • Deficiency of pyruvate kinase (PK-def), which causes a problem in red blood cell metabolism leading to anemia of varying severity in cats. There is a DNA test to identify the gene; a breeder's siberian cats responsible must exclude the carriers of the offspring.

  • It also, the fact that the Siberian forest cat being so large does not make you immune to one of the greatest health risks of a domestic cat: the Obesity. Responsible owners should ensure that their cats maintain an adequate weight and seek the advice of the veterinarian if they notice a tendency to be overweight.

    Life expectancy

    Of 12 to 15 years


    The Siberian forest cat he has no problems with his diet; can be fed commercially available industrial cat food without any problem. But, choosing a quality product that is suitable for your age and activity level is essential to ensure that you are getting all the nutrients and vitamins you need.

    By being able to self-regulate, can be left with food at all times.

    But, it is the owner's responsibility to ensure that the dog is not overweight and, Therefore, weigh him regularly to monitor his weight. In the event of deviations, consultation with a veterinarian will allow to establish a more adequate feeding program.

    For sale "Siberian cat"

    It is only possible to get a Siberian cat of breeders of this breed. It is preferable to resort to a family breeding, where the cat is born near its breeder. The small size of the structure and the proximity of the human being have allowed it to develop its familiar and endearing character.

    If raised in good conditions, the Siberian cat he will not be wild and he will be very close to his master. It can become the "dog-cat" that the owner expects, the one who will be curious about strangers, the one who will wait for his owner behind the door and the one who will follow him everywhere. Please note that if the cat you are purchasing does not have a pedigree, It will not be considered a pedigree cat but a "street cat".

    Having said that, the price of a Siberian cat ranges between 700 and 1.000 EUR. The price depends mainly on whether you buy a companion cat or a breeding cat.

    Siberian cat
    Portrait of a Brown tabby Siberian – Sibirela, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Videos "Siberian cat"

    the siberian cat / Siberian Cat - Mug&In
    El Gato Siberiano / Siberian Cat – MuKi&Mu
    SIBERIAN CAT - Characteristics, Care and Health
    SIBERIAN CAT – Characteristics, Care and Health

    Alternative names:

  • Siberian forest cat
  • ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Sokoke cat
    Federations: LOOF, TICA, FIFé,GCCF, AFC

    The cats Sokoke it is one of the few recognized breeds that are of natural origin. It is native, It means that they have evolved on its own, no human intervention or initial breeding selection.


    Characteristics "Sokoke cat"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Sokoke cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Activity level

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to other pets

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to children

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Grooming requirements

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for attention

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection towards its owners

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    The genesis of the Sokoke

    The Sokoke it is one of the rarest cat breeds in the world. Historically it has lived in the wild in the rainforest of Sokoke-Arabute, a nature reserve on the east coast of Kenya. But, it is not known since when.

    One of the hypotheses is that it descends from domestic cats who arrived at the end of the 19th century with British settlers and then took over the forest of Sokoke-Arabute.

    But, it is more likely that the Sokoke have lived in the area for much longer, in particular through contact with Giriamas, a local tribe that hunts and feeds on the Sokoke, even today. The Giriamas they also gave it its original name, Khadzonzo, which means "like the bark", in reference to its mottled coat.

    In any case, never ceased to intrigue scientists, and many tried to study it. For a long time this was in vain, given their stealth and propensity to evade them.

    In 1978, Jeny Slater, an Englishwoman who lived on the edge of the nature reserve, discovered a litter of three kittens Khadzonzo abandoned and hidden in the hollow of a log. Decided to take them home and feed them. His fascination was even greater because normally it was very difficult to see them, much less catch them. He was very surprised to see how easy it was to tame these little wild cats. Worried about the possibility of this animal disappearing, decided to raise them. When they became adults, two of the little cats gave birth to their first litter.

    Scientists were finally able to begin studying the Khadzonzo. DNA tests were carried out to find out if it was descended from African wild cats, but they were negative: could not establish that link. It was then decided to call the cat simply «African shorthair cat«.

    In 1984, a danish friend of Jeny Slater, Gloria Moldrop, came to visit her in Kenya. Enchanted with Khadzonzos, took two of them to Denmark, Good gene, to try to publicize the breed and contribute to its development. In fact, that year he exhibited them at a cat show in Copenhagen.

    In 1985, Good gene they had their first litter. But, starting with just two individuals was not enough to establish a breeding program that would avoid inbreeding and all the health problems that it could entail.. In 1990, Gloria Moldrop brought three more specimens from Kenya and was able to start a real breeding program with the aim of getting the breed recognized.

    Recognition of the «Sokoke»

    Sokoke cat
    Sokoke, neutered male – The original uploader was SHD at English Wikipedia. A. Turto en:User:SHD (self made), CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons

    In 1992, Gloria Moldrop presented several copies to the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé). The following year, the organization recognized the breed under the name of Sokoke, in reference to the forest Sokoké-Arabute, its natural habitat.

    In 2003, the International Cat Association (TICA) did the same. It was also in this year that the Sokoke was recognized by the Official Book of Feline Origins (LOOF) French.

    But, in 2014, TICA decided to lower its status: it was still possible to register their representatives in the registers kept by the institution, but they could no longer compete in the cat shows organized under their auspices. In effect, had not received the report that breeders normally send and that allows statistics to be established: annual number of births, distribution between males and females, age of the reproducers…

    In any case, the Sokoke cat still has a long way to go to be fully recognized around the world. In fact, still ignored by some major organizations, as the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA).

    Others have given their blessing, but only in a preliminary way, waiting for your full recognition. Is the case, for example, of the Governing Council of The Cat Fancy (GCCF) from 2015, or from Association Féline Canadienne (CCA), which grants it the status of an experimental breed.

    The popularity of "Sokoke"

    A part of the population of Sokoke cat still living in the wild in the forest of Sokoke-Arabute, in Kenya. But, they seem to be in danger of extinction.

    Can't say that the Sokoke domesticated is imposing, as it is still extremely rare worldwide. Its population is also very small.

    In France, only three specimens were registered in the Libro Oficial de Orígenes Felinos (LOOF) over the years 2000 and 2010, more specifically in 2004.

    The breed is a bit more established in Britain, with almost a dozen annual registrations in the Governing Council of The Cat Fancy (GCCF) at the end of the Decade of 2010. But, this is still a matter of confidentiality.

    In Denmark, Gloria Moldrop has had some followers, so there are also a handful of breeders. There are also some in other European countries, like germany.

    The situation is quite similar in North America: In both the United States and Canada there are hardly more than a handful of breeders. But, the Association Féline Canadienne (CCA) has accepted it as an experimental breed, waiting for your full recognition. The leading organization in the United States, the Cat Fanciers’ Association, has not yet taken the step.

    Physical characteristics

    Sokoke – Flickr

    The Sokoke It is an elegant and distinguished feline of medium size and semi-linear type. Domesticated and bred individuals look much more harmonious than those left free.

    The body medium length is slim and muscular, built around a strong bone structure. The chest is well developed and prominent.

    The tail is moderately long to long. Thick at the base, tapering towards the tip.

    The legs they are tall and thin, which contributes to the elegant appearance of the dog, But they are, However, muscular. Finish in feet oval with black pads. The hind legs are longer than the front legs and have a significant angle specific to the breed.

    The head rests on a neck long and muscular that separates it well from the shoulders. It is small in relation to the body, and is shaped like a smoothed triangle. The skull it's almost flat.

    The ears are size medium, wide at the base and rounded at the tip. They can end in plumes, and this feature is highly appreciated.

    The eyes they are big, they are far apart, are almond-shaped and slightly sloping. Their color ranges from amber to light green and they are expressive and bright.

    The nose is straight and of medium length. Finish off with a brick red nose. Seen on side, there is a slight concave curve between the forehead and the nose.

    Whisker pads are well marked, but they are not prominent. They dominate a strong and broad chin.

    The fur of the Sokoke It is brilliant, very short and has no undercoat. This is a tabby cat, which can be any shade of black brindle. It is preferable that the marks have sharp hairs, that is to say, that alternate light and dark areas.

    Last, this cat is not characterized by a sexual dimorphism pronounced: males and females are quite similar in size and weight.

    Size and weight

    • Size: 30 cm.
    • Weight: Of 3 to 5 kg

    Breed standard

    The breed standards are documents produced by official bodies that list the conditions that a dog must meet. Sokoke cat to be fully recognized as belonging to the race:

    Character and skills

    Sokoke –Flickr

    Although it may seem surprising, the Sokoke was originally a wild cat and was easily tame.

    He even enjoys the company of humans, and is especially attached, kind and affectionate with the members of his family, with both adults and children. He is also very playful, which makes it an excellent entertainment companion for them, and vice versa. But, this does not prevent a certain caution: a small child and a cat should never be left alone unsupervised, and this applies to all races. In any case, things are better if the children are old enough to have learned to behave in a respectful way with their companion.

    His playful nature and intelligence make it essential to provide him with interactive toys to stimulate and develop his faculties.. Always play very intensely for short periods of time, then you need to calm down to start over. Of course, he is even happier when he can play with his family. The possibilities are very numerous, since his proximity to the family and his intelligence make him perfectly capable of learning different tricks. These may include, catching an object that is thrown at him is a lot of fun for him. Being an activity with your family and spending time with them, It doesn't bother him to be walked on a leash either, and he can get used to it..

    More broadly, His intense relationship with his family means that he is both an attention seeker and an attention giver. Participates willingly in family activities and tends to follow family members and greet them at the door when they arrive home. This is especially true of the person who cares the most about him., although he does not ignore the others.

    He is also very vocal when interacting with family members.. Purr loudly to express well-being, meows softly to calm its owners when its great sensitivity makes it sense that they are in an unusual emotional state, or give your opinion on the TV show. Pretty talkative, knows how to use different recognizable tones to communicate: these different modulations allow you to quickly know, for example, if he is asking for a hug, asking for attention, asking for food or indicating pain.

    He is loyal to his family and enjoys interacting with them, for example playing or receiving pampering. Of course, also needs time apart, since it could be in nature. But, he does not like to be alone: even when he rests quietly in his corner, be grateful that there is someone close.

    Close to yours, the Sokoke he is also very sociable with strangers who enter his domain. He is not one of those who are scared or aggressive towards them: although he should not be expected to hug them, will play happily with them.

    He is also able to share his home with another dog. But, as it is quite territorial, gradual adaptation is necessary for everything to go well, and the ideal is that the coexistence is established from the earliest age of the two protagonists.

    The Sokoke he is very active and does not really belong to a flat. to prosper, you need to live in a house with a garden to which you can have free access, thanks to a cat flap, for example. His instinct is to climb trees, where in nature he used to spend most of the time. This allows you to recover part of its original state, hunt insects, satisfy your curiosity and keep an eye on your territory. It is especially agile in this area.

    He also likes to have some height when he is indoors., so a cat tree is an essential purchase to make you feel comfortable.

    It also, the Sokoke differs from his peers in his attraction to water; not only does he like to play with her, but that it is one of the cat breeds that like to swim. So don't be surprised to see him come back drenched from his wanderings., since he is delighted to bathe in a river or a lake. But, if there is a pool in the house, it is better to cover it to avoid getting into it, since chlorinated water is not good for cats and if they drink it regularly it can cause kidney problems and irritate their skin. So, if he can get into it, it is better to rinse it afterwards with clean water.

    The same, after any bath anywhere, or even just when I come back from the outside wet, it is important to dry him well with a towel so that he can then snuggle up in a blanket and prevent him from getting cold. Of course, this is even more important when the temperature is low.


    "Sokoke cat"


    The Sokoke wild has been little studied. It also, its domestication is relatively recent and the breed's population remains small. All this explains why there is little time to know the diseases to which this cat is especially exposed. But, the cat is known to be generally in good health.

    It is also known to withstand high temperatures very well, which is not surprising for an animal native to the rainforests of Kenya. But, it is also known to fear the cold, above all because does not have undercoat. But, can adapt to all climates, as long as you have constant access to a well-heated place where you can shelter in cold weather, so as not to catch a cold. This risk should not be taken lightly, since the coryza, the common cold, can have lifelong consequences. The risk is even higher for young and old cats, that are more fragile and, Therefore, more prone to colds.

    To adopt a Sokoke, it is essential to contact a serious breeder. This will give you the best chance of having a healthy kitten and keeping it that way.. In effect, a true professional takes the time to socialize little felines and monitor their health from a very young age. But, above all, as the genetic background of the breed is quite small, can also ensure that parents do not have a common ancestor to avoid inbreeding problems. You can also present a certificate of good health issued by a veterinarian, as well as the health or vaccination card containing the vaccines administered to the animal.

    Once the adoption is final, it is the owner's responsibility to take care of the health of his little companion throughout his life. In particular, should ensure that the pet receives a regular check-up by a veterinarian, to make sure everything is okay or, on the other hand, to diagnose any problems as soon as possible and to be able to react as best as possible. Once a year is the minimum, and it is better to go further when the animal gets older. It also, these appointments are also an opportunity to repeat the necessary vaccinations.

    It also, the owner must give his cat the necessary treatments throughout the year to ensure that he is always protected against parasites. This is even more important for an animal like him, who spends a good part of his time outside and who likes to climb trees.


    The Sokoke it's a low maintenance cat.

    This is especially true of their very short coat., that has no undercoat: a simple weekly brushing is enough to remove dead hair.

    It is also important to check your ears once a week and clean them with a damp cloth to remove any impurities., which could otherwise end up accumulating and becoming infected (ear infections, etc.).

    You should take the opportunity to check your eyes. If they are dirty, wiping the corners with a damp cloth will also reduce the risk of infection.

    Regular brushing of your pet's teeth is essential too. This should be done at least once a week, although the ideal is to do it daily. Otherwise, plaque builds up and turns into tartar. This can lead not only to bad breath, but also to more or less serious diseases.

    Last, you need to check the length of the cat's claws every month. If they get too long, there is a risk of injury, discomfort or breakage. Due to its high level of activity, this is not a problem, due to natural wear and tear. But, natural wear and tear may not be enough (for example, in the case of a less active and / or elderly person), and manual trimming may be required. In any case, even for an individual with free access to the outside, the presence of a scratching post (either inside or outside) is essential. This allows them to satisfy their essential need to scratch on an object designed for it., instead of using furniture or curtains, for example.

    Whether for the fur, the ears, the eyes, teeth or claws, the different treatments necessary for the care of the Sokoke are available to everyone. But, to avoid the risk of harming or injuring you - and traumatizing you at the same time- it's best to ask a vet or groomer for advice the first time. This will allow you to know the appropriate gestures to act safely and effectively.

    The best way to get this care to become, with the time, in a special moment between the owner and his pet, is getting used to it from a young age. It also, will appreciate these moments even more if they are sprinkled with cuddles and caresses, or even if they allow a little conversation, since he likes to talk a lot.


    In its natural state, the Sokoke spends most of the time in the trees, where he also hunts. Unlike their peers, does not eat birds or rodents, but insects like crickets, butterflies and flies. He then descends to ingest his weed loot.

    A domesticated individual needs the food provided by his master to satisfy his nutritional needs.. So, both quantitatively and qualitatively, must suit your age, your health and activity level.

    Quality industrial products usually fulfill this function perfectly.. But, it is not advisable to feed your dog human food, that is unlikely to meet your nutritional needs unless it has been carefully selected for this purpose. For this reason, Giving him table scraps or rummaging through the trash is rarely a good idea, especially since some foods popular with humans are toxic to cats. So, it is better to avoid these situations, and this from a very young age, to prevent you from developing bad habits.

    Last, the Sokoke, just like any other cat, you must have fresh water at all times.

    For sale "Sokoke cat"

    The Sokoke it is one of the rarest cat breeds in the world. Although it has spread to various regions far from its native Kenya, especially in Europe and North America, the number of breeders is still very limited. So, a person wishing to adopt a representative of this breed should not fear traveling many kilometers or having to wait several months.

    Even so, the price of a kitten Sokoke usually hovering between 1500 and 1800 EUR.

    But, when adopting a cat from abroad, It is important to note that transport costs and administrative costs are added to the price of the cat. It also, it is necessary, of course, find out about the legislation regarding the importation of animals and comply with it.

    whatever the country, the price charged can vary significantly depending on the reputation of the kennel, the lineage from which the animal originates and, above all, its intrinsic characteristics, especially when it comes to physical. This last point explains why there can be significant differences within the same litter..

    Videos "Sokoke cat"

    Alternative names:

    Sokoke Forest Cat, African Shorthair, khadzonzo or kadzonzo