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28 cm.. length and an approximate weight of 200 g..
The Yellow-bibbed Lory (Lorius chlorocercus) is the only member of the genus Lorius It found in the Solomon Islands Orientales. In flight it has a robust construction, with a distinctive tail short.
It has a hood black running from the top of the bill up to the nape; the rest of the head is bright red with a prominent patch black, Crescent-shaped, on one side of neck. The upperparts They are red; center of the mantle, dark red. The wings green with yellow light bronze glow, in particular coverts and tertiary.
internals flight feather and greater coverts, black; bend of wing with a white spot and sometimes showing blue below wing-coverts; the coverts are blue, black tip, with a reddish pink broadband in the Central, on the undersides of the primaries. axillary purple blue.
The underparts They are red with a prominent yellow necklace; the thighs blue. Top, of the tail, red with green tips; lower tail, red with yellow opaque tip.
The bill It is orange with dark base to lower jaw; Orange the irises; legs dark gray.
The immature They have yellow band chest and marks on the sides and virtually absent bill is brown.
The cap black, wings green and underparts red with a band in the chest yellow, you are distinguished from other sympatric species of similar size as the Cardinal Lory and the Coconut Lorikeet.
- Sound of the Yellow-bibbed Lory.
Found in the canopy of the forest and secondary growth at all altitudes up to 1.000 m. In Guadalcanal it is more common in foothills than in lowlands and more common in low cloud forest. Other islands also occasionally observed around coconut plantations. Usually moves individually, in pairs or in groups of up to ten birds. Ecology generally little known although presumably typical of the genus.
Little is known of its reproduction in the wild.
In captive, the setting is two eggs and incubation lasts and 25 days. The young remain in the nest during 8 to 10 weeks.
Its diet pollen compose, nectar, flowers and seeds.
Size of its range (reproduction / resident): 78.200 km2
endemic to the Solomon Islands Eastern on Savo, Guadalcanal, Malaita, Suavanao, Uki, San Cristóbal and Rennell. Quite common. World population 10.000 – 50, 000 specimens.
• Current IUCN Red List category: Least concern.
• Population trend: Stable.
Least concern – in the news quite common in the natural and abundant across most of its range.
Many species of birds in the Solomon Islands are vulnerable simply because of their small natural ranges, and the felling of forests for agriculture is a constant threat.
"Yellow-bibbed Lory" in captivity:
Before the Decade of 1990, the Yellow-bibbed Lory (Lorius chlorocercus) it was almost unknown in the United States and poultry farming, even then, a handful of birds were imported from the Solomon Islands. In 1998, a captive breeding consortium, call Solomon Island Parrot Consortium (SIPC), It was formed and received permission from the Government of the Solomon Islands and permissions of USFWS to import 30 pairs of each of the six species of parrots that are found in the Solomon Islands.
These 60 Yellow-bibbed Lory they were the first species imported under this permit. From these original 60 birds, now there are enough birds that are starting to appear as pets from time to time. They were first bred in United States in 1989, in the aviaries of Seattle by Jan van Oosteen, who is considered the force behind the obtaining of this group of 30 couples.
More information on –> birdchannel
Alternative names:
– Yellow-bibbed Lory, Yellow bibbed Lory (ingles).
– Lori à collier jaune (French).
– Grünschwanzlori (German).
– Lóris-de-colar-amarelo (Portuguese).
– Lori Acollarado, Tricogloso de Collar (español).

scientific classification:
– Order: Psittaciformes
– Family: Psittaculidae
– Scientific name: Lorius chlorocercus
– Genus: Lorius
– Citation: Gould, 1856
– Protonimo: Lorius chlorocercus
Images «Collared Lori»:
Videos "Yellow-bibbed Lory"
«Lori Acollarado» (Lorius chlorocercus)
– Avibase
– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife
– Photos:
1 – By Benjamint444 (Own work) [GFDL 1.2], via Wikimedia Commons
2 – Birds-pet-wallpapers – link
3 – By Benjamint444 (Own work) [GFDL 1.2], via Wikimedia Commons
4 – Young Yellow-bibbed lory feeding from spoon –
5 – Singapore Jurong Bird Park – jaxstumpes
– Sounds: Niels Krabbe (Xeno-canto)