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Blue-crowned hanging parrot
Loriculus galgulus

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Hanging Coroniazul



Of 13 cm.. length and 28 g. of weight.

The head of the Blue-crowned hanging parrot (Loriculus galgulus) is bright green with a patch dark blue in the center of the back of the crown. Upperparts Greens with patch orange-brown in the Centre of the the mantle, yellow band at the bottom of the rump and tail coverts scarlet. Wings Greens with vane inner to flight feather darker. Under the wing coats green, with the underside of the flight feather blue. Throat and top of the chest with a patch bright Scarlet, the rest of the underparts slightly of a green pale that the upperparts (and more yellowish on the flanks). Upper, the tail green; Blue below.

Bill black; irises dark brown, legs yellowish brown.

The females lack of the bib red, with the underparts yellowish green. The patch of the crown is much more off, and the the mantle Orange is less marked than in the male.

The young birds lack of the crown blue, they have only an orange wash on the the mantle and bill yellowish. Maturation takes from two to four years in young men, showing the throat Red as the first sign of plumage adult.


Birds have been observed spending the night on the Hill of Fraser’s Hill (Malaysia), which indicates that there is a certain night dispersion. Extralimitales records have also reached coastal islands. The species occurs from the lowlands up to around 1.300 m, lies in the Woods, river banks growing, mangroves, secondary growth, lightly wooded areas, bamboo clumps, orchards, inhabited areas and coconut trees. The birds frequent the canopy and medium height plants, travelling alone, in pairs or. outside the breeding season, in groups of up to 150 birds that invade fruit orchards.

The birds are moving forward with steps balanced through the vegetation with a comical air, using the peak to help upload, and tail as support. Like other hanging parrots, This species sleeping upside down and also uses rain water for bathing in the same position.


Video “Blue-crowned hanging parrot”

Blue-crowned hanging parrotBlue-crowned hanging parrot

The reproductive behavior you have registered between the months of January and August. When the courtship takes place, the male is shaking his head, cupping their red feathers, extending the tail, with the body upright, and making calls with a soft Twitter.

The nest It is built into the natural cavity in a tree, enlarged by birds, at a height between 5 and 12 meters above the ground.

The Nesting material It is cut by the female and taken to the nest in the contour feathers. The laying is three to four white eggs often dyed Brown. The female incubates the eggs for 20 days and the chicks leave the nest about 33 days after hatching.


It feeds on flowers, outbreaks, fruit, various seeds and nuts.


Ranges to South, about 10 ° Norte, on the peninsula of Thailand, through Malaysia and Singapore, distributed also in some surrounding islands, including the Anambas Islands, the archipelago of Riau and Batam. The species is widespread through Sumatra and can be seen in the islands of the coast including Tuangku, Nias, Pini, Batu, Siberut, Sipura, Enggano, and to the North of Bangka, Mendanau and Belitung. Is present in a habitat along of Borneo, and the coastal islands Labuan and Maratua. His presence at the end of Java Western, in the area Labuhan, It can be the result of leaks of birds; the population around Jakarta is certainly wild.



• Current IUCN Red List category: Least concern

• Population trend: Stable

The size of the world's population has not been quantified, but it is thought that it may be superior to 100.000 specimens without registration of captive birds. The species according to information, it is common and widespread in most of its range (pit et to the. 1997).

The population is suspected to be stable in the absence of evidence of any reduction or substantial threats.

"Blue-crowned hanging parrot" in captivity:

These birds are kept in poultry, both in United States as in all Europe. Your dietary needs predispose them to a series of infections if failure to observe stringent hygiene practices, which makes them difficult to keep in captivity. This is the main reason that this species is rare in poultry farming., and even rarer as a pet.

More information at loromania

Alternative names:

Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot, Blue crowned Hanging Parrot, Blue-crowned Hanging-Parrot, Blue-topped Hanging-parrot, Malay Hanging Parrot, Malay Lorikeet, Malaysian Hanging-Parrot (ingles).
Coryllis à tête bleue, Coryllis à calotte bleue, Coryllis de Malacca, Coryllis malais, Loricule à tête bleue, Loricule de Malacca, Loricule malais (French).
Blaukrönchen (German).
Loriculus galgulus (Portuguese).
Lorículo Azul, Lorículo Coroniazul (español).

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittaculidae
Genus: Loriculus
Scientific name: Loriculus galgulus
Citation: (Linnaeus, 1758)
Protonimo: Psittacus Galgulus

Images “Blue-crowned hanging parrot”:

Videos "Blue-crowned hanging parrot"


“Blue-crowned hanging parrot” (Loriculus galgulus)


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife


(1) – By Lip Kee Yap from Singapore, Republic of Singapore [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(2) – By Quartl (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(3) – By Art Bromage [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(4) – By Lip Kee Yap from Singapore, Republic of Singapore [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(5) – By Lip Kee Yap from Singapore, Republic of Singapore [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Sounds: Marc Anderson (Xeno-canto)

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