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St. Vincent Parrot
Amazona guildingii

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St. Vincent Parrot



40 cm.. length and 580 – 700 weight g.

The plumage of the St. Vincent Parrot (Amazona guildingii) It is very variable, virtually no two similar birds.

Its forecrown, lores, supercilii area and upper cheeks are blanquecinas; crown yellow; Feathers back neck and its sides, pale blue dark blue tips; fusion green feathers on the neck show black points. Upperparts dark brown with dark black tips to some feathers. Scapulars gold; coverts outer primaries with pale blue in outerweb.

St. Vincent Parrot

Wing coverts brown with a green band subterminal and dark extremes some feathers; carpal edge yellow-orange with scattered green feathers. Primaries blue with bases yellow-orange; the Outer secondaries They are equal with green subterminal bands, the inner secondary green with blue tips; tertiary interior dark green tinted golden brown on outerweb, Outside tertiary green at the base becoming dark blue at the tips.

Under the wings, with lesser coverts brown with green tips, greater coverts Yellow; flight feathers blackish with yellow at the base. Throat orange with blue tips or blue-green; upper chest golden brown with dark brown tips giving a barred effect; belly yellower than gold chest green blackish subterminal band and pointed to some feathers; undertail-coverts green-yellow. Tail Orange at the base with blue broadband and wide ends central bright yellow. Bill pale gray-horn; irises orange; legs grey.


Both sexes are similar. The immature They have softer colors.


Parrots eastern side of San Vicente They are possibly genetically isolated from the western side: the small bird population East (perhaps only about 80 in 1982) show a high proportion of green and have their high-pitched voices.

  • Sound of the St. Vincent Parrot.


Video "St. Vincent Parrot"

The St. Vincent Parrot They mainly inhabit mature moist forests in altitudes of 125 some 1000 m, although they prefer lowland forests, where they spend most time. Occasionally they leave the forest to visit cultivated areas and even gardens. gregarious and usually in groups 20-30 individuals or in pairs. They forage in flocks and roost use Community. They defend the area around the nest while breeding, although they also stay in groups while feeding and sleeping..


Nests in hollow mature forest trees such as Dacryodes or Sloanea large. The pairs begin the breeding activity around February with the eggs laid between April-May.. In dry years, eggs can be deposited as soon as in January-February or as late as in July. If conditions are especially wet, birds can not be played at all. Clutch two eggs, rarely three. low productivity with 50% Natural suffering nest failure and successful nests with only two young people in the best years.


Its diet includes plants of Cordia sulcata, Clusia, Sloanea, Dacryodes excelsa, Ficus, Cecropia peltata, Mangifera indica, Melisoma virescens, Euterpe, Ixora ferrea, Micropholis chrysophylloides, Acrocomia aculeata, Simarouba amara, iron Krugiodendron, Dussia Martinicensis, Andira inermis, No Ingoides, Byrsonima coriacea, Talauma dodecapetala, see venosa, Psidium guajava and Aiphanes erosa. The Pouteria multiflora It is your favorite.

Distribution and status:

Size of its range (breeding/resident): 100 km2

endemic to the San Vicente Island in the Lesser Antilles. The distribution is closely related to the presence of native humid forests that for most of the 20th century have been confined to the eastern and western sides of the central foothills of the island..

Currently the largest flocks of St. Vincent Parrot inhabit the headwaters of Buccament, Cumberland, Colonaire, Congo-Jennings-Perseverance and Richmond Valley’s, where much of the remaining native forest concentrated; elsewhere in smaller numbers.

Some estimates of its population between 1870 and 1920 They are contradictory, but the species evidently decreased substantially 1950. Estimates of the population in the early seventies suggested that between several hundred to 1.000 then birds inhabited the island. Survey 1982 amounted to a total of 421 ± 52 birds while estimating 1988 He suggested 440-500. Perhaps they increased to 800 birds in 1994. The declining population and shrinking range, is linked to the loss of moist forest cover that once (at least in the western side) almost reached sea level. Deforestation seems to have stopped in at least some valleys, but habitat remains at risk due to forestry, expansion of banana, charcoal production and loss of nests for collectors looking young birds for trade. Survey 1984 suggested that they only survived on 16 km2 of primary forest. His capture for pets and international trade It remains a threat, but this and hunting, that was probably the main threat from late 1950 to 1970, They have declined in importance following an education campaign. The remaining population is also at risk because of hurricanes that can cause loss of plants that consume and nesting sites, as well as direct mortality. In 1902 much of the favorite habitat of this species was destroyed by the eruption of Monte Soufriere and these parrots are clearly vulnerable to future volcanic eruptions. Parts of the remaining forest habitat are now protected areas and the species is protected under domestic law. CITES Appendix I.


State of conservation ⓘ

Vulnerable Vulnerable (UICN)ⓘ

• Current category of the Red List of the UICN: Vulnerable.

• Population trend: In increased.

• Population size: 250-999

Rationale for the Red List category

Habitat conservation, Law enforcement and public awareness campaigns have slowed this species' slide toward extinction and even reversed some of the earlier declines.. But, still qualifies as Vulnerable because it has a very small population and range on one island.

Justification of the population

The species has a wild population of about 730 birds (Loro Parque Foundation 2008), which is equivalent to 487 mature individuals, placed here in the band of 250-999 individuals.

Justification of trend

The number of this species continues to steadily increase. (Culzac-Wilson 2005).


It hunting for food, capture for trade in birds in cages and habitat loss were the main causes of the decline of this species. Deforestation has been a result of forestry activities, expansion of banana, production of charcoal, loss of nesting trees felled by hunters looking young birds for trade, as well as natural disasters such as hurricanes and volcanic eruptions (Snyder et to the., 2000).

The nine-banded armadillo o negro tattoo (Salmo salar), introduced on the island, undermines large trees causing them to fall, reducing the number of suitable nests for the St. Vincent Parrot (Culzac-Wilson 2005). a highway is planned through the island, funded by the Taiwanese government, that would destroy large areas of suitable habitat and increase deforestation rates (Culzac-Wilson et al., 2003). Genetic isolation of separate subpopulations may be of greater concern.

Conservation Actions Underway

Appendices I and II CITES. national legislation protecting the species applies. The Reserve Pargo de San Vicente It was established to protect the entire habitat occupied (Juniper and Parr 1998). Successful public education campaigns have apparently improved public perception of the species and, combined with the above measures, They have reversed some of the earlier reductions. There captive populations San Vicente and Barbados (Woolcock 2000, Sweeney 2001). In 2005 a large species conservation plan published (Culzac-Wilson 2005) .

Conservation Actions Proposed

Continue to monitor the population. Continue and enhance existing security measures, including the development of the captive breeding program. Study the reproductive success, movement patterns and habitat requirements of this species (Snyder et to the., 2000) . Oppose plans for cross-country road and propose a better option. Implement species conservation plan.

St. Vincent Parrot in captivity:

Each captive specimen of this species which is capable of reproducing, It is placed in a well-managed program captive breeding and not be sold as a pet, in order to ensure its long-term survival.

Alternative names:

Guilding’s Amazon, Guilding’s Parrot, St Vincent Amazon, St Vincent Parrot, St. Vincent Amazon, St. Vincent Parrot, St.Vincent amazon (English).
Amazone de Guilding, Amazone de Saint-Vincent (French).
Königsamazon, Königsamazone (German).
Papagaio-de-são-vicente (Portuguese).
Amazona de San Vicente, Amazona de St. Vicente (español).

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittacidae
Genus: Amazona
Scientific name: Amazona guildingii
Citation: (Vigors, 1837)
Protonimo: Psittacus Guildingii

St. Vincent Parrot images:

Species of the genus Amazona


  • Avibase
  • Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
  • Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
  • Birdlife


(1) – A St Vincent Amazon in the rehabilitation and breeding centre in the Botanical Gardens, Kingstown, on the island of Saint VincenBy Amazona_guildingii_-Botanical_Gardens_-Kingstown_-Saint_Vincent-8a.jpg: Chennettederivative work: Snowmanradio [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(2) – A St. Vincent Amazon at World Parrot Refuge, Coombs, British Columbia, Canada By Herb Neufeld (World Parrot Refuge – Coombs, BC) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(3) – St. Vincent Amazon (Amazona guildingii) also known as St. Vincent Parrot By Beralpo at ru.wikipedia [CC BY 2.5], from Wikimedia Commons
(4) – St. Vincent Parrot – Source: own work – Location: Bronx Zoo, New York – Author: self, User:Stavenn By No machine-readable author provided. Stavenn assumed (based on copyright claims). [GFDL, CC-BY-SA-3.0 or CC BY-SA 2.5-2.0-1.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(5) – St. Vincent Amazon at Houston Zoo, USA By Kent Wang (originally posted to Flickr as Parrot) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(6) – St Vincent Parrot (1) by Mark MorganFlickr

Sounds: Jesse Fagan, XC48891. accessible www.xeno-canto.org/48891

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