The 33 species Amazona of the family parrots (Psittacidae), whose range covers most of South America until Central America and islands of Caribbean.
Medium to large, stocky appearance, predominantly green, with accent colors that depend on the species and can be quite alive, tail short, slightly rounded, wings broad and rounded; the dark edge of their feathers produces the aspect barred in most species; Little or nothing sexual dimorphism; the youth duller colors than those of adults.
With feed mainly seed, nuts and fruit, supplemented by leafy matter.
Most of the habitats of the Amazona They are arboreal. They are seen in pairs and in small and large flocks; They form large communal meetings at night cabins; noisy and very visible; they have a flight distinctive fast with rapid and shallow wing beats below the level of the body; It is the most widespread and familiar of the Neotropical parrots.
Many amazon parrots they have a remarkable ability to imitate human speech and other sounds. In part because of this, are popular as pets or companion animals, and a small industry has developed in captive parrot breeding for this market. This popularity has led many parrots of this kind to be caught in their natural environment, thereby causing the decline of their populations, and even the danger of extinction for some species. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora has done illegal capture of parrots wild for the pet trade in an attempt to help protect wild populations.
1Orange-winged Parrot
Contenido Descripción Amazona Alinaranja De 33 to 36 cm.. height can weigh between 350 gr y 450 gr. Orange-winged Parrot (Amazona amazonica) is distinguishable by having the …
2Blue cheeked Parrot
Contenido Características físicas 34 to 37 cm.. height and between 480 and 600g. weight. Amazon-fronted Parrotlet (Amazona dufresniana) es fácilmente identificable por el parche naranja con amarillo …
3Red-spectacled Parrot
Unknown until years 80, when a few arrived in Europe Content Description: 32 cm.. length and 295 g. of weight. The Amazona Charao (Amazona pretrei) has the front, …
4Red-tailed Parrot
Content Description: 37 cm.. length and 430 g. of weight. The Amazona Redstart (Amazona brasiliensis) It has front, front of the crown and lores, red; plumas rojas posteriores …
5Red-browed Parrot
Content Description: 35-40 cm.. length and 450-650 g. of weight. The Amazona Coronirroja (Amazona rhodocorytha) It has the front and front of the crown, bright red; part …
6Cuban Parrot
Content Description: 28-33 cm.. length and 260-301 g. of weight. The Cuban Amazona (Amazona leucocephala) It has a quite variable plumage, con un color principal que va desde el verde …
7Yellow-shouldered Parrot
Content Description: 33 to 36 cm.. height and an average weight of 270 g. The Amazona shoulder gualda (Amazona barbadensis) It has a short tail, yellow head, algunas con …
8Kawall's Parrot
Content Description: 35-36 cm.. length. La Amazona Kawall (Amazona kawalli) after not having been recorded in the wild for a few 70 years, fue redescubierta en la década …
9Hispaniolan Parrot
Content Description: 28-31 cm.. length and 250 g. of weight. The Amazon of the Spanish (Amazona ventralis) It has the forehead and lores white (variable extension); …
10St. Vincent Parrot
Content Description: 40 cm.. length and 580 – 700 weight g. Amazona plumage St. Vincent (Amazona guildingii) It is very variable, prácticamente no hay dos …
11Saint Lucia amazon
Content Description: 43 cm.. length and 700-800 g. of weight. La Amazona de Santa Lucía (Amazona versicolor) has the Lords, cheeks and forehead, bright blue; crown, coverts …
12Tres Marias Parrot
Content Description: 38-40 cm.. length and 580-650 g. of weight. The Amazona of Tres Marias (Amazona tresmariae) has head and throat yellow. Las partes superiores son de …
13Diademed Parrot
Content Description: 31–35 cm. length and 450-550 g. of weight. The Amazona diadem (Amazona Diadema) It is generally green, with black edges to the feathers of crown, …
14Festive Parrot
Content Description 38-41 cm.. tall and 370g. weight. The Amazona Festiva (Amazona festiva) tiene las mejillas y lados del cuello de color verde con fuerte difusión azul; lores …
15White-fronted Parrot
Content Description: 22 to 26 cm.. length. The Amazona Frentialba (Amazona albifrons) It has white front; lores, mejillas superiores y anillo de plumas alrededor de ojos, red; …
16Blue fronted Parrot
Content Description 33-39 cm.. height and weight around the 450 and 550 g.. Amazon Frentiazul (Amazona aestiva) is distinguished by yellow head, con azul verdoso en …
17Red-lored Amazon
Content Description: 35,5 to 38,1 cm.. height and between 314 and 485g. weight. The Amazona lored (Amazona autumnalis) is distinguished by its red front; Green with edge lilac …
18Red-necked Parrot
Content Description: 40 cm.. length and 650 g. of weight. The Amazona gorjirroja (Amazona arausiaca) has the Lords, forecrown, front crown, área orbital y mejillas superiores, of …
19Lilac-crowned Parrot
Content Description: 33 cm from head to tail and weighs on average 310 g.. The Amazona Guayabera (Amazona finschi) It has the forehead and upper lores, red off; …
20Mealy Amazon
Contenido Descripción Amazona Alinaranja 38 to 46 cm.. height and between 705 and 766g weight. La Amazona Harinosa es distinguible por su gran tamaño y el colorido verde …
21Northern Mealy Parrot
Content Description: 38 cm.. length and 705-766 g. of weight. The Amazona northern mealy (Amazona guatemalae) is a large parrot, mainly green, con un gran anillo orbital de color …
22Southern Mealy Parrot
Content Description: 38 to 45 cm.. from head to tail and 535 to 766 weight g. The Amazon mealy southern (Amazona farinosa) It is the fifth in size among the …
23Imperial Parrot
Content Description: the genus Amazona largest, measuring up 45 cm.. length. The Imperial Amazona (Amazona imperialis) It has lords and forehead, deep purple; cheeks …
24Yellow-billed Parrot
Content Description: 28 cm.. length and 260 g. of weight. The Jamaican Amazona Piquiclara (Amazona collaria) It has a distinctive narrow band on the forehead white; Lords and …
25Black-billed Parrot
Content Description: 25 cm.. length and 178 g. of weight. The Jamaican Amazona Piquioscura (Amazona agilis) It is the smallest of the Amazon parrots, y es una de las …
26Scaly-naped Amazon
Content Description 33 to 38 cm.. tall and 300 g. of weight. The Amazona Mercenary (Amazona mercenarius) it is the only amazon in mountainous areas. General coloring green, with the …
27Yellow-naped Parrot
Content Description: 35,5-38 cm.. length and 480 g. of weight. The Amazona nuquigualda (Amazona auropalliata) It has a large size; his forehead and front of the crown, by what …
28Puerto Rican Parrot
Content Description: 29 cm.. length and 320 g. of weight. Puerto Rican Amazon (Amazona vittata) It has the front and Lords, red; resto de la cabeza y …
29Yellow-crowned Parrot
Content Description 35 to 41 cm.. height and between 380 and 500 g. of weight. The Amazona Real (Amazona ochrocephala) It has the front and front area of ​​the crown, …
30Red-crowned Parrot
Content Description: 30.5-33 cm.. length and 294 g. of weight. The Amazona Tamaulipeca (Amazona viridigenalis) has the Lords, front and crown, bright red, con márgenes laterales en …
31Tucuman Parrot
Content Description: 31 cm.. length. The Amazona Tucumana (Amazona tucumana) It is mostly green, with black borders on pens, dando al conjunto un aspecto …
32Vinaceous Parrot
Content Description: 30 cm.. length and an approximate weight of 370 g.. La Amazona vinos (Amazona vinacea) tiene los lores y frente de color rojo brillante; cheeks and Crown …
33Yellow-lored Parrot
Content Description: 25-28 cm.. length and 200-232 g. of weight. The Amazona Yucateca (Amazona xantholora) Lords and has a narrow frontal band, bright yellow; the largest …
34Yellow-headed Parrot
Content Description: 35-38 cm long weighing up 500 g.. Yellow-headed Parrot (Amazona oratrix) tiene cabeza y nuca de color amarillo brillante; lados del cuello a …