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25 cm.. height.
The Red-eared Parakeet (Pyrrhura hoematotis) It is distinguishable by the Brown of the forecrown with edges bluish to them feathers; cheeks green; crown and feathers of nape Green with tips more pale and yellowish. The upperparts green. Primary coverts and maybe some feathers in the area of the carpus, blue; other coverts green. Primaries Blue with black tips. Under wings with the lesser coverts green, the others coverts black. Throat and chest Brown olive with tones dark; margins to some feathers create a pattern squamous; sides neck also with effect squamous; belly and undertail-coverts Green with a patch Brown mal-definido in the center of the belly. Upper, the tail of color brown with tips from color olive; undertail, of color copper. Bill of color bone pink; Iris and legs brown.
Both of them sexes are similar. Immature not described.
- Sound of the Red-eared Parakeet.
Description 2 subspecies:
Pyrrhura hoematotis hoematotis
(Souance, 1857) – Nominal.
Pyrrhura hoematotis immarginata
(Zimmer & Phelps, 1944) – It has a narrow red line above the bill. What nominal but chest and sides of neck more green and with a pickling less obvious. Not there are tips yellowish in the feathers of the crown and nape.
They inhabit in montane and cloud forests with open areas and trees of low dispersion, often at the edge or in clear, mainly in altitudes of 1.000-2.000 m, Although there are report of the species at altitudes between 600 and 2.400 m. It is estimated that he performs altitudinal migrations. Gregaria, mainly seen in groups of 3-12 outside the breeding season, rarely in flocks of up to 100 individuals.
Probably it breeding season be in the month of August (rainy season).
Poorly documented diet and breeding: the food known include guava (Psidium) and petioles some leafy trees, possibly to extract larvae of insects.
Size of the area of distribution (reproduction / resident): 14.300 km2
To the Red-eared Parakeet is known only in the coastal mountains north of Venezuela, with the westernmost record observed in Cubiro, Lara, the eastern-most in Miranda. But, Most of the records are from Aragua in Miranda; Cubiro is in fact the only known site in Lara and the population there is apparently discontinuous (subspecies Pyrrhura hoematotis immarginata). Diurnal movements occur from the mountains of the Highlands until the lowest feeding areas; also apparently some local seasonal movements guided by the availability of food.
Fairly common in most of its more restricted range and especially numerous in the Henri Pittier National Park; its status in Lara It is unknown. Much habitat right remains within the range outside the areas protected, and there is a rate of deforestation relatively low, but with constant habitat loss around Cubiro.
Absent or very rare in captivity.
Distribution 2 subspecies:
Pyrrhura hoematotis hoematotis
(Souance, 1857) – Nominal. Of Aragua to Miranda including Federal District.
Pyrrhura hoematotis immarginata
• Current category of the Red List of the UICN: Least concern.
• Population trend: Decreasing.
Justification of the population
The size of the world population It has not been quantified, but this species is described as «quite common» (Stotz et to the., 1996).
Justification of trend
It is suspected that the population is in decline due to ongoing habitat destruction.
"Red-eared Parakeet" in captivity:
Absent or very rare in captivity.
Alternative names:
– Red-eared Parakeet, Blood-eared Conure, Blood-eared Parakeet, Red eared Parakeet, Red-eared Conure (English).
– Conure à oreillons, Perriche à oreillons, Perruche à oreillons rouges (French).
– Blutohrsittich, Blutohr-Sittich (German).
– Tiriba-de-orelha-vermelha (Portuguese).
– Cotorra Colirroja, Perico de Cuello Rojo (español).
– Perico Cola Roja (Venezuela).
scientific classification:
– Order: Psittaciformes
– Family: Psittacidae
– Genus: Pyrrhura
– Scientific name: Pyrrhura hoematotis
– Citation: Souancé, 1857
– Protonimo: Pyrrhura hoematotis
Red-eared Parakeet images:
Red-eared Parakeet (Pyrrhura hoematotis)
- Avibase
- Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
- Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
- Birdlife
- Parrot Book, Parrots and macaws Neotropical
(1) – Venezuelan endemic Red-eared Parakeet (Pyrrhura hoematotis) photographed in captivity in Mérida, Venezuela By (Own work) [CC BY 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(2) – Perico tail Red [Blood-eared Parakeet] (Pyrrhura hoematotis hoematotis) Place: The deer, Park national the Avila by barloventomagico – Flickr
(3) – Bando of parrots parakeet place: The deer, Park national Guaraira Repano by barloventomagico – Flickr
(4) – Pyrrhura hoematotis by Diana register – Flickr
(5) – Pyrrhura hoematotis by Diana register – Flickr
(6) – Iconographie des perroquets: Paris :P. Bertrand,1857 by Biodiversity Heritage Library – Flickr
- Sounds: (Xeno-canto)