▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Korat cat
Federations: LOOF, CFA, ACF, ACFA, TICA, FIFé, WCF

Known as a good luck messenger in his native Thailand, the Korat cat has always been a very popular wedding gift. This tradition continues today.



Characteristics "Korat cat"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Korat cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Activity level

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to other pets

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to children

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Grooming requirements

1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for attention

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection towards its owners

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


The Korat is originally from Siam (current Thailand) and is one of the oldest breeds of domestic cats.

The first references appear in the Tamra Maew, or “Cat Poems Book”, a manuscript written in the city of Ayutthaya between 1350 (when the kingdom of Siam was founded) and 1767 (when the city was sacked by the Burmese invaders). At the end of the 19th century, King Rama V (1869-1910) asked the monk Somdej Phra Buddhacharm Buddhasarmathera to reproduce this text on paper Khoi, version kept in the National Library in Bangkok.

This work describes 17 cats that bring good luck to their masters, and other 6 that bring bad luck. The Korat cat It is one of the most valued lucky cats in the country., and many traditions are associated with it; for example, it is given to brides as a guarantee of a happy marriage, and usually appears in ceremonies to attract rain for the cultivation of rice. Apparently, at that time, the Korat was a “village cat”, unlike in the Siamese cat, which was mainly adopted by the nobility of the kingdom of Siam.

The first Korats appeared in Great Britain in the late 19th century and are mentioned in the Book of Cats published in 1903 by Frances Simpson, Judge and feline historian. They were shown at feline shows as “blue siamese”, but this did not convince the judges, They had a different perception of Siamese. As a result, they were unsuccessful and disappeared from the country at the beginning of the 20th century.

But, the Korat returned to the western world in 1959, When Jean Johnson brought to the United States a couple of Korats (Nara and Darra) that her Foreign Service colleagues gave her husband when he left Thailand. Based in Oregon, his kennel Cedar Glen then imported other specimens at the beginning of the years 60 and was the first in the West to start a breeding program for Korat. Not in vain, the breed was officially recognized in 1966 by the CFA (Cat Fanciers’ Association), the main feline organization in the country.

The Korats they returned to the UK (and to europe) in 1972, and the first copies appeared in France in 1979. The recognition of the race by the TICA (International Cat Association) arrived that same year, and the FiFé (International Cat Federation) did the same the following year, in 1980.

Although today it is recognized by the vast majority of organizations, the Korat still a rare breed of cat in the western world. In United States, appears in the last positions of the breed classification according to the number of annual registrations in the CFA, and it hardly does any better in the UK, with less than a hundred individuals enrolled annually in the GCCF – a figure that also tends to decrease year after year. In France, the records in the Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF) were almost non-existent until 2010, but since 2013 some are registered 50 kittens a year.

Physical characteristics

Korat Yog-Hurt’s Atlach-Nacha at Turok Cat Show – Yog-Hurt's_Atlach-Nacha_at_Turok_Cat_Show.JPG: HeikkisiltalaGIC_Lucky_Uffe_at_cat_show_Hyvinkää.JPG: Heikkisiltaladerivative work: Abujoy, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Korat it is a medium size cat, semilineal, with a medium-length tail that tapers to the tip. His powerful and muscular body makes him heavier than he seems, especially when fully grown, around the 3 years. But, this does not prevent him from being an agile cat.

Its head looks quite unusual: seen from the front, it has a heart shape, with ears large, round tip and high implantation. Their eyes large, round and expressive look oversized for your head, but they retain the typical inclination “Eastern” when they are closed or half closed. Kittens usually have yellow-amber eyes, but they turn green when they mature.

The fur it's short to medium, without Undercoat. Fine and closed, tends to bristle on the back when in motion. The coat is a uniform silvery blue color, no shading, marks or stains. The coat is glossier at the root, then tints to a darker blue and ends with a pronounced silver sheen. In the extremities of the body, where the hair is shorter, this silver glow is more intense.

The sexual dimorphism is moderately marked, the female being slightly smaller than the male.

Size and weight

  • Male size: 22 – 28 cm.
  • female size: 20 – 26 cm.
  • Male weight: 3,5 – 4,5 kg
  • female weight: 2,5 – 4 kg


In the Korat a recessive gene has appeared that can cause the silvery-blue color to fade, so it is not uncommon for kittens to be born with a purple-lilac color. This unrecognized variety is known as thai lilac.

Character and skills

Sitting female Korat cat with typical bulbous green eyes and blue sheen – Heikkisiltala, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
gentle and affectionate, the Korat he is unfailingly loyal to his master, whose company constantly seeks. He likes pampering, and spends most of the time near him to receive caresses and attention. It is not a breed of cat that easily supports loneliness: he does not like to stay home without his family, and if you have to stay there too long and too often, he runs the risk of shutting down and losing his usual affection.

The Korat it is also a breed of cat that adapts to children, appreciating playing with them and spending time with them. On the other hand, does not seek the company of other cats: between their fellow humans and the humans in their family, your preference is quite found. Its calm character makes it normally tolerate the presence of other cats or dogs accustomed to cats in its territory without problems., as long as it remains the main focus of its owner's attention. On the other hand, coexistence with birds or small rodents is not recommended.

Lively and playful, likes to chase a ball or chase paper balls thrown by their owner. But, no matter how active it is, he is not the destructive type and is perfectly comfortable in a flat without going out as long as his family takes the time to play with him.

By the way, noise and commotion are not for him either. Although they can tolerate the noise of a television or computer, they are likely to be startled by a loud ringing phone or if a family member starts listening to loud music.

It is a very intelligent and docile cat, that can be trained relatively easily and that respects, for example, the places that are forbidden, like the dining room table, the kitchen or the clothes closet. Last, the Korat it's not very noisy. Instead of meowing, often chooses to attract attention by rubbing around the paws or nibbling on the balls of the feet. But, they don't shut up: if they think they have something important to say, they do not hesitate to do it.

In short, its qualities and characteristics combine to make it a suitable breed as a first cat for someone with sufficient availability, but that will also delight an experienced owner.

Grooming and caring for the "Korat cat"

When it comes to coat care, cats Korat they do not have any complications. Their short coat, fine and silky does not require any special care. Regular brushing with a soft brush or comb is sufficient. The silver gray cloak with its silver hair tips has no undercoat, so it only needs to be brushed more frequently during the coat change season. However, it is worth brushing the Korat regularly, since this affectionate cat enjoys any kind of attention.

Being a house cat that does not explore the outside much, even when you have free access to it, it doesn't get very dirty, so it is generally not necessary to bathe him.

Indoor or outdoor cat?

Like al European shorthair cat (Common european cat), to the cats Korat they love to be outdoors and roam. So, it is perfect if you live in a rural area and you can grant them free access. It is possible to keep them only inside. If you are willing to spend a lot of time with your new housemate and can offer them a safe garden or at least a safe outside area, the Korat you will feel comfortable even without access to the outside.

How much activity does he need? "Korat cat"?

Purebred cats are very active cats that need adequate exercise and opportunities to climb and, If it is possible, access to the outside. But even if you can give them free access, love getting attention and are reluctant to stop playing and snuggling together. Basically, if you have a Korat at home, you will discover that he likes to be with you in everything you do and seeks your closeness. Ideally, allow the Korat have a partner of your own, so that in case of doubt, always have a playmate available.

Health and nutrition

Korat breed cat family – fr:User:Epita, Max BOUCHE for the KORAT CLUB DE FRANCE, CC BY 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons
The Korat it is a robust cat breed, but it can be affected by certain health problems, starting by :

  • The gangliosidosis, an inherited disease that attacks the nervous system and causes paralysis. Can be detected by a parent and / or kitten test, but any Korat breeder worthy of this name is in charge of eliminating this risk by discarding any carrier individual from reproduction.;
  • the Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (CMH), a syndrome that makes it difficult for the heart to circulate blood, with potentially very serious consequences for the key.

It also, the Korat appears to be more sensitive than other breeds to certain vaccines. So, it is advisable to ensure that the vet, when taking care of cat vaccinations, know this particularity of the Korat and take all necessary precautions.

Life expectancy

Of 12 to 15 years


Not so difficult, the Korat can be fed with cat food from the market, which are croquettes or paté boxes. But, it is necessary to ensure the quality of the feed, which should provide you with all the essential nutrients for your good health.

like most cats, the Korat is capable of self-regulation, and you can thus permanently leave food at your disposal – at the same time as fresh water – without rushing over her like a hungry man. But, care must be taken that the daily ration given is reasonable, to avoid the risk of the cat becoming overweight or obese, which can cause various diseases and health problems. If required, do not hesitate to consult a veterinarian to choose a suitable diet, depending on the cat's lifestyle.

For sale "Korat cat"

The price of a kitten Korat often haunt them 1.400 EUR. There is no significant price difference between a male and female kitten.

As the number of breeders of Korat is relatively small, you will have to be prepared for waiting times. But the wait is worth it, because Korat cats are robust cats that are not affected by overbreeding and convince with their character.

Videos "Korat cat"

Cute Korat Cat Meowing - Adorable Grey Korat Kittens Purring

Jake The Korat Makes The Purr-fect Therapy Cat | Cats 101

Alternative names:

  • Si sawat
  • The goal
  • Khorat
  • Maeo Dok-Lao
  • Bluish gray cat
  • Lucky cat

  • ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Jungala Ocicat cat
    Federations: CATZ



    Most people have heard of or seen cats. Ocicats, but you never hear about classic “Jungala”. An image of one may not be found on a website, that farmers are allowed to breed with them, However, they may not exhibit them. There are three additional variants in the breed Ocicat, the classic “Jungala,”, the classic tabby Ocicat which in New Zealand is called a cat Jungala, as well as the name of the race of the Ocicat cat (‘Oci‘), It is derived from the name of the cat of Ocelot, a Central American cat “Wild” or a cat “jungle”, the new name in Spain to the “Jungala”, It is also taken from the Sanskrit word meaning “the jungle”.

    "Jungala Ocicat cat"

    This breed was achieved by crossing a mixture of the Abyssinian cat, the Siamese cat and of the American shorthair cat. As such, is a home race, that was selectively bred to emulate the ocelot is found in nature, while retaining the friendly disposition of domestic.

    In New Zealand, the first cats Jungala were registered by the Karakakat kennel, with CATZ Incorporated, who recognized the Jungala cat as an independent breed with full championship status in August 2001.

    Physical characteristics

    The so-called “Jungala” is a Ocicat cat without stains. Or more specifically, a cat with genetics Ocicat that express only one pattern Tabby Classic. The conformation and personality type are exactly the same as an Ocicat, but the pattern should conform to that of the classic brindle model of the American shorthair cat

    "Jungala Ocicat cat"

    The Oci-Classic has a large bullseye circle on each side of the torso broadly defined with a beautiful color contrast. Their stomachs are also marked with spots. The spotted kittens are very nice, the classical coloring is awesome, with a luxurious and exceptional velvety color, an authentic and unusual color combination. Are highly prized for its stunning beauty. This pattern is especially striking when viewed on a Tabby Silver, where the silver under light allows a strong contrast with the marks of the final layer color depth.

    Character and skills

    The Jungala cat, just like their counterparts Ocicat, they are very sociable and somewhat similar to dogs in their devotion for the people. They are bright, easily manageable and often are outgoing, even with strangers. As such, they are an ideal cat for households where there are other pets and children.

    Source: catzinc.org

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Karelian Bobtail
    Federations: WCF



    The Karelian Bobtail is a Russian cat breed originating from the Republic of Karelia, on the Finnish border. It appeared naturally at least 200 years on the islands of Lake Ladoga, and has not undergone many human modifications.

    It is probable that the race had a link in its history with the Norwegian Forest Cat , a Scandinavian breed that also has a natural origin. But, to date there are no DNA studies that demonstrate this relationship. Specialists have also long linked the Karelian Bobtail with the Kurilian Bobtail, a feline breed also Russian but originally from the Kuril Islands, located near the coast of Japan. But, science has since established that these natural races, both with short tail and, in fact, with many physical and psychological similarities, they are actually completely different.

    The Karelian Bobtail He was highly appreciated by the inhabitants of his native region not only for his great ability to hunt vermin, but also because, according to an old legend, owning a cat without a tail or with an especially short tail brought good luck to its owner.

    This morphological peculiarity is the result of a genetic mutation that occurred naturally in cats that live on the islands of Lake Ladoga.. It is transmitted spontaneously from generation to generation and is different from Kurilian Bobtail. In the Kurilian Bobtail, the gene is dominant: it is only necessary that one of the two parents transmit it for the kittens to be carriers. On the other hand, in the Karelian it is a recessive gene, which means that both parents must have a short tail for the kitten to inherit this characteristic.

    It was in the years 80 when felinologists from present-day Saint Petersburg, members of the commission of the Kotofey KLK, a major Russian feline association, first became interested in the breed in detail and accurately described it.

    The first standard was drawn up by them in 1987, based on the breeder's cats Liliya Dvoryaninovich. I had some 15 short tailed cats, descendants of parents found on the north shore of Lake Ladoga.

    The breed was first recognized in Russia in 1990 by the Sovetskaya Felinologicheskaya Federatsiya (SFF), a Russian organization that no longer exists. He made his first appearance at a feline show at 1993, specifically at the Eurasia Intercontinental Exhibition, in Yekaterinburg. The Kotofey KLK registered the first representatives in 1994.

    Karelian Bobtail
    Karelian Bobtail
    – Lovely-dogs

    But, not much has changed since then in terms of breed recognition, which is still limited to its country of origin. These may include, nor international organizations such as the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé) o The International Cat Association (TICA), nor national structures like the American Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA), el British Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), el Official Book of Feline Origins (LOOF) inglés o the Canadian Cat Association (CCA) they recognize the breed. Still unknown outside of Russia, the Karelian Bobtail is very underrepresented around the world.

    Even in russia, their number is very small. Various attempts have been made by enthusiasts to develop the breed and increase its numbers., but so far they have not been successful. The most important program was developed by the Kotofey KLK in 2012, but it quickly reached its limits as the organization does not allow any crossbreeding with other breeds. Thus, it is difficult to create a sufficient population to guarantee a bright future for the Karelian. Even if you go into the wild to find animals in your home region, is not enough. But, it must be taken into account that a large part of the population of the breed - in fact, the majority- live in nature and, Therefore, is not included in the statistics.

    The number of farms Karelian Bobtail It is very small. Most of them are located in the territories near St. Petersburg, but there are also a handful in other cities (Medvezhyegorsk, Kirov, Petrozavodsk…).

    Physical characteristics

    Karelian Bobtail

    His admirers often compare him to Karelian Bobtail with a little lynx, for its lack of a tail and its large hind legs. Hind legs are much larger than front legs, but they are all strong and very powerful.

    Although it is a fairly standard size, it is much more massive and heavier than it seems. Built around a medium, muscular chest, has a compact overall look, without looking too beefy.

    The tail It is one of the most outstanding characteristics of the breed., and their exact appearance differs greatly from one individual to another. It is in all cases very short, measuring just over 4 to 13 cm.: a totally absent or longer tail than 13 cm is not accepted in the breed standard. Whatever its size, the fur is longer at this point, giving the appearance of a pompom. On the other hand, may be completely straight or have breaks.

    This uniqueness in the size of the tail is the result of a genetic mutation, and the gene that causes it is recessive. This means that both parents must have a short tail for the kittens to be short..

    The head of the Karelian Bobtail it is medium in size and triangular in shape. Its forecrown and their cheeks they are flat, and your nose it is rather long and straight. The ears are large and are located on the top of the head. Their tips are slightly rounded. Their eyes they are almond shaped, medium in size and its color generally corresponds to that of the coat. The most common colors are green and yellow.

    The fur of the Karelian Bobtail it consists of a very thick double layer of hair, that protects you from inclement weather. It can be short or long, but in any case it must be dense, bright and smooth. All colors are accepted except tan, chocolate, leonado, lila y colourpoint. The most observed colors are white, the black, blue and blue-cream. The coat can be bicolor, tricolor or brindle, and in many individuals it has silver and gold reflections.

    Last, this breed is marked by a certain sexual dimorphism, since females are mostly smaller and lighter than males. Regardless of your gender, pups take a long time to grow, since they only reach full physical maturity around the 5 years.

    Size and weight

  • Size: 30 cm.
  • Weight: Of 3 to 5 kg

  • Variations

    The Karelian Bobtail it comes in two varieties: short-haired and long-haired individuals. Apart from the length of its fur, there is no physical or psychological difference between them.

    Character and skills

    The Karelian Bobtail he is a smart cat, sociable and curious. They love spending time with their family members and enjoy being around them, proving that they fit well in any home. Often tends to favor a specific person to whom he is especially attached, but this does not mean that I turn my back on others.

    Its playful temperament and its marked taste for interaction make it a recommended breed of cat for a child.. As long as you know how to behave in a respectful way with the child, you both can spend hours having fun together. But, it is important to remember that, for the safety of both, a young child should never be left unattended with a cat. It is a matter of safety for both the animal and the child.
    This cat also gets along very well with older people.

    The Karelian Bobtail he's also not shy around people he doesn't know, although it may take time to know them.

    Their sociability also applies to other animals: even if you have to share your home and the care of its owners with them, tends to get along perfectly with his companions and tends to make a good pair with dogs, especially those of cat-loving breeds.

    On the other hand, there is no hope of making him cohabit harmoniously with small animals that could be considered prey for him. In fact, its acute hunting instinct makes a rodent, a bird or fish is never safe around it, although they have lived together since childhood. It also, if you have access to the outside, his owner should expect to regularly receive gifts from his pet in the form of prey brought home.

    In any case, although its origins make it very resistant to cold, Being able to evolve abroad is not necessarily essential for a Karelian Bobtail. Very adaptable, you can live just as well in a house with a garden to which you have free access as in an apartment, as long as you have something to occupy yourself with and exercise. If you live inside, must have a cat tree, for example. like most cats, they love to climb trees and furniture. But, just because they are very active does not mean that they do not also enjoy quiet time with their owners, and they are happy to share the sofa with them.

    In fact, the most important thing you need a Karelian to be happy is to be in contact with other living beings. So, where you live is less important than the presence of your owners and their availability to pay attention to you. So, not suitable for people who are usually out most of the day, that they would be better off with an independent breed of cat. Having said that, Sharing the home with one or more cats or dogs can be an interesting way to compensate for the absence of the owner.

    Knowing that, besides moving a lot, he also needs to be mentally stimulated and that he is very attentive to his owners, is a perfect student for those who want to teach tricks to their cat. These may include, can learn to respond to his name, to lie down when ordered or to pick up objects.

    Not only can he learn what is expected of him, it can also understand behavior that is considered undesirable. If you are caught on the spot, for example, getting on the table during the meal, a simple reprimand is usually enough to prevent him from repeating the act.

    The Karelian Bobtail it also has the good taste of being a rather calm breed of cat: he is not one of those who use his voice, although it is very soft and melodic, to ask for favors. When they want to express a wish, they generally prefer to communicate by touching their owner with their paw. Having said that, in general, it is not demanding or invasive.

    Last, the male has the peculiarity of marking his territory very little.


    The Karelian Bobtail is in good general health and is not known to have any particular genetic problem, nor any disease to which you are especially prone. Having said that, is also related to the lack of hindsight, since cat specialists have been interested in your case for a short time and its distribution is still very limited.

    Accustomed to the harsh climate of his native Russia, it is in any case particularly resistant to low temperatures and has no problem spending most of the time outdoors, even in winter.

    Although this breed does not present any particular health risk, it is important to choose a serious breeder of Karelian Bobtail. They must be able to present a certificate of good health from a trusted veterinarian, showing that the little cat shows no signs of illness or any other problem. You should also be able to show proof of vaccinations.

    Last, as prevention is better than cure, a routine visit to the vet at least once a year is strongly recommended to get a full check up and make sure everything is okay. It is also the opportunity to do any booster shots if necessary., and to review the antiparasitic treatments that the owner should take care of administering to his cat throughout the year.


    The coat of the Karelian Bobtail it is easy to care. For people with short hair, a weekly brushing is enough to remove dead hair. Long hairs should be brushed a little more often - at least twice a week- to prevent knots or hairballs from forming. In normal times, both shed very little hair. But, this is not the case during the shedding season in spring and fall, when daily shedding is usually necessary to prevent hair from being found throughout the house.

    Regardless of the length of its coat, it is rarely necessary to bathe him, unless, of course, that has gotten especially dirty. When i do, you must use a shampoo specially designed for cats.

    On the other hand, your eyes need to be checked at least once a week and cleaned if necessary. In addition to removing dirt from around you, this can detect any possible infection or small injury.

    The ears should also be examined and cleaned weekly to prevent dirt from building up in them., which could also be the cause of infections (otitis, etc.).

    Brushing your teeth is also very important, as it helps limit plaque formation, which can cause a lot of problems. The ideal is a daily brushing, but once a week is enough. Whatever the frequency, a toothpaste specially formulated for small cats should always be used.

    You should also check your cat's nails at regular intervals., for example, each month. If they get too long, you have to trim them manually. Otherwise, could get in the way or even break, with the consequent risk of injury. In any case, if you live inside, a scratching post is an essential investment to keep you from satisfying your natural urge to scratch furniture or curtains.

    coat care, of the eyes, from the ears, teeth and claws are basic gestures that every owner must learn to perform correctly, at the risk of hurting or injuring your pet. So, it is advisable to ask a hairdresser or veterinarian for advice the first time, to learn the proper gestures to adopt to keep your Karelian Bobtail. On the other hand, do not hesitate to get started quickly, to teach your kitten to be handled as soon as possible: sessions will be more enjoyable for both him and his owner.


    The Karelian Bobtail it is not difficult to feed and is content with a quality and balanced industrial feed. As in the case of any cat, the chosen products and the established rations must be adapted to age, the health and activity level of the cat.

    By being able to self-regulate, you can have food at all times without fear of becoming obese.

    But, it is important to monitor the weight of the cat, as you may gain weight for medical reasons (disease, reaction to a treatment, etc.). Weighing your cat once a month is an opportunity to make sure everything is going well or, on the other hand, to make an appointment in case a later slip is confirmed or even accentuated.

    It also, like any cat, a bowl of fresh, clean water should be available at all times.

    For sale "Karelian Bobtail"

    The Karelian Bobtail it is an extremely rare breed of cat. To adopt one, you have no choice but to turn to your country of origin, Russia. even there, the offer is not much less abundant. Most of the representatives and breeders of the breed are concentrated in the city of St. Petersburg and its surroundings., but there are also some hatcheries in the cities of Medvezhyegorsk, Kirov y Petrozavodsk.

    The price of a kitten Karelian Bobtail varies greatly from individual to individual depending on the lineage of the cat, of the reputation of the hatchery but also and above all of its physical characteristics. Usually, you have to count between 30.000 and 70.000 rubles (that is to say, between 350 and 900 EUR) for such an adoption.

    To this amount must be added the expenses related to bringing the cat from Russia: transportation expenses, administrative expenses, etc.

    Characteristics "Karelian Bobtail"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Karelian Bobtail" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Activity level

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to other pets

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to children

    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Grooming requirements

    2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for attention

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection towards its owners

    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Kucing Malaysia
    Experimental cats

    Kucing Malasia



    The idea of a cat that could identify with Malaysia arose at the end of 1994. Opinions were requested from the different international judges who were in Malaysia. For almost a year these opinions were collected and finally the President of the FIFe and also a member of the Council of the International World Organization for the maintenance and regulation of breed standards, the Mrs. Alva Uddin, proposed the selection of Kucing Malaysia or Malaysian cat.

    The breed is recognized by the Malaysian Cat ClubKelab Kucing Malaysia (KKM).

    Physical characteristics

    It is the first cat of breed Malaysia. It has a conformation similar to that of Tonkinese cat While its color is similar to the Ragdoll. These cats have a white spot on the face and muzzle with white markings on legs colorpoint.

    The model for the Kucing Malaysia or Malaysian cat It is that of a medium-sized cat with a muscular body. The main feature is the head egg-shaped that together with the opening of the eyes, should give the characteristic alert appearance of the breed.

    The head, wide and rounded at the top has a good height and smooth rounded lines. Cheeks full, the nose long to medium, with the chin moderate. Profile showing a convex curve smooth giving an oval impression.

    The hair short and glued to the body, silky, with an inner layer almost hairless.

    Videos "Kucing Malaysia"

    kucing malaysia

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Oriental Longhair cat
    Federations: LOOF, CFA, ACF, ACFA, TICA, WCF

    Also know as Javanese cat (Colorpoint Longhair), the Oriental Longhair cat is a fairly rare breed of cat.

    Contrary to what the various exotic names might suggest, was created in the United States.

    Photo by blackmystica



    In 1985, at Sholine Cattery in Houston, Texas, United States, an oriental short hair and a pellets they escaped their vigilance and be aparearon. The result was a litter of silky puppies and semilargo hair of Eastern plain colors. Wisely, the owner of the cattery, Sheryl Ann Boyle, decided to raise this race, and the main records in North America and Europe soon recognized, with the exception of the GCCF in Great Britain, It believed that it was too similar to the angora, now known as Oriental Longhair cat (angora).

    In 1995, the CFA joined the Oriental shorthair cat and to the Oriental longhair cat in a single breed with two hair lengths, a controversial fact according to some breeders, that they preferred the longhair trait to be eliminated from breeding lines of the Oriental Shorthair. Due to its dotted ancestors, all Asians can have puppies occasionally dotted, but cannot be displayed in most associations, since they look very similar and can be confused with the Siamese and balinese.

    Character and skills

    Although the Oriental Longhair cat looks elegant, his personality is often described as less languid anything. All Oriental races have the reputation of being habladoras, playful, very curious and sociable. They need the company of other cats or their owner's undivided attention for a little while each day, and some studies on the nature of these cats show. Much of the personality of this cat is inherited, and for decades farmers have reinforced the extroverted personality of Eastern races. Copies walk willingly strap and play around to get an object as if they were dogs.

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Japanese Bobtail
    Recognized by the CFA, TICA, CCA-AFC

    The Japanese Bobtail he is a smart cat, playful and very curious, that radiates joy for life.
    Japanese Bobtail
    A white Japanese Bobtail cat – Valter Wei, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons


    Characteristics "Japanese Bobtail"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Japanese Bobtail" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Activity level

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to other pets

    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to children

    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Grooming requirements

    2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for attention

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection towards its owners

    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    The Japanese Bobtail it owes its name to its very short, pom-pom-shaped tail, breed characteristic. There are two types: the Shorthair japanese bobtail and the Longhair Japanese Bobtail. Most official bodies consider that they are two varieties of the same breed., but the TICA (International Cat Association) consider each to be a breed in its own right.

    The oldest records of this breed date back to the 6th century. But, despite its name, it likely actually originated from China or Korea. Some ancient Japanese texts say that the cat was initially gifted to the Emperor of Japan by the Emperor of China or Korea as a sign of friendship.. Another hypothesis is that Japanese Bobtail was brought to Japan by early Buddhist monks (who also came from Korea at the same time), as they used it to control rodents in order to protect the rice paper books and documents stored in the temples.

    Whatever its origin, believed to be a natural breed, that is to say, not created or modified by the hand of man.

    Originally, the Japanese Bobtail it was especially popular with silkworm farmers in Japan due to its incredible hunting skills. It allowed them to get rid of rodents forever.

    The imperial family also quickly fell under the spell of the race, and granted privileges reserved to the nobility: all the care was given. In the 10th century, Emperor Idi-Jo even imported more copies from Korea to protect his manuscripts from small rodents.

    In 1602, due to the invasion of rats that destroyed silkworm farms and rice crops, Japanese authorities decreed that cats should no longer be domesticated, they were allowed to roam freely through the farms and streets. Like this, feeding was prohibited, buy or sell cats. The Japanese Bobtail became the “street cat” of Japan.

    Japanese Bobtail
    Blue eyed Female Japanese Bobtail – Wikipedia Japanese user ようてい, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    It was not until many centuries later that the Japanese Bobtail became known outside of Asia. It was not the Japanese who made the breed official and gave it international recognition, but an American breeder named Judy Crawford, that brought several Bobtails japoneses of his trip to Japan in 1968. So he decided to join forces with Elizabeth Freret, another american breeder, to try to get the cat to be recognized by the different organizations. The breed was officially recognized by the CFA (Cat Fancier’s Association) in 1976, and by FIFe in 1990. Since then it has spread on American soil, and is now also recognized by the other two great American organizations, la American Cat Fanciers’ Association (ACFA) y la International Cat Association (TICA).

    In France, owes its arrival to Hélène Choisnard, who discovered the breed during a stay in Thailand in 1980. While visiting a Buddhist temple, a monk gave him a young cat Japanese Bobtail tricolor called Sirikit, that had caught your attention. He took her to France and crossed her with another Japanese Bobtail that he had brought from the United States. Bobtails' first litter “made in France” was born a year later, in 1981. The breed is now recognized by the Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF), but it is still little known in Europe, where other short-tailed cats, as the Manx cat, they steal the show.

    Physical characteristics

    The Japanese Bobtail he is an athletic cat, medium-sized. Its body long and slender and his back straight, raised by legs tall and thin with feet oval, give it an unusual elegance. The neck it is harmonious and the legs strong despite their delicate appearance.

    A Japanese Bobtail stares intently at the camera, showing the triangular face that is a characteristic of the breed – jonny-mt, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    The head triangular, with clean lines and ears large, straight and spaced, is characterized by a forecrown rounded and prominent cheekbones, surrounding a nose long with two parallel lines. Its big eyes ovals are slanted and give a soft, tempered look. The eyes are often two different colors.

    But what makes this breed special (and gives his name) is your tail short, tall and curled, which forms a kind of pompom. The Japanese see it as a chrysanthemum, good luck symbol according to japanese beliefs. This trait is derived from an autosomal gene. (that is to say, located on a non-sex chromosome; neither X nor Y) recessive and has no negative impact on the animal.

    The fur of the Japanese Bobtail can be short or semi-long hair, with little undercoat in both cases. In any case, can be tortoiseshell or tortoiseshell. All cat coat colors are accepted, except for chocolate, the lilac, the cinnamon and the tawny. The tricolor coat, also called Mi-Ké (that means “Three hairs” in Japanese), is the most appreciated, as it is said to bring good luck to its owners. Last, to be accepted, color must be solid and deep or, when there are many colors, present pronounced contrasts.

    Size and weight

    • Male length: Of 30 – 35 cm.
    • Female length: 30 – 35 cm.
    • Male weight: 5 – 10 kg
    • female weight 2,5 – 4 kg


    There are two varieties of Japanese Bobtail: the Shorthair japanese bobtail and the Longhair Japanese Bobtail. The latter was not recognized by the CFA (Association of amateurs of cats) until 1993, while the TICA considers it a feline breed in its own right.

    Both cats have a silky coat with very little undercoat.

    Character and skills

    The Japanese Bobtail he is a smart cat, mischievous and very curious that exudes joy of living. very difficult to alter, is constantly alert and ready to discover everything new in the house. His curiosity leads him to explore every corner of his home, and allows you to easily adapt to new environments, which makes it a perfect travel companion.

    Their outgoing character helps them express themselves and make themselves understood. It is a very talkative cat and will return the meow to whoever addresses it. It's not especially loud though, has a lot to say, And a whole host of meows and sounds at your disposal to say so!! Attached to its owner, can follow you all day without getting bored, but without showing his excessive meowing or his disturbing behavior.

    It is possible to train your cat, since he is quite intelligent and playful by nature: can easily learn some tricks and understand some commands. You can even walk your cat on a leash, if you can make me see it as a game, so that you find it interesting. But, they can be stubborn, so sometimes it's hard to make them change their minds about certain things (for example, what they can and cannot do).

    On the other hand, this cat is very laid back and can jump to impressive heights. Providing suitable perches or toys will encourage them to jump and exercise.

    You should also make sure to give them a few minutes of play each day., since it is necessary for its development. It is a breed of cat that adapts well to children, whose energy and enthusiasm shares. Also easily accepts the presence of strangers and other animals. In the case of a dog, put them together little by little, if possible when the cat is still young, makes it easier for them to get along and coexist.

    Last, the Japanese Bobtail it is one of the few breeds of cats that like water.

    Japanese Bobtail
    Japanese bobtail and normal-tailed cat – Wikipedia


    The Japanese Bobtail you do not have any particular genetic disease. His athletic build makes him one of the most vigorous cats, and has a constitution of iron.

    The life expectancy of the cat is approximately 15 years, making it one of the longest-lived cat breeds.

    Life expectancy

    13 to 16 years


    Due to its scarce undercoat, the fur of the Japanese Bobtail not prone to knots and, Therefore, requires relatively little maintenance.

    In the case of a Shorthair japanese bobtail, a weekly brushing is usually sufficient. In the case of a Longhair Japanese Bobtail, daily brushing of the cat's coat, although it is not essential, will help the coat retain its beauty and shine. For both cases, the Japanese Bobtail seasonally molts, in spring and autumn. The long-haired variety is constantly shedding.

    But, the Japanese Bobtail he is very playful when groomed. Unlike some of his peers, This is not usually a moment that I hate, All the more reason not to exempt him from it!!

    The coat of the Japanese Bobtail it is waterproof, meaning bathing and shampooing can be difficult. Fortunately, these two tasks are rarely necessary.

    It also, to prevent the build-up of tartar and the development of infections such as gingivitis, regular brushing of the cat's teeth is recommended. The ideal is daily brushing, but the weekly is fine.

    Last, it is a good idea to check the condition of your cat's ears at regular intervals, and clean them if they look dirty.

    For sale "Japanese Bobtail"

    The price of adopting a kitten Japanese Bobtail usually oscillates between 800 and 1100 EUR. There is no big difference between the price of a kitten Japanese Bobtail male or female.

    If you don't get a "Japanese Bobtail", You will always have the consolation of being able to buy the famous “Mancki-neko“, or cat who greets, a popular lucky charm very typical in Japan.

    Videos "Japanese Bobtail"

    Talking cats (cat story)
    Talking cats
    Japanese Bobtail : Top 10 Facts About Japanese Bobtail Cats That Will Leave You Amazed
    Japanese Bobtail : Top 10 Facts About Japanese Bobtail Cats That Will Leave You Amazed

    Alternative names:

    1. Japanese Bobtail (English).
    2. Bobtail japonais (French).
    3. Japanese Bobtail (German).
    4. Bobtail japonês (Portuguese).
    5. "Bobtail japonés" (español).

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Jungle Curl
    Federations: REFR

    Jungle Curl
    Jungle Curl – wanimobuzz.fr



    The Jungle Curl is an experimental breed from North America, so new and confidential that it is not recognized by any major feline organization. The only institution that allows the registration of a jungle cat is the Registry of Rare and Exotic Felines (REFR), a small association that, as the name reflects, is specialized in rare and exotic cat breeds.

    Due to the lack of recognition by the different national and international feline organizations, there is no standard that defines the appearance of a Jungle Curl. The result is that the different breeders of the breed do not necessarily have the same criteria and regularly create new lines., making it difficult to unify the race.

    But, all the Jungle Curl They have something in common: are the result of crosses between the Domestic cat and the jungle cat (Felis chaus), a wild cat found in Egypt, the caucasus, Central Asia, India and Southeast Asia.

    This hybridization between the Felis chaus and the domestic cat is not new: the first experiments in this field date back to the years 60 and gave rise to the Chausie cat, a breed of domestic cat recognized since then. But, the Jungle Curl is not a Chausie cat: they are two very different cats.

    Usually, a line of Jungle Curl is created by crossing a jungle cat (Felis chaus) with a American Curl, but breeders also often use other breeds such as the Highland Lynx or the Hemingway Curl. The resulting hybrids are crossed with other domestic cats., as the Abyssinian cat, the Chausie cat, the Serengeti cat or the Bengal cat.

    The Jungle Curl it's a rare cat, found primarily in the United States and Canada, although it also exists in Europe. But, in any country, the number of breeders can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

    Physical characteristics

    The Jungle Curl It is a medium-sized, wild-looking cat, with a long slim body. But, there is a great disparity in sizes, according to the breeds used in the different crosses. The hind legs are slightly longer than the front legs and the tail is medium to long..

    The polydactyly it is common in this breed, but due to the lack of a standard, opinions differ: some breeders promote it by favoring polydactyl cats for breeding, while others prefer to try to remove this feature.

    The head of the Jungle Curl it is rather round, with eyes tears that vary in color from yellow to green. The most distinctive feature of Jungle Curl they are her little ones ears round, similar to those of a lion, that curve backwards to a greater or lesser extent depending on the individual. These round and curved ears are the main difference between the Jungle Curl and the Chausie cat -the breed with which the Jungle Curl-, who has big ears, tall and triangular.

    There are long-haired and short-haired specimens. In any case, the preferred patterns of the REFR (Rare and Exotic Feline Registry), they are the fawn and the leopard. Regarding the color of the cat's coat, diversity is the order of the day, since we find individuals with a silver fur, as well as chocolate, blue, black ebony, lilac purple, cream or even red.

    Last, the sexual dimorphism it is well marked, being the male larger than the female.

    Size and weight

    • Male size: 28 to 35 cm.
    • female size: 25-32 cm.
    • Male weight: 6-12 kg
    • female weight: 4-10 kg

    Character and skills

    Jungle Curl
    Jungle Curl
    It is often risky to venture a general definition of the character of the individuals of a race, but this is especially true in the case of Jungle Curl, since it is an experimental breed that has not been established or unified between different breeders. But, there are some aspects that seem to emerge in this cat that has retained the looks and intelligence of its wild ancestors, while having the character of a domestic cat.

    So that, the Jungle Curl he is an affectionate cat, close to his family and fond of children. He is very attached to his owner and requires a lot of attention, so it is to fear destructive behavior of the cat if it spends too much time alone.

    Living with other cats or dogs accustomed to the presence of a cat usually goes well, but it is not recommended to have small rodents in the house: this would awaken his wild instincts, so it's likely that one day I'll scare them away.

    The Jungle Curl he is a playful and active cat, who loves to chase a ball or bring things to its owner. They adapt well to life in a flat, but they like to be able to go out from time to time to run and climb trees. But, it is important to be aware that his strong exploratory instincts can take him beyond the limits of the garden. Depending on the location, this can endanger your own safety and / or that of small animals in the neighborhood.

    Last, the Jungle Curl is quite territorial, to the point that some individuals become true “guardian cats” able to let strangers know they are not welcome. This territorial instinct counteracts his need to explore the environment and leads him to return home most of the time on his own..


    As the Jungle Curl It is a new and rare breed of cat., there is no reliable information about possible inherited diseases or particular predispositions to certain conditions.

    Many breeders claim that the special coat of the Jungle Curl turns it into a breed of cat hypoallergenic and does not cause allergic reactions in people with allergies to cats.

    Life expectancy

    10 to 15 years


    The Jungle Curl it is an easy-care breed of cat.

    Weekly brushing removes dead hair and distributes oil from the skin, which is enough to keep the coat clean and healthy.

    This grooming session is also an opportunity to check that the eyes, the cat's ears and teeth are clean and there are no signs of infection.

    Looking at its claws, natural wear and tear is usually sufficient, especially if you have the opportunity to go outside and / or have a scratching post. If that is not the case, it is enough to trim them with a nail clipper from time to time.

    For sale "Jungle Curl"

    The price of a kitten Jungle Curl varies enormously from one breeder to another and according to the characteristics of the animal. This is mainly due to the fact that this breed is still experimental and not standardized.; for example, the polydactyly of the cat is considered by some breeders as a defect that justifies a reduced price, while for others it is, on the other hand, a sought after feature, with a higher price as a result.

    The price range is, Therefore, broad, of 1500 to 2500 EUR.

    In any case, the rarity of this cat makes it difficult to find kittens Jungle Curl available for sale.


    The Jungle Curl is a hybrid cat, but it is not a recognized breed, so the regulations that affect it are not clear at all. In any case, since some local authorities prohibit hybrid cats born from a forced or natural cross between a domestic animal and a wild animal, it is strongly recommended to ask the breeder, to a vet and / or the town hall about any restrictions that may apply.

    Jungle Curl Male
    Savannah and jungle curl

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Kurilian Bobtail
    Recognized by FIFe, TICA, WCF

    Its affinity with water, which undoubtedly results from the nature of its natural habitat, it is a very special character trait, that distinguishes it from many other cat breeds.
    Bobtail de las Islas Kuriles
    Photo: bobkedi.com



    The Kurilian Bobtail is a breed of Russia. This Bobtail has not undergone genetic modification caused or calculated. No one has tried to change, is the nature which created the race. He lives on the Kuril Islands, in extreme climatic conditions of temperature and humidity.

    These islands are located at the East end of Russia, in the northern Pacific Ocean and extends to more than 1200 km from the Kamchatka Peninsula, on the border of North Japan. It's a chain of volcanoes – hence the name – Kuril. All islands there are 40 active volcanoes. On the one hand, the Islands are bathed by the sea of Okhotsk, on the other side by the Pacific Ocean.

    These short-tailed cats have been known to be found on the Kuril and Sakhalin Islands for at least two hundred years., Although they were discovered only at the end of the 20th century.

    In the Centre of Russia, the Kurilian Bobtail began to appear only in the middle of the last century. The military and geologists, who returned from long trips to the islands, they brought with them the special short-tailed cat. But not too taken into account, Since even did not exist any feline Federation in Russia at that time. In the years 80 Some fans, who already had these amazing cats, they turned their attention to the race.

    Was in the year 1991, when the Soviet Federation accepted the first norm of the Kurilian Bobtail. In 1995, This Bobtail was accepted by WCF. In 2004, they were allowed to participate in the Championships of FIFe.

    We can say that currently the cat Kurilian Bobtail It is one of the youngest breeds and has the sympathy of many cat fans in Russia. But even today, This bred animals are very rare.

    Kurilian Bobtail
    Kurilian Bobtail kitten with its mom – TRUE KURILIANS, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
    The history of the emergence of this breed is purely hypothetical.
    It is possible that they participated in its creation on Siberian cat and the Longhair Japanese Bobtail, who lived for some time on the islands with their Japanese masters.

    But in all likelihood, the mutation of the tail of the cats that inhabit the Kuril Islands was carried out in parallel to the observed in cats of the Japanese islands due to the influence of the mutation and similar climatic conditions. But, to date no one has studied the exact origins of this mutation.

    Even now, It is not uncommon to see cats with low and irregular tail in the islands of Malaysia, Thailand and Burma. In some Southeast Asian countries, It is virtually impossible to find the animal without the tail malformations. In this way, it is possible to assume that all mutations associated with the change in tail structure have a common cause.

    Although the Kurilian Bobtail It, probably, his distant cousin Japanese Bobtail, the difference in the second race is impressive. There is a common characteristic in the two races, the short tail. Other parts of the body differ significantly and surprisingly.

    Physical characteristics

    Kurilian Bobtail
    Kurilian Bobtail Cat Snow – Pixabay

    The Kurilian Bobtail has a compact body, strong and muscular, with slightly raised croup and curved topline. The legs are strong and solid, the average length, the hind legs are longer than the Forelegs .. The feet are round and wide, lined with tufts of hair between the toes.

    Some records divide Kurilian Bobtail in separate breeds of short hair and long hair.

    • They have a large head and trapezoid, with contours rounded in broad cheekbones.
    • The nose is wide, straight, average length, with a light stop.
    • Chin broadband with a slightly rounded profile.
    • Medium-sized ears, well assorted and often adorned with a crest of hair.
    • His eyes are slightly inclined, highly placed, rounded or shaped nut.
    • The queue is full of hair. Tail deformity is not an abnormality associated with healthy cats.
    • The coat can be short and semi-long. The mantle is dense, very fine and silky.
    • In the semilargo hair group, This is considerably longer at the bottom of the body, the stomach and legs.
      Virtually all colors are permitted, except the Siamese pattern, agouti specific to Abyssinia, chocolate, cinnamon, beige, Lilac and all their combinations with white.

    The harsh climate of the Kuril Islands has endowed the Kurilian Bobtail thicker skin, adapting to the wildlife style – does not fall, almost no mess. On the Islands, the climate is very humid and the skin of the animals has acquired an extraordinary property, It gets no wet.

    The Kurilian Bobtail they are big enough. In general, Males weigh in 5 to 7 kg, but it is not extkgño to see larger individuals, reaching a weight of 9 kg. The females are naturally less powerful, and weigh 3,5-5 kg.

    Character and skills

    In the Kuril Islands the Bobtail they usually live at home, but there is also absolutely wild cats, the Kuril Islands are sparsely populated.

    To the Kurilian Bobtail he likes to hunt everything that is in the forest.
    On the streets of the villages of the Kuril Islands, it is not uncommon to see these cats run after dogs they are not afraid of. But, This proximity explains, in part, by how many cats (native cats, imported directly from the Islands) they have scars and torn ears.

    Kurilian Bobtail – Arabescka – Heikkisiltala, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    This is a faithful animal, sociable, with the agility and developed intelligence. It adapts well to family life with children, with whom they will share endless games. They also adapt well to other animals and dogs.

    At the same time, they are independent, and they are only suitable for those that can respect her strong personality and her need for independence. It also, the Kurilian Bobtail he will show all his affection to a single person, a teacher who chooses his own Bobtail, relations with the rest of the family members can be complicated.

    With the power and the length of its hind legs, the Kurilian Bobtail can easily jump great heights. In a House, a tree would be a great necessity for this cat.

    Another characteristic of the breed is the attraction to water.. Fresh under a faucet or picking up the drops of the same. It is the duty sacred of all the representatives of this glorious race.

    The long struggle of this race due to the severe conditions of the Kuril Islands has been beneficial for the development of their intelligence. This is a very intelligent and thoughtful cat.

    Only once will do need to show what can be done or not. They receive the voice and intonation, it is not difficult to teach them to understand the commands, They even obey them according to personal mood. It can be adapted to all lifestyles, domesticated sport and turn. It is not afraid of cold or heat. Its balanced nature makes it a very quiet cat.


    The Kurilian Bobtail comes from a very harsh climate and is extremely resistant to all temperature variations. Although they spend most of their time outside and not at home, they are very resistant to the outside environment and almost never get sick.

    Their life expectancy is about 15 years. As in the case of any breed of cat, one of the simplest and most effective ways to keep a healthy Kurilian Bobtail is to ensure that you maintain an ideal weight throughout your life.

    It is not known that this Bobtail are prone to genetic diseases. But, as the breed is rare, there is little data to draw conclusions on this point.

    Life expectancy

    15 years


    Kurilian Bobtail
    Kurilian Bobtail female, black smoke – Frida Nyberg, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    The naturally silky and waterproof coat of the Kurilian Bobtail does not get tangled.

    A weekly brushing of the cat's coat is enough to take care of it, whether it belongs to the short-haired or long-haired variety. It also, when necessary, you should not hesitate to bathe your cat, since without a doubt he will appreciate this moment. But, your cat's bath should be an exception (a couple of times a year), as repeated use of cat shampoos can damage the cat's skin and coat.

    The Kurilian Bobtail does not require much attention, but the cat's teeth should be brushed regularly with a special toothpaste for cats (ask the vet if in doubt) and the cat should be taken to the vet whenever the cat's teeth need to be cleaned. It is also important to monitor the condition of the cat's nails, that can be trimmed to prevent damage to the house.

    As with all cat breeds, if you accustom your cat to this care from a young age, you will be more likely to accept them later.

    Characteristics "Kurilian Bobtail"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Kurilian Bobtail" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Activity level

    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to other pets

    2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to children

    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Grooming requirements

    1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for attention

    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection towards its owners

    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Videos "Kurilian Bobtail"

    PRESENTACION raza KURILIAN BOBTAIL pompom glue cat!
    PRESENTACION raza KURILIAN BOBTAIL gato de cola de pompón!
    BARSIK - Kurilian Bobtail
    BARSIK – Kurilian Bobtail

    Alternative names: Kuril Islands Bobtail / Kurilean Bobtail / Kuril Bobtail / Curilsk Bobtail

    Read more…kurilkot