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38 cm.. length and 705-766 g. of weight.
The Northern Mealy Parrot (Amazona guatemalae) is a large parrot, mainly green, with a large bare periophthalmic white; head green, increasingly off toward the area nape.
The youth similar to adults but eyes brown.
Treated for decades subspecifically within the species Amazona farinosa. Based on a genetic study of the year 2012 They came to be regarded as a full species.
Subspecies description:
Amazona guatemalae guatemalae
(Sclater,PL, 1860) – Mostly green, with the crown, forecrown and lores, blue; carpal edge Green Wing / yellow; Feathers edges wing , blue; Red in the secondary feathers; feathers of the tail dark green to light green at the tip. Bill dark grey. Eye ring white, irises red.
Amazona guatemalae virenticeps
(Salvadori, 1891) – Mostly green with less blue on the crown that the subspecies Amazona guatemalae guatemalae; yellower shades / green; carpal edge green / yellow, with varying shades of red; crown green; lores and forecrown, green tinted blue. Bill black / horn. Eye ring white, irises red.
Video "Northern Mealy Parrot" |
They inhabit in dense humid lowland forests, especially near the gaps and edges; also they extend lower montane forest plantations and frequent, crops, gallery forests and deciduous forests.
They are in pairs or groups up 20 individuals, with larger congregations in feeding areas. Form noisy flocks in communal roosts high up in big trees out of breeding season, sometimes with several hundred birds. Well camouflaged while feeding quietly on the upper floors of the forest canopy.
Season April-May Guatemala. Nests in tree holes, to 3-30 height m, once observed in the crack of a stone wall in a Mayan temple. The laying usually three eggs.
No known differences with Amazona farinosa.
Size of its range (Standard playback): 919.000 km2
It is present along the slope of Caribbean of Central America, from Veracruz and Oaxaca, Mexico, to the South by Belice, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica, to western Panama. They are also found in the shed peaceful of Costa Rica and West Panama. Its abundance varies locally, but it is common in many areas.
Subspecies distribution:
Amazona guatemalae guatemalae
(Sclater,PL, 1860) – Caribbean coast from southeast Mexico to the Northwest of Honduras.
Amazona guatemalae virenticeps
(Salvadori, 1891) – Since Honduras (Sula Valley) to western Panama.
State of conservation ⓘ |
Near Threatened ⓘ (UICN)ⓘ |
• Current category of the Red List of the UICN: Near-threatened.
• Population trend: In decrease.
Rationale for the Red List category
He suspected this species is undergoing a rapid decrease in moderately population due to habitat loss and unsustainable levels of hunting and trapping.
Population size: Unknown
The population trend: In decline.
The Amazona mealy northern captive:
Little known in poultry.
Alternative names:
– Mealy Parrot [guatemalae or virenticeps], Northern Mealy Amazon, Northern Mealy Parrot (English).
– Amazone guatémaltèque, Amazone poudrée [guatemalae or virenticeps], Amazone poudrée [guatemalae ou virenticeps] (French).
– Guatemalaamazone (German).
– Northern Mealy Parrot (Portuguese).
– Amazona harinosa norteña (español).
scientific classification:
– Order: Psittaciformes
– Family: Psittacidae
– Genus: Amazona
– Scientific name: Amazona guatemalae
– Citation: (Sclater, PL, 1860)
– Protonimo: Chrysotis guatemalae
Images Northern Mealy Parrot:
Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
(1) – Amazona farinosa guatemalae By Adalberto Hernandez Vega from Copan Ruinas, Honduras (Macaw Mountain Bird Park – Copan Ruinas, Honduras) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(2) – Guatemalaamazone Amazona farinosa guatemalae By Martingloor (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(3) – Amazona farinosa guatemalae by Ulises Muñiz – Flickr
(4) – Amazona farinosa guatemalae By Katrin Lorenzen (IMG_4685) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(5) –
Amazona farinosa guatemalae By Adalberto Hernandez Vega from Copan Ruinas, Honduras (Macaw Mountain Bird Park – Copan Ruinas, Honduras) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons