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Physical characteristics
16 cm.. height.
The Andean parakeet (Bolborhynchus orbygnesius) is usually dark green, with blue wing patch (visible in flight), clear peak, tail broad at the base and finished at tip of yellowish color with bluish tinge in the interior.
Sound of the Andean parakeet.
Video – "Andean parakeet" (Bolborhynchus orbygnesius)
It is usually found in deserts and semi-arid areas, between 3000 to 4000 m (It has been reported to the 1500 and to the 6000 m).
Possibly perform altitudinal migration, descending to mountainous valleys after reproduction. You can also visit rural areas and agricultural land.
Walks in couple or flocks of more or less 300 individuals. They breed in caves dug into ravines.
The diet consists of seeds, buds and fruits.
State of conservation ⓘ |
Minor Concern ⓘ (UICN)ⓘ |
This species has a very large distribution area and, therefore, does not approach thresholds for Vulnerable based on range size criteria (presence extension <20 000 km2 combinada con un tamaño de distribución decreciente o fluctuante, extensión>30 % decrease in ten years or three generations). Population size has not been quantified., but not believed to approach the thresholds for Vulnerable based on population size criteria (<10 000 individuos maduros con una disminución continua estimada en>10 % in ten years or three generations, or with a population structure).
Population size: unknown
The population trend: Stable
presence extension (breeding/resident): 655 000 km 2
It is found in northwestern Peru to Bolivia and west of the Andes in Peru..
"Andean parakeet" in captivity
They are shy and quiet birds, very sensitive to cold, stress and infections. Birds may die without apparent reason. They are rare in captivity.
Alternative names:
1. Andean Parakeet (English).
2. Toui de d'Orbigny (French).
3. Andensittich (German).
4. Periquito-andino (Portuguese).
5. "Catita andina", Perico Andino (español).
Andean parakeet (Bolborhynchus orbygnesius)
Images "Andean parakeet"
– Parrot Book, Parrots and macaws Neotropical
– Photo: For Charles Hesse – All rights reserved