▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Scottish Fold
Federations: CFA, TICA, ACFA, CCA


Characteristics "Scottish Fold"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Scottish Fold" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Activity level

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to other pets

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to children

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Grooming requirements

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for attention

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection towards its owners

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


The Scottish Fold first appeared in 1961 in Coupar Angus, Scotland. Susie, a white female, lived on the farm MacRae and she never would have become a household name if he hadn't noticed her William Ross, a shepherd who was also a breeder of British Shorthair cat. He fell in love with Susie and his ears folded forward, and MacRae they promised to give him one of their kittens.

But, there are previous references to cats with these ears, especially in Asia. These may include, the Universal Journal of Knowledge of John Hinton, published in 1796, mentions the existence of feral cats with those ears in China. More recently, the Guide to the World’s Cats (Loxton, 1975) states that in China there has always been a breed of cat with folded ears, some of whose specimens were brought to Europe by sailors.

But, It Susie the origin of all Scottish Fold that exist today.

"Scottish Fold"

Scottish Fold
Scottish Fold

The MacRae they kept their promise and in 1963 Mary y William Ross they received Snooks, that he had the same white fur and the same folded ears as his mother Susie. Snooks gave birth to her first litter, in which a white male named Snowball was chosen to be crossed with a British Shorthair white call Lady May. Lady May gave birth to five kittens, all with ears folded forward, and this litter marked the beginning of the line of Scottish Folds.

At the beginning, the Ross they called the resulting race "Lops«. But, starting at 1966 and official recognition by the British Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), with which they were allowed to show them in the feline exhibitions, they were called Scottish Folds, in reference to his Scottish origins.

With the help of the English geneticist Peter Dyte, the Ross started a breeding program with british shorthair cats and farm.

But, the situation of Scottish Fold in his country of origin it ended up souring. Already concerned about a potentially abnormally high risk of ear infection and deafness (although this fear was later shown to be unfounded), the GCCF decided on 1971 close the registration of the Scottish Fold, after the appearance of the first genetic problems. The last specimen recorded in Great Britain was Denisla Morag.

Although the Scottish Folds he had fallen from grace in his native land, had already begun his conquest of the Americas. Denisla Judy, Denisla Joey and Denisla Hester, all of them daughters of Snooks, had been imported into the United States in 1970 by the Dr. Neil Todd, a Newtonville geneticist, Massachusetts. But, after giving birth to two litters, interrupted his research project and Denisla Hester ended up in the hands of Wolf Peters Room, a well-known breeder of the Manx cat.

In 1972, the first Scotsman was exhibited in an exhibition of the American Cat Breeders Association (CFA), and the interest was immediate. Several breeders were involved in the development of the breed. In particular, Wolf Peters Room, from the kennel Wyola, and Karen Votava, from the kennel Bryric, they campaigned on 1974 so that the first specimens were registered with the CFA as an experimental breed.

At that time, the gene responsible for the mutation that causes folded ears was still unknown. It was during the work on this gene, at the beginning of the year 70, made by the Dr. Oliphant Jackson, an english geneticist, when the bone problems of the Scottish Fold, mainly due to the numerous inbreeding crosses between the first generations.

So, it was decided to introduce large amounts of new blood into the breed, and numerous crosses with him American shorthair cat and the British Shorthair cat helped reduce these bone problems. Even today, the crosses between a Scottish Fold and Shorthair are common and help preserve the genetic diversity of the breed. They are also approved by reference feline organizations.

The Scottish Fold received final recognition from the CFA in 1978, and the TICA (International Cat Association) did the same in 1979. On the other hand, el GCCF, supported in this decision by the British Veterinary Association, has never backed down from its decision to ban this breed. This is a rare case where a cat breed is recognized in many countries, but not in the country where he was born. Having said that, the GCCF is far from alone in taking this position, Since the Fédération Internationale Féline (FiFé), for example, neither does he recognize her.

This has not prevented it from conquering the rest of the world and becoming quite common.. According to CFA figures, is even among the 10 America's Most Popular Cat Breeds, and it became so within a few years of its official recognition by the organization. In France, where it first appeared in 1982, is more and more popular: while at the beginning of the decade of 2000 less than 100 kittens per year in the Official Book of Feline Origins (LOOF), now there are more than 500, which places the Scottish Fold around the post 15 among the most popular cat breeds among the French.

Physical characteristics

Scottish Fold
Lilac 3 months old Scottish Fold – Psychopath, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Scottish Fold it is a medium size cat, round and solid boned, but retains a flexible and agile appearance. The legs they are quite short, while the tail is quite long and tapers to a rounded tip.

The head it is also round, with a well defined chin and jaws, and prominent cheekbones. The eyes they are big and round, usually coppery, but they can be of other colors, especially blue in white fur cats.

The Scottish Fold is known for its small ears with rounded tips that fall forward. But, kittens are born with straight ears, that don't start to fold until they have a few 3 weeks, at least half of them. The other half keep their ears straight, and are known as Scottish Straight or Highland Straight. They are not excluded from breeding, since the crossing with a Fold can lead to a kitten with folded ears.

It should be noted that the fact that they are folded forward does not prevent the ears of the Scottish Fold be mobile and very expressive, turning to hear better or getting up when opening a can of food.

The Scottish Fold has a fur dense, with a heavy undercoat and an outer coat that can be short or long. Texture may vary based on coat and/or regional or seasonal variations.

All the colors They're possible, except those that show an unauthorized crossing with another Scottish Fold, or any other race other than the American shorthair cat and the British Shorthair cat

Last, the sexual dimorphism it is well marked, being the males larger than the females.

Size and weight

  • Male size: Of 23 to 28 cm.
  • female size: 20-25 cm.
  • Male weight: 4-6 kg
  • female weight: 2,5 to 4 kg

Breed standard

The breed standards are documents produced by official bodies that list the conditions that a dog must meet. Scottish Fold to be fully recognized as belonging to the race:

Varieties of "Scottish Fold"

Scottish Fold
Scottish Fold – Flickr

The Scottish Fold it comes in two varieties: of shorthair and Longhair.

The latter are sometimes called Highland, or Highland Fold. For some organizations, as the International Cat Association (TICA), they even form a race in their own right, call Scottish Fold Longhair.

in parallel, there are cats Scottish Straight, or Highland Straight, who have the same genetic inheritance as the Scottish Fold and, Therefore, The same characteristics, but whose ears are straight, instead of folded. Although these cats are not always recognized, neither as a variety nor as a distinct breed, are essential for the health of the breed. In fact, to avoid health problems, it is forbidden to create from Scottish Folds: one of the two parents must be a Scottish Straight (or a licensed breed, as the American shorthair cat or the British Shorthair cat).

Character and skills

Scottish Fold
Lilac colored Scottish Fold – Psychopath, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Scottish Fold he is close to humans and very loyal. They are affectionate and enjoy spending time with all members of their family, but they do not take long to choose their favorite human, to whom they are especially attached. Needs a lot of attention, but it is not intrusive: if you are made to feel uncomfortable sitting on your lap, will sit next to you without question, and if his owner does not have time to play with him, will just follow you around the house.

Sociable and relaxed, he loves the attention he can get from the little ones: It is an ideal cat breed for children who have learned to have fun with animals and to respect them.

In general, They also enjoy the company of other cats and get along very well with dogs that are used to cats.. On the other hand, although it is possible -especially if you have gotten used to them since childhood-, coexistence with small animals should be avoided, rodents or reptiles.

Moderately active, adapts very well to life in a flat, especially if his family takes the trouble to spend some time playing with him every day.

Their need for attention and interaction makes them prone to loneliness, but having other animals at home is a good way to overcome it. If you have playmates, she has no problem spending her days at home when her owners are at work, just asking for more caresses at night. But, if left alone for a long weekend or even a vacation, is likely to express dissatisfaction by causing more or less damage.

It also, the Scottish Fold is known for his more or less surprising postures: sleeps on his back, sits on the couch like a human or stands on its hind legs to observe the surroundings, like a suricata. It is also a cat that prefers to drink water from the tap rather than from its bowl., and some specimens have the habit of eating with their legs.

The legs are extremely agile, allowing them to open closet doors or catch an object thrown by their master. Scottish folds love to exploit this ability and are especially fond of games that involve dexterity.. But, they also enjoy cat puzzle games, that stimulate their intelligence and provide them with some food if they can.

Last, it's not very noisy, not just because it's moderately vocal, but also because their meows are so soft, almost hard to hear.


Scottish Fold
Kimi-kun, Scottish Fold – tata_aka_T from Tokyo, JAPAN, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Scottish Fold It, in general, a healthy feline breed, to the point that many specimens have more than 15 years.

But, is susceptible to certain diseases:

  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, an enlargement of heart tissue that causes disturbances in how the heart works;
  • The renal polyquistosis, a genetic disease that causes numerous cysts in the kidneys and can now be detected with a DNA test;
  • The osteocondrodisplasia, which affects the development of bones and cartilage and can cause osteoarthritis from an early age, causing pain and difficulty in movement. The first symptoms are usually stiffness in the hind legs and/or tail. A very short and thick tail is an indication that the individual is potentially affected.

It also, but the Scottish Fold it is by no means the most affected race, the Obesity in cats it is a very real health risk. Thus, a good owner should regularly check that his cat is not overweight, and correct it if you have it, with the help of a vet.

Last, given the shape of their ears and to avoid infections and parasites, you have to pay special attention, that is to say, check and clean them frequently.

To avoid breeding between two Scottish Fold and the health problems that often result, it is possible to organize a mating with another authorized breed. The International Cat Association (TICA) allows you to, for example, the crossing with the American shorthair cat or the British Shorthair cat.


One Scottish Fold of shorthair it only needs to be brushed once a week to keep its coat healthy and beautiful. One Scottish Fold (or Highland Fold) of Longhair needs to be brushed more regularly to prevent tangling and to remove dead hair: the ideal is to do it two or three times a week.

It also, a weekly check of the teeth, eyes and ears will ensure they are clean and free of infection. Pay special attention to the ears, which should be cleaned with a damp cloth.

Last, depending on your lifestyle, natural wear and tear and the use of a scratching post may or may not be enough for your claws. If not and they become too long, can be easily trimmed with nail clippers.


The Scottish Fold can be fed commercial cat food. But, food must be of good quality and appropriate to the cat's age and activity level, to provide you with the essential nutrients and vitamins you need for good health.

How in general they are capable of self-regulation, food can be left in their bowl at all times, but you have to be careful that they don't get too fat. If this is the case, It is recommended to consult a veterinarian to establish a feeding program adapted to your specific needs..

For sale "Scottish Fold"

The average price of a kitten Scottish Fold is something less than 1000 EUR.

But, this average hides great disparities between kittens with physical characteristics far from the standard, whose price can be as low as 500 EUR, and those that come from prestigious lines and have characteristics that predestine them to feline shows, whose price may be higher than 2500 EUR.

In all cases, there is no significant price difference between males and females.

Videos "Scottish Fold"

A day in cat life | What's it like to have a scottishfold cat | cuddly cat | What cat does all day

😍🐱 Gray Scottish Fold Kitten 🐾💖

Alternative names:

1. Scot Fold (English).
2. Highland Fold (French).
3. Scottish Fold, Highland Fold (German).
4. Fold escocés (español).

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Siberian cat
Recognized by the CFA, CFA, TICA, WCF, FFE, AACE, ACF, ACFA/CAA


Characteristics "Siberian cat"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Siberian cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Activity level

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to other pets

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendliness to children

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Grooming requirements

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for attention

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection towards its owners

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


The Siberian cat is a breed of cat native to Russia and has a natural origin: already roamed the Siberian forests more than 1000 years. Its exact origin is not known, but the fact that the mutation responsible for long hair in cats appeared almost simultaneously in regions as distant as Siberia, Asia minor (which corresponds to the eastern part of Turkey, and from which the Turkish Angora cat and the Turkish Van Cat) and persia (which became Iran, and from which the Persian cat) suggests that these different long-haired cat breeds share common origins.

In fact, some specialists think that these cats appeared in Turkey and that human migrations to the Great North explain their appearance in Siberia. On the other hand, others believe that the first long-haired cats originated in Russia and spread to Asia Minor, giving rise to Turkish Van Cat, to the Turkish Angora cat and to the Persian cat, but also to Scandinavia, where would they be at the origin of Norwegian Forest Cat , and then to North America, where they would have evolved to Maine Coon cat.

But, it is certain that they played an important role for the local populations who had to survive in the extreme conditions of Siberia, since they protected the provisions from rodents. Russian folklore says that they once weighed more than twenty kilos and were true "guardian cats.", who protected their homes from wild animals and hunted other animals to feed their families. Still today, many stories tell of magical cats whose mission is to protect children.

The Siberian cat It is known in Europe and North America since the 19th century. It was even one of the breeds exhibited in the first feline exhibition in modern history., held in 1871 at the Crystal Palace in London. It was also presented in the United States at 1884, at the exhibition held in the Madison Square Garden from New York. It is documented in the book Our Cats de Harrison Weir de 1889 and in the book Domestic & Fancy Cats the John Jennings the 1898. A photograph of a representative of the breed also appears on Concerning Cats, written by Helen Winslow and published in 1900.

But, the Siberian cat disappeared from the international scene for much of the 20th century, since his country of origin was isolated from the rest of the world by the Soviet regime that came to power in 1917. It was not until the decade of 1980 when Russian cat lovers were once again free to own domestic cats and organize into associations to define the rules. He had a great success at the first Moscow cat show in 1988, and soon became the national cat of Russia.

Siberian cat
Female Adult Siberian Cat with Seal Lynx Point Coat Color – The voice, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

In 1990, Ophelia, Naina and Kalostro they became the first Siberians to set foot on American soil in almost 100 years, When Elizabeth Terrell, a creator, exchanged them with Nelli Sachuk for four gatos himalayos. A few weeks later, David Boehm, another american breeder, traveled to Russia to bring fifteen cats from the Siberian jungle. Thanks to these two enthusiasts, the breeding of this breed began in North America..

Once the Iron Curtain fell, its international recognition was fast: the International Cat Association (TICA) was the first to do so in 1993, followed by Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé) in 1997 and then for the American Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) in 2000. Surprisingly, the first copies Siberians did not arrive in the UK until 2002. Two years later, in 2004, the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), the country's main body, granted the breed full recognition, including the right to compete in exhibitions organized under their auspices.

Today, as well as remaining extremely popular in his home country, the Siberian has clearly found an audience beyond its borders, helped by his reputation, although unfounded, hypoallergenic cat.

In United States, for example, the Siberian cat stands above the position 20 (of 45) in the classification of breeds according to the number of annual registrations in the CFA. Its success is also growing in Europe. In Great Britain, GCCF statistics show that births in the second decade of the 21st century have risen from about 100 per year to more than 300, which places it in the top ten of the favorite cat breeds of the British.

There is also a blazing growth in France: the statistics of the Official Book of Feline Origins (LOOF) show that if in the mid-1990s 2000 only thirty specimens were registered per year, this figure had already exceeded 200 in 2010, and then cross the barrier of 1000 in 2016 and overcome the 1500 at the end of the decade. Since 2015, is one of the 10 favorite breeds of cats of the French, representing more than 3,5% of registered births.

Physical characteristics

The Siberian has a semi-cobby midline morphology. Sometimes it is confused with the Maine Coon cat or the Norwegian Forest Cat , as it has a similar general appearance, but it differs by having a much more rounded head and body.

Of average length, He is powerfully muscular and his back is slightly arched. The legs they are also very strong with a solid bone structure, the rear ones being somewhat longer than the front ones. The tail is slightly shorter than the body, very full and sharp.

The head is wide and has a triangular shape with rounded sides when viewed from the front. Profile, the rounded forehead ends in a slope at the nose. The ears are size medium, wide at the base and ends in a rounded shape. The eyes they are big, almost round, slightly oblique, and they can be green, yellow, coppery or blue in some white-coated dogs.

The fur of the Siberian it is medium to long, and consists of three parts: abundant down and undercoat, and a thick, shiny protection layer. It is much more abundant in winter than in summer and forms a mane around the neck.

Except for chocolate and lilac, all the coat colors They're possible, but the brown tabby is the most common. All coat patterns are also accepted by the standard, but some organizations, like the FIFé (Fédération Internationale Féline), consider the Siberian colourpoint as a breed apart, call Neva Masquerade.

In any case, this cat grows slowly, as it does not reach full maturity until it is about five years old. But, most of the growth occurs during the first 18 months.

Last, the sexual dimorphism it is very marked: the male is much more imposing than the female.

Size and weight

  • Male size: 30 – 38 cm.
  • female size: 28 – 35 cm.
  • Male weight: 7 – 11 kg
  • female weight: 5 – 9 kg

  • Varieties of "Siberian cat"

    The fur colourpoint (a light color on the body and darker on the tips of the legs, the tail, ears and face) is accepted by most associations, as the International Cat Association (TICA), the World Cat Federation (WCF) and the Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF), the reference organization in France. But, some consider cats Siberian colourpoint like a different race.

    Is the case, in particular, of the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé), that since 2011 registers them with the name of Neva Masquerade cat. The LOOF also recognizes the term Neva Masquerade, but in conjunction with the name «Siberian«: in his eyes, is simply another way of designating siberianos colourpoint, but by no means a breed in its own right.

    Siberian cat
    A 3-year-old Calico Tabby Siberian Cat – Lilllio, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Character and skills

    The Siberian he is a loving and devoted cat who loves his family. He waits for his owner at the door when he comes home from work, and immediately begins to tell him about his day following him around the house. Loves to participate in various household activities, either helping in the kitchen, lying on the computer keyboard where his owner is working, or sitting in front of the TV that its owner is watching.

    Having said that, although he loves to receive attention from his owners, not overly intrusive or demanding, and he is perfectly capable of waiting patiently for his owners to have time for him. They can be left alone during the day without separation anxiety.

    They are also excellent hosts and, after observing the newcomer from a distance to meet him, they will not hesitate to come over to greet you and participate in the conversation. It is also an ideal cat breed with children who have learned to behave with a certain respect., since he likes to play with them and has enough patience to tolerate some oddities and clumsiness.

    His outgoing character also applies to his peers, but also the dogs: he is not afraid of anything and is aware of his respectable size, is not easily impressed and likes to resolve conflicts amicably.

    On the other hand, has retained a strong hunting instinct that makes it very difficult, yes not impossible, cohabitation with rodents and birds. The fish are not safe either, especially because they have a certain fascination for water. This can lead to, for example, to play with the water in your bowl or toilet, or even to spray his master when he is bathing.

    The Siberian cat he is extremely intelligent, able to learn to retrieve objects (activity that you especially enjoy) or to be walked on a leash, but also to solve complex problems, like opening the closet door or reaching for that toy that its owner thought was out of reach. Teaching your cat tricks is a great way to spend quality time with him., while giving you the opportunity to exercise both physically and intellectually.

    They are also very good at understanding human emotions and know when to go play with a cheerful owner., or comfort someone who has had a bad day by purring on their lap to show their affection. This makes them an excellent therapy cat..

    Although the Siberian cat has a rather calm and quiet character, he is also an active cat that retains a playful side throughout his life. They are surprisingly agile for their size, being able to climb almost anywhere and make dizzying jumps. Some owners still wonder how their dog got the spider in the living room.… And is that, like most of his peers, he likes to be in a high place from which he can admire his territory; if you think your cat tree is not tall enough, do not hesitate to find a closet more to your liking.

    Curious and without any notion of property rights, does not hesitate to steal any object to make a toy with which to play. Thus, it is strongly recommended to store jewelry and other valuables in a safe place.

    On the other hand, although they are delighted to have access to the outside and to be able to run and climb at their ease, they are still a breed of cats capable of living in a flat. In fact, for a Siberian, the company and affection of your family are even more important than physical exercise.

    Last, this cat has a wide vocal range of soft meows, trills and chirps, but also a powerful purr reminiscent of a boat engine. They are not as talkative as the eastern races, but they like to communicate and give their opinion.

    Siberian cat
    Siberian cat

    Grooming and caring for the "Siberian cat"

    The triple coat of the Siberian it is low maintenance, since it does not tend to knot. But, a thorough brushing is necessary every week to remove dead hairs and distribute sebum from the skin. During the moulting season, in autumn and spring, the dog loses a lot of hair, so it is recommended to brush it every day. This grooming session is also an opportunity to share a complicity moment with your pet., especially since he especially appreciates staying quietly on his owner's lap while he is being brushed.

    On the other hand, it should be noted that, against popular belief, the Siberian it can perfectly provoke allergic reactions in its master. The amount of Fel d1 (an enzyme that causes allergies in people sensitive to it) in the saliva of the Siberian cat is much lower than that of a cat without a pedigree, but the amount is not zero. Thus, it is simply a race of hypoallergenic cat, that is to say, that is less likely to cause an allergy.

    Unless you want to expose your cat in a feline exhibition, it is rarely necessary to bathe him. This is certainly a good thing, as it is very difficult to shampoo their thick, waterproof fur.

    But, the weekly grooming session is an opportunity to check your teeth, eyes and ears looking for dirt, and clean them with a damp cloth if necessary. This will reduce the risk of cavities and infections of all kinds.

    Last, if your dog spends a lot of time outdoors, it may be that natural wear and tear is enough to file your nails. If not the case, it is advisable to trim them with a nail trimmer when they have become too long, so that they are not hindered in their movements.

    Indoor or outdoor cat?

    The Siberian cat it is a nature loving breed that spends a lot of time outdoors if allowed to roam freely. This independent cat loves to roam for hours in nature, hunt and explore the environment. Like a good hunter, Siberian he usually takes his prey home.

    That you Siberian gift you with dead birds and mice is not to everyone's liking and should be considered prior to purchase. If the cat stays indoors, a large floor with a sturdy scratching post is a minimum requirement. The ideal would be a safe garden, where the cat can live its desire to move. With the proper precautions, your cat will live happily.

    How much activity does he need? "Siberian cat"?

    As an active breed, the Siberian cat needs a lot of space to play and hunt. Independent cats prefer to occupy themselves and explore their environment. Of course, especially at a young age, they still like to be kept busy with a gaming rod or mice.

    Intelligence toys for cats also keep them busy and boost their intelligence. They also like to play with other cats, so they should not be alone. As one of the few cats, to the Siberian he likes to play with water and can also keep busy for a long time with a leaky faucet.

    Siberian cat
    Siberian cat Tofik – Mstachul, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Health and nutrition

    The Siberian it is very robust. Able to live in environments as difficult as the Siberian forests from which it originates, It is a breed of cat that does not fear the cold. But, not at its best when temperatures exceed 30 °C: to avoid any risk of heat stroke, it is then important to keep it in a shady area or even with air conditioning.

    It also, have a predisposition to certain genetic diseases. This is the case, in particular, of :

  • The feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a relatively common disease in domestic cats that causes abnormal development of heart tissue, with potentially serious heart problems. Screening of parents can minimize, but not delete, the risk of transmission to the kitten;
  • Deficiency of pyruvate kinase (PK-def), which causes a problem in red blood cell metabolism leading to anemia of varying severity in cats. There is a DNA test to identify the gene; a breeder's siberian cats responsible must exclude the carriers of the offspring.

  • It also, the fact that the Siberian forest cat being so large does not make you immune to one of the greatest health risks of a domestic cat: the Obesity. Responsible owners should ensure that their cats maintain an adequate weight and seek the advice of the veterinarian if they notice a tendency to be overweight.

    Life expectancy

    Of 12 to 15 years


    The Siberian forest cat he has no problems with his diet; can be fed commercially available industrial cat food without any problem. But, choosing a quality product that is suitable for your age and activity level is essential to ensure that you are getting all the nutrients and vitamins you need.

    By being able to self-regulate, can be left with food at all times.

    But, it is the owner's responsibility to ensure that the dog is not overweight and, Therefore, weigh him regularly to monitor his weight. In the event of deviations, consultation with a veterinarian will allow to establish a more adequate feeding program.

    For sale "Siberian cat"

    It is only possible to get a Siberian cat of breeders of this breed. It is preferable to resort to a family breeding, where the cat is born near its breeder. The small size of the structure and the proximity of the human being have allowed it to develop its familiar and endearing character.

    If raised in good conditions, the Siberian cat he will not be wild and he will be very close to his master. It can become the "dog-cat" that the owner expects, the one who will be curious about strangers, the one who will wait for his owner behind the door and the one who will follow him everywhere. Please note that if the cat you are purchasing does not have a pedigree, It will not be considered a pedigree cat but a "street cat".

    Having said that, the price of a Siberian cat ranges between 700 and 1.000 EUR. The price depends mainly on whether you buy a companion cat or a breeding cat.

    Siberian cat
    Portrait of a Brown tabby Siberian – Sibirela, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Videos "Siberian cat"

    the siberian cat / Siberian Cat - Mug&In
    El Gato Siberiano / Siberian Cat – MuKi&Mu
    SIBERIAN CAT - Characteristics, Care and Health
    SIBERIAN CAT – Characteristics, Care and Health

    Alternative names:

  • Siberian forest cat
  • ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Sokoke cat
    Federations: LOOF, TICA, FIFé,GCCF, AFC

    The cats Sokoke it is one of the few recognized breeds that are of natural origin. It is native, It means that they have evolved on its own, no human intervention or initial breeding selection.


    Characteristics "Sokoke cat"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Sokoke cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Activity level

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to other pets

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to children

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Grooming requirements

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for attention

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection towards its owners

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


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    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    The genesis of the Sokoke

    The Sokoke it is one of the rarest cat breeds in the world. Historically it has lived in the wild in the rainforest of Sokoke-Arabute, a nature reserve on the east coast of Kenya. But, it is not known since when.

    One of the hypotheses is that it descends from domestic cats who arrived at the end of the 19th century with British settlers and then took over the forest of Sokoke-Arabute.

    But, it is more likely that the Sokoke have lived in the area for much longer, in particular through contact with Giriamas, a local tribe that hunts and feeds on the Sokoke, even today. The Giriamas they also gave it its original name, Khadzonzo, which means "like the bark", in reference to its mottled coat.

    In any case, never ceased to intrigue scientists, and many tried to study it. For a long time this was in vain, given their stealth and propensity to evade them.

    In 1978, Jeny Slater, an Englishwoman who lived on the edge of the nature reserve, discovered a litter of three kittens Khadzonzo abandoned and hidden in the hollow of a log. Decided to take them home and feed them. His fascination was even greater because normally it was very difficult to see them, much less catch them. He was very surprised to see how easy it was to tame these little wild cats. Worried about the possibility of this animal disappearing, decided to raise them. When they became adults, two of the little cats gave birth to their first litter.

    Scientists were finally able to begin studying the Khadzonzo. DNA tests were carried out to find out if it was descended from African wild cats, but they were negative: could not establish that link. It was then decided to call the cat simply «African shorthair cat«.

    In 1984, a danish friend of Jeny Slater, Gloria Moldrop, came to visit her in Kenya. Enchanted with Khadzonzos, took two of them to Denmark, Good gene, to try to publicize the breed and contribute to its development. In fact, that year he exhibited them at a cat show in Copenhagen.

    In 1985, Good gene they had their first litter. But, starting with just two individuals was not enough to establish a breeding program that would avoid inbreeding and all the health problems that it could entail.. In 1990, Gloria Moldrop brought three more specimens from Kenya and was able to start a real breeding program with the aim of getting the breed recognized.

    Recognition of the «Sokoke»

    Sokoke cat
    Sokoke, neutered male – The original uploader was SHD at English Wikipedia. A. Turto en:User:SHD (self made), CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons

    In 1992, Gloria Moldrop presented several copies to the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé). The following year, the organization recognized the breed under the name of Sokoke, in reference to the forest Sokoké-Arabute, its natural habitat.

    In 2003, the International Cat Association (TICA) did the same. It was also in this year that the Sokoke was recognized by the Official Book of Feline Origins (LOOF) French.

    But, in 2014, TICA decided to lower its status: it was still possible to register their representatives in the registers kept by the institution, but they could no longer compete in the cat shows organized under their auspices. In effect, had not received the report that breeders normally send and that allows statistics to be established: annual number of births, distribution between males and females, age of the reproducers…

    In any case, the Sokoke cat still has a long way to go to be fully recognized around the world. In fact, still ignored by some major organizations, as the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA).

    Others have given their blessing, but only in a preliminary way, waiting for your full recognition. Is the case, for example, of the Governing Council of The Cat Fancy (GCCF) from 2015, or from Association Féline Canadienne (CCA), which grants it the status of an experimental breed.

    The popularity of "Sokoke"

    A part of the population of Sokoke cat still living in the wild in the forest of Sokoke-Arabute, in Kenya. But, they seem to be in danger of extinction.

    Can't say that the Sokoke domesticated is imposing, as it is still extremely rare worldwide. Its population is also very small.

    In France, only three specimens were registered in the Libro Oficial de Orígenes Felinos (LOOF) over the years 2000 and 2010, more specifically in 2004.

    The breed is a bit more established in Britain, with almost a dozen annual registrations in the Governing Council of The Cat Fancy (GCCF) at the end of the Decade of 2010. But, this is still a matter of confidentiality.

    In Denmark, Gloria Moldrop has had some followers, so there are also a handful of breeders. There are also some in other European countries, like germany.

    The situation is quite similar in North America: In both the United States and Canada there are hardly more than a handful of breeders. But, the Association Féline Canadienne (CCA) has accepted it as an experimental breed, waiting for your full recognition. The leading organization in the United States, the Cat Fanciers’ Association, has not yet taken the step.

    Physical characteristics

    Sokoke – Flickr

    The Sokoke It is an elegant and distinguished feline of medium size and semi-linear type. Domesticated and bred individuals look much more harmonious than those left free.

    The body medium length is slim and muscular, built around a strong bone structure. The chest is well developed and prominent.

    The tail is moderately long to long. Thick at the base, tapering towards the tip.

    The legs they are tall and thin, which contributes to the elegant appearance of the dog, But they are, However, muscular. Finish in feet oval with black pads. The hind legs are longer than the front legs and have a significant angle specific to the breed.

    The head rests on a neck long and muscular that separates it well from the shoulders. It is small in relation to the body, and is shaped like a smoothed triangle. The skull it's almost flat.

    The ears are size medium, wide at the base and rounded at the tip. They can end in plumes, and this feature is highly appreciated.

    The eyes they are big, they are far apart, are almond-shaped and slightly sloping. Their color ranges from amber to light green and they are expressive and bright.

    The nose is straight and of medium length. Finish off with a brick red nose. Seen on side, there is a slight concave curve between the forehead and the nose.

    Whisker pads are well marked, but they are not prominent. They dominate a strong and broad chin.

    The fur of the Sokoke It is brilliant, very short and has no undercoat. This is a tabby cat, which can be any shade of black brindle. It is preferable that the marks have sharp hairs, that is to say, that alternate light and dark areas.

    Last, this cat is not characterized by a sexual dimorphism pronounced: males and females are quite similar in size and weight.

    Size and weight

    • Size: 30 cm.
    • Weight: Of 3 to 5 kg

    Breed standard

    The breed standards are documents produced by official bodies that list the conditions that a dog must meet. Sokoke cat to be fully recognized as belonging to the race:

    Character and skills

    Sokoke –Flickr

    Although it may seem surprising, the Sokoke was originally a wild cat and was easily tame.

    He even enjoys the company of humans, and is especially attached, kind and affectionate with the members of his family, with both adults and children. He is also very playful, which makes it an excellent entertainment companion for them, and vice versa. But, this does not prevent a certain caution: a small child and a cat should never be left alone unsupervised, and this applies to all races. In any case, things are better if the children are old enough to have learned to behave in a respectful way with their companion.

    His playful nature and intelligence make it essential to provide him with interactive toys to stimulate and develop his faculties.. Always play very intensely for short periods of time, then you need to calm down to start over. Of course, he is even happier when he can play with his family. The possibilities are very numerous, since his proximity to the family and his intelligence make him perfectly capable of learning different tricks. These may include, catching an object that is thrown at him is a lot of fun for him. Being an activity with your family and spending time with them, It doesn't bother him to be walked on a leash either, and he can get used to it..

    More broadly, His intense relationship with his family means that he is both an attention seeker and an attention giver. Participates willingly in family activities and tends to follow family members and greet them at the door when they arrive home. This is especially true of the person who cares the most about him., although he does not ignore the others.

    He is also very vocal when interacting with family members.. Purr loudly to express well-being, meows softly to calm its owners when its great sensitivity makes it sense that they are in an unusual emotional state, or give your opinion on the TV show. Pretty talkative, knows how to use different recognizable tones to communicate: these different modulations allow you to quickly know, for example, if he is asking for a hug, asking for attention, asking for food or indicating pain.

    He is loyal to his family and enjoys interacting with them, for example playing or receiving pampering. Of course, also needs time apart, since it could be in nature. But, he does not like to be alone: even when he rests quietly in his corner, be grateful that there is someone close.

    Close to yours, the Sokoke he is also very sociable with strangers who enter his domain. He is not one of those who are scared or aggressive towards them: although he should not be expected to hug them, will play happily with them.

    He is also able to share his home with another dog. But, as it is quite territorial, gradual adaptation is necessary for everything to go well, and the ideal is that the coexistence is established from the earliest age of the two protagonists.

    The Sokoke he is very active and does not really belong to a flat. to prosper, you need to live in a house with a garden to which you can have free access, thanks to a cat flap, for example. His instinct is to climb trees, where in nature he used to spend most of the time. This allows you to recover part of its original state, hunt insects, satisfy your curiosity and keep an eye on your territory. It is especially agile in this area.

    He also likes to have some height when he is indoors., so a cat tree is an essential purchase to make you feel comfortable.

    It also, the Sokoke differs from his peers in his attraction to water; not only does he like to play with her, but that it is one of the cat breeds that like to swim. So don't be surprised to see him come back drenched from his wanderings., since he is delighted to bathe in a river or a lake. But, if there is a pool in the house, it is better to cover it to avoid getting into it, since chlorinated water is not good for cats and if they drink it regularly it can cause kidney problems and irritate their skin. So, if he can get into it, it is better to rinse it afterwards with clean water.

    The same, after any bath anywhere, or even just when I come back from the outside wet, it is important to dry him well with a towel so that he can then snuggle up in a blanket and prevent him from getting cold. Of course, this is even more important when the temperature is low.


    "Sokoke cat"


    The Sokoke wild has been little studied. It also, its domestication is relatively recent and the breed's population remains small. All this explains why there is little time to know the diseases to which this cat is especially exposed. But, the cat is known to be generally in good health.

    It is also known to withstand high temperatures very well, which is not surprising for an animal native to the rainforests of Kenya. But, it is also known to fear the cold, above all because does not have undercoat. But, can adapt to all climates, as long as you have constant access to a well-heated place where you can shelter in cold weather, so as not to catch a cold. This risk should not be taken lightly, since the coryza, the common cold, can have lifelong consequences. The risk is even higher for young and old cats, that are more fragile and, Therefore, more prone to colds.

    To adopt a Sokoke, it is essential to contact a serious breeder. This will give you the best chance of having a healthy kitten and keeping it that way.. In effect, a true professional takes the time to socialize little felines and monitor their health from a very young age. But, above all, as the genetic background of the breed is quite small, can also ensure that parents do not have a common ancestor to avoid inbreeding problems. You can also present a certificate of good health issued by a veterinarian, as well as the health or vaccination card containing the vaccines administered to the animal.

    Once the adoption is final, it is the owner's responsibility to take care of the health of his little companion throughout his life. In particular, should ensure that the pet receives a regular check-up by a veterinarian, to make sure everything is okay or, on the other hand, to diagnose any problems as soon as possible and to be able to react as best as possible. Once a year is the minimum, and it is better to go further when the animal gets older. It also, these appointments are also an opportunity to repeat the necessary vaccinations.

    It also, the owner must give his cat the necessary treatments throughout the year to ensure that he is always protected against parasites. This is even more important for an animal like him, who spends a good part of his time outside and who likes to climb trees.


    The Sokoke it's a low maintenance cat.

    This is especially true of their very short coat., that has no undercoat: a simple weekly brushing is enough to remove dead hair.

    It is also important to check your ears once a week and clean them with a damp cloth to remove any impurities., which could otherwise end up accumulating and becoming infected (ear infections, etc.).

    You should take the opportunity to check your eyes. If they are dirty, wiping the corners with a damp cloth will also reduce the risk of infection.

    Regular brushing of your pet's teeth is essential too. This should be done at least once a week, although the ideal is to do it daily. Otherwise, plaque builds up and turns into tartar. This can lead not only to bad breath, but also to more or less serious diseases.

    Last, you need to check the length of the cat's claws every month. If they get too long, there is a risk of injury, discomfort or breakage. Due to its high level of activity, this is not a problem, due to natural wear and tear. But, natural wear and tear may not be enough (for example, in the case of a less active and / or elderly person), and manual trimming may be required. In any case, even for an individual with free access to the outside, the presence of a scratching post (either inside or outside) is essential. This allows them to satisfy their essential need to scratch on an object designed for it., instead of using furniture or curtains, for example.

    Whether for the fur, the ears, the eyes, teeth or claws, the different treatments necessary for the care of the Sokoke are available to everyone. But, to avoid the risk of harming or injuring you - and traumatizing you at the same time- it's best to ask a vet or groomer for advice the first time. This will allow you to know the appropriate gestures to act safely and effectively.

    The best way to get this care to become, with the time, in a special moment between the owner and his pet, is getting used to it from a young age. It also, will appreciate these moments even more if they are sprinkled with cuddles and caresses, or even if they allow a little conversation, since he likes to talk a lot.


    In its natural state, the Sokoke spends most of the time in the trees, where he also hunts. Unlike their peers, does not eat birds or rodents, but insects like crickets, butterflies and flies. He then descends to ingest his weed loot.

    A domesticated individual needs the food provided by his master to satisfy his nutritional needs.. So, both quantitatively and qualitatively, must suit your age, your health and activity level.

    Quality industrial products usually fulfill this function perfectly.. But, it is not advisable to feed your dog human food, that is unlikely to meet your nutritional needs unless it has been carefully selected for this purpose. For this reason, Giving him table scraps or rummaging through the trash is rarely a good idea, especially since some foods popular with humans are toxic to cats. So, it is better to avoid these situations, and this from a very young age, to prevent you from developing bad habits.

    Last, the Sokoke, just like any other cat, you must have fresh water at all times.

    For sale "Sokoke cat"

    The Sokoke it is one of the rarest cat breeds in the world. Although it has spread to various regions far from its native Kenya, especially in Europe and North America, the number of breeders is still very limited. So, a person wishing to adopt a representative of this breed should not fear traveling many kilometers or having to wait several months.

    Even so, the price of a kitten Sokoke usually hovering between 1500 and 1800 EUR.

    But, when adopting a cat from abroad, It is important to note that transport costs and administrative costs are added to the price of the cat. It also, it is necessary, of course, find out about the legislation regarding the importation of animals and comply with it.

    whatever the country, the price charged can vary significantly depending on the reputation of the kennel, the lineage from which the animal originates and, above all, its intrinsic characteristics, especially when it comes to physical. This last point explains why there can be significant differences within the same litter..

    Videos "Sokoke cat"

    Alternative names:

    Sokoke Forest Cat, African Shorthair, khadzonzo or kadzonzo

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Somali cat
    Federations: LOOF, CFA, ACF, ACFA, TICA, FIFé, WCF


    Characteristics "Somali cat"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Somali cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


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    Activity level

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    Friendliness to other pets

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    Friendliness to children

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    Grooming requirements

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    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for attention

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection towards its owners

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    No one knows for sure when and where the first somali cat; some advocates think that the long coat was a spontaneous natural mutation of the Abyssinian cat. Genetic studies indicate, However, that Somali probably originated around the turn of the century in England, when breeders, few breeders, they used longhair cats in their breeding programs Abyssinians.

    At the end of the decade 1910 and at the end of the decade of 1940, during the aftermath of World Wars I and II, when so many races had dwindled to near extinction, breeders were forced to mix other breeds into their bloodlines abisinias to keep the race. Raby Chuffa of Selene, a Abyssinian cat male who came to the United States from Great Britain in 1953, and that appears in the pedigrees of many Abyssinians, is considered the father of the somali race on this continent; all the somalis Canadians and Americans can be traced to this cat.

    Somali cat
    somali cat, female – FinnFrode, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    The pedigree of Raby Chuffa It dates back to Roverdale Purrkins, a female Abyssinian cat English whose mother, Mrs. Mews, was of unknown ancestry and probably carried the gene for Longhair. Mrs. Mews was given to the breeder Janet Robertson by a sailor during WWII. Mrs. Mews later had two kittens: Roverdale Purrkins, registered as Abyssinian, and an unregistered black male.

    Robertson used to Purrkins to start his kennel of Roverdale. Your cats and others Abyssinians of British origin were exported to Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and United States. When long-haired kittens appeared in the litters of Abyssinians (which was possible whenever two Abyssinians who carried the longhair recessive gene), the kittens were discreetly given away, since no breeder wanted their Abyssinian lines to be thought to be "contaminated" with the longhair gene.

    It was not until the decade of 1960 when breeders, seeing the appeal of a longhair version of a breed that was rapidly gaining popularity in North America, they began to seriously try to turn these castaways into a race of their own. At the same time, breeders of Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand also began working with the new breed. Some breeders of Abyssinians They wanted nothing to do with these long-haired mavericks and they didn't want to foster the connection that the name "longhair abyssinian» would produce.

    the Abyssinian breeder Evelyn Mague, one of the first American breeders to work with the long haired breed after discovering that two of his Abyssinians, Lynn-Lee’s Lord Dublin and Lo-Mi-R’s Trill-By, they were carriers of the long hair gene.

    He came up with the name “Somali” because Somalia borders Ethiopia., the country that used to be called Abyssinia and that gave its name to the Abyssinian cat. In 1972, Mague founded the Somali Cat Club of America and began to gather the enthusiasts of the somalis.

    In 1975, the International Somali Cat Club was founded, affiliated with the CFA. La CFA. recognized the breed in 1978. Lynn Lee’s Picasso and Lynn Lee’s Pearl, two somalis from the hatchery of E. Mague, arrived in France in 1979. The FIFe approved the breed in 1982.

    This cat is very popular with a growing audience.

    Physical characteristics

    "Somali cat"

    Gato Somali
    Picture of a ruddy Somali cat – AbuDun91919, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    The complexion of the Somali cat It is similar to the race it comes from, with long legs and agile and muscular body. Long hair may have up to twelve alternate stripes of dark marks in each hair, What produces an impressive brightness when the cat has all the fur. As all cats, silent substantially in spring, and in the year's hottest months or in warm climates, It may seem almost of short hair. With its winter coat, the tail becomes very hairy, and thanks to its color and complexion it has earned the nickname "fox cat".

    Size and weight

    • Size: 30 cm.
    • Weight: 3,5 to 5,5 kg

    Breed standard

    The breed standards are documents established by official bodies that list the conditions that a dog must meet. Somali cat to be fully recognized as belonging to the race:


    Medium long torso, agile and elegant, showing well-developed muscle strength. The rib cage is rounded; the back is slightly arched, giving the appearance of a cat about to jump; flank is level, without it being collected. The conformation falls somewhere between the extremes of the elongated and slender types.


    Modified wedge, slightly rounded, without blueprints; the eyebrows, cheeks and profile lines show a smooth contour. A slight lift from the bridge of the nose to the forehead, which should be of a good size with a width between the ears that flows into the arched neck without interruption. The muzzle should follow a smooth contour in accordance with the skull, seen from the front profile. The chin must be complete, neither lower nor higher, with a rounded appearance. The muzzle should not be very pointed, and there should be no evidence of a bite, rash or pinch on whiskers.


    Large, alerts, moderately pointed, wide and hollowed out at the base. The ears should be placed in a line towards the back of the skull. The inner ear should have horizontal strands that reach almost to the other side of the ear.; it is desirable that there are tufts.


    Almond-shaped, large, bright and expressive. Skull opening not round or oriental. Eyes accentuated by dark skin on the eyelid surrounded by a light-colored area. On each of them a short dark vertical stroke with a dark pencil line that continues from the upper eyelid to the ear. The color of the eyes is gold or green, the richer and deeper the color, best.


    Legs in proportion to the torso; oval and compact feet. When it is stopped, the Somali gives the impression of being agile and fast. Toes five in the front and four in the back.


    With a full brush, thick at the base and slightly tapered. Its length is balanced with the torso.


    Very soft texture to the touch, extremely thin and double-layered. The denser the fur, best. Length: a medium length cloak, except on the shoulders, where slightly shorter length is allowed.


    Ruddy, red, blue and tawny. Warm and glowing.

    • Ticking: distinct and uniform, with dark colored bands contrasting with lighter colored bands on the hair shafts. Undercoat color is clear and bright relative to skin. Deeper color tones are desired, However, ticking intensity should not be sacrificed for color depth. Preference is given to cats without markings on the underparts, chest and legs; tail without rings.
    • Markings: darker shading along spine continuing to tip of tail; darker shading on the hocks, shading is allowed at the tip of the elbow; dark lines extending from the eyes and eyebrows, shading on cheekbones, dots and shading on whisker pads are desirable enhancements, eyes accentuated by a fine dark line, surrounded by a light colored area.

    Character and skills

    Under his apparent shyness, he is an intelligent cat and sometimes capable of being bold. Very alert, lively and active, it is not exuberant. He is a lovely companion, whose behavior is often compared to that of a little fox.

    Tender and very affectionate, demands a lot of attention, but is said to be less possessive than the Abyssinian cat. Although he is somewhat afraid of the cold, Somali do not tolerate confinement and, Therefore, he does not like life on the flat very much. As a great hunter, a garden is better for him than a flat.


    The maintenance of its coat only requires a weekly brushing. During the molting period, must be brushed daily.

    Videos "Somali cat"


    Muffin - The Somali Cat - My daily grooming

    Alternative names:

  • Fox cat; long-haired Abyssinian
  • ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Sphynx cat (Canadian Sphynx)
    Federations: CFA, FIFe, TICA, AACE, ACFA/CAA, CCA-AFC

    Photo: wilkipedia


    Characteristics "Sphynx cat (Canadian Sphynx)"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Sphynx cat (Canadian Sphynx)" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Activity level

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to other pets

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to children

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Grooming requirements

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for attention

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection towards its owners

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    The Sphynx it is a singular cat, that does not stop turning those who cross it. In fact, His physical appearance, with her bare and wrinkled skin, does not leave anyone indifferent.

    But, only mentioned for a few decades, although the existence of naked cat breeds is not new.

    In ancient egypt, hairless cats already attracted attention, and only pharaohs could have them. More recently, wall engravings from Aztec times show that they raised cats very similar to those of the Sphynx current.

    In 1830, Swiss naturalist and physician J.R. Rengger described these cats in his book on the mammals of Paraguay (Naturgeschichte der Säugethiere von Paraguay).

    In 1903, hairless cats were mentioned in the book The Book of the Cat, written by Frances Ann Simpson, a cat historian. He mentioned two nude specimens named Dick and Nellie who lived in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The Pueblo Indians gifted them to an American cat lover, F.J. Shinick. They told him that they were the last two descendants of the cats bred by the Aztecs.

    At a cat show held in Paris in 1930, a male and a female aroused great curiosity. The photos of them show that they look a lot like the Sphynx. Given the rarity of these individuals and the fact that they came from the same neighborhood in Paris, they were assumed to have the same father, which in turn should be hairless. But, the two owners refused to attempt mating.

    In the following years, similar individuals were reported in Morocco, Australia and the United States.

    The phenomenon was repeated in Toronto (Canada) in 1966: a pair of short-haired domestic cats gave birth to a litter in which one of the males, called Prune, I had no hair. This did not leave Ridyah and Yania Bawa indifferent, breeders by profession, who decided to start breeding naked cats. They acquired Prune and Elizabeth, his mother, and they made them raise. They obtained a litter with a hairless individual. With the help of Keese and Rita Tenhove, they continued their work to develop the breed, who was called first Moonstone Cat and then Canadian Hairless, finally choosing the name of Sphynx cat.

    But, the early days were chaotic, with medical problems caused by limited gene pool and inbreeding. As a result, some kittens died quickly from undiagnosed illnesses. In fact, the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) granted recognition of the breed on a provisional basis in 1970, before withdrawing it the following year precisely for these health problems.

    In 1975, Milt y Ethelyn Pearson, Minnesota farmers ((UNITED STATES)UU.), they found a hairless kitten in one of their litters, even though both of his parents did not have this specificity. They called it Epidermis. The following year they had more hairless kittens, one of whom they named Dermis. In 1981, Kim Muesk, from the Z’Stardust hatchery in Oregon, bought the two cats from farmers to try to develop the breed.

    At the same time, another Minnesota breeder, Georgiana Gattenby, he also used naked kittens from the Pearson farm to cross with the Cornish Rex and help develop the Sphynx cat.

    At the end of the year 70, a dutch amateur, The doctor. Hugo Hernandez, got a male cat and a female, named Starsky and Johnny respectively. Both specimens were probably descendants of Prune. Raised them, but the litter resulting from their mating died.

    At the same time, more specifically in 1978, Shirley Smith, a Siamese breeder from Toronto (Canada), he found three little hairless cats on the streets of his neighborhood. He took them in and called them Bambi, Paloma and Punkie. Castrated Bambi, but he sold the other two to Hugo Hernández, who still owned Starsky and Johnny.

    Hugo Hernández tried several crosses, but none of them were successful. Castrated Starsky in 1981 and sold Paloma to a German breeder. Finding herself without a male Sphynx able to create, raised Punkie with a white Devon Rex. She gave birth to a litter of five kittens, two of which were hairless and named Q-Ra and Q-Ramses. In collaboration with the German breeder, a mating was arranged between Q-Ra and Paloma, that allowed the latter to give birth to a small Sphynx called Hathor.

    The two men also arranged marriages between Q-Ramses and Paloma. In 1983, one of the resulting litters passed into the hands of Patrick Challain, a Parisian breeder, and the breed was introduced in France. One of the kittens in the litter, Chnoem, came to acquire notoriety as European champion of the breed.

    In 1985, a couple of French breeders, Aline and Philippe Noël, two little Sphynx were brought from Holland, Mogwi y Gizmo. They had a litter from which came a little cat named Amenophis Clone. The latter was used by the Official Book of Feline Origins (LOOF) to set the standard Sphynx.

    Beyond the fact that the breed faced many pitfalls before it was born, sometimes faced a certain suspicion, even open hostility. In effect, if some cat lovers were quickly fascinated by this particular looking cat, others, on the other hand, they had a much less enthusiastic attitude, arguing that the gene that gives bare skin can be considered as a genetic disease, and that, therefore, this particularity should not be encouraged at all, and even less to be recognized by official authorities.

    Your point of view is questionable, because the hairless skin trait is due to a spontaneous genetic mutation that has existed since ancient times, no to a disease. But, despite his detractors, the breed managed to develop and be recognized, especially thanks to the crosses made with the American shorthair cat and the Devon Rex: they were a precious help to expand the genetic background of the breed and avoid inbreeding.


    Recognition of Sphynx

    Although the Sphynx cat It is a fairly recent breed and its beginnings were somewhat chaotic, was quickly recognized by the various reference bodies, both international and national.

    The International Cat Association (TICA) was in 1986 the first official body to take the step. The Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé), that brings together the feline authorities of some forty countries, including Switzerland and Belgium, did the same in 2002. It was also that year when Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) definitely recognized the Sphynx, after a true false start in 1970, when he was granted provisional recognition, to withdraw it the following year.

    In fact, most official organizations in the world have done the same, as the World Cat Federation (WCF), the British Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), the Canadian Cat Association (CCA) or the Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF) in France.

    The unique appearance of this cat has not prevented it from being widely recognized throughout the world, and its success is undeniable.

    Authorized crossings

    In order to expand the still relatively small gene pool of the breed, and thus reduce the risk of health problems induced by inbreeding, Most organizations allow a Sphynx cat is raised with a representative of some other races.

    The International Cat Association (TICA) allows crossings with :

    In United States, the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) does the same, at least until 2023. In fact, starting at the 1 in January of 2024, Only kittens whose parents are both purebred can register with the organization. Sphynx.

    In Great Britain, the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) add russian blue to the list. So, the Sphynx can cross with :

    On the other hand, the Canadian Cat Association (CCA) it is much more restrictive, since it only allows crosses with the American shorthair cat.

    The Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF) French is the strictest of all, since it does not allow any crossing of the Sphynx cat with other races. In short, is already applying the policy that the CFA will follow from 2024.

    Popularity of "Sphynx cat (Canadian Sphynx)"

    Maybe the Sphynx be a recent breed of cat, but it is already very popular in both Europe and North America.
    in Canada, despite a hiatus in 2018, in the second half of the Decade of 2010 occurred around 200 annual registrations with the Canadian Cat Association (CCA), which places it on the podium as one of the most popular cat breeds in Canada.

    The United States also contributed a lot to its development, so it is not surprising that it is also well established there. Throughout the decade of 2010, log statistics on Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) placed them between sixth and ninth in the popularity ranking.

    In France, the number of annual registrations in the Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF) has increased almost continuously since the beginning of the century. While at the beginning of the decade of 2000 there were barely hundreds, at the end of it the 300. Things picked up speed in the following decade, to the point that the number of registrations per year exceeded 1.000 at the end of the Decade of 2010, which even allowed the Sphynx enter the Top 10 of the favorite feline breeds of the French.

    In Switzerland, things are more mixed. Certainly, annual enrollment statistics Fédération Féline Helvétique (FFH) show a regular progression from the beginning of the years 2000 until 2015, as their number went from a handful to almost fifty, which allowed them to approach the doors of the Top 10. But, in the following years there was a sudden collapse, and the number of cats Sphynx registered in the organization each year was reduced to about 20.

    In Great Britain, there was also a similar decline from 2013, although it was much less pronounced. Like this, while the inscriptions in the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) they were approaching 400 early in the decade 2010 (versus less than a hundred in 2006, for example), later they were reduced to 250, and even some 200 at the end of the decade. As a result, after reaching the position 13 in the ranking of the most popular breeds in the country (based on the number of annual registrations) in 2012, the Sphynx cat had been demoted to the position 17 in 2019.


    Physical characteristics

    With her bare and wrinkled skin, its big ears and its long rat tail, the Sphynx cat is definitely a cat with an atypical appearance, and he rarely leaves those who come across him indifferent.

    Its body It is medium in size and semicobby. Has well-developed musculature, that is very evident under her hairless skin. His chest is "barrel shaped": is wide and the abdomen is rounded, which gives the impression that you have eaten too much. In fact, this cat is heavier than most of its congeners, but this is mainly due to their muscle mass. The well-shaped hips and rump are proof of this..

    The body ends in a tail long and flexible, slightly thick at the base, that looks like a rat. In some individuals, has a lock of hair on the tip: it is then said that they have a lion's tail.

    The legs have fine bone structure and well-defined musculature. The hind legs are slightly arched. They all have oval feet with long, thin toes and clearly defined phalanges.. The pads are meatier than in other cat breeds. This gives the impression of walking gracefully on air cushions..

    The head it is medium in size and triangular in shape, longer than wide. The skull and forehead are flat. The neck it is quite slim and arched, what gives to Sphynx a haughty look.

    This is reinforced by the ears, that are totally oversized in relation to the head. Wide at the base and rounded at the tip, they are very open and have no hair inside.

    The eyes they are very open, are lemon-shaped and have few or no eyelashes. all colors are accepted, and they give you in any case a penetrating and expressive look.

    Profile, there is a concave curve from the forehead to the straight nose.

    The cheekbones they are bulging and round.

    The snout it celebrities, rounded and rather short. The pasterns, fleshy parts of the muzzle where whiskers normally grow, they are complete and round. But, the Sphynx he doesn't have mustaches. The chin is well defined and firm.

    The skin of the Sphynx can be characterized by alopecia in the strict sense, all over the body. But, usually covered by a small, barely visible down. In both cases, is thicker than fur breeds, and quite comparable to the touch of the skin of a peach.

    It also, kittens are born with very wrinkled fur. This softens a bit as they grow, but a Sphynx cat adult retains folds especially on the legs, neck and head. All colors and designs are accepted. But, black and white is the most common color. The pigmentation of the skin is what gives the breed its varied colors.

    Last, this breed is not characterized by a sexual dimorphism very pronounced: the male and female are quite similar in size.

    Curious Sphynx cat. – Flickr
    A physical characteristic due to an autosomal recessive gene

    The Sphynx has completely bare skin or has a small amount of down. This alopecia is due to a spontaneous mutation of a gene, without human intervention.

    This gene is autosomal, that is to say, can affect both men and women. It is also recessive in relation to the gene for short or long hair.: to have this morphological peculiarity, an individual must have inherited one copy of the mutated gene from each of their two parents. Otherwise, has hair.

    More concretely, if both parents are carriers of the mutated gene and have fur at the same time (that is to say, are heterozygous in the gene that determines the presence or absence of fur), an average of 25% of their kittens have no hair.

    If, on the other hand, one of the two parents is hairless (that is to say, is homozygous for the fur gene) and the other is a carrier of the gene but has hair (that is to say, is heterozygous), the 50% of the kittens have no hair.

    Last, in the event that both ancestors are hairless (and, Therefore, homozygous for the fur gene), all their offspring are hairless.

    But, as detailed by researchers from the University of Davis (California, (UNITED STATES)UU.) In an article titled "The naked truth: Sphynx and Devon Rex cat breed mutations in KRT71«, published in 2010 in Mammalian Genome Magazine, the specificity of the hairless skin of the Sphynx It is produced by the same gene that gives Devon Rex her curly hair. But, unlike the allele associated with curly hair, the one corresponding to the absence of hair is dominant. So, breeding cats Sphynx with cats Devon Rex would produce hairless individuals and was identified as an interesting way to increase the cat population Sphynx and, at the same time, diversify the breed's gene pool. But, It turned out that a large proportion of the individuals born from these matings suffer from dental or nervous diseases.

    This gradually led most organizations to ban the breeding of the Sphynx with the Devon Rex. So they decided Livre Officiel des Origines Félines (LOOF) French, the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) British and the Canadian Cat Association (CCA). The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) has done the same, but this new rule will only be applicable in 2023: starting at the 1 in January of 2024, will stop recognizing kittens born from such a mating. The International Cat Association (TICA) it is the last major institution that admits these crossings.

    Size and weight

    • Size: 30 cm.
    • Weight: Of 2,5 to 4,5 kg

    Varieties of "Sphynx cat (Canadian Sphynx)"

    Contrary to what its name might suggest, the Donskoy (Don Sphynx) it has nothing to do with him Sphynx cat.

    The confusion is even more possible because it is also a naked cat breed and has a similar appearance.. This is why he was called Don: Don refers to the city of Rostov-on-Don, near which he was born, While Sphynx refers to the fact that it resembles the latter. But, their origins and stories are completely different.

    Character and skills

    The physical appearance of Sphynx cat can sometimes confuse, not to say discourage. But, his character makes him worth knowing.

    He is especially affectionate and attached to his family, and even humans in general. In fact, loneliness weighs on him, for which he appreciates the company of another human in the absence of that of his relatives. So, can be easily attended by a third person in case of prolonged absence.

    His attachment to his master makes him feel free to follow him everywhere., or even sleeping in his bed (preferably under the sheets, to be warm) if you are offered the opportunity. He also especially likes to lean on the shoulders, to scrutinize your surroundings while in contact with the person who matters most to you. In short, It is not recommended for a person who does not want a "sticky" animal or who is often absent during the day and leaves it alone.

    Although he has a particular attachment to his human reference, he is very tender with all members of the family. He is very cuddly and will cuddle up on the couch with everyone else to keep you company and warm., not hesitating to take advantage of their human warmth by snuggling with them.

    He also really likes tenderness and pampering, and it must be recognized that caressing a Sphynx cat it is a very pleasant experience. In fact, her skin is as smooth as a peach, and radiates a reassuring warmth. It is sometimes used in zootherapy to combat nervousness or anxiety.

    Nor is he deprived of welcoming his little world at the door., how would a dog. Sometimes she even winks to show how happy she is to have her family back..

    It usually delights children, whose company you enjoy. Playful, patient and non-aggressive, it is an excellent entertainment companion for them. But, like any other dog, should never be left alone with a young child, Unsupervised, because a misunderstanding or awkward gesture can happen quickly. The safety of both parties is at stake.

    It also, his closeness to humans is not limited to his family members: he is also very sociable and kind to strangers who come into the house. Far from greeting them with suspicion, as do most of his peers, does not hesitate to go to meet him, for example, jumping on his lap.
    In short, whether it comes from your family or from strangers in the house, loves to be the center of attention.

    They are very friendly, not aggressive and quite willing to share their territory, so they will easily coexist with a companion or a dog, especially if that dog is of a cat-loving breed. Sharing your home with another animal is a great way to help you cope with your family's absence.: if you are also well disposed, they can become best friends, playing together from morning to night. As he does with his humans, does not hesitate to sleep curled up against his little companion, to benefit from its body heat. So that the coexistence goes well, Ideally, each of the two protagonists should be used to the presence of the other from a young age. Otherwise, a gradual introduction is essential so that no one rushes and everyone gradually gets used to the situation.

    Nor is it a problem that a Sphynx live with a bird or a rodent. But, if the family is out, it is always better to ensure the safety of the animal by keeping it in a closed place, either in a cage or in a room that the cat does not have access to.

    In addition to his interpersonal qualities, the Sphynx he is a smart cat, lively and curious. All of these qualities combine to make the Sphynx an excellent student for anyone who wants to teach their cat tricks, how to look for objects and come when called. It is also very good at learning things by itself, especially when it follows its owners and observes them. So, it's not surprising to see him open doors, wardrove, drawers and taps. It is also a good idea to stimulate their intellectual faculties with interactive toys., with whom he usually enjoys.

    Usually, cats like to rise up to observe the world around them, and the Sphynx is no exception. His master's shoulders are one of his favorite observatories, but this does not mean that a cat tree should not also be installed in the home where it can perch and contemplate its surroundings.

    Last, the Sphynx cat it is much more adaptable than most of its congeners. Quickly and easily adapts to a possible change in environment, either punctual (for example, during a trip) the permanent (in the event of a move with your cat). In a way, gives more importance to where you live than to the people you live with.

    Sphynx cat
    Sphynx cat – Dmitry Makeev, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Grooming and caring for the "Sphynx cat (Canadian Sphynx)"

    Those who think that a hairless cat is necessarily less demanding than one with hair will be in for a surprise.: It is not the case of Sphynx cat.

    In particular, their skin should be moisturized daily with a mild oil or lotion specifically for felines. As he likes very much to be caressed and does not mind being manipulated, these cares soon become a pleasure for him.

    It also, the lack of fur means that the sebum emitted by their skin is not absorbed by the hair, so your skin quickly becomes oily. Daily cleaning with a feline washcloth will help keep your cat clean and prevent oil build-up on the skin., so that it does not leave greasy marks on furniture or fabrics. At the same time, it is necessary to bathe your cat every week with a moisturizing shampoo specially designed for cats. You should also make sure to rinse your cat well afterwards.: shampoo left on your skin could lead to scratching and irritation.

    You should also plan to apply sunscreen if you have access to the outdoors and the weather is good.: replaces melanin, the protective substance against ultraviolet rays that, unlike other races, your body does not produce. This is a precaution that should not be overlooked, since sunburn can cause severe burns or even skin cancer if repeated.

    It also, as in the case of any cat, you need to check your ears every week. Cleaning them with a damp cloth will remove impurities and prevent infection. (otitis, etc.); This is all the more useful as the Sphynx it has no hair to protect them.

    Weekly care should also include checking the condition of the eyes. If they are dirty, it is necessary to clean the corner of them with a damp cloth to avoid the accumulation of dirt that could become infected.

    The maintenance of the teeth of the Sphynx is especially crucial to avoid the risk of periodontitis to whom he is predisposed. Brushing once a day is ideal for limiting the buildup of plaque that, when it turns to tartar, not only leads to bad breath but also to more or less serious diseases. It is essential to always use a toothpaste specially formulated for felines.

    Last, it is important to periodically check that its claws do not get too long, as this could cause discomfort or even break or injure you. In fact, even for an individual who has access to the outside, natural wear and tear is not always enough. So, inspecting them once a month allows you to check what is happening and, if required, trim them manually. In any case, whether the cat can leave the house or not, providing you with a scratching post is essential: prevents you from satisfying your irresistible need to scratch furniture.

    Whether it's skin care, the ears, the eyes, teeth or claws, the need for maintenance of a Sphynx cat is not, Therefore, negligible, although there is nothing complex in these manipulations. But, it is better to know the proper gestures to be efficient and avoid hurting or even injuring him. As such, nothing better than using the experience of a veterinarian or a professional groomer the first time, to learn from them how to proceed in the best possible way.

    In any case, this cat readily accepts being handled and, Therefore, it is much less resistant than its congeners to maintenance sessions. Of course, This is even more true if the owner instills a dose of tenderness and takes care of getting him used to it from a young age.: then they have every chance of becoming sweet complicity moments.

    Cat Sphynx
    Cat Sphynx – Dmitry Makeev, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Indoor or outdoor cat?

    By being active and playful, the Sphynx cat need space. But, a garden is not necessarily essential: can be perfectly happy on a floor with enough room for her to run. In any case, is a cat made to live indoors, both because of his closeness to the family and because of his lack of hair, which makes it sensitive to extreme temperatures, either hot or cold. If you live in a house with a garden, the installation of a cat flap is essential so that you can come and go as you please, in particular to take shelter when you get too cold or too hot. Some owners even avoid letting it out unsupervised, since its high price makes it a target for malicious people.

    How much activity does he need? "Sphynx cat (Canadian Sphynx)"?

    The Sphynx Canadian is an extremely intelligent animal that quickly sees challenging toys. She loves that you spend a lot of time with her and demands daily playtime. He gladly accepts smart toys and also likes to chase toy mice or balls. Of course, like any other cat, he likes to rest. If possible, provide him with a large cat tree where he can play and sleep. A sunny and warm windowsill would also be ideal, where the cat can doze comfortably and warm up.

    Health and nutrition

    The Sphynx cat is generally in good health.

    Although this is partially offset by a thicker layer of fat under the skin than in most other breeds., its lack of fur makes it more sensitive to cold. If you have access to the outside, you must have access at all times to a warm corner where you can come to warm up as soon as you feel the need.

    This morphological peculiarity does not prevent it from tolerating heat well. But, does not produce melanin, the molecule that protects from ultraviolet rays. Thus, the risk of sunburn is especially high in this breed. Thus, if they have access to the outside, it is essential to apply a sun cream specially designed for cats, even when the weather is cloudy. It is important to be especially attentive, as repeated burns can lead to skin cancer.

    It also, like any race, the Sphynx are prone to certain health problems. In your case, is about:

    • The Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which is characterized by thickening of the heart muscle and can lead to breathing difficulties, fatigue and intolerance to exertion. It is caused by a genetic mutation that can be detected by a DNA test, but this does not indicate when the symptoms will appear;
    • hereditary myopathy, sometimes known as spasticity, an extremely rare muscle degeneration due to neuromuscular dysfunction, leading to generalized muscle weakness. It occurs in the first months of life and can develop rapidly or remain stable for a short or long period of time before deteriorating abruptly.. In any case, is incurable and leads to the death of the animal;
    • Cutaneous mastocytosis, a skin disease whose causes are still unknown. Results in skin lesions that require generally temporary treatment;
    • The periodontal disease, a gum disease caused by plaque buildup, that turns into tartar. It can cause serious illnesses like sepsis.

    Last, lack of hair can lead to comedones (excessive accumulation of sebum in the pores of the skin), especially on the chin or tail. But, there are treatments for it, which can be periodic or permanent.

    Go to a breeder Sphynx earnestly will maximize the chances of adopting a healthy and well-behaved kitten. In fact, is the guarantee that the animal has been well socialized and, in general, has spent the first weeks of life in optimal conditions. It also, a professional worthy of the name takes care of genetic testing the subjects he intends to breed, to verify that they are not carriers of a hereditary defect that can be transmitted to their descendants. If they do it, are excluded from the breeding program. So, must be able to present the results of tests performed to parents and, possibly, to the pups, a certificate of good health from a veterinarian, as well as the details of the vaccinations received by the animal, registered in your health or vaccination card.

    From the moment the adoption is finalized, the owner is responsible for keeping the animal in good health. As such, should take their pet to a vet for a full check-up at least once a year, and even more regularly as the pet gets older. This is an opportunity for the professional to diagnose any problems and, if required, treat it in the best possible conditions. It also, You can take advantage of this appointment to repeat the necessary vaccinations at the same time. As in all visits to the vet, usually goes smoothly, since the Sphynx is known for being handled without complaint.

    Last, always in the field of prevention, the owner must ensure that his partner's deworming treatments are renewed throughout the year, so you are never unprotected against parasite risks. Even an individual who lives inside is not immune.

    Sphynx kittens
    Sphynx kittens – Dmitry Makeev, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


    Like any other cat, the Sphynx you need a diet that meets your nutritional needs, both in terms of quality and quantity. Must suit your age, activity level and health status.

    In any case, is distinguished by its greater appetite than most of its congeners. This is not simply because he is gluttonous: her nudity causes her to maintain a body temperature between 40 and 41°C at all times, which is about two degrees higher than most other cats. To maintain this temperature, need to burn more calories (especially in winter, if you have access to the outdoors), and therefore needs to eat more. To be clear about the amount of food you need each day, and thus avoid being underfed, do not hesitate to ask a veterinarian for advice.

    In any case, industrial cat food is perfectly suitable for your cat, but the same cannot be said for human food. In fact, unless it has been carefully selected to fit your nutritional needs, chances are high that it will do you more harm than good. So it is best to avoid succumbing to his pleading gaze and never give him leftovers or let him rummage through the bins.. This is all the more true since some very popular foods among humans are toxic to cats..

    Last, like all his classmates, the Sphynx cat must have fresh water available at all times.

    For sale "Sphynx cat (Canadian Sphynx)"

    Exceptional looking, the Sphynx Cat is also usually exceptionally priced, since it is one of the most expensive breeds of cats.

    In effect, the price of a kitten Sphynx usually oscillates between 1000 and 2000 EUR.

    whatever the country, the amount charged differs depending on the reputation of the kennel, the lineage from which the animal comes, but also and above all its intrinsic characteristics, especially on a physical level. Therefore, prices can vary greatly from one individual to another within the same litter..

    The "Sphynx" as a hypoallergenic cat

    One might think that a Sphynx cat it is especially suitable for allergy sufferers due to its lack of hair. But, this assumption is not entirely correct, since many people are allergic to cat dander or body secretions and not to hair. But, hairlessness can significantly reduce allergy risk. So, before acquiring a naked cat as hypoallergenic, I should test if it reacts or not.

    Videos "Sphynx cat (Canadian Sphynx)"

    🐱 Sphinx Cat, Sphynx ("bald cat") 🐈 -My favorite breed of cat - Information, care ..etc 🐱
    Gato Esfinge, Sphynx («gato calvo»)
    Sphynx Cat 101 - Must Watch BEFORE Getting One!
    Sphynx Cat 101 – Must Watch BEFORE Getting One

    Alternative names:

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Seychellois cat
    Federations: FIFe

    The Seychellois cat still a very confidential breed around the world, and is mainly found in the UK and continental Europe, including France.
    Seychellois cat
    Larabii of Gentle Mind, Seychellois at Helsinki Cat Show – Heikki Siltala, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons


    Characteristics "Seychellois cat"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Seychellois cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Activity level

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to other pets

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to children

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Grooming requirements

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for attention

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection towards its owners

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    The Seychellois it is a rather rare domestic cat of very recent origin. In the Decade of 1980, a London-based geneticist and breeder named Patricia Turner wanted to start a cat breeding project based on the characteristics of a cat that was once endemic to the Seychelles. He had learned about this animal through reading the travelogues written by explorers who had visited the Indian Ocean archipelago.. Passionate about breeding purebred cats, the Mrs. Turner had already participated in the sixties in the registry of the Scottish Fold -and, Therefore, of the Scottish Straight– in the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), the leading British feline association.

    To create the Seychellois cat, the breeder began to cross Siamese with Persians bicolor and the Oriental shorthair cat. Later, breeders began to cross Siamese and longhair balinese within the new breed, which resulted in a variety of Seychellois cat long and semi-long hair.

    The race Seychellois is recognized by the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé), Europe's leading feline association, that in 2005 allowed him to participate in the championships organized under his auspices. But, being quite rare, only seen quite occasionally at cat shows.

    In 2011, the FIFé decided to combine the Breed Councils and the Siamese Cat standards, the balinese cat, the Oriental shorthair cat and the Oriental Longhair cat. at the end of 2013, Seychellois Shorthair and Seychellois Longhair were integrated into this group. Later, the organization announced that, starting at the 1 in January of 2016, the Short-haired Seychellois would be called Siamese (with white) and the Longhair Seychellois would be called balinese (with white).

    At the end, the Seychellois cat still a very confidential breed around the world, and is mainly found in the UK and continental Europe, including France.

    Physical characteristics

    Seychellois cat
    Larabii of Gentle Mind, Seychellois at Helsinki Cat ShowHeikki Siltala, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    The Seychellois cat share the same breed standard FIFé (Fédération Internationale Féline) with the Siamese, the Balinese cat, the Oriental shorthair cat and the Oriental Longhair cat. Similar to the Siamese, it is a medium size cat, which measures approximately 30 cm to the cross. Weighs 4 to 6,5 kilos in adulthood. His body is muscular, graceful and slim, and its legs are long and thin.

    The eyes are almond-shaped and a remarkable azure blue, located in a head elongated, triangular in shape and attached to the trunk by a neck Strait. The cat has a ears quite large and a tail long, thin and pointed.

    The fur is short, except in the varieties balinese and Oriental Longhair cat. The coat is silky and smooth and the extremities -face, ears, legs and tail- are at least partially colored. The kitties, like their cousins Siamese, they are white at birth. Only in the following days and weeks do their colors appear.

    Color variations

    The Seychellois comes in three color variants, according to the area occupied by the white spots on its fur. They are due to the gene piebald, responsible for the presence of random white spots in the animal kingdom. It is not only present in domestic cats -including the Seychellois– but also, for example, in dogs and snakes.

    There is a classification system -del 1 to the 10- according to the surface of the animal's body covered by white spots. Individuals classified as "1" are almost all black, while those classified as "10" are almost all white. The high degree of whiteness present in Seychellois place them in categories 7 to 9.

    More concretely, the three variants of piebald present in the Seychellois are:

    • Seychellois 7: the body is white, while the tail is colored, as well as parts of the head, body and legs;
    • Seychelles 8: the body is white, but small areas of the head and legs are colored;
    • Seychelles 9: the body is white, the tail is colored and there are small areas of color on the head.

    Size and weight

    • Size: Of 30 to 35 cm.
    • Weight: Of 3 to 5 kg

    Varieties of "Seychellois cat"

    Originally, cats Seychellois from the breeding project of the British breeder and geneticist Patricia Turner they were shorthair cats. The cats that were then used for crossing were the Siamese, the bicolor Persian and Oriental shorthair cats.

    A new variety of cat Longhair or semilargo appeared most recently, When the Balinese cat were incorporated into the development of this breed.

    Character and skills

    "Seychellois cat"

    Gato Seychellois
    Seychellois at Jämsä Cat show. maleSeychellois-Jämsä_show.JPG: Heikki Siltaladerivative work: Abujoy, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Like his close cousin, the Siamese, the Seychellois cat he is a lively cat, energetic and very active. They love to play, jump and climb, and they really appreciate having cat toys and a cat tree. As they are intelligent and curious, it is advisable to keep valuables out of reach, fragile or potentially harmful.

    The Seychellois He is also affectionate and very attached to his owner. They need their owner to return affection and give them enough time and attention; they should not be left alone too often or for too long. This makes it an ideal companion for people who live alone., as long as, of course, be able to take care of it.

    His love of play also makes him a cat who appreciates the presence of children.. But, you have to teach them not to rush with their little friend, since this one does not take it well. On the other hand, the Seychellois cat tends to adapt well to the presence of other domestic animals.

    Last, the Seychellois is known to be very vocal, although a little less than his cousin the Siamese, which also has a slightly more powerful voice.


    The Seychellois has a half-life of about 12 years.

    Being a very new breed, there is still little evidence of predisposition to certain diseases, but is currently considered to be in good health and does not appear to be affected by hereditary or congenital diseases, unlike other domestic cats.

    Life expectancy

    • 12 years


    The short and dense coat of the Seychellois does not require particularly careful maintenance.

    A weekly brushing of the cat's coat is sufficient. The new variety of longhair cat requires more care: you have to brush it about three times a week.

    Videos "Seychellois cat"

    RUSORI HOUSE *PL Siamese Seychellois and Oriental cats 2019

    Seychellois Cat Wilkie Capri Happy Jungle RU SYS f 03 21 (M.T. Thousands) (www.baltior.eu) 20090613

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Russian Blue Cat
    Recognized by CFA, FIFe, TICA, ACF, ACFA/CAA, CCA-AFC, GCCF

    The nature of Russian Blue Cat it is fascinating and versatile. On the one hand he is frugal and calm, but on the other hand it can also be temperamental and wild.
    Azul Ruso
    Photo: Wilkipedia


    Characteristics "Russian Blue Cat"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a cat of the breed "Russian Blue Cat" you know certain factors. You must take into account their character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.


    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Activity level

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to other pets

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendliness to children

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Grooming requirements

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for attention

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection towards its owners

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    Companion of the Russian Tsars, or from the English sailors?

    Was the cat born near the cold waters of the Russian port of Arkhangelsk, or under the Maltese or Spanish sun?

    Many legends surround the origin of the mysterious Russian Blue Cat. But, fans and official associations today privilege the Russian track, according to the breed name.

    It all started in the 17th century on the shores of the White Sea, in the vicinity of the port city of Arkhangelsk, in northern Russia. Coveted and hunted for its unique thick, bluish fur, this typical cat of the region was quickly adopted by sailors for its qualities to hunt rodents. About 1860, British merchant ships brought this amazing feline to their holds. This allowed the breed to spread, initially in the UK and later in the rest of Europe. But, this diffusion is still quite modest.

    The first mentions of him Russian Blue Cat as a whole-part race appear in works published in Great Britain from 1865. They are then evoked there under the name of "blue archangels", russian shorthair or still foreign blue. But, was not up 1871 when the breed really became known to Victorian society under the name "Archangel Cat", after his presentation at the Crystal Palace in London.

    As a cultural center that hosted part of the Universal Exhibition of 1851 and as a cabinet of animate and inanimate curiosities open to the public, the Crystal Palace had international fame at the time. Animal exhibits, especially cats, were the most common and popular. But, the Russian Blue Cat did not arouse much interest in this first public appearance. Introduced at the same time as other blue-coated cats like the Chartreux or the British shorthair cat, it blended into the background and only attracted the attention of some rare fans, among them one such Constance Carex-Cox.

    Russian Blue
    Russian Blue

    Then, in charge of a hatchery of Abyssinian cats, British shorthair cats and Manx cats, acquired his first Russian blues, developed the breed and took it upon himself to promote it to the general public. He wrote an article defending the differences between the Russian Blue Cat and the British shorthair cat in one of the first reference books on cat breeding, The Book of cats, de Frances Simpson (1903). His pugnacity was rewarded in 1912, When the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), the main British feline organism, officially recognized the difference between British shorthair cat and the Russian Blue Cat. As a result, a separate class was created for cat shows, which is now registered under the name of «Foreign Blue». This inversion of the terms in relation to the name used previously ("blue alien") underlines that his most important feature is the blue of his eyes, more than its “exotic” appearance.

    In 1939, still in the uk, officially received the name of Russian Blue. The other countries will adopt this name as the breed is recognized by the different national organizations..

    In fact, its mitigated success among the British public does not prevent the Russian Blue Cat be exported to the United States and Canada between 1888 and 1890. There it also suffered from comparison with other local blue cats, including American shorthair cat. But, careful crossing allowed to develop a Russian Blue Cat finer than original, which was successful until 1940.

    In the rest of europe, and in particular in France, the Russian Blue Cat was almost a victim of history, especially after the Bolshevik revolution of 1917. In fact, driven by deep anti-Bolshevik sentiment, the population despised everything that could have a Russian origin. The race had a hard time establishing itself. But, was presented for the first time in France in 1925 with the name of Maltese cat, before receiving the official name of Russian Blue in 1939, like on the other side of the canal.

    The fighting and deprivation of World War II also endangered the survival of the Russian Blue Cat. But, after the end of the conflict, the dynamic breeding programs in England and Scandinavia make it possible to stop the extinction of the breed thanks to, in particular, to crosses with other cats, that contribute to the appearance of various morphological varieties of Russian Blue. In the United Kingdom, Marie Rochford, the only breeder that has preserved a pure lineage, decides to cross their specimens with siameses Blue Point. This permanently modifies the morphology of the Russian Blue, that gets thinner, to the point where the breed standard changes in the fifties. But, this trend stops a few years later, in 1965-1966, in particular thanks to the breeding program established by the Association Russian Blue. In 1967, the British Russian Blue had returned to its original more rounded shape and the original standard was back in force.

    At the same time, in scandinavian regions, local breeders chose to recreate the breed by crossing Siamese with local blue stray cats. Compared to British lines, these lines of Russian Blue have a shorter, denser coat and smaller body size.

    In United States, the Association of amateurs of cats (CFA) recognized the breed in 1949. But, the importation of British and Scandinavian specimens makes it difficult to evaluate cats in competitions, since the representatives of the breed have very different appearances. From 1960, Crossing programs between the different types were launched in order to homogenize the physical, what drove in the years 90 to the disappearance of the Scandinavian type in the country, for the benefit of British and American types only.

    Is this the end of the tribulations of the Russian Blue Cat?

    Not counting the interventions of Australian and New Zealand breeders who, over the years 60, they launched experiments to create russian blues black and russian blues White. The Australian Mavis Jones thus obtained the first Russian Blue Cat black and white in the years 70, when crossing a domestic cat white and a Russian Blue. But, 50 years later, only a limited number of organizations recognize the White Russian Blue and Black Russian Blue as official varieties of the breed. But, is the case of the Australian Cat Federation (ACF) in Australia, the New Zealand Cat Fancy (NZCF) in New Zealand, the Southern African Cat Council (SACC) in south africa, just like him Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) in the UK and the Official Book of Feline Origins (LOOF) in France. In fact, these various feline organisms have gone so far as to change the breed name to eliminate any reference to color: for them, the cat is now simply Russian. The Cat’s Fanciers Association (CFA) and The International Cat association (TICA) in United States, as well as the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé) and World Cat Association (WCF) in Europe and around the world, disagree and refuse to recognize these varieties.

    Last, it is impossible to close the history of Russian Blue Cat not to mention his long haired brother, the Nebelung cat, born in the years 80 and today recognized as a breed in its own right.

    In the news, the emerald-eyed blue feline has a following mainly in the UK (located between the 10 Britain's most popular cats), Japan, EE.UU. (it is located just below the post 20 of the most popular cat breeds in the U.S.), Germany and France, where does he occupy the position 25 of the favorite breeds of cats of the French, nails on 150 annual inscriptions in the Official Book of Feline Origins (LOOF)

    Physical characteristics

    The Russian Blue Cat is an elegant short-haired cat with long legs and a slim complexion..

    Russian Blue. American type. The breeder is Brad Kardux, Bluemews Cattery, Pennsylvania – Doug Miller, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

    The special feature of Russian Blue it's your calling double fur, in which the outer coat is the same length as the undercoat. This makes the coat stand out and is especially soft and silky.. As the name suggests, the the fur color is always blue or blue-gray. Shading is not allowed, white spots or brindle markings. When they are young, cats may still be slightly tabby.

    Although black and white are not recognized by all feline organizations, all agree that the color of the cat's coat must be perfectly uniform throughout the body, including muzzle and paw pads. Shading is excluded, brindle marks or spots. But, kittens can sometimes show ghost markings on their flanks and tail, that disappear at approximately one year of age.

    Thanks to the colorless hair ends (tipping), blue fur glows silver in the light.

    The elegant Russian has a graceful posture and a head angular with a "smiling" mouth. The Greats eyes, almond-shaped, develop an emerald green coloration in adult animals.

    Size and weight

  • Male size: 30 cm.
  • female size: 30 cm.
  • Male weight: 3,5 – 4,5 kg
  • female weight: 2,5 at 3,5 kg
  • Varieties "Russian Blue Cat"

    Despite the efforts of the breeders of the Russian Blue Cat for standardizing the physique of the breed, different morphological types still exist, due to its rich history:

  • The type Siberian / Scandinavian, smaller than other representatives of the breed and particularly elegant, with spread ears and a darker color than the other blue Russians;
  • The American type, the most graceful. It is medium in size, with a rather light color and widely separated ears;
  • The English type, the most robust. Visually distinguishable from other varieties by its fine vertically placed spikes.
  • Most big cat associations only recognize the color blue, with a tip of slightly white and gray guard hair, giving the coat a shiny, silver appearance. The nose and pads are gray, charcoal or dark lilac.

    The white variety, which is only recognized by organizations in some countries, has white fur with silver highlights and pink nose and pads.

    Last, the black variety, which is in the same situation as white in terms of recognition, is characterized by shiny jet-black fur from root to tip, and a black or dark brown nose and pads.

    Character and skills

    The nature of Russian Blue Cat it is fascinating and versatile. On the one hand he is frugal and calm, but on the other hand it can also be temperamental and wild. But, in general it is a balanced cat that establishes a strong bond with humans.

    Russian blue
    Russian blue – Flickr

    The russian cats prefer to sleep near their owners or even in bed with them, but they are never intrusive. But, they are quite reserved with strangers and the breed does not tolerate noise very well. To feel comfortable, the sensitive cat prefers a regular daily routine and the company of a sitter.

    These smart cats are curious and playful, allowing them to quickly learn new skills. If they want, jumping animals can open doors and climb tall cabinets. But, Your cautious and considerate nature ensures nothing is broken in the process. In summary, The Russian Blue is an ideal cat for a calm couple or a single person.

    Care "Russian Blue Cat"

    Indoor or outdoor cat?

    The Russian Blue Cat it is a frugal cat breed, that is also satisfied with living only inside. Unexpected situations outside can even be too much for the sensitive cat and strangers can scare it.. Secure access outside in a fenced garden or on the balcony is a better alternative, depending on the possibility. The cat is also one of the breeds that can even be taken for a walk on a leash if it gets used to it.. The russian cat will also get along well with people who work and have many opportunities to scratch and climb. He is happy to have a partner to cuddle and play with. It also, the smart cat wants to be challenged and needs challenging activities without access to the outside.

    How much activity does he need? "Russian Blue Cat"?

    Although the Russian Blue it is a calm and relaxed cat breed, there is also a bit of predator in it. Don't need much, but yes a challenging activity. Most cat intelligence toys are seen more quickly than many other breeds. It is best to alternate between different games and toys so that he does not get bored. Athletic cats also want to exercise their athletic skills regularly.. So, there must be one or more scratching posts and enough room to run. You should not miss the daily pampering sessions with your favorite human. The Russian cat likes to observe the surroundings from a high vantage point and relax in peace and quiet.

    Health and nutrition

    Russian Blue
    Close up of a Russian Blue’s face – Wikipedia

    The Russian Blue Cat it is a long-lived race, with a life expectancy between 15 and 20 years. In fact, this resistant animal does not present any specific health problem, except a predisposition to kidney stones.

    On the other hand, being a big glutton, the risk of obesity in cats is real, especially if they are not active enough or are pampered by their owners. So, it is important to ensure that the cat's daily ration is adapted to its needs, asking the vet for advice if necessary.

    Last, It should be noted that litters of the English type tend to have more kittens than those of other types.

    For sale "Russian Blue Cat"

    If you want to have your own Russian Blue Cat, you will find many breeders of this breed. Unfortunately, More and more Internet scams are selling non-purebred or even sick cats at expensive prices. Thus, make sure the breeder is a member of the Breeders Association of Russian Blue. This is the only way to guarantee a purebred and healthy kitten.. Of course, you will pay much more, with prices that are around 700 EUR, but it's worth it. Most kittens are already house trained, vaccinated, desparasitados and chip. If you want to help an animal in need, you can also find what you are looking for in an animal shelter.

    Videos "Russian Blue Cat"

    Russian Blue (Russian Blue) - Cat Breed
    Russian Blue (Russian Blue) – Cat Breed
    RUSSIAN BLUE CAT 101 - Watch This Before Getting One!
    RUSSIAN BLUE CAT 101 – Watch This Before Getting One!

    Alternative names:

    Archangel Blue, Archangel Cat.

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Safari cat
    Unrecognized breed.


    "Safari cat"

    Gato Safari
    Safari cat


    The Safari it is a relatively new breed of cat, dating back to the years 70. It is a hybrid between Domestic cat (or "street cat") and the Geoffroy's cat (Leopardus geoffroyi). The latter is a small wild cat -some 4 kg adult- whose habitat is southern South America, from Bolivia to Patagonia. The breed was first called "Criollo" and then "Appaloosa.". Finally, the name of Safari, to refer to its exotic and wild origin.

    It is not recognized by American organizations such as the American Cat Fanciers’ Association (ACFA), the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) or The International Cat Association (TICA), nor by European organizations such as Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), the World Cat Federation (WCF) wave Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFé). However, some have been registered 100 specimens in the TICA, which makes the Safari in a very rare cat. For this reason and for its price, Some have even called it the “Rolls Royce of cats.”.

    The first Safaris were created in the United States in the decade of 1970 by Washington State University for use in a leukemia research program. In particular, were used as guinea pigs for stem cell studies and the like.

    Upon completion of the medical research project, the hybridization program was abandoned by university researchers due to difficulties encountered. The cells of the geoffrey cat and those of Domestic cat do not contain the same number of chromosomes. The private breeders who have taken over have had to face the same genetic problem. In particular, lack of male fertility makes the breed very difficult to develop. This is the reason why the Safari cat still so rare today.

    Physical characteristics

    As the breed is not recognized, no standard has yet been established for the Safari cat. But his genetic heritage makes him a tabby and exotic-looking cat.: its fur is reminiscent of a leopard.

    It is a Domestic cat large: first-generation hybrids can weigh up to 15 kg. But, size tends to decrease in subsequent generations, stabilizing around the 11 kilos for males and 8 kilos for females.

    Size and weight

    • Size: Of 40 to 45 cm.
    • Weight: Of 6 to 12 kg

    Character and skills

    "Safari cat"

    Gato Safari
    Safari cat – Stock Credit; iStock

    There are a growing number of "breeds" that are being developed through the crossing of our Domestic cat Felis catus with wild cats. Apart from the first generations, these cats are being bought by people who want a pet with something different, but the character and behavior of cats is uncertain and many of them are quite large cats. To this must be added the problems if they go outside and are aggressive and very territorial with other cats., or are they much more avid hunters causing the devastation of the fauna.

    What is not taken into account is the welfare of the wild cats kept for breeding, the danger to domestic cats that mate with wild ones and the welfare of the first generations that cannot be sold as pets but must be kept as wild cats.

    Keeping them confined may not contribute much to your own well-being. hybrid cat.

    In conclusion, no need to hybridize domestic cats with wild cats and the resulting races, as the Safari cat, they have many welfare issues and should not be bred or kept as pets.


    The small number of individuals makes it difficult to identify the specific health problems of the Safari cat.

    But, males are known to be infertile, which makes it difficult to breed the breed. The breeders of Safari they usually stay with the females for breeding, so the cats available for adoption are mostly infertile males.


    In general, the races with pedigree use a much smaller gene pool for breeding than domestic cats and, therefore, are at increased risk of developing inherited disorders. It also, A number of "newer" pedigree breeds are derived from crosses between one or more "older" breeds., and in these situations hereditary problems seen in older breeds are likely to be perpetuated within newer breeds.


    As it is a very rare breed, no specific care requirements have been mentioned so far Safari cat. All you have to do is provide the general care any domestic cat needs.. How is a shorthair cat, a weekly brushing is enough.

    For sale "Safari cat"

    The price of a Safari cat varies greatly from farm to farm. On average, it can cost from 4.000 at €6,000 given the rarity of this breed. Your sex, the uniqueness of your lineage or your age can influence the price of a Safari. You have to calculate, In addition, around €50 per month to ensure you have a quality meal and keep you in good health.
    Special care must be taken with fraudulent breeders who try to sell cats of other breeds under the name of "Safari”.