▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians
Aye-Aye Aye!
The aye-aye is the only living member of the Daubentoniidae family., and is considered to be the most unusual of all primates.
Key data
Conservation status: Near-threatened
Aye-ayes have a unique method of feeding: A large percentage of its diet consists of insect larvae that live in dead wood inside. They find the larvae by tapping in the branches and listening to the echo. When is a cavity in the wood (that may contain insect larvae), the aye - aye bites through the outer layers of bark to then get a long finger at the bottom of the hole to remove the dam. He also often uses this third finger to drink liquids quickly and to wash himself..
▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians
The Fossa
The Fossa, a rare carnivore native to Madagascar, It is the largest predator of the island. With only 2500 surviving individuals, It is considered one of the most endangered species in the world.
The fossa is an animal of the family of the Mongoose, with a length of almost 2 meters from snout to the tip of the tail and a weight of up to 12 kg.
Reserved, like a cat, they are expert climbers and well-equipped to pursue the lemurs in the forest, hunting down even the largest of the lemur species.
On the island of Madagascar, the fossa is the largest carnivore and is in fact the largest predator on the entire island. As predator eats practically everything, from lemurs to wild pigs and poultry. Unlike its cousin the Mongoose, this species has many characteristics that make it look like a cat, such as retractable claws and sharp teeth. It has a reddish brown layer and its snout is similar to that of a dog.
▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians
The tenrec
The tenrec They are from the mammal family and are found in Madagascar and parts of Africa. They resemble hedgehogs, shrews, weasels, mice and even, otters, as a result of convergent evolution.
The smallest species are the size of the shrews, with a body length of around of 4,5 centimeters and a weight of only 5 g., While the largest, the common or tenrec tailless, is of 25 to 39 centimeters in length, and you can weigh more than one kilogram. While they may resemble shrews, sea urchins, or otters, they are not closely related to any of these groups, its closest relatives are other insectivorous African mammals such as golden moles and elephant shrews.
Most species they are nocturnal and they have vision problems. Their other senses, However, they are well developed, they have especially sensitive whiskers. As with many of its other functions, the dental arrangement of tenrecs varies greatly between species, they may have of 32 to 42 teeth in total. unusual for mammals, the permanent dentition in the tenrecs is unlikely to erupt fully until long after that his adult body size has been reached. This is one of the anatomical features common to, hyraxes, sengis y Golden moles (but apparently not the aardvarks), consistent with their descent from a common ancestor.
Origin: Italy, Spain, Belgium, France, Madagascar, Germany
Character: Playful
Weight: 1.8 to 8 Kg
Height: 20 to 35.6 cm.
Life expectancy: 12 - 15 years
It is called Bichon to a group of dog breeds that have as common characteristics being small, having long hair and a sweet and affectionate character.
It is believed that the Bichon term comes from Barbichón, as they were called the poodle puppies or Barbet and by similarity, the term was applied to these races.