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The study of the history of hunting teaches us that centuries ago there were hunting dogs very similar to the current one. German Spaniel. At that time they were used to hunt.
Breeding of the controlled breed in a studbook began in the early 20th century, with a few suitable bitches. The first representative of the German Spaniel was Mr. Augusta 1834 L, a Staufenberg dog in Upper Bavaria.
At first there were only brown dogs with partial white markings and dogs with white markings.. The latter had small red spots on the head and limbs, called "fire marks". It was the bitch Baby auf de Schanze 1838 L the one that introduced the roan in the race. Rudolf Friess, a dog fancier who for decades had a major influence on the breeding of the German Spaniel, introduced separate breeding of brown and roan varieties.
Despite the narrow initial breeding base, put in place an essential requirement to avoid damage due to inbreeding through selective mating. The separation of the two colors is also justified by a certain disparity in the natural qualities of the German Spaniel. Chestnut trees were easier to drive over short distances and more persistent on the track, while the roans had a highly developed penetration at long distances.
These different natural gifts are no longer a reliable differential criterion today, since in the meantime, for many reasons, there have been repeated crosses between the two color varieties. But, in principle, the separation still maintains a certain reserve of unrelated blood within the race today.
The German Spaniel it is and continues to be bred by hunters and for hunters as a hunting dog with great versatility.
Photo: «German Retriever» byöberhund-4604508/
Physical characteristics
The German Spaniel it is a medium sized hunting dog, longhair, very muscular, with a noble head and strong bones. In general, they are longer than they are tall, but they should never give the impression of being tall.
Lively and very passionate about hunting, friendly and self-assured in their natural environment, very docile and very adaptable; neither shy nor aggressive.
The German Spaniel in some points:
– Has a well developed piercing,
– follow the path of hunting big and small with will and perseverance,
– give voice without hesitation,
– has a fine nose,
– he likes rapport and water,
– has a bite for hunting and vermin,
– Trained and properly managed, hunt without deviating from course over long distances; works as a Bloodhound and in the search for lost pieces; is a versatile hunting dog for tracking and hunting in ditches, heavily wooded areas and in the water. Since the beginning of the supervised breeding, the ability to stop has not been taken into account.
The coat is strong, glued, mostly wavy, occasionally also curly (Astrakhan), or long, flat with thick undercoat; not too long, especially not fine or silky; on the nape, often curled on the ears and rump; well furnished hindquarters and tail; the presence of a frill around the neck is frequent; the belly is also well provided with hair; muzzle and cranial region have short but tight hair; the ears are covered with curls or tight, wavy hair that extends beyond the edge of the pinna; the interdigital spaces have a tight hair but not too long.
The "German Retriever" is bred in two color varieties:
– Solid brown, more rarely also red; often with white or mottled markings on the chest and toes.
– Brown roan, more rarely also red roan; the background color consists of brown hairs, possibly red, intimately mixed with white hairs; often the head is brown, possibly red, with spots or also a mantle that extends all over the back ; this color variety includes variegated coats with a white background and large brown spots, possibly red, also the so-called "tiger" dogs, in which the white background is also mottled or mottled with small tufts of brown hair, possibly red; the latter can perfectly descend from monocolor parents.
All shades and variations of red are included in this term (red fox, red deer, red deer).
Varies in relation to size, between some 18 and 25 kg.
Character and skills
Robust, brave, can work on all terrains, mainly forests and swamps. Active tracker, bush hunter, screaming on the road, he specializes in hunting small game but also in tracking foxes and large animals. He is a good collector, it is also a trail dog, able to search for wounded game. Loving, is appreciated as a companion. He is self-assured in his natural environment., while being endowed with a great capacity for adaptation.
They are not shy or aggressive, but they need a strong education that starts soon.
Kind, affectionate and docile, the German Spaniel has these wonderful predispositions by nature. But with one condition, and not the least. Because this dog needs a lot more exercise, education and activity from the beginning of what a family or active people can offer. Being on the go is not enough. The German Spaniel want more. It can and should do more than just be a family dog. Idleness goes against their nature. You need qualified training as a hunting dog that will challenge you mentally and physically. If you are successful, this passionate hunter will prove to be an obedient and loyal companion.
The German Spaniel have a slight predisposition to hip dysplasia. Breeders are very careful not to breed animals with this predisposition. This will greatly reduce this deficiency.
On the other hand, floppy ears predispose this dog to ear infections (and more for dogs used to getting into the water).
The coat of the German Spaniel is perfectly adapted to your lifestyle. Dirt doesn't seem to stick to hair, even if he walks through the bushes for hours. A weekly brushing is enough. He usually decides when it's time to bathe. Showering in summer is a moment of well-being that you enjoy.
Characteristics "German Spaniel"
Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "German Spaniel" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.
Adaptation ⓘ4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
friendly dog ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
hair loss ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Affection level ⓘ4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Need for exercise ⓘ5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Social need ⓘ4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Home ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Toilet ⓘ2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Friendly with strangers ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
barking ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Health ⓘ4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Territorial ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Cat friendly ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Intelligence ⓘ4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Versatility ⓘ4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Child friendly ⓘ4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Surveillance ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
joy ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Images "German Spaniel"
1 – Deutscher Wachtel by Steffen Heinz (Caronna), CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons
2 – German Spaniel by
3 – German Spaniel by
4 – German Spaniel by
5 – German Spaniel by
6 – German Spaniel by
Videos "German Spaniel"
German Spaniel (Deutscher Wachtelhund)
Training German Spaniel
Type and recognitions:
- Group :
- Section : . .
- – FCI – Group 8: Retrievers - Flushing Dogs - Water Dogs – Section 2: Retrievers ⓘ
FCI breed standard "German Spaniel"
Hunting dog, versatile hunting dog.
General appearance:
The German Retriever is a medium-sized hunting dog., Longhair, very muscular, with noble head and strong bones. Overall it is longer than it is tall and in no way gives the impression of having long limbs..
• Relationship between body length and height at withers = 1,2 : 1
• Relationship between chest height and height at withers = 0,5 : 1
• Relationship between the length of the snout and the length of the skull = 1 : 1
He is lively and very passionate about hunting.; He is friendly and safe in his environment; very docile and adaptable, is not fearful or aggressive.
The German Retriever is:
• Equipped with a strong will to search.
• It is safe in search of traces or clues.
• Reliably has a continuous bark.
• Has a fine sense of smell.
• Has a pronounced taste for charging and for water.
• It is sharp for hunting wild and predatory animals..
• In its corresponding initiation and direction, hunting independently, extensive and controlled. It is reliable when working as a bloodhound and to search for lost prey.; It is a versatile utility hunting dog for working in dense places., in the forest and in the water. The suitability for the sample was not considered from the beginning of the breeding of this breed..
---- Skull : Flattened, moderately wide; the occipital protuberance is not noticeable.
- Depression links (Stop) : Only slightly marked.
facial region:
- Truffle : big and dark, with wide open windows; depigmentation in small spots is considered a lack; the ram's nose beautifies the dog.
- Snout : Strong, with wide nose shank along its entire length; slightly rounded downwards, never pointed, no shorter than the skull.
- Lips : Straight, dry, rigorously adjusted, pigmented according to coat color.
- Mandible / Teeth : Complete bite with 42 teeth in the following order (schematic seen from the front):Right M P C I I C P M Left Upper maxillary 2 4 1 3 3 1 4 2 Upper jaw——————Lower jaw 3 4 1 3 3 1 4 3 Lower jaw(Explanation of the initials of the dental formula : I = incisors, C = fangs, P = premolars, M = Molars).The incisors of the upper jaw closely overlap those of the lower jaw, forming a scissor bite.; pincer bite is tolerated; teeth are well developed; strong bite.
- Cheeks : Thin with close-fitting skin; non-protruding cheekbones.
Eyes : Medium brown color, dark as possible, medium-sized, placed a little oblique, Neither prominent nor sunken; eyelids well adjusted to the eyeball; no visible nictitating membrane. The edge of the eyelids with eyebrows.
Ears : High and wide insertion, flattened; without being twisted, They hang very close behind the eyes; they are not thick, neither fleshy nor limp; regularly developed hair covers protruding from the inner edge of the ears. The ear turned forward reaches up to the nose.
Strong; especially well muscled neck; forms an obtuse angle in its transition towards the cross; begins with no visible loose skin and extends toward the chest without forming a double chin.Body:
- top line : In each of the regions the upper line is straight and gradually connects them to each other; the rump is slightly descending; the tail is carried as an extension of the line of the back or slightly hanging.
- Cross : Strong and marked.
- Back : Short and firm, without sinking behind the cross.
- Pork loin : Powerfully muscular, so it gives the impression of serancho.
- Rump : Slightly descending, never higher than the cross, situated a little below the height of the cross.
- Breast : Seen from the front it is oval and reaches below the elbow when viewed from the side. long thorax, well arched; It is neither barrel-shaped nor flattened..
- Lbottom line and belly : From the last false rib back it is moderately retracted; Also in its lower part it is as much as possible completely covered with hair and dense undercoat..
At rest, carries it as a continuation of the upper line in a straight or downward manner; in excitement or with lively movement lifts it slightly; To avoid injuries from friction, it should be cut in the first three days of life to at most a third of its length. (amputation). (In countries where amputation is prohibited, can remain natural).Tips
- As a whole : Viewed from the front, they are straight and parallel; Seen from the side they are well plumb under the body, with good angles.
- Shoulder : Powerfully muscular; scapulae oblique and directed backwards.
- Arm : During movement it is stuck very close to the thorax.
- Elbows : Very close to the body, no inward or outward deviation.
- Forearm : Straight, the parts near the joints are not hypertrophied or rickety.
- Articulation of the carpus : Strong.
- Metacarpus : Slightly leaning forward.
- Previous feet : Spoon-shaped, fingers close together; Cat's or hare's feet are undesirable; hard pads, strong and well pigmented; strong nails, well worn.
- As a whole : Seen from the side, they present good angulation in the knee and tibiotarsal joints.; Seen from behind they are straight and parallel; They are not barrel-shaped or cow-shaped.; strong bones.
- Thigh : Wide and very muscular; good angulation between the pelvis and thigh.
- Knee : Strong, with good angulation between thigh and leg.
- Leg : Long, muscular and tendon.
- Warm-foot joint : Strong.
- Metatarsus : Short, vertical.
- Hind feet : Like the previous ones.
Fluid and space-encompassing; the limbs slide straight and parallel closely to the body.Mantle
SKIN : Resistant, well stuck; It does not form wrinkles or is pigmented.
HAIR : Strong, densely packed; It is mostly wavy, although sometimes also curly (Astrachan) long straight hair, with dense undercoat; not very long, neither thin nor hardly silky; on the nape, ears and rump is frequently curly; on the back of the limbs and on the tail it has good feathers; frequently forms a ruff on the neck (with a goal); also the belly is well covered with hair; on the snout and on the skull, the hair is short, but dense; the ears are covered with curls or thick wavy hair, the inner edge also protrudes; the spaces between the fingers are covered with dense but not too long hair.
The German Retriever is bred in two color varieties:
• Uniform brown color, rarely also red*; often with white marks or splattered on the chest and fingers.
• Brown roan, also rarely red roan*; The basic color is made up of brown or red hairs densely mixed with white.; often with brown or red head*; like this with plates or a coat over the entire back. This color variety also includes spotted ones with a white basic color and large brown or red plates*, as well as colored dogs called “tiger” in which the basic white color is dotted or speckled in addition to brown or red streaks*, even if they come from parents of a single color. In both color varieties there are red marks* (fire)on the eyes, on the snout, on the extremities and around the anus.
*) All varieties of red tones belong to these. (red fox, roe deer red, deer red).
Size and weight:
Height to the cross :
- Males 48 – 54 cm..
- females 45 – 52 cm..
WEIGHT : Varies depending on size, approximately between 18 – 25 kg. (Females a little lighter than males).
Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered a fault and the severity of it is considered to the extent of the deviation from the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog..
• Stop marked.
• Very deep lips, not closed.
• Lack of a PM1 premolar.
• Eyelids not tightly adjusted.
• Too narrow ear canals (provision for ear diseases).
• Barrel chest.
• Wide or thin ends.
• Thin hair, sparse or silky; belly little covered with hair; leather earflap (without hair).
• Weight and size slightly more or less than indicated.
• Skin diseases (dermatitis, atopy).
• Missing teeth (except the lack of a PM1).
• Aggressive or fearful.
• Weakness of character, shyness of wild animals or gunshots.
• Serious bite defects (prognatismo superior, lower, incisor arcade deviated).
• Ectropion, entropion.
• Black hair color.
• Males must have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..
• Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with the typical conformation of the breed, should be used for parenting.
Alternative names:
1. Deutscher Wachtelhund (German quail dog) (English).
2. Chien d’oysel (French).
3. Deutscher Wachtel (German).
4. (em alemão: Deutscher Wachtelhund) (Portuguese).
5. Spaniel alemán, (en alemán deutscher wachtelhund) (español).