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30 cm.. length and an approximate weight of 370 g..
The Vinaceous Parrot (Amazona vinacea) has the lores and forecrown bright red; cheeks and crown green with black tips to some feathers head; elongated feathers on the sides of neck, the nape and the upper mantle, green at the base, subterminally light blue and black tip. The rest of the the mantle, back and scapulars, green with some feathers showing indistinct black tips; uppertail-coverts pale green.
Wing coverts green with red variable and / or yellow in leading edge of wing and the carpal area. Primaries pale bluish-green; Secondary green with blue tips, the base outerweb of the three outer secondaries, red, forming a small looking-glass. Under the wings, green. Throat and chest with shades that vary from strong wine brown to pale blue with a strong vinous diffusion; subterminal dark band at the tips of the feathers gives scalloping pattern; Belly green or yellowish green sometimes with vinous dissemination; undertail-coverts brighter yellowish green. Tail green with yellow green tip; the base lateral feathers in red innerwebs, in purple outerweb. The upper jaw It is red at the base with pale tip, horn-colored lower, reddish at the base; irises orange to reddish brown; legs grey.
Both sexes are similar. The immature It has the green suffusion in chest and the less extensive red on the head (confined to the base upper jaw).
- Sound of the Vinaceous Parrot.
Video – "Vinaceous Parrot" |
The Vinaceous Parrot inhabit in tropical and subtropical evergreen mixed forests; in the Brazil in humid coastal forests, in the East of Paraguay They can be found in forests Araucaria angustifolia and Euterpe edulis. The extent of the ecological dependence of this species on coniferous trees (Araucaria and Podocorpus) It is not clear, but the Araucaria angustifolia It is clearly important in Missions, Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina and possibly it was related to the previous distribution further north in southeast Brazil.
Mainly observed in the lowlands, but there are reports of birds seen in hills 1.500-2.000 meters in the southeast of Brazil, where the best forest remnants persist. Usually in pairs or small groups with larger meetings (up to approximately 30) in July-August. In pairs during breeding (usually around September).
The Vinaceous Parrot nidifica in holes in large trees with obvious preference for the Araucaria angustifolia, including rarely cracks in the cliffs. With reproduce the May in loose colonies. breeding season during the months of September to January. Clutch 2-4 eggs.
After the breeding season (February to July), the species congregate in large groups and community shelters.
The specific foods of the Vinaceous Parrot include flowers and fruits of Euterpe edulis (which apparently it is important seasonally in East Paraguay), seeds of Araucaria angustifolia, fruits of cocoons of Achatocarpus and new leaves Eucalyptus and seeds of Pilocarpus. It has been reported damagor cause in crops of oranges, but with the current low density of this species, It is unlikely to produce a serious economic impact.
Distribution and status:
Size of its range (player / resident ): 1.230.000 km2
The Vinaceous Parrot It is endemic in Southeast South America.
In Brazil It was found in southern Bay, in West Espirito Santo and scattered localities as Minas Gerais, Brazil (a peripheral register from the sao francisco river, about Januaria), sporadically en Rio de Janeiro (possibly a seasonal visitor), but widely observed in São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul.
Records in East Paraguay come from Amambay, Canindeyú, Caaguazu, Alto Paraná, Itapua and Guaira and in the North of Argentina from Missions and possibly the eastern half of Currents.
There are some seasonal movements and post-breeding dispersal, possibly in relation to the food supply (for example, seed availability coniferous trees), with invasions scale reported in Paraguay in the past. Declines in the number of birds occur in Rio Grande do Sul January, with all its people disappeared by March and return in April for the rest of the year.
Formerly abundant and widespread but now there has been a contraction dramatic of its range and population, mainly due to the habitat destruction scale, the expansion of agriculture and floods caused by large hydroelectric dams. also trapped for a long time for bird trade.
Are distributed in several protected areas, but none is large enough to maintain a viable population. The former strongholds in eastern Paraguay They are subject to rapid deforestation, with a recent reduction in its scope and numbers and now probably confined only in Alto Paraná and Ganindeyu.
Probably extinct (or almost) in Bahia and Espirito Santo, and a few birds are likely to remain in Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais, Brazil. Confined to the north and northeast of Santa Catarina and locally common only in forested parts of São Paulo and Paraná, where it is thought that the remaining population survives. Persist in the north and northeast of Rio Grande do Sul.
A census 2007 yielded a minimum of 253 copies in Argentina.
It is perhaps the Amazona more common in populations of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná (several populations of more than 100 birds), in the South of Brazil, and the low number persists in Minas Gerais, Brazil and Sao Paulo, within an estimated total of 1.500-2.000 birds.
State of conservation ⓘ |
Endangered ⓘ (UICN)ⓘ |
• Current category of the Red List of the UICN: In danger of extinction.
• Population trend: Decreasing.
• Population size: 600-1700.
Rationale for the Red List category
This species is classified as endangered due to recent population estimates Brazil They indicate that the world population is very small and has suffered a rapid decline due to loss and fragmentation of habitat, aggravated by the trade. It is necessary to clarify whether Brazilian subpopulations exceed 250 specimens.
Justification of the population
Based on estimates 1.500 to 2.000 individuals in Brazil (G. Bencke in some. 2009), 220-400 in Paraguay and 253 in Argentina (K. Cockle in some. 2009), it is estimated that the total population is within the range of 1.970 -2.650 individuals and is probably positioned within the band 1,000-2,499. This is equivalent to 667-1.666 mature individuals, rounded here to 600-1.700 mature individuals.
Justification of trend
rapid and continuous population decline is suspected because of the Poaching of nests, the habitat destruction and persecution as a pest Of crops.
The Vinaceous Parrot in captivity:
The Vinaceous Parrot noted for its easy to imitate the human voice, better and clearer than the Amazona aestiva. Small easily they learn to speak.
Two decades ago, before placement in the Appendix 1 CITES Convention, this species was available in aviculture. It never was imported to Europe in a large number, but nevertheless often it offered for sale. Its price was higher than other species of Amazona available at that time, because of its amazing looks and his talent as an imitator. As the trade in wild birds was coming to an end, the captive population decreased markedly. While this species has been willing to breed for those that provide adequate breeding and have enough individuals to allow natural selection of the mate., captive breeding has been very disappointing, considering the number of birds that were previously available.
In the current avicultura, it seems that there are still a significant number of birds kept in Europe. A survey of amazon parrots in the European zoos, made in 1993 and published in 1994 by the EAZA, he listed in 59 species Vinaceous Parrot conserved in 11 zoological collections: of this, only three, Loro Parque (Spain), Walsrode Bird Park (Germany) and Beauval (France), had recorded breeding successes. It's known, However, that a significant number of Vinaceous Parrot They are held by private poultry farmers Europe and if these owners are willing to work in cooperation with EEP plan that can be started for this species, then the known captive population Europe could be big, enough to be considered as a viable.
The population of this species in captivity is similar to that of other species of the genus Amazona. In Loro Parque a couple is kept in an aviary in the exhibition area of ​​the park, and several more couples are kept in breeding cages suspended in their breeding outside exhibition. Suspended breeding cages are approximately 300 cm long x 95 cm width and height. Each cage has the nest-box placed against the outer rear panel, and there is a cut in the wire hole to allow birds to enter the nest-box. With the nest located outside of the cage, this eliminates the need to enter the service or inspect the nest-box.
The feeding of these birds is done twice a day. To the 7 Morning receive their main dish containing a mixed salad prepared with the following elements: – Apple, pear, tomato, beet, Carrot, alfalfa, lettuce, Peppers, papaya and other fruits and vegetables seasonally available; In addition, They are also used, when available, various fruits that are grown in the park, as nopal cactus plants and berries palmera pindó (Syagrus romanzoffiana). A second smaller dish meal in the morning provides birds commercial pellets dietary, and during the breeding season each pair is also given segments of its own supplement “pastel” that is made fresh every day. The evening meal is given to 3:00 pm, with a mixture of nuts, seeds and beans cooked.
The Vinaceous Parrot It was raised for the first time Loro Parque in 1990, when one pigeon was raised hand. The couple proved to be very unreliable when it came to the incubation their eggs, why he has always resorted to artificial incubation or host and breeding. This couple Vinaceous Parrot He received on subsequent occasions eggs more common species to give them the opportunity to prove that they are good parents, but so far they remain unreliable.
No offspring were produced in 1991, but the couple tried again in 1992, when he carried out another manually raising and other raised squab. In 1993, when the same pair joined again, the clutch of eggs was transferred to a pair of Red-crowned Parrot (Amazona viridigenalis), which they proved to be excellent foster parents and raised chicks born. The same technique was used in 1994, but only one egg clutch proved to be fertile and the chick was raised successfully by Red-crowned Parrot.
Alternative names:
– Vinaceous Parrot, Vinaceous Amazon, Vinaceous-breasted Amazon, Vinaceous-breasted Parrot (English).
– Amazone vineuse (French).
– Taubenhalsamazone, Taubenhalsamazon (German).
– Papagaio-de-peito-roxo, chauá, coraleiro, corraleiro, crau-crau, curraleiro, jurueba, papagaio-caboclo, papagaio-curraleiro, papagaio-peito-roxo, peito-roxo, quero-quero, téu-téu (Portuguese).
– Amazona de Pecho Vinoso, Amazona Vinosa, Loro vináceo, Loro vinoso (español).
scientific classification:
– Order: Psittaciformes
– Family: Psittacidae
– Genus: Amazona
– Scientific name: Amazona vinacea
– Citation: (Kuhl, 1820)
– Protonimo: Psittacus vinaceus
Images Vinaceous Parrot:
– Avibase
– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr
– Birdlife
– THE VINACEOUS AMAZON Amazona vinacea AT LORO PARQUE – First Published in The Avicultural Magazine Vol. 103 No. 2
– Photos:
(1) – Vinaceous-breasted Amazon (Amazona vinacea) – San Francisco Zoo, California By Dick Daniels ( /) (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons
(2) – Vinaceous Amazon in captivity at the Rare Species Foundation Programme, Florida, USA By derivative work: Snowmanradio (talk)Amazona_vinacea_-RSFP-8a.jpg: Ruth Rogers [CC BY 2.0 or CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(3) – Vinaceous Amazon at the Walsrode Bird Park, Germany By Quartl (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(4) – Vinaceous Amazon; two in a cage By TJ Lin (originally posted to Flickr as Copy of DSCN3375) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(5) – flying. Picture taken in Morretes By Leandro Govoni Lacerda (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(6) – A Vinaceous-breasted Amazon at Parque das Aves, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil By Kee Yip from Union City, California, USA (IMG_4509_P1040019) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(7) – Pigeons neck Amazone (Amazona vinacea) Shot in Palmitospark Gran Canaria By Martingloor (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(8) – Vinaceous-breasted Amazon (Amazona vinacea) – San Francisco Zoo, California By Dick Daniels ( /) (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons
(9) – Amazone vineuse, Bioparc Doue-la-Fontaine By Melvin TOULLEC (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons
– Sounds: (Xeno-canto)