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Measured around 35 centimeters and between 240 and 330 g. weight.
In the Galah (Eolophus roseicapilla) adult, the front, the hoopoe and the cap they form a joint undercover pale pink in white which contrasts slightly with the back of the neck darker. The face, neck and underparts they are deep pink.
The bottom of the flanks, the the thighs and mantas subcaudales are grey clear. The upperparts They show a grey pigeon which is slightly paler on the rump and in their flow rates. Tertiary they are grey and dark grey and medium the flight feather.
The upper part of the tail It is pale grey with a darker terminal tips. The bottom of the tail is uniformly Brown.
The bill is horn. The bare periophthalmic is greyish Red. The irises shows a dark brown hue. The legs are grey.
The female is similar to fellow, outside of the irises red.
The youth can distinguish is from the adults by their underparts grey infiltrated.
- Sound of the Galah.
Subspecies description
Eolophus roseicapilla roseicapilla:
The species nominal
Eolophus roseicapilla albiceps:
Differs from the nominal by their larger size, the crest whitish instead of pink, and eye ring Red instead of greyish white.
Eolophus roseicapilla kuhli:
It has a plumage paler and a crest shorter.
Video – "Galah" (Eolophus roseicapilla) |
In the North of its distribution area, the Galah frequent mountain forests, While much further South, most tend to live in the temperate forests of the lowlands.
During the summer season, It is more common in high altitude forested areas., staying mainly in small cool and shady ravines, always near a river.
In Winter, He moved to arid forests in more moderate altitudes. At this time of the year, also visit the parks and urban gardens.
The Galah It is a bird of open areas, always avoiding the dense forests.
During the nesting season they live in pairs or in small family groups, but the rest of the year, gather in large flocks where food resources are important. Sometimes can gather up to 1.000 birds in the pastures where they feed.
They are sentinels responsible to give the alarm in case of danger.
The power stations are separated by many miles of the rest areas.
In the evening devoted to drinking and perform aerial stunts before joining the residence. Occasionally it can be active and noisy at night.
In the North, the reproduction has place between February and June.
During the courtship, the male Struts before his partner making bows, shaking his head, producing low notes and showing a repertoire of stunts.
Most of the time, the nest is a natural cavity in a eucalyptus, between 2 and 20 meters above the ground.
The cacatúa Galah You strum the bark of the trunk around the hole which is the entrance of the nest. This practice is sometimes so excessive that they cause the death of the tree. Cliffs can also be used as a place of nesting.
The same couples usually are mate during all their life and are loyal to the same nesting sites for several consecutive years.
The spawning includes 2-6 eggs. The female lays an egg every one or two days and the incubation period is about 25 days. Both parents incubate at the same time, and they provide assistance to young people. They feed their young every 3 hours, sounding his beak to regurgitate the food. The young remain in the nest during 7 u 8 weeks.
While they are able to fly quickly when they come out of the nest, their survival rate is small. The first days after the flight, they return to the nest for the night. Shortly after, large nurseries are formed in which the parents continue to feed their young.
From time to time, the Galah It has a second litter in a season.
Consume a wide variety of plants, such as oats or wheat seed or the other many herbaceous plants. In addition to that, They also eat insects and their larvae, berries, outbreaks, flowers and seeds of eucalyptus.
They feed almost exclusively on Earth.
Size distribution (reproduction / resident): 14400000 km2
endemic to Australia where it occupies the entire continent. Most of its population lives in the south-east of New Welsh of the South and in the State of Victoria. In other places, is less abundant.
Subspecies distribution:
Eolophus roseicapilla roseicapilla:
(Western Australia, South of the great desert of sand and probably in the Simpson Desert in the southern part of the territory of the North)
Eolophus roseicapilla albiceps:
(Tasmania and Southeast of Australia, heading north to the 20 degrees latitude South and East)
Eolophus roseicapilla kuhli:
(to the North of the of Australia, from the District of Kimberley to the cape york peninsula)
State of conservation ⓘ |
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• Current category of the Red List of the UICN: Least concern.
• Population trend: In increased.
Although it has a beneficial action stopping the spread of some weeds, the Galah have a considerable potential of destruction and is considered a pest in most of Australia.
Crops, especially cereals, they suffer great losses each year. They often cause the destruction of the trees where they nest or establish their residences. The world population It is estimated in more than 5 millions of individuals and the number is constantly growing.
This remarkable species not is protected in all the regions and can be killed if it causes too much agricultural loss.
"Galah" in captivity:
It´s very common in poultry around the world, for being one of the easiest cockatoos both to raise and to care for and for being highly demanded as a pet both for its physical appearance and for its more manageable character than that of other cockatoos. Her offspring should take into account the different subspecies, Therefore we will avoid possible hybridization between them.
Son parrots extroverts, friendly, playful and affectionate. However, they are still cacatuidos, They therefore require more attention than other psittacine species to be happy animals. Its speaking ability is fairly high within the group of cockatoos, with males that better mimic. It is considered that it might also noisy, especially if you are bored or if it has been poorly educated or poorly maid, so you will have to always buy weaned and well socialized specimens. When they are young and still take porridge his voice is very unpleasant.
They possess a behavior that is similar to the of the small Cockatiel. Males are more talkers and possess a strong character. The females., on the other hand, they are silent and less dominant. They are most appropriate, Therefore, to be adopted as pets.
The males they may become aggressive in mating season.
They have a high tendency to obesity, thing very significantly decreases their hope and quality of life, by what control seriously its diet, providing low number of fats and allowing to do much exercise.
Its life expectancy formerly was around the 15-18 years, probably due to a bad diet popular ignorance of your requirements. Today there is talk of animals up to 40 years of life.
If we opt for a cockatoo for the home, a pink may be the best alternative: less demanding than her sisters, slightly less noisy and, If we chose a female, We have the gentleness and docility secured.
Its price market round the 1.000 €.
Alternative names:
– Galah, Rose Cockatoo, Roseate Cockatoo, Rose-breasted Cockatoo, Willock (ingles).
– Cacatoès rosalbin, Galah (French).
– Rosakakadu (German).
– Cacatua-galah (Portuguese).
– Cacatúa Galah, Cacatúa Rosa (español).
scientific classification:
– Order: Psittaciformes
– Family: Cacatuidae
– Scientific name: Eolophus roseicapilla
– Genus: Eolophus
– Citation: (Vieillot, 1817)
– Protonimo: cockatoo roseicapilla
Images Galah Cockatoo:
– Avibase
– Oiseaux
– kktwas
– faunatura
– Photos: ,, David Cook Wildlife Photography (kookr), Richard.fisher
– Sounds: nick talbot (Xeno-canto)