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Socorro Parakeet
Psittacara brevipes

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Aratinga de Socorro




Approximately from 33 cm.. length, and a weight of 140 g.
The Socorro Parakeet (Psittacara brevipes) is a medium Parrot with the plumage bright dark green, with the crown, the forecrown and lores grass-green, the sides of neck slightly brighter, the head and the neck, sometimes with one or more scattered feathers of orange-red. The upperparts are green grass, slightly brighter in the area of the rump. Upperwing-coverts herb with bluish green in the outside greater coverts. Primaries and secondaries Green in the part superior with tint blue in them vane outer; olive Oliva-Amarillo down. Underwing-coverts green. Underparts grass-green. Above, the tail dark green, by down color yellowish olive.

The bill color horn; eye ring pale beige; irises orange yellow or orange; legs yellowish brown.

Aratinga de Socorro

Gender-related differences are unknown although the immature has irises Brown color.


  • The Socorro Parakeet It is often considered a subspecies of the Green Parakeet. But, Howell and Webb They presented evidence that supports the separation of the species from the other subspecies of Aratinga holochlora. They found that the bill of the Socorro Parakeet is larger than, and noticed differences in the color of the skin of the eye ring, also has a Wing formula different, the tenth primary feather It is shorter than the seventh and Green Parakeet is the reverse. Both species also differ in the vocalization, calls of the Green Parakeet they are richer in harmonics that the of the Socorro Parakeet.


Most commonly observed in forests of species such as Bumelia socorrense, Guettarda insularis, Ilex socorroensis, with trees of at least 8 metres in height. Usually, above 500 m (especially on the South side of Socorro island), because in most of the rest of its distribution area, in the lower elevations, It has lost its vegetation preferred because of the sheep pasture.

Registered at low altitudes, 4 m, where the native forest (in canyons), near the sea level, especially in tall trees of Croton masonii, Conocarpus erecta and Ficus.

Usually, in flocks of up to 40 birds, rarely come to the 100 specimens. They gather in numerous flocks on the branches of the guayabillo, in smaller flocks (until 6) or only in pairs during the breeding season.

Son social, even there is care collective nests, They show strong fidelity to nesting sites, based on observations of re-use of nests.


They nest in tree cavities, especially of the species Bumelia socorrense. the size of the clutch It is unknown, but the breeding It is thought that it can begin in the month of November. The young are altricial.


Registered foods include seeds trees Bumelia socorrense, Guettarda insularis, Ilex socorroensis and Psidium socorrense; pulp of fruits of Opuntia and Ficus cotinifoilia, especially in the season dry.

They aim to feed in the tips of the trees or the highest branches, Although also has observed them are home on the floor


Endemic, It is only in the Socorro island in the The Revillagigedo Islands archipelago off the West coast of Mexico. Estimated population in 400-500 birds in 1992 (approximately nine birds per km² of suitable habitat). considered common, but recent decreasepossible n due to loss of preferred habitat (still present in about 22% of the island) and the resulting erosion of the sheep that graze in excess. Predation by feral cats can also be a threat.


State of conservation ⓘ

Endangered Endangered (UICN)ⓘ

• Red List category of the UICN current: In danger of extinction

• Population trend: Decreasing

Threatened in the Mexican official standard NOM- 059-ECOL-2001, but in Danger of extinction in the NOM-O59-SEMARNAT-2006 that is not yet published. CITES Appendix II

The Socorro Parakeet (in danger of extinction; It is only in the Socorro island and this species the habitat destruction threatens, as well as the introduction of cats, sheep and rodents.

Estimated population in 400-500 birds in 1992.

"Socorro Parakeet" in captivity:

The species, unlike most continental psittacines, does not face problems of extracting pups for the pet market.

Alternative names:

Socorro Parakeet, Green Parakeet (Socorro), Socorro Conure (English).
Conure de Socorro, Perruche de Socorro (French).
Socorrosittich, Socorro-Grünsittich (German).
Periquito-de-socorro (Portuguese).
Aratinga de Socorro, Perico de Socorro, Perico mexicano (español).
Perico de Socorro (Mexico).

scientific classification:

George Newbold Lawrence
George Newbold Lawrence

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittacidae
Genus: Psittacara
Scientific name: Psittacara brevipes
Citation: (Lawrence, 1871)
Protonimo: Conurus holochlorus var. brevipes

Species of the genus Psittacara


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr


(1) – Revillagigedo Archipelago by CONANP
(2) – Photo: (c) Carlos Galindo-Leal, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC) – inaturalist.org

Sounds: Manuel Grosselet & Juan Cornejo / Africam Safari (Xeno-canto)

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