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This ancient lineage of dogs, known today as Hokkaïdo (name of the second Japanese island, largest), It is also known as Kyushu or Ainu dog. According to historical data, its existence dates back to the year 1000 A.C. The offspring of Hokkaido dogs, is uncertain, but some authors believe that they come from the Nordic dogs. The Hokkaido is, probably, the oldest Japanese purebred. Similar to the Scandinavian Spitz in appearance, also has features of the Chow Chow and of the Shar-Pei.
Since its origins it has been used as a guard dog in the Hokkaido Island, and, as well, in hunting bears and other large animals.
In 1937, this breed was recognized as a Natural Heritage of the Japan, by the society for the preservation of Japanese races.
It is also a breed recognized by the FCI.
Rare monument of nature
The Hokkaido It is one of the oldest dog breeds in the Asian world and is part of the cultural heritage of the Japanese island. In 1937 Hokkaido fue incluso declarado «Monument of Nature» y desde entonces ha sido reconocido y protegido como una raza.
Due to the difficult to access regions of the island, los perros conservaron su «sangre pura» durante siglos. Unlike Akita or Shiba Inu, who gave way to Europe long ago, the Hokkaido still a very rare breed of dog, who is hardly ever seen outside of his home country.
Physical characteristics
This is a dog's size medium; its height usually get to the 53 cm in males and the 48 cm in females. Their weight varies between 20 and 30 Kg. Their life expectancy is around the 14 years.
The fur of this species is double: the sub-pelo is dense and soft and external hair is coarse and size medium or short. Its colors vary between fiery red, black and grey.
Character and skills
With regard to his temperament, Whereas it is a hunting and guard dog, we can highlight features such as bravery, impulsivity, agility and speed of movement.
Within the family, is a tame animal, Devoto, with a safe and protective temperament with children if he is accustomed to their presence from an early age. However, tends to be distrustful with strangers, reason why you need a good training and re-education of their less sociable side.
They are very active dogs and it is necessary to provide good rides, long walks, workspace very well to the family but they need space, have a garden where you can be at your leisure.
Hokkaido care
The coat of Hokkaido should be gently brushed regularly (about two or three times a week). You should even use the brush daily during the shedding to remove dead hair from your dog.. It also, Your dog's ears and teeth should be cleaned once or twice a week. To avoid injury, claws should also be trimmed regularly. You will hardly ever need to bathe your Hokkaido: first, le gusta saltar a los ríos o lagos y «bañarse» allí, in the second place, it is naturally very clean and thirdly, the skin's own protective barrier should not be attacked by too frequent bathing or even dog shampoo.
Hokkaido Health
In fact, a possible inbreeding in the breeding of Hokkaido in Europe, since due to the rarity of this breed there are very few breeding dogs. So, there is a realistic risk of undesirable hereditary diseases being introduced. A close look at the pedigree is worth it in any case and can perhaps prevent unpleasant surprises.. Apart from the problem of inbreeding, the dogs of Hokkaido They are very robust and resistant to typical dog diseases.. The life expectancy of healthy animals is between 9 and 15 years.
Hokkaido Nutrition
In addition to good genetic material, nutrition also has a decisive influence on the dog's health. Like descendants of the wolf, dogs are carnivores, this also applies to Hokkaido. The original dog especially likes fish. In his homeland., Japan, where it is still traditionally used for fishing and where salmon are caught on their way to spawning grounds with great skill and reaction speed, this preference is not always appreciated – because the Hokkaido first he eats the fish caught by himself and only gives away some of his prey when he is full.
Characteristics "Hokkaido"
Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Hokkaido" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.
Training ?1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Suitability of the apartment ?1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Can be alone all day ?2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Suitable as a first dog ?1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Weight gain ?4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Health ?4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Intelligence ?4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Kindness with child ?2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Tendency to bite ?3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Tendency to bark ?3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Tendency to flee ?4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
hair loss strength ?4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Suitable as a guard dog ?5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Joy ?2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Cat friendliness ?2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Power level ?5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Videos "Hokkaido"
15 Things You Should Know About Ainu Dog
Hokkaido Puppy Katana
Type and recognitions:
- Group 5: Spitz and primitive types
- Section 5: Asian Spitz and related breeds. Without working trial..
- – FCI – Group 5: Spitz-type dogs and primitive type – Section 5: Asian Spitz and related breeds. ⓘ
FCI breed standard "Hokkaido"
Hunting dog and company.
General appearance:
medium size dog, well proportioned, de estructura fuerte con esqueleto robusto y características sexuales bien definidas. Los músculos están muy desarrollados y presentan líneas nítidas.
• La relación entre la altura de la cruz y la longitud del cuerpo es de 10 to 11.
• La relación entre la longitud del cráneo y la longitud de la caña nasal es de 3 : 2.
• La longitud del cráneo corresponde a su anchura a la altura de las mejillas y constituye una cuarta parte de la altura de la cruz.
Posee una resistencia notable; su comportamiento es noble y su carácter espontáneo. Es de temperamento fiel, docile, muy dispierto y valiente.
---- Cráneo y frente : Amplios y un poco aplanados.
- Depression links (Stop) : Unremarkable, but visible.
facial region:
- Truffle : Black; en perros de pelaje blanco se permite la trufa color hígado.
- Snout : Wedge shaped. Straight nose cane.
- Lips : Very adherent, con bordes de color negro.
- Jaws / Teeth : Mordida en tijera potente.
- Cheeks : Well developed.
Eyes : Relatively small, almost triangular, well separated, dark brown.
Ears : Small, triangular, slightly directed forward and carried vigorously erect.
Strong and muscular, without jowl.Body:
- Cross : High.
- Back : Straight and strong.
- Pork loin : Moderadamente ancho y musculoso.
- Rump : Adecuadamente oblicua.
- Breast : Well developed sill. Deep and moderately wide chest. Well arched ribs.
- Belly : Well withdrawn.
High insertion, thick, llevada vigorosamente enroscada o doblada sobre la espalda en forma de hoz. La punta de la cola debe alcanzar casi los corvejones cuando está hacia abajo.Tips
- Shoulder : Moderately oblique.
- Forearm : Straight, well delineated.
- Metacarpus : Slightly inclined.
- Warm-tarsal joints : Robustas, bastante fuertes.
FEET : Well arched and compact fingers. Almohadillas gruesas y elásticas. hard nails, de color negro u oscuras.
Agile, lively, ligero y elástico.Mantle
HAIR : La capa externa es resistente y recta, the undercoat is soft and dense. En la cola el pelo es relativamente largo y separado.
COLOR : Color sesam (red-tawny hairs with black tips), striped, red, black, Black with fire, white.
Size and weight:
Height to the cross :
- In males : 48,5 – 51,5 cm..
- In females : 45,5 – 48,5 cm..
Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered as a fault and the severity of this is considered to the degree of the deviation to the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog..
• Inverted sexual characteristics.
• Mild upper or lower prognathism.
• Aggressive or fearful dog.
• Pronounced upper or lower prognathism.
• Orejas que no se llevan erectas.
• Cola muy corta o colgante.
• Shyness.
Any dog showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified..
Los machos deben tener dos testículos de apariencia normal completamente descendidos en el escroto.La lengua de color azul-negruzco no debe ser considerada como falta.
Alternative names:
1. Dō-ken, Ainu-ken, Seta, Ainu dog, Hokkaido-Ken (English).
2. Aïnou, Ainu-ken, Hokkaïdo-ken (French).
3. Hokkaido-Hund, Ainu-Hund, Ainu Inu, Hokkaido-Ken (German).
4. Hokkaido (cão) (Portuguese).
5. Dō-ken, Ainu-ken, Ainu Dog (español).