The Aidi is highly energetic, protective and extremely vigilant. Despite its resemblance to Sheepdogs, The Aidi is not one of them because there are no sheepdogs from the Atlas.
Aidi – Atlas Mountain Dog
FCI 247 - Molossoid . Mountain

All breeds and species.
Group 2 Pincher y Schnauzer – Molosoides – Perros tipo de Montaña y Boyeros Suizos. Section 2.2 Molossoid, mountain type.
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The Castro Laboreiro Dog (Cão de Castro Laboreiro) It is a breed of Portuguese dog of large size. Originating in the parish of Castro Laboreiro, Melgaço, is a dog type Lupoid amastinado is lighter than other breeds of cattle dogs.
The Castro Laboreiro Dog it has its origin in the region that gave it its name, the people of Castro Laboreiro, in the municipality of Melgaço. It is a rugged mountainous region that stretches from the Miño river to the Peneda and Soajo mountains between the Trancoso rivers, Laboreiro and moro, until around 1400 m above sea level.
Like the dog, Castro Laboreiro is one of the oldest regions of the land of Portugal. The prehistoric remains such as dolmens and rock paintings, They demonstrate the presence of man in the region for thousands of years. The strengths are evidence of the strong presence of Celtic culture in the region. Also the Celts and the Romans came here, the roman roads and the construction of bridges with their landmarks. The castrejas communities have always lived of hunting, fishing, grazing and agriculture.
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The Dog of the Sierra de la Estrela (Cão da Serra da Estrela) It is a breed of dog native of Portugal, in the mountainous region that bears the same name. It has all the qualities required in this wild region, is intelligent, loyal and brave.
There are those who hold the theory that they were introduced to Portugal by the Visigoths and slowly to various parts of Europe.. The Estrela Mountain Dog was used mainly- in mountainous areas to accompany shepherds and flocks on their annual migrations, defending the wolves and thieves.
It is believed that the two varieties of existing hair: short hair and Longhair, they are due to regional variations. Contrary to what might be expected, the warmest region, the region of Manteigas, is where you could find the long-haired dogs, While short hair varieties were most frequent in the North, in Gouveia e Seia. Crosses between these two varieties were frequent.
In 1934 the standard of the breed was drafted, which was established according to its two varieties of layer. From this point, the cross between two varieties became undesirable. The publication of the rule in 1966 and the recognition of the breed by the FCI, have not brought more popularity to the breed. Over the years 60 and 70, the Portuguese emigrated looking for escape from the regime of poverty. The population of dogs Serra da Estrela declined drastically in that period, but the dedication of some breeders allowed the continuity of the breed.
Today, the Estrela Mountain Dog is highly requested, especially the variety of long hair. While the variety of short hair was more numerous at the beginning of the last century, is the variety of long hair that stands out, especially for being more eye-catching, stylish, with a larger. This made the breeders will focus primarily on the variety of long hair. Today the short-haired variety is particularly vulnerable and rare..
The Estrela Mountain Dog is a big dog, rough lines and powerful appearance. The head is huge, rounded and with a stunning skull. It has oval eyes, very expressive, Smart and serene.
The ears they are small and pendants, covered with a soft skin.
mastiff-type molosoid, the Estrela Mountain Dog has a broad chest and a slightly drooping rump. The members are strong and muscular. The tail is long, thick and slightly droopy.
There are two varieties of Estrela Mountain Dog: long hair and short hair. The hair is strong, thick, but not too rough. In some regions it is longer than others, especially in the queue, around the neck and back.
Only allowed the tawny colors, Lupine and yellow, monochrome or marbled.
Estrela Mountain Dog is a healthy dog, due to the strong natural selection which was exposed. But, There are some diseases of large animals with a higher incidence in this breed. The Dysplasia is one of them, especially that of hip. Due to this trend, owners must use quality diets, not exercise too your dog when he is young, avoid the steep stairs, breaks and slippery floors.
The variety of long hair they require more maintenance: brushed daily to untangle hair.
The variety of short hair only needs weekly brushings. Bathing should only be administered, only, When cannot be avoided,Since the protective greasiness of the skin can be damaged by cleaning products.
The Estrela Mountain Dog has always been kept with the sheep, While pastor was away from his flock the dog developed an independent organization and this led to his character of excellent guard dog.
It is also used for self defense and as a dog shot.
The Estrela Mountain Dog, due to its isolation and difficult access, It has become the home of this breed of dog. His hard hair helps you survive the harsh winters of the region. Each race has its specific character developed throughout its existence, of their own history.
This more or less independent nature makes this breed adapts well to modern times, where instead of caring won, waits for their owners to return from work at the end of the day. They have a lot of patience.
The beauty of this dog, his intelligence and strength, are the characteristics that allow him to be in addition to an excellent guard, a good family dog and very tolerant with children.
The Estrela Mountain Dog it's a big dog with a big boost. So, an apartment in the city is not ideal for him. Fluctuations of time and temperature do not bother him much, so you prefer to spend the day outdoors. So, the ideal is a house with a large patio or garden where you can move freely. It also, does not want to do without his long walks. For many other canine sports, requiring reliable obedience, is however hardly suitable due to its obstinacy.
The Estrela Mountain Dog requires a correspondingly large serving of food, which should also be considered when buying it. Proper dog feeding helps keep it healthy for a long time. Whether one wants to use dry or wet food is a matter of personal preference.. In particular, nutrition during growth, especially in large dogs, sets the course for later life.
While puppies and adult dogs need enough energy, young dogs need an adapted diet, protein rich, to ensure that your muscles and skeleton grow evenly. If the young dog grows too fast on food that is too high in energy, there is a risk of permanent joint problems and malpositions. It also, It should be noted that all large breeds of dogs are at risk of stomach upset if the daily ration is administered at one time.. So, it is better and healthier to divide the food into at least two servings in the morning and at night and then give the animal a break for digestion.
Due to the close connection of the Estrela Mountain Dog with humans and their good understanding, good conditions are created for purposeful education. But, the race's own head should not be underestimated. The Hound of the Sierra de la Estrela dog stubbornly reacts to too much hardness in training and the orders he considers meaningless. Therefore, the right key to a successful workout is patience, empathy and a consistent hand. During training special attention should be paid to the tendency to dominate, especially in males.
Although this is rarely directed against humans, but mainly against other big dogs, can disturb harmonious interaction and, above all, The walking. Ideally, great importance should be given to socialization already in the breeder. You should also practice meeting other dogs as soon as possible after your dog has moved in.. You can learn that other dogs are an enrichment and not a danger and that dominant behavior is not tolerated. In a good dog school you will receive many tips when in doubt, which will facilitate the management of your Dog from the Sierra de la Estrela.
The Estrela Mountain Dog has a dense coat with a lot of undercoat, that adapts to weather conditions. The change of coat is therefore strong in this breed. To facilitate this process for the animal and reduce the amount of dog hair at home, should be brushed sufficiently and correctly, especially during the period. Ideal for this purpose are the special brushes, they can comb the bottom layer. Outside the change of coat phase, brush once a week.. The rest of the preparation is limited to a minimum. Especially if the dog is outside and a lot in the meadows and forests, should be checked regularly for parasites. If required, claws must be shortened with claw pliers.
The Estrela Mountain Dog it is a very robust animal that does not have to fight with the typical diseases of the breed. But, being a very large breed, you may suffer from dysplasia of the hip joint. Breeders recognized by the FCI only use parents that are not affected by this disease for breeding purposes., which also greatly reduces the risk to offspring.
As a healthy race, the Estrela Mountain Dog reaches an age of 10 to 12 years without difficulty and generally without many visits to the vet. Proper nutrition and parenting are the prerequisites for a long and healthy life.
FCI ⓘ, AKC ⓘ, ANKC ⓘ, KC ⓘ, NZKC ⓘ, UKC ⓘ – The AKC does not have its own standard and instead is linked to the FCI
Herd guard dog, surveillance and companion dog also used in shooting work.
The Sierra de la Estrela Dog is a mastiff type. There are two varieties of hair: long and short. Rustic, of much substance with a strong movement and stunning attitudes.
The breed has a cheerful look, calm and expressive. Well proportioned, morphologically perfect, compact and rustic; The harmony of the whole is remarkable and demonstrates an ethnic purity of ancient races of the past.
Medium long (long sub) tending to the middle line. Depth of chest is less than half of its height at the withers. The muzzle and the skull should be approximately the same length, If that is not the case, the skull should be slightly longer.
Inseparable companion of the pastor and faithful guardian of the herd protect against predators and thieves. Excellent dog guard farms and households, distrustful of strangers and typically docile towards its master.
Eyes: Horizontal, oval-shaped, at the level of the head; are medium-sized, aimed at small, symmetrical and wide open, with a calm and alert expression; Dark amber in colour preference. The eyelids are well bonded and pigmented black edges. A little marked eyebrows.
Ears: Small relative to the rest of the skull, form triangular, thin, rounded at their lower edge, pendants; inserted at a medium height, is tilted back slightly and hang to the sides of the head near the cheeks, revealing a part of your inner side in the base (called Pink ear).
PREVIOUS MEMBERS: Plumb, with bones and joints strong, fairly open with unrestricted movement angles.
LATER MEMBERS : Plumb, with bones and joints strong, fairly open with unrestricted movement angles.
HAIR: Fur: Strong, very abundant, slightly thick, without excessive hardness with texture similar to the goat hair. The subhair is composed of a thin hair, short, abundant and matted. Usually lighter than outer hair color.
The following colors are accepted and considered typical:
In the craniofacial area a dark mask is typical.
White spots are allowed only on the limbs or feet before and after and a very small extension on the lower region of the neck and chest.
Tolerance + 2 cm..
Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered as a fault and the severity of this is considered to the degree of the deviation to the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog..
Any dog showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified.
• Males must have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..
• Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with the typical conformation of the breed, should be used for parenting.
1. Portuguese Shepherd (English).
2. Chien de montagne portugais (French).
3. Serra da Estrela Berghund (German).
4. Perro de la sierra de la Estrela (Portuguese).
5. Perro de la Sierra de la Estrela (español).
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The Bosnian and Herzegovinian - Croatian Shepherd Dog, also called Tornjak, it is an ancient breed of dog, and its exact origin is lost in the meanders of history. Most specialists agree that it is one of the descendants of the Tibetan Mastiff (Do-Khy), that arrived in Europe several thousand years ago.
Some accounts suggest that it already existed in the Dinaric Alps (in present-day Bosnia) at the time of the Roman Empire, almost ago 2000 years. But, the first descriptions of a dog corresponding to the Bosnian and Herzegovinian - Croatian Shepherd Dog can be found in documents of the Bosnian Catholic Church dating from 1067.
Three centuries later, in 1374, Petar Horvat, then bishop of Dakovo, Croatia, He also described a dog that resembled the Bosnian and Herzegovinian - Croatian Shepherd Dog in all aspects, size, color and function. At that time it was called Canis Montanis ("mountain dog") and I was already working with the shepherds, leading flocks of sheep in the mountain pastures and, above all, protecting them from the attacks of wolves.
The name Tornjak first appeared in 1752 in the writings of Father Petar Lukic, member of the Dakovo Catholic Church. It is said to derive from the Croatian word «Tor», which could be translated as "flock of sheep".
This dog was found mainly in present-day Bosnian territory, and to a lesser extent in Croatia. The first scientific references to it date back to the beginning of the 20th century., and more precisely to 1905, when Austrian dog fan Franz Laska accurately identified a mountain dog seen in Bosnia, call Tornjak by the locals. But, the Tornjak remained confined to the mountains for a long time. It even declined sharply in the following decades as lifestyles changed and grazing decreased.. Its population grew from several thousand in the nineteenth century to just under a hundred in the decades of 1960 and 1970, when a few Croatian and Bosnian enthusiasts conducted a census to preserve the breed.
If most of the identified specimens then came from Bosnia, it was in Croatia that a breeding program was established in the late 80. In 1979, in Zagreb (Croatia), the Yugoslavia Canine Association officially recognized the breed, and in 1982 the first litter with a complete pedigree was born as a result of this breeding program. Despite this almost rebirth, the Tornjak he was not at the end of his problems, since the explosion of Yugoslavia in 1991 and the civil war that followed caused him many difficulties.
The new Croatian Canine Association decided to identify a breed Tornjak croata, while his counterpart in Bosnia-Herzegovina spoke of the Tornjak bosnio. Although these dogs were in all respects the same, the fact that they were considered two separate breeds prevented them from breeding with each other, for example.
Was not up 2003 that the two organizations unified their standards under the name of Tornjak. In 2007, the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) provisionally recognized the Tornjak, that took the name of Bosnian and Herzegovinian - Croatian Shepherd Dog. At that moment, there was 1800 specimens recorded in Croatia, and 2700 in Bosnia.
After this recognition, the breed timidly began to make a name for itself outside the countries of the former Yugoslavia. El American United Kennel Club (UKC) accepted it in 2011, while the American Kennel Club (AKC), the other reference organization in the country, included it in 2012 in his Foundation Stock Service (FSS), a preliminary step before full recognition, what has not yet been produced to date. The first specimens arrived in Great Britain in 2013, and steps were taken to gain recognition from the prestigious and influential Kennel Club (KC), the reference body of the country. They haven't been successful yet. in Canada, the Canadian Kennel Club (KC) does not recognize the Bosnian and Herzegovinian - Croatian Shepherd Dog. But, year 2017 marked its final acceptance by the CFI.
Very popular in his home region, the Bosnian and Herzegovinian - Croatian Shepherd Dog struggles to win over audiences beyond his native region. It is extremely rare in North America, and it is not very common in Western Europe either. In France, He came in 2010. At the end of this decade, there were an average of fifty registrations per year in the Livre des Origines Français (LOF).
Great and powerful, the Tornjaks retain above-average agility and flexibility for a mountain dog.
They have an almost square shape, with strong bones that are not heavy, giving them a harmonious overall appearance. The tail is long, very mobile and bushy. When falling to rest, rises well above the level of the back when in action, which is uncommon in mountain dogs. Legs are powerful, parallel and raised.
The head is elongated, with a slight stop. The muzzle is rectangular and ends in a dark nose with wide nostrils.. The eyes are also dark and almond-shaped. The ears, triangular and hairy, stand tall and fall along the cheeks.
The undercoat is dense and thick, with a woolly texture in winter. The stiff top coat is long all over the body, except on the face and front of the legs. It is particularly abundant on the neck, forming a mane that protects it from predator bites.
The Bosnian and Herzegovinian - Croatian Shepherd Dog and the Croatian Sheepdog are the ones that most often have a particular color, although there are white subjects, with only a few small spots of color. White is the most common background color, with markings of various colors: black, brown, cervato… More rarely, some individuals have a black coat stained with white.
Last, sexual dimorphism is well marked in this breed: the female is not only smaller on average by about 5 cm., but also less massive.
The Tornjak he is surprisingly outgoing and caring for a shepherd who has worked for centuries in the mountains. He likes to spend time with his family, and is willing to play with older and smaller animals. In fact, he is a dog that adores children, and can spend hours entertaining them – The opposite also is true. But, due to its size and power, could easily inadvertently push a small child, so it is better if you are already a certain age, especially since then he is more likely to learn to behave with an animal and to respect it. In any case, a young child should never be left alone with a dog, regardless of race.
His attachment to the family he grew up with also means he can hardly get used to life in a new home if life's perils mean he has to change owners.. You are likely to have the greatest difficulty recovering from abandonment.
In addition to their great closeness to their caregivers, the Bosnian and Herzegovinian - Croatian Shepherd Dog he's also surprisingly personable with strangers. It barks when they approach and perfectly fulfills its guardian mission, but do not hesitate to go greet them and accept some caresses once their carer has validated their arrival.
But, it would be a mistake to forget that their main function is to protect their flock. Under his cheerful and friendly airs, hides boundless courage and amazing strength. However, is not aggressive and is content to bark when a threat approaches. But if the threat becomes clearer and your family is in danger, does not hesitate to force its non-aggressive nature and take action; few things can stop it. It also, a malicious person would have no chance to persuade and corrupt him with sweets and caresses, because he is infallibly loyal.
His sociability is also expressed against his peers, to the point that you can generally share your home perfectly with one or more dogs. It also, has no predatory instinct, so it does not see cats or rodents as prey, and therefore is not inclined to chase them. However, the difference in size means that cohabitation can sometimes be dangerous. In practice, if there are small animals in the house, it's better for him Bosnian and Herzegovinian - Croatian Shepherd Dog live outside.
This would not be to displease you. In fact, used to large spaces, not really made for indoor living. You do not need to do a lot of intensive exercises every day, but must be able to move at any time, so it is not at all suited to apartment living, even if his master takes him out for more than an hour a day. Needs a large enclosed garden, where I can patrol, run, to play…
If it can be easily installed outdoors it is because, like any mountain dog, is independent and tolerates loneliness well. It can easily stay at home while its owners are out for the day, and does not suffer from separation anxiety if this absence lasts for a weekend. But, under no circumstances should it be constantly left alone in the garden throughout the day. You need to spend time with your family, and two or three daily walks of at least half an hour each are ideal.
Games and sports activities are also great ways to bond with him., while being physically and mentally stimulated. With an excellent memory that allows you to easily assimilate tricks and commands, has the potential to shine in dog sports like flyball, obedience or agility.
But, you cannot start too early with physically demanding activities. In effect, given its size, when is a puppy, you experience growth spurts during which you need to slow down your burning, or at least avoid any overly intense strain on your joints and skeleton. Otherwise, there is a real risk of injury (sometimes with lifelong sequelae) or malformations.
If you live in a residential area, it is better that the fence that surrounds the garden is solid, to avoid accidents. Similarly, walks in parks and relatively crowded places should always be done on a leash, so you can hold back if you sense a threat. On the other hand, in an environment where encounters are rare (for example, in the mountains), can be free, If and when, of course, has assimilated the withdrawal orders.
Finally, the Bosnian and Herzegovinian - Croatian Shepherd Dog has a serious and powerful bark that can be heard from a distance. Can be heard from a distance, and is also heard when approaching a stranger or when you perceive a suspicious noise. This is reassuring and enjoyable when living in an isolated area., but can quickly cause neighborhood problems in a residential neighborhood.
Like all dogs, the Tornjak should be socialized as soon as you get to your new home. Give you the opportunity to meet all kinds of people, animals and situations during your first months helps you become familiar with the unknown, and to avoid being surprised or even reacting badly as an adult. So, you should not hesitate to take any opportunity to meet the neighbors, friends, dealers, the vet… but also other animals, be it dogs, cats, rodents, horses, cows… You also have to deal with situations that you are not yet used to., especially the ones you will have to deal with regularly afterwards: travel by car, walk around the city, go out in a hectic environment…
It also, given its size, it is advisable to accustom it from an early age to being handled obediently. Brush, bathing or even clipping the claws can turn into moments of complicity with your caregiver, instead of being dreaded tests each time by both protagonists. In any case, trying to groom or bathe a dog 50 kg not accommodated can quickly become an adventure…
Although they have the independent character of herding dogs, to the Bosnian and Herzegovinian - Croatian Shepherd Dog they like to please their owners. It also, as his intelligence and memory are admirable, a caregiver who combines patience and know-how can go a long way in your education, even teaching them many tricks. But, although easier to handle than most mountain breeds, this does not make him a recommended dog for a novice sitter. But, It can be an interesting option for a person with a little experience who wants to face the challenge of a large independent dog..
In any case, traditional training methods should not be used with the Tornjak, as they only reinforce their independent side instead of developing their potential. On the other hand, positive reinforcement, with the help of caresses, treats and stimuli, motivates you to want to learn more and more and allows you beautiful moments of complicity.
The assimilation of memory is of particular importance: given its size, it is better for such a dog to obey the finger and the eye when his handler asks him to stop pulling on the leash or to come back to him. This is the essential condition so that you can enjoy nature with total freedom, without being put on a leash.
On the other hand, protection of the pack is instinctive in the Tornjak: you don't really need any training to play this role perfectly.
The Tornjak it is an extremely robust breed of dog, with a life expectancy much higher than the average of dogs of its size, to the point that some specimens reach the 15 years of age.
The thick, woolly coat of the Tornjak helps protect you from cold and bad weather, as well as the rays of the sun. It is clearly a dog made to live outdoors, who is not afraid of low temperatures as long as he has a place to take refuge. On the other hand, when the mercury rises and the heat wave sets in, it is better to limit your activities and make sure you have the opportunity to rest in a shady place.
Although they are generally healthy, the Bosnian and Herzegovinian - Croatian Shepherd Dog they are not exempt from certain problems, especially those that affect larger dog breeds. They are predisposed to ...:
Hip and elbow dysplasia, joint problems whose origins can be hereditary and cause more or less severe locomotor difficulties; gastric dilation-torsion, which often follows too rapid ingestion of large amounts of food, and it's fatal if a vet doesn't intervene quickly; protein intolerance, what can take, among other things, to a deterioration of the coat.
Other diseases have been reported occasionally in some subjects, but they are still exceptionally rare. These include anemia or von Willebrand disease, a hereditary condition.
To limit the risk of having a puppy with a hereditary and / or congenital problem, nothing better than adopting from a breeder Tornjak serious and responsible. In particular, the professional must present an updated health or vaccination record, that allows to verify the vaccines received by the animal, as well as a certificate of good health signed by a veterinarian. But, the professional should also be asked to provide the results of the genetic tests performed to both the parents and the child.
It also, the floppy ears of Tornjak can quickly become nests of infection if not cleaned weekly.
It also, how you spend most of your time outdoors, their fur is likely a breeding ground for parasites: even more than most tornjaks, it is imperative to be rigorous in the administration of regular pest control treatments to avoid this type of inconvenience.
Last, the fact that he is generally in good health does not exempt him from wearing it regularly (at least every year) to a routine check-up at the vet, just to keep it healthy. This not only ensures that you are up to date on your vaccinations, it also allows early detection of any health problems.
The Tornjak rarely poses problems regarding your health, but its maintenance requires some effort.
First of all, its thick coat needs to be brushed once or twice a week to avoid knots and remove dirt, and its size means that this task takes some time.
During their annual molt periods in the spring and fall, a lot of undercoat is shed, and brushing should then become a daily routine to deal with the large amount of dead hair.
Brushing is also an opportunity to inspect your skin and make sure it is not injured., Court, sore or irritation. Spending most of the time outdoors, he is more exposed to this type of problem than his peers who live in an apartment and only go out for half an hour each day.
In any case, if grooming is done regularly, can remove a large part of the dirt from their fur, keeping it relatively clean and odorless. So, it is not necessary to bathe your dog often. Unless, of course, got particularly dirty, you can be content with doing it twice a year, at the time of the move. It is necessary to use a mild shampoo designed specifically for dogs every time.
On the other hand, as with any dog with floppy ears, special care is required to prevent dirt from building up and causing infection. So, at least once a week, brushing his coat should be followed by cleaning his ears with a clean cloth.
You should also take the opportunity to check your eyes and clean them, to limit the risk of eye infection, although, unlike ears, are not particularly susceptible to it.
To end the beauty maintenance session, a teeth cleaning is de rigueur. It´s, in effect, the best way to effectively protect them against dental plaque formation, cavities and other problems at this level. Ideally, it should be done daily.. No matter how often you do it, always use a toothpaste specially designed for dogs.
It may also be necessary to trim your dog's claws from time to time. Even if your dog lives outdoors, natural wear and tear is not always enough to file its strong claws. If you hear them hitting the ground when you walk, have grown too long and could injure or break: it's time to cut them with a special tool.
Although all these operations do not require any particular knowledge, it is better to learn to do them correctly, especially to avoid hurting or even injuring your partner. It can be useful the first time to have the help of a veterinarian or a professional groomer to learn the correct gestures to perform.
The price of a puppy Bosnian and Herzegovinian - Croatian Shepherd Dog is of some 1000 EUR, but it's a mean: the sale price varies according to the prestige of the breeding, the ancestry of the animal, but also and above all its characteristics. On the other hand, there is not a big difference according to sex: males and females are generally priced similarly.
Having said that, the Bosnian and Herzegovinian - Croatian Shepherd Dog still hard to find outside the countries of the former Yugoslavia. So, it may be wise to turn to a Croatian breeder, Slovenian, Bosnian or Serbian to find the right one. The sale price will not necessarily be much cheaper, but then import costs must be added to the budget, registration and transportation.
It is possible to find hatcheries in the United States, but it is also still very rare there.
Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Bosnian and Herzegovinian - Croatian Shepherd Dog" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.
Adaptation ⓘ2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
friendly dog ⓘ4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
hair loss ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Affection level ⓘ5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Need for exercise ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Social need ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Home ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Toilet ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Friendly with strangers ⓘ4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
barking ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Health ⓘ2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Territorial ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Cat friendly ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Intelligence ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Versatility ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Child friendly ⓘ4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Surveillance ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
joy ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
1 – «Pastor of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia» by
2 – And little Tornjak. Colour: white & black by Canarian, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
3 – And little Tornjak. Colour: white & brown by Canarian, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
4 – A Croatian Tornjak (aka Croatian Mountain Dog or Bosnian and Herzegovinian – Croatian Shepherd Dog) female by Canarian, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
5 – And little Tornjak. Colour: white & black by Canarian, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
6 – Toro the Tornjak. Photo taken in a dog shelter in Zadar, Croatia by Mirta12, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Herding and protection of livestock and farm pens and guard dog.
The Tornjak is a large and powerful dog, well proportioned and agile. The body is almost square in shape. The bone is not light, but it's not heavy or rough anyway. Standing and moving is strong, harmonious and well balanced. The coat is long and thick.
The body is almost square. The length of the body must not exceed its height by more than one 8 %. The radius between the length of the skull and the muzzle is 1:1.
Of good disposition, friendly, brave, obedient, Intelligent, full of dignity and confidence. Fierce looking after the property entrusted to him, cannot be bribed and is suspicious of strangers. Devoted to his master and very calm in his presence. Very affectionate with the people who live in his environment. Learn quickly and keep this learning in your memory for a long time. Pleasantly performs the tasks assigned to you. It is easy to train.
The upper lines of the skull and snout are divergent.
Supra-orbital arches are slightly visible.
The back of the skull is elongated but moderately wide.
The area between the supra-orbital arches and the occiput is flat.
The occipital protrusion is very slight.
Nose: Grand, with nostrils wide enough. Must have dark pigmentation. Pigmentation must be in harmony with the color of the coat. Depigmentation is not allowed.
Snout: Rectangular. The bridge of the nose is perfectly straight.
Lips: Tight, with dark pigmentation.
Jaws/teeth :The jaws are very long and strong. Perfect scissor bite, full dentition.
Eyes: Almond biscuits, attached eyelids, dark color. Dark pigmentation on the edge of the eyelids.
Ears: Medium-sized, triangular, bent and earrings, high insertion. Carried close to the cheeks. With shorter hair.
Cross: Moderately developed.
Back: Short, the court, moderately wide and straight.
Pork loin: The connection between the chest and the rump is short, moderately wide; in females it is a little longer.
Rump: Long Middle, wide and slightly inclined.
: Very spacious, deep, wide and oval. Lower chest reaches at least elbows. Never barrel shaped. The chest is strong with the tip of the sternum moderately pronounced.
bottom line: Well muscled abdomen. The lower line is not retracted but gradually rises from where the sternum ends towards the posterior.
Strong and well angled.
PREVIOUS MEMBERS:well developed, with strong bone and tight muscles. Parallel and straight when stationary.
Blades:Long Middle, well leaning back. The scapulo-humeral angle is approximately 120º..
Humeri:Muscular and strong, almost the same length as the scapulae.
Elbows:Moderately close to the body.
forearms:Strong bones and developed, straight muscles.
Metacarpus:With slight inclination.
Previous feet:Fingers arched and together. Pigmented nails, desirable dark pigmentation. Elastic pads, hard and compact, dark pigmentation is desired. Front feet are more developed than rear feet.
LATER MEMBERS:Strong and parallel. Straight when standing with proper angulation. Well angled knees.
Thighs:Widths, strong, good muscular.
Warm:With good bodybuilding, strong wide and the same length as the femur.
Tarsos:Firms. Insertion a little high.
Metatarsals:Strong. They can have spurs.
Hind feet:Fingers arched and together. Pigmented nails, dark pigmentation is desirable. Elastic pads, hard and compact, dark pigmentation is desirable.
SKIN: The skin is thick, well adhered throughout the body.
Fur: In general, the Tornjak is a long-haired dog, thick, rustic and straight. It is especially long at the top of the rump; over shoulders and back can be slightly wavy. It is short on the muzzle and face, above the imaginary line that connects the ears, over the ears and on the front of the legs and feet.
It is especially abundant around the neck (mane), dense and long over the thighs. Forms fringes on the forearms. In well-coated dogs, it is also especially abundant on the back of the metatarsals.. The tail is very bushy with very long hair. The winter undercoat is long, very thick and with a pleasant woolly texture. The hair is thick and dense and should not split in two along the top line.
Color: As a rule, the Tornjak is of split color with characteristic markings in various solid colors.. Generally the dominant background color is white. There may be dogs with a black coat and white markings that usually appear around the neck, over the head and along the legs. There may also be almost entirely white dogs with only small markings.
Height to the cross:
Males: 65 – 70 cm.
females: 60 – 65 cm.
Tolerance+/- 2cm.
Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered as a fault and the severity of this is considered to the degree of the deviation to the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog..
1. Tornjak (English).
2. Tornjak (French).
3. Tornjak, Bosnien und Herzegowina und Kroatien (German).
4. Tornjak (Portuguese).
5. Tornjak (español).
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The dog Central Asian Shepherd Dog (среднеазиатская овчарка or Sredneaziatskaya Ovtcharka, also known as, Volkodav or The Crusher Wolf) is recognized by the FCI, as a breed of molosser dog Russia, where most of the copies.
Russian cynological clubs agree that this is one of the most popular breeds in the country, on many occasions, considering it the number 1 in the ranking of Russian dog breeds.
The Central Asian Shepherd Dog It probably originated in a geographical area between the Urals, the Caspian Sea, Asia minor, and the Northwest of the border of China. The Central Asian Shepherd Dog, as well as mixtures with other breeds, yet, can be found in their countries of origin, as Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and neighboring countries.
Some serve as guardians of livestock, some protect their owners, and some are used for dog fighting, which is a national tradition in many countries of the region. Russian scientists and biologists have studied the local dog population since the 18th century., so far.
After the Communist revolution, the Soviet Government focused on the working dog breeds for the Red Army, and imported the best representatives of the race to Russia accordance with the requirements of the army and guard dogs. For decades, This practice has harmed the local population. In addition to a large number of casualties, the introduction of new breeds to the region led to crossbreeding. With the time, purebred dogs were only left with some pastors and race enthusiasts, but in other places there was an excess of crosses.
But, and despite all, today the population of purebred dogs Central Asian Shepherd Dog remains stable, in general, and the reproduction of some true quality dogs that do honor to his capacity for work has been, regardless of country of origin.
In Europe, the Central Asian Shepherd Dog is relatively unknown, but in the countries of Central Asia it is still used as a working dog and accompanies shepherds on their walks through the steppes.
This breed has many varieties that differ in the size, the color, head types, and the types of fur. For these reasons it is very difficult to establish an official standard of the breed.
The Central Asian Shepherd Dog it is a dog of large or medium size, of rough constitution and strong musculature. Its coat is composed of the hard and smooth top layer and the abundant and dense inner layer. The top layer can be short (3 – 5 cm.) or slightly longer (7 – 10 cm.). With a longer top layer forms a distinctive mane around the neck. Due to a well developed undercoat and different lengths of the top coat, dogs adapt well to different weather conditions.
The coat color of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog it's very diverse: it comes in the colors white, black, grey, red fox, Brown grey, straw yellow, mackerel, spotted and mottled.
The ears are triangular, low-set and pendulous. The tail is thick at the base and set quite high. The natural tail is long and is carried like a sickle tail. Tail and ear docking is still practiced in the countries of origin.
Although there are unique characteristics of the purebred breed of dog Central Asian Shepherd Dog, such as being extremely flexible, This is very notable in their joints, have false ribs, the very strong neck and a large Chin.
Some have a black mask. The head is very solid, the neck is of low insertion, short, with double chin. The body is quite broad and proportionate with very flat muscles.. The ribcage appears very long, because they have their famous false ribs. The legs are straight, typical movement is a gallop.
He has expressive eyes, almost human, revealing his inimitable intelligence.
According to the qualities of work required by the owners, the modern Pastor of Central Asia has been raised in different directions, trying to highlight specific skills. Within the traditional area of origin of these canes, the dog fights were always, but they were never so cruel and destructive as the fights of type Pit Bull Terrier.
Every year the shepherds of the area would gather to organize dog fights Central Asian Shepherd, but unlike the bloody and ruthless fights of which we are used to hearing news, in this case they were fighting for the guardianship of a herd, and the winner was the dog that eventually, it was done with the control of it. It was about 'domination' instead of destroying each other's own kind.
Dogs rarely hurt each other, minor scratches were caused in most cases. only true leaders, In fact, you measured through a real fight, but that was not the most common. The primary task of these dogs has always been the defence of the flock to the attacks of various predators and venomous snakes.
The Pastor of Central Asia, It is one of the most powerful group of livestock guardian dogs dogs, after the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, the Kangal, Akbash, for example.
The height at the cross 60 to 65 cm.. And weigh in 37 to 50 kg.
In the news, rural people continue to demand and use the Central Asian Shepherd Dog like cattle watchdog, Although not as well as old.
These dogs, to varying degrees, are protectors against human intruders, they are very territorial, excellent with children, shall ensure them as if were his flock were. Love and respect for older people are some of its characteristics, to protect all small animals from predators, they are very kind and attached with the members of the family.
They do not need any complicated training to learn the basic rules of the house but they are quite stubborn and very independent dogs., the Central Asian Shepherd Dog It must be able to work as a team to protect sheep against predators, therefore, If the animal has an overly aggressive character, both other dogs as with people outside the family, they cannot be members of a Pack, and it would not pass the simple test for the fulfillment of the object origin of the race.
The Central Asian Shepherd Dog can come from build lines which print a very different character: of work, combat, and livestock guardian, and act accordingly, regardless of the country of origin.
According to the different kennel clubs, the classification within the groups varies, The Russian Kennel Club classifies the Central Asian Shepherd Dog like a working dog, that is reflected in the exceptional results in obedience, protection and training relating to the army.
Modern reproduction of the main Canine Clubs of Russia requirements, require to register copies of Central Asian Shepherd Dog a mandatory temperament test and an accredited training certificate, Besides show rating. In these tests the ability of the dog stands for fit and adapt to dog guardians shepherds of other flocks, not be cause for conflict between dogs. The FCI classifies Central Asian Shepherd Dog in the group of dogs Molossoid.
While it is a good dog to live, We must not forget that the Pastor of Central Asia is a livestock protection dog, people and possessions, He was raised to solve single problems, is independent-minded, strong, brave and responsible.
It is a large but agile dog, sometimes described as a cat with dog skin, for that reason, and taking into account his strong instinct for protection and territoriality, It may not be a recommended breed for a novice owner.
Sensitive and Intelligent, the Central Asian Shepherd Dog You will respond better to someone who can inspire loyalty in you as well as strong leadership..
Heavy-handed training will be counterproductive with this breed, but respectful training, reflexive will result in a dedicated and inseparable companion.
The Central Asian Shepherd Dog he spent a considerable amount of time moving around in his homeland, and this kind of slow but steady exercise is what he likes more.
With a work to be done and a piece of property to protect, is the highest point of happiness and will always keep an eye on everything that happens.
the breed is still considered very healthy and extremely robust. Owners should not fear the typical diseases of the breed. But, from time to time, like in all big dogs, joint problems occur, especially on the knees.
Although many joint diseases are inherited, symptoms can often be prevented or at least relieved with the help of proper diet and posture. Particularly in the growth phase of dogs, care must be taken that animals do not shoot too fast. Too rapid growth due to excessive protein intake in the growing months is considered one of the most common causes of later joint diseases. In addition to a fairly low protein food, given in small amounts about three or four times a day, young dogs should also be physically preserved during this phase. Stairs or long walks should be avoided..
When the Central Asian Shepherd Dog is fully developed, the protein content of the feed can be increased again. The main component of dog food should be – like in all dogs – high quality meat. It can be cooked or raw or, if industrially produced food mixtures are used, can be dry or wet. Regardless of the feeding method preferred by the respective owner, it is important that the content and composition of the food is adapted to the needs of the dog. According to age, sex, size, activity level and living environment, the composition of the necessary nutrients can vary considerably. There is no correct food for Central Asian Shepherd Dog.
Nor can the question of the amount of food for all dogs of this breed be answered in general. If the composition of the food is correct, the Central Asian Shepherd Dog can cope with surprisingly small portions. So, two meals a day are usually enough for an adult dog, which should be given at fixed times if possible. Portions too large, too many "snacks" between meals and not resting after feeding can increase the risk of stomach torsion.
Like nomadic dog, the Central Asian Shepherd Dog it's quite undemanding, this applies not only to the size of your food portions, but also in your care. Short to medium length coat proves to be very resistant and requires little grooming. But, should be brushed regularly to remove dirt and maintain healthy hair structure. The claws should also be trimmed to avoid injury and teeth, ears and eyes should be checked and cleaned regularly.
The purchase of a Central Asian Shepherd Dog must be well considered – although this applies to all breeds of dogs, it is especially true for this breed from Central Asia. It is not a family dog ​​in the classical sense nor is it suitable for a city life. This freedom-loving and independent dog finds it difficult to cope with living conditions in European industrial nations.
In the hands of livestock keepers and keepers who live in remote and isolated places, this protective dog of the pack is still in the best hands. Also people who live far from the city, own a large lot and wish to have a capable watchdog, can be considered as owners of this Central Asian Shepherd Dog. But, experience and some knowledge in dog training should be prerequisites to keep this breed. It also, an owner needs above all time and patience, because the socialization and education of this self-confident four-legged friend, who doesn't think much about blind obedience, It is hard work. How Central Asian dogs tend to dominate, they need a trainer who constantly sets limits for them and who shows them with the necessary empathy (not to be confused with willingness to compromise) that it is worth trusting and following your human.
The Central Asian Shepherd Dog certainly not a family dog ​​in the classical sense, so its maintenance as a pure house and companion dog is absolutely inadvisable. This does not mean that a Owtscharka can't live together with humans. In a family that appreciates its natural instinct for vigilance and protection and gives it its original task of guarding the house, the yard and the cattle, the Central Asian Shepherd Dog is quite adaptable and human-oriented. A basic socialization, that is to say, early contact with other people and animals, is as important to harmonious coexistence as sufficient opportunities for running and consistent parenting.
Guard and surveillance dog.
The Central Asian Shepherd Dog is of a harmonious build and great stature, moderately long (never with a long or short body). Robust and muscular body, bulky but not with visible muscles.
Clearly defined sexual dimorphism. Males are thicker and more courageous than females with a more pronounced cross and a larger head.. Full maturity is reached at the age of three.
IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: The length of the body only slightly exceeds its height at the withers. Increased height is desired but proportional structure must remain. Length of forelimbs to elbows is 50 – 52% the height at the withers.
The length of the snout is less than ½ the length of the head but more than 1/3.
Self-confidence, silent, balanced, proud and independent. Dogs have great courage and high capacity for work, resistance and a natural instinct for territoriality. Courage in the face of large predators is one of its characteristics
SKIN: Thick, loose enough to prevent injury during combat against predators.
Height to the cross:
The largest size is desired but the proportional structure remains.
Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered as a fault and the severity of this is considered to the degree of the deviation to the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog..
Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..
Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with the typical conformation of the breed, should be used for parenting.
Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation1. Alabai, Central Asian Ovtcharka, CAO Aziat (English).
2. Chien de berger d’Asie centrale (French).
3. Zentralasiatischer Owtscharka (German).
4. Türkmen Alabaý, mastim-da-ásia-central (Portuguese).
5. Perro Pastor de Asia Central (español).
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The Leonberger it is a very big and beautiful dog. In his head and in his charisma he remembers a St. Bernard and a lion at the same time. And this is not a coincidence, because the St. Bernard is one of the ancestors of Leonberger. The Leo, as his friends call it, It is a young and at the same time old breed of dog. This breed is ancient, because it has been specifically bred to the standard since 1846. The Leo It, therefore, one of the oldest dog breeds in modern breeding. At the same time it is a breed of young dog; because it was only created at that time. Most other pedigree dogs have a long history and originated from ancient working dog breeds..
The Leonberger, However, has a different and unique story. Among 1820 and 1850 San Bernardo became fashionable throughout Europe. The heroic exploits of the legendary St. Bernard Barry at the Great St. Bernard Pass in the Alps had a great effect. Barry has been shown to save more than 40 people of death by snow. Everywhere people wanted these big dogs and they were (and they are) really big dogs.
Breeders and traders were unable to meet the high demand. At the same time high prices were paid for a puppy of St. Bernard. So quite a few dog dealers from southwestern Germany helped out without further ado.. They mated St. Bernard with very big bitches from the region. The pups that looked like a St. Bernard they were sold as such, but for the others there were at most a few potatoes from a farmer. The dog trade was – as it still is today – a lucrative business and some sold hundreds of puppies a year and became rich.
Like Leonberg City Hall and dog vendor Heinrich Essig. An intelligent idea occurred to him and turned need into virtue. He created a brand out of the puppies that he could not market as St. Bernard. Instead of giving them away, sold the puppies for good money. Thus was born the Leonberger. Inspired by the lion from the coat of arms of his hometown, this new breed of dog has the appearance of a lion. His dogs were nicknamed Leonhardiner in the envious competition. Also in the official world of dogs these hybrids went unnoticed for a long time. Like this, el cinólogo Ludwig Beckmann, universally recognized at that time, ni siquiera menciona al Leonhardiner en su obra en dos volúmenes «Die Rassen des Hundes» (dog breeds) of 1895. From the point of view of health, such a genetically heterogeneous offspring is an advantage.
The Leonberger should be a success in all respects. Today it belongs to the primitive rocks of the world of purebred dogs., that no dog lover wants to miss. In 1895 se fundó el «Club Internacional de Perros Leonberger«, which quickly achieved official recognition of the Leonberger like race. In 1948 le siguió el «Club Alemán de Perros Leonberger» con sede en Leonberg, who still represents the Leonberger at VDH and around the world. The Leonberger has a unique charisma, imposing and at the same time friendly, quiet and just sovereign. Its appearance is reminiscent of a lion and its character is also majestic, peaceful and totally suitable for families.
The Leonberger It is an impressive large dog with a height at the withers in males between 72 and 80 cm and in females between 65 and 75 cm.. No weight given. But, will be some 80 kg. The standard describes its appearance as:
«De acuerdo con su propósito original, the Leonberger it's a very big dog, strong, muscular and elegant at the same time. It is characterized by a harmonious build and a self-assured calm with a lively temperament.. Especialmente el perro macho es poderoso y poderoso.»
Its coat should be medium soft to thick, broadly long, well lying. The Leo has a strong inner layer. The shapes of your physique should be recognizable. On the neck and chest, the fur, especially in males, must form a mane. The coat will be lion yellow, red, reddish brown and all the combinations between them, but always with a black mask. In favor of this lion gaze, hereditary factors related to health and longevity have been neglected.
A study published by the University of Vienna evaluated 7582 layers of Leonberger between 1932 and 2009. «Se determinó que la edad promedio de muerte del Leonberger It was from 7,55 años». During the study period, life expectancy had even decreased in 1,5 years in the last three decades. With a healthy upbringing, 10 or 12 years would be normal. The breed has recognized these warning signs and is now focusing more on the health and extension of the life expectancy of these large dogs..
The mind of a Leonberger is pious as a lamb. Being with him is pure slowdown for man. The essence is described in the standard:
as family dog, the Leonberger is a pleasant companion in current living conditions, that can be carried everywhere without any difficulty and is characterized by a pronounced kindness towards children. He is neither shy nor aggressive. As a companion dog it is a pleasant companion., obedient and fearless in all life situations.
The strength of character required includes above all: self confidence, sovereign calm, average temperament (including game instinct), willingness to subordinate, good learning and memorizing ability and noise tolerance. The character of Leonberger impresses all dog lovers.
Once you get to know dogs better Leonberger, you will be enchanted by them forever. There is almost nothing that can disturb this giant. His very high stimulus threshold as well as his stoic composure are the necessary counterpart to his enormous strength.. These two poles thus characterize the nature of Leonberger. Here and there is something stubborn. Only good persuasion and pleading will help., then he will do everything for his master or lady. But as a family member he is very kind. Seeks proximity to its humans. It is a reliable protector for them. The Leonberger he is a great guy, a fascinating dog!
The Leonberger not an easy dog ​​to keep due to its size. By its nature, has very few demands. A daily walk, brushed once a week, that was all. You don't need a big garden, but a garden is already useful. He likes to take possession of it. So, a small apartment on the nth floor would not be for him. Does not fit in all cars. One must consider: You're mine, the whole car will get wet. Leo can bear the heat, but it should not be challenged. prefers the cold. The Leonberger he is a great friend and not an object for acting addicts.
It should also be borne in mind that in our current society, large dogs are often rejected. Some people just fear a giant like Leo, even if he behaves – as is normal for him – exemplary. This is one of the reasons why it is not advisable to keep it in the big city..
One must have a sufficient budget to be able to pay a lot of good food and, in case of doubt, also the vet. It also, should have considered before buying what to do if the dog is sick and may need to bring 80 kg or more. Last, but not less important, there are many practical things that have a profound influence on everyday life. Here one must take real responsibility and honestly look in the mirror if all the conditions for a happy coexistence with dogs are met. Leonberger. Who can claim this, is in an enviable situation of dog owner. The Leonberger worth a sin.
It must be remembered that in a Leo adult, the leash is just a symbol of control. The Leonberger has the power to control the other end of the strap. But he doesn't want. The Leonberger it's basically easy to train. Only his stubbornness has to be broken here and there with consistent smoothness.. He wants to follow his lord and master and he does it very reliably. It is an elementary duty of the owner of a Leonberger to pay attention to a consistent education already in the puppy. Because only this and not the leash makes wonderful walks in nature possible, that together with this great four-legged friend become a balm for the soul of agitated people. El gran perro nunca debe ser «educado» por golpes o métodos de cuartel. Because that would cause the exact opposite of education and end in disaster..
Caring for a healthy Leo is not a problem. Brushing the coat once a week is enough.
You need a lot of high quality food. A raised bowl is useful to counteract the risk of stomach twisting. Always pay attention to the weight.
As in most large dogs, we see hip or elbow dysplasia. Osteosarcoma, the most common bone tumor in dogs, It is also very common in Leonberger.
Before the life expectancy of a Leonberger It was from 12 years, today is from 7 to 9 years. The breeding is working to recover the possible natural life of a healthy dog. He is accompanied here by a research project of the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover.
The purchase of a Leo it should be long-term and well thought out. You should carefully check if you have all the requirements to be able to spend many wonderful years with this giant.. If you are looking for a puppy, you should make sure above all that the dogs are not bred too much. Ask about ancestors, their illnesses, his age reached. You should see an FCI affiliated breeder Leonberger. Really, a Leonberger it costs about 2.000 EUR.
1 – Leonberger bitch by The animal photography at de.wikipedia / CC BY-SA
2 – Leonberger by
3 – Leonberger, head photographed in 2004 at a dog show in Dresden by Karina Leo-Steffen, uploaded here from –Caronna 13:43, 15 Apr 2005 (UTC) / CC BY-SA
4 – Leonberger by
5 – Leonberger by
6 – Leonberger by Pleple2000 / CC BY-SA
7 – Leonberger by
Watchdog, de compañía y de familia.
Complying with the original use purposes, the Leonberger is a big dog, strong, muscular and elegant at the same time. It is characterized by its harmonious body structure and poised tranquility, aware of his own worth with a lively temperament. The male is especially powerful and robust.
PROPIMPORTANT ORTIONS: Relationship of the height of the cross with the length of the body = 9:10; the depth of the chest corresponds almost to 50% the height of the cross.
Como perro de familia, the Leonberger adapts to modern living and room conditions and turns out to be a pleasant companion that can be taken anywhere without causing problems. It also, es muy amistoso con los niños y no es tímido ni agresivo. As a companion dog it is a pleasant companion., obedient and fearless in all situations that arise. To achieve his nature and strength, he mainly needs:
PREVIOUS MEMBERS: Straight, parallel, not closed.
LATER MEMBERS: Viewed from behind they are not placed too tightly; they are parallel; lukewarm joints- tarsians and feet do not deviate inward or outward.
Height to the cross:
Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered as a fault and the severity of this is considered to the degree of the deviation to the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog..
TRANSLATION: Federation Canófila Mexicana a.c..
1. Leo, Gentle Lion, Gentle Giant (English).
2. Chien Leonberg (French).
3. Leo (German).
4. Leo (Portuguese).
5. Leo (español).
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The Pyrenean Mountain Dog is an ancient watchdog of the mountainous world of the Pyrenees. There it is officially called Chien de Montagne des Pyrénées. The people of the Pyrenees call him the cute little one Patou. The pyrenees, like a vast, deserted and rugged, previously inaccessible mountain range, form the natural border between France and Spain. Here there were and there are wolves and bears, with the consequent problem for ranchers. It also, sheep used to be one of the few livelihoods of the people here. While in Germany and other Central European countries people lament the return of the wolf and complain about the damage caused to game and sheep herds, in the Pyrenees dogs such as the Patou from time immemorial. And there are no complaints. Guard dogs are an integral part of every flock of sheep in the Pyrenees mountains.
On the French side, they are officially called Chien de Montagne des Pyrénées or Pyrenäenberghund, on the Spanish side Perro de montaña de los Pirineos or Gran Pirineo. In addition to protecting herds against thieves, wolves and bears, also protected large estates. His powerful figure, his determination and ability to attack in an emergency were not without effect. The impression must have been so lasting that his work was already documented in writings from antiquity and the Middle Ages.. It is reported that the dogs would have recognized people from afar by their clothes. In 1391 it is said that the Count of Foix did a test. If he came disguised as a tramp, the dogs attacked him from afar without hesitation. If he came dressed as a count, he wasn't bothered.
The Patou was not a uniform race in the past. In very remote valleys there were often local breeds, genetically isolated, optimized for your job task naturally, but in the end the same dogs came out with a very similar appearance and character, though they might have been genetically separated for generations. Extremely harsh living conditions obviously outweighed the disadvantages of inbreeding. Modern pedigree dog breeding took an interest in these impressive dogs very early on. Already at the first dog show in France, in 1863, a separate class was established for the Pyrenean Mountain Dog.
An attempt was made to establish the Patou also outside the Pyrenees as a watchdog and protection. In 1907 the first standard was established in France. But, due to the two world wars and the associated famine period, the population of Patou outside the mountains suffered serious setbacks. In 1955 obtained the official recognition of the FCI – International Cynological Federation.
The Pyrenean Mountain Dog is a big dog, imposing, powerful and at the same time athletic and agile. Doesn't seem clumsy or massive, but rather elegant piecework. It has a medium length coat, very dense and flexible, which can be slightly wavy. The bottom layer is also very dense. To the colors that the official standard says:
White or white with gray spots (badger gray or wolf gray), pale yellow or orange (rusty) in the head, ears and base of tail, sometimes also in the body.
The Pyrenean Mountain Dog it has a majestic height at the withers 70 and 80 centimeters in males and 65 to 75 in females. The weight must be between 60 and 70 kg. The measurements are quite similar to those taken by the Conde de Bylandt when he first described the breed in 1897, when he simply called the dogs "Chien des Pyréneés«. The head of the Patou remember the contours of a molosser. Shows a very alert and attentive facial expression. It is a dog that rests in itself, who first of all observes everything, seemingly listless. This is underlined by his eyes, they're supposed to be sweet and dreamy, with its dark amber color.
The Pyrenean Mountain Dog is a guardian and protector with territorial claims. He looks cute and calm looking, sublime and imposing almost like a blank teddy bear, but you must not be wrong. It has a strong character combined with a very own but clear idea of ​​how it should behave – and the others in their domain. This idea is naturally shaped by its use throughout the centuries, where he had to defend his flock to life or death as a guard without the presence of the shepherd and, therefore, had to make decisions independently. The official standard classifies his character qualities as follows:
Since the dog was used exclusively to protect herds against attacks by predators, its selection for breeding was based on its suitability as a guardian, their respectable appearance and also their relationship with the herd. The resulting characteristics are strength and agility., as well as the sweetness and attachment to his protégés. This watchdog has a tendency to independence and initiative, which requires some authority from his master.
One Pyrenean Mountain Dog should only be held by an experienced and mentally strong person. First of all, not a family dog. But, it can become so if it has extremely competent guidance from its master or caretaker and if the external conditions are right. Only then can he be a good family dog ​​and lovingly protect all members of the family., including other four-legged friends. It also, is a good guardian and extremely reliable protector of the house and all those who, in your opinion -which should be clarified-, belong to it. Towards strangers he is suspicious.
The Pyrenean Mountain Dog it is extremely undemanding in its maintenance – if one ignores the aforementioned restrictions due to its nature as a watchdog. It is undemanding in its nutrition as well as in its accommodation. You can spend the whole year outside without problems – As long as you have a suitable and "adequate" hiding place, it does not mean either a kennel or a chain., because he must be able to move in his territory. This large, self-confident dog is quite sensitive and places great importance on a close emotional bond with his human family.. You need a trusting relationship with your master or caregiver.
Thanks to modern pedigree dog breeding, the Patou is better prepared for a big city life than other herd protection dog breeds like the Kangal or the Central Asian Shepherd Dog. So if you have a large, well-fenced property in the country, if you have joy, fun, experience and the possibility of getting involved with these dogs, you can experience a particularly impressive and beautiful facet of the human-dog association.
The education of Pyrenean Mountain Dog belongs to the hands of a teacher or lover with deep experience and canine knowledge. Like any other race, Pyrenean mountain dogs must be well socialized and educated since they are puppies. It would be irresponsible to want to keep such a dog as a beginner.
Absolutely easy to care for and undemanding. The Pyrenean Mountain Dog generally enjoys very robust health. Some health problems may include hip dysplasia; heart problems such as tricuspid valve dysplasia; cancers like osteosarcoma (bone cancer); eye problems such as persistent pupil membranes, progressive retinal atrophy and cataracts; dissecting osteochondritis (an orthopedic problem), patellar dislocation (dislocation of the patella) and swelling.
The Pyrenean Mountain Dog he has no problem with his diet.
The Pyrenean Mountain Dog have a very high life expectancy of 12 and sometimes more years relative to its size.
Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed"Pyrenean Mountain Dog" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.
Adaptation ⓘ4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
friendly dog ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
hair loss ⓘ5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Affection level ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Need for exercise ⓘ2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Social need ⓘ4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Home ⓘ2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Toilet ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Friendly with strangers ⓘ2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
barking ⓘ4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Health ⓘ5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Territorial ⓘ2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Cat friendly ⓘ4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Intelligence ⓘ4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Versatility ⓘ2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Child friendly ⓘ4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Surveillance ⓘ2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
joy ⓘ5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
1 – Pyrenean Mountain Dog by
2 – Pyrenees Mountain Dog, XI International Dog Show in Kraków by I, Lilly M / CC BY-SA
3 – Great Pyrenees Mountain Dog by HeartSpoon / CC BY-SA
4 – Pyrenees mountain dog by Arnaud 25 / CC BY-SA
5 – Pasture of Anterne, Sixt-Fer-a-Cheval, Pyrenean Mountain Dog among the sheeps by Jerome Bon from Paris, France / CC BY
6 – Pyrenean Mountain Dog by Emma.Martinet / CC0
7 – Pyrenees mountain dog by I, Beninho / CC BY-SA
Herd guard dog in mountain.
This is a large dog, imposing and very well proportioned, although without lacking a certain elegance.
Used to protect flocks alone from predator attacks, his selection was based on both his vigilance and deterrence skills, as in their attachment to the flock. As a result of this, its main qualities are strength and agility, as well as the sweetness and devotion towards those who protect him. This watchdog has a propensity for independence and a sense of initiative that require some authority from its master..
Eyes: They are rather small, almendrada form, slightly oblique, of intelligent and contemplative expression. Its color is amber brown. The eyelids are never loose and are lined with black. The look is sweet and dreamy.
Ears: Present at eye level. They are quite small, triangular in shape and rounded at the extremity. They fall close to the head and appear a little higher when the dog is in action.
The length of the body, from the tip of the shoulder, to the tip of the gluteus, is slightly higher than the height at the withers. The height of the sternum to the ground is almost equal to half the height at the withers, but never inferior.
PREVIOUS MEMBERS: They are strong and plumb.
LATER MEMBERS: They have hairs that form longer and busier fringes than the forelimbs. Seen from behind, are perpendicular to the ground.
SKIN: Thick and flexible. Often shows pigmentation spots all over the body.
Fur: It is very bushy, smooth, quite long and loose, pretty rough on the shoulders and back. Longer at the tail and around the neck, where it can be slightly wavy. Trouser hair, finer and woolier, it's very bushy. The inner face of hairs is also thick.
Color: White or white with gray appearance spots (badger hair or dark bay), pale yellow or orange, in the head, the ears and the tail. Badger hair spots are the most appreciated.
Height to the cross:
A tolerance of 2 cm in of the set size, in copies that correspond perfectly to the type.
Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered as a fault and the severity of this is considered to the degree of the deviation to the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog..
General aspect: General appearance that gives the impression of heaviness, aspect without distinction. Thick dog, not very energetic, lymphatic.
Eyes: Round, sunken or bulging. Too big or too small, close together or far apart. Third visible eyelid. Hard expression.
Ears: Wide, long, bent, forming folds. They come back; set high.
Neck: Delgado, a little long or otherwise very short, giving the impression that the head is sunk on the shoulders. Chin very pronounced.
Body: Sunken or convex top line, inclined, swollen or sagging belly.
Breast : Very broad or narrow front part of the chest. Flat ribs, or on the contrary, barrel shape.
Tail: With little hair or incorrect implantation. Very short or very long, without pompadour, does not take the form of a wheel when in action or does it continuously, even during rest.
Former members:
Later members:
• Males must have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..
• Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with the typical conformation of the breed, should be used for parenting.
1. Great Pyrenees, Patou, Montañés del Pirineo, Perro de Montaña de los Pirineos, Can de Montaña de os Perinés, Chien des Pyrénées, Chien de Montagne des Pyrénées, Pyr, GP, PMD, Gentle Giant (English).
2. montagne des Pyrénées, pastou, patou (French).
3. Chien de Montagne des Pyrénées, Patou (German).
4. Chien de Montagne des Pirénées (Portuguese).
5. Gran Pirineo, Chien des Pyrénées, Chien de Montagne des Pyrénées, Gigante de los Pirineos, Gran Pirineu, Muntanya dels Pirineus, Patou (español).
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As it is the case with many breeds, the true origins of this big guy are unknown, although there are theories that try to approach them. Some authors raised that their ancestors were the ancient molossians, especially dogs from Greece and livestock guarding dogs from Turkey.
Other authors believe that the Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog Sharplanina, drift of Asian dogs that arrived in Europe accompanied by migration of peoples who were engaged in raising them. This theory is the most widely accepted today..
The race was initially recognized by the Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI) in 1939 under the name Illyrian Shepherd Dog, demonstrating the ancient name of the native region of these dogs.
In 1957, at the request of the Yugoslav Canine Federation (JKS), the FCI changed the name to Yugoslav Shepherd Dog–Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog Sharplanina, because it is in the Šar Mountains (Šar Planina in South Slavic languages, is a mountain range located on the southern border of Serbia in the province of Kosovo and in the northwestern part of the Republic of Macedonia), where is concentrated the largest number of specimens of the breed.
If there is something indisputable it is that the Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog Sharplanina, lives since ancient times in the mountainous regions of the former Yugoslavia, from where it has spread throughout the Balkan Peninsula and recently, beyond these borders.
The image of the Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog Sharplanina appears on the obverse of the coin 1 Denar, issued in the Republic of Macedonia in the year 1993, and is also the emblematic protagonist of the Dragaš shield, a city in the South of Kosovo, which is located in the region of the Šar Mountains.
The Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog Sharplanina has reached the ranches of North America as an esteemed sheepdog and cattle guardian. Predator problems have been greatly diminished once a Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog Sharplanina , takes the responsibility of a herd. You are one of the few dogs that can chase away a wolf or bear.
The Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog Sharplanina, is a large size dog, It is quite above average when it comes to large breeds. It is also robust and equipped with a strong Constitution.
The height males average is of 56 to 62 cm and females is of 54 to 58 cm.. The length of the body is slightly greater than the height at the withers.
Although some authors speak of the existence of individuals whose actions were between 75 and 85 cm. of height and a weight of 65 to 100 kg.
– The huge head is proportional to the body, It has the skull slightly convex and slightly longer than the muzzle.
– The eyes of the Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog Sharplanina they are almond-shaped and chestnut-colored (light or dark), transmit an expression of serenity but the look is penetrating.
– The ears they are medium-sized, flat and hang on the cheeks.
– The tail It is long and Sabre-shaped, if it is in a state of alert, it carries it high, barely exceeding the line of the back.
– The fur It is long in some parts of the body and short in others. In the head, the ears and the anterior part of the extremities, is short. The length of the neck, the body and the back of the limbs and tail, is long.
– Regard to the the fur color, all uniform colors are supported but it is preferable to be gray iron and gray very dark. As well, at the top of the head, the neck and the trunk have darker hair.
The Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog Sharplanina it is silent, active and very protective, extremely bright, but very independent. It is an extremely good watchdog, and very reserved with strangers. The Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog Sharplanina they are calm sheepdogs, very smart, which is why, wisely, they choose their friends, trust no one too fast. They are naturally fearless defenders of the pack, as well as his master and his property, so everything he considers his property is jealously and unconditionally guarded. This is a dog with character and very dominant that requires work.. If we just want this dog to be a companion, constant professional education from an early age is essential.
The animals that live with him on the farm will be under his protection and there is no need to fear for them.. But, does not tolerate strange and unknown animals, often aggressive, and the same problems can happen with smaller pets, that can be seen as prey.
She will get along well with the children she will be together with from an early age, will be devoted and protective of them, and you may consider children you don't know as uninvited guests, so we must be very careful. You must be especially careful with younger children, since he will watch over them all the time due to the shepherd's instinct, but if the children want to get away, will drag them back, so you can injure them without realizing it.
Similar to the Caucasian Shepherd Dog –that is very much– has a temperament more characteristic of a guard dog than a herd dog.
Let us not forget that this agility, He was selected to defend the herds of the attack of wolves that were previously very numerous in their homeland.
It is necessary that the owner of this dog is a person responsible and very conscious of the copy that is in charge of, the Yugoslavian Shepherd Dog Sharplanina, It has a specially developed and powerful teeth, It can be a real danger if the dog is not given a correct and healthy education.
This is not a suitable dog for beginners. He is very suspicious and incorruptible. Usually, is completely loyal to a single owner. Education must be clear, consistent and should be carried out from the first meeting with the puppy. Early socialization is mandatory. With an inadequate education, this dog can become uncontrollable, very aggressive, dangerous even to the owner.
These dogs really need a lot of exercise. If the dog goes to work on a farm, will meet your daily career needs while working, otherwise, need a longer walk or daily run.
This is a dog suitable exclusively for outdoor life. You will feel better on a farm or in a larger rural fenced yard because you will be able to run freely and perform your primary role as a sheepdog..
Your care is not too demanding. Thick hair just needs brushing once in a while, once a week will be enough, except when you change your coat that more frequent brushing is recommended. As with other dogs, this breed also needs to clean their ears, eyes and shorten their claws.
No known genetic health problems, it is considered a relatively healthy breed. As with other large breeds, hip dysplasia can occur in this breed.
to) It is robust, of strong Constitution, well proportioned.
Its size is above normal. Is covered in long hair, dense and quite thick, giving your body a more collected look. companies, possesses a calm temperament and good character: knows how to be a good defender without attacking. He is faithful to his master and incorruptible.
b) Height to the cross: In the male, the average is 62 cm., and in the female it is 58 cm.. Large dogs are preferred.
The dogs below 56 cm and bitches below 54 cm are excluded from reproduction. In working dogs the weight is 35 to 45 kg in males and 30 to 40 kg in females.
c) body length: It is slightly greater than the height at the withers: of 8 to 10% from height to withers in dogs, and 10 to 12% in
the bitches.
As a whole, the top line is horizontal, or slightly inclined starting from the cross to the rump. In dogs bred in the mountain, be tolerated that the height of the rump is just greater than the height at the withers, Although this is not desirable. The body is slightly longer than the height at the withers.
Seen as a whole are well shaved and commensurate with the body. The height of the tip of the elbow is a 55% the height at the withers. The different parts of the limbs are in proportion to each other and to the rest of the body..
HINDQUARTERS: Seen from the back, the position of the hind legs is uniform and slightly larger than the forelimbs. In profile, is also uniform, with the angles of the joints sufficiently closed.
SKIN: Is of medium thickness; elastic and well stretched on different parts of the body. There is no presence of dewlap. All visible mucous membranes are black, or a dark pigmentation.
Fur: The head, the ears and the outer parts of the limbs are covered with short hairs. The neck, the body, later parts of the limbs and tail are covered with long hairs almost stretched and slightly thick. The inner layer of hair presents a short hair, finest, very thick and abundant. Dl hair is in the cross the length of 10 to 12 cm.; cannot be shorter than for 7 cm..
Color: This is a dog of a single color. All the shades of colors are supported, from white, until dark brown, almost black. The most valued colors are greenish gray (grey iron), the dark grey. Piebald fur or white spots are not allowed. Pigmented dogs allow small white markings on the chest region and fingers, Although this is not desirable. The background color is more pronounced on the upper parts of the head in all pigmented dogs, the neck and trunk.
On the lower parts of the body, There is a degradation of color, and the color is lighter in the lower parts of the extremities, arriving at the gray beige or dirty. In no case should these degradations appear well delimited, imparting a light marking or piebald appearance.
Any deviation from the above mentioned criteria is considered an absence and severity of this refers to the degree of deviation to the standard and its impact on the health and welfare of the dog.
• Males must have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..
• Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with the typical conformation of the breed, should be used for parenting.
1. Illyrian Shepherd Dog, Šarplaninac (English).
2. berger yougoslave, charplanina, charplaninatz berger albanais, sarplaninac (French).
3. Šarplaninac, Jugoslovenski Ovčarski Pas – Šarplaninac, Jugoslawischer Hirtenhund – Šarplaninac, Illyrischer Schäferhund (German).
4. Šarplaninac, Charplaninatz, Sarplaninac (Portuguese).
5. Charplaninatz, Perro ovejero ilirio, Perro pastor ilirio, Perro montañés de Serbia, Perro pastor de Serbia, Perro montañés macedonio, Perro pastor macedonio, Šar Planinac (o Šar Planinec), Perro pastor yugoslavo, Perro montañés yugoslavo (español).