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Icelandic Sheepdog
Islandia FCI 289 - Nordic Watchdogs and Herders.

Icelandic Sheepdog

The muzzle expression of the Icelandic Sheepdog recalls a smile that highlights your cheerful temperament.



Where does the Icelandic Sheepdog come from??

For many centuries the Icelandic Sheepdog fue la «navaja suiza» de las granjas y talleres solitarios de la gran isla del Atlántico Norte. In the extremely harsh climate they had to herd sheep, keep small vermin, help in hunting, as well as taking care of the house and the farm and especially the children. On the one hand they are considered as shepherd dogs and on the other hand as Nordic Spitz. In any case, they're extremely smart, agile, flexible and robust man's aides.

Its existence was in grave danger only recently. Due to introduced diseases and mixing with pedigree dogs legally and illegally imported to the island, they seemed already extinct. So the Icelanders recognized the danger surrounding their only native dog and took specific action against it..

Today, this unique dog breed seems to be over the hill in its population. The Icelandic Sheepdog enjoys increasing popularity outside Iceland. Genetically speaking, has been able to maintain his Nordic identity. This is confirmed by at least a thorough genetic analysis from 2017 of more than 100 breeds of dogs by a team of geneticists led by Heidi Parker.

The Icelandic dog has become very popular outside of his original home as a friendly, exciting and fascinating companion and family dog. Still retains much of his original acting ability, expressed in his desire to move, to work with friends and to be very alert. In 1972 was officially recognized by the FCI (International Cynological Federation).

Physical characteristics

The Icelandic Sheepdog of "Islenskur Fjárhundur» es una raza de perro muy antigua y la única en Islandia. The Icelandic dog is a medium-sized dog, which is coughy and only at first glance resembles a medium-sized dog. It has a dense fur, weather insensitive and robust. The top layer is medium or long, with a dense, soft sub-hair. There are Icelandic dogs with short and long hair. Different colors are allowed, from tanning to cream, chocolate brown, grey or black. Dogs should always have white markings.

The standard describes its overall appearance in this way:

The Icelandic Sheepdog is a Nordic grazing Spitz; it's a little less than medium-sized and has pointed ears and a screwed tail. Seen on side, has a rectangular format, that is to say, the length of your body from the tip of your nose to the tip of your buttock exceeds your height to the cross. The depth of the chest box is equal to the length of the front legs.

How big is an Icelandic Sheepdog?

Males must have a height at the cross of some 46 centimeters, the females 42 centimeters. The standard does not give any information about weight.

Longevity of an Icelandic Sheepdog

One Icelandic dog seriously raised must have a life expectancy of 12 years or more.

Character and skills

The Icelandic Sheepdog remains an agile grazing dog and a watchdog at the center of his being. But, outside Iceland, usually only bred as a companion dog. This is not a disadvantage. Rather he finds very well in his current role as family dog and companion. But it's still very agile and needs your workload. He feels comfortable watching and protecting and also likes to bark. At the same time it is a very friendly family dog that turns to people. He is considered very fond of children.

The official rule correctly describes its character as follows:

The Icelandic Sheepdog it's a sturdy grazing dog, agile and noisy and, therefore, extremely useful for grazing and driving cattle on pastures and in the mountains, as well as for tracking lost sheep. He is alert by nature and welcomes every visitor enthusiastically without being aggressive. His hunting instinct is underdeveloped. The Icelandic Sheepdog is happy, friendly, curious, playful and not afraid.

The Icelandic Sheepdog is definitely suitable for the ambitious beginner.

Caution, health and diseases

How much care does an Icelandic Sheepdog need??

An Icelandic dog needs to be roasted during fur change. The top and bottom layer should be brushed intensely.

Are there any breed-typical diseases in Icelandic dogs??

The Icelandic Sheepdog it's essentially a healthy and robust breed of dog.

What food is best for an Icelandic dog?

The Icelandic Sheepdog is a trouble-free and unre demanding food. Of course, High quality food is good for your health and test. like most dogs, sometimes he likes a bone of fleshy beef and fresh meat.

Considerations before purchase

Where can you buy an icelandic dog?

If you are interested in a Icelandic Sheepdog, you should look for a local icelandic dog breeder who is affiliated with an official nordic dog club. You should fix this in time, because puppies are rare.

Icelandic Sheepdog Education and Maintenance

Is an icelandic dog suitable for me?

The Icelandic Shepherd Dog is a friendly and breus dog. He wants to integrate into the family and can fit in without problems. The ideal is a house with a garden in the countryside. But that's not an obligation.. You can also keep it in an apartment in the city, whenever you deal with him every day.

The Icelandic Sheepdog is a loving member of the family and a great companion for children. Welcome visitors amicably and stormily. Their cordiality is contagious. If you get too bored, you can spend your energy on furniture or you become a thief.

Since the Icelandic Sheepdog has little hunting instinct nowadays, the excursions with him to nature are quite relaxed. With an Icelandic dog you can go on a trip without problems. In the car – just by the hair – an aluminum transport box is recommended.

One Icelandic Sheepdog needs to be looked after by fur. It is very important that humans and dogs have a common interest in lots of movement and exploring nature.. Icelandic dog is not a sofa stuffed animal.

He can be trained very well. He is open and honest and likes to work alongside his master or carer. The art lies in finding the right level of consistency and guidance for this very lively and at the same time sensitive and intelligent dog.. The decisive basis is always a close emotional bond and mutual trust.. Because of their good behavior, you can easily do, a certain amount of work is a basic requirement. A frustrated Icelandic dog won't thank you as an obedient companion. But this is only in the possession of your caregiver. From puppy, you have to keep an eye on your eagerness to report, which is related to the bark of joy. Here you must put the strict reins, if you don't live on a lonely, lonely property. Once again, the Icelandic Sheepdog is more effective than any alarm system.

Characteristics "Icelandic Sheepdog"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Icelandic Sheepdog" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

Training ?

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Suitability of the apartment ?

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Can be alone all day ?

1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Suitable as a first dog ?

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Weight gain ?

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Health ?

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Intelligence ?

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Kindness with child ?

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Tendency to bite ?

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Tendency to bark ?

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Tendency to flee ?

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

hair loss strength ?

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Suitable as a guard dog ?

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Joy ?

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Cat friendliness ?

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Power level ?

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Images "Icelandic Sheepdog"


1 – Icelandic Sheepdog, remembering a Corgis by Thomas Quine / CC BY-SA
2 – Icelandic Sheepdog by https://pxhere.com/en/photo/237527
3 – Icelandic Sheepdog by Canarian / CC BY-SA
4 – Icelandic Sheepdog by https://pxhere.com/en/photo/237516
5 – Icelandic Sheepdog by Alan Levine / CC BY
6 – Icelandic Sheepdog by Svenska Mässan from Sweden / CC BY

Videos "Icelandic Sheepdog"

Icelandic sheepdog - Iceland's totem animal

Type and recognitions:

  • Group 5: Spitz and primitive types
  • Section 3: Nordic Watchdogs and Herders.. Without working trial..


  • FCI – Group 5 – Section 3 Nordic Watchdogs and Herders..
  • AKC – Nordic Watchdogs and Herders.
  • CKC – Nordic Watchdogs and Herders.
  • UKC – Nordic Watchdogs and Herders.

FCI breed standard "Icelandic Sheepdog"


Date of publication of the valid original standard:


Pastoral Dog.

General appearance:

The Icelandic Shepherd Dog is a Nordic grazing spitz, slightly smaller than medium, with erect ears and curved tail. Seen on the side is rectangular, the length of the body from the tip of the shoulder to the tip of the ischion is greater than the height at the cross. Chest depth is the same as the length of the previous limbs. The expression is sweet, smart and cheerful, una confiada y vivaz paciencia es típica de la raza.

There are two types of mantle, long and short, both thick and extremely resistant to inclement weather. There is a marked difference in appearance between the two sexes.

Behavior / temperament:

The Icelandic shepherd dog is a hard and agile grazing dog, barking, haciendo esto extremadamente útil para recoger el ganado en las pasturas o montañas y encontrando ovejas perdidas. The Icelandic Shepherd is by nature very alert and will always give visitors an enthusiastic welcome without being pushy.. His hunter instincts are not strong. The Icelandic Shepherd is cheerful, friendly, inquisitive, playful and fearless.


Strongly built, with well adhered skin. Skull slightly longer than muzzle. Triangular seen from above or from the side.

Cranial region:

Skull : Something vaulted.
Depression links (Stop) : Clearly defined, although neither excessive nor high.

facial region:

Truffle : black, dark brown in chocolate-colored dogs and some cream-colored dogs.
Snout : Well developed, straight muzzle. Snout slightly shorter than skull, forms an obtuse triangle seen from above or from the side.
Lips : Blacks, tight, dark brown in chocolate-colored dogs and some cream-colored dogs.
Cheeks : Flat.
Bite : Scissor, full dentition.

Eyes : Medium in size and almond shape. Dark brown, slightly lighter in chocolate-colored dogs or some cream-colored dogs. The eyelids are black, dark brown in chocolate or cream dogs.

Ears : erect, medium-sized. Triangular, with firm edges and slightly rounded tips. Very mobile, reacting sensitively to noises and showing the dog's mood.


Moderately long and muscular, no loose skin. Slightly arched and carried high.


El largo en correcta proporción con la altura y en armonía con la apariencia general.

top line : To level, muscular and strong.
Pork loin : Wide and muscled.
Rump : Moderately short and wide, with slight decline and well muscled.
Breast : Long, deep, and well arched.


High insertion, enroscada y tocando la línea superior.


PREVIOUS MEMBERS : Seen from the front they are straight, parallel and strong. Normal angulation.

Shoulder : Oblique and muscular.
Spurs : They can be double.
Front feet : Slightly oval, well arched, close-knit toes with well-developed pads.

LATER MEMBERS : Seen from behind they are straight, parallel and strong. Normal angulation.

Thighs : Anchos y bien musculados.
Spurs : well developed. Double spur is desirable.
Hind feet : Same as above.


Displays agility and endurance with good momentum, covering ground effortlessly.


MANTLE : Double, thick and extremely resistant to inclement weather.

HAIR : There are two varieties.

to) Short : The outer layer is of medium length, pretty thick, with thick and soft undercoat. Hair is shorter on the face, top of head, ears and front of legs, but it's longer on the neck, chest and back of thighs. The tail is hairy and the length of the hair is in proportion to the coat.
b) Longer hair : The outer layer is longer than the previous one, quite thick, with thick and soft undercoat. Hair is shorter on the face, top of head, ears and front of the legs and longer behind the ears, neck, chest, back of legs and thighs. The tail is very hairy, the length of the hair is in proportion to the coat.

COLOR : Various colors are allowed, but a single color must always predominate.

The predominant colors are :

. Various shades of fire color, ranging from cream to reddish brown.
. Chocolate brown.
. Gris.
. Negro.

White always accompanies the predominant color. The most common white marks, which are generally irregular, are : on a strip or part of the face, collar, chest, variable height boots and the tip of the tail. Lighter shades are generally found on the underside of the dog, going from the throat to the tip of the tail. In the fire and gray dogs, the black mask is frequently given, black tips of outer hairs and occasionally black hairs. Black dogs (tricolor) they have a black cloak, with white markings as mentioned above and the traditional markings in any of the various tan colors, cheeks, on the eyes and on the paws. Patches of the colors described above, on a white background, is allowed. White must not be totally dominant.

Size and weight:

The ideal height is :

  • Males : 46 cm.,
  • females : 42 cm..


Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered as a fault and the severity of this is considered to the degree of the deviation to the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog..

. Dog with solid black coat or saddle of any of the tan colors.


. Without spurs.
. Yellow eyes.
. Bulging round eyes.

Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified..


Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..

Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

Alternative names:

1. Icelandic Spitz, Iceland Dog, Íslenskur fjárhundur, Islandsk, Fårehund, Friaar Dog, Canis Islandicus (English).
2. Berger islandais, Berger d’IslandeFrench).
3. Isländischer Spitz, Isländischer Schäferhund (German).
4. Islenskur fjárhundur (Portuguese).
5. Íslenskur Fjárhundur (español).

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