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México FCI 263 . Chihuahueno


This little dog has a personality sassy large.



The Chihuahua It is considered the smallest breed in the world; receives the name of the largest state of the Mexican Republic (Chihuahua), where it is supposed to have lived in the wild and was captured and domesticated by the indigenous people during the time of civilization “Tolteca”; pigmy figures of a dog called “Techichi”, who lived in Tula, They were included in the decoration of its architecture which were very similar to the current Chihuahua.

There is a belief in some countries that the dog gave the name to the state of Chihuahua since the word “Chihuahua” means “arid and sandy place” in Rarámuri, language of the Tarahumara people. Although it is known as Chihuahua, the official name of the race is Chihuahueño, Chihuahua is the name adopted in United States for the race.

Some experts say dogs were among the first native dogs of the Americas, others that were brought to the New World after the Spanish conquest of Mexico. Others believe that small dogs may have originated as miniaturized versions of pariah dogs, the vague brown dogs with pointed ears that result when dogs are left to breed on their own without color selection or other specific characteristics. In any case, race takes its name from the state of Chihuahua, where American tourists at the end of the nineteenth century first found tiny canines.

Chihuahuas were brought to United States by American visitors who visited the North of Mexico and, later, presented at trade fairs Canófilas where they became known to worldwide.

The Chihuahua we know today was developed by American breeders. The first Chihuahua recorded by the American Kennel Club, in 1904, It was called Midget. Chihuahua Club of America was formed in 1923. Today, The Chihuahua ranks 13th among the breeds registered by the AKC.

Physical characteristics

The AKC (American Kennel Club) It recognizes two varieties of Chihuahua: long hair and short hair. Many short-haired Chihuahua have very fine hair, but others have a very dense and thick hair. Standards of breeding this dog not generally specify a height, only a weight and a description of its overall proportions. As a result, height varies more than within any other race.

Usually, the height range is between 15 and 25 cm to the cross. However, some dogs grow up the 30 to 38 cm.. AKC show dogs should weigh no more than 2,7 kg; the FCI standards mark dogs must weigh between 1,5 and 3 kg, Although most small dogs are acceptable in the show.

But, the quality pet Chihuahua (that is, those bred or purchased as companions rather than show dogs) can, and they achieve greater weight, until 4,5 kg or more if they have a skeletal structure that allows them to being overweight. This does not mean they are not purebred Chihuahuas, It only means that the requirements do not have to enter a display. Larger sized chihuahuas are seen equally in the best and worst bloodlines..

Usually their teeth are double, This demonstrates the purity of the breed.

Chihuahuas can have many colors, from solid black to white solid, spotted, or in a range of colors including Fawn (coffee), chocolate, blue (grey), Silver, tricolor (chocolate, blue, black or white with Brown and white markings), with lines, and speckled. Each of these colors varies in shades and intensities, coffee may be a term to describe a dog from a cream very pale to dark brown (almost Red), or any key within this range of colours.

Character and skills

The Chihuahua They are prized for their devotion and personality. Its state of alert, intelligence and size make them adaptable to a variety of environments, including the city and small departments, and usually live fifteen years or more. While often it considered the chihuahua as weak and fragile, correct training and socialization can result in an excellent companion animal.

The Chihuahua also have a reputation for being spoiled and impregnable, but that is often because people no effort to train. Chihuahuas are like any other dog I: They need consistent rules and structure if they will learn effectively.

Many chihuahua focus their devotion on one person, putting too jealous of human relationships of this person, This can be mitigated through proper socialization. The Chihuahua tend to have a nature of clans, preferring the company of other Chihuahuas over other dogs.

As well, important to take into account, These toddlers, They seem to have no concept of its size, and they may face other larger animals, which can cause damage and injury to our pet...


Many Chihuahuas are sensitive to cold due to their small body size.. Chihuahua owners often dress their dogs in coats in cold weather, but for this, There is to get them, because if you do not, do not leave place fabrics above.

This breed requires a veterinary expert in areas such as development and care dental care. Chihuahuas tend to have genetic abnormalities, usually neurological, as epilepsy, strokes. Like other Toy breeds, They also tend to have dislocation of knee.

Another genetic abnormality in Chihuahuas and other Toy breeds is hydrocephalus, or water on the brain. This condition appears in young puppies and usually results in the death of the puppy, as much, six months of age. It is thought that this disease is diagnosed because the puppy has an abnormally large head during the first months of life, but other symptoms are more noticeable (because "a big head" is a very vague description). Chihuahua puppies showing hydrocephalus They have patched skulls plates rather than solid bone, and are typically lethargic and do not grow at the same rate as their siblings. A true case of Hydrocephalus can be diagnosed by a veterinarian, Although the prognosis is grim.

However some chihuahua may have what is called 'molera or fontanelle', and it is completely natural and accepted for race, which is a small hole in the head where they do not have bone, only skin and hair. The Chihuahua is the only breed of dog that is born with an incomplete skull.. The fontanelle It closes with age, but it requires great care during the first six months until the skull is fully formed.

Chihuahua tend to ocular infections, due to its large, round, protruding eyes and their relative proximity to the ground.

Chihuahuas can also be born with a liver defect known as portosystemic shunt, in which blood is diverted from the liver. This can cause a buildup of toxins in the body of the dog, stunted growth and can be fatal if not corrected with surgery.

The speckled chihuahua coloring, or parents with such coloration descendants tend to a number of additional complications of health. The mottled coloration is a carrier of other possible and severe ocular conditions and blindness, deafness, Hemophilia, sterility, and other medical conditions. Buyers who own or want to buy a speckled chihuahua should do some research on possible health conditions of this coloration.

The pregnancy of a Chihuahua, hard 2 months and the offspring measure between 3 cm to 5 cm..

Chihuahuas are omnivores, and you must be careful in providing an adequate and balanced nutrition. At the same time, be careful in not supercharge this small breed. Chihuahua overweight tend to have problems with ligaments, tracheal collapse, chronic bronchitis, and shortening of life expectancy.

Some potential buyers looking for extremely small animals; very small dogs, in any way, are false. You can be sick, or malnourished, or, If you are healthy, may suffer from short lifespans and health problems due to extreme dwarfism. They are not normally used for breeding, and may require special care. Some breeders chihuahua, they try to intentionally raise very small animals, and they increase the prices of smaller dogs, or specifically advertise very small animals. Most reputable breeders disapprove such practices, noting that it is difficult to predict the adult size of a puppy, and citing other problems discussed earlier.

In practice there has been an increase in people wanting to have a Chihuahua Pocket rejecting common size, This has changed the traditional pattern of raising this breed start doing that through the selection of specimens to breed chihuahua focusing on the size and eliminate the problems of a puppy that was born visibly smaller than others, many breeders reject this practice but it is a fact that the popularity of the “Pocket Chihuahua” has come to stay...

The tiny mouths often mean that there is no room for proper development of teeth. It is essential that a veterinary chihuahua receive regular dental care, and you may need to draw him some teeth to make room for proper development of the rest of the teeth in the mouth.

The Chihuahueno “Deer head” is the original Mexican Chihuahua, He was abroad where changed his appearance through crossing with other breeds, That is when its general appearance begins to change, now with a more prominent head and a stockier body, and it is precisely abroad where, by establishing the racial norm of the breed, this type of modified Chihuahua is established as the “standard” When is the original the type “deer” and even went beyond the damage to the original race to disqualify the type “deer” and qualify as one “abnormality”.

This “abnormality” is more popular than any Canófila Federation would like to accept.

“Deer” or “Deer head” These are terms that are used sometimes to describe copies of Chihuahua that does not have the standard appearance of the “Apple head” of the race. These terms are not official.

The Deer heads They are not admitted for competition, they are disqualified, they are not for sale.

The “Nano Chihuahua” term used in the United States are chihuahua that are described with head up, and a very long nose, is not something natural, they are like this because they suffered a deformation in the bones due to malnutrition, These terms are not official, and prohibited the sale of the “Nano Chihuahua”. Those that are accepted are Chihuahua “Apple heads”

The life of the chihuahua usually up to 15 years of age. The more small are dogs more life they have. Their life expectancy depends first of all of their food (It is necessary, good quality and which have no obesity). Example: Not offer cookies, fat, chocolates, sweet, bread, pork and, much less, chicken bones to chew it becomes small needles, and they stuck in its body until his death. Not to give anything of great food, simply their respective croquettes or latitas for small breeds.


The sexual cycle of the dog is, in comparison with the rest of the domestic animals, is unique in many ways, now that the time lag between periods of estrus (5-7 months) It is very long in proportion to the time of gestation (62 days), and ovulation occurs only once (but in several days) by zeal.

The sexual cycle is divided in 4 stages:

PROESTRO: have an average duration of 3-15 days. External manifestations are increasing the volume of the vulva, Vulvar blood loss and male attraction. At this stage the dog does not support mounting of the male.

ESTRO: popularly known as period of ZEAL. It has a duration of 3 to 10 days. The vulva is enlarged, There is a reduction of losses vulvar and attraction of male: It is at this time when ovulation occurs, mounting of the male and gestation.

DIESTRO: (of 110 to 140 days): This period includes the gestation, childbirth and lactation if occurred fertilization and the regression to normal tissues if not occurred.

ANESTRO (of 150 to 250 days): now there are no external signs and is the ideal for all kinds of interventions (ovary hysterectomy).

So that, ovulation takes place during the mating season and it's a spontaneous ovulation. Most often it is between the day 10 and 14 the beginning of zeal, Although in less of 1 minute can be confirmed with a vaginal smear performed by a veterinarian.

Pregnancy in the bitch has a duration of 58 to 63 days. The normal delivery period ranges from 5 and 24 hours, and alghourscasos, mainly if they are first-time, the time may be extended until 36 hours.

The delivery mechanism is divided into three phases:

  • The first phase corresponds to the opening and relaxation of the cervix for the exit of the puppies.. The female trembles, Pant and may vomit. The vulvar lips thicken and a yellowish-white viscous liquid escapes from the lower corner.. You can see uterine contractions, but always of weak intensity. go in circles, recuesta in soil, and does not want to eat or drink (Although some females show a voracious appetite).
  • The dog chooses a quiet, dark place, and he prepares his paridera breaking rags and materials; It is desirable to provide elements so that you can make this work, more usual is the role of journal. Nothing should bother to her around.

  • The second phase is the expulsion of the puppies. The female is lying in position on one side, with the face directed towards your abdomen and contractions begin each 2 or 3 minutes, with great effort.


Chihuahuas have two types of hair:

  • smooth and long. The Chihuahuas smooth They carry a velvety coat, bright and tight and have a collar – an area hair thicker and longer – around the neck. Coverage have little hair on the head and ears. The tail should be hairy, not naked. Brush them weekly with a rubber glove or soft bristle brush to remove dead hair and keep their skin and coat healthy.
  • The Long haired chihuahua It is the product of a recessive gene, which means that a puppy must have the gene from both parents to express long hair, so it is not seen in litters as often as smooth. The long, soft fur is flat or slightly curly, and the dog has a collar around the neck, fringed ears, feathers on the legs and a tail plumed. Hair from the rest of the body is almost as soft as soft straight hair Chihuahua. The long-haired Chihuahua are beautiful, and they are easy to comb, but the hair falls are seasonal.

Long robe brushing with soft bristle brush once or twice a week. Use a stainless steel comb to remove tangles of hair ears, legs and tail.

If brush to the faithful chihuahua, should not need frequent baths. But, If you spend much time on your couch or in bed, there is nothing wrong with bathing as often as twice a week. Use a mild shampoo made for dogs and dry it well so it doesn't get cold. Never let it sit and dry to the outdoors.

Keep clean your big ears chihuahua with a solution recommended by your veterinarian. Do not use cotton swabs within the ear; They can push dirt deeper. Laa orejaa clean with a cotton ball, I never deeper than the first knuckle of your finger.

Cut off nails regularly, usually every two weeks. They should never be so long that hear smacking on the floor.

Characteristics "Chihuahua"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Chihuahua" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

Adaptation ⓘ

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

friendly dog ​​ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

hair loss ⓘ

1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection level ⓘ

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for exercise ⓘ

1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Social need ⓘ

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Home ⓘ

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Toilet ⓘ

1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendly with strangers ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

barking ⓘ

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Health ⓘ

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Territorial ⓘ

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Cat friendly ⓘ

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Intelligence ⓘ

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Versatility ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Child friendly ⓘ

1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Surveillance ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

joy ⓘ

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Images “Chihuahua”


1. triplet chihuahua by Caterinarufo / Public domain
2. Chihuahua by https://www.pexels.com/es-es/foto/animal-chihuahua-mascota-ojos-50718/
3. Chihuahua by https://pxhere.com/es/photo/60641
4. Blue merle chihuahua by Nuclearblitz12 / CC BY-SA
5. Chihuahua by https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-tan-chihuahua-1048236/
6. A Chihuahua protecting its bone by David Shankbone / CC BY
7. standard chihuahua by Caterinarufo / Public domain
8. Buddy the Chihuahua by Jean G – HTTPS://www.flickr.com/photos/whatjeanlikes/
9. Chihuahua by https://www.pxfuel.com/es/free-photo-xzmeb

Videos “Chihuahua”

Type and recognitions:

  • Group 9: Companion and Toy Dogs
  • Section 6: Chihuahueno. Without working trial..


  • FCI – Group 9: Section 6: Chihuahueno
  • AKCToy
  • ANKC – Group 1 (Toy)
  • CKC – Group 5 – (Toy)
  • ​KC – Toy
  • NZKCToy
  • UKC – Group 8 – Companion dog

FCI breed standard "Chihuahua"

FCIFCI - Chihuahua

Alternative names:

1. Chi, Chi-chi, Hua-Hua, Chihuahueño (English).
2. Chihuahueño, aussi chihuahua (French).
3. Chihuahua (German).
4. Chihuahueño (Portuguese).
5. Chihuahua, chihuahua mejicano (español).

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