▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Australian Terrier
Australia FCI 8 . Small sized Terrier

The Australian Terrier is a lively dog, attentive, with a facial expression that denotes intelligence.

Australian Terrier


Characteristics "Australian Terrier"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Australian Terrier" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

Adaptation ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

friendly dog ​​ⓘ

1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

hair loss ⓘ

1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection level ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for exercise ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Social need ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Home ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Toilet ⓘ

1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendly with strangers ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

barking ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Health ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Territorial ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Cat friendly ⓘ

1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Intelligence ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Versatility ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Child friendly ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Surveillance ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

joy ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


The Australian Terrier It is a breed of dog in the Terrier family, classified in the section 2.

Due to his appearance, He is often confused with a Yorkshire Terrier large size. Is not surprising because, this breed comes from crossing a Yorkshire Terrier and different breeds of Terrier among the Skye Terrier, Cairn Terrier, the Norwich Terrier and other Irish Terrier.

Its origin goes back in the early 19th century, when accompanied by their Terrier British families travelled to Australia, and the vicissitudes of fate led those Terriers to interbreed with the natives..., and this is how many races in the world have been born.

In the early years of its existence, the Australian Terrier was known by the name Broken-coated-Terrier or Broken-hair-buel-and-tan”.

The wording of the first breed standard, took place in the year 1896, While the official recognition of the same, It is located a little later… in 1933. Y, The latest revision of the standard dates from 1962.

Otros nombres: Terrier Australien

Group 3 / Section 2 – Small sized Terrier.

Physical characteristics

It is a long dog (in relation to your height), rustic looking, robust with short limbs and strong.

The head is elongated, It has the black truffle and scissor closing denture. It has pointed ears being erect and small and dark eyes. The tail is often be amputated.

The height of the Australian Terrier is maximum 25 cm. to the cross in males and 22,5 to 23 in females, the average weight is 4.5 to 5 Kg.

The hair is hard, straight and average length. that rustic look, precisely, Since hair is rough to the touch and out gives it.

The fur can be blue or silver, with stains of fire (or bronze) on the limbs and snout, or color sand clear or Griffon.

Puppies are born black solid color and change color in three months.


It is a very robust breed of dog, that often has a high percentage of Diabetes Mellitus.

What is Diabetes Mellitus?

Diabetes is defined as a disorder in the metabolism of the hydrates of carbon, fats and proteins caused by a deficiency of insulin, It can be absolute or relative.

Insulin is a hormone secreted in the beta cells of the pancreas, whose production allows to control blood sugar (blood glucose levels). Insulin deficiency causes a deterioration in the capacity of tissues to use nutrients, that translates into an increase of glucose in blood (Hyperglycemia).

Diabetes is classified according to the disease in humans, that is to say, as type I and type II.

The type I It is characterized by the destruction of beta cells, What determines the loss progressive and complete end of insulin secretion. Dogs suffering from Type I Diabetes Mellitus may have a sudden onset of symptoms due to the rapid loss of the ability to produce insulin.. These cases require insulinización from the time of diagnosis and are called diabetics 1,811 (DMID).

Other dogs may have a gradual loss of insulin secretion, that their beta cells will be destroyed with slow. These animals may have an initial period in which hyperglycemia is mild or easily controlled., in which case it's diabetic insulinoindependientes (DMIID), Although in the long term these dogs also need her.

Diabetes Mellitus type II is a little more difficult to understand and is characterized by what we call "insulin resistance" and by "dysfunctional" beta cells. The secretion of insulin by these cells will be high, low or normal, but not enough to overcome the resistance to it in the peripheral tissues.

It´s, to explain it in a graphic way, It is as if peripheral tissues do not obey the orders of the insulin or were not able to do what send it.

Regarding the metabolism or synthesis of glucose, These dogs may have DMID or DMIID, that is to say, whether or not to require insulin depending on the extent of insulin resistance and the functional status of the beta cells in terms of their ability to produce and secrete the hormone in low amounts, normal or high.

Dogs also recognizes a secondary diabetes, produced by a carbohydrate intolerance (glucose) due to the presence of a disease or a drug treatment that it antagonizes or counteracts the effects of insulin and can lead to the exhaustion of the beta cells of the pancreas with the appearance of diabetes insulinodependiente.

The owners of diabetic dogs should be aware that the routine in the treatment with insulin and food has to be respected. Two fixed doses of insulin per day associated with a palatable food that always provides the same source and the same amount of starch, always run at the same time it can reduce the risk of hypoglycemia in diabetic dogs.

In North America, area where the Australian Terrier is very popular, scientific research is being carried out on the incidence of this disease.

Character and skills

The breed standard describes the ideal Australian Terrier temperament as an alert spirit., «with the natural aggressiveness of a Buzzard and a Hunter of coverage«.

Taking into account the Classification of dogs according to their functional and obedience intelligence (Stanley Coren's "The Intelligence of Dogs") the Australian Terrier ranks number 34. Means that, is higher than the average, which indicates a good capacity for learning and training.

The Australian Terrier is a lively dog, attentive, with a facial expression that denotes intelligence, loyalty and faithfulness.

Sometimes it can become dominant, so a good training from an early age would be appropriate..

It is perfectly adapted to any type of housing, whether large or small (apartment, House, house with garden, etc.). It should be enough with daily brushing and a walk.

Imágenes «Australian Terrier»

Vídeos «Australian Terrier»

Australian Terrier (Terrier Australia)

Type and recognitions:

  • Group :
  • Section : . .


  • FCI – Terriers 2 Small sized Terriers.
  • AKC – Terriers
  • ANKC – Terriers

FCI breed standard "Australian Terrier"


Date of publication of the valid original standard:


Uno de los terriers de trabajo más pequeños que fue criado tanto como ayudante como perro de compañía en tiempos y terrenos difíciles.

General appearance:

It is a robust dog, short limb, elongated in proportion to its height, con el fuerte carácter típico de los terriers, always alert, active and solid.
His coarse fur, without cutting, coupled with a well defined collar around the neck that extends to the sternum and its long and strong head help create the sturdy and robust appearance.

Behavior / temperament:

In its essence, he is a working terrier, pero gracias a su fidelidad y su carácter equilibrado es también un perro de compañía.



Cranial region:
  • Skull: Plano, moderate width, full between the eyes. Cubierto por un suave « moño ».
  • Depression links (Stop): Light, but defined.

facial region:

  • Truffle: black, moderate in size, spreading to the nose.
  • Snout: Strong and powerful, is the same length as the skull. The nose should be strong and not fall below the eyes. Muzzle length and strength are essential to empower fearsome jaws.
  • Lips: Blacks, tight and clean.
  • Jaws / Teeth: Strong and fearsome jaw. Teeth are large and evenly placed; the upper incisors fall well near and in front of the lower ones (scissor bite).

Eyes: They must be small, oval, with a cunning expression, dark brown, well separated and not prominent.

Ears: They are small, upright, pointy, well carried, moderately broad-based, without having long hair, and very attentive (except for puppies younger than 6 months).


Good length, slightly arched, strong and falling gently on the oblique shoulders.


Length in proportion to height, of strong construction. When valuing the body, se debe prestar atención a la descripción del primer parágrafo donde se trata de «un perro robusto, de extremidades cortas y alargado en proporción a la altura ».

  • Back: level top line. Pork loin: Strong.
  • Breast : Of moderate depth and width, with well-rounded ribs. The sill is well developed, the relatively deep sternal region.


Traditionally amputated, Both amputated and natural, it is of high implantation, well carried, but not on the back.


PREVIOUS MEMBERS: Seen from the front straight and parallel, good bone structure. The forelimbs are slightly feathered down to the metacarpus.

  • Metacarpus: Strong, no inclination.
  • Previous feet: Small, round, compact, well cushioned, with fingers tight and closed, moderately arched. Feet must not be twisted outwards or inwards. The nails are strong, black or dark.

LATER MEMBERS: Of moderate length, widths. Seen from behind, hind limbs must be parallel from hock to foot, without being too far apart or too close to each other.

  • Thigh: Strong and well muscled.
  • Knees: They have good angulation.
  • Hocks: Well angled, placed well under.
  • Hind feet: Small, round, compact, well cushioned, with fingers tight and closed, moderately arched. Feet must not be twisted outwards or inwards. The nails are strong, black or dark.


Action must be free, agile, elastic and energetic. Seeing it from the front, forelimbs must move appropriately without shoulder looseness, elbows, o carpos. The hindquarters should give momentum and power, with free movement of the knees and hocks. Back views, the extremities must be parallel to the hock to the ground, without being too close or too far apart from each other.


Fur: It consists of a rough and straight outer layer of hair of approximately 6 cm length, with a soft textured short hair undercoat. The snout, lower limbs and feet should be free of long hair.


  1. Blue, blue Steel, or dark gray blue, with intense tan markings (not sandy) on the face, ears, lower body, lower extremities and around the anus (except puppies). The more intense and defined the color is, Better Any black staining is undesirable. The bow on the head should be blue, silver or a lighter shade than the rest of it.
  2.  Light sand or red is acceptable with a lighter toned bow. Any dark staining or shading is undesirable.
  3. In any color, white spots on the chest or feet are penalized.

Size and weight:

  • Height to the cross: The desirable is approximately 25 cm., the females being a little smaller.
  • Weight: The desirable is approximately 6,5 kg for males, females being a little lighter.


Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria should be considered as fault, and the seriousness of it is considered to the degree of deviation to the standard and its impact on health and welfare of the dog.


  • Aggressiveness or excessive shyness.
  • Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified..

  • Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..
  • Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with the typical conformation of the breed, should be used for parenting.

Las últimas enmiendas son en negrita.

TRADUCCION: Federación Canófila Mexicana A.C.,review technique : M.A. Martínez (FCA)

Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

Alternative names:

1. Aussie (English).
2. Terrier australien (French).
3. Aussie (German).
4. Terrier australiano (Portuguese).
5. Aussie, Terrier Australiano (español).

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Silky Terrier
Australia FCI 236 . Toy Terriers

Australian Silky Terrier

The Silky Terrier not appropriate to live with other smaller pets.



The Silky Terrier is a native of Australia dog, Although the types and ancestral breeds were of Great Britain. The ancestors of the Australian Silky Terrier include the Yorkshire Terrier (originating in England and Scotland before being considered) and the Aussie (descended from wire-haired Terriers brought from Britain to Australia in the 19th century 19), but the records do not indicate whether early dogs were simply Terrier Australian born with silky fur, or if there was an attempt to create a breed apart.

In accordance with the American Kennel Club, the race began at the end of the 19th century, being result of crosses between a Yorkshire Terrier and Aussie. At the beginning, the breed became known as “the sydney silk”, since it was located mainly in the city of Sydney, Australia. Although most Australian breeds are listed as working dogs, el Australian Silky Terrier, is considered to be, was raised –mainly- to be an urban pet and companion of the family, but also It is a breed known for killing snakes in Australia.

Videos "Silky Terrier"

Until 1929, the Terrier australiano, the Silky Terrier and the Yorkshire Terrier they were not clearly defined, in the same litter, three dogs could be born of breeds that over time were considered, different. According to existing information, they were separated by the appearance in different types once they raised separately.

After 1932 in Australia, miscegenation was tweaking, and in 1955 the name of the race officially became Australian Silky Terrier. The breed was recognized by the national canine Council of Australia, in 1958 in the Toy group.

During and after World War II American soldiers who had been sent to Australia, return to United States, they brought several Australian Silky Terrier. Photographs in the newspapers of the time (1954), They show the soldiers, back home wearing their pets Australian Silky Terrier, and this caused a rise in popularity to the race, and Australian Silky Terrier hundreds were imported from Australia to the United States.

The American Kennel Club He acknowledged the race as the Silky Terrier in 1959, like the United Kennel Club ((UNITED STATES)UU.) in 1965, and the Canadian Kennel Club. The breed is recognized by all major canine clubs of the English speaking world, and internationally by the International Cynological Federation as breed number 236.

Physical characteristics

The Australian Silky Terrier is a Terrier, but is usually placed in the Group of dogs Toy type, instead of the Terrier group, due to its small size. The Federation Cynologique Internationale has a special section of the Terrier group that includes only the smaller dogs, While other canine clubs, place the breed in the Toy group, but universally everyone agrees that the breed type is Terrier.

His mantle's hair is grey, Griffon's soft texture and bluish, smooth and long. It requires constant maintenance and brushing. An Australian Silky Terrier should be about 23 to 25 cm to cross and weighs between 3.6 and 8 kg, Although the steps may vary between the different federations. It should be a little bit longer than that width (about one-fifth longer than the height at the cross).

El Silky terrier australiano, small, almond-shaped eyes. according to the rules, the eyes are considered to lack. The ears are small and erect. It has a tail of high adjustment and small feet, almost like a cat. The hair should be long. The hair on the face and ears is usually cut.

This breed must have with a Barber every three weeks and their teeth should be brushed. Terriers are notorious for having tooth and gum problems..

The layer of Silky Terrier is very susceptible to tangles and mats and requires daily brushing and the hairstyle. This breed requires a deep commitment to the owners. To keep the shiny fur, regular washing is necessary. Using an avocado and oatmeal shampoo will help relieve itchy skin., characteristic dryness of this breed.

Character and skills

The breed standard describes the ideal temperament of the Australian Silky Terrier as a sharp warning and active. They love to have opportunities to run and play, but you must have a well-fenced garden. They also enjoy vigorous walks and play ball. What can be done to combat the boredom will be well received by these small.

Though in the past it was used as mouse-eared dog although currently its main function is to be a pet since it adapts without any problem to life in houses or apartments. Gets along very well with people who respect him and cared for. It can cause problems with other dogs because despite their tiny size they tend to be slightly angry. It is not appropriate to live with other small pets. Thanks that you be walking. Live an average of 15 years.

Australian Silky Terrier pictures

Videos Australian Silky Terrier

Group 3 / Section 4 – Pet Terrier

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Italian Greyhound
Italia FCI 200 . Short-haired Sighthounds

Galgo Italiano

The Italian Greyhound despite being an Italian breed, not widely used in your country.



Of ancient origin, the Italian Greyhound He is a descendant of the small sighthounds that were present in the court of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt.

The current breed is believed to have originated in what is now Turkey and Greece.. Although it is not clear if the breed was used as a hunting dog or as a companion dog. (or maybe both), it is clear that he made a strong impression there, to the point that it is represented in many ceramic finds during archaeological excavations.

The breed spread to Italy around the 5th century BC.. Italian Greyhound Remains Found in Pompeii, city ​​buried by the eruption of Vesuvius in the year 79 a.C.

There are few traces of this dog until the Middle Ages, when he became the favorite of the nobility. Although the dog was found in most of Mediterranean Europe, was particularly successful in Italy, where its current name comes from. Once again, the artists of the time chose to pay tribute to him: This time, was immortalized in the paintings of the great masters.

Little by little he conquered northern Europe and arrived in Great Britain in the 16th century., where it soon became popular with the nobility, and was even adopted by some sovereigns. His popularity in Europe grew steadily, peaking in the 19th century, but the conflicts of the first half of the 20th century decimated their ranks.

Fortunately, had already crossed the Atlantic to the United States, to the point that the American Kennel Club (AKC) recognized the breed in 1886. Although their number was never very great, it was these American lines that contributed to the post-war revival of the breed. In fact, to reinstate their breeding programs, European breeders (and in particular those of Great Britain) They resorted to importing animals from the United States.

In 1948, the United Kennel Club (UKC) American recognized breed, followed in 1956 by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FC). Today, all the main canine associations recognize the Italian Greyhound, o IG, as it is affectionately known by Anglo fans.

Like this, is present all over the world and enjoys a certain popularity, that tends to grow. in your country of origin, each year more than 300 dogs in the Ente Nazionale della Cinofilia Italiana, versus less than 200 at the end of the years 200. In United States, ranks 70 (of 195) among the most popular breeds, according to the number of annual registrations in the AKC. In the United Kingdom, registrations are increasing considerably, going from little more than 200 per year around 2010 twice that figure alone 10 years later. The same upward trend is observed in France, where now more than 450 copies per year in the Livre des Origines Français (LOF), in front of some 200 in the decade of 1990 and principles of 2000. In the news, it is the second most popular sighthound breed in the country, far behind the Whippet.

Physical characteristics

The Italian Greyhound has, as the name reflects, the elegant and distinguished look of a miniature greyhound. In fact, It is the smallest of the sighthounds.

Her slender body is almost perfectly square, its length is equal to its height at the withers. Their slender legs, with a refined bone structure, have well-developed musculature, but not bulky. The tail, carried low in its first half and then curved up, it is also very fine.

The head is long, oblong and narrow, sitting on a long, muscular neck, with a diameter greater than that of the skull, which is flat. Its conical snout ends in a black nose, or at least dark. His big round eyes, very expressive, they are rather dark brown. His little ears, carried high, they have fine cartilage and fold in on themselves. When the dog is on the prowl, stands upright and the lobe is placed in a horizontal position, a position called "pinwheel".

The mantle of Italian Greyhound has no undercoat and consists of short hair, silky and fine that covers the whole body without fringes. The coat can be any shade of black, gray or isabela (a color between beige and yellow). There may be some white markings on the chest and feet.

Last, sexual dimorphism is very mild: males and females are roughly the same size and weight.

Size and weight

▷ Male size: 32 to 38 cm.
▷ female size: 32 to 38 cm.
▷ Male weight: 5 kg
▷ female weight: 5 kg

Character and skills

The Italian Greyhound He is very affectionate with the members of his family. He likes to spend most of his time with them., either playing, walking, lounging next to you or sneaking under the covers for the night. Can tolerate being left alone relatively well when master is working, especially if you know that you will receive affection and attention when you return. On the other hand, You are likely to suffer from separation anxiety if you have to spend a whole weekend away from your family. It is a dog that needs attention, and is able to spend hours with his master on the living room sofa, but also to follow him with curiosity throughout the house.

No matter how close he is to his family, this dog is very shy in the presence of strangers: after barking to signal its presence, runs and hides to watch from a distance how things are going.

Live very well with young people, who are excellent playmates for him: It is a recommended dog for children. But, children must have learned to behave with an animal and be aware that it is not a toy, to avoid any form of abuse. This is especially true since the miniature size of this dog, attached to their fine and brittle bones, means that accidents can happen very quickly. They should also be careful to speak to you in a calm voice., as he would soon be frightened by loud shouts of joy or exaggerated crying. In any case, regardless of race, the interaction between a dog and a young child should always take place under the supervision of an adult.

The sociability of Italian Greyhound spreads to other animals, so living with them is not usually a problem. But, if the Italian Greyhound must share a home with a larger dog, it is important to ensure that the larger dog does not see the Italian Greyhound like prey or disturb him too violently when playing together. It also, this dog likes to chase everything that moves, what could be a source of stress for a small rodent like a mouse, although it is unlikely that it will actually be attacked.

In fact, the Italian Greyhound is an active dog, who likes to run, jump and play, although, of course, this decreases as you get older. Agility is an ideal dog sport to satisfy your need for exercise. But if you don't have access to the outside, quickly find a clue among the living room furniture, that you can use, for example, to run and jump on the highest furniture. It must be said that this dog shares with cats a special fondness for high places, so it is not uncommon to find him frolicking on the kitchen table or bedroom dresser.

But, they can live well in a flat, as long as they have enough space to exercise for at least an hour a day. But, the owner should be aware that they may have cleaning problems, especially if not taken for walks often enough. Thus, it is recommended that you have access to the outdoors, where he can run and relieve himself before returning to the heat of home, in every sense. As it is difficult for him to contain himself when he feels like it, a dog hatch is ideal so that he can go to the garden independently. This also makes it easy for you to sunbathe in the garden whenever you want., since it is one of his favorite activities. But, the garden must not have gaps through which it can slip and must be fenced with a fence of at least 1,5 m high to prevent it from jumping. In any case, an underground electric fence would not be an effective device, since it is not the download received that would make it go back. In fact, his propensity to run after anything that moves means he can take off quickly as soon as he is given the chance. For the same reason, it is recommended to always carry it on a leash when walking. This is all the more true since it can reach speeds of up to 40 km/h, which makes it very difficult to catch it once it has started.

In this regard, remember that, like all sighthounds, the Italian Greyhound has a neck wider than the head, which makes the usual collars ineffective. There are special collars on the market for this type of dog, but a simple harness can also achieve the desired result.

A little manipulative, the Italian Greyhound tends to do what he wants and can easily guide a master who does not know how to teach him the family hierarchy and who allows himself to be touched by his big eyes. However, is an intelligent dog, who generally likes to please his family. They can teach you some tricks and, in general, he loves games that stimulate him both physically and mentally. In particular, does not tire of looking for a ball and loves any activity that involves searching or chasing an object.

His drive makes him capable of getting into difficult situations, especially when he is young. In fact, This reckless little guy doesn't realize how fragile he is, and many representatives of the breed end up with a broken leg after trying to jump from too high a place.

Last, has a much more powerful voice than its small size suggests. Yes indeed, not a big barker, although he does not hesitate to let himself be heard throughout the neighborhood when he perceives an unknown noise.


The education of Italian Greyhound should start asap, placing special emphasis on their socialization. In fact, this is important for this relatively shy dog ​​to get used to people, animals and situations you may face later in life.

Another crucial point in your education is cleanliness.. Your bladder is only as small as your size. So, even with all the goodwill in the world, can't keep it for long. So, it is important to teach him to relieve himself in an agreed place (abroad, If it is possible, or in a litter box inside) and to point out your urgent needs, to be taken into account without delay. But, no homeowner is safe from an accident one day, even with a well-trained adult dog. If this happens, of course, you should avoid punishing your dog, since nothing good will come of it.

Despite your undeniable stubbornness, the training of the Italian Greyhound shouldn't be too difficult: in fact, it is a very suitable breed as a first dog. Positive reinforcement methods are very successful with this breed, who likes to be rewarded for their efforts with treats, encouragement and caresses. On the other hand, traditional dog training techniques do not work well with this dog and are likely to amplify his natural shyness.

On the other hand, even with a good training method and a good coach, you will find it difficult to pay attention for a long time, so it is better to do several short sessions each day than one long session that will bore you and probably not be successful.


The little Italian greyhound is a fairly robust breed, and many of these representatives have more than 15 years.

But, is particularly predisposed to a long list of diseases and conditions:

  • Hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia, joint problems that can make walking easier or more difficult;
  • Dislocated kneecap, that affects the ball and causes lameness;
  • Legg-Calve-Perthes disease, hip bone deformity often mistaken for dysplasia, what can make arthritis premature if not done in time;
  • Periodontal problems, for example with bleeding gums or even tooth loss;
  • Progressive retinal atrophy, causing breakdown of eye tissue that could lead to vision loss;
  • Alopecia, total or partial hair loss;
  • cryptorchidism, when one of the testicles of a male individual does not descend into its place;
  • The Hypothyroidism, a thyroid gland disorder responsible for excessive weight gain and listless behavior;
  • Epilepsy, a disease caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain that causes seizures;
  • The glaucoma, excessive increase in pressure inside the eye, causing pain and loss of vision;
  • Vitro-retinal degeneration, characterized by deposits on the retina that resemble snowflakes;
  • The portosystemic shunt, when a vein allows blood to bypass the liver. So it no longer leaks, which causes a lot of problems. Surgery is usually prescribed, with a success rate of 85%;
  • Skin cancer, often caused by excessive sun exposure;
  • Von Willebrand disease, causing blood clotting problems.

This breed is also particularly prone to leg fractures., especially in the radius and ulna (Paws). In fact, its fine structure is not as resistant as sometimes seems to be imagined, so much so that his reckless side can often lead to an accident.

It also, this breed seems particularly sensitive to organic phosphate insecticides. So, it is necessary to carefully choose the products used inside the house and / or in the garden.

The Italian Greyhound you may also be allergic to certain anesthetics and barbiturates. This point should be discussed with the veterinarian before any operation..

Finally, with its small size and short fur, It is a canine breed that fears cold and bad weather. If you live outside the house, what is not recommended, need adequate shelter. It also, it is useful to dress him in a dog windbreaker on walks when it rains, or a sweater if the air is cold.

On the other hand, even if you particularly appreciate this, we need to make sure you don't spend too much time in the sun in the summer, because it is quite prone to skin problems. So, it is advisable to keep it in the shade, or at least put on a dog sunscreen.

Life expectancy

Of 13 to 14 years


The Italian Greyhound it is a very easy breed to care for.

In fact, its short coat only requires a quick weekly brushing to keep it shiny. They shed very little and do not have a noticeable molting period during which molting might require more regular maintenance..

That is why they are considered a hypoallergenic breed of dog.. Having said that, remember that there is no zero risk: someone allergic to dogs should take the time to check in real conditions that there are no problems with the animal they are considering adopting. But, a dog that sheds very little, as is the case of the Italian greyhound, has an effectively reduced risk of transmitting allergens.

In any case, brushing the dog's hair once a week is usually enough to clean it: unless it has been rolled up in a sticky or smelly substance, it is usually not necessary to bathe him.

To complete this weekly session, you have to check your teeth, eyes and ears and clean them if necessary. Pay special attention to your teeth and gums to check for any inflammation that could be a sign of periodontal disease., since it is a health problem to which it is more prone than other dogs.

Last, check that its claws are not too long, and if they are, you have to cut them, as there is a risk that you will be hindered in your movements and / or hurt. But, this is not necessarily a problem with a very active dog, as natural wear and tear can take care of it.


The Italian Greyhound you have no difficulty choosing your food, and commercial dog food is doing well. So that you receive all the nutrients and vitamins necessary for your good health, food must be of good quality and adapted to their size and age.

It's important to stick to the manufacturer's recommended daily amounts to make sure you don't overeat. If your dog receives treats, especially as part of their training, the corresponding caloric intake should be deducted from your daily allowance to avoid weight gain.

In general, a responsible owner who cares about keeping his dog healthy should monitor his diet and weight by weighing him regularly. If you have a slip, do not wait to correct the situation: in general, just reduce your servings and give you more exercise. If that is not the case, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian to rule out a possible health problem and establish a more appropriate diet.

On the other hand, remember that the Italian Greyhound is a naturally slimmer breed than many others: do not be alarmed by it, or try to remedy it by increasing your diet.

Price «Small Italian Greyhound»

The price of a puppy Italian Greyhound round the 1000 EUR.

But, this average price hides a rather large disparity, since the fork goes from 700 to 1.400 EUR. The difference from one subject to another is largely explained by their physical characteristics., more or less close to the norm. Lineage is important too: a puppy whose parents or other ancestors have received honors at various dog shows is bound to fetch a higher price. Sex also influences, as females tend to be slightly more expensive than males.

Characteristics "Italian Greyhound"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Italian Greyhound" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

Adaptation ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

friendly dog ​​ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

hair loss ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection level ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for exercise ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Social need ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Home ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Toilet ⓘ

1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendly with strangers ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

barking ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Health ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Territorial ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Cat friendly ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Intelligence ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Versatility ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Child friendly ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Surveillance ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

joy ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Images "Italian Greyhound"


1 – A male of Italian Greyhound by christina, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
2 – A female of Italian Greyhound llamada Sakura by tanakawho, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
3 – Enzo, a Italian Greyhound called Enzo by madaise
4 – Italian Greyhound by Mark Robinson
5 – Italian Greyhound by https://pixabay.com/es/photos/perro-galgo-italiano-lindo-mascota-3810479/
6 – dogs of Italian Greyhound by Italian_Greyhound_Puppies.jpg: Jim or Katie McClartyderivative work: Anka Friedrich, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Videos "Italian Greyhound"

Type and recognitions:

  • Group :
  • Section : . .


  • FCI – Group 10: Section 3: Short-haired Sighthounds
  • Standard CCC (Canadian Kennel Club / Canadian Kennel Club)
  • Ente Nazionale della Cinofilia Italiana –

FCI breed standard "Italian Greyhound"


Date of publication of the valid original standard:


Race dog

General appearance:

Long in appearance, its trunk is inscribed in a square.Despite its small size, it has all the characteristics of a miniature sighthound., the prototype of refinement and elegance. It can be described as a model of grace and distinction.

IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS : Its length is equal, or slightly less than the height at the withers. The length of the skull is equal to half the length of the head. The length of the head can reach the 40% the height at the withers.

Behavior / temperament:

Reserved, affectionate, docile.


Long and narrow in shape

Cranial region:

flat skull, with the upper axes of the skull and snout parallel.
The length of the skull is equal to half the length of the head which is slightly rounded on the sides. The suborbital region is well chiseled. The muscles of the head should not give a heavy appearance to it.. Marked eyebrow bones. The occiput is not prominent. Medium depression only slightly marked.

  • Depression links (Stop): Very little marked.

facial region:

  • Truffle: dark colored, preferably black; the nostrils are wide open.
  • Snout: Strait.
  • Lips: The edges of the lips have very dark pigmentation, the lips are thin and well contiguous on the jaw.
  • Mandible / Teeth: Elongated jaw, with the incisors well aligned in a circle, strong in relation to the size of the dog. Healthy and complete teeth, implanted at right angles in the jaws, articulated in the form of scissors.
  • Cheeks: Thin.
  • Eyes: Large rounded and expressive placed sub frontally; the eyeball is not even sunken, nor jumpy. The iris is dark in color. The edge of the eyelids has pigmentation.
  • Ears: Very high insertion, small, with thin cartilage. They are folded in on themselves and extend back over the nape of the neck and over the upper part of the neck.. When is the dog alert, the base of the ear is erect and the distal part extends laterally horizontally, as if it were a shed.


The nape slightly arched and bulging at the base, towards the cross area. Slightly convex throat line. Length equal to that of the head. Truncated cone shaped, muscular. Thin skin without double chin.


Its length is equal to or slightly less than the height at the withers.

  • top line: Rectilinear profile, with a dorso-lumbar region slightly arched. The lumbar curvature extends harmoniously into the line of the croup.
  • Cross: Quite steep with the tops of the shoulders placed together.
  • Back: Straight, muscular.
  • Rump: Well inclined, wide and muscular.
  • Breast : Strait solid but elegantly modeled with slight arching of the ribs, deep that goes down to the elbows.
  • Bottom line and belly: Accented arch rising without being abrupt towards the belly.


It is low insertion, she is thin, still at the base, gradually decreases to the tip. It appears downward and straight in the first half and then bends at the tip. Stretched it should reach the top of the hock. The hair is satin.



  • General appearance: Overall good poise, with fine muscles.
  • Shoulder: little oblique, with muscles long, well developed, clearly observable and salient.
  • Forearm: With a wide scapulo-humeral angle and a direction parallel to the median plane of the body. Slightly longer than the scapula.
  • Elbows: No protrusions, or sunk.
  • Arm: Straight, refined bone structure, flat and crisp, length of this, measurement from the floor to the elbow, it barely exceeds that which goes from the elbow to the cross; very light bones; the forearm has a perfect vertical position, both head on, as in profile.
  • Metacarpus: Dried, in profile, it's a little oblique.
  • Front foot: Almost oval in shape, small, with arched and well joined fingers. Non-bulky, pigmented pads. Black or dark nails, depending on the color of the coat or foot, where white is accepted.


  • General appearance: Well angled. As a whole, seen from behind, perfect poise.
  • Thigh: Long, delgado, It is not bulky; the muscles are clearly observable.
  • Leg: well oblique, with fine bones and clearly observable leg groove. Slightly longer than the thigh.
  • Metatarsus: Seen from behind it should be parallel.
  • Rear foot: Less oval than the previous one, with arched and well joined fingers; pads not bulky and well pigmented nails, as in previous members.


Elastic, harmonious jog somewhat high covering the surface. This means that the forelimbs should be moved forward with good reach with the pasterns rising somewhat inclined.. fast gallop, with spring movements, fast.


  • SKIN: Thin and well attached to all regions of the body, except on the elbows, where it is slightly less tense.
  • HAIR: This one is satin and fine, soft over the whole body, without the slightest trace of bangs.
  • COLOR: single color, in black, gray and elizabethan, in all possible shades. White is accepted only on the parapet and on the feet..

Size and weight:

  • Height to the cross: Males and females : of 32 to 38 cm..
  • Weight: Males and females : a maximum of 5 kg.


Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered as a fault and the severity of this is considered to the degree of the deviation to the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog..

  • Permanent amble.
  • elevated movements.
  • Movement near the ground with short steps.


  • Aggressive or fearful dog.
  • Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified..
  • Marked convergence or divergence of the craniofacial axes.
  • Total or half depigmentation of the truffle.
  • Concave or convex nasal bridge.
  • Upper or lower prognathism.
  • Eyes gazeos; total depigmentation of the edges of the eyelids.
  • Tail raised over the back; absence of tail or very short tail, whether congenital or by artificial means.
  • Multicolored fur; white hair in other places that are not indicated by the standard.
  • Size less than 32 cm or more 38 cm., both in males, as in females.

MISS PLAYOFFS (not fit to create)

  • Prognathic bite
  • Unilateral cryptorchidism


Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..
The latest changes are in bold.

Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

Alternative names:

1. (Italian: Piccolo levriero Italiano), Italian Sighthound (English).
2. Petit lévrier italien (French).
3. Italian Greyhound (German).
4. (em italiano: Piccolo levriero italiano), Piccolo levriero italiano (Portuguese).
5. Piccolo, Galgo Italiano, Lebrel italiano (español).

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Continental Toy Spaniel
Francia Bélgica FCI 77 . Continental Toy Spaniel and others


The Continental Toy Spaniel He was recognized by the AKC in 1935. The variety of drooping ears is called Phalène.



The Continental Toy Spaniel (in French: Butterfly), water dog is a breed of dog of the type. One of the oldest of the Toy Spaniel, It is named after its resemblance to the butterfly, in its ears, large with long hair and fringes, It emulates open wings of a butterfly.

The history of Continental Toy Spaniel is traced through various works of art. The first Toy Spaniels which resembles the Continental Toy Spaniel you are in italy. Vicelli Tiziano painted these small dogs in many famous paintings, about 1500, as the Venus of Urbino (1542). Other renowned artists to have painted these small dogs are Watteau, González Coke, Fragonard, Paolo Veronese, and Mignard.

A painting of the Wallace Collection, London, appears a Continental Toy Spaniel portrayed with the family of Louis XIV. As well, Papillon dogs appear in paintings of European royal families and the families of merchants of the time paintings. The race was very popular in England, France and Belgium, which are considered countries of origin by the FCI.

The history of Continental Toy Spaniel and its long association with royalty have led to many stories about the breed. Marie Antoinette is said to have gone to the guillotine, clinging to her small dog under her arm, a Continental Toy Spaniel. But, Tradition says that Marie Antoinette's dog was a small dog belonging to the Water Dogs which had been brought to the French court from Spain on the back of pack mules. according to history, her puppy was saved and was treated in a building in Paris that, currently called the Papillon House.

The Continental Toy Spaniel He was recognized by the AKC in 1935. In the news, the Continental Toy Spaniel can be seen competing in obedience and agility.

Physical characteristics


  • S – black and white
  • S – Lemon and white
  • S – White and Red
  • S – Sable and white
  • S – Black and white as


  • A – Brown black and white
  • A – Black red and white
  • A – Brown and white
  • A – Black & Fawn
  • A – Red


  • A – Red, Sable and white
  • A – Sand
  • A – White
  • A – White and Brown
  • A – Silver and white


  • A – Black marks
  • A – Mask black
  • A – red marks
  • A – Sand
  • A – the marks fire
PHALENE, Vittoria’s Come Along

To the Continental Toy Spaniel with floppy ears it is called Phalène (from French: moth). His small head is slightly rounded. The snout is a little short, fine, narrowing towards the nose. The eyes are dark, size medium, round, with a thin black border that, often extends into the Union of the eyelids to ears. The large ears may be erect or fall with the rounded tips.

They have the long tail of high insertion, covered with long, fine hair. The hair is smooth, long, fine, a single layer, and on the chest, the ears and the back of the queue have longer hair, as if it were a wheel.

The color of the coat is white with patches of any color. A mask of a color other than white covers both ears and the eyes from back to front..

The most distinctive of Continental Toy Spaniel it's his big fringed ears, It seems to the wings of a butterfly. They can also be registered, the American Kennel Club supports the following colors and markings, the types specified as S-standard, or A-alternative for use in shows and competitions:

There are two variations of this race, that of the fully erect ears of the Continental Toy Spaniel more common, and the lop-eared Spaniel type (ears of Phalène). But, the American Kennel Club and the International Cynological Federation consider variation Phalène and the Continental Toy Spaniel common, as the same race. The height is of 20 to 28 cm., and the weight of approximately 3.5 kg.


in brood, a specimen of the variety should never be crossed Continental Toy Spaniel with variety Phalène, because there is a considerable risk that arise with ears semierguidas either mixed puppies.

This detail, It must be taken into account for those people who wish to participate in show ring since that difference in the ears is penalized as a serious lack.

Character and skills

The temperament of Continental Toy Spaniel is very affectionate, docile and even at times, absorbent.

Is - by definition- a service dog is will be looking for pampering continuously, which makes it an ideal dog for older people, Since his love everyday waste and their small size are an infallible weapon against loneliness.

In general, is a quiet dog, is very patient and just ladra.

It adapts with total tranquility to any situation, the only thing that will interest him is to be next to his owner.

While they will not display aggressiveness to strangers, nor give exaggerated signs of love. They should not be shy or aggressive, that is not common in the breed.

They need a daily walk. The game really like, and it is good that there is time for fun, but long walks are necessary to be a good state of health.

Life expectancy Continental Toy Spaniel round the 16 years.

Y, as last detail, is an excellent Hunter of mice.


The globally obedient and loyal character of the Continental Toy Spaniel makes you a good candidate for a first adoption. In particular, his intelligence makes him quickly understand and memorize the association between orders and actions. This makes it easier to learn the basic commands, but it also makes him an ideal student for a master who wants to go further and teach his dog tricks. Very intelligent, the dog Continental Toy Spaniel trains easily.

But, to use your intelligence and learn, must be willing to do it. In fact, pampered and treated like a prince for centuries, has maintained a certain propensity to do only what he wants. So, special emphasis should be placed on learning obedience early in your education, as it is the key to unlocking everything else and exploiting its full potential. But, it's not a matter of rushing: given its sensitivity and its closeness to its humans, punishing the dog for being recalcitrant would have every chance of backfiring, by weakening the bond that binds him to his master. Better to see it upside down, and reward him (with stimuli, treats or even caresses) every time he does what is expected of him. This is the very basis of the positive dog training method., and the value you place on everything that comes from your human referent only makes the use of rewards more effective. Like this, knowing how to show firmness (and if patience is necessary) to set and enforce limits upon arrival at home, it is better to share beauty with gentleness and rewards to make your education a success.

It also, the fact that he is sociable both with humans and with other animals does not exempt him from being socialized from his earliest age, at the risk of behaving differently. Make you meet lots of people (friends, neighbors, delivery man, veterinary…) and get used to meeting other animals (dogs, cats, rodents, birds…) it is essential to avoid any tendency to aggression once he is an adult and to hope to at least partially curb his hunting instinct. At the same time, exposing him to all kinds of noises and smells in all kinds of places allows him to be calm and balanced afterwards, and therefore perfectly capable of finding and holding its place alongside humans.


Despite her fragile appearance, the Continental Toy Spaniel it is generally quite robust. Most people have few health problems and enjoy a good life expectancy, at least equal to that of other dogs of this structure.

His coat lacking undercoat, However, makes it little resistant to cold. On the other hand, has less difficulty in strong heat.

The health problems to which you are particularly predisposed are:

  • hereditary cerebellar ataxia, a rare genetic disorder whose outcome is usually fatal;
  • progressive retinal atrophy, which gradually causes the dog's weight due to neuronal degeneration of the eye responsible for vision.It is an incurable hereditary disease;
  • the opening of the fontanel, when a soft spot on the top of the head does not close completely.This genetic problem means that a head injury can be fatal;
  • von Willebrand's disease, an inherited condition that affects platelets and leads to a bleeding disorder: Therefore, a simple cut can cause excessive bleeding;
  • patellar luxation, which can cause pain in the knee of the animal and promote the development of arthrosis. Continental Toy Spaniel explains why you are predisposed to this problem;
  • the waterfall, giving the eye a milky or crystalline appearance, and can cause blindness. In some cases, corrected by surgery;
  • entropion, a malformation of the eyelid that causes painful lesions of the cornea in the animal;
  • collapsed windpipe, an irreversible condition that causes breathing problems and worsens over time;
  • follicular dysplasia of the black hairs, a skin condition that causes hair loss (alopecia);
  • dental problems, like all dogs of this size., the small size of its mouth favors the formation of tartar, and all the troubles that go with it (gingivitis,periodontosis…);
  • broken bones, especially in puppies, that are particularly fragile and must be handled with care;
  • hypoglycemia, which is characterized by a decrease in blood sugar levels. The animal is then in a state of great weakness and fatigue. In the most severe cases, may fall into a coma.

The fact that many of these conditions are inherited underscores the difference that adopting from a serious breeder Continental Toy Spaniel.In fact, a professional worthy of the name should be able to provide not only a certificate of good health established by a veterinarian, as well as the details of the vaccinations received by the animal (recorded in your health record or immunization record), but also and especially the results of the genetic tests carried out on the parents or the child on these diseases.

Having said that, making sure you adopt a healthy puppy is of little interest if you don't do everything you can to keep it that way. In this sense, prevention plays a fundamental role: wear it regularly (At least once a year) to a veterinarian for a health check allows, in particular, make sure you are up to date on your vaccinations, but also detect a possible problem as soon as possible.

Life expectancy

Of 14 to 15 years


Although the Continental Toy Spaniel it's a long-haired dog, the absence of undercoat makes their coat relatively easy to maintain. In fact, this particularity implies that very little is detached, except during their molting periods, in spring and autumn. Daily brushing is necessary during these periods, but twice a week is more than enough the rest of the time.

As long as the coat is brushed enough, does not tend to get dirty or smell bad. So, unless it got especially dirty, wash the dog 2 or 3 times a year is usually enough. Always use a shampoo specially designed for dogs, since the pH of your skin is not the same as that of humans.

As in the case of any dog, their ears should be checked and cleaned once a week to reduce the risk of infection.

Since they are especially prone to eye diseases, your eyes should also be thoroughly cleaned weekly.

It also, regular tooth brushing, at least once a week, It is essential to limit the formation of tartar and avoid all the risks that this entails. Do not neglect this maintenance, as it is prone to dental problems.

Last, your nails grow quickly: therefore, generally need to be cut once a month. Otherwise, run the risk of disturbing or even breaking and injuring you.

Of course, all coat maintenance, the eyes, the ears, the dog's teeth and nails should not be done randomly: it is important to know how to proceed. It is important to know how to do it well. The first time, It may help to see a veterinarian or professional groomer to learn how to do this..

It also, so that the sessions go as well as possible, it is important to accustom your pet to all these manipulations from an early age.


The Continental Toy Spaniel can be fed industrial dog food, as long as it is of good quality and adapted to their age, size and activity level, so that it provides you with all the nutrients you need.

Even if your dog is not predisposed to being overweight due to his activity level, you have to make sure that his daily intake does not exceed his needs and weigh him regularly, for example, Once a month. In the event that a discrepancy is confirmed or even worsens from one moment to the next, it doesn't take long to take him to a vet: he will be able to identify the medical origin (disease, side effect of a medication…) or dietary origin (unsuitable products or given in excessively large quantities) of the problem, and define how to remedy it. By the way, It's important to put attention on 300 or 400 grams of extra is not much for a human, but they represent for a small dog like Continental Toy Spaniel a significant percentage of your weight, and therefore clearly require to be alarmed.

By the way, treats can work wonders in the context of your education, but they can also work against you by promoting weight gain if given in large amounts. To limit this risk, the ideal is to deduct your caloric intake from your daily ration. Last, like any dog, the Continental Toy Spaniel must have access to clean, fresh water at all times.


Unlike many dog ​​breeds that were originally developed for hunting or herding, the Continental Toy Spaniel has served from the beginning as an ideal companion dog, being gentle, affectionate and calm. From the 15th century, they were the perfect companion of noble ladies in the royal courts of Europe.

This role of faithful companion dog is still the most frequent today, and needs to be very close to his family. But, not to be confused with a lap dog that spends most of its time sleeping: has a lot of energy, and needs a master active enough to allow him to spend it every day.

His past and present success as a companion dog owes much to his attractive appearance.. It's no wonder that many owners try to display them at dog shows, so it is common to find them as sample dogs.

His intelligence and physical abilities are above average for a dog of his size., which makes them ideal competitors in dog sports such as agility, the flyball, obedience and rally-obedience.

It also, His level of vigilance and the fact that he is not one of those who spend hours sleeping during the day make him a good alert dog., that does not stop warning in case of unusual presence.

Last, His closeness to humans and ability to quickly become friends with them combine with his sensitivity to make him an excellent therapy dog., gifted to calm the most fragile people with his simple presence. They can be found in hospitals, mental health centers and rehabilitation centers.

How much does a “Papillón” cost??

The price of a puppy Continental Toy Spaniel it's average 1200 EUR.

But, there may be a more or less important difference from one individual to another, based on your lineage, the prestige of the kennel from which they come, its intrinsic characteristics (and, in particular, of its greater or lesser conformity with the standard, which means that within the same litter there may be significant price differences), as well as their sex, since females tend to cost more than males.

Characteristics "Continental Toy Spaniel"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Continental Toy Spaniel" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

Adaptation ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

friendly dog ​​ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

hair loss ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection level ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for exercise ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Social need ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Home ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Toilet ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendly with strangers ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

barking ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Health ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Territorial ⓘ

1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Cat friendly ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Intelligence ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Versatility ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Child friendly ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Surveillance ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

joy ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Images of the “Papillón”

Videos of the «Papillón»

Type and recognitions:

  • Group :
  • Section : . .


  • FCI – Group 9: Section 9: Continental Toy Spaniel and others
  • AKCToy
  • ANKC – Group 1 (Toy)
  • CKC – Group 5 – (Toy)
  • ​KC – Toy
  • NZKCToy
  • UKC – Group 8 – Companion dog

FCI breed standard "Continental Toy Spaniel"

France, Belgium

Date of publication of the valid original standard:


Toy dog.

General appearance:

Fancy Little Spaniel, normal and harmonious structure. Her hair is long, and the muzzle moderately long and shorter than the skull. It's lively and funny, although robust and haughty demeanor. Free and elegant passage. The body is slightly longer than tall.

Behavior / temperament:



In proportion to the body, and proportionally lighter and shorter than the Large and Medium Spaniel.

Cranial region:
  • Skull: Not very rounded, either seen in profile or from the front, and sometimes has a slight hint of a middle groove.
  • Depression links (Stop) : quite sharp. In thicker dogs, this depression is minor, although observable; in smaller dogs, is clearly marked, but it never comes abrupt.

facial region:

  • Truffle : Is small, black, rounded, although slightly flat on top.
  • Snout : It is shorter than the skull; is thin and pointed; the side face is not too hollowed out. Must not be lifted.
  • Cañal nasal : Rectilinear.
  • Lips : Highly pigmented, slim and close together.
  • Jaws/Teeth : Quite strong teeth, well and normally applied.
  • Language : It should not be visible; the fact that it is constantly visible, or that the dog does not keep it in the mouth once it is touched, constitutes a fault.
  • Eyes : They are quite big, they are wide open, and are shaped like a wide almond. They are not prominent and are found on the lower part of the head. The internal angle of the eyes is located at the intersection of the skull and the muzzle. They are very expressive and dark in color; the eyelids are highly pigmented.
  • Ears : The integument is quite fine, although resistant. Whether it be the oblique ear, or drooping ear, when it is examined by hand, the cartilage should not end in a point that is too sharp. The ears are set on the back of the head, far enough apart from each other so that the slightly rounded shape of the skull is observable.
  • Drop-eared variety (PHALENE). During rest, the high-set ear appears well above the eye line., and, although fall, has enough mobility. It is provided with wavy hairs that can be very long, what gives the dog a beautiful appearance.  
  • Variety with straight ears (PAPILLON). High-set ear; the conchial cartilage is wide open and oriented to one side; The inner edge of the conchial cartilage forms an angle of about 45° with the horizontal. Under no circumstances should the ear point up, since it would look like the Pomeranian's ear, and this should not be accepted in any way. The interior of the conchial cartilage has fine, wavy hairs.. The longest hairs barely exceed the edge of the ear; the external face, on the contrary, is covered in long hairs that form dangling bangs, which widely exceed the edge of the ear.

The crossing of these two varieties often produces semi-eared?upright and with drooping tips; this mixture of traits is considered a serious fault.


Medium length, slightly arched at the nape.


  • top line : It's not too short, nor arched, nor sunk; However, it should not be flat either.
  • Pork loin : Strong and slightly arched.
  • Breast  : Width, quite deep. Its perimeter, measured between the last two ribs, should be approximately equivalent to the height at the withers. The ribs are well sprung.
  • Belly : Slightly collected.


Set quite high; it is rather long with thick bangs, that forms a beautiful plume. When is the dog alert, is elevated in the plane of the spine and arched, so that the tip can rub against the back. It should never kink, nor sit stretched out on the back.


The limbs are straight, firm, pretty thin. The dog must not appear upright. Viewed from behind or from the front, the members are parallel.

Former members

  • Shoulder : well developed, well attached to the trunk.
  • Arms : They are the same length as the scapula and are attached to it at a normal angle. Tight to the chest.
  • Carpo : Profile, can be seen.

Later members

  • Hocks : Normally angled.
FEET : Quite long; well poised on the soles, they are called "hare feet". Strong nails, preferably black, are lighter in dogs with brown or white fur (white nails in white dogs, or white legs are not a fault if the dog is well pigmented in other parts of the body). The fingers are wiry and the pads are resistant; between them there is a fine and abundant hair that exceeds the end of the foot and forms a point.


Haughty and free step, with ease and elegance.



No undercoat of hairs, the fur is abundant, shiny and wavy (not to be confused with curly); not smooth, if not rather resistant, with silky reflections, flat-set, quite fine and a bit kinky due to waviness. The appearance of the hair resembles that of the English Spaniel, but it differs clearly from the hair of the Pekingese Spaniel. On the other hand, must not bear any resemblance to the Pomeranian. The hair is short in the face, the snout, the front of the limbs and the bottom of the hock. It is of medium length over the body, lengthening at the neck to form a collar and a well-wavy neckline that descends on the chest; forms fringes on the ears and on the back of the forelimbs. Over the back of the thighs are wide trousers in loose tufts. Small strands of hair can be found between the fingers that slightly exceed them, as long as they don't give the foot a look of heaviness, but on the contrary give it a thinner and elongated appearance. As an indication, Dogs with a well developed coat have a hair of 7,5 cm at the cross and fringes of 15 cm in the tail.


All colors are allowed on a white background. On the body and the extremities, white should predominate in relation to color. The white color is appreciated on the head, prolonged by a more or less wide list. A white mark on the underside of the head is acceptable., but if white predominates, this is considered a foul. In all cases, the lips, the eyelids and especially the nose must be pigmented.

Size and weight:

  • Height to the cross : About 28 cm..
  • Weight : Two categories :
  • 1. Less than 2,5 kg in males and females.
    2. Of 2,5 to 4,5 kg in males, of 2,5 to 5 kg in females.
    Minimum weight : 1,5 kg.


    Any deviation from the above mentioned criteria is considered to lack, and the gravity of this refers to the degree of deviation to the standard and its impact on the health and well-being of the dog.

    • flat skull, apple-shaped and bulky, like the little english spaniel.  
    • Too much or too little naso-frontal depression.
    • Nose that is not black.
    • Arched nasal bridge, or concave.
    • Lip discoloration.
    • The upper prognathism and especially the lower.
    • Small eyes,  too round,  or prominent; light eyes;  eyes whose whites are visible when the dog looks straight ahead.
    • Discoloration at the edges of the eyelids.
    • Sunken or carp back.
    • Curled tail resting on the back, or that falls to the side (this refers to the bones and not the bangs, that by its length falls in strands).
    • Arched forelimbs.
    • Nude carpus.
    • Loose hind limbs.
    • Hind limbs that,  seen from behind, they would move away from the vertical at the knees, hocks and feet.
    • The presence of single or double dewclaws on the hind limbs is considered an aesthetic fault. It is advisable to remove them.
    • Feet bent outward or inward.
    • Nails that do not reach the ground.
    • Sparse fur, soft, or bulky; straight set hair, straight hair, o lanudo.  Undercoat of hairs pointing to a cross with the Pomeranian.


    • Aggressive or fearful dog.
    • Pink truffle, or with pink spots.
    • Excessive upper or lower prognathism, to the point that the incisors no longer touch.
    • Paralyzed tongue, or constantly visible.

    Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified..


    Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..

    Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

    Alternative names:

    1. Epagneul Nain Continental, Papillon, Butterfly dog, Squirrel dog (English).
    2. Papillon (French).
    3. Ursprünglich Epagneul Nain Continenta, Schmetterlingshündchen, Papillon und Phalène, Für den Papillon (German).
    4. Borboleta, Papillon (Portuguese).
    5. Epagneul papillón, Spaniel continental enano, Spaniel Continental enano de compania (español).

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Cavalier King Charles spaniel
    England FCI 136 . English Toy Spaniels

    Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

    The Cavalier King Charles spaniel it is small, loving and playful.


    History Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

    Small "Spaniels" have been popular companion dogs for hundreds of years. They were found in royal courts and noble houses in Spain (where does the name of the Spaniel), France, England and Scotland, and they were often featured in portraits of their owners. A Scottish Stuarts were especially fond of dogs. Maria, Queen of Scots, she had a toy spaniel by her side when she was executed, to the same as their offspring, King Charles I of England. It was Carlos and his son Carlos II who lent their names to the dogs that eventually became known as the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

    The popularity of the toy Spaniels began to decline after a new king, Guillermo, replace Jaime II (Stuart also) on the throne of England. William was the Netherlands, and favored the Pug. People began to cross the Pug and Spaniels, and eventually he changed his appearance, becoming flatter with a domed head. Dogs like those seen in old portraits practically disappeared, except for a few lines here and there, such as guarding the Churchill family at Blenheim Palace.

    The dogs might have faded into the past except for one Roswell Eldridge, a wealthy American who offered a prize to anyone who could produce a dog like the ones he had seen in 17th and 18th century paintings.

    New Spaniels

    British breeders accepted the challenge and rebuilt race, working with him English Toy Spaniel long-nosed (called King Charles Spaniels in England). The first of the "new" Spaniels was exhibited in 1928 Crufts Dog Show in. Unfortunately, Eldridge did not live long enough to see, but his estate paid the prize. Since then, the Cavalier has evolved into what it is today: a robust and very popular companion, combining the curiosity of a hunting dog with the affection of a toy dog ​​by people.

    The Cavalier ranks 23rd among breeds registered by the American Kennel Club, vs. 54th for the year 2000. This is one of the biggest jumps in popularity in the last decade..

    Physical characteristics

    Various health issues affect this particular breed, especially the mitral valve disease, leading to heart failure. This will appear in most Cavalier King Charles spaniel at some point in their lives and is the most common cause of death. As well, a high number of specimens usually have a genetic condition called Syringomyelia, which causes the brain to grow in greater proportion than the skull of the dog, i.e. the brain remains tight inside the skull causing havoc neuronal causing severe pain to the animal and uncontrollable tremors.

    The measures vary between the different canine federations of the world. But there is a certain consensus that allows us to get an idea of the standard.

    The eyes are large, round, well separated in the face. dark brown. The ears are placed high on the head, well separated, they are long with many fringes and moderately long hair (pen). Snout and bite: Slightly cropped. Length of the base of the stop to the tip of the nose must be of a 3,8 cm.. It prefers the Scissor bite. The tail has moderated with long fringe hair length (well defined pen). It keeps it behind the body, rarely higher than the back. It is always her moving when it is in action.

    The height at the cross or the shoulders is of 30 to 33 cm and the weight of 4,5 to 8,2 kg.

    The life expectancy of a Cavalier King Charles spaniel is of 11 to 12 years. Although there have been documented several cases that have managed to live until the 16 years.

    The mantle is composed of soft hair, silky, of moderate length. It may be slightly hondeado. Should not cut you and has to be brushed frequently.

    The colors of the mantle of this breed are basically four: Blenheim, Tricolor, ruby, Black and Brown.

    • Blenheim: base is White Pearl with well-defined chestnuts marks. The ears are the chestnut.
    • Tricolor: base is White Pearl with well defined black markings. The ears are black. On the eyes, cheeks, inside the ears and at the bottom of the tail is brown.
    • ruby: The solid reddish brown color is called a ruby.. Is considered a lack if you have white markings.
    • Black and Brown: is basic black with Brown markings above the eyes, cheeks, inside of the ears, on the chest, at the bottom of the tail and legs. Is considered a lack if you have white markings.

    Character and skills

    The Cavalier King Charles spaniel it is small, loving and playful. The typical Cavalier is always happy, confident and carefree, friend of everyone you know. Faithful to their heritage as “protection dogs”, to the Cavaliers they love to be on a lap.

    The temperament of Cavalier goes from sweet and placid to tough and stubborn. Sweet and placid Cavaliers sometimes have the reputation of being fools, and stubborn for not being trainable, but in general, These dogs are intelligent and learn quickly. They respond well to positive reinforcement techniques, especially when they offered food rewards, but the harsh words will leave them or even try to hide. One Cavalier should never be shy or aggressive towards people or other dogs.

    The Cavalier King Charles spaniel, ranks 44 on Stanley Coren's list of "The intelligence of dogs”.

    The Cavaliers they live to be with their people. Dogs generally love children and do well in families with older children who throw them a ball, They teach them tricks or just hang out with them. But, due to its small size, the Cavaliers They should be protected from clumsy toddlers who may fall on them or "pet" them too hard..

    Some things to know about Cavaliers:

    They love to lick, love to chase moving objects (especially Feathered) and can be manipulative when they want food (those eyes!). It is difficult or impossible to stop these behaviors, so it is necessary to find a way to avoid, how to keep the dog always tied in the cities and be firm when the Cavaliers wants to share the fries.

    The Cavaliers is not perfect. any dog, no matter how pleasant it, You may develop obnoxious barking levels, digging and other undesirable behavior if you are bored, untrained or unsupervised.

    Training of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

    Start training your puppy the day you bring him home. Even at eight weeks old, He is able to absorb everything that can be taught. Don't wait until you have 6 months to start training or have to deal with more stubborn dog. If possible, Take it to a trainer so that when it is between 10 and 12 weeks old is a sociable dog. But, Note that many kinds of training puppies require certain vaccinations (such as kennel cough) stay up to date, and many vets recommend limited exposure to other dogs and public places until puppy vaccinations have been completed (including rabies, distemper and parvovirus).

    Instead of formal training, you can start training your puppy at home and socialize with family and friends until immunizations are completed for puppies.

    Talk to the breeder, Describe exactly what you want in a dog and ask for help choosing a puppy. Breeders see the puppies daily and can make amazingly precise recommendations once they know something about their lifestyle and personality.

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    Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Facts

    CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL || DEPORTIVO Dog Race, affectionate and calm || History ð©

    Dogs 101- Cavalier King Charles spaniel

    FIRST DAY WITH NEW PUPPY | Cavalier King Charles spaniel

    Ratings of the “Cavalier King Charles Spaniel”

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Cavalier King Charles spaniel" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

    Adaptation ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    friendly dog ​​ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    hair loss ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection level ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for exercise ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Social need ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Home ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Toilet ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendly with strangers ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    barking ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Health ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Territorial ⓘ

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Cat friendly ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Intelligence ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Versatility ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Child friendly ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    joy ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Surveillance ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Breeders of the breed "Cavalier King Charles spaniel"

    • Bel Ami Cavaliers – Official FCI breeders with number 119/2019
      Afijo: 23747 (Alicante)
      Web: www.belamicavaliers.com
      Telephone 600 724 537
      Email: info@belamicavaliers.com
    • Mar Salinero Jara – 28460 The mills (Madrid)
      Afijo: De Somosaguas nº 17726
      In Facebook add to group: «Cavalier King Charles SPAIN»
    • Pinar del Jaralón (Breeders Cavalier King Charles Spaniel since 2003).
      Tel. 672 297 354
    • Nicoleta OpreaCherish Me Cavaliers (FCI official breeders with afijo 22487) – El Boalo (Sierra de Guadarrama) Madrid.
      Tel. 643190977 – Contact

    Type and recognitions:

    • Group :
    • Section : . .


    • FCI – Group 9: Section 7: English Toy Spaniels
    • AKCToy
    • ANKC – Group 1 (Toy)
    • CKC – Group 5 – (Toy)
    • ​KC – Toy
    • NZKCToy
    • UKC – Group 8 – Companion dog

    FCI breed standard "Cavalier King Charles spaniel"

    United Kingdom

    Date of publication of the valid original standard:


    Companion dog.

    General appearance:

    active dog, graceful and well balanced, with a friendly expression.

    Behavior / temperament:

    It is a sporting dog, affectionate without any shyness. Happy, friendly, non-aggressive and without any hint of nervousness.


    Cranial region:
    • Skull: Almost flat between the ears.
    • Fronto-nasal depression (Stop): shallow.

    facial region:

    • Truffle : Well developed and black in color, without flesh marks.
    • Snout : The distance from the base of the fronto depression?nasal to the tip of the nose is 1 1/2 inches (3,8 cm.). The muzzle gradually decreases toward the tip. The face is well filled under the eyes. Any hint of undesirable snipiness.
    • Lips : well developed, but without hanging.
    • Jaws/Teeth : Strong JAWS, with perfect scissor bite, regular and complete, that is to say, that the inner face of the upper incisors is in close contact with the outer face of the lower incisors; teeth should be implanted at right angles in the jaws.
    • Eyes :  Large, dark, round but not protuberant, quite far apart.
    • Ears : long, set high and covered with plenty of feather.


    Moderately long and slightly arched.


    • Back : Level.
    • Pork loin:   Short.
    • Breast  : Moderately developed with well sprung ribs.


    The length of the tail should be in harmony with the body, well established, carried happily but never over the dorsal line. His amputationpreviously  optional when no more than a third should be amputated.


    Former members

    Straight limbs and moderately developed bones.
    • Shoulder : well laid.

    Later members

    Bones moderately developed.
    • Knees : Well angulated.
    • Hocks : They should not show any hint of being cow-shaped or sickle-shaped..

    Pies : compacts, footpads with thick and well covered with long hair flecoso.


    Movement of moving and elegant with a lot of drive from hindlimbs. Seen from the front from behind, the forelimbs and later move in a plane parallel.



    Long, silky, and without curling. A slight undulation is allowed. With many fringe. Do not cut at all.


    The colors are recognized :
    • Black and Tan : glossy black with tan markings over eyes, cheeks, inside of the ears, on the chest, in the extremities and the lower part of the tail. Tan should be bright. The white spots are undesirable.
    • ruby : A uniform deep red color. The white spots are undesirable.
    • Blenhein : Bright brown spots well distributed on a white background. The spots should be divided equally over the head, leaving a space between the ears for a brand (lunar, lozenge mark)  much valued (a distinctive feature of the breed).
    • Tricolor : Black and white well spaced and distributed, blotchy fire on the eyes, cheeks, inside of the ears, on the inside of the lower limbs and tail.
    Any other color or combination of colors is very undesirable.

    Size and weight:

    Among 12 and 18 English pounds (5,4 to 8 kg). a small well-balanced dog that is between these weights is desirable.


    Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria should be considered as fault., and the seriousness of it is considered to the degree of deviation to the standard and its impact on health and welfare of the dog.

    Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified..

    disqualifying fouls:

    • Aggressiveness or extreme shyness.
    • Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities.

    • Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..
    • Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with the typical conformation of the breed, should be used for parenting.

    The latest changes are in bold.

    Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

    Alternative names:

    1. Cavalier (English).
    2. Cavalier (French).
    3. Cavalier (German).
    4. Cavalier (Portuguese).
    5. Cavalier (español).


    -Image by Alexas_FotosenPixabay
    Mario Simoes
    – Kfiatek4300 [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons
    – Bru-no(pixabay.com)

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    México FCI 263 . Chihuahueno


    This little dog has a personality sassy large.



    The Chihuahua It is considered the smallest breed in the world; receives the name of the largest state of the Mexican Republic (Chihuahua), where it is assumed that he lived in the wild and was captured and domesticated by the indigenous people during the time of the "Toltec" civilization.; figures of a pygmy dog ​​called "Techichi", who lived in Tula, They were included in the decoration of its architecture which were very similar to the current Chihuahua.

    There is a belief in some countries that the dog gave the name to the state of Chihuahua since the word “Chihuahua” means “arid and sandy place” in Rarámuri, language of the Tarahumara people. Although it is known as Chihuahua, the official name of the race is Chihuahueño, Chihuahua is the name adopted in United States for the race.

    Some experts say dogs were among the first native dogs of the Americas, others that were brought to the New World after the Spanish conquest of Mexico. Others believe that small dogs may have originated as miniaturized versions of pariah dogs, the vague brown dogs with pointed ears that result when dogs are left to breed on their own without color selection or other specific characteristics. In any case, race takes its name from the state of Chihuahua, where American tourists at the end of the nineteenth century first found tiny canines.

    Chihuahuas were brought to United States by American visitors who visited the North of Mexico and, later, presented at trade fairs Canófilas where they became known to worldwide.

    The Chihuahua we know today was developed by American breeders. The first Chihuahua recorded by the American Kennel Club, in 1904, It was called Midget. Chihuahua Club of America was formed in 1923. Today, The Chihuahua ranks 13th among the breeds registered by the AKC.

    Physical characteristics

    The AKC (American Kennel Club) It recognizes two varieties of Chihuahua: long hair and short hair. Many short-haired Chihuahua have very fine hair, but others have a very dense and thick hair. Standards of breeding this dog not generally specify a height, only a weight and a description of its overall proportions. As a result, height varies more than within any other race.

    Usually, the height range is between 15 and 25 cm to the cross. However, some dogs grow up the 30 to 38 cm.. AKC show dogs should weigh no more than 2,7 kg; the FCI standards mark dogs must weigh between 1,5 and 3 kg, Although most small dogs are acceptable in the show.

    But, the quality pet Chihuahua (that is, those bred or purchased as companions rather than show dogs) can, and they achieve greater weight, until 4,5 kg or more if they have a skeletal structure that allows them to being overweight. This does not mean they are not purebred Chihuahuas, It only means that the requirements do not have to enter a display. Larger sized chihuahuas are seen equally in the best and worst bloodlines..

    Usually their teeth are double, This demonstrates the purity of the breed.

    Chihuahuas can have many colors, from solid black to white solid, spotted, or in a range of colors including Fawn (coffee), chocolate, blue (grey), Silver, tricolor (chocolate, blue, black or white with Brown and white markings), with lines, and speckled. Each of these colors varies in shades and intensities, coffee may be a term to describe a dog from a cream very pale to dark brown (almost Red), or any key within this range of colours.

    Character and skills

    The Chihuahua They are prized for their devotion and personality. Its state of alert, intelligence and size make them adaptable to a variety of environments, including the city and small departments, and usually live fifteen years or more. While often it considered the chihuahua as weak and fragile, correct training and socialization can result in an excellent companion animal.

    The Chihuahua also have a reputation for being spoiled and impregnable, but that is often because people no effort to train. Chihuahuas are like any other dog I: They need consistent rules and structure if they will learn effectively.

    Many chihuahua focus their devotion on one person, putting too jealous of human relationships of this person, This can be mitigated through proper socialization. The Chihuahua tend to have a nature of clans, preferring the company of other Chihuahuas over other dogs.

    As well, important to take into account, These toddlers, They seem to have no concept of its size, and they may face other larger animals, which can cause damage and injury to our pet...


    Many Chihuahuas are sensitive to cold due to their small body size.. Chihuahua owners often dress their dogs in coats in cold weather, but for this, There is to get them, because if you do not, do not leave place fabrics above.

    This breed requires a veterinary expert in areas such as development and care dental care. Chihuahuas tend to have genetic abnormalities, usually neurological, as epilepsy, strokes. Like other Toy breeds, They also tend to have dislocation of knee.

    Another genetic abnormality in Chihuahuas and other Toy breeds is hydrocephalus, or water on the brain. This condition appears in young puppies and usually results in the death of the puppy, as much, six months of age. It is thought that this disease is diagnosed because the puppy has an abnormally large head during the first months of life, but other symptoms are more noticeable (because "a big head" is a very vague description). Chihuahua puppies showing hydrocephalus They have patched skulls plates rather than solid bone, and are typically lethargic and do not grow at the same rate as their siblings. A true case of Hydrocephalus can be diagnosed by a veterinarian, Although the prognosis is grim.

    However some chihuahua may have what is called 'molera or fontanelle', and it is completely natural and accepted for race, which is a small hole in the head where they do not have bone, only skin and hair. The Chihuahua is the only breed of dog that is born with an incomplete skull.. The fontanelle It closes with age, but it requires great care during the first six months until the skull is fully formed.

    Chihuahua tend to ocular infections, due to its large, round, protruding eyes and their relative proximity to the ground.

    Chihuahuas can also be born with a liver defect known as portosystemic shunt, in which blood is diverted from the liver. This can cause a buildup of toxins in the body of the dog, stunted growth and can be fatal if not corrected with surgery.

    The speckled chihuahua coloring, or parents with such coloration descendants tend to a number of additional complications of health. The mottled coloration is a carrier of other possible and severe ocular conditions and blindness, deafness, Hemophilia, sterility, and other medical conditions. Buyers who own or want to buy a speckled chihuahua should do some research on possible health conditions of this coloration.

    The pregnancy of a Chihuahua, hard 2 months and the offspring measure between 3 cm to 5 cm..

    Chihuahuas are omnivores, and you must be careful in providing an adequate and balanced nutrition. At the same time, be careful in not supercharge this small breed. Chihuahua overweight tend to have problems with ligaments, tracheal collapse, chronic bronchitis, and shortening of life expectancy.

    Some potential buyers looking for extremely small animals; very small dogs, in any way, are false. You can be sick, or malnourished, or, If you are healthy, may suffer from short lifespans and health problems due to extreme dwarfism. They are not normally used for breeding, and may require special care. Some breeders chihuahua, they try to intentionally raise very small animals, and they increase the prices of smaller dogs, or specifically advertise very small animals. Most reputable breeders disapprove such practices, noting that it is difficult to predict the adult size of a puppy, and citing other problems discussed earlier.

    In practice there has been an increase in people wanting to have a Chihuahua Pocket rejecting common size, This has changed the traditional pattern of raising this breed start doing that through the selection of specimens to breed chihuahua focusing on the size and eliminate the problems of a puppy that was born visibly smaller than others, many breeders reject this practice but it is a fact that the popularity of the “Pocket Chihuahua” has come to stay...

    The tiny mouths often mean that there is no room for proper development of teeth. It is essential that a veterinary chihuahua receive regular dental care, and you may need to draw him some teeth to make room for proper development of the rest of the teeth in the mouth.

    The Chihuahua “deer head” is the original Mexican Chihuahua, He was abroad where changed his appearance through crossing with other breeds, That is when its general appearance begins to change, now with a more prominent head and a more robust body, and it is precisely abroad where, when establishing the racial norm of the breed, this type of modified Chihuahua is established as the "standard" when the original It is the "deer" type and the damage to the original breed went even further by disqualifying the "deer" type and describing it as an "abnormality.".

    This "abnormality" is more popular than any Canophile Federation would like to accept..

    "Deer" or "deer head" These are terms that are sometimes used to describe Chihuahuas that do not have the standard "apple head" appearance of the breed.. These terms are not official.

    The Deer heads They are not admitted for competition, they are disqualified, they are not for sale.

    The «Nano Chihuahua» term used in the United States are chihuahua that are described with head up, and a very long nose, is not something natural, they are like this because they suffered a deformation in the bones due to malnutrition, These terms are not official, and the sale of the “Nano Chihuahua” is prohibited. Those that are accepted are “Apple Head” Chihuahua

    The life of the chihuahua usually up to 15 years of age. The more small are dogs more life they have. Their life expectancy depends first of all of their food (It is necessary, good quality and which have no obesity). Example: Not offer cookies, fat, chocolates, sweet, bread, pork and, much less, chicken bones to chew it becomes small needles, and they stuck in its body until his death. Not to give anything of great food, simply their respective croquettes or latitas for small breeds.


    The sexual cycle of the dog is, in comparison with the rest of the domestic animals, is unique in many ways, now that the time lag between periods of estrus (5-7 months) It is very long in proportion to the time of gestation (62 days), and ovulation occurs only once (but in several days) by zeal.

    The sexual cycle is divided in 4 stages:

    PROESTRO: have an average duration of 3-15 days. External manifestations are increasing the volume of the vulva, Vulvar blood loss and male attraction. At this stage the dog does not support mounting of the male.

    ESTRO: popularly known as period of ZEAL. It has a duration of 3 to 10 days. The vulva is enlarged, There is a reduction of losses vulvar and attraction of male: It is at this time when ovulation occurs, mounting of the male and gestation.

    DIESTRO: (of 110 to 140 days): This period includes the gestation, childbirth and lactation if occurred fertilization and the regression to normal tissues if not occurred.

    ANESTRO (of 150 to 250 days): now there are no external signs and is the ideal for all kinds of interventions (ovary hysterectomy).

    So that, ovulation takes place during the mating season and it's a spontaneous ovulation. Most often it is between the day 10 and 14 the beginning of zeal, Although in less of 1 minute can be confirmed with a vaginal smear performed by a veterinarian.

    Pregnancy in the bitch has a duration of 58 to 63 days. The normal delivery period ranges from 5 and 24 hours, and alghourscasos, mainly if they are first-time, the time may be extended until 36 hours.

    The delivery mechanism is divided into three phases:

    • The first phase corresponds to the opening and relaxation of the cervix for the exit of the puppies.. The female trembles, Pant and may vomit. The vulvar lips thicken and a yellowish-white viscous liquid escapes from the lower corner.. You can see uterine contractions, but always of weak intensity. go in circles, recuesta in soil, and does not want to eat or drink (Although some females show a voracious appetite).
    • The dog chooses a quiet, dark place, and he prepares his paridera breaking rags and materials; It is desirable to provide elements so that you can make this work, more usual is the role of journal. Nothing should bother to her around.

    • The second phase is the expulsion of the puppies. The female is lying in position on one side, with the face directed towards your abdomen and contractions begin each 2 or 3 minutes, with great effort.


    Chihuahuas have two types of hair:

    • smooth and long. The Chihuahuas smooth They carry a velvety coat, bright and tight and have a collar – an area hair thicker and longer – around the neck. Coverage have little hair on the head and ears. The tail should be hairy, not naked. Brush them weekly with a rubber glove or soft bristle brush to remove dead hair and keep their skin and coat healthy.
    • The Long haired chihuahua It is the product of a recessive gene, which means that a puppy must have the gene from both parents to express long hair, so it is not seen in litters as often as smooth. The long, soft fur is flat or slightly curly, and the dog has a collar around the neck, fringed ears, feathers on the legs and a tail plumed. Hair from the rest of the body is almost as soft as soft straight hair Chihuahua. The long-haired Chihuahua are beautiful, and they are easy to comb, but the hair falls are seasonal.

    Long robe brushing with soft bristle brush once or twice a week. Use a stainless steel comb to remove tangles of hair ears, legs and tail.

    If brush to the faithful chihuahua, should not need frequent baths. But, If you spend much time on your couch or in bed, there is nothing wrong with bathing as often as twice a week. Use a mild shampoo made for dogs and dry it well so it doesn't get cold. Never let it sit and dry to the outdoors.

    Keep clean your big ears chihuahua with a solution recommended by your veterinarian. Do not use cotton swabs within the ear; They can push dirt deeper. Laa orejaa clean with a cotton ball, I never deeper than the first knuckle of your finger.

    Cut off nails regularly, usually every two weeks. They should never be so long that hear smacking on the floor.

    Characteristics "Chihuahua"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Chihuahua" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

    Adaptation ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    friendly dog ​​ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    hair loss ⓘ

    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection level ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for exercise ⓘ

    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Social need ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Home ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Toilet ⓘ

    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendly with strangers ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    barking ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Health ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Territorial ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Cat friendly ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Intelligence ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Versatility ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Child friendly ⓘ

    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Surveillance ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    joy ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    «Chihuahua» images


    1. triplet chihuahua by Caterinarufo / Public domain
    2. Chihuahua by https://www.pexels.com/es-es/foto/animal-chihuahua-mascota-ojos-50718/
    3. Chihuahua by https://pxhere.com/es/photo/60641
    4. Blue merle chihuahua by Nuclearblitz12 / CC BY-SA
    5. Chihuahua by https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-tan-chihuahua-1048236/
    6. A Chihuahua protecting its bone by David Shankbone / CC BY
    7. standard chihuahua by Caterinarufo / Public domain
    8. Buddy the Chihuahua by Jean G – HTTPS://www.flickr.com/photos/whatjeanlikes/
    9. Chihuahua by https://www.pxfuel.com/es/free-photo-xzmeb

    «Chihuahua» Videos

    Type and recognitions:

    • Group :
    • Section : . .


    • FCI – Group 9: Section 6: Chihuahueno
    • AKCToy
    • ANKC – Group 1 (Toy)
    • CKC – Group 5 – (Toy)
    • ​KC – Toy
    • NZKCToy
    • UKC – Group 8 – Companion dog

    FCI breed standard "Chihuahua"


    Date of publication of the valid original standard:


    Companion dog.

    General appearance:

    It is a dog with a compact body, It is of primary importance to note that its head is apple-shaped and its tail is moderately long, carried high, arched or semicircle., with the point directed towards the spine.

    important proportions: The length is slightly greater than the height at the withers, wishing for an almost square body, especially in males and allowing a little longer in females for reproductive function.

    Behavior / temperament:

    Lively, alert, restless and very brave.


    Cranial region:
    • Skull: Well rounded, tamed (special feature of this breed).    
    • Depression nasal fronto (Stop): Well marked, sunken and wide, as a result of the bulging forehead on the insertion of the muzzle.

    facial region:

    • Truffle: Moderately short and slightly upturned; any color is allowed.
    • Snout: Short; seen in profile maintains a straight line, being wider at its base and tapering towards the tip.
    • Lips: Clean and tight.
    • Cheeks: Little developed and very clean.
    • Jaws / Teeth: With scissor or level bite (clip-shaped); higher or lower prognathism are seriously penalized, as well as any maxillary or mandibular deformation.
    • Eyes: They are big and round, very expressive, never protruding, perfectly dark. Light eyes are allowed but not desired.
    • Ears: Large, erect and unfolded and widely open; wide at its base, taper gradually until slightly rounded at the tip. When at rest they form an angle of 45° to the sides.


    • Top profile: Slightly arched.
    • Length: Medium.
    • Form: Thicker in males than females.
    • Skin: No double chin; the long-haired variety features a highly desirable longer-haired mane.


    Compact and well structured.

    • top line : Straight.
    • Cross: Bit strong.
    • Back: Short and firm.
    • Pork loin: Strongly muscular.
    • Rump: Wide and strong, almost flat or slightly sloping.
    • Breast : With wide and deep thorax and well arched ribs; seen from the front it will have good amplitude, without excess; seen in profile descends to the elbow; never barred.
    • Lower profile: Determined by a ventral retraction, which should be well delineated. Loose belly is allowed, but not wanted.


    Moderately long, set high, wide at the base gradually tapering towards the tip, it is flat in appearance. The bearing is an outstanding trait of the breed, in motion is elevated, arched or semicircular with the tip directed towards the spine, giving balance to the body, it never appears tucked between the limbs or curled below the upper line of the back. Hair cover in harmony with the rest of the body depending on the variety. In the long-haired variety it is covered with feather-shaped hair; at rest it is hanging with a light hook.


    Former members

    • General appearance:  Seen from the front they appear in a straight line with the elbows; seen in profile they are well poised.
    • Shoulder: Cleansed, moderately muscular.
    • Arms (Humerus) : With good angulation in the scapular joint?humeral.
    • Elbow: Firm and close to the body, allowing freedom of movement.
    • forearms :  Strong with good length.
    • Metacarpus: Slightly inclined, strong and flexible.
    • Front feet : The feet are very small and oval, with fingers spread,  but not extended(they are neither hare nor cat); nails are particularly curved and moderately long, with well developed and highly elastic ear pads.  Dewclaws are undesirable.

    Later members

    • General appearance :  Well muscled, long-boned, well plumb and parallel to each other with good angulation in the coxofemoral joints, femoro-tibial-patellar and tibio-tarsal according to the forelimbs.
    • Metatarsals:  Short hocks, with well developed tendons; seen from behind they are separated, straight and vertical.
    • Rear feet : The feet are very small and oval, with fingers spread,  but not extended(they are neither hare nor cat); nails are particularly curved and moderately long, with well developed and highly elastic ear pads.  Dewclaws are undesirable.


    Features a long and flexible stride, firm and active, with good anterior reach and a lot of posterior thrust. Seen from behind, the posterior ones should remain almost parallel to each other, placing the feet of the hind limbs in the footprints of the forelimbs. The members tend to converge in the direction of a central line of gravity, as speed increases. They show great elasticity and freedom, without any effort, with your head always high and your back steady.


    Skin: Smooth and elastic over the entire body surface.


    There are two varieties in this breed.

    • Short Hair Variety: It is short and stuck all over the body,  slightly longer when undercoat (entrepelo); tight throat and abdomen allowed. It is slightly longer on the neck and tail, short on face and ears; it is shiny and its texture smooth. Hairless specimens are not accepted.
    • Long Hair Variety: Hair must be fine and silky, straight or slightly wavy; inner layer is desired (entrepelo) not very dense. It has very long hair in the shape of a feather in the ears, neck, posterior aspect of the forelimbs and hindquarters, foot and tail. Dogs with long and fluffy hair are not accepted.


    All colors are accepted in all their shades and combinations, except the blackbird.

    Size and weight:

    The size should not be taken into account in this breed, just the weight.

    • Weight : Ideal weight between 1,5 kg and 3 kg.  Dogs are tolerated between 500 gr y 1,5 kg.

    The horses with less than 500 gr and with more than 3 kg.


    Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria must be considered a fault and its seriousness is considered to the degree of the deviation to the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog.

    • Missing teeth
    • Double denture (retention of temporary teeth)
    • Pointy ears
    • Short neck
    • Long body
    • Bowed or bowed back (lordosis o xifosis)
    • fallen group
    • Narrow chest; flat rack
    • Badly implanted tail, twist it cuts it
    • Short members
    • Elbows detached
    • Joined hindquarters.

    Serious misconduct:

    • Narrow skull
    • Small eyes, sunken or protruding
    • Long snout
    • Upper or lower prognathism
    • Unstable knee.

    disqualifying fouls:

    • Aggressive or fearful dog
    • Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified.
    • Deer type dogs (dogs with an atypical or highly stylized structure : refined head, long neck, slender body, long limbs)
    • Specimens with open head
    • Droopy or short ears
    • Deformed bite
    • Extremely long-bodied dogs
    • Absence of tail
    • Dogs with very long hair, fine and fluffy in the long-haired variety
    • No hair (alopecia) in the short-haired variety
    • Blackbird colored specimens
    • Weight less than 500 gr or greater than 3 kg


    Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..

    Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

    Alternative names:

    1. Chi, Chi-chi, Hua-Hua, Chihuahueño (English).
    2. Chihuahueño, aussi chihuahua (French).
    3. Chihuahua (German).
    4. Chihuahueño (Portuguese).
    5. Chihuahua, chihuahua mejicano (español).

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Francia FCI 172 . Poodle


    The Poodle is a CF dog, joyful, Nice, curious and intelligent.



    The Poodle is a breed of dog, from the fifteenth century to the present day, It is considered to be of exclusive use for the luxury of the aristocrats and nobles. Known for its woolly and curly coat, There are four varieties: Grand, Medium-, Dwarf and Toy.

    Until the Renaissance, This was a collector of water dog, they retrieved the already hunted prey that had fallen into the water, such as ducks and swans.

    In each language, the poodle Gets a different name:

    • English: Poodle, French Poodle
    • French: Caniche, Chien Canard
    • German: Pudel
    • Italian: Barbone Nano, Barboncino
    • Spanish: Caniche

    From France, the Poodle is a descendant of Barbet, original German swamp; and in the middle ages, He was assigned to tumble as duck or goose birds hunting, so it was selected for characteristics such as its adaptability to boggy terrain and its resistance to water, What makes this breed, along with others are called water dogs.

    From the 16th century, the poodles began to be famous for her beauty and intelligence, especially in various circus performances and works of art by various authors as Albrecht Dürer and Francisco de Goya. In the times of Louis XVI of France, their presence in the French court was already very common..

    By changes in taste in its appearance, during the 19th century the protection of the fur that was scorned, until then, had the function of protecting him from hypothermia, What stylists began to create various courts such as the British Montano and the Continental. For the poodle newborns, began the custom of amputate the tail.

    The Franco-Prussian War began the dissemination of the race as such, intended for millionaires and aristocrats. In the 20th century, only dominated the giant variety, Therefore, later, with the approval of the Canine Associations —such as the Kennel Club— the Standard varieties emerged. (low diffusion from 1792), Miniature (1911) and Toy (1957). In the final years of the 20th century the hybrid breed emerged «Labrapoodles» (combination of Poodleand with Labrador).

    Did you know??

    These canines curly hair are often considered the national dog of France, although the breed originated in Germany.

    Physical characteristics

    The four varieties of Poodle:

    Poodle large:

    Is believed to be the original variety of which emerged the other varieties, through crossings to reduce the size. The height at the withers varies from 45 to 60 cm., is supported 2 cm over, provided that the copy keep proportions. Y, they weigh around 30 kg.

    Medium Poodle (or standard):

    This type of poodle is perhaps, the less well known, and at the same time the more quiet. Measures of 36 to 44 Cross cm, and as in all sizes, just accept the plain colors in fur. The weight is commensurate with its size.

    Miniature Poodle:

    This variety has a height to the cross 28 to 35 cm.. You have to look like a medium-sized Caniche, but smaller and show no signs of dwarfism. As in the larger varieties, they are judged grouped by colors.

    Toy Poodle:

    The variety has a height of between 24 and 28 centimeters at the withers or height, provided that the proportions are maintained and that they do not present any symptoms of dwarfism. Are judged all together colors.

    Depending on your health, a miniature poodle lives on average 14,8 years; one Toy 14,4 years; a medium Poodle also 14,4 years, and a Large Poodle live media 13,5 years. Although these data are quite accurate, It is not uncommon to see poodle small, of more than 18 years, or even of 20.

    In the exhibitions held under the rules of the FCI, copies of black, White and Brown are judged in the same group to obtain the CACIB. The same applies to copies of grey, Apricot and Red; the best of each of these groups becomes a final judgment to determine the best copy of the variety.

    For your care, Peel according to your style, requiring a dog hairdresser. Accepted the hair in the form of long-haired head, ears and neck, including legs. They do not loose too much hair and health must clean the eyes and ears. They should be washed with some frequency. The care of the fur is unconditional in this breed, so it is necessary to wash with exclusive dog shampoo and in no case with human shampoo, that damages the skin of the Caniche because it causes you to lose the natural oil that has in its hair and, in the long run, brings complications.

    Their care has to be very guarded, because due to his long-haired Kale, thick and woolly, of a single type of hair, It can tangle with ease. They require cepillados every week (without going).

    The baths should be monthly (It is not advisable or necessary to abuse these) with moisturizing shampoos and masks. It has to be dried with a dryer and never air. They are dogs that after the silent main hair puppy to adult not move almost hair and are nearly hypoallergenic.

    There are many types of court, but students admitted for exhibition: Continental, Continental American, Scandinavian and Puppy Clip. The Court will be based on the structure of the dog and the taste of exhibitor or owner, the most widely used is the American Continental.
    Apart from the common poodle, There is also the variety Cordelé, taking this more curly hair and being able to display in the form of strings as the Puli.

    Health Poodles

    Not all of these diseases affect standard poodles, but the conditions that can generally occur in poodles include the following:

    Addison's disease and Cushing's syndrome are two sides of the same coin. In dogs with Addison's disease, the adrenal glands produce insufficient amount of the hormone cortisol. Dogs become lethargic, intolerant and depressed stress, and may have digestive problems. Some dogs may have an acute crisis, requiring hospitalization. The lifelong treatment involves the administration of drugs.

    In dogs with Cushing's syndrome, the adrenal glands produce too much cortisol. Symptoms include weight gain, gasps, excessive thirst and hunger, bladder infections and urinating in the house but the dog has been previously trained. Cushing's disease is usually controlled with medication for life, but sometimes surgery is necessary.

    Another hormonal problem seen in poodles is hypothyroidism (An inappropriate thyroid hormone). Symptoms include weight gain, loss of hair, lack of resistance to disease, excessive hunger and heat seeking. Normally supplements prescribed thyroid hormone to control the condition.

    Progressive retinal atrophy (ARP) is an eye disease that can eventually lead hereditary blindness. Standard other potential eye problems in poodles and toy are cataracts and glaucoma. Poodles can also be affected by von Willebrand's disease (a disorder of blood clotting).

    Although all Poodles, regardless of size, They are of the same "breed", They not all have the same health problems. Poodles toy and miniature poodles share many common health problems for smaller breeds of dogs, as kneecaps that easily out of place (You dislocated kneecaps), breathing difficulties caused by a collapse of the trachea and dental problems due to the overcrowding of teeth within their small mouths.

    The Toy Poodles can also suffer Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease, which causes a reduction of the blood supply to the head of the bone of the thigh, causing degradation. The first sign of this disease is lameness, that usually appears when the puppy has to 4 to 6 months of age. Treatment is surgical, after which the puppy can lead a relatively normal life apart from a greater chance of developing arthritis.

    Standard Poodles, like many large breeds deep chest, They have an increased risk of swelling, also known as gastric dilation volvulus, a life-threatening condition in which the stomach twists on itself, trapping air inside. Swell dogs require immediate veterinary care and, usually, surgery to correct the problem. Since most dogs that swell once swell again, The surgeon may also recommend a procedure known as a "stomach turn" or gastropexy., as a preventive measure.

    A skin problem that can affect the toy poodles and standard is the sebaceous adenitis, an inflammation of the sebaceous glands that causes hair loss and skin problems. It can be diagnosed with a skin biopsy, but the effectiveness of treatment varies.

    Hip dysplasia is an orthopedic problem beginning at puppyhood. Is a malformation and poor fit of the joint of the ball and socket hip. It may be a minor problem or life-altering disability. Treatment can range from something as simple as daily medication to major surgery., even a hip replacement.

    Last, Standard Poodles have a higher incidence of certain cancers, including insulinoma and hemangiosarcoma, compared to some other breeds.

    Not all of these conditions are detectable on a growing puppy, and it can be difficult to predict whether an animal will be free of these diseases, so it is necessary to find a reputable breeder who commit to raise healthier animals possible. Must be able to produce an independent certification that the parents of the dog (and grandparents, etc.) have been screened for these defects and considered healthy for breeding. That's where health records come in..

    Careful breeders screen their breeding dogs for genetic diseases and breed only the healthiest and best looking dogs, but sometimes Mother Nature has other ideas and a puppy develops one of these diseases despite good husbandry practices. Advances in veterinary medicine mean that in most cases dogs can still live a good life.

    Character and skills

    Intelligent, loving, legal and naughty, those are the four words that the poodle enthusiasts describe the personality and character of this breed.

    Despite his actual appearance, the poodle has a playful side, likes to interact with their owners, tends to be very friendly with people and always likes to please.

    If we combine his legendary intelligence with its sociability gives as a result a dog highly entrenable.

    A poodle, you have been taught canine manners, will have a quiet character, especially if you exercise regularly to burn off your natural energy.

    The poodle is a protective dog that will not hesitate to use its bark when a stranger approaches its home., and although he is affectionate with the family, can take you some time socializing with other people.

    An outstanding feature of the poodle is their intelligence (occupies the position No. 2 on classification of intelligence dog breeds by Stanley Coren).
    It is often said that they have a human intelligence, an incredible cunning that amazes its owners. Of course, smart dogs can be tricky. They learn fast, both the bad and good habits

    Basics of grooming poodles

    The toilet is an important consideration in Poodles. Fine and curly coat that worked well when the Poodle spent his time in the water needs to be trimmed regularly, normally every 6 u 8 weeks, depending on the preferences of its owner. It easily fits and requires regular brushing at home, even with a professional grooming. If left untrimmed, coat will curl naturally strings, although some people prefer that aspect.

    Dental care is important, particularly for Poodles Toys and Miniatures. Keep the much brushing her teeth with toothpaste approved by the vet pet and making a veterinarian make regular dental checkups.

    Trim nails as needed, usually every week or two. They should not be so long that you can hear the click on the ground.

    Characteristics "Poodle"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Poodle" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

    Adaptation ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    friendly dog ​​ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    hair loss ⓘ

    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection level ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for exercise ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Social need ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Home ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Toilet ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendly with strangers ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    barking ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Health ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Territorial ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Cat friendly ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Intelligence ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Versatility ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Child friendly ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Surveillance ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    joy ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Breeders of the breed "Poodle"

    • Alderrabel Toy Poodles – Afijo 1670 of 1982 – FCI 0139/82 – Occasionally toy poodle puppies sons of champions for show or as a pet. Madrid.

    • Villacoral Cattery – We carry out responsible animal husbandry with veterinarians and a team of professionals, No dog is left over at Criadero Villacoral, being responsible for what sustainable breeding is.. – Jaén (Spain) – Telephone 666450361

    • Jontari Poodles – Toy poodle kennel in white colors, black, grey, red, apricots and giant in white color. High selection, puppies for show and company. Our priority is to preserve and perfect the characteristics of this fabulous breed.
      Her/Vera de Bidasoa – Navarre (Spain)

    Poodle images

    Poodle Videos

    Type and recognitions:

    • Group :
    • Section : . .


    • FCI – Group 9 Section 2 "Poodle"
    • AKC – Toy Group
    • ANKC – Toy Group 7 (Non-Sporting)
    • ​KC – Toy Utility
    • CKC – Group 5 – Toys
    • NZKC – Non-sporting toy
    • UKC – Company

    FCI breed standard "Poodle"


    Date of publication of the valid original standard:


    Companion and Toy Dogs

    General appearance:

    Medium proportions dog, characteristically curly hair, Kinky or in the form of locks. It has the appearance of an intelligent animal, constantly alert, Active, harmoniously constituted, and that reflects elegance and nobility.

    important proportions:
    • The length of the muzzle is approximately 9/10 the length of the skull.
    • Length (scapular-ischial) the body is slightly greater than the height at the withers.
    • The height of the cross to the ground is visibly equal to the height of the crest of the rump to the ground.
    • The elbow to the ground is equivalent to 5/9 the height at the withers.

    Behavior / temperament:

    This animal is distinguished by his loyalty and his aptitude to learn and to be trained, which makes him a particularly pleasant companion dog.


    Distinguished consignment note, rectilinear, in proportion with the body. It must be well molded, without presenting a solid appearance, but at the same time without excessive delicacy.

    Cranial region:
    • Skull: Its amplitude is less than half the length of the head. All of the skull, seen from above, oval shaped, and profile, is slightly convex. The axes of the skull and nasal channel are slightly divergent. The superciliary arches are moderately prominent and are covered with long hairs.
    • Front Groove: Width between the eyes and decrease in the direction of the occiput, It is well marked (in the dwarf poodles may be less marked).
    • Depression links: It is little marked.

    facial region:

    • Truffle: Marked and developed, vertical profile; the Windows are wide open. The truffle is black in black dogs, White and gray, and Brown in brown dogs. In tawny Orange dogs (apricot) or Griffon Red truffle is black or brown.
    • Snout: The upper profile is very straight, its length corresponds to 9/10 the length of the skull. The ramifications of the lower jaw are nearly parallel. The snout is solid. The lower profile is marked by the jaw and not by the edge of the upper lip.
    • Lips: Slightly developed, rather thin, medium-thick; the upper lip rests on the lower, Although it is not hanging. They are black in black dogs, White and gray, and Brown in brown dogs. In tawny Orange dogs (apricot) or red Fawn, they are brown more or less dark or black. The corner should not be marked.
    • Jaws/teeth: The joint is in the form of scissors. The teeth are solid.
    • Cheeks: They are slightly protruding and are molded on the bones. The sub-orbital arches are chiseled and not very bulky. The zygomatic arches are some prominent.
    • Eyes: Are ardent expression. They are situated at the height of the depression sloping and slightly oblique. Almond shaped. Its color is dark brown or black. In the brown-colored dogs can be dark amber.
    • Eyelids: The edge is black in black dogs, white or gray; brown in brown dogs. In tawny Orange dogs (apricot) or red Fawn, are brown or black.
    • Ears: They are quite long and falling along the cheeks. They are implanted in the extension of a line that arises from the upper part of the nose and passes under the external corner of the eye.. They are flat, They enlarge behind implantation and are rounded at the tip. They are covered with very long wavy hair. The skin of the ear should reach the corner of the lips.


    It is strong and slightly arched behind the neck. Medium length, well proportioned. The dog is wearing highly raised head and nobility. The neck does not have double chin. Is oval cut; its length is slightly lower than the head.


    Well proportioned. Its length is slightly greater than the height at the withers.

    • Cross: Moderately developed.
    • Back: Short. The upper margin is harmonious and very firm. The height from the floor to the cross must be clearly the same as the crest of the rump to the ground.
    • Pork loin: Strong and muscular.
    • Rump: Rounded, but not fall.
    • Sill: The tip of the sternum must be slightly prominent and is quite high.
    • Breast : Inclined to the elbow. Its width is equal to the 2/3 your height. In large poodles, chest circumference, measured behind the shoulders should be at least 10 cm greater than the height at the withers. The chest is oval and wide back.
    • Bottom line and belly: Raised, but not agalgados.


      Set quite high, at the height of the margin of the spine. You can retain its natural length or be cut by a third, as close as possible to the body, or half its natural length. When the dog is at rest the tail appears drooping. When is the dog in action, rises at an angle.


      Former members

      They are perfectly straight and parallel, well muscled and strong bones. The height of the elbow to the ground is slightly greater than the height at the withers.

      • Shoulder: They are oblique and muscular. The shoulder blade and humerus form an angle of about 110°.
      • Arm: The length of the humerus corresponds to that of the shoulder blade.
      • Carpi: They continue the previous line of the forearm.
      • Metacarpus:  Solid, and almost straight, viewed profile.
      • Pies: They are rather small, firm, short oval shaped. Fingers are arched and well together. The pads are tough and thick. The nails are black in black and grey dogs; black or brown in brown dogs. In white dogs, the nails may present the range of colors of Horn, as much as the black. In tawny Orange dogs (apricot) tawny red and, they are brown or black.


      Later members

      Seen from the back, the hind limbs are parallel; the muscles are well developed and well visible. The Hock is well bent. The coxofemoral angles, tibio-femoral and warm-tarsal should be marked.

      • Thighs: They are well muscled and robust.
      • Metatarsals: Fairly short and vertical. The poodle must be born without spurs on the hind limbs.
      • Pies: See previous tips.


      It is flexible, without laxity, Pigmented. Black poodles, brown, Gray and tawny orange or reddish Fawn, They must have a pigmentation according to the color of the fur. In white, the silver skin is valued.


      The poodle moves with small jumps fast and light.



      • Poodle Kinky hair: abundant hair, texture fine, woolly, well curly; It is elastic and resistant to the pressure of the hand. You must be a dense, well plenty, of uniform length, forming regular loops.
      • Poodle hair in the form of locks: Abundant hair, texture fine, woolly and tight. It forms characteristic strings that must measure at least 20 cm..


      A single colored hair: black, white, brown, grey, leonado orange (apricot) tawny red and.

      • Brown:  It must be pure, quite dark, uniform and warm. Not even beige, or lighter derivatives.
      • Gris: It must be uniform, a pure tone, or blackish, or whitish.
      • Tawny Orange: It should be a uniform tone, without pulling the pale Griffon or color sand, or to the Red Fawn.
      • Griffon Red: It must be of a uniform tone in all the fur. In no case should you shoot the orange fawn.

      The eyelids, the truffle, the lips, the gums, the palate, natural holes, the scrotum and the pads are well Pigmented.

      Size and weight:

      • Poodle large: Above the 45 cm. up the 60 cm., with a tolerance of 2 cm.. The large poodle must be enlarged and developed the medium poodle reproduction, of which it has the same characteristics.
      • Poodle medium: Above the 35 cm. up the 45 cm..
      • Poodles dwarves: Above the 28 cm. up the 35 cm.. The poodle dwarf must have, altogether, the appearance of a small medium poodle, maintain the same proportions as much as possible and not present any appearance of “dwarfism”.
      • Poodles Toys: Above the 24 cm. up to 28 cm. (the ideal type is that of the size of 25 cm.) and up 24 cm. (with a tolerance of less of 1 cm.). Toy poodle has, altogether, the appearance of the dwarf poodle, and saves the same general proportions that meet all the requirements of the standard. Any feature of “dwarfism” is excluded.. Only the occipital Crest may be less marked.


      Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered as a fault and the severity of this is considered to the degree of the deviation to the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog..

      • Eyes that are too large and too round or sunken, not dark enough.
      • Too short (not reaching the corner of the mouth).
      • Weak or pointed snout.
      • Muzzle with convex upper profile.
      • Upholstered or saddled top line.
      • Tail set too low.
      • fallen group.
      • Posterior angulation too straight or over-angled.
      • Fluent or extended step.
      • Sparse hair, soft or wire.
      • Undefined or not solid color.
      • Truffle partially nonpigmented.
      • Absence of 2 PM2.

      disqualifying fouls
      • Aggressiveness or extreme shyness.
      • Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities.
      • Lack of type, above all in the head, notably hinting at a cross with another breed.
      • Height at the withers exceeding 62 cm.. in the great and less than 23 cm.. in the Toys.
      • No tail or naturally short tail.
      • Dewclaws or trace of dewclaws on hindlimbs.
      • Any animal that presents traits of “dwarfism”: globular skull, absence of occipital crest, very marked naso-frontal depression, prominent eyes, very short, downturned snout.
      • Medium practically non-existent Groove.
      • Very light bone in Toys.
      • Fully curled tail.
      • Cloak other than solid color (unicolor).
      • All white markings on the body and / or feet for all colors except white.
      • Completely depigmented nose.
      • Upper or lower prognathism.
      • Any tooth whose position could hurt the dog (for example inwardly grown canines touching the roof of the mouth).
      • Absence of an incisor, of a canine or a carcass tooth.
      • Absence of a PM3 or an PM4.
      • Absence of 3 or more PM (except PM1).

      • Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..
      • Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with the typical conformation of the breed, should be used for parenting.

      Hair styling and haircut authorized at the exhibition

      “Lion” arrangement and cut:  Whether the poodle have in the form of locks or Kinky hair, You must be sheared on the back room until the ribs.

      • They must also shear: the upper and lower part of the nose, starting from the lower eyelids; cheeks; anterior and posterior extremities, except for the cuffs and bangles and optional designs on the back room;
      • the tail, except a terminal Pompom round or oblong. All dogs must wear a mustache. “Pants” shaped hair on the forelimbs is acceptable..

      “Modern” arrangement and cut:  Fur on all four extremities is permitted with the explicit condition that the following rules are respected: They will be shorn:

      to)  The lower part of the forelimbs, from the nail to the tip of the spur, and the bottom of the hind limbs to a height equivalent. The shear machine is accepted if this is limited only to the fingers.

      b)  The head and tail, according to the rules stipulated above. In this arrangement and cut be used exceptionally :

      • The presence, under the lower jaw, of a short lock that measures no more than a centimeter thick, and whose lower line must be trimmed parallel to the jaw. The so-called 'goat beard' will not be tolerated.".
      • Excision of the Pompom of tail.

      Hair shortened: On the body, to present on the dorsal line a view of more or less 1 centimeter long at least. Coat length will be increased progressively around the ribs in the upper part of the extremities.

      Regularized coat:

      to) Over the head, It presents a reasonable height helmet, as well as on the neck, falling behind to the cross, and front, without discontinuity, until the shaved part of the foot, according to a slightly oblique line that arises in the upper part of the pectoral region. At the top of the ears, and up to a third of its length as maximum, the coat can be shortened with scissors or fleeced in the direction of the hair. The bottom is covered with hair whose length increases progressively up down, for completion in bangs that can standardize.

      b) On the extremities: pants that mark a clear transition with the sheared part of feet. Hair length increases gradually upwards, to measure, over the shoulder, as well as on the thighs, of 4 to 7 cm when stretched hair. This measure should be proportional to the size of the dog, although the “spongy” appearance should be avoided. The rear pants must leave the characteristic angulation of the Poodle visible.. Any touch of whimsy that deviates from these rules is subject to removal. Whatever the standard silhouette obtained as a result of the settlement and the haircut, This not should influence all the classification in the exhibitions since all dogs of the same class must be judged and classified as a whole.

      Fix and corte ingles:  Add to the “lion” cut designs on the rear quarter, that is to say, bangles and cuffs.Top-knot above the head. The moustache is optional for this arrangement. Accepts an absence of demar- cation on the fur of the hind limbs. The top- knot is optional (You cannot use lacquer or any other product to secure this top-knot).

      “Dog cut”: Wear the shaved parts that characterize the Modern cut. In the head: a bun of reasonable height. The mantle on the previous train should form a ball, compared to an “egg” seen from the parapet towards the bun. The so-called “pants” on the forelimbs remain, accentuating the typical angulation of the Poodle.
      The tail – except for a pompom – must have an oval or oblong shape. Must be cut longer than wide with rounded corners.

      “Scandinavian Terrier Cut”: The cut is similar to the Modern cut, being different in that the ears and tail can be shaved.

      • Whose settlement and Court do not correspond to the standard poodles may not (as long as they remain that way) be judged for awards in exhibitions and official presentations, not that this means that they do not qualify for playback.

      TRANSLATION : IRIS Carrillo (Puerto Rico Kennel Federation).

    Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

    Alternative names:

    1. Pudelhund, Caniche (English).
    2. Caniche (French).
    3. Caniche (German).
    4. Caniche (Portuguese).
    5. Poodle (español).

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Japanese Chin
    FCI 206 . Japan Chin and Pekingese

    It's a very special race, they have very feline attitudes, is more, It is said to have the character of a cat, and you will see why...


    Characteristics "Japanese Chin"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Japanese Chin" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

    Adaptation ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    friendly dog ​​ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    hair loss ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection level ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for exercise ⓘ

    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Social need ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Home ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Toilet ⓘ

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendly with strangers ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    barking ⓘ

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Health ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Territorial ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Cat friendly ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Intelligence ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Versatility ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Child friendly ⓘ

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Surveillance ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    joy ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    The true origin of the Japanese Chin It is still controversial, Although a general consensus, concludes that originated in Spaniela.

    These dogs were brought to Japan around year 732. Some maintain the ancestors of these dogs first arrived to Japan around the year 732, as a gift from royalty Korea, while others argue that Japanese Chin copies were offered as a gift to the Empress of Japan in the middle of the sixth century, other theories assure that they arrived in Japan in the year 1000.

    But beyond all the controversy regarding the origin, all agree on one thing, the Japanese Chin, He is a real "Japanese", because it reflects the Japanese sensitivity to detail.

    The Japanese established various breeds of dogs, with a defined purpose that was work, that Japan considered something different, different from a «dog«, He was considered a work on farm animal, for hunting, to care for cattle, etc., but the Japanese Spaniel, it was something very special because it was strictly considered a companion dog.

    His appearance and distinctive personality was quickly captured the hearts of the Japanese and that led to ownership of these dogs to be limited to persons of Royal and noble blood.

    Due, every noble House was raising its own standard, why there are many variations of the Japanese Spaniel, in terms of size, the density of the layer, the eyes, the personality…

    Once the race was introduced in the West, a strong desire of the people by the smaller copies (those who weighed a maximum 4,5 Kg.), He carried that size was the most popular and became the official standard of various canine clubs around the world.

    Professor Von Ludvic Schulmuth studied canine origins from a discovery of skeletal remains of dogs found in human settlements dating back to the eighth millennium BC., in the Gobi desert. On the basis of the information collected, he created a genealogical tree of Tibetan dogs which gathered very interesting information concerning the origin of certain breeds that are today very popular.

    The Gobi Desert is a large desert region between Spaniela northern and southern Mongolia. Can be one of the deserts, or desert areas largest and most important worldwide. Around it the Altai Mountains and the steppes of Mongolia in the North, the Tibetan plateau and the northern Spaniela plain to the southwest. The word gobi means "desert".’ in Mongolian. The Gobi is composed of different geographic and ecological regions, based on its variations of climate and topography.

    Historically, the Gobi desert He is noted for being part of the Mongol Empire and the location of several important cities along the Silk Road.

    Occupying the 30% of the national territory, great Gobi Mongolia covers capricious montes, sandy dunes, vast plateaus, steppes with its aromatic herbs and, Since then, a varied animal world, within the canine ancestors found Professor Ludvic Von Schulmuth.

    Ludvic von Schulmuth defined as origin of certain dog breeds a former denizen dog of the Gobi desert, whose remains were found in places where stored manure or litter, and called them "Gobi Desert Kitchen Midden Dog", Several lines arose from this animal that gave rise to various breeds.. These may include, a small dog with soft hair and floppy ears that was the ancestor of Tibetan Spaniel, the Japanese Chin and Pekingese. Another branch that descends from the "Gobi Desert Kitchen Midden Dog" gave rise to the Continental Toy Spaniel and to the Chihuahua longhair. Y, another branch of the same dog of the Gobi desert, gave rise to the emergence of the Pug and Shih Tzu.

    There is also some documentation that indicates Portuguese sailors introduced the breed to Europe in the century 17 through the gift of some to Catherine of Braganza, Queen Consort of King Charles II of England, but there is more evidence that the first Japanese Spaniel which opened steps behind borders, It was a gift of the Emperor of Japan offered a U.S. Navy officer, Matthew C. Perry, When he visited East in 1853 to open bilateral trade. The naval officer, a litter seven Japanese took Spaniel, and to reach their land only survived two, and to whom he gave them is something that is still not known for sure.

    What we do have full certainty of is that the Japanese Spaniel, also known as the Spaniel Japanese has been the dog of Japanese royalty.

    Physical characteristics

    This small dog of friendly aspect, It has a very similar appearance to that of the Pekingese, But unlike, its legs are longer, and the color of the fur is different; It may be black and white or red and white. The fur is soft and long; the large, dark eyes, well separated from each other; the tail, well endowed with hair, relies on the back; the ears are triangular in shape and small size; the snout is short and flattened, and large heads relative to their body.

    Character and skills

    According to the classification made by Stanley Coren after analyzing the responses of more than 200 the AKC judges ("The Intelligence of Dogs", Stanley city, Ediciones B, 1995), the Japanese Spaniel is No. 62 from the list.

    The Japanese Spaniel barks only when necessary in order to alert the family of the arrival of a visitor or something out of the ordinary, then is a quiet breed.

    It's a very special race, they have very feline attitudes, is more, is said to have the character of a cat, and you will see why...

    The Japanese Chin is always alert, He is intelligent and independent, and it uses its feet to wash and dry your face. Other feline features are your preferences for the rest in elevated surfaces, as the backups of the sofa and chairs. He has a spectacular ability to walk across a tea table without knocking over any objects., If that doesn't make it a cat total!!!

    These dogs were bred and trained for the purpose of loving his people. Although it is usually a quiet dog, He also known for the amount of mischief that make, Welcome to all, like the so-called "Spin Chin", they go around quickly in a circle as if they were dancing but resting only on their hind legs, While with their Forelegs dejan them interwoven and shaking them up top down at full speed, they are very funny.

    The Japanese Spaniel is an excellent companion dog., It is affectionate and loyal to his owner and, normally, happy to see other people, though some mistrust strangers. It is a dog who prefers the family environment, but they adapt very well in new situations and are often used as therapy dogs due to this trait and their love of people.. Socialization at an early age contributes to his temperament of develop optimally, is an emotionally balanced dog, by nature, but it is important to contribute.

    Some usually "sing", They produce a noise that can range from a minimal trill to a high pitch and quite low-pitched for their size., almost operatic quality that sounds like “booooooo”. On race Basenji in the right column you can see a video of the dog singing, it is very similar to what the Japanese Chin.


    The orbits of the eyes of large contribute to moisture in the face and the folds of skin around the crushed nose and facial area, You can trap moisture and cause fungus problems. The face should be cleaned from time to time with a damp cloth and the folds, with a cotton swab.

    Diet is an important factor in the health and condition of the Japanese Chin, many specimens may be allergic to corn, for example.

    Due to their small size they don't need too much exercise, although yes, requires frequent walks, because they are active and love to be outdoors. They adapt well to life in an apartment or small homes. On the other hand, their fur should brush your daily, as it is often about getting caught.

    Japanese Chin has a long life, to round the 15 years, but in many cases can be extended to more or less the 18 years of age.

    They weigh between 1,8 and 3,3 kand and measured at the cross, of 21 to 25 cm.. The litter is usually fairly small, of between 3 and 4 Puppies.

    Images "Japanese Chin"


    1. Japanese Chin, young male by Pointer8 / CC BY-SA
    2. A Japanese Chin by LostinTexas (Alex Archambault) – Flickr
    3. A red Japanese Chin by LostinTexas (Alex Archambault) – Flickr
    4. Japanese Chin with tongue hanging out over crooked teeth by OliviaCC / Public domain
    5. A Japanese Chin puppy. By Rachel Harris (RLH) from Scottsdale, THE, U.S.A. / CC BY
    6. One of our neighbours has this small Japanese Chin. By Mark Hillary
    7. Japanese Chin by https://www.needpix.com/photo/download/1697007/dog-japanese-chin-animal-pet-sweet-white-black-nature-sunset
    8. Japanese Chin by Tingflorance / CC BY-SA
    9. Japanese Chin by Arnaud 25 / Public domain

    Videos "Japanese Chin"

    Type and recognitions:


    FCI , AKC , ANKC , CKC , ​KC , NZKC , UKC

    FCI breed standard Japanese Chin

    FCIFCI - Japanese Chin

    Alternative names:

    1. Japanese Spaniel, Chin (English).
    2. Épagneul japonais ou chin (French).
    3. Chin (German).
    4. Chin (Portuguese).
    5. Chin Japonés, Chin (español).

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