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The Bergamasco It is a breed of dog originating in the Italian Alps, used as a herding dog. Its appearance recalls to the of the Komondor (hungarian dog).
This breed comes from contact with dogs of nomadic shepherds and their flocks that came from East to West. The Pastor's Ancestors Bergamasco They are located in the area of the Alps, an ideal area to display their characteristics.
Since 1300 the use of these dogs is determined by herding herds of sheep typical of Bergamo. In the four centuries that followed, The Shepherd Bergamasco, has increased with the expansion of sheep farming. After 1700, However, After a gradual reduction of the pastoral activity, This race began to decrease its population, to almost extinction during the two world wars.
In 1890 The breed is still called "mountain dog" and, in 1949 the company of lovers of the Pastor is founded Bergamasco. A few years later, Finally formalized the name: Bergamasco.
Physical characteristics
The tail is thick and strong at the base, Tuning towards the tip. Is covered with hard hair slightly wavy. Allowed colors are all shades of black (not bright), even with grey spots. The color should be determined from the root of the hair, because the part of Tufts often form different tones.
The coat is very abundant, long, wavy, rough texture (goat) at the front of the trunk, of wool (sheep) the other half, less hard in the head.
The eyes are large, more or less dark, with eyelids slightly oval. The ears are upright, but they fall in the last two thirds. The length of the muzzle is equal to the skull. As a whole it is large and parallelepiped in shape.. The skull is wide and slightly convex between the ears. Feet are oval-shaped, with toes well arched and closed.
Did you know??
The mat coat of the Bergamasco it is to protect him from bad weather and from predators that he might have to drive away in defense of his flock.
Character and skills
He has a temper, obedient and responsive, is a very versatile dog, their ability to learn and to decide, along with the inborn patience, make it a dog suitable for various uses. The family is identified as his flock, and to be a sheep dog, likes to keep everyone together. It will always be aware of the Group.
It is a great companion, for adults and children, to those who consider their puppies (the weak family part), and you care them with much more attention. It is very Protector, but nothing possessive. It is never aggressive despite the fact that it is a good guardian of the House, effective to deter, but not to be dangerous.
As a recommendation, It is important to care for their fur because they are many knots, and so it is good to styling it with the hands to untangle. We recommend bathing but let it dry in the Sun. It has one of the robes that needs less maintenance, to weights of appearances.
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Type and recognitions:
- Group 1: Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs).
- Section 1: Sheepdogs.. Without working trial..
- FCI ⓘ
- AKC ⓘ
- ANKC ⓘ
- CKC ⓘ
- KC ⓘ
- NZKC ⓘ
- UKC ⓘ
FCI breed standard "Bergamasco – Bergamasco Shepherd"
Shepherd dog.
General appearance:
Pastor "Bergamasco" is a medium-sized dog, rustic looking, with abundant fur over the entire body, strong, but well proportioned. Its general appearance is that of a dog of medium proportions whose body tends to be a square. It is harmonic, so much for the dimension (heterometry = normal relationships between size and different parts of the body), as per the profiles (Alloidism = concordance between head and body profiles).
The role of the Pastor "Bergamasco" it's about driving and tending the herd, work for which he shows an excellent disposition thanks to his vigilance, concentration and psychological balance. His faculty of learning and determination, combined with his restraint and patience make him an excellent watchdog and companion dog, suitable for the most diverse uses. Establishes, also a close relationship with man.
The length of the muzzle is equal to the length of the skull. In its parallelepipedic set the head appears large. The skin should not be thick, but well applied to the underlying tissues, and without forming wrinkles.facial region:
- Truffle: In line with the snout with the upper profile curved, wide open windows, wet, fresh and big. Profile view should not be protruding. The color of the truffle is black.
- Snout : It progressively tapers to its extreme and the lateral faces converge slightly, so that it is not pointed, but truncated, with the inside face rather flat. Its length is equal to the length of the skull. Its width, measured at mid-length it reaches approximately the 50% its length.
The height of the muzzle should not be less than half its length. The upper profile of the muzzle, traced by the profile of the nasal bridge, it is rectilinear.
The lower profile of the muzzle is not determined by the lip, but for the jaw. Because of this conformation, the corner of the mouth does not fall.; the muzzle is well cleft, so that the corner of the mouth is at the level of an imaginary vertical drawn from the outer corner of the eye. The profile of the lower jaw is more or less rectilinear. - Lips : Fine and not very outstanding, They separate under the bridge of the nose, drawing a very open arc that forms a third of a circle.; in this way the teeth of the jaw are barely covered. The edges of the lips are well pigmented.
- Jaws : The body and the lower and upper maxillary branches are well developed and broad..
Teeth : Whites; the denture is complete and well developed, incisors are aligned regularly. The joint is in the form of scissors. - Cheeks : Little prominent.
- Eyes : So big; neither bulging nor sunken, iris darker or lighter than brown, depending on the color of the coat. Placed forward; his expression is soft, serene and attentive. The shape of the eyelid is slightly oval and the angle of the eyelid to the horizontal is only slightly oblique. Eyelids fit tightly over the eye, edge of the eyelids pigmented black, the eyelashes are particularly long so that they can lift the hair that falls from the forehead over the eyes.
- Ears : High insertion; they are semi-fallen, that is to say, that only the terminal thirds up to the rounded tip are falls. When the dog is attentive the ear stands slightly at the base. Its shape is triangular. The length of the ear is between 11 and 13 cm., its width is 6,5 to 8 cm.. Features a wide base, that in the back extends to the ligament that goes from the head to the neck, while the front reaches the middle of the skull. The limb is slightly rounded. On the ears the hair is somewhat wavy and soft, while at the tip it ends in bangs.
The upper profile is slightly convex. The neck is slightly shorter than the head; in effect, in extension does not exceed 80% of head length. Neck perimeter, measured at half its length, must be at least twice its length. The skin should never be flaccid, therefore there should be no trace of a double chin. Hair must be thick.Body:
- top line : The withers stand out quite a bit from the rectilinear dorsal profile. The lumbar region has some convexity and the rump is slightly oblique.
- Cross : Tall and long. The neck harmoniously joins the trunk.
- Back : Rectilinear, well muscled and wide, its length reaches around 30% the height at the withers. The lumbar region is well connected to the line of the back and the croup. The length of the lumbar region reaches around the 20% the height at the withers, in this way it is much shorter than the dorsal region. The breadth of the lumbar region is roughly equal to its length; the musculature of the entire region is well developed.
- Rump : Wide, robust, well muscled and oblique, with a tilt of the 30% under the horizontal; its transverse width, between the two haunches, must reach 1/7 the height at the withers.
- Breast : It must be wide, well arched, descending to the level of the elbows. Its perimeter (measured behind the elbows) surpasses the 25% the height at the withers. Its transverse diameter must reach 30% the height at the withers. The depth and height of the chest should reach the 50% the height at the withers.
- bottom line : Starting from the sternum, the lower profile rises very slightly towards the belly, which is therefore low. The length of the flanks must correspond to that of the lumbar region, which is short. The depression of the flanks is minimal.
Located in the lower third of the rump, thick and strong at the base and gradually tapering towards the tip. Covered with slightly wavy goat hair type hair. The length of the tail often reaches the hock when the dog is standing; preferably it should be shorter. At rest the tail is carried in the shape of a saber, that is, hanging in the first two thirds, with the final third slightly curved. In action the dog wags his flag tail, sideways. Tips
As a whole, these adapt well to the size of the dog. Legs are normal, both seen in profile, as from behind.
- Thigh : It is long, width, good muscular, with a slightly convex trailing edge. Its length exceeds about 30% the height at the withers, and its width the 75% its length. The opening of the coxofemoral angle varies between 100 and 105 degrees.
- Leg : Strong bones and fine muscles, leg groove is well marked. Leg length reaches around 1/3 the height at the withers. Its inclination above the horizontal is about 55 degrees.
- Knee : It is well plumb in the line of the extremity and is not deviated either inwards or outwards.. The femoral angle?tibial is open and measures between 130 and 135 degrees.
- Hock : The lateral faces of the hock should be very wide. The distance from the point of the hock to the ground should not be less than 25% the height at the withers. The aperture of the tibiotarsian joint angle varies between 140 and 145 degrees.
- Metatarsus : Its length reaches a 15% the height at the withers, if measured separately; if on the contrary it is calculated from the tip of the calcaneus, its length is equal to that of the hock. Your direction must be vertical. Any dewclaws that eventually appear should be removed.
- Pie : It must have the same characteristics as the front foot
The step must be agile and long; the trot, quite elongated and resistant, is the preferred move. Thanks to its conformation, the dog can easily go at a running gallop, movement that is able to maintain for a long time.Mantle
- Skin : It should be fine all over the body, but especially in the ears and in the forelimbs; must be well applied to the body. The neck should not have a double chin and the head should not have wrinkles. The color of the mucous membranes and the third eyelid must be black.
- Fur : Very abundant, long and of different texture depending on the region. Its texture is rough (goat hair) particularly on the front of the trunk. From the middle of the chest towards the back, and on all limbs, the hair tends to form tufts or is already organized into tufts depending on the age of the dog; these strands must come out of the upper part of the dorsal region and fall on the lateral planes of the trunk. On the head the hair is less coarse and covers the eyes. The hair should be evenly distributed over the extremities, forming soft locks that reach to the ground, resembling a kind of pilaster on the front and tufts on the back, although without forming bangs. Underlying hair is so short that the skin is not easily visible. It should be soft to the touch.
- Color : Uniform gray, with gray spots in all possible shades, ranging from delicate and moderate gray, to a lighter or darker shade, until reaching black. Isabela and light reddish shades are accepted. A solid black coat is acceptable if it is truly dull (it's gone). Solid white fur is not allowed. White spots are tolerated when their surface does not exceed one fifth of the total surface of the coat.
Size and weight:
Height to the cross : For males the ideal height at the withers is 60 cm., with a tolerance of 2 cm more or less. for females, is of 56 cm., with the same tolerance of 2 cm more or less.
Weight :
- Males : 32 to 38 kg.
- females : 26 to 32 kg.
Any deviation from the above mentioned criteria is considered to lack, and the gravity of this refers to the degree of deviation to the standard and its impact on the health and well-being of the dog.
These modalities apply equally to dogs with very small heads and those with permanent amble..
- Convergent or divergent craniofacial axes.
- Accentuated mandibular prognathism which causes disfigurement. Bilateral strabismus.
- Partial depigmentation of the nose.
- Size that exceeds to a greater or lesser degree the margins indicated by the standard
- Trumpet-shaped tail.
- Aggressive or fearful dog.
- Total depigmentation of the nose.
- Clearly bulging or concave nasal bridge.
- Total bilateral depigmentation of the eyelids.
- Eyes of different colour (even if it's only one).
- Jaws : prognatismo superior.
- Tail absence, brachyurism, tail that curls over the back.
- Coat color : the white surpasses 1/5 of the total area.
- Skin : total depigmentation at the edge of the lips.
Any dog showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified..
Males should have two normal-appearing testicles., fully descended into the scrotum.
Source: F.C.I - International Cynological FederationAlternative names:
1. Bergamasco Shepherd Dog, Bergamasco Sheepdog, Bergamasco (English).
2. Cane da pastore bergamasco (French).
3. Cane da pastore Bergamasco (German).
4. (em italiano: Cane de pastore Bergamasco) (Portuguese).
5. Pastor de Bergamasco (español).