▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Australian Shepherd
Estados Unidos FCI 342 - Sheepdogs

Pastor australiano

The Australian Shepherd It has a stable temperament and is good in nature.



The Australian Shepherd It is a breed of dog of grazing which has developed on ranches in the West of United States. despite its name, the race, did not originate in Australia. It acquired its name because some of the dogs, Australian Shepherds arrived in United States with shipments of Australian sheep.

Race gradually rose in popularity with the rise of the riding following the first world war western. For many years, the Australian Shepherd, has been dog valued by farmers for its versatility and capacity of training inherent. The race has gained recognition, with its training capacity and the desire to please, and are highly respected for his skills in obedience. They became known to the general public through roundups, horse shows, and through Disney made-for-TV movies.

Physical characteristics

The Australian Shepherd is a dog from medium-sized and solid construction, known for its natural 'bob' or amputated tail. He is an active breed of grazing, generally very good with pets and other well-known people, but they can be reserved with strangers. They are not a fair race, tender, who prefer the company of their owners.

Its mantle is double layer, and the colors are black, red (sometimes called the liver), tricolor (black marble, White and grey), and the Red merle (red marble, White and beige), each of these colors may also have copper and / or white spots in various combinations in the face, the chest and legs.

The wide variety of color combinations comes from the interaction between the color of one allele, that is recessive, dominant or red black color, and the dominant allele marble. Together, They provide the color of the fur, and they can appear in any combination:

Negro, with spot color fire and / or white markings on the face, neck, legs, chest, belly. Copies of a black are equally valid as the Tan and / or white.

Red (liver), with or without points bronze and / or white markings on the face, neck, legs, chest, belly. White or Brown points are required.

Blue Merle (a mottled patchwork of black and grey) with or without stain color fire and / or white markings on the face, neck, legs, chest, belly.

Red Merle (a variegated mosaic of cream and liver red) with or without stain color fire and / or white markings on the face, neck, legs, chest, belly.

There is also great variety in the color of the eyes australian shepherd, they can be of any color or shade of brown or blue, You can have two different colored eyes, or even have "split" or bicolor eyes (for example, Brown half, Blue half).

Character and skills

The race is usually is highly energetic, they require a large amount of exercise, education and care. The Australian Shepherd is playful, that is why it is good that training included days of games.

Like all races work, the Australian Shepherd you have considerable energy that you need to expend, therefore, need a job to do. Often stands in canine sports, such as agility, the flyball and the Frisbee . As well, are good as rescue dogs, disaster dogs, detection dogs, guide, service and therapy dogs.

They are very loyal to their owners, and they are grateful when they receive a good deal, and love. Because the breed was developed to serve at the ranch, a work that includes being protective of its property, usually always alert and slope of the movements of the environment.

The Australian Shepherd, is a dog Intelligent, learn quickly and loves to play. It is important that whoever assumes the responsibility of having such a dog, values that detail, because if you do not receive the necessary daily exercise, When they get bored they can become very destructive.

They require a minimum of 2 or 3 game hours per day, exercise and attention. They need space to run and play, If living in an urban environment.

It is a hardy breed that, It can live in a wide variety of terrain. For this reason they are a very popular choice for Trail dogs and working dogs.

Australian Shepherd Dog Health

All dogs have the potential to develop genetic health problems, just as all people have the potential to inherit a particular disease. Run, do not walk, from any breeder that does not offer a health guarantee on puppies, to tell you that the breed is 100 percent healthy and has no known problems, or tell you that your puppies are isolated from the main part of the home for health reasons. A reputable breeder will be honest and open about the breed's health problems and the incidence with which they occur in their lines..

The australian shepherds they are generally healthy dogs, but they can develop certain health problems, including hip dysplasia, various eye diseases, sensitivity to certain drugs and epilepsy. Here is a brief summary of what you should know.

The hip dysplasia is a genetic malformation of the hip socket. Dogs with hip dysplasia may appear perfectly normal, but because the head of the thigh bone does not fit properly in the hip socket, over time the cartilage on the surface of the bone begins to wear down. Constant inflammation leads to arthritis.

The Australians can be affected by a number of genetic eye problems. These include colobomas, in which part of the structure of the eye is missing. They can also suffer from different types of cataracts, progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) and retinal detachment. Another eye problem is persistent pupillary membrane, tiny threads of fetal tissue crossing over the iris. Australians are also among the races that can be affected by the Anomaly of the Collie Eye, a group of eye disorders ranging from mild to severe.

But, eye disease screening doesn't end with parents. All puppies should be examined by an ophthalmologist after six weeks of age and before you bring them home.. You should continue to have a veterinary ophthalmologist examine your eyes annually..

The Australians are also one of the breeds that can be affected by Multiple Drug Sensitivity (MDS). Dogs with MDS can have fatal reactions to a number of common veterinary medications., including preventive ivermectin against heartworm. Detection of these diseases not only in the parents of the puppy, but also in the dog, it's a life-saving need. The test is very simple and only requires a cheek smear.; information on how to test your dog is available here.

The epilepsy also occurs in the breed, but there is currently no screening test for seizure disorders in Australian Shepherds. A good breeder will be able to discuss the prevalence of all health problems, those who have and those without genetic testing, in the lines of their dogs, and help puppy buyers make an informed decision about your dog's health risks.

Not all of these conditions are detectable on a growing puppy, and it is impossible to predict whether an animal will be free from these evils, so you need to find a reputable breeder who is committed to raising the healthiest animals possible. Must be able to produce independent certification that the dog's parents (and grandparents, etc.) have been examined for common defects and considered healthy for breeding. That's where health records come in..

Careful breeders screen their breeding dogs for genetic diseases and breed only the healthiest, best-looking specimens., but sometimes mother nature has other ideas and a puppy develops one of these diseases despite good husbandry practices. Advances in veterinary medicine mean that in most cases dogs can still live a good life. If you are going to have a puppy, ask the breeder about the ages of the dogs in their lines and what they died of.

Remember that after you have welcomed a new puppy into your home, has the power to protect you from one of the most common health problems: the obesity. Keep a Australian Shepherd with a proper weight is one of the easiest ways to prolong your life. Make the most of your preventive skills to help ensure a healthier dog for life.

Grooming of the "Australian Shepherd"

The Australian Shepherd he has a lot of hair and his grooming needs may seem daunting, but taking care of it is not as much work as you might think. Brush your coat regularly to remove dead hair that would otherwise fall on your clothing and furniture.

Frequent brushing, hot baths and thorough drying during molting time, Spring and autumn, will help keep handfuls of hair under control. Outside the molting season, bathe the Australian only when it gets dirty.

The rest is basic care. Active Australian Shepherds often wear down their nails naturally, but it's a good idea to check them weekly to see if they need a cut. Otherwise, just keep your ears clean and brush your teeth frequently for general good health and fresh breath.

Characteristics "Australian Shepherd"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Australian Shepherd" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

Adaptation ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

friendly dog ​​ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

hair loss ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection level ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for exercise ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Social need ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Home ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Toilet ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendly with strangers ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

barking ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Health ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Territorial ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Cat friendly ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Intelligence ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Versatility ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Child friendly ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Surveillance ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

joy ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Images of the «Australian Shepherd»

«Australian Shepherd» Videos

Type and recognitions:

  • FCI CLASSIFICATION:Group –> Herding dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs)
    / Section –> Sheepdogs. Without working trial.
  • FCI 342


  • FCI – Group 1 Herding dogs, Section 1 Sheepdogs
  • ANKC – Group 5 (working dogs)
  • CKC – Group 7 – Herding dogs
  • ​KC – Pastoral
  • NZKC – Working dog
  • UKC – Herding dogs

FCI breed standard Australian Shepherd

FCIFCI - Australian Shepherd

Alternative names:

1. Aussie (English).
2. Australian Shepherd (French).
3. Australian Shepherd (German).
4. Aussie (Portuguese).
5. Pastor ovejero australiano, Perro de pastor australiano (español).

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Pyrenean Shepherd
Francia FCI 141 - 138 . Sheepdogs

Pastor de los Pirineos

The Pyrenean Shepherd It is capable of detecting mood of each Member of the family.



The Pyrenean Shepherd is a breed of dog originating in France monitoring pastor, consists of two different varieties: the Pyrenean Shepherd Long Hair and the Smooth-faced Pyrenean Shepherd.

This breed of dog is very old, the oldest dog is French pastors, but in reality, its origins are unknown.

Its origin and its history is supposed to be the same, than the other dogs of pastor European descendants of Asian dogs.

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▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Shetland Sheepdog
Escocia FCI 88 . Sheepdogs.

Shetland Sheepdog

The Shetland Sheepdog it's really friendly, lovely with children, intelligent and loyal.



In the 19th century, in the North Shetland Islands of Scotland, the ancestors of Shetland Sheepdog, often called Sheltie, they helped the flocks of sheep and sounded the alarm when strangers approached their farm.

But, the exact origins of this dog are as obscure as the mist that covers its homeland. Its resemblance to him Rough Collie supports the theory that it descends from these dogs, believed to have been imported from Scotland. But, Colleys breeders and various specialists refute this claim.

For them, the Sheltie would have developed in isolation on these islands, and would be the result of different crosses. The races most frequently cited as contributors to its creation are the Icelandic Sheepdog, the Yakki de Groenlandia (an extinct race), the Cavalier King Charles spaniel, the Pomeranian and the Border Collie.

In any case, at the beginning of the 20th century it was often crossed Rough Collie, which reinforced the resemblance between the two races.

What is certain is that its small size was the result of the most rational selection work. Al igual que el «Poni de Shetland», known for its miniature size, locals gave preference to animals that needed little food, a rare commodity in this difficult region.

Although the Shetland Sheepdog it was especially appreciated in its native islands for its qualities of a sheepdog and alert, it was mainly her appearance that got her out of there. Visitors to England in the late 19th century were delighted with the small size and texture of the dog's coat. Shetland Sheepdog, and soon they wanted to take something home, which they did. Soon, some locals decided to start breeding for export, selecting breeders for height and coat. More and more individuals set out to conquer Britain and then the rest of the world. But, there were neither breed standards nor consultations between the different breeders, so the race developed in directions sometimes very distant from each other.

Things changed after the official recognition in 1909 by the Kennel Club, the leading organization in Great Britain. The name chosen was simply the name by which the dog had been known until then., the Shetland Sheepdog. This recognition helped to stabilize the breed by establishing a well-defined framework in which the different breeders had to work..

But, the chosen name was not to the liking of the colleys breeders, who pressured them and won their case in 1914: then it was officially renamed as Shetland Sheepdog.

In the meantime, the first specimens had reached the United States and, already in 1911, the American Kennel Club (AKC) also accepted it. Was not up 1948 that the United Kennel Club (UKC), the other reference organization in the United States, he did the same. It was followed by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) in 1954, as well as by all other important institutions, including the Canadian Kennel Club (CCC).

Although the Shetland Sheepdog is now common worldwide, paradoxically it has become rare on its home island, where it has been replaced by the Border Collie for grazing.

This decline can also be seen in the rest of Britain. These may include, Annual Kennel Club enrollments have dropped from more than 1300 less than 800 in less than a decade.

The phenomenon is also occurring in the United States, where he now occupies the position 25 (of a little less than 200) on the AKC popularity rankings, based on the annual number of people registered in the organization. In other words, has lost a lot of ground compared to the decades of 1980 and 1990, in which he was almost constantly among the 10 first, reaching a maximum of 40.000 records in 1993. The fall is slow but steady, since at the beginning of 2010, was still in the 20 first positions.

La raza «Padre» del Shetland Sheepdog o “Sheltie” as they are often nicknamed, they are the Border Collie.

Physical characteristics

The Sheltie they have a double mantle, What makes this breed peleche much more than other dogs. Long hair covering the thick and soft layer base, is repellent to water, while the base layer provides relief from hot and cold.

There are three main colors: Sable, It ranges from the Golden to mahogany; Tri-color, formed by the black, White and Tan, and blue mirlo, composite grayscale, white, black and Tan.

black and white: it is less common but still acceptable.

Sand: the best-known color, dominates over other colors. The shadow Sabre, or mahogany can sometimes be confused with the Sheltie tricolor because of the large amount of dark shading in their coats. Another name for him Sheltie «sombreado», is trifactorado sable and white. This name comes from the mixture of a tricolor and a sable and white. Another acceptable but less common color is the Sable Blackbird., that it can sometimes be difficult to distinguish between the regular sable after puppyhood. The Sable merle has patches of dark brown on a light brown background compared to the black and grey blue Merle.

There are other two colors that are a bit rare, which are unacceptable in the ring. The White Color-headed (mayoría de blanco con la cabeza «normalmente» marcada), It is the product of two dogs crossed white facotrados. Double Merle, the product of the crossing of two Sheltie blue merle, they can be crossed but have a high incidence of deafness or blindness than other colors.

The ideal height at the cross, in males 37,5 cm.. The females. 35,5 cm.. One greater diversion of 2,5 cm above or below these measures is regarded as highly undesirable.

Character and skills

It is an excellent companion dog, highly loyal. It is joyful, intelligent and always ready to obey. The Sheltie is love, loyal and affectionate with the family and of course, on the sidelines, with strangers; for this reason the Sheltie must be socialized. Some may be very reserved. This breed gets along very well with children if they are raised with them from a young age.; However, its small size makes it easy for a child to accidentally harm them, This monitoring is necessary. Well consider bringing an adult Sheltie for a House with young children, they may not be compatible.

Some Sheltie tend to show a similar to a Terrier personality that tends to be hyperactive, and always ready, However this temperament is not sanctioned in the breed standard. Some may be shy, but this temperament is specifically discouraged by the standard. The trend towards shyness, It can be reduced with proper socialization. The average Sheltie is an excellent watch dog, giving alarm barks when a person is at the door or pass a car on the street.

The herding instinct is strong in many Sheltie. Love to chase and pasture including, squirrels, ducks, pigeons and children. The Sheltie love run in large open areas.

They normally love to play. They are better with a sensitive owner, but firm. The Sheltie is, first and foremost, a smart pastor and love to keep them busy, Although his level of activity, usually, It coincides with the level of its owner. As they are very intelligent, they are highly trainable. Lack of exercise and intellectual stimulation, It can lead to undesirable behaviors, including excessive barking, phobias and nervousness. Fortunately the annoying behaviors may decrease largely by an hour of exercise to make the dog with its owner.

in your category, the breed dominates Dog Agility competition. They also look at obedience competition, Flyball, Grazing, Tracking and proof of talent.

It is a very intelligent dog, according to Dr.. Stanley city, expert on animal intelligence. The Sheltie is one of the brightest dogs occupying the position number 6 in the Ranking of 132 evaluated races. His research determined that an average Sheltie could understand a new command in less than 5 repetitions and would obey the command the first time the 95% of the times or more.


Similar to the Rough Collie, There is a tendency to inherit malformations and diseases in the eye. Each puppy should have his eyes examined by a qualified eye veterinarian. Some lines may be susceptible to hypothyroidism, epilepsy, Hip Dysplasia, or skin allergies. The life expectancy of the Sheltie is between 10 and 15 years, Although some in some it may be more, and in others may be less.

Von Willebrand disease is an inherited bleeding disorder. The Sheltie breed, affected dogs, as a general rule, they do not live long. The Sheltie carry type III Von Willebrand, which, It is the most severe of the three levels. There are DNA tests that were developed to find the disease in dogs Sheltie. It can be done at any age and will showcase one of the following results: affected, carrier or affected not. The Sheltie may also suffer from hypothyroidism, It is the low functioning of the thyroid gland. Clinical symptoms include, loss of hair, on low weight and faintness.

Although small breed dogs are unlikely to be affected by hip dysplasia, It has been identified in some specimens of Sheltie. Occurs when the head of the femur and the acetabulum do not fit correctly, This causes pain and/or lameness. Hip Dysplasia is thought to be genetic; Many breeders sent to test their dogs to certify that they are free from this.

Characteristics "Shetland Sheepdog"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Shetland Sheepdog" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

Adaptation ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

friendly dog ​​ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

hair loss ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection level ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for exercise ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Social need ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Home ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Toilet ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendly with strangers ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

barking ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Health ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Territorial ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Cat friendly ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Intelligence ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Versatility ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Child friendly ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Surveillance ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

joy ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Type and recognitions:

  • Group :
  • Section : . .


  • FCI – Group 1 Herding dogs, Section 1 Sheepdogs
  • ANKC – Group 5 (Working dogs)
  • CKC – Group 5 (Pastoral)
  • ​KC – Pastoral
  • NZKC – Work
  • UKCScenthounds

FCI breed standard "Shetland Sheepdog"

Scotland, United Kingdom

Date of publication of the valid original standard:


Shepherd dog

General appearance:

The Shetland Sheepdog is a small-sized, long-haired working dog, Of great beauty, no signs of heaviness or coarseness, free and graceful action. Its structure must be symmetrical so that no part of its body appears disproportionate.
The fur, very abundant mane and bib, the beauty of the head and the sweetness of the expression combine to present the ideal specimen.

The skull and muzzle must be the same length, the balance point being the internal angle of the eye.
Slightly longer from point of shoulder to point of croup than height at withers.

Behavior / temperament:

It is an alert dog, delicate, Intelligent, strong and active. Affectionate and loyal to his master, reserved with strangers, but never nervous.


The head should be refined and elegant without exaggeration; viewed from above or from the side should be in the shape of a long truncated wedge, that is refined from the ears to the truffle. Width and depth of the skull must be proportionate to its length and the length of the muzzle. It should be considered in conjunction with the size of the dog.

Cranial region:
  • Skull : Flattened, moderately wide between the ears, without showing any occipital protuberance. La línea superior del cráneo es paralela a – la línea superior del hocico.
  • Depression links ( Stop) : Light, but defined.

facial region:

La expresión característica se obtiene de la perfecta armonía y combinación del cráneo y el hocico, of the form, the color and placement of your eyes and the correct position and bearing of your ears.

  • Truffle : black.
  • Snout : Well rounded.
  • Lips : Blacks, firm.
  • Jaws / teeth : Jaws of equal length, net and strong, well developed lower jaw. Healthy teeth with perfect scissor bite, regular and complete, that is to say that the internal face of the maxillary incisors is in close contact with the outer side of the lower incisors and placed at right angles to the jaws. It is highly desirable that the denture contains 42 properly placed teeth.
  • Cheeks : Flat, bind gently with the muzzle.
  • Eyes : Are medium-sized, almond shaped and placed in an oblique position. Color should be dark brown, except in the case of merle specimens, in which one or both eyes may be blue or streaked blue. The rims of the eyes should be black.
  • Ears : Small, moderately wide at the base, placed fairly close to each other at the top of the skull. When the dog is at rest, they are thrown back; cuando esté atento las trae hacia adelante y las lleva semi erguidas con las puntas caídas hacia adelante.


Muscular and well arched, long enough to wear your head proudly.


  • Back : Straight, with a delicate curvature.
  • Rump : Gradually descends towards the hind limbs.
  • Breast : Deep, descends to the elbows. The ribs are well sprung, but taper in the lower half to allow free movement of the forelimbs and shoulders.


Has a low implantation, vertebrae gradually decrease in size towards the tip, which reaches at least the hocks. It is provided with abundant hair and has a slight upward curvature. When the dog is moving it can be carried slightly raised, but never on the back and curled.



Forelimbs appear straight when viewed from the front; they are muscular and well proportioned with strong but not heavy bone.

  • Shoulder : The shoulder blades should be tilted, separados en la región de la cruz únicamente por las vértebras, and should slope outward to allow for the desired bowing of the ribs. The shoulder joint must be well angulated.
  • Arm : Arm and scapula should be approximately the same length.
  • Elbows : La articulación húmero-radio-cubital (elbow) is equidistant from the ground to the region of the cross.
  • Metacarpus : Strong and flexible.


  • Thigh : Wide and muscular; the femur should join the pelvis at a right angle.
  • Knee : The femoro-tibio-patellar joint must have a marked angulation.
  • Hock : crisp, angled, well descended. With strong bones. Viewed from behind they should be straight.
  • Pies : Oval, with strong pads. Fingers arched and together.


De movimiento ágil, reunited and funny; con una impulsión dada por los miembros posteriores que abarque el máximo de extensión con el mínimo esfuerzo. Ambling movement is highly undesirable, march across the limbs, swinging the body, así como el movimiento rígido y con desplazamiento vertical importante.



  • The coat is double: the outer coat is long hair, rough and smooth. The undercoat is short haired, smooth and dense. The mane and chest have abundant hair. The forelimbs have abundant fringes. Hind limbs, on the hocks, they are covered with very abundant hair, while below them, the hair is shorter. The coat should accommodate the body and not dominate or change the shape of the dog. The hair on the face is short. Short-haired specimens are highly undesirable.


  • Cebellina : Light or dark. All shades are admitted, from pale gold to dark mahogany; but those tones must be of an intense tone. Wolf and gray colors are undesirable.
  • Tricolor : Intense black color on the body, and in them bright fire colored spots are preferred.
  • Blue Merle : Light silver blue, splashed or mottled with black. Deep tan stains are preferred, although its absence should not be penalized. Large black markings and slate or rust-colored markings on the outer or inner coat of hair are highly undesirable. The overall appearance should be blue.
  • Black and white and black and tan : They are also recognized colors.
    White spots may exist (except in the black and tan specimens) on the forehead, the collar and the sill, the chest, the limbs and the tip of the tail. All or some white spots are preferable (except in the black and tan specimens), but its absence should not be penalized. White spots on the body are highly undesirable.

Size and weight:

Ideal height at the withers :

  • Males : 37 cm.
  • females : 35,5 cm.

    One greater diversion of 2,5 cm above or below these measurements is considered highly undesirable.


Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered a fault, and the severity of this is considered in proportion to the degree of the deviation to the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog.


  • Aggressive or fearful dog.

Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified..


Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..
Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with the typical conformation of the breed, deberían usarse para la crianza.

TRANSLATION: Lic. Valverde Calvo (Costa Rica) and Jorge Nallem (Uruguay).
Information obtained fromhttps://www.fci.be/es/nomenclature/PERRO-PASTOR-DE-SHETLAND-88.html

Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

Alternative names:

1. Shetland Collie, Dwarf Scotch Shepherd, Sheltie (English).
2. Shetland, Sheltie (French).
3. Sheltie (German).
4. Sheltie (Portuguese).
5. Miniature Collie, Sheltie (español).

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Bélgica FCI 83 . Sheepdogs


The Schipperke is a happy dog, resistant, energetic, a skillful Hunter and good guardian.



The origins of the Schipperke they are very old. Already, In documents dating from the end of the 17th century, there is talk of a dog whose characteristics perfectly describe a specimen of Schipperke, who lived mainly with the midwives of the Saint Géey neighborhood of Brussels.

It is the typical dog of the shoemakers of that time that, In addition to making shoes, they used to organize very peculiar dog shows., Since that most importantly was not the aspect of canine copy but the necklace that had been, manufactured by hand by the shoemakers.

Some authors speak of a legend that, somehow describes a key feature of this dog.

Apparently, in one of those dog shows a zapatero not endured defeat and moved by the ira that it caused him to lose in an outburst was and cut off the tail to the winning dog.

But, against all odds the copy of the amputated tail was so successful that thereafter the amputation of the tail began to apply to all copies.

On behalf of the race comes from the Flemish, Schipperke means "little boatman". And the man was given because this dogs accompanied the archers that pass through the channel of Flanders, they were aboard the boats eliminate any small vermin that would cast and also performed guard duties, given that barked furiously to any strange.

With how small it is, it is a dog that has many typical characteristics of large breeds.

The Schipperke It is one of the smallest Spitz-type, with which it shares much similar. Among those breeds of medium to small size similar in appearance to the Schipperke, in different parts of the world we find the Wolfsspitz (Keeshond), Großspitz, Mittelspitz, Kleinspitz, Zwergspitz (Pomeranian), Samoyed, the Norwegian Elkhound, Volpino Italiano, Secular, Finnish Spitz, India Spitz, Japanese Spitz and the American Eskimo dog.

The Schipperke was first recognized as a standardized breed in the year 1880, but was formalized in the year 1889. Much of what is known of its origins and early history comes from Hunting and fishing, a Frenchman who wrote for the magazine «Hunting and fishing«, articles of which were translated into English and published by the English magazine «El Stockkeeper».

Physical characteristics

At first sight, the Schipperke looks like a Belgian Shepherd Groenendael miniature.

It is of a small dog, very elegant but well made and muscular. Its quite similar to a Fox head, with a broad forehead that narrows as the eyes approach.

There are two varieties, whose only distinction is the weight. In the smaller of 3 to 5 kg and the largest of 5 to 9 kg.

The snout It is sharp and has a pronounced stop. The ears are small, triangular and slightly separated.

The eyes they are brown in color and rather oval shaped. Its characteristic coat is made up of long, very black hair and is totally waterproof.. It is significantly longer in the collar area, horsehair, the bodice and back of legs.

The color The only one recognized by the FCI is the chestnut black. As they grow older, It is normal to be detected small of coloration forming a gray color in places such as the snout.

The puppies are born with tails in different lengths, and in Canada and the United States, the tail is usually docked the day after birth. In countries that have a ban on tail docking, the Schipperke they show off their natural tail, It falls curved over the back of the dog.

Character and skills

They are curious by nature and overflow with energy, they need enough exercise and good monitoring.

Known for his stubborn temperament, mischievous and stubborn, to the Schipperke it defines, times, As the "small black Fox«, he "Black Tasmanian Devil" or the "black devil«.

Proper training is important, because they are very intelligent and independent, and that coupled with the stubbornness… bad combination, they are what gives them the win. They are territorial, and they can not get along with other males.

The Schipperke has no particular health problems, they tend to live until the 17 or 18 years. But, inactivity, lack of exercise and overnutrition are very harmful, and can lead to problems in the joints, the bones and the conditions of the teeth, heart, lung or digestive system.

The regular weekly brushing is usually sufficient to keep the coat in good condition. No need to cut hair, they tend to move it several times a year (the females, more than males).


The Schipperke, is the ideal companion for lovers of horse-riding, post that usually develops in a natural way a very close relationship between this dog and horses.

It is also the dog ideal for excursions, Despite its small size it is tireless.

Characteristics "Schipperke"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Schipperke" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

Adaptation ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

friendly dog ​​ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

hair loss ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection level ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for exercise ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Social need ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Home ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Toilet ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendly with strangers ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

barking ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Health ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Territorial ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Cat friendly ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Intelligence ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Versatility ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Child friendly ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Surveillance ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

joy ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Images of the «Schipperke»

Videos del «Schipperke»

Type and recognitions:

  • Group :
  • Section : . .


  • Federations: FCI , AKC , ANKC , CKC , ​KC , NZKC , UKC

FCI breed standard "Schipperke"


Date of publication of the valid original standard:


Small guard and companion dog

General appearance:

Lupoide, the Schipperke is a small-sized shepherd, but of very solid construction. His head is cuneiform, well developed skull and relatively short snout. Your body is harmonious, short, quite wide and compact, but the limbs have fine bones. Its fur is very characteristic, very abundant and straight that forms a necklace, horsehair, bib and pants, which gives it its unique silhouette. Sexual dimorphism (sexual differentiation) is marked. Its morphology, as well as
its characteristics and its shepherd dog character, all this in a small size, explain their great popularity, that extends far beyond the Belgian borders.

  • The height at the withers is equal to the length of the body, is therefore a square-built dog.
  • The chest is well lowered to the level of the elbows.
  • The muzzle is visibly less long than half the length of the head.

Behavior / temperament:

An excellent little watchdog, exceptional "warning", overflowing with vitality, distant with strangers. Always in movement, agile, tireless, continually busy with what's going on around you, very aggressive when it comes to taking care of the objects that have been entrusted to him, very sweet with children, always curious to know what happens behind a door or an object that is going to be moved, betraying his impressions with his shrill voice, his mane and bristling dorsal hairs. He's a sniffer who hunts rats, moles and other vermin.


Form Lupoid, cuneiform, but not too long, and wide enough to be in harmony with the rest of the body. The supraorbital and zygomatic arches are moderately arched. The transition of the cranial region to the facial region is visible, but it is not very pronounced.

Cranial region:

Fairly broad forehead, drops into the eyes, profile view is slightly rounded. The upper lines of the skull and the nasal passage are parallel.

  • Depression front naso (Stop): Marked, but without exaggeration.

facial region:

  • Nose: Small, Truffle always black.
  • Snout: It is made more pointed towards the region of the truffle ; well chiseled, not very long, the tip is not truncated; the length is approximately 40% the total length of the head ; straight nose cane.
  • Lips: Blacks, well together.
  • Jaws/Teeth: Healthy and well implanted teeth. «Scissors bite». A "pincer" bite is accepted.. Complete denture, the dental formula for. The absence of one or two premolars is acceptable 1 (1 PM1 or 2 PM1) or a premolar 2 (1 PM2) and are not taken into consideration the molars 3 (M3).
  • Cheeks: Droughts, they blend smoothly with the sides of the snout.
  • Eyes: Dark brown in color, small, almendrada form, or sunk, or prominent ; the look is mischievous, intense and penetrating; the eyelids are lined in black.
  • Ears: Straight, very small, pointy, triangular (the more possible equilateralmente), set high, but not very close together, firm, excessively mobile.


Strong, powerfully muscular; It seems more bulky because of the abundant hairs on the collar. Is medium length, well loose, good sized, is more erect when the dog is attentive, with the slightly arched top margin.


Short and broad, therefore compact, but not too bulky or heavy, Ideally square (inscriptible in a box). So that, its length, from the tip of the shoulder to the tip of the buttock, It is approximately equal to the height at the withers.

  • top line: The top margin of the back and the spine is straight and taut, often it rises slightly from rump to cross.
  • Cross: Very sharp. It seems even more raised because of the mane.
  • Back: Short, straight and strong.
  • Pork loin: Short, broad and compact.
  • Rump: Short, wide and horizontal; the rear of the rump, and therefore the union between the rump and the tip of the buttock, It is harmoniously rounded, what is known as “guinea pig butt”.
  • Breast : Well descended to the level of the elbows; wide in front and behind the shoulders, so that, the ribs are well arched; profile, the front part of the chest (backsplash) is well prominent.
  • bottom line: The lower part of the chest is well descended, reaching to the elbows, upload lightly and harmoniously towards the belly, It is slightly raised, or pendant, or agalgado (withdrawn).


High implementation. Some dogs are born Anurans (completely tailless) or with rudimentary or incomplete queue (stump tail or short tail) and they may not be penalized by this. At rest, a natural tail (at least reaches the Hock) should preferably be dropped and can be raised in action, in the extension of the top line, but it is preferable that it does not exceed. Accepted the tail curled or carried on the back.


Thin bones that are well below the body.


  • As a whole: They are well aplomados seen from all angles, and they are perfectly parallel, seen from the front; its length, from the ground up to the elbows, It is almost equal to the half of the height at the withers.
  • Shoulder: Long and well oblique, the angulation of the shoulder is normal.
  • Arms: Long and enough oblique.
  • Elbows: Firms, or peeled, or together.
  • forearms : Straight, seen from the front are quite separate.
  • Carpi (dolls): Smooth and firm.
  • Metacarpus: Rather short. Seen from the front, in straight prolongation of the forearms, profile, at least very slightly inclined.
  • Previous feet: Small, round and together (« cat's foot »); the arched toes; short nails, strong and always black.


  • As a whole: They must be under body, and be perfectly parallel, seen from the back.
  • Thighs: Long, very muscular. They seem to be wider due to the dense pants.
  • Knee: Approximately in composure with the rump; the angle of the knee is normal.
  • Legs: Approximately of the same length as the thighs.
  • Hocks: good angulation, without exaggeration.
  • Metatarsals: Rather short; the presence of spurs is not desirable.
  • Hind feet: As the front or a little bit longer than.


At a trot, the movements are elastic, firm, with median amplitude, a good boost of the hind, the back stays horizontal and members move in parallel ; The movement of the forelimbs must be in harmony with that of the hindlimbs and the elbows must not separate. At a higher rate, Members converge.


  • SKIN: Tight all over the body.
  • Fur: The outer layer of hair is abundant, dense, straight, enough hard, of fairly firm texture, therefore, is dry and sturdy to the touch, and shape with the inner layer of hair, It is soft and dense, excellent protection. Hair is short on the ears and short on the head, the front of the previous members, hocks and rear cannons. On the body, the hair is medium length and glued.

Around the neck the hair is much longer and more separate, starting at the outside edge of the ears, forming, especially in the male, but also in the female, a wide and very typical «necklace» (long hairs around the neck, on each side stem), a "mane" (long hairs on the upper region of the neck, that extend even over the cross and even the shoulders) and a "bib" (long hairs on the lower region of the neck and the front of the chest (backsplash), that spread between the forelimbs and are progressively completed under the breast). On the back of the thighs, long and abundant hairs, that cover the anal region and whose tips are directed inward in a very typical way, they form the «trousers». The tail is adorned with a hair of the same length as the body hair.

  • Color: Negro backpack. The inner layer of hair should not be absolutely black, but it can be also dark gray if it is covered entirely by the outer layer of hair. Are accepted a little gray due to age, for example on the snout.

Size and weight:

Weight: Of 3 to 9 kg. Looking for an average weight of 4 to 7 kg.


Any deviation from the above mentioned criteria is considered an absence and severity of this refers to the degree of deviation to the standard and its impact on the health and welfare of the dog.

General appearance: Heavy, lack of substance; paticorto patilargo ; elongated body, rectangular (inscriptible in a rectangle).
Head: Too long or too short. Lines of the skull and nasal cannula that are not parallel; appearance of Fox; very outgoing supraorbital or zygomatic arches.

  • Cranial region: Too narrow, very rounded or arched front (“apple-shaped”).
  • Snout: Very long, gripper; thick, truncated; convex nose cane (Roman).
  • Teeth: Misaligned or poorly implemented incisors.
  • Eyes: Large, round or prominent, color clear (the color "hazelnut" is still accepted).


  • Breast : Strait, plane, cylindrical; not enough descended.
  • Rump: Long, inclined, about-high; interrupted curvature of the back edge (transition grupa-parte back of thighs).
  • Members: Too little or too much angled members.
  • Movement: Cerrado, very short strides, with very little momentum, bad transmission in the back (when the dorsal line does not remain correct in action), movement raised the forelimbs or hopping in the subsequent.


  • Fur: Too short (Satin), too long, little, soft or silky, wavy, very close to the body or too pendant; very little or no necklace, horsehair, breast or trouser (more serious is lacking in the male, especially the absence of necklace). Lack of hair on the bottom layer.
  • Color: Grey reflections, Brown or reddish in the upper layer of hair. Some occasional white hairs on the toes.

Character: Apathetic or shy dog.


  • Teeth: Absence of an incisor (1 I), three premolars 1 (3 PM1), or two premolars 2 (2 PM2).


  • Aggressive or fearful dog.
  • Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified..
  • Lack of racial.
  • Upper prognathism; lower prognathism, even without loss of contact (inverted articulation) ; Cross occlusion ; crooked mouth ; absence of a canine (1 C), a tooth top butcher (1 PM4) or lower (1 M1) or a molar (1 M1, or 1 M2, except for the M3), of a premolar 4 (Lower PM4), of a premolar 3 (1 PM3) and another tooth, or four teeth in total or more (except the four premolars 1).
  • Depigmentation of the nose, the lips and eyelids.
  • Hanging ears or semi erect.
  • Long and soft or silky hair, therefore a coat evidently of the "long hair" type; long ear hair fringes, on the back of the members, etc.; total absence of an inner layer of hair.
  • Color: Top coat of any color that is not black (except for the gray reflections, brownish or reddish) or with very small white spots, still in the fingers.
  • Weight clearly outside the prescribed limits.


Males must have two normal-appearing testicles completely descended into the scrotum..

TRANSLATION: IRIS Carrillo (Puerto Rico Kennel Federation). Reviewed by Dr. Robert Pollet.

Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

Alternative names:

1. Spitske (English).
2. Spitske (French).
3. [Aussprache: ˈsxɪpərkə] (German).
4. Skip, Schip, Spitske (Portuguese).
5. Spitzke, Pequeño barquero (español).

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Hungría FCI 56 - Sheepdogs.


The Pumi is a rustic dog, docile, independent and very protective with their own.



The Pumi It is a herding dog size medium of the Terrier group, originally from Hungary.

The Pumi has been used as a "general farm dog", in grazing sheep not only, but also cows and pigs, and also for catching small rodents. Originated from the 17TH and 18th century, When the grazing done by dogs Terrier, brought to Hungary from Germany and France, it was common. These Terrier-type dogs, they were mixed with native Hungarian sheepdogs, and the result of such crossing gave rise to the sympathetic current Pumi, It is a dog of Terrier blood but with the heart of dog. He was raised as a working dog, an autonomous and free animal.

Read more

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog
Rumanía FCI 350 - Sheepdogs

Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog

The Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog is slightly more sensitive and less independent than other guard dog breeds



The “Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog”, also known as Carpatin (of his original name Ciobanesc Romanesc Carpatin), He is native to Romania, more precisely from the Danube Delta.

It is said to be descended from the Lupo races – molosoides, comparable in size to ancient mastiffs, but with a morphology closer to that of the wolf, and that has been used to protect herds for more than 9.000 years, that is to say, since the beginning of the domestication of cattle in this region.

Legend has it that their ancestors, to whom he is physically very close, they interbred naturally with wolves, resulting in a powerful and fearsome race. Although there is no irrefutable evidence, such hybridizations between dog and wolf are known to have in fact occurred in various regions of the world, what makes this theory plausible.

Often hunting in packs, nothing stops this dog with his courage and unerring protective instinct. There have even been cases where a herd of Carpathian shepherds has been seen repelled by an adult bear. The Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog has been selected over the centuries with the main criterion of utility, which explains why it has kept its herding dog qualities intact to this day, especially since Romania still has many predators on its territory, including wolves and bears. Over the years, they have also become increasingly integrated into the family as guard dogs; very protective of their master, it's a role they play wonderfully.

The first breed standard was developed in Romania in 1934. After the fall of communism in 1989, a few passionate breeders of the Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog developed the breed so that its standard could meet the criteria of the Fédération Cynologique Internationale. Their efforts paid off, since the latter finally recognized it provisionally in 2005, and then definitely ten years later, in 2015. Among the other large canine organisms, the Société Centrale Canine and the United Kennel Club also recognize the Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog, what is not the case with the American Kennel Club, the Canadian Kennel Club or the Kennel Club, the leading organization in Great Britain.

Although they are increasingly known and appreciated in the rest of the world, the Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog still quite rare outside of its home country. On the other hand, still very popular in Romania, where it is used as a herding dog and as a guard and companion dog.

Photo: Possibly Carpathian sheepdog or Bucovina sheepdog by Alex Zelenko, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Physical characteristics

The Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog he is a large dog with an impressive physique.

The body is rectangular, vigorous and well developed, without heaviness. Its length is greater than the height at the withers, and the lumbar region may be slightly longer in females than in males.

The tail is held high, reaching or slightly exceeding the point of the hock. With abundant hair, hangs at rest but is carried high and slightly curved in action. It is neither flat nor rolled in the back.

The head is strong but not heavy, of type lupoid, with a stop moderately marked. The nose is always black, big and wide. The scissor bite is powerful. The eyes are medium in size, almendrada form, dark brown. The ears, located slightly above the eye line, they are triangular in shape, a little rounded at the tip, and fall close to the cheeks.

The inner layer is dense and flexible, color clear, but the hair is rough, smooth and dense. It is shorter and flatter on the head and front of the legs, longer in the neck, the back of the legs and tail. It is abundant and of medium length in the rest of the body. The fur is sable (Wolf) with white markings, and the skin is ash colored.

Character and skills

The Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog is balanced, calm and brave. They are innate herding dogs with a very strong protective instinct, with an unconditional attachment to his flock and a closeness to his master and family that is far greater than that of most other watchdog breeds.

This protective instinct makes them mistrust strangers. In the presence of a stranger, will come between him and his family and bark as a warning, until his master makes him understand that there is no danger.

But, due to its friendlier temperament than the average of other guard dog breeds, It is also an excellent companion dog.. As a breed of dog adapted to children, he is very gentle with them and is a great playmate for them. Regarding the cohabitation of the dog with the cat, generally goes well. Last, the fact that they have long gotten used to defending themselves and working in packs also explains why they generally manage to get along with their peers, although they can be dominant with them.

Although it suits all families quite well, this large, energetic dog needs plenty of exercise and play to maintain his mental balance and physical health. So, better suited to a family that likes to move, and thus you can enjoy hiking with your dog (dogs-rando), from running with your dog (canicross) or cycling with your dog (cani-mountain biking). To feel completely fine, need at least an hour of daily exercise.

So, not at all suitable for use in an apartment: too small a space and insufficient physical exercise could cause behavioral disorders in the dog, including uncontrolled aggression (even towards their owners) and / or destructive behavior on the part of the dog. This is all the more true since the Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog is slightly more sensitive and less independent than other guard dog breeds; therefore shows more anxiety in case of prolonged loneliness, especially if you are indoors with nothing to do to keep busy. So, the ideal home for him is one with a large enclosed garden where he can run, and a master who is available to play with his dog and walk him for long hours.

Education «Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog»

Although the Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog it is a calm and balanced dog that is easier to train than other guard dog breeds, needs a strong education to start at an early age, since it has a strong character. It is imperative that the owner immediately show his dog who the master is and impose his authority, at the risk of seeing his partner with his impressive physique take control.

Of course, firm does not mean brutal. Positive dog training, with incentives and rewards, is always the best way to earn respect and obedience. Purely authoritarian training would only lead to confrontation with this willfully dominant dog..

Health «Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog»

Although there have been cases of hip dysplasia or eye problems in some individuals, the Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog it is a robust breed of dog, able to stay outdoors in inclement weather without being unduly hindered and, In addition, does not have a congenital predisposition to certain pathologies.

So, daily exercise and a balanced diet are enough to keep the dog healthy, vigorous and toned.

But, care must be taken not to give too large a portion of food before physical exertion: like all big breeds, is particularly exposed to the risk of stomach dilation-torsion.

Grooming «Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog»

Although the Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog has a long fur, rarely needs professional grooming. But, it is recommended to brush the dog's hair daily with a wire brush or detangler, especially during the molting period.

If you spend most of your time outdoors, it is recommended to wash your dog once a month. But, if you stay inside, a dog bath every three to four months is sufficient.

On the other hand, it is important to regularly examine and clean the dog's ears, as for all dogs with floppy ears. A buildup of earwax or bacteria could lead to infections, like ear infections.

It also, as in all races, brushing your dog's teeth at regular intervals is essential to avoid tartar problems. Ideally, you should be able to do this two to three times a week..

Finally, how often a dog's claws are trimmed depends on its level of activity. It is best to inspect them from time to time and trim them if necessary.

Characteristics "Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

Adaptation ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

friendly dog ​​ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

hair loss ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection level ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for exercise ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Social need ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Home ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Toilet ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendly with strangers ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

barking ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Health ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Territorial ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Cat friendly ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Intelligence ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Versatility ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Child friendly ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Surveillance ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

joy ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Images "Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog"

Carpathian Shepherd

Carpathian Shepherd


1 – «Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog» by https://pxhere.com/es/photo/1434185
2 – «Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog» by https://pxhere.com/es/photo/1625909

Videos "Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog"

Jeff the Carpathian Shepherd - 4 Weeks Residential Dog Training
Jeff the Carpathian Shepherd – 4 Weeks Residential Dog Training
Sanziana, a Carpathian Shepherd Dog baby girl
Sanziana, a Carpathian Shepherd Dog baby girl

Type and recognitions:

  • Group :
  • Section : . .


  • FCI – Group 1 Herding dogs, Section 1 Sheepdogs
  • UKC – Herding dogs

FCI breed standard "Romanian Carpathian Shepherd Dog"


Date of publication of the valid original standard:


Shepherd dog used by Romanian shepherds of the Carpathians for centuries to defend flocks and at the same time as an excellent guard dog

General appearance:

This is a pretty big dog, agile,never weighed, Its general appearance is that of a vigorous dog. His body is rectangular, the rump is wide, slightly tilted, the rib cage is wide and high, long, slightly sloping shoulders. Sexual dimorphism is well marked, males should be taller and larger than females.


  • The length of the skull is slightly greater than or equal to half the total length of the head.
  • The length of the body is always greater than the height at the withers. The lumbar region of females may be slightly longer.
  • The height of the chest corresponds to approximately half the height at the withers.

Behavior / temperament:

Innate and brave guardian, He stands out for his instinctive and unconditional affection towards the flocks and towards his master.. It is a dog with dignified behavior, quiet and balanced.


lupoid type.

Cranial region:
  • Cranial region: The Carpathian Shepherd is a mesocephalic dog, with a strong head, but not heavy. The forehead is wide and slightly bulging. The skull is wider between the ears and progressively decreases towards the naso-frontal depression.. The frontal furrow is quite long and sufficiently well marked.
  • Depression links: Moderate, never too marked, ni huidiza.

facial region:

  • Truffle:Grand, wide, always black.
  • Snout:Powerful, with an approximately oval profile, slightly truncated. The length of the snout is a little less than that of the skull or the maximum, equal.
  • Lips:Thick, well pigmented, well stretched, with a tightly closed commissure.
  • Jaws / Teeth:Strong jaws, solid and straight. The teeth are powerful; scissor joint, the incisor arches are slightly rounded.
  • Cheeks:Thin. Powerful maseteros, never outstanding. The skin is well stretched.
  • Eyes:Almond biscuits, slightly oblique, They are not too large in relation to the dimensions of the skull, its color is very dark. They are not even jumpy, nor are they sunk in the orbits. The eyelids are black and fit well into the shape of the eyeball..
  • Ears:Triangular, not too big, They appear a little higher than the eye line. They are stuck to the cheeks. The limb is slightly rounded.


Muscular, very powerful, medium length. Its angle is about 50° in relation to the horizontal..


Vigorous, well developed, slightly rectangular.

  • Top margin: Straight and firm.
  • Height to the cross: Bit strong.
  • Back: Medium length, straight, and solid and muscular.
  • Pork loin: Powerful, muscular, but not too wide. Of moderate length, not too long (the top margin is not firm), not too short.
  • Rump: Muscular and wide, medium length. Slightly inclined, never runs away.
  • Breast : Very wide, well developed and well inclined to the level of the elbows. solid ribs, well shaped, never barrel shaped.
  • Lower margin: Moderately ascending, raised abdomen, nor sunk, nor fallen.


It appears quite high, bushy, provided with abundant hair. During rest, appears low, straight or slightly saber-shaped, reaching the tip of the hock. When the dog is attentive or in action, It appears raised and can exceed the level of the back; It's not even stretched, nor twisted about it.



  • In general: Front or profile views, the forelimbs are plumb and perpendicular to the ground.
  • Shoulder: Solid, moderately inclined.
  • Elbows: Well attached to the body, they do not deviate even outwards, nor inward.
  • Forearm:Straight, very vigorous, with oval profile.
  • Metacarpus: Short, slightly inclined.
  • Previous foot: Oval, solid, compact.

LATER MEMBERS: Muscular, with solid bones and good angulations.

  • In general: They are leaden.
  • Thigh:Width, well muscled.
  • Legs: Powerful, muscular, medium length.
  • Hock: Solid, firm, not too high (determining an accentuation of the angulation of the stifle) not too inclined.
  • Metatarsus: Solid, vertical.
  • Rear foot: Oval, well developed and compact, slightly smaller than the previous one. Fingers arched and together. Any spurs must be removed, except in countries where this practice is prohibited by law. The plantar pads are elastic and resistant.


Loose, with a good range. The trot is vigorous and sustained. The limbs move in parallel planes.


  • Pigmented ash color. The truffle, the edge, of the eyelids and lips must be black. Ash or black nails are preferred.


  • Fur: Rough, dense and stretched. The undercoat is dense and soft. With the exception of the head and the inner surfaces of the extremities, where the hair is short and straight, the hair is abundant over the entire body, medium length. about the neck, the back of the limbs and on the tail, the hair is longer, its abundance being typical in these areas.
  • Color: carbon sand (dark bay) with different nuances, often lighter on the lateral parts and darker on the upper part of the trunk. carbon sand (dark bay) with white markings, preferably not very widespread.

Size and weight:

  • Height to the cross: Ideal: 65 – 73 cm in males. 59 – 67 cm in females. But, the general appearance is always the most important.
  • Weight: In proportion to the size, giving the impression of a powerful dog, but not heavy.


Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered as a fault and its seriousness is considered to the degree of the deviation to the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog.


  • Any deviation from the above that impairs the use.
  • Fragile or too heavy constitution.
  • Eyes that are too light in color.
  • Lower eyelids that are too hanging, exposing the eyeball.
  • Very full lips and hanging corners.
  • Significant pigmentation defects.
  • Excessive body length (more than 10%) and square body.


  • Aggressiveness or extreme shyness.
  • Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified..
  • apathetic dog.
  • Clearly atypical dog, similar in appearance to the molossoid.
  • Lack of a P3 and another tooth. Lack of a canine, of a P4, of a molar, or three or more teeth (except PM1y M3).
  • Upper or lower prognathism, pincer joint.
  • Very fine bones.
  • Rib cage that is not sufficiently developed.
  • Lack of an inner layer of hair, hair that is not short on the head and the front surfaces of the limbs.
  • Curly hair the griffon type, wire hair, Longhair, soft, silky, forming a clear separation on the midline of the body.
  • Considerable depigmentation of the eyelids, of the truffle, of the skin or lips. ocular heterochromia (different color eye).
  • Color: brown, mottled, yellow or with spots of these colors.
  • Adult dogs smaller than 62 cm in males and 58 cm in females.

  • Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..
  • Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with the typical conformation of the breed, should be used for parenting.

The latest changes are in bold.

Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

Alternative names:

1. Romanian Shepherd, Romanian Carpathian Shepherd, Carpathian Sheepdog (English).
2. Chien de berger des Carpathes (French).
3. Carpatin, Zavod (German).
4. (em romeno: Ciobănesc românesc carpatin) (Portuguese).
5. Carpatin, Pastor de los Cárpatos, Perro pastor de los Cárpatos (español).

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Gran Bretañaa Gales- FCI 39 . Sheepdogs

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is extremely intelligent, affectionate and possesses a great personality.

Corgi Galés de Pembroke


Characteristics "Pembroke Welsh Corgi"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed"Pembroke Welsh Corgi" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

Adaptation ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

friendly dog ​​ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

hair loss ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection level ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for exercise ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Social need ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Home ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Toilet ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendly with strangers ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

barking ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Health ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Territorial ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Cat friendly ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Intelligence ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Versatility ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Child friendly ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Surveillance ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

joy ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


The Pembroke Welsh Corgi (Corgi) It is a small dog native of Great Britain. He has served for centuries as a shepherd, still considered one of the oldest dogs of Great Britain. There is another Welsh race, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi of very similar characteristics, Although of larger size and long tail.

There are different theories about the origins of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. It is believed that the two varieties Corgi they are descended from the dog of the Visigoths who introduced the Vikings in Wales to 9th century. Or the Cardigan may be the oldest variety, introduced the Celts into Wales around the year 1200 (name Corgi proviene de la palabra celta «corgi» que significa «perro»).

According to other sources, the Pembroke variety was brought to Wales by Flemish weavers in the 12th century. Independently, What was the origin of the breed, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi was developed in Pembrokeshire) and it was used to guide cattle mordisqueando its paw and barking. The varieties Pembroke and Cardigan They interbred freely until the 1970s. 30. From then on, breeders attempted to emphasize their differences.

Another theory posits that the two varieties of Corgi have a common origin which is the cross between a Shetland Sheepdog and Sealyham terrier.

This race was used for grazing. The poor peasants of the time were allowed to pasture in the open fields of the Crown, this absence of fences put the cattle at risk of getting lost or dispersing and made a fast dog necessary, clever and who could move smoothly between the livestock. The Pembroke is this kind of dog, that pushes the cattle by the heels. His short height allowed him to run under cattle without being kicked.. It has evolved as a domestic animal, and it is the favorite breed of the English Royal family. It is a constant companion and an excellent guardian.

Physical characteristics

Although Cardigan Welsh Corgi and Pembroke they are relatives, his description of race is completely different. The Pembroke It is small in size, strong, robust Constitution, alert and active, It gives the impression of strength and stamina in a small body.

Head recalls by the shape and appearance to the Fox, with an expression alert and intelligent. The tail is short, preferably natural, When the puppies are not born rabones tail amputates almost completely.

The hair is fairly long and smooth, in various colors such as red, Jet, beige or black and Tan, usually with white spots, is a truly beautiful dog.

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi average has a height of 25 to 30 cm., unato length of 30 to 38 cm and a weight of 11 to 14 kg. Their life expectancy is of 12 to 14 years.


In England the Corgi de Pembroke is much more popular than Cardigan Welsh Corgi. Perhaps the most obvious reason for that popularity is that Pembroke is the favorite of the royal family, in particular of Queen Elizabeth II. Outside of England the Cardigan is still less known than the Corgi.

Character and skills

It is a very active dog, but the tendency to have them as pets in small homes reduces its activity. If this excesses are added in their food taken quickly to obesity.

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is extremely intelligent and loving, with a great personality, very active and worker. Very adaptable to the farms and also, It is a perfect companion dog for children if it is treated properly and barks only occasionally..


An average dog requires of 150 to 300 grams of balanced commercial feed per day. A fairly common feature of Corgi is their voracity, leading you to overeat which makes you feel like you are never full; You must limit your intake.


By the length of the spine are particularly sensitive to overweight which can produce osteoarthritis that reduces your life expectancy and the quality of the same.

This race also has a tendency to hip dysplasia (polygenetic origin), the falls, retinal dysplasia, von Willebrand disease and degenerative myelopathy.

Imágenes «Corgi Galés de Pembroke»

Videos «Corgi Galés de Pembroke»

Type and recognitions:

  • Group :
  • Section : . .


  • FCI – Group 1 Herding dogs, Section 1 Sheepdogs
  • ANKC – Group 5 (working dogs)
  • CKC – Group 7 – Herding dogs
  • ​KC – Pastoral
  • NZKC – Working dog
  • UKC – Herding dogs

FCI breed standard "Pembroke Welsh Corgi"

United Kingdom, Wales

Date of publication of the valid original standard:


Shepherd dog.

General appearance:

It is a small dog, strong, robust Constitution, alert and active, It gives the impression of strength and stamina in a small body.

important proportions:

The length of the muzzle should be 3/5 the length of the skull.

Behavior / temperament:

Sociable and friendly, never nervous or aggressive.


The head resembles that of the fox due to its shape and appearance, with an expression alert and intelligent.

Cranial region:
  • Skull: The skull is quite wide and flattened between the ears.
  • Depression links (Stop): Slightly marked.

facial region:

  • Truffle: black.
  • Snout: Narrowing slightly.
  • Jaws / Teeth: Must have strong jaws, with healthy teeth, complete and scissor bite, that is to say, that the internal face of the upper incisors is in contact with the external face of the lower incisors, and well positioned in the jaws.
  • Eyes: Well-placed, round, medium in size and brown in color that harmonizes with the mantle.
  • Ears: Medium-sized, upright and slightly rounded. Si se traza una línea recta desde la punta de la nariz pasando por medio de los ojos y se continua, debería atravesar la punta de las orejas o ser tangente a ella.


Moderately long.


The body is medium long, well sprung ribs, the lumbar region should not be short. Slightly tapered when viewed from above. Horizontal top line, the chest is broad and deep and well descended between the extremities.


Short, naturally preferable.
  • amputee: Short.
  • Without amputating: Insertada al mismo nivel que la línea superior, carried low, not curled on the back. Llevada en la misma línea que el dorso en movimiento, low at rest. Too high or too low insertion is undesirable.


Former members
  • Shoulder: Well bent backs, formando un ángulo de 90° con los brazos
  • Arms: Arms conform to the shape of the chest.
  • Elbows: The elbows close to the body, neither loose nor too tight.
  • forearms: Short forearms and as straight as possible. Strong skeleton in all its extension to the feet.
  • Previous feet: Oval; with strong fingers, well arched and together. The middle fingers slightly exceed the sides; the pads should be strong and well-rounded. Nails must be short.
Former members
  • General appearance: Strong and flexible. Short hindquarters with good bones all the way to the feet..
  • Knees: Well angulated.
  • Hocks: Seen from behind they should be parallel.
  • Hind feet: Oval; with strong fingers, well arched and together. The middle fingers slightly exceed the sides; the pads should be strong and well-rounded. The
    nails must be short.


Your movement must be lively and lively, elbows neither loose nor too close together. The forelimbs should be directed forward, without lifting them much, en armonía con la acción propulsora de las extremidades posteriores.


  • Fur :Medium long, smooth and with a dense undercoat. It should never be smooth, wavy or very hard (wire).
  • Color : Uniform colours: Red, carbonated leonado, black and tan, with or without white spots on the limbs, chest and neck. Small white spots are allowed on the head and forehead.

Size and weight:

Height to the cross:

Approximately between 25,4 and 30,5 cm..


  • Males: Among 10 and 12 kg.
  • females: Among 10 and 11 kg.


Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered as a fault and its severity is considered with respect to the degree of the deviation to the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog., and the dog's ability to perform its traditional task.

disqualifying fouls:

  • Aggressiveness or extreme shyness.
  • Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities.

  • Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
  • Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with the typical conformation of the breed, should be used for breeding.

The latest changes are in bold.

Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

Alternative names:

1. Pembroke, PWC, Pem, Corgi, Welsh Corgi (English).
2. Welsh Corgi Pembroke (French).
3. Welsh Corgi Pembroke (German).
4. Welsh Corgi Pembroke (Portuguese).
5. Welsh Corgi Pembroke (español).

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Australian Kelpie
Australia FCI 293 . Sheepdogs

Kelpie Australiano

The Kelpie is very smart, industrious and always alert.



The Australian Kelpie is a sheepdog developed around the decade of 1870 by Australian breeders by mixing several sheepdogs from Collie type imported directly from England. His goal was to develop a breed well adapted to Australian climatic conditions., especially to heat, and with enough independence to herd sheep and cows over a vast territory without too much supervision.

Until very recently, the race was also thought to be mixed with the Dingoes, australian wild dog, but recent genetic studies have shown otherwise. But, towards the end of the 19th century the Australian Kelpie also mixed with shorthaired Scottish Sheepdogs, giving it the features it has today.

The word Kelpie has its origin in Celtic mythology.. In fact, a Scottish legend mentions metamorphic spirits called kelpie, that appear most often in the form of a horse made of water, And that lurk in the rivers and lochs of Scotland. These malevolent spirits are meant to attract humans, especially to children and young people, to his death. It is unclear how the name came to be associated with this breed of dog.. But, the story that comes up most often, although it is not officially documented, is that of a Scottish breeder named George Robertson who, in 1872, it is said that he named Kelpie one of the first specimens of this breed; this name would simply have remained later to designate all the dogs of this breed.

Today, there are around of 450.000 sheepdogs in Australia, and most of them are Australian Kelpie. Since the decade of 1930, two types of Kelpie have been used in Australia: those used as working dogs and those used as show dogs. Show lines developed as the breed gained popularity in dog shows.. Having said that, in most other countries, this distinction doesn't really exist.

In any case, the Australian Kelpie has been exported to many countries. This is particularly true in the United States., where its great flexibility has allowed it to adapt to different climates and terrains, as well as working with different types of cattle.

Whether in Australia or anywhere else in the world, the Australian Kelpie has convinced by its versatility. In fact, not only is it an excellent sheepdog, both in real conditions and in sheepdog competitions, it can also be found in many other roles, like the police sniffer dog, therapy dog ​​or assistance dog for the blind.

Although not yet officially recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC), the Australian Kelpie is authorized from 2015 to participate in sheepdog competitions organized under the auspices of the organization. It is also not recognized in Great Britain by the Kennel Club.. On the other hand, the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) recognizes the breed from 1973.

Physical characteristics

The Australian Kelpie worker and the Australian Kelpie competitive look similar, although the latter is slightly smaller and slightly less thin. They are medium-sized dogs, very athletic and muscular that doesn't look heavy. Their characteristics give them great flexibility of movement and unlimited energy..

The australian kelpie are slightly longer than tall, what gives them a perfect body for running. They have a slim appearance, with a deep chest and long strong legs. One of its peculiarities is that it seems to make no effort when running., a bit like I'm flying, with its four legs that seem to touch the ground at the same time.

The Australian Kelpie has a slightly rounded skull with large, straight ears on top. The muzzle is conical, with a fairly small mouth and large teeth ready to chew. The eyes are oval in shape and in shades of dark brown.

The standards of Australian Kelpie established by the various organizations that recognize the breed allow a fairly wide range of coat colors. But, in the countries – like australia – where there is a distinction between lines of work and lines of exhibition, only a solid color layer is recognized for the latter. In fact, regardless of lineage, the Australian Kelpie is most often black or chocolate with red markings, blue-gray or beige.
His hair is of medium length and covers a fairly soft undercoat..

Character and skills

The Australian Kelpie not a suitable animal for all families. In fact, is an extremely intelligent and energetic dog that requires a lot of attention. Hates being alone, and must be strongly stimulated mentally and physically, through at least two hours of daily exercise. In fact, not at all a suitable breed of dog for an elderly or very sedentary person, but rather for a very active and sporty master, willing to do different activities with your dog. Excels in activities that require agility like Frisbee or agility competitions.

Like the vast majority of sheepdogs, to the Australian Kelpie he likes to be busy; you are never happier than when you have a task to do. Like this, in addition to the essential walks and / or races, it is recommended that each dog play with him or train him in various activities in which he must apply the instructions given by his master, what he does with great devotion and seemingly boundless energy.

Lack of stimulus would be a huge problem for the Australian Kelpie; if bored, can become destructive, disobedient and engaging in various other behaviors intended to combat boredom, whether or not it conforms to the rules of the home. These may include, can gnaw through various objects or make the garden look like a minefield by digging holes everywhere.

So, the Australian Kelpie he is not a sedentary dog ​​and can only be unhappy in a home that has little time and/or energy to give him. On the other hand, space is not necessarily a problem, as long as you get enough attention: can even cope with apartment living, whenever he has the opportunity to follow his master on excursions and activities, and thus be active daily.

Usually makes a good family dog, but you may be tempted to "play" the shepherd with the children or even with passing visitors. So, take special care with the youngest, as you may be tempted to nibble on your heels to get them back to where you feel they belong, or to encourage them to participate in an activity. With the Kelpie, the shepherd instinct is never far away.

The same goes for other pets, so it should be kept under surveillance if necessary. In any case, socializing him from a young age with other species can only be beneficial to prevent him from being mistaken for a herd once he is an adult.

It also, although they can get along with other dogs, generally prefer the company of humans to that of other dogs.

Although originally developed for life on the farm, the Australian Kelpie not a dog to leave outdoors, since he gets bored quickly if separated from his family. But, as they are used to operating independently without much instruction, want to be an integral part of family life and tend to act like a member of the family rather than a pet. As a result, he is also a sensitive dog who does not like to be excluded from family activities.

With a lot of frequency, owners who have not taken the trouble to inform themselves seriously before adoption end up abandoning their Australian Kelpie because it takes too much time and attention. The energetic character, Kelpie's need for activity and intelligence should be taken very seriously when it comes to choosing the breed of dog to adopt. In any case, when your needs are well cared for, he is a very nice and loyal companion.

Does not easily trust strangers and is very territorial, it is also a very good watchdog, very alert and vocal, that alerts as soon as it hears a strange noise. So, it is best to prevent strangers or even neighbors' pets from venturing into your territory, since it could be aggressive with them. The loud barking of the dog can also be problematic in an urban environment; if the dog is destined to live in the city, this is an aspect that should be particularly worked on as part of your education.

«Australian Kelpie» Education

The Australian Kelpie It is a breed of dog reserved for an experienced and very active owner. Either during training or after, it is important to give you clear and consistent rules, as it works much better in a structured environment.

But, your training is made easier by the fact that you need to keep busy, and is therefore generally content to participate in dog training activities. Can also be trained to participate in family chores: either picking up the mail, picking up clothes or toys off the floor or helping bring groceries, always ready for a new activity, even at a young age. Completing tasks is an integral part of Kelpie's personality, and can help you feel part of the family.

This willingness to be active and helpful makes the Australian Kelpie one of the easiest dog breeds to train. Excel in dog sports, they love to learn new orders and enjoy helping their owner. Training is not a particular problem, since they are completely obedient when sufficiently stimulated both intellectually and physically. On the other hand, boredom sets in soon, because he is an intelligent dog, and therefore learn quickly: it is useless to make him repeat the instructions too often, but he must be able to find new challenges and new activities for him regularly. A good solution may be to join a dog club that offers agility courses and games like Frisbee. (discdog).

Dog training techniques based on positive reinforcement, leading to rewarding the dog for desired behavior rather than punishing it for inappropriate behavior, are preferable with the Australian Kelpie, who has a rather sensitive personality and does not respond well to punishment or an overly imposing master. In fact, there is no point wanting to show your dog at all costs that you are the master, since he does not perceive his dog as superior, but rather as a companion. So, you should treat him with respect and not underestimate his intelligence, especially since he is used to working alone and without too many instructions.

Last, education should give priority to the socialization of the puppy from an early age, because the Australian Kelpie it is a territorial and distrustful dog. Otherwise, you risk becoming aggressive towards strangers and / or other animals. This will help you learn to react appropriately to strangers., preventing his natural mistrust from taking hold of him.

Health «Australian Kelpie»

The Australian Kelpie it is usually a healthy dog, but you run the risk of some of the problems often associated with the sheepdog group:

  • Abiotrofia cerebelosa;
  • Collie eye anomaly: despite its name, this condition not only affects Collie: the Australian Kelpie you can also be a victim of it. This inherited recessive disease can even lead to blindness;
  • Rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament: rupture of this ligament located in the knee can be caused by trauma (20% of the cases), but more often it is simply due to joint fragility or false movement. It can also be caused by early deterioration of the joint, which is common in very active dogs like Kelpie. It is the most common cause of lameness in this breed., and can cause arthritis;
  • dog hypothyroidism;
  • dog microphthalmia;
  • Progressive retinal atrophy (ARP): It is the most common hereditary disease in Collie family.

Most genetic diseases can be prevented by strict control of the genetics of breeding animals to reduce inbreeding., as well as by detecting these diseases to prevent individuals carrying these genes from producing offspring. These are, of course, points that any breeder of Australian Kelpie worthy is particularly attentive.

Last, the Australian Kelpie also leans for :

  • dog cryptorchidism;
  • Hip Dysplasia;
  • dislocation of the patella. May be of congenital origin, due to trauma or simply caused by wear and tear. This last case is frequent in an active dog like the Australian Kelpie.

You also have a higher than average risk of being overweight, so special vigilance is required at this level, in particular by regularly weighing your dog to control his weight.

Care and maintenance «Australian Kelpie»

Like the fur of the Australian Kelpie can vary quite a bit from one individual to another in terms of density and length, so does its maintenance. But, usually sheds a large amount of hair throughout the year, so it is necessary to brush the dog twice a week. Hair loss is obviously even more pronounced during molting periods., in spring and autumn, and then it is necessary to opt for a daily frequency to remove dead hairs.

On the other hand, it is rare that you have to give your dog a bath: this is only necessary if you come into contact with a dirty or harmful substance.

It also, being a very active breed of dog, their claws tend to wear out naturally, and therefore rarely need to be trimmed.

Looking at your teeth, do not present any particular risk. All you need to do is brush your dog's teeth once a week.

In general, the Australian Kelpie It is a fairly easy dog ​​to take care of. Above all, it is their great need for exercise and intellectual stimulation that makes them a demanding dog on a daily basis.

Uses and activities »Australian Kelpie»

It was originally developed as a sheepdog to herd and guide livestock, the Australian Kelpie has since become a versatile companion. Of course, also found in sheepdog competitions, but also as a sniffer dog for the police, psychological support dog, guide dog for the blind, but also simply as a family dog. In summary, it is a versatile animal that likes to keep busy and easily adapts to different contexts.

In Australia, but the Kelpie still primarily a sheepdog, it is also increasingly used as a therapy and companion dog. In fact, his sensitivity and need to be in the company of humans make him an exceptionally attentive dog.

In Sweden, Holland and Finland, they are particularly used as search and rescue dogs during accidents and disasters.

How much does an "Australian Kelpie" cost??

In Australia, a puppy of Australian Kelpie normally sold for about 580 Australian dollars (a few 350 EUR). Most of the individuals offered are from working dog lines..

In other parts of the world, depending on lineage and pedigree, the price of a puppy Australian Kelpie is between 750 and 3.000 EUR. As individuals sold outside of Australia are primarily from show dog lines, the price range is quite wide because the price goes up quickly if the puppy comes from a line with a reputation for having distinguished itself in the field.

Characteristics "Australian Kelpie"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Australian Kelpie" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

Adaptation ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

friendly dog ​​ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

hair loss ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection level ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for exercise ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Social need ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Home ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Toilet ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendly with strangers ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

barking ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Health ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Territorial ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Cat friendly ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Intelligence ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Versatility ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Child friendly ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Surveillance ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

joy ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Images "Australian Kelpie"


1 – Diesel, a pure-bred Australian Kelpie by davepaku, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
2 – Australian Kelpie, liver & tan by Canarian, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
3 – Kelpie australiano by https://pixabay.com/es/photos/kelpie-australiano-perro-ovejas-4217941/
4 – AUSTRALIAN KELPIE, KORAD SE UCH Deepeyes Dance With Dragons III by Svenska Mässan from Sweden, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
5 – Kelpie australiano by https://pixabay.com/es/photos/nube-roja-kelpie-perro-pastor-2992780/
6 – Chocolate Female Kelpie by Spinefly, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Videos "Australian Kelpie"

Type and recognitions:

  • Group :
  • Section : . .


  • FCI – Group 1 Herding dogs, Section 1 Sheepdogs

FCI breed standard "Australian Kelpie"


Date of publication of the valid original standard:


Shepherd dog.

General appearance:

This should be that of an active and very useful dog.; great muscular condition combined with the elasticity of your limbs provides the ability to work tirelessly. Your appearance should not reflect weakness.

important proportions: The length of the dog, measured from the anterior tip of the forechest in a straight line towards the protuberance of the ischium, is greater than the height at the withers by a proportion of 10:9.

Behavior / temperament:

The Kelpie is very smart, laborious and always alert. He also has a docile disposition and almost inexhaustible energy.. On the other hand, shows great loyalty and devotion to work. Has a natural instinct to work with sheep, both in the field, as in the corral.

Any defect in structure or temperament should be considered atypical..


The head should be in proportion to the size of the dog. As a whole, the shape and contour of the head give it a fox-like expression, but it is attenuated by the almond shape of the eyes.

Cranial region:
  • Skull: Slightly rounded and wide between the ears. View from the side, the forehead descends in a straight line towards the naso-frontal depression.
  • Depression links (stop): Marked.

facial region:

  • Truffle: Its color harmonizes with the color of the coat.
  • Snout: Clearly molded and defined, should preferably be somewhat shorter than the skull.
  • Lips: Tight and clearly delineated, no slack.
  • Jaws / Teeth : The teeth must be strong, healthy and regularly aligned. The lower incisors are placed closely behind the upper ones, that is, the joint must be scissor-shaped.
  • Cheeks: Neither thick nor prominent, but round towards the muzzle.
  • Eyes: Almond shaped, they are medium in size and their angle is well defined. They are intelligent and alert in expression. The color must be brown, harmonizing with the coat color. Lighter colored eyes are allowed in the case of dogs with blue fur.
  • Ears: They are upright and end in a fine point; the ear shell is thin, but strong at the base. The ears are set well apart, slope outward and form a slight curve at their outer edge. Are medium-sized. They are well provided with hair on the inside.


It is of moderate length, strong, slightly arched, gradually inserting into the shoulders. There is no presence of double chin, but yes, a quite abundant necklace of hair.


  • top line: Firm and uniform.
  • Pork loin: Strong and well muscled; flanks are deep.
  • Rump: Rather long and sloping.
  • Breast : Deep, muscular and moderately wide. Well sprung and back ribs, not barrel shaped.


During rest, should hang slightly arched. When the dog is in motion or at attention, it may appear raised, but under no circumstances should it exceed the vertical line of the birth of the tail. It must be provided with abundant brush hair. It is inserted in a way that harmonizes with the slope of the croup and should reach approximately to the hock..


Former members
  • General appearance: Muscular, strong but not thick boned, straight and parallel viewed from the front.
  • Shoulder (scapulae) : They must be well delineated. They are muscular and well leaning, shoulder blades being well together in the region of the withers.
  • Arm (humerus): Upper arm should be at right angles to shoulder blade.
  • Elbows: They should not deviate or inward, nor out.
  • Metacarpus: Seen from the sides, pasterns should be slightly sloping to allow flexibility in movement and the ability to turn quickly.
  • Previous feet: They must be round and strong. Thick pads. The fingers are close together and well arched; nails are short and strong.
Former members
  • General appearance: They must be wide and strong. Seen from the back, hind limbs, from hocks to feet, they are straight and parallel, nor together, not too far apart.
  • Knees: Well angulated.
  • Hocks: Placed fairly close to the ground.
  • Hind feet: They must be round and strong. Thick pads. The fingers are close together and well arched; nails are short and strong.


To manifest the limitless vigor and perseverance required of a sheepdog working in open spaces, the Kelpie must be of very robust constitution and have a perfect gait. The movement should be loose and effortless and the dog should be able to turn suddenly without slowing down.. As speed increases during trotting, the feet tend to come closer when they land on the ground; but when the dog is resting, all four feet are in the correct perpendicular position.


  • Fur: The coat is double, with a short and dense undercoat. The outer layer is tight, the hairs are of a hard and stretched texture and are well glued, so that the coat is resistant to rain. Below the body, back of the limbs the coat is longer, and near the thigh forms a "pants" light. In the head (including the inner part of the ears), in the front of the limbs and feet, the hair is short. On the neck it is long and thick, forming a necklace. The tail must be provided with a generous brush. Hair that is too long or too short is a fault. Usually, body hair should be about a length of 2-3 cm.
  • Color: Negro, black and tan, red, red and fire, leonado, chocolate, smoke color.

Size and weight:

Height to the cross:

  • Males 46 - 51 cm.
  • females 43 -48 cm.


Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered a fault and the severity of this is considered to the degree of the deviation from the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog and your ability to do your traditional job.

Serious misconduct:

  • Shoulders too loose.
  • Any tendency to a cow hock or barrel-.
  • Crossing or zigzagging movement.
  • Restricted or stiff movement.

disqualifying fouls:

  • Aggressiveness or extreme shyness.
  • Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified..


Males should have two normal-appearing testicles completely descended into the scrotum..

The latest changes are in bold.

Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

Alternative names:

1. Kelpie (English).
2. Kelpie (French).
3. Kelpie (German).
4. Kelpie (Portuguese).
5. Kelpie (español).