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Native to the Andalusian region of southern Spain, It is believed that the Andalusian Hound probably descended from the European hunting dog. It had been speculated that it was one of the ancient races represented in the cave paintings of the Iberian Peninsula thousands of years ago., but recent genetic studies have made this theory unlikely.
This breed was not officially recognized in Spain until 1990, when a group of races was created. Due to the lack of any unique distinguishing features and the similarities it shares with other dog breeds, in particular with him Portuguese Podengo, the Andalusian Hound not usually recognized in its own right outside its country of origin.
Traditionally used as hunting dogs, your senses of sight, hearing and smell have developed a lot over the years, and have the ability to withstand the hot and dry conditions of the arid landscape from which they originate. They are known to be successful and methodical hunters.. The Andalusian Hound smallest traditionally hunts hares or rabbits, while the larger variants can be used to hunt wild boar. They usually hunt in packs.
The race not is recognized by the FCI or by no other international Cynological Association given the large number of matches with the standard of the Portuguese Podengo, It causes doubt dealt or not, really, of different races.
Physical characteristics
As in the Portuguese Warren Hound, the Andalusian hound distinguishes three sizes and three types of hair, factors whose combination may cause up to nine different varieties.
Bearing in mind the size varieties are:
- Great Andalusian Hound
- Medium-Andalusian Hound
- Small Andalusian Hound
If we consider the different types of hair, We have the following varieties:
- Andalusian Hound hair Sardinia or hard.
- Andalusian hound Solorio or long hair.
- Andalusian Hound of smooth or short hair.
There is a variety derived from the short-haired medium Andalusian Podenco, which receives the name of Andalusian Hound Maneto, due to its short and sturdy legs, phenomenon known in the field of cynology as bassetismo, alluding to the Basset. Currently the Maneto is accepted as a breed by the RSCE provisionally.
The basic color of the layer is white or cinnamon, either consisting of both colors. The white color exists in its variants silver, mate and ivory; and the cinnamon can vary from clear to cinnamon ignition.
With regard to the size and weight of the three varieties, below we specify:
Height to the cross:
- Size large: males of 54 to 64 cm and females in 53 to 61 cm..
- Size medium: males of 43 to 53 cm and females in 42 to 52 cm..
- Small size: males of 35 to 42 cm and females 32 to 41 cm..
- Size large: 27 kg. (+ – 6 kg).
- Size medium: 16 kg. (+- 6 kg).
- Small size: 8 kg. (+ – 3 kg).
The Andalusian Hound, is a harmonic dog, compact, very rustic and well plumbed.
Character and skills
The Andalusian Hound, has a great intelligence, nobility, sociability and is always alert. It is a dog alive and well balanced character, reacts only to important stimuli.
It is a dog fast, par b. Hunt, with an excellent sense of smell and very resistant to fatigue, not mannish before anything, he is methodical and quick in his search, both hunting and in a minor, being an excellent collector's hair or feather, whether in water or rough terrain.
The Andalusian Hound like the other podencos it has a highly developed sense of sight, hearing and smell which makes them good hunters especially when it comes to rabbit hunting.
The shakes of hunting practiced in the center and south of Spain the podencos constitute the nucleus of the rehalas (Group of hunting dogs, whose number ranges from 20 and 24), which are usually made up of large hounds for harassment and some medium-sized specimens such as point or search dogs.
In the small game hunting used medium and girl varieties, either on an individual basis, in pairs or forming arcades (gang of hunting dogs).
One of the most typical functions of the large hound, is that of mascaras, accompanying the colleras of greyhounds during the hunting of the Hare. Its work is, first, getting up and doing the rabona from your bed or hiding out, making it available to the greyhounds and, after finished the lance, remove the piece of the Greyhound to bring it to its owner.
In the Andalusian farmhouses of large size were used as dogs guardians and the girl size as cleaners of rodents.
It is very loving, submissive and fair with the owner, but break that bond in the face of unjust punishment. As well, It has a great capacity for training.
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«Andalusian Podenco» videos
- – RSCE – Group 5 Section 7 (Provisionally recognized) ⓘ