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Great Anglo-French White and Orange Hound
Francia FCI 324 - Large-sized Hounds


The Great Anglo-French White and Orange Hound it is considered little spread outside of France and little used even within its country.


History Great Anglo-French White and Orange Hound

It probably dates from the 16th century and is originally from France, the Great Anglo-French White and Orange Hound comes from the cross between English Foxhound, French dogs and the addition of a contribution most likely from the Billy.

The addition of English and French blood produced a versatile all-rounder hunting dog that was particularly prized towards the end of the 19th century..

The boar, the Fox, deer and roe deer have been part of their specialties ever since.

Along with the Great Anglo-French White and Black Hound and the Great Anglo-French Tricolour Hound, it is one of the three French breeds that have been crossed with English blood.

Physical Characteristics Great White and Orange Anglo-French Hound

The Great Anglo-French White and Orange Hound it is a quite strong and powerful dog, with more English blood on his head than his tricolor counterpart. His eyes are big, brown and dark. The ears are quite thick, slightly turned and quite short. Its tail is quite long and sometimes slightly spied on.

His hair is short and not too thick, lemon white or orange white, as long as the orange is not too dark, tending towards red.

Height: 60 to 70 cm..
Weight: Of 30 to 35 kg.

Character and skills Great Anglo-French White and Black Hound

Solitary or in a pack, brave, tenacious, rapid, gentle and friendly, the Great White and Orange Anglo-French Hound is a sociable hunting dog with an obedient nature.

Usually, they are easy to learn, like your socialization.

Tenacious, vigorous, brave and fast in the hunt, they are tender and gentle with their family, including children in the home.

Health Great Anglo-French White and Black Hound

Quite robust and very solid, this large dog generally enjoys very good health.
He rarely gets sick and his longevity is still appreciable for a dog of his size..
The breed is not affected by any genetic defects or diseases.

Caring for Great Anglo-French White and Black Hound

Brush him from time to time, to remove dead hairs and keep the coat healthy and beautiful, It is more than enough.

Training Great Anglo-French White and Black Hound

Its socialization is easy, but your education must remain firm and adequate, although it requires less firmness than the other breeds in its category, because it is less dominant by nature than the other two.

His great intelligence also facilitates his education.

Exercise Great Anglo-French White and Black Hound

The Great Anglo-French White and Orange Hound is an extremely vigorous working dog, accustomed to very intense physical exercise. When not hunting, he must be given the opportunity to expend his excessive energy. This dog is an infamous cat hunter, so it should never be released without a leash until it is in a closed and secure area.

During the hunting season it is advisable to offer the dog some type of exercise that emulates its hunting behavior.. It is worth remembering that if the Great Anglo-French White and Orange Hound lacks opportunities to vent, will gradually turn into a rebellious animal, hyperactive and destructive.

Videos "Great Anglo-French White and Orange Hound"

Horus sucht ein Zuhause
Grand Anglo Français Blanc et Orange ?? Everything Dog Breeds ??

Type and recognitions:

  • Group 6: Scent hounds, and related breeds.
  • Section 1.1: Large-sized hound-type dogs.. With proof of work..


  • FCI – Group 6: Scent hounds, and related breeds. – Section 1.1: Large-sized Hounds.
  • Central Canine Society

FCI breed standard "Great Anglo-French White and Orange Hound"


Date of publication of the valid original standard:



General appearance:

Es un perro bastante fuerte y robusto. En su cabeza resalta más la sangre inglesa que en la de su homólogo tricolor.

Behavior / temperament:



Es bastante corta y grande.

Cranial region:
  • Craging: Es más bien ancho y chato, sin protuberancia occipital. The eyebrows are not prominent.
  • Dnaso-frontal depression (Stop): Well marked.

facial region:

  • Trufa: Es de color negro o pardo – naranja.
  • Snout: Caña nasal más bien corta.
  • Belves: Sobrepasan la mandíbula inferior e imparten al hocico un aspecto ligeramente cuadrado.

OJOS: They are large, brown and dark.

OREJAS: De implantación bastante larga en el plano de la línea del ojo o algo más arriba. Son más bien gruesas, ligeramente torcidas y más bien cortas.


Es recto y presenta una ligera papada.


  • Espalda: Wide and muscular.
  • Pork loin: Ancho y más bien corto.
  • Rump: Más bien redondeada.
  • Pecho: Bastante alto y descendido. Costillas largas y ligeramente redondeadas.
  • Flalso: Massifs.


Es bastante larga y a veces espigada (hacia la punta de la cola alrededor unos pelos más largos y gruesos ligeramente separados en forma de espiga).



  • Ageneral appearance: They're strong, anchos y bien aplomados.
  • Shoulder: Están bien pegados al pecho, pero son bien musculosos.
  • Pinis previous: Más bien redondeados.


  • Thighs: Musculosos y gruesos.
  • Corvejones: Algo acodados y se sitúan cerca del terreno.
  • Hind feet: Más bien redondeados.


Este es un perro que se mueve con soltura.


PIEL: Blanca con manchas de color naranja o amarillo.

Plink: Corto y no muy grueso.

Codor: Blanco – limón o blanco – naranja, provided the orange is not too dark (pulling red)

Size and weight:

Altura to the cross: Of 60 to 70 cm..


Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered as a fault and the severity of this is considered to the degree of the deviation to the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog..

  • Defectos de constitución.
  • Despigmentación partial de la trufa
  • Caña nasal demasiado estrecha.
  • Upper or lower prognathism.
  • light eyes.
  • Exceso de papada.
  • Cola encorvada o que se desvía hacia un lado.
  • Pelaje de otro color que no sea el establecido (pelo negro o rojo).


  • Aggressiveness or extreme shyness.
  • Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities.

  • Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..
  • Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with the typical conformation of the breed, should be used for parenting.

Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

Alternative names:

1. Chien Français Blanc et Orange (English).
2. Français blanc et orange (French).
3. Français blanc et orange (German).
4. Grande sabujo francês branco e laranja (Portuguese).
5. Français blanc et orange (español).

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