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The Shorthair Collie is a breed of dog originally developed for grazing. It is a variety of the Border Collie. Some canine organizations, to the copies of Longhair and shorthair, classified them as variations of the same race.
The early history of Smooth Collie, like many breeds of dogs, It is largely a matter of speculation. The most common opinion of the breed is that they are descended from a population of sheepdogs brought to Scotland by the Romans in the 5th century. (See more information about the breed »Collie”).
The modern history of both Collie, the Smooth Collie and the Rough Collie, It began in the reign of Queen Victoria, He turned his attention in the dogs of the shepherds and ordered that they bring to their balmoral castle in Scotland, some specimens. In 1860 years. At that time, the interest of the Queen, made the breed fashionable Smooth Collie. Thus began the transformation of the farm dog breed, similar to modern Border Collie, Pet highlighting its aesthetics and preparation for dog competitions, sample, for example.
The Smooth Collie, today it is considered a variety of Border Collie in countries like the United States and Canada, which means that they can be crossed and in the statistical registers, are registered as “Collie” without specifying if it is a Rough Collie or a Smooth Collie.
In other countries, such as United Kingdom and Australia, they are classified as separate breeds, but for a very short time, the UK Kennel Club allowed the two varieties to be crossed until 1993.
Physical characteristics
The Smooth Collie it is a medium-sized dog pulling a large, the females measure of 56 to 61 cm. to the cross and the males of 61 to 66 cm.. Y, they weigh in 20 to 34 kg. Standard breed size varies by country, is the far larger in the range United States and Canada, and the smallest elsewhere.
The Collie's short hair is slightly longer than high, with a straight back and a deep chest. The characteristics of the head, especialmente de expresión «dulce», are considered very important in the ring. The breed has long snout, the flat skull and semi-erectas ears.
The layer is two-fold, one is soft and dense stuck to the body, and the outer layer is smooth and hard for a length of 2,54 centimeters, with the most dense hair around the neck forming a collar, and in the back of the thighs. The coat requires a weekly brushing. Unlike other Collie, It presents non bangs…, the hair is short.
The coat of the Smooth Collie it can be of the following colors:
- Sand: the colour of the famous Lassie, that it goes golden light to dark mahogany. With white areas on the chest, neck, feet, legs, and the tail.
- Tricolor: black, with spots of color fire and white. With white areas on the chest, neck, feet, legs, and the tail.
- blackbird blue: that color is a gray marble silver black with spots of color fire. With white areas on the chest, neck, feet, legs, and the tail.
Character and skills
The Smooth Collie is generally a sociable dog, easy to train family. Although it is not an aggressive breed, It is always alert and barking when he noticed something unusual, It is therefore a great watchdog.
Dogs Collie -usually- they are agile dogs, assets and need regular exercise. It is easy to train, due to their high intelligence and eagerness to please their owners. The formation of this breed requires exclusive dedication and patience, they are sensitive to correction and hide if they feel badly treated or it sobre required.
They get along well with children, they tend to harmonize well with other animals that live in the House, they usually mix well with other dogs.
The Smooth Collie is-mainly- a family pet, You can compete in obedience, agility, grazing trials, and other canine sports. Some are still used as herding working dogs. (but less and less). They are also very useful as assistance dogs for people with disabilities..
It has a life expectancy of 12 to 14 years.
Type and recognitions:
- FCI CLASSIFICATION:Group 1 –> / Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs). Section 1 –> Sheepdogs. Without working trial.
- FCI 296
- Federations:
- – FCI – Group 1 Herding dogs, Section 1 Sheepdogs ⓘ
- – ANKC – Group 5 (working dogs) ⓘ
- – CKC – Group 7 – Herding dogs ⓘ
- – KC – Pastoral ⓘ
- – NZKC – Working dog ⓘ
- – UKC – Herding dogs ⓘ
FCI breed standard "Smooth Collie"
Shepherd dog.
General appearance:
The short-haired Collie is a dog endowed with intelligence, vivacity and activity. He behaves with dignity as a result of his perfect anatomical structure, in which each part is in proportion to the whole. Su estructura física debe mostrar fortaleza y actividad, no signs of heaviness or coarseness. The expression is very important. When making a relative assessment, the balance and perfect combination of the skull and muzzle should be considered, size, form, eye color and location, and the correct position and bearing of the ears.
Cheerful and friendly, never nervous or aggressive.
Las características de la cabeza son muy importantes y deben considerarse en proporción a la talla del perro. The head, front or side view, has a well-drawn wedge shape, clearly truncated and smooth outline. The midpoint between the inner angle of the eyes constitutes the balance point of the length of the head.- Skull: The skull is flattened. The sides taper gradually and smoothly from the ears to the tip of the nose.. Height
cráneo medida de la arcada supraorbitaria a la región submaxilar nunca debe ser excesiva (altogether not very deep). - Depression links (Stop): Light but noticeable. The midpoint between the inner angles of the eyes is the midpoint of a well-placed stop or depression.
facial region:
- Truffle: Must always be black.
- Snout: The smooth, well-rounded end of the muzzle is truncated, but never square or pointed.
- Jaws/teeth: La mandíbula inferior es fuerte y bien delineada. The teeth are of a good size.
Must have strong jaws, with healthy and complete teeth with scissor bite, es decir que la cara interna de los incisivos
superiores esté en contacto estrecho con la cara externa de los incisivos inferiores y colocados en ángulo recto con los maxilares. - Cheeks: Not prominent.
- Eyes: Son una característica muy importante que le confieren una expresión dulce. Are medium-sized (never very small), placed is somewhat oblique position, almond-shaped and dark brown in color, except in those blue merle specimens in which the eyes (one or both eyes, or part of one or both) are blue or mottled blue. They have an expression full of intelligence, with a sharp and alert look when the dog is attentive.
- Ears: Ears are moderately large, wider at the base and set not too close together or too far apart at the sides of the head. When the dog is at rest, they are thrown back, but when he is attentive, brings them forward and carries them erect, that is, approximately the first two thirds of the ear is erect and the upper third falls naturally forward, below horizontal.
Muscular, strong, of good length and well arched.Body:
- Back: Straight and firm.
- Pork loin: Slightly arched.
- Breast : Relatively wide behind the shoulders. Well arched ribs.
The tail is long, la última vértebra llegando por lo menos a los corvejones. When the dog is at rest, Tails the tail low but twists it slightly upward at the tip; when he is excited he can carry it happily but never on the back.Tips
Previous members, straight and muscular, they must have moderate bones.
- Shoulder: Oblique and well angulated.
- Elbows: Neither close to the body nor protruding.
- Forearm: Los músculos tienen un cierto espesor.
- Metacarpus: Flexible, but not weak.
- Previous feet: Oval, strong pads. Fingers should be arched and close together.
Well defined and wiry.
- Thigh: Muscular
- Knee: With good angle.
- Hocks: The hocks must be well lowered and powerful.
- Hind feet: Oval, strong pads. Fingers should be arched and close together.
El movimiento es una característica distintiva de esta raza. A dog with good movements should never have his elbows turned outwards., however when it moves, your front feet stay relatively close together. Marching motion across the limbs is highly undesirable
longitudinally or laterally and balancing the body. Seen from behind, hindlimbs from hocks to ground should move parallel but not too close together; seen from the side, the movement is gathered. The hind limbs are powerful and give a lot of drive. A reasonably long stride is desirable, it should be light and effortless..Mantle
- Fur: The hair is short and smooth. The outer coat of hair is rough in texture; the inner layer is very dense. Should not be groomed or trimmed.
- Color: Three colors are recognized: sable and white, tricolor and blue merle.
• Cebellina: Any shade from light gold to dark mahogany or nuanced sable. Los colores paja pálida y crema
son altamente indeseables.
• Tricolor: Black color predominates with intense tan spots on the extremities and head. Un reflejo rojizo
sobre el pelaje es altamente indeseable.
• Blue merle: Light silver blue predominates, splashed and marbled with black. Deep tan markings are preferred, although its absence should not be penalized. Large black spots, slaty color or reddish reflections on the outer or inner layer are highly undesirable.
Los ejemplares de todos los colores mencionados deben tener las marcas blancas típicas de Collie en un mayor o un menor grado. The following brands are desirable: the total or partial white collar, the white bib, Member, white feet and tip of tail. A whitelist on the muzzle or head is allowed, or both. A completely white coat or in which white predominates is highly undesirable.
Size and weight:
Height to the cross:
- Males between 56 and 61 cm..
- Females between 51 and 56 cm..
- Males between 20,5 and 29,5 kg.
- Females between 18,0 and 25,0 kg.
Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered as a fault and the severity of this is considered to the degree of the deviation to the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog., and the dog's ability to perform its traditional task.
- Aggressiveness or extreme shyness.
- Any dog showing clear physical or behavioral abnormalities.
- Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..
- Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with the typical conformation of the breed, should be used for parenting.
The latest changes are in bold.
Alternative names:
1. Collie, Smooth Coat (English).
2. Colley (French).
4. Collie de pelo curto, Smooth collie (Portuguese).
5. Pastor escocés de pelo corto (español).
Breeders of the breed "Smooth Collie"
Where can we find out...
List of Breeders Smooth Collie recommended and recognized by the Collie Club of Spain:
Currently, There are no breeders of Smooth Collie in Spain. We called the Collie Club of Spain, to contrast the information.
They have also told us that in Spain there is no copies of the race even, several years ago there was a breeder of Collie breeds located in Madrid had two specimens, but they will already be old folks.
If a specimen is seen, it may be with English or French tourists… It is not a dog that has had much fame in our country, However in England or France, for example, they tend to be quite often.
Si algún lector está empeñado en tener un Smooth Collie We leave you the websites and emails of breeders from France and England:
- Plaisance Smooth Collies (England). Email:
- Twinway Smooth Collies (France). Email:
- Smooth Collies of Glenmorangie (France). Email: