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Sloughi (Arabian Greyhound)
MarruecosArgeliaTunezLibia FCI 188 . Short-haired Sighthounds


It is said that the Sloughi (Arabian Greyhound), is the most intelligent hound.



Originally from North Africa and probably a descendant of the ancient “Egyptian hound”, it is said that the Sloughi took its name from the town of Sloughito in Tunisia. Its exact origins are unclear., but it is known that it was used for centuries by the Berber people and the Bedouin tribes to hunt gazelles, jackals, foxes and hares. In fact, thanks to its speed and resistance, could chase game across vast expanses of wilderness, which explains why it was the favorite dog of nomads. His sense of observation and his highly developed instinct also made him - and make him- an excellent herding dog. Last, it was also a domestic animal for them, since he was allowed to sleep with them in the tent at night. They even covered him with a blanket to protect him from the cold..

The first Sloughis arrived in Europe in the mid-nineteenth century, after the conquest of Algeria by France. The breed was recognized by the Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI) in 1934. World War II halted its development, since many breeders had to euthanize their animals due to lack of food or export them to countries that were saved from the conflict. The Sloughi it then became extremely rare until the end of the Algerian war (1954-1962), when the French soldiers brought to their country some specimens of the breed, which relaunched its expansion into European territory.

Tagiurie el Sian it was the first Sloughi that arrived in the United States in 1973. Originally from Tunisia, crossed the Atlantic with his owners Kaethe y Carl Rodarty. Unfortunately, due to his age and lack of females, could not have offspring. In fact, the breed was not really established in the country until 1979, When Carole Cioce imported two Sloughis from Germany to California.

Most representatives of the breed in North America today are descended from individuals imported from European countries. (France, Netherlands, Germany, etc.), although some come directly from North Africa, especially from Algeria, Libya and Tunisia.

The breed was recognized by the United Kennel Club (UKC) in 1995, and the other reference body of the country, the American Kennel Club (AKC), did the same in 2016. El Canadian Kennel Club (CKC), on the other hand, has not yet taken the step.
The popularity of the CKC in the neighboring country is certainly not a reason for it to do so.. The Sloughi It is one of the rarest dog breeds in the United States, being last in 2018 in the ranking established by the AKC based on the number of annual births registered in the organization.

In fact, the Sloughi It is now one of the rarest breeds of sighthounds in the world. In France, occur between 30 and 50 registrations per year in the Livre des Origines Français (LOF). The figure has been relatively stable since the middle of the years 80, while at the beginning of that decade it was rather twice. Compared, every year they are born around 1.400 hounds Whippet. In Great Britain, race is even confidential, since some years no birth is registered in the prestigious Kennel Club, the canine body of reference in the country.

The Sloughi it is also in danger of extinction in the Maghreb countries. Their number continues to decrease., mainly due to the scarcity and protection of certain species it hunts and the sedentarization of the Bedouin tribes, who need your help less and less to protect their herds.

In the news, Morocco has the largest number of Sloughis of the world. It's hard to know the exact number, but specialists estimate that the population is about 600 individuals.

Photo: by Benutzer:Claggi, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Physical characteristics

The Sloughi it is one of the largest dog breeds. Like the other races of Sighthounds, looks slim and athletic. This is due to their thin and tight skin, to his short coat, fine and closed, to his lean musculature and his very pronounced bone structure. Its general appearance is that of a noble dog, very elegant and stylish, but specially built for speed.

His chest is wide, encased by flat ribs, long and slightly curved on the back third of the chest. The belly is tight and the back is short, almost horizontal between the withers and the hips. Straight legs, Bony and muscular are an important part of the dog's formidable speed.

Profile, the head is long and thin. Seen from above, the skull is wide. Tapers to the end formed by the nose, reminiscent of the shape of a valley. The nose is black and slightly descending, and the nostrils are wide open.

The eyes are large and dark, with a soft and melancholy look. The edge of the eyelids is pigmented. The ears are droopy, triangular in shape and slightly rounded at the tips. The jaw is strong and regular.

Coat colors vary from light sandy to reddish, with or without black mask or cape. The most common are the black sand mask and the brindle sand.

Last, sexual dimorphism is not very pronounced, since the males are usually not more than 10 cm taller than females, which is modest compared to the size of the animal.

Size and weight

▷ Male size: 66 to 72 cm.
▷ female size: 64 to 69 cm.
▷ Male weight: 20-25 kg
▷ female weight: 19-22 kg

Character and skills

Although it is not very demonstrative, the Sloughi he is devoted and loyal, and tends to be a single owner dog. When they join their owner, is for all the life, so it is very difficult for them to join another family if their owner is abandoned or dies.

They get along well with children, but it is better if they are of a certain age and have learned to interact with an animal. In fact, given its size, could unintentionally push a smaller one, or forcefully push away an older one who disrespects you. In any case, whatever the race and the degree of proximity, a small child should never be left alone with a dog.

Their sociability with humans is often limited to family members. With strangers, they are much more reserved, and will bravely defend their own if they feel threatened in any way.

In more general terms, can easily become anxious when faced with new situations. Thus, it is essential to socialize him as soon as possible to prevent him from becoming a fearful and / or unnecessarily aggressive dog.

You can also live with animals of other species (cats, rodents, etc.), as long as they grew up together and you consider them part of your family. On the other hand, as his hunting instinct is highly developed, the subsequent introduction of another animal into the home where you live can be problematic.

As for living under the same roof as a partner, this coexistence does not usually pose problems if you have grown up with him. Otherwise, it all depends on the size of the newcomer. Yes it's small, is likely to be regarded as prey. From his past as a hunter and rancher, preserves the need for space and exercise. So, you need at least one hour of physical exercise a day to get rid of your excess energy and stay balanced. So, they are ideal candidates for dog sports, starting, of course, for the tests intended for sighthounds (racing in cinodromes, decoy chase…). It is also an ideal breed of dog for an athlete, who likes to accompany on their outings; canicross and cani-VTT are activities perfectly adapted to it, and certainly more recommendable than sighthound races. On the other hand, having a strong hunting instinct, he can chase any small animals he meets at any time, especially cats. So, it is essential that you obey the call, and in any case it is better to carry him on a leash during walks, to avoid any risk of leakage. In fact, once a Sloughi olido has a hold, no longer really responsive to his master's instructions, so it is extremely difficult to make him return.

This is all the more true since, even with a lot of training, is often far from being the most obedient dog in the world. It also, cannot be trusted to keep a low profile if reprimanded: given his strong character, it would be the opposite. So, it is up to the owner to be firm from an early age, so as not to be dominated by his imposing companion.

The great need for exercise of the Arabian Greyhound and its size make, although I rarely bark (even in the presence of strangers), not really adapted to living in a flat. But, can live in an apartment, as long as he is taken out several times a day and can satisfy his need for exercise. A house is still preferable. But, it is important to ensure that the garden is well fenced, since the Sloughi is naturally elusive. Using an underground electric fence would not be a viable solution with such a dog., since the annoyance of the electrical impulses would be less strong than his determination to flee and follow who knows what trail. On the other hand, although I tolerate loneliness relatively well, it is not convenient that I live outside. In fact, its short and fine fur makes it very sensitive to cold, and he needs to bond with his humans anyway, to whom he is more attached than sometimes is thought.


The Sloughi He is a shy dog ​​and is easily frightened by what he does not know. So, their socialization should take place from a very young age, when it is most malleable, so that you face the maximum number of people and situations and learn to adopt the appropriate behaviors in all circumstances, to become a perfectly balanced adult.

You should also put him in contact with other animals, especially with cats, rodents and other small animals, to try to prevent him from seeing them as prey when he later crosses paths with them.

With his great intelligence and keen sense of observation, learns quickly… if you want. In fact, obedience is not his strong point: It is not a dog that strives to satisfy or even anticipate the requests of its master. So, you need to be firm in your education, but also show patience, to respect his character. Trying to break in could only be detrimental to the future, since it is a proud and sensitive animal, who does not appreciate reprimands. His temperament makes him an ideal client for the positive reinforcement dog training method, and sweets are usually the key to success.

Last, teaching your dog to remember is especially important to be able to enjoy walks outdoors with peace of mind, since the Sloughi retains a strong predatory instinct and, therefore, can launch itself at any time in pursuit of an animal that it considers prey. This is even more true because, given its maximum speed, it is very difficult to reach it.


The Sloughi it is a healthy breed of dog. Has a low risk of inherited diseases and a longer life expectancy than other dogs of the same size.

But, are prone to injury while running and are more prone to certain ailments.

This is the case, in particular, of the progressive retinal atrophy of APR-RCD type (rod and cone dysplasia), an inherited disease that causes a malformation of the retina: the puppy's eyesight deteriorates from 6 months old and, usually, goes completely blind before the year. There is a blood test that can determine whether or not an individual is a carrier of the gene responsible for this disease. So, before adopting a representative of this breed, it is recommended to do the test, to avoid any risk at this level. Of course, knowing that it is a hereditary disease, a good breeder does not breed an individual carrying the gene.

Like all large dog breeds, it is also more prone to stomach dilation-torsion syndrome. This condition is an absolute emergency, as it is likely to die if not treated by a vet very quickly.

It also, like most breeds “Sighthounds”, the Sloughi is especially sensitive to anesthesia and medications. Thus, it is advisable to turn to a veterinarian who knows the specificities of these dogs in this regard.

Another peculiarity of this dog is its very high pain tolerance., so sometimes it is difficult to detect that you are suffering. So, be especially attentive to any change in behavior that may betray a health problem.

Last, due to its origins and its fur, the Sloughi not a cold weather breed. Thus, when temperatures are low, it is important to avoid spending too much time outside and to cover it with a suitable coat for dogs.

Life expectancy

12 years


The Sloughi is the archetype of easy-care dog.

Brushing his short coat once or twice a week with a soft brush or brushing glove is perfectly sufficient to remove dead hairs and keep his coat clean.. Their molt is even more limited since, unlike many other breeds, does not suffer seasonal molts.

It also, the coat is self-cleaning, so it does not give off bad odors and it is not necessary to wash it regularly. Under normal circumstances, two or three times a year is more than enough, but, of course, you should not hesitate to bathe your dog if he has become very dirty and / or if harmful substances have spread through his coat.

As in any race, oral hygiene is very important and should not be neglected. The toothbrush is the most effective accessory to prevent the accumulation of tartar, strengthen gums and prevent bad breath.

It also, although your dog is not at particular risk of ear infections, despite the dangling shape of his ears, it is necessary to inspect and clean your ears at least once a week. This weekly session is also an opportunity to review - and if necessary clean- the eyes.

Last, natural wear and tear is usually enough to trim your claws. But, when you get older and / or less active, they can be too long, and then they can annoy or even hurt you. In this case, it is advisable to trim them with a special file or with a claw trimmer.

As in the case of any dog, the sooner you get used to the different manipulations that your care entails, the less likely you are to have problems later.


The diet of the Sloughi should consist primarily of lean meat, rice and vegetables. It is preferable to choose a quality food, either in the form of industrial croquettes, pate or homemade food. The amount to be given varies according to the size, the age and physical activity of the animal. By the way, don't be fooled by its slim look and slightly visible ribs: this is part of his physical characteristics and is not at all a sign that he is malnourished. No need to worry about it, but the abnormal would be the opposite.

In general, the more effort and activity your dog makes, more food will be needed to make up for the loss of energy. It is advisable to divide it into at least two meals, one in the morning and one at night, to reduce the likelihood of digestive problems such as stomach bloating or distention.

To avoid the latter, meals should be taken in a quiet place and one hour away from walks or any strenuous physical activity.

Last, as in the case of all dogs, it is essential to guarantee the availability of fresh water throughout the day.


Known as the “lord of the dogs” in Moroccan culture, the Sloughi has long been appreciated for its hunting skills, agility, endurance and speed. It can reach a speed of up to 55 km / h along 300 m, to the point that there is an Arabic saying that says “when a Sloughi see a gazelle pluck a blade of grass, it will be at your height before you finish chewing it”.

In the north of Africa, where is he from, It was mainly used as a guard dog to protect herds, as well as to hunt hares, foxes, jackals or gazelles.

But, in 1844, a French law prohibited hunting with Sighthounds and it was applied in the Maghreb territories that became part of France in the 19th century.

Since 2004, hunting with greyhounds is again allowed in some Maghreb countries, but under certain conditions. But, is still banned in Europe, except for Spain.

In United States, has sometimes been used to hunt coyotes.

In their homelands, the Sloughi It is still used by nomads as a guard dog for their herds, although this practice tends to disappear as tribes settle.

Their loyalty and unwavering devotion to their master also make them very good companion dogs., as long as their families are able to meet their great need for exercise.

Last, his lean and athletic nature makes him a good competitor in racing and sight pursuit events, although it is not as fast as a “Greyhound”.

Price “Sloughi (Arabian Greyhound)”

The price of a puppy Sloughi ranges between 900 and 1300 EUR. The price of a copy depends on its conformity with the standard, of the reputation of his lineage, of the prestige of the kennel and also of its sex: females are considerably more expensive than males.

It is also possible to import a Arabian Greyhound straight from north africa. The purchase price is more affordable (between 500 and 750 EUR), but you must respect the regulations regarding the importation of a dog from abroad, and transport costs and administrative fees are added to the purchase price.

Adopting a Sloughi It can also be done through specialized retired greyhound associations. Many owners decide to part with their Sloughi when they can no longer compete. Sometimes they are also abandoned by owners who are not sufficiently informed of their needs. (especially in terms of physical activity) and they are not able to take proper care of them. Thus, these associations try to offer a second life to the greyhounds they host, allowing them to find a new family.

Characteristics "Sloughi (Arabian Greyhound)"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Sloughi (Arabian Greyhound)" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

Adaptation ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

friendly dog ​​ⓘ

2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

hair loss ⓘ

2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection level ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for exercise ⓘ

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Social need ⓘ

2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Home ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Toilet ⓘ

1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendly with strangers ⓘ

2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

barking ⓘ

1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Health ⓘ

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Territorial ⓘ

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Cat friendly ⓘ

2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Intelligence ⓘ

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Versatility ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Child friendly ⓘ

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Surveillance ⓘ

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

joy ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Images "Sloughi (Arabian Greyhound)"


1 – Sloughi male in the sunset by Denhulde, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
2 – Sloughi by Tom´s photo gallery
3 – Sloughi 2013 Helsinki by Thomas, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
4 – Sloughi by Mubarak Fahad
5 – Sloughi by http://www.sloughi-balkan.com/characteristics-2/
6 – Sloughi by https://www.akc.org/dog-breeds/sloughi/

Videos "Sloughi (Arabian Greyhound)"

Type and recognitions:

  • Group 10: Sighthounds
  • Section 3: Short-haired Sighthounds. Without working trial, racing license..


  • FCI – Group 10: Section 3: Short-haired Sighthounds
  • Standard KC (The Kennel Club) – Hound
  • El American Kennel Club (AKC) – Hounds

FCI breed standard "Sloughi (Arabian Greyhound)"

FCIFCI - Sloughi (Arabian Greyhound)

Alternative names:

1. Uskay (Oska), Arabian Greyhound, Sloughi Moghrebi (English).
2. Lévrier arabe, Lévrier berbère (French).
3. Arabischer, Nordafrikanischer, Berber Windhund (German).
4. Galgo árabe (Portuguese).
5. Lebrel bereber, Lebrel árabe (español).

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