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Appeared somewhere between the steppes of Russia and the Carpathians, the Hungarian Braco (commonly known as Vizsla, What does "indicator" mean in Hungarian?) has an ancient history, probably thousands of years. He already accompanied the Magyar tribes before they settled in the Carpathian basin, where the current Hungary is located, in the 9th century.
The first references to this dog date back to the 13th century, and more precisely to the story of one of the scribes of King Adelbert III (1235-1270) which recounts the migrations of the Hungarian people, in which the use of a yellowish dog named Vizsla for hunting. It was also depicted in the 14th century in the illustrations of the chronicles written by the Carmelites. Numerous sixteenth-century Hungarian documents also evoke his role as a faithful companion of kings and aristocracy..
While there is no doubt that the Vizsla current is the result of numerous crossbreeds between hunting dogs over the centuries, these were always carried out in order to preserve the original features, as evidenced by the brown nose which is different from most others pointers.
Historically, the Vizsla has always had a short coat. But, early twentieth century, in the decade of 1930, two breeders came up with the idea of ​​a Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer to the country breeders' club. His goal was to create a dog with all the qualities of the Vizsla, but with a coat that would protect it more effectively from snow and icy water, as well as scratches and scratches when hunting in the forest.
Although it was debated, the proposal was accepted under certain conditions, including maintaining the same coat color. Jozsef Vasa, breeder of the Hungarian Braco, y Laszlo Gresznarik, breeder of the German Shorthaired Pointer, crossed two female Vizsla named Csibi and Zsuzsi with a male of German Shorthaired Pointer called Astor von Potat. Two generations later, Selle Day was the first Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer that was shown at a dog show.
It seems that during World War II, when the population was in decline, crosses were also made with other breeds such as the Setter Irish or the Griffon. But, there is no record of this miscegenation in the records kept by Hungarian organizations.
The breed was recognized in 1963 by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI), nine years after the Hungarian Short-Haired Pointer (Vizsla). The first specimens were exported to North America in the decade of 1970. More quickly adopted in Canada, to the point of gaining official recognition from the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) in 1977.
In the United States, was not up 2006 and 2014 respectively than the United Kennel Club (UKC) and the American Kennel Club (AKC) they did the same, while they had already recognized the Hungarian Short-Haired Pointer (Vizsla) in 1960 (AKC) and 1984 (UKC). Its growing presence in Europe also allowed it to be recognized by the British Kennel Club. (KC) in 1991.
Photo: Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer; MVD belongs to the sample dogs of the group 7 of the FCI with proof of work by Broneder, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Physical characteristics
The Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer it is a medium-sized dog that differs from its short-haired cousin by its slightly squarer appearance on average, but also and above all because of the length and texture of its coat.
Its slightly rectangular body is dry and well developed, no superfluous roundness. He leans on legs of solid bones, well structured and with prominent muscles. The legs are oval in shape and end in brown claws.
The tail is wide at the base and tapers to the tip. For years, as a precaution for hunting parties, the queue was shortened by about a quarter. This practice of cutting the tail of dogs (tail docking) is currently prohibited in many territories, including France, Switzerland, Belgium and Quebec.

The head of the Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer it is quite wide, with a slightly domed skull at a moderate stop. Ears are back, going down along the cheeks and are slightly shorter than those of the Hungarian Short-Haired Pointer (Vizsla). The eyes are oval, medium-sized, and brown according to the coat. The muzzle is quite short and ends in a broad brown nose as well, but darker in color than fur.
It is the latter that clearly distinguishes it from its cousin.. Both have a dense, waterproof underlayer, but the top layer of the Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer is longer (2 to 3 cm.) and it has a completely different texture. They are made of wire hair, hard, dense and very dense. These features give it excellent protection against harsh outdoor conditions. At face level, hair is slightly shorter, except on the eyebrows and especially the beard. This is not very long (2-3cm.), but it is very pronounced and noticeable.
Like his short haired counterpart, the fur of the Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer it's golden wheat, and the spikes may be darker in the shade. Shades of red, brown or light yellow are accepted, but they are not wanted. A small white spot on the chest is possible, as long as it does not exceed 5 cm..
Finally, sexual dimorphism is well marked in this breed, the male being significantly larger and more massive than the female.
Character and skills
The character of Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer is comparable to the Hungarian Short-Haired Pointer (Vizsla), but with the addition of a wet beard when caressed.
They are very close to their family and are affectionate and playful with their own. But, generally feels closer to a particular person among them, whom he considers as his human reference, and it doesn't stop making you feel clearly.
In any case, he is much less open with humans who are not part of his home. This does not mean that he is aggressive or distrustful towards them., but rather indifferent.
But, if you perceive a threat to your family or territory, whether it comes from an unknown human or another animal, he is very protective, not hesitating to scold or even interfere.

He behaves in exactly the same way with children. Like this, is close to the little ones of the family, but he prefers to avoid others. You have to be careful when the first one plays with friends, as you may misinterpret some of the second's actions as aggression, and then react inappropriately. Like any other dog of any breed, should not be left alone with a young child without adult supervision.
The Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer gets along well with his peers, whether they are those you meet on your walks or those who share your home when necessary. Their relationships with other animals are much more complicated, as they soon fall victim to their strong hunting instinct. The domestic cat is usually protected, especially if you have grown up with him since he was young, but a rodent or a bird cannot say the same if he lives next to him in the house or is on a walk. An unknown cat is also likely to be relentlessly chased.
Used for centuries to succeed on long hunting trips, the Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer still an active dog today. You need to be able to exercise for at least an hour each day to feel comfortable, and you feel even happier if you can spend whole days walking through the forest. So, its level of activity implies that it is not suitable for an elderly or very sedentary person.
Hunting is still his favorite activity, and the one that best allows you to express all your qualities. Otherwise, canine research sports (tracking, Cavemen…) they are a perfect outlet, to solicit your extraordinary sense of smell.
Obedience and agility are also disciplines that will do you good. More simply, it is also a great companion for cyclists, runners, hikers, nature lovers, mushroom pickers… This is all the more true since it is robust and capable of evolving on all types of terrain., from dense forests to rocky mountains, passing through snowy plains or swamps.
In the city, it is strongly recommended to keep him on a leash to avoid accidents if he runs after a passing cat or small animal. But, once in the desert, it is much more appropriate to let it run free. Of course, learning withdrawal orders is an essential prerequisite, for obvious security reasons. A GPS dog collar is nevertheless a good investment to help locate you if the deer you are chasing has led you into unfamiliar terrain..
It also, as it does very well in the aquatic environment. Without being particularly fond, he likes to swim once in a while, especially if the place where you live offers this possibility.
Used to hunting quite independently and, Therefore, to make decisions for themselves, the Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer has acquired a certain intelligence coupled with a strong character. A beginning teacher is probably overwhelmed.
If you are independent in your way of acting, does not mean that he likes to be alone. You can wait patiently at home when your family is at work during the day, but should be able to be as much as possible with the rest of the time. It also, it is likely to hurt if left alone for a whole weekend because it cannot bear the stress caused by the absence of its masters. It also, just because you are physically fit to sleep in the garden, even when it's a little cool, does not mean that this is recommended. In fact, to be well in the head, do not keep him away from his family: it's more of an indoor dog, who prefers to watch television at night with his family than to admire the stars alone outside.
This is all the more true as he is surprisingly calm when his exercise needs are met., to the point of being able to live in an apartment, provided it is large enough to accommodate it in good condition. Discreet and well educated, are not the type that barks on top of your lungs or howls when you die, and are not usually noticed by the neighbors. In fact, they rarely bark (generally when they perceive a threat), but then they don't stop making themselves heard, since his voice rises a lot.
But, the ideal environment for him is a house with a garden (perfectly fenced) in the countryside. A walk in the city during the same time does not have the same flavor as an outing for a dog accustomed to nature and the great outdoors.
Like all dogs, the Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer benefits greatly from socialization that begins in its first few weeks and continues for the following months. Usually goes smoothly, since then he is particularly open and curious, quickly getting used to the different environments and situations you encounter. It´s, because, the ideal time to get used to the people you will meet regularly in your life (friends, neighbors, veterinary…), but also to take him to all kinds of places and allow him to meet various humans and similar creatures.

The education of Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer can give a slightly timid caregiver a hard time, that you wouldn't know how to be respected by your dog. Strong of character and independent, will soon prevail if left alone. But, perfectly suited to beginners, as long as they know how to assert their authority. For this, it is important to establish clear and consistent rules without delay, so much over time (what is prohibited one day is also prohibited the next day) as between the different members of the family (it is not about one person authorizing what another person prohibits), to establish impeccable discipline and ensure that he respects his master's authority. Once you understand that you can't decide for yourself, accepts the situation and is not the one to monitor the slightest defect and constantly question the established order – If and when, of course, their masters continue to know how to impose themselves when necessary.
On the other hand, educate a Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer it's much simpler, fast and effective with methods based on positive reinforcement. Compliments and caresses are a good source of motivation to make her want to learn, and sweets are also valuable allies to motivate him to do what is asked of him. On the other hand, traditional training techniques are doomed to failure, as they are likely to totally destabilize it, making him fearful and insecure.
Last, withdrawal orders are high on the list of things to teach your dog as a priority. In fact, so that you can let him play freely during field trips, which is particularly beneficial for him, must be perfectly assimilated.
The Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer they are generally robust, with a life expectancy of around 12-14 years, which is in line with the average of dogs of their size.
Their short coat protects them from both heat and cold, allowing them to live in a wide variety of climates. But, not adapted to extremes, and can't sleep outside when freezing, for example, or run in the sun in the middle of a summer heat wave.
No dog is immune to disease, and the Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer is no exception. In this case, to which it is most exposed are ..:
- The Hip Dysplasia, a joint problem often favored by a hereditary predisposition, causing pain and difficulty in movement, as well as osteoarthritis with age;
- Elbow dysplasia, a malformation of the joint, which is also possibly related to a predisposition inherited from parents, and that also causes pain and lameness;
- Epilepsy, a nervous system disease of often hereditary origin, responsible for more or less frequent and intense seizures. The disease cannot be cured on its own, but your symptoms can be relieved with the help of medication;
- Addison's disease, a hormonal deficiency that is usually inherited from the parents and manifests itself in various ways: weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, weightloss… The most severe form of the disease is usually fatal, while the chronic form can be kept under control with lifelong treatment;
- Hemophilia type A, an inherited disorder that prevents blood from clotting properly, and that affects men more than women. May manifest in heavy bleeding, bruising or blood in the urine;
- Hyperuricosia, a disease also inherited from the parents. Corresponds to an excess of uric acid, leading to the formation of crystals in the urine, which in turn can cause bleeding and kidney failure;
- Allergies, that can be caused by factors as different as food, the environment or parasites. Allergies can be caused by factors as different as food, the environment or parasites, and most often manifest as itching and redness of the skin;
- Ear infections, as in most breeds of dogs with drooping ears.
The Hungarian Short-Haired Pointer (Vizsla) it is also particularly susceptible to various diseases of the eyes:
- Progressive retinal atrophy, a degeneration of eye tissue that causes irreparable loss of sight, first at night and then also during the day;
- Entropion, a defect in the position of the eyelid that can be inherited and causes irritation of the eyeball. The problem can be treated with surgery;
- Ectropión, an eyelid curl problem also inherited from parents, which also causes eye irritation. Also in this case, an operation remedies the problem;
- Glaucoma, often hereditary, which is a painful increase in the pressure inside the eye. This leads to blindness if it is not operated as soon as possible.
It also, people who are used to hunt are particularly exposed to the risk of injuries that this activity implies.
Since many of the diseases to which the breed is predisposed are or may be hereditary, the adoption of a strict breeder of Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer maximizes the probability of getting a healthy animal, and one that stays that way. In fact, a professional breeder not only ensures that puppies are well socialized from their first weeks of life, but also that they do not inherit a hereditary defect from their parents. To achieve this goal, causes various genetic tests to be systematically performed on the breeding stock in question, and excludes all those who could present any risk. You can also have the resulting puppies examined to confirm the absence of a hereditary condition.. In any case, must be able to present the results of the tests performed, plus a certificate of good health from a veterinarian and the puppy's health or vaccination record, that includes all vaccines that have been administered.
It also, from the moment he arrives home until the end of his life, it is essential to allow your dog to be regularly examined by a veterinarian for a complete health check. This is necessary at least once a year, and more often as you get older, as it allows early detection of a potential problem and action accordingly. These visits are also an opportunity to have immunizations increased when needed.. At the same time, It is also necessary to ensure that the "child's" antiparasitic treatments are renewed throughout the year., so you are never unprotected at this level.
Keep warm Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer it's quite simple, weekly brushing is enough to keep it clean and healthy. But, she lets go of her undercoat twice a year, in spring and autumn, and daily brushing is recommended to help remove dead hairs.

An occasional bath is also necessary, but the frequency of the bath largely depends on the lifestyle of your dog. These may include, it is not useless to bathe several times a month an individual who is used for hunting or who often travels on muddy trails in the forest and sleeps inside the house. On the other hand, two or three a year may be perfectly enough for someone else who walks mostly on rocky trails in the mountains and whose place to sleep is in the garage. In any case, you should always use a mild shampoo designed specifically for dogs, as it can damage their fur or skin.
It also, special attention should be paid to their ears, as their fallen form means they are potential nests for infections (ear infections, etc.) as soon as dirt or moisture accumulates on them. So, it is important to check and clean them weekly. At the same time, it is important to get used to drying them after a long time in a humid environment, and even more so after swimming in a swamp, lake or stream…
The weekly maintenance session is also an opportunity to examine and, if required, quickly clean the area around the eyes with a damp cloth, again to avoid infections that would be triggered by a dirt deposit.
As in any dog, oral hygiene is also important. So, the Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer you should brush your teeth at least once a week, using a toothpaste intended for canine use. This will reduce the deposit of dental plaque., that can cause bad breath, cavities and other diseases by turning into tartar.
It also, despite what their rather active lifestyle might have us believe, this dog needs to have its claws trimmed by hand fairly regularly. This is because they are particularly strong and difficult to wear out.. On average, must be trimmed every 2 or 3 weeks, but if they are not cut every 2 or 3 weeks, it is enough to stretch your ear when walking on hard ground: if then you hear a kind of click with each step, it is because they have become too long and it is time to cut them. Otherwise, not only could it make it difficult for you to walk, but you could also be injured if they broke.
Last, it is recommended to examine it (fur, ears, pads…) after every hunting session or a long stay in the wild, to detect possible cuts or scratches, parasites, thorns…
As in all races, learn how to care for a Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer from a professional (hairdresser or vet) it is the best way to take care of it without risk of damaging or injuring it. It is advisable to accustom him to these different manipulations from a very young age, so that they become a moment of shared pleasure, and not in a task that I try to avoid.
Utilization and training
From the first references to its subject dating from the 13th century, the Hungarian Braco was introduced as a hunting dog, more precisely like a pointing dog. Already at that time, as well as in later centuries, including current, his mission was to find the game and point the hunter in the direction of it. Versatile, is capable of hunting in all terrains (forests, plains, mountains…) and is not afraid of cold or water. So, used to remove various game pieces, either nude or feathered, usually working alone or possibly with a partner, but rarely in a group.
Even today, hunting is the main mission of the Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer, and its qualities are recognized in particular by hunters in Central Europe and Great Britain, where it is present in large numbers.
The qualities it mobilizes for hunting (style, obedience, independence…) they also allow you to shine in various canine sports disciplines, either in the crawl, obedience or agility.
The Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer it is also increasingly present in homes as a simple companion dog. Their attachment and energy can be very beneficial to the morale of their owners., and the most athletic find in him a companion of choice for their long excursions in nature. In any case, your need for exercise is quite high, which makes it unsuitable for a very sedentary person, for example.
His protective side also makes him a good watchdog, that spares no effort to put intruders to flight, although not as imposing as other races.
Buy a “Hungarian Wirehaired Pointer”
The price of a puppy Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer is generally between 600 and 800 EUR, without any significant price difference between males and females.
Whatever the location, and as for all races, the amount requested depends on the more or less prestigious ancestry from which the animal comes, as well as the reputation of the breeding from which it comes. Its intrinsic characteristics are, However, the main factor to take into account, which explains that prices within the same litter can vary enormously; individuals closest to the standard and with the best character traits are necessarily more expensive than others.
Characteristics "Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer"
Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.
Adaptation ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
friendly dog ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
hair loss ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Affection level ⓘ5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Need for exercise ⓘ4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Social need ⓘ4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Home ⓘ4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Toilet ⓘ1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Friendly with strangers ⓘ2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
barking ⓘ2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Health ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Territorial ⓘ4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Cat friendly ⓘ2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Intelligence ⓘ4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Versatility ⓘ4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Child friendly ⓘ4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Surveillance ⓘ3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
joy ⓘ4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Videos "Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer"
Hungarian Hard-Haired Braco or Hard-Haired Viszla – Breed of dog
Wirehaired Vizslas | Breed Judging 2020
Type and recognitions:
- Group 7: Pointing Dogs
- Section 1: Continental Pointing Dogs. 1.1 Braque Type. With working trial (in the field and in the water).
- – FCI – Group 7: Pointing Dogs. – Section 1: Continental Pointing Dogs. 1.1: Braque Type ⓘ
- – AKC – Group 1 (Sports) ⓘ
- – CKC – Group 1 (Sports) ⓘ
- – KC – Gun Dog ⓘ
- – NZKC – Gun Dog Group ⓘ
- – UKC – Gun Dog Group ⓘ
FCI breed standard "Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer"
It is a dog that has repeatedly proven to be a utilitarian hunter.. Both in the field and in the forest, or in the water, has proven to be useful given the typical characteristics it has: highly developed sense of the trail, venteador firm, excellent conduct or behavior to bring the prey, indefatigable chaser of the trail even swimming due to its natural affinity with water. It is capable of surviving extreme weather conditions as well as in the most varied soils.. As a complete hunting dog, the fear of shooting or wild animals is a fault that manifests itself for example in the gathering of prey. Lack of affinity to water is also highly undesirable. Given its unproblematic nature and normal adaptability, It is an excellent dog to live with in the house.
General appearance:
It's a hunting dog, lively, dry looking, enjuto, whose structure is more robust than that of the Hungarian short-haired pointer. His image is the faithful reflection of a multifaceted dog and he is recognized for his perseverance., performance and humility.
• The length of the body is somewhat greater than the height at the withers.
• The depth of the chest reaches a little less than half the height at the withers..
• The snout is a little shorter than half the total length of the head.
It is a faithful dog, easy training and instruction, is self-confident. Does not admit abrupt or rude teaching. He always maintains contact with his guide, search with enthusiasm, is persevering, always available due to his good sense of smell. He remains noticeably in front of the guide.
---- Skull : Moderately wide, gently domed, on the skull a delicate groove that runs from the moderate occiput to the stop. Supraorbital arches are moderately developed.
- Depression links (stop) : Moderate.
facial region:
- Truffle : Wide and well developed nose, if possible with wide open nostrils. The truffle color harmonizes with the hair color in a shade a little darker than the coat.
- Snout : Romo, not pointed, with powerful and heavily muscled jaws. The nasal helm is straight.
- Belfos : Firms, adherents with nothing hanging.
- Jaws/Teeth : Powerful jaws with a scissor bite, perfect, regular and complete. There should be no space between the upper and lower incisors The teeth are inserted more or less at right angles to the jaws, 42 healthy teeth and according to the dog's dental formula.
- Cheeks : Powerful, good muscular.
Eyes : Gently oval, medium-sized. The eyelids are well adherent to the eyeball. The look is lively and intelligent. The color of the eyes is brown and harmonizes with the color of the coat, preferred when the eyes are as dark as possible.
Ears : Insertion slightly back and at medium height. The ear is thin and rests on the cheek, ending downwards in a rounded "V". Its length is approximately three-quarters of the length of the head.
Medium length and in harmony with the whole of the dog. Very muscular and gently arched nape. Throat skin is firmly attached.Body:
- Cross : Notorious and muscular.
- Back : companies, well muscled, strong and straight. The bony apices of the vertebrae must be covered by musculature.
- Pork loin : Short, width, strong, muscular, straight or gently arched. The passage from back to back is firm and compact.
- Rump : Wide and long enough, it does not cut, gently descends towards the tail, well muscled.
- Breast : deep and wide, with a moderately developed sill, well drawn and muscular. Sternum pushed back as far back as possible. The sternum and the elbow joints should be at the same height. Ribs moderately sprung. Back ribs with good reach up.
- Bottom line and belly : Glides firmly back with a graceful, slightly tucked curve.
Middle insertion. Strong at the start and tapering towards the tip. In countries where there is no formal ban on tail docking, it will be cut into a quarter of its length for hunting purposes. As long as it cannot be cut, reaches hock height. It is straight and its bearing is light saber. In motion the tail rises to the height of the horizontal. The tail should be covered with good, thick hair..Tips
PREVIOUS MEMBERS : Seen from the front they are parallel. In profile they are seen straight to the ground and located well under the body. Good bone structure and strong muscles.
- Shoulder : Long scapulae, ideally sloped back and flat. Elastic in movement. Dry and powerful muscles. Good angulation between the scapula and the arm.
- Arm : As long as possible and well muscled.
- Elbow : Next to the body, though not tight or turned in or out. Good angulation between arm and forearm.
- Forearm : Long, straight, good muscular. Powerful bones, not heavy or rough.
- Carpo : Dried, firm.
- Metacarpus : Short, only with a very slight incline in your posture.
- Front feet : Slightly oval, with fingers together and well arched ; strong brown nails. Strong pads, powerful, resistant and slate gray. The feet are kept parallel both in immobility and during movement.
LATER MEMBERS : Viewed from behind they look straight and parallel. Good angulations. Strong bones.
- Thigh : Long and well muscled. Good angulation between hip and femur.
- Knee : Good angulation of the thigh with the leg.
- Leg : Long, well muscled, fibrous. Its length is approximately equal to the length of the thigh. Good angulation between the leg and the metatarsal.
- Hock : Strong, dry and stringy. Located relatively low.
- Metatarsus : Straight, short and dry.
- Rear feet : Same as forwards.
His typical gait is a powerful, flowing trot., elegant and with good ground cover, with great rear propulsion and very good front extension. During the search in the field, a voluntary gallop is customary.. The back is firm and the topline remains straight., without loosening. The bearing is well upright. Pasuqueo is not desirable.Mantle
SKIN: companies, adherent, without wrinkles. The skin must be well pigmented.
Fur: wire, flat, was, thick and dull. The outer layer is 2 to 3 cm.. long. The inner fleece is dense, thickens and repels water. The contours of the dog should not be altered by the slightly longer coat. It should have hair that is as hard as possible and as thick as possible so that it protects it from inclement weather and prevents injuries.. The lower portions of the legs such as
The underside of the chest and belly also have shorter hair., softer and somewhat thinner, The head and ears are covered by shorter and at the same time darker hair, although for this reason it is no less hard and dense.. The marked eyebrows further show the stop. This, added to the beard, underlines the energetic appearance of the face.. The beard is important, not too long (2 to 3 cm.), as hard as possible and on both sides of the snout. On both sides of the neck there are strands of hair that come together to form a “V”.
Color: Different shades of yellow seed. Ears may be a little darker, although staying within the coloration. Red colors are not desirable, browned, or very light tones.
A small white spot on the chest or throat will not be considered fouls, provided that its diameter does not exceed 5 cm., nor will white markings on the fingers be considered faults.. The color of the lips and the edges of the eyelids harmonizes with the color of the nose
Size and weight:
Height to the cross:
- Males: 58-64 cm..
- females: 54-60 cm..
It is unproductive to increase the height at the withers. A medium size is the goal. The set and the symmetry both in static and in movement are by far more important to the size measured in centimeters.
Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered as a fault and the severity of this is considered to the degree of the deviation to the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog..
• Aggressiveness or extreme shyness.
• Any dog showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities.
• Aggressive or fearful dog.
• Notable deviation from the characteristics of their sex.
• Atypical head
• Spotted truffle
• Hanging or slimy lips.
• Upper or lower prognathism, deviated arch of the incisors and any other option that is not correct.
• Missing one or more incisors and/or fangs and/or premolars (2-4) and / or molars (1-2); lack of more than two PM1, M3 will not be taken into account or considered. Teeth that are not visible, They will be considered as missing teeth.
• Supernumerary teeth outside the tooth line.
• Split palate, harelip.
• Light yellow eyes, noticeably loose eyelids; ectropion, entropion, disksis (double lash line).
• Excessive double chin.
• Dewclaws.
• Very serious offenses that prevent normal movement.
• Fine fur, lack of inner fleece, Longhair, soft, silky,
with locks, curly or woolly. Lack of tufts on the
• Dark brown or faded yellow, more than one color, color disappeared; white spot on the chest of more than 5 cm..
• White feet.
• Depigmentation of both the skin and the edges of the lips and eyelids.
• More of 2 cm.. deviation of the maximum and minimum measurements.
• Any weakness in an essential characteristic of character
- Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..
- Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with the typical conformation of the breed, should be used for parenting.
Alternative names:
1. Hungarian Wire-haired Pointer, Wirehaired Vizsla, Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla, Drótszőrű magyar vizsla (English).
2. Braque hongrois à poil dur, (en hongrois : drótszőrű magyar vizsla), Vizsla à Poil Dur (French).
3. Drahthaariger Ungarischer Vorstehhund, (ungarisch Drótszőrű magyar vizsla), Drahthaar Vizsla (German).
4. Braco húngaro de pelo duro, (em húngaro: drótszőrű magyar vizsla) (Portuguese).
5. Vizsla húngaro de capa alambrada (español).