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Red-crowned Parakeet
Pyrrhura roseifrons

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Red-crowned Parakeet




22 cm.. in length and a weight ranging from 54 and 70 g..

The Red-crowned Parakeet (Pyrrhura roseifrons) has the head pinkish red. The neck and the area of ​​the upper chest They are dark with whitish scales. The bill is black. The tail and the central area of belly They are red. The tip of his tail It is dark red. The wings they are blue. Orbital ring dark gray bordered by a yellowish white. the legs are grey.

The immature It has reddish forehead and dark tones in the rest of the head. The pinkish red head in adults it is distinctive. Losl youth They may resemble subspecies Pyrrhura roseifrons peruviana or the Deville's Parakeet (Pyrrhura lucianii), but it lacks of the ear-coverts pale.

  • Sound of the Red-crowned Parakeet.

Description 4 subspecies
  • Pyrrhura roseifrons dilutissima

    (Arndt, 2008) – Blue restricted to a narrow strip on the forecrown; yellowish beige in ear-coverts; upper region chest pale brown festooned with pale yellowish beige.

  • Pyrrhura roseifrons roseifrons

    (Gray,GR, 1859) – Nominal. –

  • Pyrrhura roseifrons parvifrons

    (Arndt, 2008) – It looks like the Pyrrhura roseifrons peruviana, but with blue, rather than red, on forecrown.

  • Pyrrhura roseifrons peruviana

    (Hocking, Blake & Joseph, 2002) – 22 cm., length. Absent in his bright red plumage, It has more dark brown in crown and the area eyes, the crown with bluish.


They mostly live in small groups of a dozen members and remain in pairs during the breeding period. breeding. They lead a life Nomad, little little is known about the behavior of this species in the wild.


build their nest in tree cavities. The laying is of 5 to 7 eggs incubated by both parents for 26 days (captive breeding data). The pups remain in the nest 2 months, becoming independent at the age of 3 months.


It feeds on fruits, seeds, leaves and flowers.


Size of its range (reproduction / residents): 1.000.000 km2

It is located in the west of the Amazonia, from the state amazon about the Juruá, in Brazil, and the lowlands of eastern Peru in the North of Bolivia. In Brazil, They spread south and west of habitat Deville's Parakeet (Pyrrhura lucianii)

Distribution 4 subspecies
  • Pyrrhura roseifrons dilutissima

    (Arndt, 2008) – Center of Peru around the rio Ene at the confluence with the rio Quipachiari, and around Hacienda Louisiana, on Cordillera Vilcabamba.

  • Pyrrhura roseifrons roseifrons

    (Gray,GR, 1859) – Nominal. – Amazonia occidental, to the South of the amazon, from the North of Peru South to North of Bolivia (Peace) and in the West of Brazil (Western Amazon).

  • Pyrrhura roseifrons parvifrons

    (Arndt, 2008) – Two disjoint regions in northern Peru; in the East of San Martin and adjacent areas, Center west Loreto, and along the amazon in the northeast of Loreto (only on the southern shore of amazon).

  • Pyrrhura roseifrons peruviana

    (Hocking, Blake & Joseph, 2002) – Foothills of Andes in the southeast of Ecuador (Morona-Santiago) and North of Peru (Amazon and Loreto Western)


State of conservation ⓘ

minor concern Minor Concern ⓘ (UICN)ⓘ

• Current category of the Red List of the UICN: Least concern.

• Population trend: Decreasing.

• Population size : Unknown.

Justification of the Red List of the Category

This species has a very large range, and therefore does not approach the thresholds for vulnerable under the range size criterion (extent of occurrence <20.000 km2 combinan con un tamaño gama disminución o fluctuante, hábitat medida / calidad, o de la población tamaño y un pequeño número de localidades o fragmentación severa). A pesar de que la tendencia de la población parece estar disminuyendo, el descenso no se cree que es suficientemente rápido como para acercarse a los umbrales para Vulnerables según el criterio tendencia de la población (> 30% decrease of more than ten years or three generations). The population size It has not been quantified, but is not believed to be a reason to approach the thresholds for Vulnerable based on population size criteria (<10.000 individuos maduros con una disminución continua estima en> 10% in ten years or three generations, or a specific population structure). For these reasons, the species is evaluated as Least concern.

Justification of the population

Recent world population is unknown given taxonomic divisions.

Justification trend

This species is suspected that there may be lost 7,0-7,3% of habitat within its distribution over three generations (18 years) based on a model of deforestation of the Amazon (Soares-Filho et to the. 2006, Bird et to the. 2011). Given the susceptibility of this species to hunting and / or entrapment, it is suspected that its population can decrease <25% en tres generaciones.

"Red-crowned Parakeet" in captivity:

little presence in captivity and found only in some aviaries, where however they reproduce very well. After acclimation is a strong bird that can live outdoors. It is a bird suspicious although curious and playful nature, especially if they feel safe. Young birds in captivity quickly lose their fear and are very attached to their caregivers. It´s noisy, especially in the morning and sleeps in the nest. The female is very aggressive during the breeding period with other birds..

Alternative names:

Red-crowned Parakeet, Rose-fronted Parakeet, Rose-fronted Parakeet (Rose-fronted) (English).
Conure à calotte rouge, Conure rougissante (French).
Rotscheitelsittich (German).
Tiriba-de-cabeça-vermelha (Portuguese).
Cotorra frentirrosa, Perico de Frente Rosada (español).

scientific classification:

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittacidae
Genus: Pyrrhura
Scientific name: Pyrrhura roseifrons
Citation: (Gray, GR, 1859)
Protonimo: Conurus roseifrons

Images Red-crowned Parakeet:

Videos "Red-crowned Parakeet"

Especies del género Pyrrhura

Red-crowned Parakeet (Pyrrhura roseifrons)


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr


(1) – Painted Parakeet (Pyrrhura picta) – the subspecies on this photo, roseifrons, is now often considered a separate species, the Rose-fronted Parakeet (Pyrrhura roseifrons) By http://www.birdphotos.com (http://www.birdphotos.com) [CC BY 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Sounds: Micah Riegner, XC208597. accessible www.xeno-canto.org/208597

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