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Grey-breasted parakeet
Pyrrhura griseipectus

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Grey-breasted parakeet



23 cm.. length and 70 g. of weight.

Grey-breasted parakeet

The Grey-breasted parakeet (Pyrrhura griseipectus) is a bird marked by a mask in reddish face, interrupted by a surrounding white coloration in the regions orbitals and ear-coverts.

The feathers of the neck to the upper region chest They have a gray coloration with light streaks interspersed, giving the region a striped appearance or escamado. The species has a characteristic patch reddish in belly, highlighting green coloration, its predominant body. The region forecrown up to the nape, It is dark brown with white or lighter brown spots that vary from bird to bird.. rear area neck green blue border with a width. They have a patch reddish brown in the bottom of the back which leads to the crown. The tail It is long and maroon. Bill gray-black; eye ring white gray; irises brown-orange.

It has no sexual dimorphism. The immature they are more muted than adults; You have scattered green feathers in the abdomen; the cere and the bare periophthalmic is white, less gray tone.

Taxonomic status:

This species is considered to be a subspecies of Pyrrhura [leucotis, emma or griseipectus] by some authors

  • Sound of the Grey-breasted parakeet.


It is in the rainforests, often located in Serranas regions, where orographic rains favor the occurrence of enclaves Atlantic Forest and Mata dry amid caatinga.


The breeding season It occurs during the rainy season. The laying It is five to eight eggs in holes dug by woodpeckers since they are not able to dig their own nests; They use these holes to sleep.

When the pups are born, the couple divides the task of feeding. Sometimes they have help from even a third member of the flock to successfully raise all the young..


Probably it feeds on fruits, flowers, seeds and algae.

Distribution and status:

Size of its range (players / residents): 830 km2

This species was formerly known in 15 Locations (. Anon 2014) within Brazil. At present it is in only three areas in the state of Ceará, the Serra de Baturité and Quixadá (C. Albano in a little . 2006, Waugh et al 2010.) and most recently observed in a rocky mountain Ceará, where five birds were recorded in March 2014 (Anon. 2014).

In Serra do Baturité appears to be very rare and seems to have been extinct from several areas, but recent records of groups in the Environmental Protection Area mountains Baturité; surveys 2007 half of the remaining habitat in this site revealed near 80 individuals (C. Albano in a little. 2007, 2008) and the population here is now estimated to be about 250 birds (Waugh et al . 2010).

Forests of Baturite mountains They have been greatly reduced to make way for coffee plantations and only 13% of the jungle remained in 1996. The discovery in 2010 a population of about 50 birds in Quixadá (Waugh et al ., 2010) It raises the known world population of this species in about 300 birds.

The Grey-breasted parakeet It was previously known two other areas: the eastern slope of the Saw Ibiapaba in Ceará, and small Serra Negra, in Pernambuco, where it was very common in 1974, with flocks of 4-6 individuals regularly seen in the early 1980, although there are no recent records. There are also unconfirmed reports 1991 in organic station Murici Alagoas in which possibly it refers to individuals released; Recent fieldwork was unable to locate the species.

Its known range is very small, and the species has declined dramatically in the past, a trend that may be permanent.


  • Justification of the Red List of the Category

Recent surveys indicate that this species has a extremely small population, which continues to decline after dramatic historical declines. For these reasons it qualifies as Critically Endangered.

  • Justification of the population

State of conservation ⓘ

critical hazard critically endangered (UICN)ⓘ

• Current category of the Red List of the UICN: critically endangered.

• Population trend: Decreasing.

• Population size : 200 individuals.

The population in the Area of Baturité Mountains Environmental Protection It is estimated at about 250 birds, and discovery in 2010 a population of about 50 birds in Quixadá raises the known world population of about 300 birds (Waugh et al ., 2010). This equates to approximately 200 mature individuals.

  • Justification trend

This species is suspected to be decreasing quickly because of their capture and habitat loss in progress within its range.

  • Threats

The habitat destruction He has played a role in the decline of the species with the original forest cover now reduced to only 13%.

The coffee plantations (especially where coffee is grown in the sun instead of shade coffee) They are impacting the habitat of the species.

The main threat, However, It is believed to come from the capture illegal underway for local and national trade (C. Albano a slightly 2006, Anon 2009..) and captive breeding (Fernandes-Ferreira et al 2012.); the Grey-breasted parakeet They can be easily purchased through Internet (Girão and Albano 2008).

It is easily found in the international trade in bird cage.

The lack of natural nesting sites also it believed to are limiting reproductive success of the species (Campos et al . 2014).

Conservation Actions Underway

Appendix II of CITES.

In Brazil, It was considered above in critical hazard (Silveira y Straube 2008), but it has now been legally designated as endangered national (MMA 2014), and protected Brazilian law.

Dwelleth within Baturité Mountains Environmental Protection Area, but this area has been designated for sustainable use and traditionally has not been achieved for conservation.

Management of land by a private owner in the area has led to an increase in a small town known (C. Albano a slightly . 2006).

Since 2007, NGO AQUASIS Brazil has been conducting two research projects: one sponsored by the Brazilian Foundation O Boticário for the Protection of Nature, the topography of the Baturite mountains to monitor their condition and research their biology; and another sponsored Fundación Loro Parque, for additional populations (C. Albano in a little. 2007, 2008).

The surveys carried out in the historical sites and areas of potential habitat in the period 2007-2008 They have not been able to locate members of this species, although there are strong indications of individuals that may still be inhabiting the degraded Serra do Estevão, municipality Jaw, state Ceará (C. Albano in a little. 2007 2008, Anon 2007), where it was actually rediscovered in the 2010 (Waugh et al ., 2010).

A team of AQUASIS, funded by an award Leadership Program for Conservation in 2012, conducted searches for the species on an isolated mountain in Ceará and he found a small population of five individuals in March 2014 (Anon. 2014).

You can also persist in Serra Negra Biological Reserve, state Pernambuco, although a combination of marijuana crops and hostile local culture makes research work in this latter area difficult (C. Albano in a little. 2007, 2008).

At least 11 private reserves (RPPN) They are in the process of being created in the Serra de Baturité (C. Albano in a little. 2007, 2008) and AQUASIS They are now engaged in the process of developing a nature reserve in the Baturite mountains (Campos et al . 2014).

AQUASIS has strengthened ties with government agencies in order to influence policy decisions (Campos et al . 2014).

Scheme nest box sponsored by Loro Parque It has been carried out with nest boxes installed in different places with the consent of the landowners. (Anon, 2009).

AQUASIS also they provided nest boxes Insecticide treated to reduce infestations of bee and wasp (Campos et al . 2014). These measures have proved effective, with 16 boxes occupied in 2012 give place to 97 eggs and 71 chicks hatched successfully.

A education and awareness campaign large scale was carried out in the Serra de Baturité in 2008 (C. Albano in a little. 2007, 2008) and continues today, with many schools currently participating in education programs AQUASIS (Campos et al . 2014).

A main objective of AQUASIS is to promote the Cotorra pechigris as a flagship species, the work being supported by commercial NGOs and ecotourism WATER Trails of the Park (Anonymous 2009).

AQUASIS also it aims to develop the ability to bird watching and a development process of consciousness creating alternative livelihoods (Anonymous 2009). A visitor center has recently been established (Campos et al . 2014).

It breeds well in captivity and stocks are held in Brazil and abroad. Always captive breeding is well managed and coordinated, could be used for reintroduction into the wild.

They are being conducted studies on factors influencing the survival rate of chicks, population's genetics (in future DNA techniques can be used as a deterrent against illegal collection of wild birds); both adults and juveniles have been banded (Campos et al . 2014).

Conservation Actions Proposed

Conduct more studies in areas similar to the mountains Baturité in the northeast of Brazil, such as Sierras de Aratanha, Maranguape and Machado, by the presence of additional existing populations.

continue population monitoring known in Serra de Baturité.

improve conservation management practiced in the Guaramiranga Ecological Park.

Provide incentives for landowners to increase the network of private reserves Baturite mountains.

Monitor and control trade locally, National and international.

Investigate the feasibility of using giant bamboo (Dendrocalamus giganteus) as sites for constructing artificial nests (Campos et al . 2014).

continue making awareness campaigns to promote the Grey-breasted parakeet as a symbol for the conservation of humid forests and associated biodiversity in the Baturite mountains.

Investigate in situ conservation measures.

"Grey-breasted parakeet" in captivity:

Its continuous capture, both for domestic and international trade, They have taken this beautiful bird to a critical situation, there are only 200 specimens in the nature. There are probably more animals captivity in its natural habitat

Protected by the Appendix II of CITES, each captive specimen of this species that is capable of reproducing, must be placed in a well-managed captive breeding program and not sold as a pet, in order to ensure long term survival.

Alternative names:

Gray-breasted Conure, Gray-breasted Parakeet, Grey-breasted Conure, Grey-breasted Parakeet, Maroon-faced Parakeet (Gray-breasted) (English).
Conure à poitrine grise (French).
Graubrustsittich, Salvadori-Weißohrsittich (German).
Tiriba-de-orelha-branca, tiriba-de-peito-cinza, periquito cara-suja (Portuguese).
Cotorra pechigrís, Periquito sujo, Cotorra de pecho gris (español).

scientific classification:

Salvadori Tommaso

Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittacidae
Genus: Pyrrhura
Scientific name: Pyrrhura griseipectus
Citation: Salvadori, 1900
Protonimo: Pyrrhura griseipectus

Images Grey-breasted Parakeet:

Videos "Grey-breasted parakeet"

Especies del género Pyrrhura

Grey-breasted parakeet (Pyrrhura griseipectus)


– Parrots of the World – Forshaw Joseph M
– Parrots A Guide to the Parrots of the World – Tony Juniper & Mike Parr


(1) – Grey-breasted Parakeet By writhedhornbill [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons
(6) – Grey-breasted Parakeet by Internet Archive Book ImagesFlickr

Sounds: Ciro Albano, XC7948. accessible www.xeno-canto.org/7948

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