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Originally from Tibet, the Lhasa Apso He is known in his home country as "Apso Seng Kyi", which means "dog with the roar of a lion", probably in reference to its characteristic bark and its appearance quite similar to that of a miniature lion.
DNA studies have established that it is one of the oldest domestic dogs: the first specimens would have appeared several thousand years before our era. They have also shown that it is one of the dog breeds most closely related to the wolf, although its appearance does not necessarily suggest it.
For a long time they were mistaken for the Tibetan Terrier, until separate rules were established that facilitated their differentiation. The distinction was made mainly on the basis of size, being the Tibetan Terrier bigger and, Therefore, more of a deterrent as a guard dog.
Considered sacred in its country of origin, It was forbidden to be sold and was raised exclusively by nobles and monks to watch over and protect palaces., Isolated Buddhist temples and monasteries in the Himalayan mountains. His job was to raise the alarm in case of intrusion or potential danger, while his cousin, the Tibetan Mastiff, put all his imposing stature to deter malicious individuals from going any further. The monks believed that when the owner of a Lhasa Apso I died and was not yet ready for Nirvana, his soul was reincarnated in the body of his animal.
It was also customary to use it as a gift for foreign leaders. It also, only the Lhasa Apso gifts from the Dalai Lama could leave the country. They always happened in pairs, to bring luck and prosperity to the recipient. This is how the first subjects were introduced into China towards 1583, at the beginning of the Manchu dynasty.
It was not until the dawn of the 20th century that the Lhasa Apso came to europe, and more specifically in 1904. It was then that the first import to the UK took place., when British soldiers returning from the expedition to Tibet led by Francis Younghusband brought back representatives of the breed. But, was not up 1964 when the Kennel Club, the main canine organization in the country, officially recognized the breed.
In France, was introduced in 1949 by Miss Violette Dupont.
The Lhasa Apso first set foot in North America in 1933, when Thubten Gyatso (1876-1933), the XIII Dalai Lama, offered one to the explorer and naturalist Charles Suydam Cutting (1889-1972).
It took the American Kennel Club only two years to officially recognize the breed, as he did in 1935. The other most important canine organization in the country, el United Kennel Club, waited until 1975 to do the same.
The International Cynological Federation (FCI), that coordinates the organizations of a hundred countries, recognized the Lhasa Apso in 1969.
The Lhasa Apso is now very popular and is present all over the world.
In United States, ranks 70 (of something less than 200) in the breed ranking established by the American Kennel Club according to the number of births registered each year in the organization. This marks a certain decline compared to the first years of the 21st century., when he was rather in the position 40.
In the United Kingdom, the breed is also in sharp decline, after having peaked. Like this, while the number of annual births registered by the Kennel Club was around 4.000 in the middle of the Decade of 2000 and exceeded 4.500 early in the decade 2010, then collapsed, to the point of dividing by three, with, Therefore, less than 1.500 annual records at the end of the decade of 2010.
The situation is quite similar in France, where the breed reached its peak popularity in the early years 90, with more than 1.500 births in some years. But, before the dawn of the 21st century, they had already regressed below a thousand. The Lhasa Apso recovered in the second half of the decade of 2000, flirting with the numbers reached at their peak. But, fell back from 2012, and abruptly. Like this, during the decade of 2010, the number of people registered each year in the French Book of Origins (LOF) divided by two, ending the decade in less than 700.
Physical characteristics
The Lhasa Apso it is a small dog with a robust and harmonious appearance. His body is longer than high, and well proportioned. Its front legs are straight. The tail is set high on the back and covered by a long lock of hair.
The skull is small and slightly rounded, with a well defined stop. The ears are soft, medium in size and covered with long hair. Very often hidden under a long fringe of hair, eyes are dark brown and oval. They have an alert expression. The snout is short, straight but not square, and ends in a black nose.
The coat of the Lhasa Apso consists of a medium density undercoat and a long topcoat, Lisa, dense and hard. Hair covers the entire body and usually touches the ground, without ever impeding their movements.
But, because they shed relatively little, they are often promoted as a breed of dog hypoallergenic, which makes them suitable for people with allergies to dogs. But, keep in mind that no breed is totally hypoallergenic: a person who is in this case should always try to carry out a test in real conditions for several hours before any adoption.
In any case, the coat can be of various colors: dorado, sand, honey, dark grey, Slate, black, white or brown. It is smooth in some individuals, and particolorada (that is to say, that mixes several colors) in others.
Last, sexual dimorphism is not very pronounced in this breed: males and females are very similar in size.
▷ Male size: 20 – 30 cm.
▷ female size: 18 – 28 cm.
▷ Male weight: 5 – 7 kg
▷ female weight: 4 – 6 kg
Character and skills
The Lhasa Apso He is very loving and protective of his owners. But, despite the close bond he has with them, his independent nature allows him to handle loneliness without difficulty. He is not one of those who suffer from separation anxiety when his owners are absent for a few hours.
Get along well with children old enough to have learned to interact with and respect an animal, which makes him a very good playmate. On the other hand, by not being very patient, can quickly become overwhelmed by young children who are noisy, that move a lot or that hurt you, and then he risks at any moment to react abruptly. So, it is not recommended that you live with younger children. In any case, Whatever your race, a dog should never be left alone with a young child without adult supervision.
Probably because he loves his family and seeks to protect them, the Lhasa Apso It, on the other hand, suspicious of strangers. They do not hesitate to bark when they perceive a threat or a stranger approaching their home, and are usually perceptive enough to quickly determine if the person is a friend or foe of their family. So, he is an excellent alert dog. But, not only uses their vocalizations to raise the alarm: it is known to bark a lot, even in situations that don't justify it. This is probably due to his highly developed hearing., that allows you to hear noises and sounds inaudible to humans and even to some other races.
Living with their little fellows usually goes well, how much have they grown up together. Otherwise, for its dominant character, it can be more complicated. Given its size, it is also better to avoid living with a large dog, since it could inadvertently hurt you, for example while playing together. There is also a risk with people who are on your walks. In fact, as he is very brave and sees himself as bigger and more powerful than he really is, does not hesitate to play with (or sometimes face) other dogs much bigger than him, not realizing that they could unintentionally hurt you during their interactions.
Have you share your home with a representative of another species (cat, rodent, bird…) it is very possible. In fact, does not have a very pronounced predatory instinct, and he is not one of those who begins to chase the small animals that are during his walks. The only exception are those who dare to enter their territory, for example in your garden.
The Lhasa Apso you don't need much to satisfy your need for exercise. But, half an hour a day, through two or three walks and / or play sessions, is a minimum below which you should not keep it balanced. On the other hand, if you are happy to accompany your masters on short walks, its resistance is quite limited: you don't have to count on him to walk for hours. In fact, its low level of activity makes it an ideal companion for the elderly or sedentary. However, do not neglect to exercise daily, both for their psychological and physical well-being, especially since it is a breed of dog that tends to be overweight.
It also, the Lhasa Apso not only needs to be physically stimulated. In fact, You also have to take advantage of his curiosity and his great intelligence so that he is psychologically balanced. So, It may be convenient not only to vary the routes and activities of the walk, but also, for example, regularly teach him new tricks or let him play different dog sports such as agility, obedience or rally, that allow you to exercise both physically and mentally.
As soon as your needs are met, easily adapts to all places in life, showing himself capable of living both in the city and in the country, in an apartment like in a house. Having said that, even if you have access to a garden, your independence does not mean you can spend most of your time there, away from their masters. In fact, to be happy and balanced, you need to be surrounded and interact with your family.
But, it is important to note that the Lhasa Apso is independent, stubborn and not really inclined to spontaneously obey. It also, if you don't like something, does not hesitate to express his discontent. It also, matures very slowly and can remain a puppy in your head until 3 years. So, not really suitable for a person who has no experience with dogs, since it could give you too much trouble.
The Lhasa Apso is an intelligent dog, but independent and stubborn. It also, matures slowly, to the point that some individuals remain puppies on their heads for up to three years. Obviously, this is not without consequences on their education: has difficulty concentrating and taking learning sessions seriously.
Everything is combined so that obeying is not necessarily the most natural thing for him, not the first thing on his priority list. This is all the more true as he is dominant and does not hesitate to question the rules and test the limits.; if he perceives a flaw that allows him to do what he pleases or even occupy the role of leader, does not hesitate to exploit it.
So, its owner must be firm from the first months and not let it get away with it, at the risk of allowing “small dog syndrome” to develop. The latter appears when the owners, too moved by the pretty and harmless looks of their young companion, do not correct -or not enough- their inappropriate behaviors (grunts, barking, aggressiveness…), like they would with a bigger dog. This is the best way to make it disobedient, aggressive, disturbed and hard to live. It also, then it is very difficult to correct the situation, once bad habits have been established.
This is the case, for example, of the barking, since it is known to bark excessively. Do not wait to try to make him understand the circumstances in which it is useless to do so and those in which, on the other hand, is pertinent. You also have to teach him to stop when asked.
To avoid drifts or failures in your education, It is important that each of the members of the house is involved in it and makes sure that the current regulations are respected to the letter. These rules must be established from their arrival in the family and be constant over time and from one person to another., otherwise he runs the risk of getting lost and not being able to understand what is expected of him.
It also, either to make him assimilate the rules or to teach him various useful things, a certain regularity is necessary to obtain results, and it is better to start from your arrival in the family. Short daily sessions are great for keeping you focused on the tasks at hand, as it tends to get bored quickly. Positive reinforcement is the best training method: rewarding him with treats and stimuli is much more effective than harsh punishment.
Last, like any dog, the socialization of Lhasa Apso should be started at an early age, during which it is more malleable and adaptable. To become a well-adjusted adult and behave correctly in all circumstances, needs to meet as many people and animals as possible during the first months of life, as well as being exposed to all kinds of situations and stimuli.
The Lhasa Apso is generally robust and healthy. It is also not unusual for representatives of the breed to live to 20 years or more.
It also, its Tibetan origins and its well-stocked coat (that is not alien) explain why it is particularly resistant to cold and humidity. On the other hand, is much less comfortable when mercury peaks, or even frankly in great difficulty., your flattened face implies a markedly lower than average respiratory ventilation capacity and, Therefore, a less good ability to regulate your internal temperature by panting.Particularly prone to heatstroke, it's not done, for example, to live in a Mediterranean climate.
Although he is in good general health, It is possible that he will suffer from various more or less serious pathologies throughout his life. The health problems to which he is predisposed are:
- the brachycephalic syndrome, Which affectssnub-nosed and star-nosed dog breeds.In fact, this morphological peculiarity predisposes the animal to various health problems, like breathing difficulties, eye diseases or digestive disorders. Surgical intervention may be considered to enlarge the animal's nostrils and thus increase its respiratory capacity;
- the Hip Dysplasia, joint malformation whose appearance may be enhanced by a hereditary predisposition, produces pain and lameness in the hips and inevitably progresses toosteoarthritis aas the dog ages;
- the dislocation of the patella (or dislocation of the patella), common in small dogs. It occurs when the kneecap moves in or out of the knee and can cause pain and / the cojera;
- the herniated disc, a disease of the spine that causes pain that is increasingly difficult for the animal to face, which can therefore be aggressive when manipulated or the door. It also has more and more difficulties to move, he even ends up paralyzed.In less advanced cases, rest and medication are usually sufficient, but in others surgery is necessary;
- inguinal hernia, manifested by the appearance of a soft, painless mass between the inner thigh and the abdomen. It mainly affects unsterilized women and is cured by surgical intervention;
- congenital renal dysplasia, a malformation of the kidneys whose symptoms can be very varied: growth retardation, dull coat, lack of appetite, dirt … In all cases, it is a serious and incurable disease;
- urolitiasis (or bladder stone), which is the formation of stones in the urinary tract., the dog experiences difficulty urinating or even gets dirty and / or the presence of blood in the urine. Treatment consists of surgical removal of the stone;
- congenital hydrocephalus, a disease of the nervous system that can have many consequences: strabismus, bulging skull, stunted growth, locomotive difficulties,epileptic attacks, vision problems … Medical treatments reduce symptoms, but it is also possible to consider a surgical intervention to solve the problem at the source;
- type B hemophilia (or Christmas disease), a blood clotting disorder that is often inherited, affects mainly males and causes heavy or prolonged bleeding, as well as the spontaneous appearance of bruises. It is a serious and incurable pathology: even if thedog transfusionsare possible during severe bleeding, usually dies young;
- the periodontics, an irreversible inflammatory disease of the gingival tissue uncommon in all canines and particularly insmall breeds.It appears due to poor oral hygiene and causes inflammation of the gums. In the most serious cases, teeth eventually loosen and fall out at an early stage, thetreatment of periodontics isbased on desquamation and good oral hygiene When the disease is in an advanced stage, surgery is needed to remove affected teeth;
- the infectionsof the ear, frequent inflammation indog breeds with floppy ears;
- the dermatitis by Malassezia, a dermatological disease caused by the multiplication of the yeast called Malassezia, which usually causes redness, itching and greasing the skin of the animal;
- the adenitis sebácea, a relatively rare skin disease destroys the sebum-producing glands, causing dry skin, total or partial hair loss and the appearance of scabs that can give off bad odors. Treatments are available to reduce the symptoms, but the disease itself is incurable;
- allergies, either food allergies or atopy., the animal scratches repeatedly and skin lesions may appear.
The Lhasa Apso it is also particularly prone to certain eye diseases:
- the progressive atrophy, an incurable inherited disease characterized by degeneration of the retina, resulting in progressive loss of vision, night and then day, until the individual becomes totally blind;
- the glaucoma, an eye disease that can be inherited. It causes degeneration of the optic nerve and retina. This painful pathology for the animal rapidly progresses to total or partial loss of sight, unless it is seen urgently;
- dry conjunctivitis, a disease that can be inherited due to insufficient tear production, resulting in dry eye, inflammation of the eyelids, Red eyes, repeated blinking of the eyelids, presence of scabs and / or yellowish discharge. All of these symptoms obviously cause pain and discomfort to the animal. In severe cases, sores can also develop and cause ulcers that can lead to perforation or loss of the eye. This condition usually requires lifelong treatment;
- nictitating gland prolapse (or cherry eye), an ophthalmological condition of the lacrimal gland. The most common signs are the appearance of a small red ball in the inner corner of the eye and watery eyes. It is treated with surgical intervention;
- the entropion, which corresponds to a curl of the edge of the eyelid towards the inside of the eye and can be inherited., irritation and inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva, caused by repeated eyelash rubbing and / or hairs in fragile parts of the eye. The problem can be solved with the help of surgery;
- corneal dystrophy, a corneal disease often inherited in origin that results in clouding of the cornea in both eyes.There are two types of dystrophies: lipid and endothelial. The former do not compromise vision and do not require special treatment. The latter, on the other hand, can cause blindness, but it is treatable by surgery;
- distiquiasis, an eye disease characterized by abnormally implanted eyelashes which may be asymptomatic or cause irritation, itchiness, redness of the eyes or even the formation of acorneal ulcer.Different techniques are used to treat affected people;
- It also, the Lhasa Apso has a fairly high risk of Obesity.The latter can cause or aggravate many pathologies, and therefore have a significant impact on the health of the animal.
The list of ailments to which you are predisposed Lhasa Apso can be overwhelming at first glance, but it should be remembered that they are still rare and that most representatives of the breed spend their lives trouble-free. This is confirmed in particular by a study carried out in 2004 by the Kennel Club and the British Association of Small Animal Veterinarians: the 32% of the deaths studied were simply caused by old age (32%), way ahead of cancers (18%) and diseases, kidneys (7%).
But, knowing that some of the diseases to which the breed is predisposed are or may be hereditary, it is important to adopt from acreatorrigorous ofLhasa Apso.In fact, in addition to guaranteeing quality socialization to the puppies, a serious breeder routinely performs genetic testing on individuals he plans to breed (or also in the offspring obtained), to prevent the transmission of a hereditary defect., must be able to present the results of the tests in question, in addition to presenting a certificate of good health established by a veterinarian as well as the detail of the vaccines administered, recorded in the puppy's health or vaccination record.
Once the animal is adopted, We must not lose sight of the fact that it is particularly fragile throughout its growth., particularly when it comes to your bones and joints., it is strongly recommended not to force him to make excessive physical efforts during this period, since you would run the risk of injuring yourself or even developing malformations, with potentially long-lasting consequences.This is all the more true since this dog is predisposed to certain joint problems (dislocation of the patella and Hip Dysplasia).
Finally, whatever your age and like any other race, everything Lhasa Apso must be taken at least once a year to the vet for a complete check-up, that at the same time allows you to ensure that you are kept up to date with your vaccination withdrawal.
14 years The Lhasa Apso It is not for those who do not have time or desire to spend a lot of time caring for their dog's coat. In fact, to remove dead hair and prevent mat formation, its long coat must be brushed at least three or four times a week, with a special brush or glove. Although the molt remains moderate throughout the year, brushing should be done daily during spring and fall seasonal moult. If it is not maintained regularly enough, hair gets tangled, preventing the skin from breathing. This favors the proliferation of bacteria and the skin problems that they can cause. It also, it is very painful for the animal - even impossible- detangle the hairs with a simple brush, and then it is usually necessary to go through a professional hairdresser. It also, as the length of its fur makes it often touch the ground, tends to easily accumulate dirt and give off bad odors. So, it is necessary to wash it with a shampoo adapted to dogs, once every one or two months. But, you should not wash your dog more than this, as this will remove the sebum that protects you from skin problems. When you bathe, you must be careful not to get the inside of your dog's ears wet, since they are especially sensitive. It is also recommended to clean the dog's coat directly after bathing rather than letting it air dry, since this could reduce its beauty and shine. To avoid the task of untangling, or to be needed less often, many owners of Lhasa Apso choose to keep their pet's hair short. Whether they do it themselves or use the services of a professional dog groomer, the coat should be trimmed with scissors or trimmed every two months to keep the coat clean. But, even if the fur stays long, a small cut is necessary every one or two months to prevent the animal from being hindered when moving and to reduce the risk of infection caused by small plants or spikelets that get stuck in the fur. The hanging ears of the Lhasa Apso they also require special attention. In effect, this morphological particularity means that moisture and dirt can easily accumulate there, and be the source of infections such as otitis. So, you have to inspect them and, if required, clean them once a week, and dry them every time they have been in contact with water or have spent a long time in a humid place. The weekly maintenance of your ears is also the occasion to check your eyes and clean their contour, to reduce the risk of infections. You can also take the opportunity to brush your dog's teeth, making sure to use a toothpaste specially designed for dogs. This will help prevent tartar buildup., which can cause bad breath and, above all, the appearance of oral diseases such as periodontal disease, which is very common in Lhasa Apso and it can have serious consequences on your health. Knowing this, the ideal is to brush several times a week, or even every day. Looking at its claws, natural wear and tear is usually enough to file them. But, when the animal becomes older and / or less active, they can get too long and bother you, or even injuring you. In this case, they need to be trimmed with a claw trimmer or special file. Whether the fur, the ears, the eyes, teeth or claws, maintaining a Lhasa Apso should not be done randomly. It is useful to learn them the first time with a vet or groomer if in doubt, to know the good techniques and to be able to act effectively and safely, without hurting or harming your pet. It also, how many hairdressing sessions will be throughout your life, It is convenient that the dog grooming sessions run as smoothly as possible: getting used to it since childhood is an excellent way to achieve it. Like any dog, the diet of Lhasa Apso must suit your age, your level of physical activity and your health status. It is recommended to opt for high quality croquettes or industrial patés, to provide you with all the nutritional inputs you need on a daily basis. In any case, its small size should not lead one to believe that it can be fed with food intended for cats. In fact, the two species do not have the same nutritional needs, and he would suffer both deficiencies of some nutrients and excesses of others. In this case, it is even more important to be attentive, since this breed has a predisposition to being overweight. This is even more true in the case of a neutered individual, because the risk of obesity is then more important. Dividing your daily allowance into at least two meals is a good way to keep you from crying out throughout the day., since he knows that a second meal awaits him a little later. It is also better to avoid abusing the treats, although they can obviously be very effective in educating you. A good habit may be to systematically deduct your caloric intake from your daily allowance., In addition to, of course, opt for low-calorie products. At the same time, weighing the dog once or twice a month makes it possible to quickly detect any deviations. If this is confirmed or even accentuated in the following measurements, it is advisable to take the dog to the vet, since only he can determine the cause of the problem and remedy it. In fact, your diet and activity level are not always the cause: weight gain may be due to illness or a reaction to treatment, for example. Last, like any dog, the Lhasa Apso must have water available throughout the day, regularly renewed so that it is always fresh. Until the 20th century, the Lhasa Apso It was used by Tibetan monks and nobles to guard and protect palaces, Buddhist temples and monasteries. His extremely fine hearing allowed him to alert quickly in case of danger. In fact, even today, its courage and protective nature allow it to stand out as a warning dog. But, now we find it used mainly as a companion animal. In fact, his affectionate and cheerful character makes him an endearing companion. If we add their low need for exercise, we will understand that it easily finds its place in many homes and places in life. This is especially true because they shed less hair and produce less dandruff than many other breeds., making them a great potential choice for someone with a dog allergy. Having said that, since there can be big differences from one individual to another and no dog is totally hypoallergenic, real-life testing is always essential by spending several hours with the animal you are considering adopting. Its small size, its long coat and elegance also make the Lhasa Apso a regular at dog shows. However, Any owner who considers entering their dog in beauty contests must have a lot of time and a marked interest in hairdressing., since then a daily brushing and several hours of maintenance a week is necessary to maintain a well-groomed coat and address these events in the best conditions. His kindness and sweetness also make him a very good hospital therapy dog, nursing homes and nursing homes. Last, their intelligence and liveliness can be put to the test in various dog sports such as agility, obedience or rally. The price of a puppy Lhasa Apsoor ranges between 500 and 1.500 EUR, being the average of about 900 EUR, without great differences between males and females. whatever the country, the significant price differences between the specimens are generally explained by the greater or lesser conformity of the animal with the breed standard, as well as the prestige of the breeding and the lineage from which it comes. ▷ Sorgiña-Meiga – Contact: – Telephone: 696 214 610 / 629 088 980 ▷ AQUANATURA – C/ Roger de Flor nº 45-51 – 08013 – Email: -Tel : 933 095 977 – 933 152 057 / 933 103 463 – 932 691 020 – No. Zoo Center: B2501193 – Barcelona Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Lhasa Apso" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them. Photos: 1 – A dog Lhasa Apso, With white hair she is two years old, her name is Yuna by Yuna89bcn, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons Companion dog. It is a well balanced dog, vigorous and with a thick coat. Cheerful and self-confident character. Alert, balanced yet cautious towards strangers. Its length from the point of the shoulders to the point of the buttock must be greater than its height to the region of the withers. Straight and covered with abundant hair. Well developed and muscular. With good angle. Well endowed with abundant hair. Round, like the cat, with solid foot pads. They must be covered in hair. The hair of the outer coat must be long, abundant, straight, hard textured; should not be woolly or silky. Must have a moderate layer of undercoat. Dorado, sand, honey, dark grey, Slate, smoke, multicolor, black, white or brown. All of these colors are equally acceptable. The ideal height for males is 25,4 cm.; females are slightly smaller. Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria must be considered as a fault and the severity of this is considered to the degree of the deviation from the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog.. Any dog showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities should be disqualified.. Males should have two normal-appearing testicles completely descended into the scrotum.. 1. Lhasa, Lion Dog (English).Grooming
Breeders of the breed "Lhasa Apso"
Characteristics "Lhasa Apso"
Adaptation ⓘ
friendly dog ⓘ
hair loss ⓘ
Affection level ⓘ
Need for exercise ⓘ
Social need ⓘ
Home ⓘ
Toilet ⓘ
Friendly with strangers ⓘ
barking ⓘ
Health ⓘ
Territorial ⓘ
Cat friendly ⓘ
Intelligence ⓘ
Versatility ⓘ
Child friendly ⓘ
Surveillance ⓘ
joy ⓘ
Images "Lhasa Apso"
2 – Lhasa Apso female with 6 meses by Lcfrederico, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
3 – «The Apso» by
4 – «The Apso» by,_aged_16_months.jpg
5 – «The Apso» by Flickr user lisaschaos . Photo uploaded to commons by user ltshears, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
6 – «The Apso» by "Lhasa Apso"
Type and recognitions:
FCI breed standard "Lhasa Apso"
The head should be covered with abundant long hair that falls over the eyes.; must have a well-developed beard and mustaches.
Strong and well arched.
High insertion, well carried on the back, but not fit "pot handle". Often bent near the tip. Covered with abundant fringes.
Light and agile.
Alternative names:
2. Apso Seng Kyi (French).
3. Lhasaterrier, Löwenhund (German).
4. Nome original 拉薩犬 (Portuguese).
5. Perro león/span> (español).