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Tibetan Terrier
Tíbet FCI 209 . Tibetan breeds.

The Tibetan Terrier, despite being considered a sacred dog in Tibet, He also accompanied the shepherds.

Terrier Tibetano


Characteristics "Tibetan Terrier"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Tibetan Terrier" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

Adaptation ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

friendly dog ​​ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

hair loss ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection level ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for exercise ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Social need ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Home ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Toilet ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendly with strangers ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

barking ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Health ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Territorial ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Cat friendly ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Intelligence ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Versatility ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Child friendly ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Surveillance ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

joy ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


As the name suggests, the Tibetan Terrier was born on the roof of the world, in the heart of Central Asia.

They celebrate their second millennium, since the first writings on them date back to the beginning of our era. Probably related to the Hungarian Puli, the Tibetan Terrier, contrary to what its name might suggest, it was originally a sheepdog. He lived in harmony with the Tibetan monks and the nomads, and his life led him to live with the sheep, the horses and yaks that he guarded. He also herded the herds in mountainous areas too difficult for the larger dogs.. A good sentry, warned as soon as someone approached. In summary, the Tibetan Terrier was both recognized and Sheepdogs as Companion and Toy Dogs.

Out of respect for his soul, tradition dictated that the most vicious pup in a litter should not be killed. On the other hand, was handed over to the monks, who granted him a monastic life. Next to him, was subjected to regular work. This would partly explain the particular character of the Tibetan Terrier. This dog is devoid of all aggressiveness, perhaps because he lived the secluded life of the monasteries and shared everything with his master, being totally part of the family. It is also said that it was reputed to bring good luck..

In fact, considered as a sacred animal and guardian of the temples, this dog was the object of a true cult.

Over the years 20, the DRA. Agnes Greig, an english doctor, received a couple of Tibetan Terrier of one of his patients, a tibetan princess. This is how this breed came to Europe, when the doctor brought these gifts to his country. Was not up 1930 that the Kennel Club of India recognized the Tibetan Terrier as a pure breed, and in 1931 that the British Kennel Club he did the same.

Before being mistakenly named "Tibetan Terrier" by the English, who classified it in the group of Terriers, The Tibetans called it "Chung-chung-pa«, What does "little person" mean? (unlike in the Tibetan Mastiff (Do-Khy), who was called "big person"), o «Apso Tchenpo«, which means “Big Apso”, in opposition to the "small Apso" which is the Lhasa Apso.

The French had proposed calling it Tibetan Griffin, but this proposal was not kept. Even today, although call it Pastor tibetanor would it be much more appropriate, this breed still carries a misleading name.

Physical characteristics

The Tibetan Terrier He is a medium-sized dog with a robust complexion and a determined expression.. They are recognized by their fur, generously endowed with long hair that covers most of his body. Has the appearance of a dog that can fit in a perfect square.

▷ Fur: long, abundant, fine (without being silky or woolly), smooth or corrugated (never curled), with a fine, woolly undercoat.
▷ Color: All coat colors are allowed, except chocolate and liver. White, grey, cream, dorado, black, Particolored and tricolor.
▷ Head: Well stocked with long hair, falling forward, but never about the eyes. Medium length skull, moderately sharp between ear and eye. The stop is slightly marked.
▷ Ears: V shape, pendants, set high on the sides of the skull and well feathered.
▷ Eyes: His eyes are lined with very long lashes, round, large, quite separate and dark brown.
▷ Body: Muscular, powerful, straight back, short, slightly arched loins, horizontal rump and chest that reaches to the elbow.
▷ Tail: High insertion, average length, happily carried in a loop over the back, with abundant hair.

Size and weight

▷ Male size: 35 – 40 cm.
▷ female size: 35 to 40 cm.
▷ Male weight: 8 – 13 kgs.
▷ female weight: 8 – 13 kgs.

Character and skills

The Tibetan Terrier not a real terrier: It is a Shepherd Dog belonging to the group of Companion Dogs..

This faithful companion is endowed with many attractions. Its sociable, lively, smart and full of energy, and they are neither shy nor aggressive. It is a dog that adapts perfectly to the elderly or to single people who want company.

If you are wary of strangers, may be a barker, but he also knows very quickly that there is no danger, if required. Then it quickly calms down.

He has great security in the mountains and is endowed with a sharp intelligence that allows him to react very quickly to danger., but also behave like a gentleman in the city. Always ready to go out for a walk, he also knows how to be close to his master if he can't go out, because you settle for very little exercise.

If we add to this that it is not very noisy, we quickly understand that it is a breed of dog that can live in an apartment without problem.

Last, not content with being too demonstrative with his master and cuddly as desired, the Tibetan Terrier often appreciates the company of another dog or cat, and gets along very well with children, as long as they respect him and remember that he is not a stuffed animal. On the other hand, it is a dog that tolerates loneliness quite badly, much preferring the presence of his master in all circumstances.


Very smart dog, it is easy and pleasant to work with Tibetan Terrier, although you need to understand the usefulness of what you are being asked to do.

Quite stubborn and not very submissive by nature, the Tibetan Terrier requires from an early age a faultless education, quite firm, but fair. His master must have "an iron hand in a velvet glove" and be infallible., because in general, smart dogs tend to find loopholes, and they can try to take the place of the leader of the pack if they consider that this place is vacant.


The Tibetan Terrier it is a robust and resistant dog that does not have particular health problems. It even has a certain longevity.

Thus, two affections are usually noticed:

  • An abnormality of the vascular supply of the retina, which can lead to long-term blindness;
  • Hip Dysplasia, to a greater or lesser degree.

You can also suffer from deafness or neurological disorders, and also seems to be predisposed to diabetes mellitus.

Life expectancy

14 years


During their annual molts, in spring and autumn, the Tibetan Terrier lose a lot of hair, which is quite visible as it has a long coat. During this time, it is necessary to brush it almost every day to avoid knots and maintain the beauty of its coat.

The rest of the year, thorough and regular brushing is necessary every other day. But, mowing can be used to simplify maintenance.

It also, hair under your pads should be cut regularly.


The purchase price of a Tibetan Terrier ranges from €900 to €1000.

Breeders of the «Tibetan Terrier»

Images "Tibetan Terrier"


1 – Tibetan Terrier in the snow by Mr407SW, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
2 – Tibetan Terrier of about 7 meses by PateraIncus, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
3 – Tibetan Terrier by Ian McFeganFlickr
4 – Tibetan Terrier purebred male 8 years sporting a 'puppy cut’ by Getsnarky, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
5 – Tibetan Terrier Daisy, taking a breather during agility class at Dog Barn, 16 in March of 2012 by Ian McFeganFlickr
6 – Tibetan Terrier by Acid Pix, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Videos "Tibetan Terrier"

Type and recognitions:

  • Group 9: Companion and Toy Dogs
  • Section 5: Tibetan breeds. Without working trial..


  • FCI – Group 9: Section 5: Tibetan breeds
  • AKCToy
  • ANKC – (Toy)
  • CKC – Group 5 – (Toy)
  • ​KC – Toy
  • NZKCToy
  • UKC – Group 8 – Companion dog

FCI breed standard "Tibetan Terrier"


Date of publication of the valid original standard:


Companion dog.

General appearance:

It is a medium-sized dog, robust, longhair, generally square in profile.

Behavior / temperament:

Lively, of good character. He is a faithful companion dog, with many attractions. It is a sociable dog, alert, smart and brave, never intractable or bellicose. Prudent with strangers.


Must be well covered with long hair, which falls forward but not on the eyes and should not affect the dog's vision. The lower jaw must have a small beard, but not exaggerated. In general you should have a determined expression..

Cranial region:
  • Skull : It has a medium length, it is not wide or rough; tapers slightly from ear insertion to eyes. It is neither dome-shaped nor completely flat between the ears.
  • Depression links (Stop) : It is checked,  but it's not exaggeratedly deep.

facial region:

  • Truffle : black.
  • Snout : Strong. The distance from the eye to the tip of the nose should be equal to the distance from the eye to theocciput.
  • Jaws/Teeth : The lower jaw must be well developed. The incisors should be set in a slight curve, located at the same interval and perpendicular to the maxilla. Inverted scissor or scissor bite.
  • Cheeks : The zygomatic bones are curved but should not be protruding so that they appear protruding.
  • Eyes : Large, round, neither bulging nor sunken; They should be placed quite far apart from each other.. Dark brown in color with black pigmented edges of the eyelids.
  • Ears : Hanging but not worn too close to the head; V-shaped, not too bigset somewhat high on the sides of the skull and with heavy stripes.


Strong, muscle, medium length that allows the head a bearing above the level of the back and giving a balanced overall appearance. Flows to well-placed shoulders.


Well muscled, compact and strong.
  • top line : Straight.
  • Pork loin : Short, slightly arched.
  • Rump : Level.
  • Breast  : Good arching of the ribs with the depth of the chest to the level of the elbows. Ribs well back.


Medium length, set quite high and carried happily curled over the back. It must be very well covered with stripes. Often knotted near the tip, which is allowed.


Former members

  • General appearance: They must be well provided with abundant hair
  • Shoulder : well laidand good long.
  • ForearmGood length and sloping.
  • Arm: Right and parallel extremities.
  • Metacarpus : Slightly sloping.
  • Previous feet: Large, round, well provided with abundant hair between toes and pads. The dog must rest perfectly on the pads; fingers should not be arched.

Later members

  • General appearanceWell covered with thick hair and well muscled. Well angled knees and well lowered hocks level the top line and give good momentum.
  • Knees : Well angulated.
  • Hocks :    Well descended.
  • Hind feet: Large, round, well provided with abundant hair between toes and pads. The dog must rest perfectly on the pads; fingers should not be arched.


Uniform; long range and smooth thrust. When the dog walks or jogs, the hind limbs should not follow either inside or outside the movement of the forelimbs.



  • Fur :  Has a double coat of hair.
Undercoat hair is fine and woolly. The hair on the outer coat is abundant, fine, although never it is silky and woolly; is long; either smooth or wavy, but never curly.


White, dorado, cream, gray or smoky, black, bicolor and tricolor. Actually all colors are allowed, with the exception of chocolate or liver color.

Size and weight:

Height to the cross:
  • Males: 36 -  41 cm..
  • females: they are slightly smaller.


Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria must be considered a fault and the seriousness of the fault is considered to the degree of the deviation from the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog..

disqualifying fouls:

  • Aggressive or fearful dog.
  • Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified..

Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..
The latest changes are in bold.

Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

Alternative names:

1. Tsang Apso, Dokhi Apso (English).
2. Terrier du Tibet, Dhoki Apso (French).
3. Tibetan Terrier, Tsang Apso (German).
4. Tibetan Terrier (Portuguese).
5. Tibetan Terrier, Lhasa Terrier, Tibet Apso,
Tsang Apso

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