Dog breeds Group 6 - Section 1.2 of the FCI – Medium-sized Hounds

Dog breeds Group 6

Section 1: Scent hounds

The Group 6 FCI is reserved for “Scent hounds, and related breeds”. When live prey were hunted, other dogs with different specialties were used, depending on the type of hunting.

The Hounds were trained and bred to persistently track and hunt big game game, while trail dogs were supposed to track down and locate injured prey. Today, However, most dogs of these breeds are “In use” like family dogs.

The FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale) recognize 337 races and each one is ‘property’ from a specific country, where it had its origin. All of them are included in 10 Groups under one registration number, a section number and a group number.

Standard – classification FCI

  • Group 6: Scent hounds, and related breeds
  • Section 1.2: Medium-sized Hounds.

In this section you will find “Medium-sized Hounds” from norway, Belgium, France, Great Britain, Poland, Serbia, Croatia and USA.

1 Ariégeois


The Ariégeois He is a smart dog that accepts well orders

The Ariégeois It is a dog of French origin,

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2 Artois Hound

Artois Hound

The Artois Hound it is a good companion dog but with an independent character.

The Artois Hound is a smaller version of the “Great Hound

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3 Austrian Black and Tan Hound

Austrian Black and Tan Hound

The Austrian Black and Tan Hound is very emotional. Perceives the mood of its owner.

The Austrian Black and Tan Hound It

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4 Beagle-Harrier


The Beagle-Harrier is vigorous, brave, energetic and intelligent.

The Beagle-Harrier It is a relatively new breed that comes from the crossing (towards the end of the

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5 Bernese Hound

Bernese Hound

The Bernese Hound It is mainly used for hunting hare.

The Swiss Hound has a very ancient origin. His existence

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6 Blue Gascony Griffon

Blue Gascony Griffon

Originally bred for their tracking qualities, the Blue Gascony Griffon they are also affectionate companion dogs

As its name implies,

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7 Bosnian Broken-haired Hound – Bosnian Broken-haired Hound

Bosnian Hound

The Bosnian Hound, nicknamed Bosnian Broken-haired Hound, It is a dog developed in Bosnia.

This medium-sized breed of hound has been bred in

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8 Briquet Griffon Vendéen

Briquet Griffon Vendéen

Long lasting, fast and robust, the Briquet Griffon Vendéen he is a passionate hunter with extraordinary instincts.

The selection of Briquet Griffon Vendéen it dates back to

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9 Estonian Hound

Estonian Hound

The Estonian Hound they are extremely hardy hunting dogs accustomed to long days in the forest

The history of Estonian Hound

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10 Fawn Brittany Griffon

Fawn Brittany Griffon

Its sociable, loving, balanced and very kind to people, what makes them good companions.

The Fawn Brittany Griffon is one

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11 Finnish Hound

Finnish Hound

The Finnish Hound he is friendly, calm and never aggressive. He is energetic in hunting and is a versatile tracker.

As its name

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12 Griffon Nivernais

Griffon Nivernais

Brave and vivacious, the “Griffon Nivernais” he is an obedient and loving dog. never shy, it is not aggressive either.

These dogs were crossed

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13 Halden Hound

Halden Hound

The spread of Halden Hound limited to your country of origin, where it is also little known.

Originally from Norway, the Halden Hound

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14 Hound Hamilton

Hamilton Stövare

Hamilton the Hound he is an excellent hunting dog, is valued for his great intelligence and agility.

Characteristics “Hound Hamilton”

It is important to

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15 Harrier (dog)

Harrier (dog)

The Harrier (dog) it is an excellent dog for hunting, specialized in foxes and hares.

The Harrier (dog) comes from Great Britain and was

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16 Hellenic Hound

Hellenic Hound

It stands out for its particularly harmonious voice.

The Hellenic Hound has ancient origins, since their ancestors were already present ago 3.000 years in

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17 Hungarian hound (Transylvanian Scent Hound)

Transylvanian Scent Hound

It is used in hunting fox and hare; The larger variety is used in hunting.

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18 Hygen Hound

Hygen Hound

The spread of Hygen Hound it is very limited even in Norway; outside the country it is practically unknown.

The Hygen Hound is

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19 Istrian Coarse-haired Hound

Istrian Coarse-haired Hound

The Istrian Coarse-haired Hound it is an excellent hound for hunting hare and fox.

Your story matches

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20 Istrian Shorthaired Hound

Istrian Shorthaired Hound

There is also a “Istrian Coarse-haired Hound” and slightly larger.

The Istrian Shorthaired Hound is one

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21 Italian Rough-Haired Hound

Italian Rough-Haired Hound

The Italian Rough-Haired Hound is reserved, wise, calm and thoughtful in his work.

The Italian hound It, according to the vast majority

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22 Italian short-haired Segugio

Italian short-haired Segugio

The Italian short-haired Segugio it is a dog with a stable temperament, of a soft but not very outgoing expression.

The Italian hound

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23 Jura Hound (Bruno Jura Hound)

Bruno Jura Hound

The Jura Hound It is very distant with strangers and needs firm handling if kept as pets.

In the

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24 Lucerne Hound

Lucerne Hound

The Lucerne Hound is a lively dog, but gentle and docile. Very attached to his master.

The breed was originally bred in

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25 Medium-Sized Anglo-French Hound

Medium-Sized Anglo-French Hound

The Medium-Sized Anglo-French Hound It is not a dog that adapts to life in an apartment if there is no

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26 Montenegrin Mountain Hound

Montenegrin Mountain Hound

Even in his country of origin the Montenegrin Mountain Hound it is little spread, in other countries it is practically unknown.

Although their

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27 Norwegian Hound (Dunker)

Norwegian Hound

The Norwegian Hound (Dunker) is found only in its country of origin and is virtually unknown outside its borders.

The Norwegian Hound

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28 Petit Gascon Saintongeois

Petit Gascon Saintongeois

The Petit Gascon Saintongeois was destined, in its origins, mainly hunting the hare.

Of French origin, named after the

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29 Polish Hound

Polish Hound

The Polish Hound it is quite widespread in Poland, while outside this country it is considered a rare breed.

Originally from Poland,

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30 Porcelaine


The Porcelaine It is a dog living in the family, is extremely friendly and affectionate.

The origin of the breed is unknown Porcelaine,

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31 Posavac Hound

Posavac Hound

The Posavac Hound was registered in 1955 with the name of “Kras Posavac Basin Hound”

It is an ancient

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32 Schiller Hound

Schiller Hound

The spread of Schiller Hound is regular in your country of origin, but very small abroad.

The Schiller Hound It

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33 Schwyz Hound

Schwyz Hound

The Schwyz Hound they are a very lively and energetic breed that requires a significant amount of daily exercise.

The Schwyz Hound

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34 Serbian hound

Serbian hound

The Serbian hound, also known as “Balkan scent hound”, is broadcast only in your country.

This breed belongs to the group of hounds

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35 Serbian tricolour hound

Hound Serbian Tricolor

The Serbian tricolour hound it is rare even in its country of origin and to see it abroad is almost impossible.

The Serbian tricolour hound (Srpski Trobojni

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36 Slovakian Hound

Slovakian Hound

The Slovakian Hound stands out for its extraordinary sense of direction, which is considered the best among the canine breeds.

It has origins

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37 Smaland Hound

Smaland Hound

The Smaland Hound It is used for hunting hare and fox; It is not a pack dog and

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38 Small Blue Gascony

Small Blue Gascony

The Small Blue Gascony, in general, they are considered docile and very attached to their master, very kind to children

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39 Spanish Hound

Spanish Hound

The Spanish Hound is described in the “Book of hunting” of King Alfonso XI (1312-1350).

“Spanish Hound”

Already in the fourteenth century, a

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40 Styrian Coarse-haired Hound

Styrian Coarse-haired Hound

Insensitive to the weather and austere, which is especially useful in high mountains and forests.

The race Styrian haired hound

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41 Swiss Hound

Schwyz Hound

Schwyz Hound

In the breed standard, the temperament of Swiss hound is described as “Vivacious and passionate
by the

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42 Tyrolean hound

Tyrolean hound

The Tyrolean Hound it un perro con un carácter muy equilibrado, ideal for hunting in the forest.

The Tyrolean hound or Hound of the

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