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Medium-Sized Anglo-French Hound
Francia FCI 325 - Medium-sized Hounds

Medium-Sized Anglo-French Hound

The Medium-Sized Anglo-French Hound It is not a dog that adapts to life in an apartment if there is no way for it to release its great energy..



The breed had been around for a long time and various dog lovers like Mr M. Légeron, A. Rivot porthole, Willekens, Gairal, Daubigné had tried in vain to have it officially recognized.

Hare hunters had created this small order dog from medium-sized French breeds: Porcelaine, Gascon Saintongeois, Poitevin hound in crossbreeding with English dogs like him Beagle, several varieties of Harriers, even the little one English Foxhound. The objective of these crosses was to improve the construction of their dogs and thus increase the speed and attitude to take.

In any case it is a typical French hunting dog, in which English blood also flows. In 1957 the first official recognition of the breed took place in France, followed by the FCI in 1978.

Photo: Anglo-français de petite vénerie by Jwh at Wikipedia Luxembourg, CC BY-SA 3.0 LU, via Wikimedia Commons

Características físicas «Sabueso anglo francés mediano»

The Medium-Sized Anglo-French Hound – or also called Anglo-Français de Petite Vénerie – He is of medium size and a dog with a powerful constitution, but it never seems heavy. In its appearance it reminds of the dogs of the French pack. According to the breed standard, the head should be long and not too wide. The hair is short, thick and smooth and can be two or three colors (white and orange or black, white with brown).

The eyes are large and soft but lively in expression.. The ears located under the line of the eyes are soft, slightly turned inwards and medium in size. The tail is of medium length and quite thin. The limbs are strong, with straight and broad forequarters in profile and muscular hindquarters with low set hocks.

Carácter y aptitudes «Sabueso anglo francés mediano»

The Medium-Sized Anglo-French Hound is described as balanced and bold, independent, smart and leader, proud and trustworthy. He is affectionate and loyal to his owners. But, adult dogs are suspicious of strangers.

These dogs today make up the vast majority of hare and fox hunting packs.. But shooters increasingly appreciate its fine-nosed qualities., resistance, good throat, easy to put on, wise in the hunt and in the kennel.

In the last twenty years, The number of Medium-Sized Anglo-French Hounds medium has improved both in quality and quantity. But, the breeders, and buyers in particular, they must register their dogs with the LOF (Central Canine Society) to better control the selection.

Actividades y ejercicio con el «Sabueso anglo francés mediano»

This dog loves to move, needs a lot of exercise and wants to work. You have to spend about four hours a day intensely with him. The breed is suitable for training as a hunting dog, but also for various dog sports. Keeping the dog in the house is strongly discouraged: The Medium-Sized Anglo-French Hound necesita y quiere mucho espacio y le gustaría tener acceso libre al jardín también fuera de las «horas de paseo».

Educación del «Sabueso anglo francés mediano»

To the Medium-Sized Anglo-French Hound he likes to learn, he is submissive and also has an intelligent mind. But, has a strong hunting instinct, so your education should start soon and therefore, cualquier «rareza» que este perro adquiera en su juventud debe solucionarse ya que es difícil de corregir más tarde.

Cuidados y salud del «Sabueso anglo francés mediano»

The short and dense coat of this dog does not require any special care, cleans itself almost by itself. Its legs, However, should be checked regularly. Especially when used as a hunting dog, injuries and problems are more likely to occur.

In rare cases there is a tendency to osteoarthritis and bone tumors.

Images "Medium-Sized Anglo-French Hound"


1 – Anglo-français de petite vénerie, op der Haard, Diddeleng by Jwh at Wikipedia Luxembourg, CC BY-SA 3.0 LU, via Wikimedia Commons
2 – Anglo-français de petite vénerie, Kackeschbësch, Éiter by Jwh at Wikipedia Luxembourg, CC BY-SA 3.0 LU, via Wikimedia Commons
3 – Anglo-français de petite vénerie by Jwh at Wikipedia Luxembourg, CC BY-SA 3.0 LU, via Wikimedia Commons
4 – Anglo-français de petite vénerie, 7 months, Wesley by Jwh at Wikipedia Luxembourg, CC BY-SA 3.0 LU, via Wikimedia Commons
5 – Anglo-français de petite vénerie (white and black with pale tan markings) three and four months old puppies. by Jwh at Wikipedia Luxembourg, CC BY-SA 3.0 LU, via Wikimedia Commons
6 – Anglo-français de petite vénerie by Jwh at Wikipedia Luxembourg, CC BY-SA 3.0 LU, via Wikimedia Commons

Videos "Medium-Sized Anglo-French Hound"

Anglo Français de petite vénerie
le repas

Type and recognitions:

  • Group 6: Scent hounds, and related breeds.
  • Section 1.2: Medium-sized hound-type dogs.. With proof of work..


  • FCI – Group 6: Scent hounds, and related breeds. – Section 1.2: Medium-sized Hounds.
  • Central Canine Society

FCI breed standard "Medium-Sized Anglo-French Hound"


Date of publication of the valid original standard:


Sabueso para la caza menor.

General appearance:

Este es un perro de configuración sólida y equilibrada, no appearance of heaviness. In profile, su silueta debe ser la de un perro francés bien estructurado.

Behavior / temperament:



Es alargada y no muy ancha. La protuberancia occipital es poco acentuada.

Cranial region:
  • Skull : Slightly convex, sin ser abombado.
  • Depression links (Stop) : Bit strong.

facial region:

  • Truffle : Bien pigmentada ; the Windows are wide open.
  • Snout : Medianamente alargado y de una apariencia un poco puntiaguda; la caña nasal es recta o ligeramente arqueada.
  • Belfos : The upper lip covers the lower lip.
  • Eyes : Large, browns. Your expression is sweet, but lively.
  • Ears : Se insertan delicadamente por debajo de la línea del ojo. They are flexible, ligeramente torcidas, de anchura mediana y llegan por lo menos a dos dedos del nacimiento de la trufa.


Loose, without jowl.


  • Back : Strong and straight.
  • Pork loin : Quite short and muscular.
  • Rump : Ligeramente inclinada y bastante larga.
  • Breast : Está bien desarrollado. Es bien descendido y llega por lo menos hasta la punta del codo. Costillas son largas y medianamente redondeadas.
  • Flanks : Son bastante macizos y algo levantados, pero sin aspecto agalgado.


De longitud mediana y bastante delgada. Está bien insertada en el prolongamiento de la línea del lomo. It is covered by abundant hair, sin ser espigada (hacia la punta y alrededor de la cola, unos pelos más largos y gruesos ligeramente distantes en forma de espiga.)


PREVIOUS MEMBERS : Seen in profile, they are strong, anchos y rectos.

  • Shoulder : Los omóplatos son largos, planos y oblicuos. Están bien aplicados al pecho.


  • Thigh : Es musculoso y bien inclinado.
  • Hock : Ligeramente acodado y se presenta cerca del suelo.

FEET : Son delgados y compactos.




SKIN : It's fine, without folds; los tejidos son densos.

HAIR : Is short, apretado y liso.


• Tricolor : Blanco y negro con color fuego subido (la trufa es negra).
• Blanco y negro con color fuego pálido (la trufa es negra).
• Bicolor : White and orange (la trufa es de color tabaco).

Size and weight:

Height to the cross : Of 48 to 56 cm.. Con una tolerancia mínima y máxima de 2 cm en los ejemplares excepcionales.


Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered as a fault and the severity of this is considered to the degree of the deviation to the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog..

• En general, todos los defectos comunes en los sabuesos.
• Cabeza muy corta o muy ancha.
• Cráneo redondo.
• Trufa despigmentada en forma de manchitas.
• Hocico cuadrado.
• Upper or lower prognathism.
• Belfos demasiado acentuados.
• Ojos prominentes, light eyes.
• Orejas de implantación muy alta, wide, cortas o muy planas.
• Neck too short, presencia de papada.
• Cuerpo cilíndrico.
• Hombros pesados.
• Cola gruesa,y corta o espigada.
• Tejidos de la piel flojos.

Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified..


Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..

Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

Alternative names:

1. Anglo-Français de Petite Vénerie (English).
2. Anglo-français de petite vénerie (French).
3. Anglo-Français de petite vénerie (German).
4. Anglo-Français de petite vénerie (Portuguese).
5. Sabueso anglo francés de tamaño mediano, Anglo-francés para la caza menor, Anglo-francés de tamaño medio (español).

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