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Rusia FCI 212 . Nordic Sledge Dogs


The Samoyed, Although it may seem a teddy, It is a true athlete who needs exercise daily.



Where does he come from Samoyed originally?

The Samoyed is the archetype of a dog from the far north. It belongs to the archetypes of the dog in general. The Samoyed it is one of the oldest dog breeds. Type dogs Samoyed have accompanied the peoples of Siberia for thousands of years. The Samoyeds (or nenets) are various indigenous peoples who have lived for thousands of years throughout Siberia to the Arctic Ocean. Most live as nomads and follow herds of wild or semi-wild reindeer.. Their dogs have different tasks. They pull the sleds with the household goods or with the hunters for the hunt. They pull the boats over the snow into open water. They help with the reindeer herds. They guard and protect people as if they were herds.

They defied death even when facing the polar bear, the world's largest land predator. The Samoyeds provide an excellent navigation system that makes its way through icy deserts even in fog or snow storms, avoiding cracks and ice holes. They often sleep in the tents of the Samoyedos. They keep each other warm. So it is not surprising that the peoples Samoyeds have an extremely intimate relationship with their dogs, and not only because their existence in the far north depends on these dogs.

The Countess Aga von Hagen reports in his book on dog breeds from 1933 that the “Samoyed Spitz” was treated as a sacred dog in his homeland and that no family Samoyed voluntarily separated from his dogs. On the other hand, the Countess explains that the Samoyed Spitz, through this close connection, show a “highly developed mental characteristics despite their ferocity”. Was not up 2017 that a report by Russian archaeologists was published, that they had found remains of 9000 ten years old dogs in Siberia. In the permafrost these were so well preserved that they could be closely examined and classified as sled dogs..

Only in 1889 English Ernest Kilburn-Scott managed to import the first Samoyeds from Siberia. So these dogs entered modern pedigree dog breeding.. Immediately one turned to their outer appearances. White color rose as a feature of a Samoyed basically arbitrarily to standard. At that moment, like today, se and take Samoyed original in many colors, only rarely in pure white. To impose the pure white color, inbreeding was carried out according to this dubious criterion and thus much of the real character and extreme robustness of the Samoyed. It also, the breeding base was already very small anyway, because the Siberian peoples were reluctant to give up their dogs for breeding in England.

Finally, in the decade of 1950 they also crossed the original line, these being very different in character and, if you look closely, also in appearance. Although the Samoyed current European breeding has lost much of the original character of the true Siberian dog, still an original breed. The most exciting thing about him is that he shows at the same time a close connection with humans. Not without reason, the Samoyed is one of the founders of other breeds of dogs such as the Eurasian. The first standard for Samoyed it was created in 1909, in 1913 was recognized in England. The FCI, Fédération Cynologique Internationale recognized her in 1959.

Physical characteristics

Males tend to have more size females usually weigh between 20 and 32,5 kg, while females usually weigh between 17 and 25 kg.

The eyes of the Samoyed they are usually black or brown, and slanting. The nose or truffle must be well developed and preferably black. At some times of the year it can clear up giving rise to the commonly called “nose in winter”. Some other factors such as age or climate can clarify it, but it is important to always keep the edges of black. Otherwise it would mean a mandatory veterinary visit.

The ears they should be thick and completely covered with hair, form triangular, and upright. In most cases they are white, but occasionally they can be Brown clear (known as color “cookie”).

The tail of the Samoyed it is one of the most distinctive features of this breed. As the Mally, the tail hanging hook-shaped on his back; However, and unlike the Malamute, the tail of Samoyed touches back and leans over, slightly, on one side and must not be a very closed hook or in the form of “flag”.

in cold climates, some Samoyed sleep with their tails over their noses to provide additional protection. Most of the Samoyed, They allow the tail to fall when they are relaxed, but they back to its original position when they are alert.

The Samoyed, they have a dense double coat of hair. The top layer has a dense, straight and thick hair, It seems the white but it has some dyes of silver. This top layer keeps the Undercoat relatively clean and free of debris. The bottom layer is a soft, dense and short hair that keeps the dog warm.

The bottom layer is changed from one to two times a year, process known as shedding of hair. This in no way means that they move hair only on these occasions, year-round fine hair it is moved and replaced, which –usually- sticking it on your clothes or simply air fleet.

The Samoyed standard can have a mix of color White and biscuit, Although dogs completely white or completely color cookie are not rare. Males are generally longer than females fur.

The Samoyed, they are good at grooming themselves, not too many baths still needed. Dirt usually falls easily from the outer layers of hair, making the dog show clean.

The hair of the puppies is more porous, so it is easier to you manche with the grass and mud if they are long time outdoors. The aspect of brushing is more difficult, that by their thick fur in some areas like the back of the ears tend to tangle is if not brushes weekly.

The Samoyed will require that, cut the hair that grows between their feet bearing, but with this exception the rest can stay that way, course.

Except for reasons medical or hair is extremely entangled, it is not recommended that the Samoyed be shaved, since their hair acts as an insulator from both cold and moderate heat, in addition to protecting fair skin from Samoyed before burns by the rays of the sun.

An important characteristic of this breed is that they almost do not have the characteristic dog smell., making them good dogs live indoors. The lack of dander, as well, makes them hypoallergenic.

The thick layer of hair can make you feel uncomfortable in the summer in locations where the climate is warm, where they prefer indoors because the air is colder. Their hair also acts as a natural repellent against lice and ticks..

When moving the hair, most of the outer layer falls off and is replaced, the old man can fall into large bundles, leaving hollow spaces in extreme cases. You can brush the hair, with a metal comb, with which we can speed up the process of moving and help the Samoyed to regain your appearance more quickly. Brushing frequently help him is not enrede.

Give a bath to Samoyed it's a long process, because the hair is almost “waterproof”, so it will take time for it to be fully wet and then fully wet. The hair Samoyed must be dried with cold forced air (using a hair dryer), as water can be trapped in the thick undercoat making it difficult for it to evaporate.

It is important that you rinse well, as leftover shampoo or soap can lead to a fungal infection, difficult to remove without having to shave the affected area. To keep the hair from Samoyed Radiant, brushing and a healthy diet may not be disparaged.

How big is a “Samoyed”?

The samoyed have a height at the withers of about 57 centimeters in males and 53 centimeters in females. Weight is not prescribed by the standard, but it is usually between 18 and 30 kg.

How long can one live? “Samoyed”?

One Samoyed healthy can reach the 12 years and more, and this with a good physical condition.

Character and skills

The provision of play of the Samoyed makes it a dog not recommended as a guardian; a Samoyed aggressive is very rare. But, with their tendency to bark they can be diligent watchdogs, barking when something or someone approaches their territory.

The Samoyed, they are one Excelent company, especially for small children or even other dogs, remaining also playful until advanced age. The Samoyed, as well, they are known to be somewhat fools sometimes and difficult to train due to lack of diligence and not due to lack of intelligence, so it must be persuaded obey orders which are given.

His inheritance by pulling sleds, the Samoyed, has no problems to pull objects, and Samoyed who has not been trained has no problem with dragging his owner on the leash when they take him out for a walk instead of walking beside him.

Running is a special passion of the samoyed, more precisely: pull sleds. If you are interested in a Samoyed, you should definitely visit the sled dog races in winter. It is deeply impressive and fascinating.

You can feel the extreme tension of the dogs much earlier in the field of Musher. When you go to the exit, there is hardly a stop. Like in an explosion, this tension of these rather heavy looking dogs dissolves in the acceleration of the sled. The strength of Samoyed it's not your speed, but its unusual resistance.

They instinctively act like herding dogs., so when playing, especially with children, they tend to try to guide them.

This breed is characterized by its expression alert and smiling, What has earned him the nickname of “smile of “Samoyed”” or “smiling dog“. They have great vitality, which is why, well cared for they retain their youth and that jovial spirit until their old age. Their average lifespan is of 12 to 18 years, Although some can live a little longer.

As a working breed, they have an excellent resistance and without daily exercise, they become bored and/or depressed they, that can lead to it barking excessively, destroyed or have a worthy of a master of escape behavior. While they are healthy dogs they have tendency to certain diseases.

Caution, health and diseases

The Samoyed for show breeding is affected by numerous hereditary diseases due to one-sided breeding in outward appearance and the very small breeding base today. You should avoid parenting, that values ​​the exhibition championships.

How much care does a “Samoyed”?

The lush double coat of the Samoyed needs regular care. Especially during the coat change in spring and summer, his house, his car and his clothes will be full of his long hair even though our Samoyed brush daily.

What food is best for a “Samoyed”?
The Samoyed you have no special requirements in your diet. Like most dogs it likes a meaty beef bone and fresh meat. The Samoyed it is very suitable for barbecues.

Activities with your “Samoyed”

How much exercise does a Samoyed?

With a Samoyed you can do winter sports very well, ideally as a sled dog. The Samoyed needs an appropriate workload for each species.

Considerations before purchase

where can you buy a “Samoyed”?

If you are interested in a Samoyed, the first thing you should do is visit some sled dog races. Here you can experience the heart of these dogs live. Then you should get information from a local breeder who does not breed Samoyed plush for exhibition. The breeder should have tested his dogs for special risks of hereditary diseases. This is a natural in serious parenting.. It also, there should be no inbreeding, which can be estimated by looking at the pedigree, if no name appears there twice. The breeder must have his litter well documented by photo. You should be able to see the litter along with the mother bitch, after the fix, in the place. Please, Do not buy Samoyedos by Internet, because there is a high risk that the puppy comes from a seller or breeder of dogs, normally well camouflaged.

Education and maintenance of a “Samoyed”

The Samoyed easy to train and guide, but it is not a dog for beginners. You have high demands on your attitude, derived from its destiny as an original working and sled dog. So you need a lot of occupation and activities, ideally in the sport of sledding.

If you don't exercise and are even left alone without a deep connection to your family, can become a nervous and upset dog, that can even destroy the apartment or the garden.

The Samoyed not a dog for a flat or the big city. The ideal would be a house with a garden. To the Samoyed they like to sleep outside and roll their head under their tail even in the biggest snowstorm. The garden, where do these dogs stay, should not be an ornamental garden.

The luxurious coat of the Samoyed needs regular care. Especially during the change of layer in spring and summer an intensive grooming is indicated. Then the house, the car and clothes will be full of her long hair even if you brush it daily. Here you don't have to be fussy. In the car, it is best to transport it in a box from a specialized store.

The Samoyed can be trained very well by an experienced owner. You have to accept the challenge, It even has to motivate you to fight mentally with this original and confident race. They will gladly accept their masters or caregivers, will be loyal to them, but they have to demonstrate leadership qualities combined with a lot of knowledge of the breed. You have to be fully involved in the experience with these typical Nordic dogs, rustic.

Through a gentle but disciplined upbringing, a Samoyed must be aware of its position in the ranking as early as puppy age. There should be no question who determines the rules of the house.

Characteristics "Samoyed"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Samoyed" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

Adaptation ⓘ

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

friendly dog ​​ⓘ

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

hair loss ⓘ

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection level ⓘ

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for exercise ⓘ

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Social need ⓘ

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Home ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Toilet ⓘ

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendly with strangers ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

barking ⓘ

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Health ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Territorial ⓘ

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Cat friendly ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Intelligence ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Versatility ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Child friendly ⓘ

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Surveillance ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

joy ⓘ

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Frequently asked questions about the Samoyed dog breed

in this post, we will answer the most frequently asked questions about Samoyeds.

1 – How is the fur Samoyedor and how it should be cared for?: The coat of the Samoyed it is white and fluffy, with a cotton-like texture. To care for the coat of a Samoyed, regular brushing is necessary to prevent knots and tangles. It also, it is recommended to bathe them approximately every three months to keep their fur clean and soft.

2 – Are the Samoyedos good companion dogs?: Yes, Samoyeds make excellent companion dogs due to their affectionate and loyal nature.. These dogs enjoy human company and can adapt to different lifestyles., as long as they get enough attention and exercise.

3 – What is the personality of the Samoyed?: The Samoyed is a friendly dog, Intelligent, playful and loyal. These dogs have a sociable personality and get along well with children and other animals if properly socialized from puppies..

4 – How is the health of the Samoyed?: In general, the Samoyedos they are a healthy breed, but like all dogs, may have certain health problems. Some common conditions in this breed include hip dysplasia, cataracts and thyroid problems. It is important to carry out regular check-ups with the vet and carry out a proper diet and exercise to keep them healthy.

5 – How do you train a Samoyed?: The Samoyedos They are intelligent dogs and respond well to training.. It is important to use positive training methods and reward good behavior.. Socialization from puppies is key for the Samoyed to become a balanced and well-behaved dog.

Conclusion: If you are interested in adopting a Samoyed dog, We hope we have answered your questions and have helped you to get to know this breed better.. Remember that adopting a dog is a responsibility and that you must dedicate adequate time and resources to ensure that it has a happy and healthy life..

Where can I buy Samoyed dogs??

If you are interested in buying a dog of the breed Samoyed, there are several options you can consider.

One option is to search in directories of dog breeders, as the International Cynological Federation (FCI) or the Royal Canine Society of Spain (RSCE). Both organizations have lists of registered dog breeders and can provide you with information about Samoyed breeders in Spain..

Another option is to search online at websites specializing in the sale and adoption of pets.. You can search on dog breeder websites or on forums and social media groups dedicated to the Samoyed breed.. Be sure to carefully research any potential breeders before making a purchase, and consider visiting the puppies in person before making your decision..

You may also consider adopting a Samoyed dog from a shelter or dog rescue organization.. There are many organizations dedicated to rescuing and rehoming dogs of all breeds., including Samoyeds. Adopting a dog from a shelter or rescue organization can be a great way to give a dog in need a loving and caring home..

Remember that it is important to choose a reputable and ethical breeder or rescue organization., that breeds or rescues healthy and socialized dogs. Don't buy a puppy or adopt a dog from a source that can't provide you with information about the dog's health and breeding or rescue history.

Images “Samoyed”

Videos “Samoyed”

Type and recognitions:

  • Group 5: Spitz and primitive types
  • Section 1: Nordic Sledge Dogs. Without working trial..


  • FCI – Group 5 – Section 1 Nordic Sledge Dogs.
  • AKC – Nordic Sledge Dogs
  • ANKC – Nordic Sledge Dogs
  • CKC – Nordic Sledge Dogs
  • ​KC – Nordic Sledge Dogs
  • NZKC – Nordic Sledge Dogs
  • UKC – Nordic Sledge Dogs

FCI breed standard "Samoyed"

FCIFCI - Samoyed

Alternative names:

1. Bjelkier, Samoiedskaya, Sobaka, Smiley, Sammy (English).
2. SAMOYEDE (French).
3. Samojedenhund, Samojedenspitz (German).
4. Samoieda, Samoiedo (Portuguese).
5. Samoiedskaya Sobaka, Nenetskaya Laika, Samoiedskaïa Sabaka (español).

1 thought on "Samoyed”

  1. Pingback: Education Care and maintenance of a Samoyed - Snow White Samoyed Puppies

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