▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Neapolitan mastiff
Italia FCI 197 - Molosoids – Doge

Mastín Napolitano

Despite his fierce appearance, the Neapolitan mastiff It is a balanced dog and friend of children.


History «Mastin Napolitano»

The Neapolitan mastiff, like all broadcast, most likely descends from the molossus Tibetan. According to historical data, Italy has been inhabited since very remote times, which could date back to the second millennium before Christ..

This shows that this architect of Campania (South Italy region, on the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea, whose capital is Naples) brings lot of history under its belt.

All European mastiffs descend from the Tibetan Mastiff, the oldest representative of dog breeds.
Probably the first Asian mastiffs were carried in the India Greece by Alexander the great, around the year 300 a.C.

Some historians argue that it was the Greeks who were known to the Romans these dogs so spectacular, to see them is struck and (for a change) they used them in their famous circuses like fighting dogs. The Neapolitan mastiff fought with Lions, bears, Tigers, He was also a dog bred for war.

According to the English cinofilia, on the other hand, the mastiff was taken to Britannia (term designated to the island of Great Britain before that occurred the Germanic invasions) by the Phoenicians in the year 500 to. C. from that moment the spread throughout Europe would have begun.

Beyond disagreements as to the diffusion of the breed you can ensure, years. At that time, that the "Neapolitan Mastiff" has lived in Campania for at least two thousand years, Although its first official appearance in the cinophilia data of 1946 and its official standard was approved in the year 1949.

During the course of World War II, the race was on the verge of extinction but was recovered by a writer and called cinólogo Piero Scanziani that between 1941 and 1980 published a dozen volumes of fiction and nonfiction, including various Cynology treatises. He was responsible for the reconstruction of the Neapolitan mastiff during the postwar period, and he did so on the basis of the few copies remaining.

Physical characteristics

«Neapolitan Mastiff» Videos

Neapolitan Mastin ALACRAN
Neapolitan Mastin bruce dello stradone (Leonardo lopez)Lightbox for Video by VideoLightBox.com v1.11

The Mastino Napoletano impresses even from a distance with its impressive physique. Especially the huge head stands out. It is a typical molossoid head, but he has particularly pronounced full lips. His facial expression is cool and relaxed, his overall impression is impressive. Its coat is short and smooth.

Modern breeding has given the Mastino Napoletano an excess of loose skin, that borders on the torture of the brood. For animal welfare reasons only, one must make sure that the skin is taut and there are not too many wrinkles and folds. Only slight wrinkles should be allowed in the neck area and on the dewlap.. Especially the head has grown an overabundance of skin and wrinkles in recent decades, partly so extreme that dogs can barely see due to all the wrinkles. It also, severe wrinkles are a treasure for infections and itchiness.

According to him standard official of the breed the males of Neapolitan mastiff They must be measured of 66 to 72 cm in the cross and his weight is of 70 kg, males can easily reach up 90 kg, females should be measured in 60 to 68 cm.. The weight of the males due of 60 to 70 Kg and females of 50 to 60 kg.

The head is huge and short, the rounded and flattened skull between the ears. It has the straight snout, a great truffle and fat lips it fall heavily.

It has the eyes well separated and the accumulation of skin seems they were oval shaped but in reality are round. The ears are triangular, medium and high insertion.

The body, in general, It is longer than high with the neck well massif and the Pope and grupa broad. The tail is amputated two-thirds of its length.

The favorite colors they are the lead, the grey and black (sometimes with small white markings on the chest and the tip of the fingers), the fawn, the mahogany, the Fawn and stag.

All cloaks can be atigrados, but the possibility that a Neapolitan mastiff come out color "tabby" is one in a million.


Despite its large size, no need for large spaces to be happy, because it moves shortly. although yes, It is important to establish a relaxed routine of daily walks that help keep your muscles toned.

Another issue to highlight is that they significantly drool-worthy.

Character and skills

Despite his surly and even fierce aspect, the Neapolitan mastiff he is a peaceful dog, balanced, sweet, fell, very affectionate with the master and friend of children.

Never behaves aggressively without a real reason, But if he were to have the answer, could be terrible.

Its temperament is peaceful, but it may become aggressive if its owner is not able to educate him with wisdom and responsibility.

Due to its structure it solid, its movement is heavy and clumsy, but appearance because it is aware of its size and enough to see him interact with children to confirm (disarms in delicacy).

Has been dog of war, combat in the circus, police assistant, dog sledge drag, companion and self-defense dog. Currently it is trained as a guardian of houses and farms and is increasingly appreciated as a companion dog..

In fact, it is more a guard dog than a companion or exhibition dog. Of the molossians foster, It is the quietest character.

One Neapolitan mastiff serious upbringing is, therefore, educated, an extremely simple dog. Here and there the fat man is a bit stubborn. Only if it is good to persuade and ask for help, then it will do everything for its owner or caretaker. As a family member, is extremely adorable. He seeks the proximity of his humans and is a reliable protector.

In case of acute threat to your humans, will try to keep danger away from them by facing the attacker with his body, but it won't attack him anymore. Does all of this quietly. Barks very rarely. His calm and serene temperament makes him a loyal and child-friendly companion, who forgives everything. Towards strangers, However, is initially waiting and watching. The Neapolitan mastiff he's a cool guy and a fascinating dog.

Not an easy dog ​​to keep just because of his strength. By its nature it has very few demands. A daily walk, sometimes brushing the coat, that is all. Only the food is a certain challenge in terms of quantity and quality. You don't need a big garden, but a garden is already useful. A small apartment on the nth floor would not be suitable. The Neapolitan mastiff he's a great partner, but it is not a companion for runners, dog athletes or performance junkies.


It must be remembered that in a Neapolitan mastiff adult, the line is just a symbolic control. Large dog easily has the power to maneuver the other end of the leash at will. But he doesn't want, at least if you have enjoyed the basics of a good education. The Neapolitan mastiff it is very easy to train. Only his stubbornness has to be broken here and there with consistent smoothness.. He wants to follow his master and mistress and he does it very reliably. It is an elementary duty of an owner of Neapolitan mastiff pay attention to a consistent education already in the puppy. Because only education and not the leash makes wonderful walks in nature possible, that together with this calm four-legged friend they become a balm for the soul of agitated people.

Care and health «Neapolitan Mastiff»

Caring for a Neapolitan mastiff healthy breed is not problematic. Brushing the coat here and there is enough.

Bad habit of extremely strong folding of the head and body often leads to chronic inflammation. They are usually a source of constant itching for dogs.. Sometimes it even makes vision difficult. Such dogs need expensive time and care.

Nutrition «Mastín Neapolitan»

You need a lot of high quality food. It is helpful to have an elevated feeding bowl to counteract the risk of stomach churning. Weight must always be carefully considered.

Life expectancy «Neapolitan Mastiff»

Breeding mistakes have cost this dog, formerly robust, many years of his life expectancy. Before they were 12, today they are more likely to be 6 to 9 years. But, exact data not available.

Buy a "Neapolitan Mastiff"

The purchase of a Neapolitan mastiff it must be long-term and well considered. You should check carefully if you have all the requirements in order to spend many wonderful years together with this strong friend.. Also financially the attitude is a challenge. If you are looking for a puppy, you must make sure that the dogs are not too massive and wrinkled. You must ask about the ancestors, its appearance, their illnesses, your age. To get a Neapolitan mastiff solid character, you should just look directly at a serious breeder. For animal welfare reasons you should refrain from buying puppies from parents with severe wrinkles. A puppy Neapolitan mastiff from a good breeder costs about 2.500 EUR.

Characteristics "Neapolitan mastiff"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Neapolitan mastiff" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

Adaptation ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

friendly dog ​​ⓘ

1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

hair loss ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection level ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for exercise ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Social need ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Home ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Toilet ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendly with strangers ⓘ

1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

barking ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Health ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Territorial ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Cat friendly ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Intelligence ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Versatility ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Child friendly ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Surveillance ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

joy ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Images «Neapolitan Mastiff»

«Neapolitan Mastiff» Videos

Type and recognitions:

  • Group :
  • Section : . .


  • FCI – Pinscher and Schnauzer-Molossoid type dogs – Swiss Mountain Dogs and Cattledogs. Section 2.1 Molossoid, mastiff type.
  • AKC – Dogs working
  • ANKC – Group 6 (utility dogs)
  • CKC – Working dogs
  • ​KC – Working dogs
  • NZKC – Utility dog
  • UKC – Watchdog

FCI breed standard "Neapolitan mastiff"


Date of publication of the valid original standard:


Protection and watchdog.

General appearance:

Big dog, heavy and solid with high volume appearance. The length of the trunk exceeds its height at the withers.

IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: Body length is a 15% more than the height at the withers.

  • The skull-snout ratio is 2 to 1.
  • The length of the head is approximately 3,8 / 10 the height at the withers.
  • Neck is rather short.
  • Chest circumference is wide.

  • Behavior / temperament:

    Steady and loyal, is not aggressive. Guard dog of the property and its inhabitants, always vigilant, Intelligent, noble and majestic.


    Short and massive, with the skull wide at the level of the zygomatic arches. The skin is abundant and has wrinkles and folds, of which the most accentuated and characteristic part of the external palpebral angle to descend to the labial angle. The superior longitudinal axes of the skull and muzzle are parallel.

    Cranial region:
    • Skull: The skull is wide and flat, particularly between the ears, seen from the front, it is slightly convex at the front. The zygomatic arches are very prominent, but with flat muscles. The protrusions of the frontal bones are well developed; the front groove is marked; occipital ridge is barely visible.
    • Stop: Well defined.

    facial region:

    • Truffle: Located in the prolongation of the nasal cavity, should not protrude from the anterior vertical line of the lips; it should be bulky and the large nostrils should be wide open. The color is according to the color of the fur: black for black specimens, dark gray in dogs of other colors, and the chestnut for brown dogs.
    • Snout: Very broad and deep; its width is approximately equal to the length. The length should be equal to one third of the length of the head. The sides are parallel so that, seen from the front, the shape of the muzzle is practically square. The depth of the muzzle is approximately twice its length.
    • Lips: fleshy, thick and full. The upper lip, seen from the front, forms an inverted "V" at its junction point. The lower lateral profile of the muzzle is determined by the upper lips, its lower part is the corner of the lips, with visible mucosa, located vertically from the outer corner of the eye.
    • Jaws / Teeth: Powerful with strong jaws and dental arches that fit together perfectly. The lower jaw should be well developed in width. Well developed white teeth, regularly aligned and complete in number. Scissor bite, that is, the upper incisors overlap the lower incisors in close contact, implanted in the vertical of the jaws; or pincer bite, that is, the upper incisors are joined edge to edge with the lower incisors. The outer edge of the upper incisors should be in close contact with the inner edge of the lower incisors.. An inverted scissor bite is tolerated.

    EYES: well separated on the same front level; rather round shape, but never protruding or too deep. Iris color is generally darker than coat color, except in shades of diluted shades where the color of the eyes is lighter. The skin never folds to interfere with the eyes.

    EARS: Small, in relation to the size of the dog, form triangular, located above the zygomatic arch, flat and glued to the cheeks. Ears are natural.


    The upper profile is slightly convex. Trunk rather short and conical, good muscular. The lower neck profile is well covered in loose fur that forms a well-separated double dewlap, but not exaggerated. Double chin begins at the level of the lower jaw and does not reach below the middle of the neck.


    The length of the trunk exceeds by 15% the height at the withers.

    • top line: The upper line of the back is straight. Cross: It is wide, long and not very prominent.
    • Back: Width and length approximately 1/3 the height at the withers. The muscular and well developed lumbar region in its width should be harmoniously connected with the back.
    • Pork loin: Width, strong and muscular. The hip bones are prominent as they reach the upper lumbar line.. Breast : Large, with well-developed pectoral muscles. The rib cage is wide, with long, well-arched ribs. Chest circumference is wide. The tip of the sternum is at the level of the tip of the shoulder.


    It is wide and thick at the root; strong, slightly tapering towards the tip. Its length reaches the hock joint. At rest it carries it hanging and curved in the shape of a saber, in action raised horizontally or only slightly above the top line.



    • General appearance: Previous members, from the floor to the tip of the elbow, seen in profile and from the front, they are vertical with a strong bone structure in proportion to the size of the dog.
    • Shoulder: Long and well sloped, muscles are well developed, long and well defined.
    • Arms: Well angled to the shoulder blade and with significant musculature.
    • Elbows: They must be parallel to the median plane of the body, that is to say, neither turn inward nor outward.
    • Forearm: Its length is almost equal to the length of the arm. Placed in a perfect upright position. Strong bone structure with lean, well-developed muscles.
    • Carpo: Width, slim and knotless, follows the vertical line of the forearm.
    • Metacarpus: Continue the vertical line of the forearm. Angulation and moderate length.
    • Previous feet: Round shape, large, fingers well arched and well joined. The pads are hard and well pigmented. The nails are strong, curved and dark colored.


    • General appearance: They must be powerful and robust, in proportion to the size of the dog and capable of giving the required propulsion during movement.
    • Thigh: Its length is 1/3 from the height to the cross and its obliqueness is about 60 °. Broad with thick muscles, prominent and clearly marked. Thigh bone and hip bone (femur and coxal) they form an angle of 90 °.
    • Knee: The femoro-tibial angle is about 110 ° -115 °.
    • Leg: The length is slightly less than that of the thigh and of an obliqueness of 50 ° -55 °, with a strong bone structure and well visible muscles.
    • Hock: The tibio-tarsal joint forms an angle of 140 ° – 145 °.
    • Metatarsus: Strong and slim, almost cylindrical in shape, perfectly straight and parallel and quite low.
    • Hind feet: Smaller than the previous ones, round with well-joined fingers. Dry pads, hard and pigmented. The nails are strong, curved and dark colored.


    It is a typical characteristic of the breed. Movement is feline type, like the steps of a lion. It is slow and also resembles that of a bear. The jog is characterized by a strong push from the rear and a good extension of the front. The dog rarely gallops; the usual gait is walking and jogging. Ambition is tolerated.


    SKIN: Thick, abundant and loose throughout the body, especially on the head, where it forms numerous folds and wrinkles, and at the bottom of the neck where it forms a double dewlap. Never in abundance to interfere with the health and well-being of dogs.

    Fur: short, hard and bushy, the same length everywhere. Uniform length of 1,5 maximum cm. Must not show any trace of long hair.

    Color: Gray colors are preferred, leaden gray and black, although also brown, reddish and reddish rose, that sometimes have small white spots on the sill and on the fingertips. All colors can be brindle. Hazelnut tones accepted, soft gray and isabella.

    Size and weight:

    Height to the cross:

    • Males: 65-75 cm..
    • females: 60-68 cm..


    • Males: 60-70 kg.
    • females: 50-60 kg.


    Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered as a fault and the severity of this is considered to the degree of the deviation to the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog..


  • Pronounced undershot.
  • Tail size too high.
  • Size greater or less than the allowed limits.

  • Aggressiveness or extreme shyness.
  • Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities.
  • Accentuated convergence or divergence of the cranial-facial axes.
  • Upper line of the snout concave or convex or very aquiline (roman nose).
  • Total depigmentation of the trua.
  • Upper prognathism.
  • Entropion / ectropion.
  • Eyes gazeos, total depigmentation of both edges of the eyelids; strabismus.
  • Absence of wrinkles, creases and double chin.
  • Absence of congenital or artificial glue.
  • Extensive white spots; white marks on the head.

  • N.B.:
  • Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..
  • Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with the typical conformation of the breed, should be used for breeding
  • TRANSLATION: Mrs. Brígida Nestler. Official language: IN.

    Technical direction: SR. Miguel Angel Martinez.

    Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

    Alternative names:

    1. Mastino Napoletano Italian (English).
    2. Mâtin de Naples, Napolitain (French).
    3. Neapolitanischer Mastiff (German).
    4. Mastino napoletano, Neapolitan mastiff (Portuguese).
    5. Mastín napolitano (español).

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Cimarrón uruguayo
    Uruguay FCI 353 - Molossoid - Dogo


    The Cimarrón uruguayo also called Cimarrón dog or Creole cimarrón is the only breed developed entirely in Uruguayan territory.



    The Cimarrón uruguayo Bulldog is a dog type molosoide, medium-sized, compact and strong, the fur can be striped or also bayo (cream-coloured) and snout black. His temperament is docile, cunning and guardian, ideal for guard, company or big game. It is recognized as a race in Uruguay from 1989 and internationally by the Federation Cynologique Internationale – FCI, from the 21 in February of 2006.

    Etymologically Cimarron is a term applied in America (originally on the island of Hispaniola) to everything that having been domestic or civilized returned to the wild or wild state, by referring in this case to their refuge in the heights (Indeed in the mountains and valleys hidden) Sierras, with which cimarrón would be "he who lives on the peaks or hides in them".

    The original specimens of the wild dog descended from the dogs introduced by the Spanish and Portuguese conquerors..
    The natural crosses that were taking place in the wild is that it evolved in the course of two centuries a native variety perfectly adapted to the environment of the Uruguayan Plains.

    «Tell your master that when I lack men to fight his henchmen, I have to fight them with Maroon dogs»: José Gervasio Artigas to the Gral. Carlos Federico Lecor.

    The dog breed called Cimarrón dog or Criollo cimarrón is the only breed developed entirely in Uruguayan territory.

    Non-domestic dogs in the world, Whether original species or breeds produced by the feralization of domestic breeds that returned to the natural environment and managed to readapt to it, they show a physical development that is totally different from this one., so it is highly arguable that this breed produced in the Uruguay as a supposed model maroons dogs mentioned in ancient chronicles and documents reflect the natural demeanor of those. All wild dogs of the world, Because of what is known as "convergence" at an evolutionary level, they have long legs, erect ears, slender body, exceptions that occur in extreme climates (enormous ears of certain dogs of African deserts or small ears of Arctic foxes).

    There are detailed chronicles of attacks by packs of these dogs on caravans and people, that led to the authorities of the time (end of the 18th century) they already have and encourage major massacres, reaching count by tens of thousands dead dogs.

    Each dead animal was paid by the authorities of the time, requiring proof of death presented the jaw or the pair of ears of the animal. From this practice would derive the characteristic ear cut that is performed on many newborn pups., in the shape of a "cougar ear".

    Despite these massacres, «…a good number of mothers with their offspring conquered the mountains of Olimar and especially in the Sierra de Otazo and in the Cerros Largos», in what is now known as departments of Cerro Largo and Treinta y Tres, where many ranchers and landowners in this place, they took advantage of the virtues of this breed for working with cattle and defense of his property, beginning to raise it, preserving the mixing.

    Modern traces of the breed begin to become more public in the early 1990s. 1980, When numerous breeders of Montevideo, attracted by the remarkable characteristics some specimens, they begin to develop their parenting and standardization.

    It is in 1989 When this work begins to pay its fruits, to being the Cimarrón Uruguayo officially recognized by the Association of the Rural Uruguay (A.R.U.) and the Kennel Club Uruguayo (K.C.U.), 20 years after the first exposure of a specimen of the breed in the K.C.U.
    Thus, the Association of Uruguayan Cimarrones Breeders was created and together with the K.C.U.. It prepares the official roll of the race, selecting the base dogs of the same and registering their pups, being tattooed for the first time with this registration number.

    Today the character attributes of this breed called Cimarrón They make it increasingly popular in Uruguay and region, being employed as a companion dog, Guard and hunting, especially the wild boar.

    Physical characteristics

    The Cimarrón Bulldog is a dog of medium size type, balanced, strong, compact, with good osatura, muscular, shrewd and great courage. The size and weight of the males is of 58 to 61 cm. of height and 38 to 45 weight kg. And of 55 to 58 cm. of height and 33 to 40 weight kg, in females.

    Character and skills

    It is excellent to work with cattle dog, hunting and guard. Predominant livestock activity of these lands and the consequent abundance of food without great competition with other natural predators, the bighorn reproduced in large numbers becoming – according to historical documents – in a true plague and scourge for the inhabitants of the countryside and the livestock.

    This race since its standardization has attracted a growing interest both within the Uruguay border, having copies of this dog in various countries of America, from United States to Argentina, counting this last country with several breeders of Cimarrón Uruguayo.
    Another of the steps achieved for the genetic improvement of the breed called Cimarrón Uruguayo is the signing of an agreement between the University of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, through its Faculty of veterinary medicine with the Maroons breeders society for the study of the zootechnical status and consanguinity of the exemplary enrolled in their rolls.

    This long process of standardization was crowned the 21 in February of 2006 When the International Bureau of the Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI) gives international recognition to the Uruguayan Cimarron.

    The breed standard states that the dog must have great courage. Like all large dogs, Cimarron Uruguayo should be well socialized when very young if you want to be kept as a companion. It is a very friendly dog ​​with children and other animals.

    Cimarron Uruguayo is sometimes used for surveillance, hunting and all dog sports in his native Uruguay. Being a very intelligent dog has been used for all kinds of jobs, as rescue or grazing.

    A dog is fairly quiet and stable, rarely bark unless the threat is real.

    The primitive Cimarrón dog, by its roots in the Uruguayan territory, It has been from the very beginning of the national identity of this town a symbol of the independence struggle, faithfully reflected in the letter sent by General José Gervasio Artigas in response to General Carlos Federico Lecor, Count of la Laguna and Governor of the Provincia Cisplatina (current Uruguay) in which Artigas expressed that if it was left without soldiers to fight, I would do it with the Cimarron dog.

    It is because of this tradition that this breed is currently a symbol and mascot of the National Army of Uruguay., having a preferential place in the annual military parades of the 18 July. On this occasion, a soldier of the battalion of Blandengues (the company that Artigas himself knew how to lead at the time) He rides leading the parade carried a Moorish Steed without along rider which is a sheep dog by the flange.

    Images "Cimarrón uruguayo"


    1. Cimarron Uruguayo – Kennel La Bonfire by Leonardo Botião Fonseca / CC BY-SA
    2. Cimarron Uruguayo by brindle / CC BY-SA
    3. The Finnish Winner Show, Helsinki, 2015. By Thomas / CC BY-SA
    4. Nbistolfi / CC BY-SA

    Videos "Cimarrón uruguayo"

    Type and recognitions:

    • Group :
    • Section : . .


    FCI , UKC

    FCI breed standard Cimarrón uruguayo

    FCIFCI - Cimarrón uruguayo

    Alternative names:

    1. Cimarron, Uruguayan Cimarron, Cimarron Creole, Maroon Dog, Cerro Largo Dog, Perro Cimarron, Cimarron Dog (English).
    2. Cimarrón uruguayo (French).
    3. Cimarrón Uruguayo (German).
    4. Cimarron uruguaio (Portuguese).
    5. Perro Gaucho, Perro criollo, Cimarrón (español).

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Alemania FCI 147 - Molosoids – Doge


    The Rottweiler is a quiet dog, docile and faithful family.



    The Rottweiler is one of the breeds of German origin that is recognized by the Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI). The Rottweiler is a dog trotting type.

    The history of the Rottweiler dates back to the 19th century. The city of Rottweil in present-day Baden-Württemberg was known for its cattle trade.. To keep animals under control on their way to pasture, farmers and butchers had to use intelligent and persistent companion dogs. At the beginning, these dogs were therefore called butcher dogs, later they were finally given the name Rottweiler due to its proximity to the city of Rottweil. Other theories about the history of the Rottweiler breed say that the canine breed was already used for cattle breeding in Rome and therefore came with the Romans through the Alps to the city of Rottweil. In the early 20th century, when people were looking for a suitable police dog, it soon became clear that the Rottweiler, with his strong, muscular stature and intrepid temperament, was particularly suitable. In 1910 the Rottweiler was officially recognized as a police dog.

    those characteristics, they made it an indispensable both for farmers and butchers Assistant.

    Physical characteristics

    The Rottweiler is a medium to large dog, muscular, sturdy and strong with powerful teeth. Although its shape is quite robust, the Rottweiler has great resistance and is very agile. According to the breed standard, the height at the withers of a male dog is 68 cm., that of a female dog 63 cm.. The weight of a Rottweiler is between approx. 42 kg ( female) and approx. 50 kg (male). Rottweiler coat consists of a black top layer and bottom layer. The black top layer is described by the VDH (German Canine Federation) as "medium length", thick, dense and tight", while the bottom layer should not protrude from the top layer. The Rottweiler's coat is slightly longer on the hind legs. Characteristic for the Rottweiler is also the so-called blight, which means clearly defined brown-red markings on the lips, the snout, the eyebrows, under the root of the tail and on the chest.

    Within this breed we can find two breeding lines, the European, considered the original and the American. The American line is characterized by taller specimens and more stylized bodies., on the other hand, European line dogs have a more compact and robust body with a shorter height.

    Character and skills

    Although the Rottweiler is a race that has been used for defence work, his work and typicity requires that they are described as friendly, happy talk, quiet, faithful, obedient and willingness to work. In the latest studies of aggressiveness in breeds, this was not among the top ten.

    In addition the Rottweiler dog is located within the ten most intelligent dogs, they are dogs of great trust and kindness, You can be glad that it will meet the desired objective.

    An important attribute that has the Rottweiler is his adiestrabilidad. It is a very intelligent and obedient dog, able to learn many tasks.

    According to the classification made by Stanley Coren after analyzing the responses of more than 200 work of the AKC judges ("The Intelligence of Dogs", Stanley city, Ediciones B, 1995), the Rottweiler is the No. 9 from the list.

    Its history as a shepherd, as military dog and care as well as dog obedience and exhibition, speaks highly of his versatility.

    The Rottweilers are ideal as protectors of the family and property. You agree to all the members of the family and protect both the father and the son. The Rottweilers usually do not have Favorites, Although there are exceptions. They tend to be individualists, and this is due, Once again, are creatures with discernment and lists.

    Their intelligence "affects" their trainability. Just like, frequently, It is said of the cats, they are too ready to wait for repetition of an order. Once they have executed her once or twice as you like, Surely they tired of the game and seek a better output. Why do humans insist on doing these things so many times?? I already got the idea the first time and it wasn't that exciting” the Rottweiler seems to think.

    In Spain the breed of dog Rottweiler It is classified as "Potentially Dangerous" by Royal Decree. This means that in the Spanish State, potentially dangerous breeds are regulated by the Law 50/1999, of the 23 from December and the Royal Decree 287/2002, of the 22 March.

    So, for its possession you must obtain the license for possession of potentially dangerous dogs and register in the corresponding Municipal registration of potentially dangerous animals. One of the things that are required for this license is insurance of civil liability to third parties.

    Some need more help than others, but patience is always required when you train a dog, regardless of what race.
    Please understand that nothing wrong with owning a Rottweiler there is. They are amazing dogs and wonderful companion animals.. This is not an issue of race, but rather individuals who are involved with the canine behavior modification.

    Rottweiler maintenance

    Since the Rottweiler was bred as a persistent working dog and therefore needs a lot of leash in order to function properly, keeping him in the kennel is out of the question. But, due to its robustness, can stay out if there is a good family connection and corresponding workload. It is important to socialize the Rottweiler from the beginning through specific training and attendance at a dog school and accustom it to different situations and people.. Due to its character, the Rottweiler can be used very well as a service dog, guard dog, rescue dog or guide dog for the blind. Although it is not the classic family dog, living with children is usually not a problem. Due to its size and strength, wild games with children should be avoided, and children should not walk alone with the Rottweiler due to its enormous traction. Proper maintenance a Rottweiler includes not only a demanding occupation but also a good education.

    The life expectancy of a Rottweiler

    The life expectancy of a Rottweiler is with 8-10 years somewhat below average value. Unlike small dog breeds, the musculoskeletal system of larger dog breeds is already under great stress during the growth phase, causing signs of wear earlier.

    Buy a Rottweiler

    Before deciding on a Rottweiler, one must closely examine their attitude and character and carefully consider whether this breed is really suitable. The following questions must be answered affirmatively: Can I offer the Rottweiler enough space and exercise?? Do I have time to take care of the animal enough? Do all family members agree with the dog? Do I trust the education of a Rottweiler? Can I take my dog ​​on vacation or what alternatives are there? If you finally decide to get a Rottweiler, doesn't necessarily have to come from a breeder. Why don't you visit the animal shelter?- Maybe you'll find a Rottweiler there that you can give a good home to.. Here the purchase is also much cheaper than with a breeder.

    Rottweiler Education

    The correct education is very important for a Rottweiler to promote its generally human and balanced character.. Your position in the family hierarchy should be clear to the dog from the start., so that he learns to obey and respect his master. Consistency is extremely important in Rottweiler education, and should be dominant, but without harshness. As a responsible dog owner, you must act with sovereignty, calm and especially with consideration when training a Rottweiler. The Rottweiler recognizes these positive leadership qualities, which ultimately makes him a loyal companion. As in the case of any other dog, training should begin at the puppy's age, where positive behavior is rewarded with praise, for example in the form of sweets. Caution: With insufficiently dominant leadership or erroneous and inconsistent education, Rottweiler can develop dangerous behavior – this shows the great role that the correct education of the Rottweilers plays.

    Rottweiler Health and Care

    Since the Rottweiler's coat is rather short to medium long, the toilet is not very complex. But, due to its agile nature, impurities can quickly accumulate on the coat, so grooming should not be neglected entirely. Occasional brushing is completely sufficient. For Rottweiler coat length, special brushes for dogs, but also cotton gloves have proven to be very effective. In addition to the toilet, foot care, as well as eye care, ears and nails should be considered to the usual extent.

    Breed-specific diseases

    As with many other large dogs, certain diseases occur more frequently in Rottweiler dogs. These include hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia, both are poor development of the respective joints. Because this is due to a genetic disposition, an X-ray examination must be presented in a breed aptitude test. To prevent disease, care must be taken that the animal is not overweight and gets enough exercise. Leukoencephalomyelopathy is also a hereditary disease. It leads to progressive paralysis in young animals and is not curable., although it occurs quite infrequently. On the other hand, in recent years, heart disease has been reported more frequently in this breed. Constriction of the nerves of the heart, for example, is inherited and affects the reflux of blood from the heart, which ultimately leads to limited performance of the Rottweiler.

    Rottweiler feed

    Like any other dog, the Rottweiler needs a species-appropriate diet. To prevent overweight and resulting breed diseases, such as hip and elbow dysplasia, dog food should not be too fatty and above all low in protein. It is also important that the Rottweiler feeds in moderation and has limited access to the feeding bowl. Instead of being able to use a large portion of food, Dog owners must distribute food appropriately for their “Rotti”. Whether dry or wet food is better for the Rottweiler, the dog owner must decide for himself.

    Rottweiler puppies prefer to eat what they are used to eating from their breeder. So, it makes sense to continue feeding this food for the time being and only change food when the dog is older and may have different needs than its food. It's best to just try what the Rottweiler likes best: in addition to dry and wet food, also a healthy alternative to barking at the dog.

    Characteristics "Rottweiler"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Rottweiler" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

    Adaptation ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    friendly dog ​​ⓘ

    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    hair loss ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection level ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for exercise ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Social need ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Home ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Toilet ⓘ

    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendly with strangers ⓘ

    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    barking ⓘ

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Health ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Territorial ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Cat friendly ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Intelligence ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Versatility ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Child friendly ⓘ

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Surveillance ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    joy ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Rottweiler Images

    Rottweiler Videos

    Type and recognitions:

    • Group :
    • Section : . .


    • FCI – Pinscher and Schnauzer-Molossoid type dogs – Swiss Mountain Dogs and Cattledogs. Section 2.1 Molossoid, mastiff type.
    • AKC – Working dogs
    • ANKC – Group 6 (utility dogs)
    • CKC – Group 3 (working dogs)
    • ​KC – Working dogs
    • NZKC – Utility dog
    • UKC – Watchdog

    FCI breed standard "Rottweiler"


    Date of publication of the valid original standard:


    Utility dog, service and company.

    General appearance:

    The Rottweiler is a medium to large sized dog, robust, neither heavy nor light, neither with limbs too high nor weak. Its correctly proportioned construction, Compact and powerful, Lets conclude that it is a very powerful dog, agile and resistant.

    IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: The length of the body, measured from the tip of the sternum (chest bone) to the ischial tuberosity, must not exceed the height at the withers by more than one 15%.

    Behavior / temperament:

    The rottweiler hasaffable tendency, placid in basic arrangement, very devoted, obedient, docile and willing to workIts appearance is natural and rustic, his behavior is self-confident, stable and fearless. Reacts to its surroundings with great attentionand at the same time in a temperate way.



    Cranial region:
    • Skull: Medium length, relativelywidth between ears. Side view, the forehead is moderately arched; the occipital Protuberance is well developed, without being too noticeable.
    • Depression links (Stop)Relatively strongThe front grooves are not too deep.

    facial region:

    • Truffle: Well developed, rather wide than rounded, with relatively large nostrils, always black.
    • Snout: In relation to the area of ​​the skull, it should not give the impression of being shortened or elongated.The relationship between the length of the muzzle and the length of the skull is approximately 1 to 1.5. Straight nose bridge, wide at its insertion, moderately decreases in width from back to front.
    • Lips: Blacks, well pasted. The corner of the mouth is tightly closed; gums as dark as possible.
    • Jaws / Teeth: Both the upper and lower jaws are very strong and wide.. Healthy teeth, strong and full (42 parts). With scissor bite, upper incisors overhang lower incisors tightly.
    • Cheeks: Pronounced zygomatic arches.

    EYES: Medium-sized, almendrada form, dark brown; with well-adherent eyelids.
    EARS: Medium-sized, pendants, triangular, very separated and set high. With the ears well glued and placed forward, which makes the skull area of ​​the impression to be wider.


    Strong, long, good muscular, slightly arched, clean, double chin freeorskinloose.


    • Back: Straight, strong and stiff.
    • Pork loin: The lumbar region is short, strong and deep.
    • Rump: Wide, medium length, slightly rounded, without being straight, not even with much fall.
    • Breast : Spacious, broad and deep (approx.. 50% the height of the cross), with a well-developed sill and bulky rib.
    • Abdomen: Not collected flanks.


    In natural condition, strong, at the level and in an extension of the upper line; in atention, when aroused or on the move can bring her up with a slight curve; in idle it can hang up.Bringing it down between the legs the tail reaches the hocks or is a little longer.



    • As a whole: Seen from the front they are straight and not very together. The forearms, seen from side, they are straight. The inclination of the scapula in relation to the horizontal is 45°.
    • Shoulder: Well-placed.
    • Arms: Well glued to the trunk.
    • forearms: Strongly developed and muscular.
    • Metacarpus: Slightly elastic, strong, slightly oblique.
    • Front feet: Round; closed and swollen fingers. Hard pads; short nails, black and strong.


    • As a whole: Seen from behind are straight, parallel and not very together. In the natural position, obtuse angles are formed between the thigh and the iliac bone., between the thigh and the leg (knee), and between the leg and the metatarsus (Hock).
    • Thigh: Moderately long, width and heavily muscled.
    • Leg: Long, strong, with many muscles, sinewy.
    • Hock: Powerful; well angled, not steep.
    • Rear feet: A little longer than the front; also closed fingers, bulky and heavy.


    The Rottweiler is a m, remaining your back strong and with little movement. The development of the movement is harmonious, insurance, with force and free, with wide steps.


    SKIN: Skin tight head throughout the area; form small wrinkles on the forehead when the dog is at attention.

    HAIR: Composed of outer layer and internal NAP. The external layer hair is medium long, hard, thick and tight; internal NAP must not protrude beyond the external hair. In the hind, the hair is a little longer.

    COLOR: Negro, with well-defined fire marks of a bright pardo-rojizo color on the cheeks, snout, throat, chest and members, as well as above the eyes and under the tail.

    Size and weight:


    • Height to the cross: 61-68 cm..
    • Of 61 to 62 cm.: small; of 63-64 cm.: medium-.
    • Of 65-66 cm.: large (correct size); of 67-68 cm.: very large.
    • Weight: Approximate: 50 kg.


    • Height to the cross: 56-63 cm..
    • Of 56 to 57 cm.: small; of 58 to 59 cm.: medium.
    • Of 60-61 cm.: large (correct size); of 62-63 cm.: very large.
    • Weight: Approximate: 42 kg.


    Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered as a fault and the severity of this is considered to the degree of the deviation to the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog..

    General appearance: Lightweight overall appearance, fragile; too high limb; weak bones and muscles.

    • Head: Head of hounds, narrow, light; too short or too long, Tosca; Flat front; absent or little noticeable stop.
    • Snout: Pointed or long; split nose; borrego type nose cane (convex), or depressed (concave); drooping nasal bridge (eagle); Truffle stained or color clear.
    • Lips: Not together, pink or stained; Open the lips angle.
    • Jaws: Narrow jaw.
    • Teeth: Bite of iron.
    • Cheeks: Very prominent.
    • Eyes: clear, deep, bulging or round. Loose eyelids.
    • Ears: Too low, heavy, long, drooping, bent backwards, as well as separate the size of the uniform.
    • Neck: Too long, delgado, weak muscles, with loose skin or dewlap.
    • Body: Too long, too short, Strait.
    • Back: Too long, weak, past due or outstanding (convex).
    • Rump: Drop, too short, long or straight.
    • Breast : Chest with a flat rib, barrel or Strait, backwards.
    • Tail: Too high or too low implementation.
    • Former members: Close together, not straight; steep shoulder; elbows not quite clinging to the body or separated; too long forearms, short or steep; weak or steep Metacarpus; crushed feet; very flat fingers, destitute or very bulky; Nail Color clear.
    • Later members: Flat thighs; closed or cow type tips; the very acute or obtuse angles of the joints; Spurs.
    • Skin: The wrinkled facial skin.
    • Fur: Soft; too short or too long, wavy; absence of internal NAP.
    • Color: Wrong color marks, too big, or not clearly defined.


    • Behavior: Shy animals, shy, cowards, aggressive, overly suspicious, nervous and afraid of shots that show.
    • General appearance: Marked investment in the sexual nature (that the male presents female characteristics or vice versa).
    • Teeth: Upper or lower prognathism, incisor arcade deviated; absence of an incisor tooth, Tusk, a premolar or a molar.
    • Eyes: Entropion, ectropion, yellow eyes; anisochromia (eyes of different colour).
    • Tail: Quebrada, threaded, strongly diverted laterally.
    • Fur: Markedly long or wavy.
    • Color: Any discrepancy from the characteristic black color with reddish-brown spots; white spots.
    • Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified..

    • Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..
    • Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with the typical conformation of the breed, should be used for parenting.

    TRANSLATION: Federation Canófila Mexicana a.c..

    The latest changes are in bold.

    Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

    Alternative names:

    1. Rott, Rottie (English).
    2. Rottweiler (French).
    3. Rottweiler Metzgerhund (German).
    4. Rottweiler Metzgerhund (Portuguese).
    5. Rottie, Rott (español).

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Japón FCI 260 - Molossoid - Dogo

    Tosa Inu

    The Tosa is quiet, serene, dignified and extraordinarily peaceful.



    The Tosa It is a breed of dog originating in Japan. Molosser imposing aspect, It is one of the favorite breeds for the lovers of dogs large size around the world. The breed emerged in the mid-19th century, When crossing various European breeds of large size (Great Dane, Mastiff, St. Bernard, Bulldog, German Shorthaired) with the indigenous Shikoku.

    In Spain is regarded as a potentially dangerous breed of dogs by Royal Decree, by which to his possession must obtain the licence for possession of dangerous dogs and register it in the corresponding Municipal registry of potentially dangerous animals. One of the things that are required for this license is insurance of civil liability to third parties.

    The Tosa varies considerably in size. Japan-bred specimens tend to have half the size of the specimens bred in the rest of the world. Japanese copies are usually weigh between 35 and 55 kg, While exemplary foreigners have a weight which varies between the 60 and 100 kg. The mantle is characterized by short and smooth appearance and is often red, striped or brown clear. The maintenance of its fur is minimal.

    This breed originated in the second half of the 19th century. The race started from the natives – Shikoku, an indigenous dog. It weighs some 25 kg and stand about 55 inches tall, that it resembles the European Spitz. These dogs were crossed with dogs of European races, as the Old English Bulldog in 1872, Mastiff, in 1874, St. Bernard, German pointer in 1876, Great Dane, in 1924, and the Bull Terrier. The goal was to raise a bigger dog, more powerful.

    Read more

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Dogo Argentino
    Argentina FCI 292 - Molossoid - Dogo

    He is a fierce guardian and defender. It is not convenient to stimulate their aggressiveness.

    Dogo Argentino


    Characteristics "Dogo Argentino"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Dogo Argentino" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

    Adaptation ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    friendly dog ​​ⓘ

    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    hair loss ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection level ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for exercise ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Social need ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Home ⓘ

    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Toilet ⓘ

    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendly with strangers ⓘ

    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    barking ⓘ

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Health ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Territorial ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Cat friendly ⓘ

    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Intelligence ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Versatility ⓘ

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Child friendly ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Surveillance ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    joy ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


    The Dogo Argentino (Argentine Mastiff) is a breed of dog, created by the Argentine doctor Antonio Nores Martínez, looking for an animal suitable for the hunting of common species in Argentina, such as wild boars, peccaries and red foxes. Courage, courage and nobility are qualities that are maximized in this breed.

    The Dogo Argentino It is the only living Argentine dog breed (see footnote two extinct races), defined by its creator, The doctor. Antonio Nores Martinez, as "the best dog among all prey dogs and the most prey dog ​​among all the dogs in the world".

    In the Decade of 1920, Antonio Nores Martinez (helped by his brother Agustín, his father Antonio and uncles) decided to create a breed of prey that would bring together the best qualities of the «Cordoba Fighting Dog«, but with superior dimensions and physical strength. It also, he set out to achieve a dog that had aptitudes for hunting in packs, especially of wild boars, but that he was able to beat or stop the prey in combat alone until the arrival of his master or the rest of the pack.

    Antonio used as a base the «Cordoba Fighting Dog«, a mixture of races introduced in the Argentina by English residents, Bull Terrier and Bulldog, with breeds that the Spanish had brought, Spanish Alano and Spanish Mastiff. At these crossing, He was unbeaten in the fights of dogs, Antonio added bloodlines Bull Terrier and Pyrenean Mastiff. Like this, in the thirteenth generation, Antonio realized that he had created a perfect "war machine.", an invincible battle dog. Antonio's white dogs became famous because no other dog could beat them in the ring..

    This is how the Araucana family is created. Then Antonio set out to legalize the dog he had created, because the fighting, Despite being his passion, they were prohibited throughout the world. On the other hand, He was fascinated by the idea of directly killing a dog to lift, continue and captured the dam. The Araucana family was not good for hunting because they were very aggressive towards each other., very heavy in relation to their height and lacked smell. Then Antonio introduced blood Pointer, creating the Guaraní family. These Dogos maintained the fighting spirit of the Araucana family, but they were more resistant to pursue prey, they had a better sense of smell and it was possible to make them not fight.

    They spent several years crossing, selections and adequate functional gymnastics until towards the end of the Decade of 1940, Antonio managed to consolidate the current Argentine dogo, recognized as the most excellent hunting dog.

    In 1946 a public fight for the presentation of the breed was organized between Añá, an extraordinary specimen of Dogo Argentino and a breeding boar 5 years. It was a tough race for Aña, the fight came out victorious, then surrendered it in forty minutes, finishing the fight in perfect physical condition. The battle was filmed and woke up in the cinófilos a great admiration for the Doge ("He Dogo Argentino«, by Paolo Vianini, Vecchi publishing, 2006.).

    In 1947 Agustín organized a match at the Club de los Españoles in Morón between Chino, a Dogo Argentino and a Creole Black Bull, great fighter. After a while of combat, that it caused him to Chinese femur fracture, He managed to turn the nose of the bull, which, in a few minutes, He could not resist more pain and knelt. Chinese not dropped. The end was really a party for the Spanish public. Francisco, another brother of Antonio, He entered the arena and spoke to Chinese who burst into their prey and continued limping ("He Dogo Argentino«, by Paolo Vianini, Vecchi publishing, 2006.).

    Agustín was a great diffuser of the race, finally achieving its recognition as such (see letter from Dr. Agustín Nores Martínez to the FCA). The standard was published in the magazine «Diana» in 1947. The official recognition in Argentina took place in 1964, and the international in 1973. You can read the letter sent by Dr. Agustín Nores Martinez1 to the Argentine Cynological Federation requesting the opening of genealogical records of the breed, where he makes a detailed account of the virtues and potential of Dogo Argentino.

    In the last decades the Dogo Argentino It has been introduced with great success in the United States and several European countries.. Today you can find very good breeders in different countries of the world and of course in Argentina, cradle of the Doge, that there are breeders of excellence. He is currently one of the regulatory dogs for the police in Lebanon.

    Physical characteristics

    It is a very strong and sturdy dog, structure solid and muscular in all parts of the body, insensitive to pain, capable of combat with animals larger than himself and kill them. With the completely white layer, to distinguish it easily in the Mt., the Dogo Argentino it differs from other dogs also by its behavior: ladra rarely, almost for not wanting to note their presence, but when attacked, is devastating.

    The head is large with a massive skull. The truffle is black. Slightly concave snout, with thin lips to the bite and catch prey allows, continue breathing. brown eyes, well separated between them. Ears upright or semierguidas, triangular and cut. The neck is powerful, thick and arched.

    The chest is wide and deep. The very high back line at the shoulders that then slopes towards the hips. The limbs are straight, with muscular thighs, short hocks, United and short fingers. The tail is long and thick. The male must measure between 60 and 66 cm., and the female between 60 and 62 cm.; weight the male should be between the 48 to 54 kg, the female 45 kg. Always white mantle, and without spots, the pigmentation is not desired. The Dogo Argentino is an athlete, for which it should be kept light and light and not with a tendency to obesity as if it were a Mastiff.

    By your skin should not remain long time exposed to the Sun. For a perfect maintenance of your fur brushing with a glove of crin or rubber that drag the loose hair is necessary. Skin problems are fairly common, particularly a disease called demodexia, It tends to occur mainly in the exemplary young immunosuppressed.

    Character and skills

    It is the most quintessential hunting dog. Bulldogs work in a pack, usually four members. When a bulldog winds the boar, aims it to achieve this and it turned on in the snout, ears, neck or legs, without releasing it despite the punishment that would receive the beast. The Dogo Argentino is a very powerful bite, a great resistance and much courage, qualities that allow him to fight with the animal until the end or until the other dogs of the pack arrive or the hunter who will finish off the boar with a knife.

    In some cases, crosses of bulldogs with greyhounds are incorporated into the pack, called "noose", to have dogs for both faster and lighter but they do not replace pure Doges, many more powerful and resistant.
    In recent years the Dogo Argentino I gain greater fame in hunting, given that can match in strength to the puma and another partner kill him. These copies are very strong and you don't feel the pain.

    Like all working dog, is very faithful to his master. In house usually behave well and almost never ladra. It is quiet and balanced. He is very loyal and affectionate with people. It tends to be aggressive toward their peers if it is not educated properly from an early age.

    You need to exercise, and be well comfortable space. It is not uncommon to find specimens with deafness. Their eyes should be cared, cleansing should be daily to avoid any type of inflammation.

    As any large breed, needs a strong and constant education but without violence. It is important to teach him not to attack other dogs and other domestic animals with whom he must be able to live in harmony. The hombre-perro relationship is a relationship of submission, Thus the hierarchical order must establish clear, who is charge.

    Once achieved this, the Dogo Argentino will be an exceptional companion, faithful to his master that will give his life if necessary. It is a dog that his role is very awake instinct, in fact, in the small farms, they wake up the instinct, Therefore, it is a dog that as a pet should always be on a leash when walking it..

    Dogo Argentino Health

    All dogs have the potential to develop genetic health problems, just as all people have the potential to inherit diseases. Steer clear of any breeder who does not offer a health guarantee on puppies, to tell you that race has no known problems, or keep the cubs isolated from the main part of the home for health reasons. A reputable breeder will be honest and open about the health problems of race and incidence occurring with.

    Conditions that have been seen in the breed include hypothyroidism and deafness. Bulldogs can also be prone to glaucoma and laryngeal paralysis. Y, like many big and giant races, the Dogo Argentino can develop hip dysplasia.

    Hip dysplasia is an inherited defect of the hip socket. It may be mild, causing little or no pain, or it can lead to severe lameness. Bulldogs with hip dysplasia can move slowly or avoid jumping. Depending on the severity of the condition, weight loss, medication or surgery may help relieve pain. Bulldogs that will be bred must have a hip x-ray and triage by a veterinary orthopedic specialist at two years of age..

    Do not buy a puppy from a breeder who cannot provide you with written documentation showing that the parents were exempt from health problems affecting the breed.. Having dogs “vet examined” is not a substitute for genetic health testing. Find your puppy elsewhere.

    Careful breeders test their breeding dogs for genetic diseases and only breed the healthiest and best looking dogs., but sometimes mother nature has other ideas. A puppy can develop one of these diseases despite good husbandry practices. Advances in veterinary medicine mean that in most cases dogs can still live a good life. If you are going to have a puppy, ask the breeder about the ages of the dogs in their lines and what are the most common causes of death.

    Remember that after you have welcomed a new puppy into your home, has the power to protect you from one of the most common health problems: the obesity. Keeping a Dogo Argentino at the right weight is one of the easiest ways to extend its life.. Make the most of your preventive skills to help ensure a healthier dog for life.

    Care of the Dogo Argentino

    Grooming the Dogo Argentino is easy due to its short coat, although its large size means it's a great job. One bath every three months (or when it's dirty) using a mild dog shampoo is a good idea. Brush your stylish coat with a natural bristle brush or glove once a week. Use hair conditioner / polisher to shine.

    The rest is basic care. You have to check their ears every week and clean them if necessary and cut their toenails once a month. Regular brushing with a soft toothbrush and vet-approved dog toothpaste keeps teeth and gums healthy. It is essential to introduce the grooming to the Dogo Argentino when it is very young so that it learns to accept the handling and to make the fuss with tranquility.

    Images "Dogo Argentino"

    Videos "Dogo Argentino"

    Type and recognitions:

    • Group :
    • Section : . .


    • FCI – Pinscher and Schanuezer dogs. Molossian type Dogs and Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs. , Section 2.1: Molossoid, mastiff type.
    • AKC – Working dogs
    • UKC – Watchdog

    FCI breed standard "Dogo Argentino"


    Date of publication of the valid original standard:


    Big game hunting dog

    General appearance:

    It is an athletic dog, meso morpho, standard type, harmonic proportions. Of powerful musculature, is agile, its external appearance gives the feeling of power, energy and strength, contrasting with his expression of friendship and meekness. All white, may have a single dark spot on the skull.


    • Mesocephalus, the muzzle must be the same length as the skull.
    • The height at the withers should be slightly higher than the height of the rumpChest height should represent fifty percent, at least the height at the withers.
    • The length of the body must exceed up to ten percent (no more) the height at the withers.

    Behavior / temperament:

    It must be silent, never bark on the trail, good smell, venteador, agile, strong, rustic and above all things brave.

    You should never be aggressive towards human beings, characteristic that will be strictly observed. It must be delivered to its master without conditions or reservations.


    Strong and powerful looking meso cephalic type. Its facial skull axes are convergent.

    Cranial region:
    • Craging: Massif, convex in the anteroposterior and transverse direction due to the reliefs of the chewing muscles and the neck.
    • Occipucio: Its relief is not observed, because the powerful muscles in the back of the neck completely erase it.
    • Ston: Defined, must not be deep or at right angles.

    facial region:

    As long as the cranial region, That is, the line that joins the two orbital processes of the frontal is at an equal distance from the occiput and the alveolar edge of the upper jaw..

    • Trufa: Heavily pigmented black, wide nostrils.
    • Horcico: The same length as the skull, with its concave top line.
    • Labios: Suspenders, free edges, black pigmented, never pendulums.
    • Jaws / Teeth: They are composed of well-developed and strong correctly placed jaws, without prognathism or enognatismo, with healthy teeth, large and normally implanted. A full denture is recommended. The bite is in scissors accepting in pincer.Cheeks: Spacious, marked, covered by strong skin, without folds. Well-developed potters.
    • Ojors: Medium-sized, almendrada form, dark or hazelnut, with preferably black pigmented eyelids. Its position is sub-frontal, well separated, alive and intelligent look but with marked hardness at the same time.
    • Obars: Lateral and high insertion, with good separation between the two, given by the width of the skull. Functionally, must be cut and erect, triangular in shape and not exceeding 50% from the anterior border of the natural pinna.

    Without amputating, they are of medium length, wide, thick flat and rounded at their apex. Smooth coat, somewhat shorter than the rest of the body and where small non-penalized spots may appear. Naturally worn hanging, covering the posterior region of the cheeks. On alert it has semi-erection capacity.


    Thick, arched, very thick throat skin, forming wrinkles, with soft folds, without forming double chin. The elasticity of the neck skin is due to the fact that the cellular tissue is very loose.


    Rectangular. The length of the body (measured from the tip of the shoulder to the tip of the ischium) can only exceed up to ten percent of its height at the withers, no more.

    • Línand Superior: Higher at the withers and inclined towards the rump on a gentle slope. Adult specimens have a medium channel along the spine, given by the relief of the spinal muscles. Seen from the side, it should not be given.
    • Cruz: Strong, well marked and high.
    • Espalda: Very strong and with great muscular reliefs.
    • Itmor: Short, width, of great musculature.
    • Glikeness: Wide and strong. Of average inclination.
    • Pecho: Broad and deep. Seen from the front and profile, the sternum should extend below the line of the elbows, thereby giving maximum respiratory capacity. Long thorax with moderately arched ribs.
    • Línlower ea and belly: Something gathered above the lower line of the chest, never agalgado, strong and with good muscle tension.


    Long, without exceeding the hocks, thick middle insert. At rest a fall is naturally observed; in attention or in motion, arched, wide curved up.



    • ApGeneral arience: Straight, well Plumb, with short, well-knit fingers.
    • Hormbros: Oblique scapulas, with large muscular reliefs, without exaggerations.
    • BRAwithors: Humero of equal length to the scapula, with good inclination.
    • Elbows: Robust, covered in somewhat thicker and more elastic skin, no creases or wrinkles. Naturally located against the costal wall.
    • Antebra: As long as the arms and perpendicular to the ground, of robust bone and straight with good muscular development.
    • Carpal Joints: Long and in the same line with the forearms, free of bone reliefs and roughness
    • Metacarpus: Somewhat flat, good bone, seen from the profile, with a slight inclination, never expired.
    • Pinis previous: With short, tight fingers. With strong foot pads, thick and rustic; preferably black pigmented.


    • ApGeneral arience: Muscular, with short hock and tightly closed fingers without spurs. Medium angulation.
    • Thighs: Provided to the set. Strong, with significant muscular development in sight.
    • Rodinllto: With good inclination.
    • PinScheme: Slightly shorter than the thighs, strong and muscular.
    • Corvejón: The tarsal metatarsal joint is short, strong and firm, ensuring the propulsion force of the hind limb. Robust tarsus, with the point of the hock evident. Robust metatarsals, almost cylindrical and plumb, No Spurs.
    • Pinis later: Similar to the previous ones but slightly smaller and slightly longer, maintain the same characteristics.


    Agile and firm, with noticeable changes in showing interest in something, moment when he becomes erect and fast with reflexes, typical of the breed. Slow step. Wide jog, good front suspension and powerful rear propulsion. In the gallop he shows all his energy and develops all the power he has.. Its displacement is agile, insurance, in the step, trot the canter. Must be harmonious and balanced, showing solid body construction. Ambulance not accepted (pasuqueo), what is considered a serious defect.


    • Skin: Homogeneous, thick, but elastic. Attached to the body by semi-loose subcutaneous tissue, elastic, without forming wrinkles; except in the throat, where the subcutaneous cell tissue is more lax.

    Copies with black pigmented lips and eyelids are preferred. Black pigmented skin is not penalized.

    • Plink: Uniform, short, smooth, with an approximate length of 1,5 to 2 cm.. Its density and thickness varies depending on the climate.
    • Colorr: All white. Only a black or dark spot is allowed on the skull.

    It can also be located in one of your ears, or around one of his eyes. The size of the stain must keep an adequate proportion not exceeding ten percent of the size of the head. Between two copies of the same conditions, you should choose the whitest.

    Size and weight:

    Alturto the cross:

    • Males: 60 to 68 cm..
    • females: 60 to 65 cm..

    Alturto ideal:

    • Males: 64 to 65 cm..
    • females: 62 to 64 cm..

    Pthat: Approximate:

    • Males: 40 to 45 kg.
    • females: 40 to 43 kg.


    Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered as a fault and its severity is considered to the degree of deviation from the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog and the dog's ability to perform its traditional task..


    • Lack of muscle bone development (weakness).
    • Partially pigmented truffle in adult specimens
    • Small teeth, weak or sick
    • Presence of ectropion or entropion on your eyelids
    • Round looking eyes by the shape of your eyelids, bulging eyes, clear or yellow.
    • Barrel Chest.
    • Quill chest Very flat ribs.
    • Lack of chest depth, that does not reach the line of the elbows
    • Lack of angulation of any of your locomotive trains
    • Rump higher than the cross.
    • Amble movement.
    • Males and females whose weight does not conform to what is established herein and is not related to their tall


    • Aggressiveness or extreme shyness.
    • Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified..
    • Prognathism higher than the bottom
    • deaf
    • Lack of typicity.
    • Long hair.
    • Total lack of pigmentation in the nose in specimens older than two years
    • Brown truffle.
    • Pendulum lip.
    • Hair spots on the body.
    • More than one stain on the head
    • Size smaller or greater than the established
    • Eyes of different color or zarco
    • Lack of sexual dimorphism.

    • Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..
    • Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with the typical conformation of the breed, should be used for parenting.

    TRANSLATION: Jorge Nallem

    Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

    Alternative names:

    1. Argentine Dogo, Dogo (English).
    2. Dogo argentino (French).
    3. Dogo Argentino (German).
    4. Dogue argentino, Mastim argentino (Portuguese).
    5. Argentine Mastiff, Mastín Argentino (español).

    1 – Argentine Dogo dog by joseltr / CC0
    2 – Dogo argentino by https://pxhere.com/es/photo/66875
    3 – Argentine mastiff – Name: Ridge Owner: – Fred, of Domaine Salvator by Wikipedia
    4 – Dogo Argentino during dogs show in Katowice, Poland by Lilly M / CC BY-SA
    5 – Dogo Argentino by Paul Hermans / CC BY-SA
    6 – Eggon taking his daily walk by Blabriel / CC BY-SA

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Dogue de Bordeaux
    Francia FCI 116 - Molossoid - Dogo

    Dogo de Burdeos

    The Dogue de Bordeaux It is very faithful to its owner and loving with children.



    The Dogue de Bordeaux, it is a medium to large size molossian from France. The Molossoid type has been known since ancient times and played a considerable role in various cultures of the ancient world.. The Babylonians carved their molosser out of granite. They served rulers like Hammurabi as war dogs. Molosses are strong and heavy dogs. They have a commanding head with a short snout and long lips.. The ears are usually worn hanging. According to the traditions of antiquity in words and images, the main characteristics of the molossian have remained essentially the same for thousands of years.

    The range of their tasks in the service of man has also remained constant for a long time. The ancestors of the Dogue de Bordeaux served as a hunting dog for large, well-fortified game, especially as a saupacker. They had to catch and corral the dangerous boar until the hunter could kill it with the boar feather, a special spear. This required speed, resistance, much courage and strength. The Dogue de Bordeaux served and continues to serve today as a guard and protection dog. In the Middle Ages it was used for the arenas of animal fighting. Large and small mollusks have always been scattered across Europe. The Dogue de Bordeaux was created as an independent breed with the emergence of modern dog breeding as a separate breed of dog. In 1863 The first French dog show was held at the Paris Acclimatization Garden.

    The Dogue de Bordeaux it was already shown there under its current name. The name must be derived from the fact that these dogs were most often seen in the butcher shops of the city of Bordeaux.. At that time the Dogue de Bordeaux they were not so big however, heavy and as wrinkled as today. The monochromaticity required today was also missing. The award-winning male in Paris in 1883, «Bataille», he had a wrinkle-free head with a black mask. The Dogue de Bordeaux often had to suffer the political turmoil of mankind. During the French Revolution in 1789 was almost exterminated, because he was considered the dog of the rich. During the two world wars, the dogs had to suffer so much that their breed was endangered after the wars. Since the decade of 1960 has been experiencing a new boom. To revive the race, it is said that they were crossed with the St. Bernard shorthair.

    Physical characteristics

    The Dogue de Bordeaux It has an impressive appearance, despite or perhaps because it is not as big and heavy as a Mastiff or Saint Bernard. But, you can see the power it presents in majestic serenity. The standard establishes a height at the withers of 60 to 68 cm for males and 58 to 66 cm for females. The weight of the males is "at least 50 kg" and that of females of "at least 45 kg». Unfortunately, the standard does not provide an upper weight limit. So today we see specimens with 70 kg and more.

    Especially such gigantism is at the expense of dogs' fitness and health.. Belgian Earl Bylandt gives 1894 as weight for the male 54 – 60 kg. German cynologist Richard Strebel reports in 1905 of 54 – 55 kg as the best weight for a male and 45 – 46 kg for a female. Such a weight would also do the current Dogue de Bordeaux very well.. The coat of the Dogue de Bordeaux must be thin, short and soft to the touch. It should be "solid in all shades of fawn from mahogany to Elizabethan". White spots on the chest and extremities of the limbs are allowed when they are not very extensive. This color restriction is also not very beneficial for the gene pool of the Dogue de Bordeaux. All this leads to the fact that today the Dogue de Bordeaux is one of the most ephemeral dogs..


    serious and sure of himself, but with an underlying sense of humor, the Dogue de Bordeaux is a vigilant and brave companion. It has several personalities: distant, outgoing, funny, sweet, wrestler, quick to learn, each one belongs to a different dog.

    In the best case, the Bulldog is calm and gentle, but it can also be stubborn. When a dog this size is stubborn and wants to get away with it, can be difficult to treat. The Dogue de Bordeaux Must have early and extensive socialization combined with strong leadership from its owner, or it can become aggressive towards other dogs, smaller animals or even people. If you want to live with a Dogue de Bordeaux, you must be willing to learn to work with him, to control it and earn its respect.

    A Bulldog who has an owner whom he respects is a wonderful family dog. Enjoy spending time with them, even in bed and sofa. It is not an active dog and is content to be in the house, making sure everyone is safe. Short walks and game moments are just your speed. But don't be fooled. If someone approaches the door, the Dogue de Bordeaux is there to protect you from harm.

    With young children, is loving, Protector, gentle and tolerant. Unlike many large breeds, they can be too rowdy with young children, the Bulldog is usually careful with them. But, large dogs are not appropriate for childcare, and all interaction between the two must be supervised.

    The perfect Dogue de Bordeaux not prepared by the breeder. any dog, no matter how pleasant it, detestable levels can develop barking, excavation, counter-browsing and other undesirable behaviors if you are bored, is not trained or is not supervised. And any dog ​​can be a test that live during adolescence.

    Start training your puppy the day you bring him home. Even at eight weeks old, He is able to absorb everything you can teach him. Don't wait until you have 6 months to start train or have to deal with more stubborn dog. If possible, Take it to a trainer when you have between 10 and 12 weeks, and socializes, socialice, socialice. But, Note that many kinds of training puppies require certain vaccinations (such as kennel cough) stay up to date, and many veterinarians recommend limited exposure to other dogs and public places until puppy vaccinations (including rabies, distemper and parvovirus) They are completed. Instead of formal training, You can start training your puppy to socialize at home and among family and friends until immunizations are completed in the puppy.

    Talk to the breeder, Describe exactly what you want in a dog and ask for help choosing a puppy. Breeders see puppies daily and can make incredibly accurate recommendations once they know something about their lifestyle and personality. Regardless of what you want from a Dogue de Bordeaux, look for one whose parents have nice personalities and who has been well socialized since the puppy's first stage.

    Dogue de Bordeaux fitness

    The Dogue de Bordeaux it is somewhat more demanding in its maintenance. Not suitable for an apartment. Although it is not a very agitated dog, he really likes having a little freedom of movement, for example in a garden. Here he likes to spend several hours sleeping and watching. You need a lot of space, because he wants to be able to move freely. Appreciate long walks and short bike rides. You need your daily exercise, but she is not an athlete. Physical and mental exertion should be avoided in hot weather. Also keep in mind that dogs as large and strong as the Dogue de Bordeaux in our current society, supposedly animal friendly, often meet with great rejection, sometimes aggressive. Some people simply fear him out of ignorance. This is one of the reasons why it is not advisable to keep it in the big city.. One must have a sufficient budget to be able to pay a lot of good food and, in case of doubt, also the vet bills.

    Dogue de Bordeaux Education

    The Dogue de Bordeaux can be trained very well, in regards to the basic rules of behavior. He must also be well educated from the age of a puppy to be able to always run this center of power.. She does not like to learn tricks whose meaning is not clear to her. Even more than with most other dogs, an intimate relationship of trust with your master or lover is the basis for a successful education. There are also consequences, because the Dogue de Bordeaux is intelligent, he notices every little discrepancy and knows how to use it for his own purposes. The Dogue de Bordeaux it is also very sensitive. Do not forget the injustices. Always keep in mind that the leash of these dogs is only a symbolic control. The Dogue de Bordeaux he would easily have the power to maneuver the other end of the leash at will, If I wanted. But it doesn't.

    Health Dogue de Bordeaux

    Like any giant breed with a short snout, the Dogue de Bordeaux have health problems. The breed's limited gene pool creates a dog susceptible to extreme temperatures, to heart diseases such as dilated cardiomyopathy and aortic stenosis, and ectropion, a condition in which the eyelid fades out. Dogue de Bordeaux is also prone to foot pad hyperkeratosis.

    Not all of these conditions are detectable on a growing puppy, and it is impossible to predict if an animal will be free of these diseases, so you need to find a reputable breeder who commit to raise healthier animals possible. Must be able to produce independent certification that the dog's parents (and grandparents, etc.) have been examined for common defects and considered healthy for breeding. That's where health records come in..

    Remember that after you have welcomed a new puppy into your home, has the power to protect you from one of the most common health problems: the obesity. Keeping a Dogue de Bordeaux at the right weight is one of the easiest ways to extend its life.. Make the most of your preventive skills to help ensure a healthier dog for life.

    Dogue de Bordeaux grooming

    The short coat of the Dogue de Bordeaux it is easy to care. Brush it once a week with a rubber brush to remove dead hair..

    But there is more to grooming than caring for the coat. The Dogue de Bordeaux you have wrinkles and need special care to avoid becoming infected. Clean them with a damp cloth or baby wipe, and then dry the folds thoroughly to avoid skin infections.

    Bring a hand towel to clean your wrinkled face after every meal or drink of water. When he shakes that big head, throw chunks of slime everywhere. It also comes off a lot, so you will spend a lot of time sweeping and vacuuming.

    The rest is basic care. Check ears weekly and clean if necessary, brush your teeth as often as possible, and cut your nails regularly, usually every few weeks.

    Nutrition / Food

    As with all these heavy dogs, especially in the growth phase, diet and composition must be carefully considered. Later this is not problematic. The risk of stomach torsion must be taken into account.

    The life expectancy of the Dogue de Bordeaux

    The average life expectancy of Dogue de Bordeaux It, Unfortunately, extremely low, of 6 to 8 years. It would be good for the race to do everything humanly possible to correct this.

    Buy a Dogue de Bordeaux

    A puppy should only be purchased personally from a reputable breeder.. This can be planned for a few 1.500 – 2.500 EUR. You should look closely at the litter and parents, as well as obtain information about the ancestors. You must pay attention to the age of the ancestors, and that they are not too heavy or too wrinkled.

    Characteristics "Dogue de Bordeaux"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Dogue de Bordeaux" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

    Adaptation ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    friendly dog ​​ⓘ

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    hair loss ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection level ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for exercise ⓘ

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Social need ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Home ⓘ

    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Toilet ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendly with strangers ⓘ

    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    barking ⓘ

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Health ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Territorial ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Cat friendly ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Intelligence ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Versatility ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Child friendly ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Surveillance ⓘ

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    joy ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Images "Dogue de Bordeaux"


    1 – Dogue de Bordeaux puppy 10 weeks old by publicdomainpictures.net
    2 – Dogue de Bordeaux Harley by publicdomainpictures.net
    3 – Bordeaux is comfortably in the garden by publicdomainpictures.net
    4 – Portrait of a Dogue de Bordeaux by publicdomainpictures.net
    5 – A portrait of a Dogue de Bordeaux (French Mastiff) by spaceodissey from Parma, Italy / CC BY
    6 – Harley and Doutzen – Dogue de Bordeaux and bulldog playing together by publicdomainpictures.net

    Videos "Dogue de Bordeaux"

    Type and recognitions:

    • Group :
    • Section : . .


  • FCI – Pinscher and Schnauzer-Molossoid type dogs – Swiss Mountain Dogs and Cattledogs. Section 2.1 Molossoid, mastiff type.
  • AKC – Dogs working
  • ANKC – Group 6 (utility dogs)
  • ​KC – Working dogs
  • NZKC – Utility dog
  • UKC – Watchdog

  • FCI breed standard "Dogue de Bordeaux"


    Date of publication of the valid original standard:


    Watchdog, defense and deterrence

    General appearance:

    Typical brachycephalic molossus with concave lines. The Dogue de Bordeaux is a very strong dog with a very muscular body but maintaining a harmonious general line.. Its structure is rather close to the ground, The sternum-floor distance is somewhat less than the depth of the chest.. Well-built, athletic and imposing, his appearance is very dissuasive.


    • The length of the body measured from the tip of the shoulder to the tip of the ischium is greater than the height at the withers in a proportion of 11 / 10.
    • Chest depth is greater than half the height at the withers.
    • The maximum length of the muzzle is equal to one third of the length of the head.
    • The minimum length of the snout is equal to one quarter of the length of the head..
    • In males, The perimeter of the skull corresponds more or less to the height at the withers.

    Behavior / temperament:

    An old fighting dog, the Dogue de Bordeaux is suitable as a guardian,
    what he assumes with attention and great courage but without aggressiveness.
    A good companion, very attached to his master and very affectionate. Calm, balanced with a high stimulus. The male usually has a dominant character.


    Voluminous, angular, wide, rather short, trapezoid top and front view. The longitudinal axes of the skull and the nasal bridge are convergent (forward). The head is covered in wrinkles, on both sides of the central groove. These deep wrinkle cords are mobile depending on whether the dog is vigilant or not. The fold that goes from the internal angle of the eye to the angle of the mouth is typical. If present, the crease from the outer corner of the eye to the corner of the mouth or double chin must be inconspicuous.

    Cranial region:
    • In the male: The perimeter of the skull measured at the maximum width level corresponds approximately to its height to the cross.
    • In females: may be less.
    • Its volume and shape are the consequence of a very important development of the storms, supra orbital arches, zygomatic arches and lower jaw spaces. The upper region of the skull is slightly convex from one side to the other. The frontal groove is deep, decreasing towards the posterior end of the head.. The foreface dominates the head, but it does not exceed it. Anyway, it is wider than it is tall.
    • Stop: Very pronounced, almost forming a right angle with the muzzle. (95º - 100º)

    facial region:

    • Truffle: Wide, nostrils wide open, well pigmented according to the color of the mask. An upturned truffle is allowed but not if it is backwards, directed towards the eyes.
    • Snout: Strong, width, thick, but not fleshy under the eyes, rather short, upper profile somewhat concave with pleats moderately visible. Its width decreases slightly towards the tip; top view has a general square appearance. In relation to the upper part of the skull the snout line forms an ascending very obtuse angle.

    When the head is held horizontally, the tip of the snout, truncated and thick at the base, is opposite a vertical tangent to the front of the truffle.

    Its perimeter is usually two thirds to the head. Its length varies between a third and minimum a quarter of the total length of the head, from the truffle to the occipital crest. The established limits (maximum one third and minimum a quarter of the total length of the head) are allowed, but not wanted, the ideal muzzle length should be between these two ends.

    • Jaws: Strong and wide jaws. Prognathism (Prognathism is a characteristic of race). The back of the lower incisors are anterior and not in contact with the anterior aspect of the upper incisors.

    The lower jaw is curved up. The chin is well marked and must never be excessively covered or covered by the upper lip.

    • Teeth: Strong, particularly the canines. Lower canines positioned well apart and slightly curved. Incisors ok aligned especially in the lower jaw where they form a seemingly straight line.
    • Lips: Thick upper lip, moderately pendulum, retractable. Viewed profile shows a rounded lower line. Covers the lower jaw than the sides. In front the edge of the lip upper lip is in contact with the lower lip, then it falls to both sides which forms a wide and inverted V.
    • Cheeks: Prominent due to the very strong development of the muscles.


    • EYES: Oval shaped placed well apart. The space between the two inner angles of the eyelids is equal to twice the length of the eye (eye opening). Frank expression. The third eyelid must not be visible.

    Color: hazelnut to dark brown for a dog with a black mask, lighter color tolerated, but it is not sought after in dogs with a brown mask or without a mask.

    • EARS: Relatively small in color somewhat darker than the mantle. In its insertion, the front of the base of the ear is slightly raised. They must be falls, but don't hang up; the front edge stuck to the cheeks when the dog is attentive. The edge of the ears slightly rounded; should not go below the eye. High enough insertion, at the top line of the skull which further accentuates its wide.


    Very strong and muscular, almost cylindrical. The skin is thin, flexible, abundant and loose. The average of its circumference almost equal to that of the head. It is separated from the head by a slightly accentuated transverse fold, slightly curved. The upper edge is slightly convex. La papada bien definida comienza a nivel de la garganta formando pliegues hacia el pecho, without hanging excessively. The neck, very wide at its base smoothly fuses with the shoulders.


    • top line: Well held. Cross: Well marked.
    • Back: Wide and muscular.
    • Pork loin: Width. Rather short and solid.
    • Rump: Moderately descending towards the base of the tail.
    • Breast : Strong, long, deep, width, descending below the level of the elbows. Wide and strong sneak whose lower line (inter armpit) it is convex towards the end. Ribs well lowered and well arched but not barrel-shaped. The chest circumference should be between 25 to 35 cm.. more than the height at the withers.
    • Bottom line and abdomen: Curved from the deep chest to a somewhat retracted and firm abdomen. It should never be pendular or too withdrawn.


    Very thick at the base. The tip preferably reaching the height of the hock and not below. Low bearing, never broken or curved but flexible. Pendant when the dog is calm, generally rising from 90º to 120º from that position when the dog is in action without curlying on the back or curling.


    PREVIOUS MEMBERS: Strong bone structure, very muscular limbs.

    • Shoulder: Strong, prominent muscles. The inclination of the middle scapula (approx.. 45º of the horizontal), angle of the scapulo-humeral joint somewhat greater than 90º.
    • Arm: Very muscular.
    • Elbows: On the axis of the body, never too close to the chest or leaning out.
    • Forearm: Seen from the front, straight or slightly inclined towards inside approaching the median plane, especially in dogs with a very broad chest. Seen from vertical profile.
    • Metacarpus: Strong. Seen in profile somewhat inclined. Seen from the front, sometimes slightly outward compensating for slight inward tilt of the forearm.
    • Previous feet: Strong. Closed fingers, strong curved nails, well developed and elastic pads: the Dogue de Bordeaux stands well on its fingers despite its weight.

    LATER MEMBERS: Robust limbs with strong bone structure. Well angulated. Seen from behind, the posterior ones are parallel and vertical which gives the impression of strength., even though the back is not as wide as the front.

    • Thigh: Highly developed, thick with visible musculature.Knee: In a plane parallel to the median plane or slightly outwards.Leg: Relatively short, musculada, descendant.
    • Hock: Short, tendinoso, its moderately open angle.Metatarsus: Robust, No Spurs.
    • Hind feet: Somewhat longer than the previous ones, tight fingers.


    Elastic for a moloso. When walking the movement is free and elastic, glued to the ground. Good push from the rear, good extension of the forelimbs especially during jogging which is the preferred movement.When jogging is accelerated the head tends to drop, The upper line is inclined to the front and the previous feet goes further towards the middle plane taking steps out with a movement long range of the previous members. The gallop with quite a vertical movement. Capable of high speed over short distances glued to the ground.


    • SKIN: Thick, loose enough, without excessive folds.
    • Fur: Up, short and soft to the touch.
    • Color: All shades of leonado from mahogany to isabella. Good pigmentation is desired. Delimited white spots on the forehead and limbs are allowed.


    • Black mask: The mask is usually only slightly extended and should not invade the cranial region. There may be a slight black shading on the skull, ears, neck and upper body. The truffle is black.

    • Brown mask: (Usually called red or bistre). The truffle is brown, pigmentation of the eyelids and the edge of the brown lips. May have non-invasive brown shading; each hair must have a tawny or sand-colored area and a brown area. In this case the inclined parts of the body are of a lighter color.

    • Without mask: The hair is tawny: the skin appears red (Previously called "Red Mask"). The nose may be reddish.

    Size and weight:

    The height must correspond to the perimeter of the skull or less.

    • Height to the cross:
    • Males: 60 – 68 cm..

    females: 58 – 66 cm.. Tolerated 1 cm.. below or 2 cm.. above these limits.


    • Males: Minimum 50 Kg.
    • females: Minimum 45 Kg.

    females: Identical characteristics, but less accentuated.


    • Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered as a fault and the severity of this is considered to the degree of the deviation to the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog..


    • Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..
    • Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with the typical conformation of the breed, should be used for parenting.
  • Disproportionate head (too small or excessively bulky).
  • Hypertipo Bulldog: (flat skull, snout less than a quarter of the total length of the head, bulging folds (scrolls) behind the truffle). Important folds around the head.
  • Significant lateral deviation of the lower jaw.
  • Permanently visible incisors when the mouth is closed. Very small incisors, uneven placement. Arched back (Convex).
  • Fused tail vertebrae, but not deviated.
  • Front feet tilted inward (even slightly).
  • Front feet leaning too far out.
  • Flat thighs.
  • Corvejón angle too open (Straight angulation).
  • Corvejón angle too closed, The dog standing under himself in the posterior.
  • Cow hock or crowded.
  • Forced or severe undulating movement of the posterior.
  • Excessively short breath, cleared my throat.
  • White at the tip of the tail or in the front area of ​​the forelimbs, over the carpus (wrist) and tarsus (Hock) or white without interruption in the front of the body from the chest to the throat.


  • Aggressiveness or extreme shyness.
  • Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities.
  • Long narrow head with insufficiently pronounced stop, with a muzzle measuring more than a third of the total length of the head (absence of typicality of the head).
  • Spine parallel to the upper line of the skull or convex.
  • Twisted jaw.
  • Non-prognostic mouth.
  • Canine constantly visible when the mouth is closed.
  • Tongue constantly visible when the mouth is closed.
  • Blue eyes. Protruding eyes.
  • Tail knotted and deflected to the sides, twisted. (curled tail, ravine).
  • Stunted tail.
  • Violin front and short tarsi.
  • Hock angle open backwards (inverted hock).
  • White on the head or body, any other color of the mantle than tawny (shaded or not) and in a particular brindle or solid brown called “chocolate.” (every hair totally brown).
  • Identifiable disability defects.

  • N.B.:
    • Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..
    • Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with the typical conformation of the breed, should be used for parenting.

    Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

    Alternative names:

    1. Bordeaux Mastiff, French Mastiff, Bordeauxdog (English).
    2. Dogue de Bordeaux (French).
    3. Dogue de Bordeaux (German).
    4. Mastim francês (Portuguese).
    5. Dogo de Burdeos (español).

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Alemania FCI 144 - Molossoid - Dogo


    The Boxer It is docile and boasts an unmatched loyalty with his family


    History of the BOXER

    The Boxer It is a breed of working and companion dogs., medium-sized, of German origin. Obtained through the crossing of an Bullenbeisser and Bulldog.

    Most canine historians agree that the Boxer has ancestors in dogs. Bullenbeisser. The Bullenbeisser (or out of bulls) they were hunting dogs, used for the hunting of the pig, wild boar and deer. Such expeditions for the hunting of wild animals used to cost the lives of several dogs., the game was horrible and painful both people and dogs (not to mention for wild boars). Some sources say that these huge medieval dogs had erect ears and large teeth., that would be used to hold the animal by the muzzle. It is likely that hunters cut off their ears in the way they do in some countries today., since this custom would seem to be in accordance with the primitive customs of those times.

    Within a more civilized and utilitarian way, the ancestors of the Boxer were frequently used as butchers dogs, due to its ability to hold to a bull and lead him toward his barn, if he became rebellious. It is believed that the famous reputation of a dog called "Boxl", used by a Berlin butcher is what gave the breed its name. The derivation of the word Boxer as the name for a purebred dog is ironic, since the word "boxl" or "boxel" has as its translation, in essence, mestizo.

    Physical Characteristics Boxer

    Exist of varieties within the Boxer race:

    • The Griffon
    • The striped

    His physical traits include a strong head, prognathic lower jaw, whose jaw pressure is generally 122 kg per square centimeter, snout with characteristic black mask, traditionally farmers cut their ears so that they seem rather long and situated in high, dark brown eyes, Truffle wide and black, strong neck, rounded and muscular and well fat; chest wide and rooms well muscled hind.

    With animal protection laws has allowed the dog to submit without cutting of ears and the tail of these animals, but in the standard of beauty, It looks more the Boxer cut ears and tail. Flat, drooping ears on both sides of the head, that give it a character "of the eternal puppy".

    The Boxer has a short coat, bright and smooth, Griffon or striped color (standard, black or red, though these colors are scarce). Sometimes it has white spots (collar, chest and gloves), Although the all-white Boxer has been considered as a genetic defect, While the initial progenitor (Meta Von Der Passage) was white.

    The height at the cross of males varies between the 57 and 63 centimeters. for females, the height at the cross must be between the 53 and 59 centimeters. The average weight of adult males is around the 30 kg, While that of females is around the 25 kg.

    Did you know??

    White boxers are not albinos and their color is not the result of a genetic mutation. In bóxers, white is only one color. But white dogs tend to get sunburned and may have an increased risk of skin cancer.

    Boxer character and skills

    Due to its value, strength and agility, was chosen as a police dog in Germany, used as a guide for the blind and a fire dog for its great sense of smell and bravery in major catastrophes. It is a faithful dog, intelligent and watchful, It is certainly one of the most complete dogs that exists. It is docile and boasts an unmatched loyalty with his family. However it is fierce and dominant and may attack other dogs with high speed (especially in males) When is one of their own attacked. They are very good for children, If you have one of 1 year two is the ideal time to fond with children and adults.

    For your good health and development, the Boxer Puppy needs enough exercise and a controlled diet. The amount of exercise and food depends on the age. The small puppy, before they are weaned and separated from their brothers, He plays with others until he tires, and all enroscan to rest. This exercise, with sufficient rest, It is essential for the growth of the puppies. as it grows, the Boxer needs exercise to keep in condition and develop his musculature. In addition to playing with different elements, as you can be a ball, It is essential to get the dog to walk on a daily basis.

    They are very suitable as companion dogs, family and in dealing with children, In addition to good dogs work and sport, They also serve as guard. They are recommended by specialists to help people with psychological deficiencies, This is a clear proof of its docility.

    Their training is recommended at an early age, due to the Boxer are usually have a strong personality, making his training much harder as an adult. They are very playful, so do not like being locked, they prefer to be outdoors, why you must walk them often and do some exercise with them. They are also dogs with a great capacity for learning.

    White Boxer comments

    The Boxer are susceptible to tumors. Among its possible problems is also dysplasia. They suffer from epilepsy. Many of them are usually sensitive skin and suffer from some type of skin disease; allergic dermatitis is the most common.

    The white Boxer tend to be most susceptible to hereditary diseases, Since it is considered a failure of the crossing, These Boxer can not participate in any competition. The occurrence of these diseases is not high, and if this is added that the puppy will be purchased from a breeder, It provides all the certificates of health for their copies, much increases the chances of having a healthy animal.

    The Boxer white They are not as appreciated as brown or another color. Said that they are not entirely of pure-bred, but this is not true. These dogs are equal to each other, but in another color. Given that may suffer from various health problems, not appreciate them much, but if the dog does not have any problem it is like any other. If you have a health problem we must not think that it is a dog mestizo or that it is not completely pure. In addition the Boxer White It is not accepted by the F.C.I.

    In the Boxer breed, white markings are produced by the semi-recesivo gene sw. The Golden or atigrados Boxer with white markings carry a single copy of sw. The white Boxer lead 2 copies of sw. (Note: the white Boxer are not albinos. Albinism is determined by a different gene and exemplary albinos, Unlike in the Boxer white, they completely lacking pigmentation).

    Unfortunately, the white color produced by the 2 copies of sw is associated with problems of deafness in a not inconsiderable percentage of cases. This type of deafness is set in the puppy in their first weeks of life, starting when the ear canal is still closed. The process is complex, but it can be summarized by saying that it occurs because of the absence of pigment-producing cells (melanocytes) in the inner tissues of the ear. The Boxer of gold or brindle color does not present any problem of deafness.

    This type of deafness is not exclusive to the Boxer White, that is also produced in other breeds that are white for the same reason genetic (This is, the lead 2 copies of sw), for example the Dalmatian, White Bull Terrier and other.

    Characteristics "Boxer"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Boxer" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

    Adaptation ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    friendly dog ​​ⓘ

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    hair loss ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection level ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for exercise ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Social need ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Home ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Toilet ⓘ

    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendly with strangers ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    barking ⓘ

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Health ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Territorial ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Cat friendly ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Intelligence ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Versatility ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Child friendly ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Surveillance ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    joy ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Imágenes Boxer

    boxer videos

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    FCI , AKC , ANKC , CKC , ​KC , NZKC , UKC

    FCI breed standard Boxer

    FCIFCI - Boxer

    Breeders list "Boxer"


    Boxer breeders

    Offer your puppies for free. Sign up here.

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    Alternative names:

    1. German Boxer, Deutscher Boxer (English).
    2. Boxer (French).
    3. Boxer, Deutsche Boxer (German).
    4. Boxer alemão (Portuguese).
    5. bóxer alemán (español).

    ▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

    Gran Bretaña FCI 149 - Molossoid - Dogo


    The Bulldog Currently he is a dog known for having a good humor.



    The race Bulldog or English Bulldog, It was initially used for betting in dog fights, during the 17TH century (in 1835 This practice was banned in England). In the news, this dog is one of the symbols of England.

    Its origin is in the "ancient Greek dog", Kelb Thal Bulldog, or bulls Maltese dog: an imported breed to England, with ancient mastiffs crossed gave rise to the Old English Bulldog.

    The Bulldog of yesteryear was lighter and similar to the Boxer than the chubby current Bulldog; was a purely sporting animal. It was used in the creation of other races as: Bullmastiff, Boxer, Bull Terrier, and some hounds like him Beagle old type. As a fighting dog, it was an animal that only accepted the challenge of larger animals such as bears., bulls and even Lions.

    The origin of the name is due to the fact of being a dog butchers, that is to say, its function was to run the bulls, for believing that his meat was softer that way. Although it is probably a deformation of the name Band Dog or "Hardened Dog".
    It must be borne in mind that the old Bulldog have nothing to do with the current, they were only modified with crosses with other races like the Pug or Dutch bulldog; race of which Bulldog inherited its flattened snout as well as its plump muscles.

    Former Bulldogs were dogs of varied appearance, sometimes dogs elongated snout and all colors. It has to be taken into account that the former Bulldog was a working animal by which attached great importance to the character.

    Physical characteristics

    The Bulldog is a breed that is characterized by thick shoulders and a head large in proportion to their body. Generally thick folds of skin on his forehead, followed by a few black, large, round eyes. It has a short snout with folds above the nose, with a pendant Chin under neck, along with sagging lips and pointed teeth. The big legs give an idea, how strong is the dog that you have to deal with. Even a well-trained bulldog with an ideal weight seems to the uninitiated observer that it is a dog with excess pounds. He's really loaded with muscle and shouldn't have any fat on his ribs. All this translates into a very powerful and imposing appearance.

    Its pelage is short, smooth and elegant red color, beige, white, striped (color mixing, sometimes in irregular stripes) and various colors of these.

    Weight and height standard varies by country, but in general terms and averages, These dogs are usually measured in 30 to 40 cm. and weigh in 18 to 25 Kg. Some dog breeds need them they cut off the tail or her call after birth, the bulldogs are the few races that have naturally short and curly tail. A long, upright tail it is flaw in a Bulldog.

    Character and skills

    The Bulldog is friendly and courteous. There is hardly a quadruped that is so wholeheartedly devoted to humans. He greets his family and all the people he has held close to his heart at some point in his life with exuberant warmth.. It´s, mostly, a cool guy who can't be bothered by anything so quickly, not by a barking dog or by the vacuum cleaner running through its muzzle. But it can literally explode in an instant when it seems necessary. Then shoot like a rocket towards the front door and pile up with a dark bass in front of the alleged troublemaker.. In this situation, literally goes through the wall. The direct path is then his creed.

    But do not worry, the Bulldog can be controlled and bite accidents are practically impossible. When you realize you've scared a friend, almost embarrassed. Once the "danger" has been avoided, he lies down comfortably on his couch again seconds later and growls like nothing happened. At these extremes his mental heritage comes out once again. The Bulldog has a sovereign character, making it the ideal companion even in hectic big cities and a balm for our often stressed psyche.

    “Bulldog” care

    The Bulldog has no special demands on your posture. It is a frugal and low maintenance companion, as long as you are healthy. The most important thing is that you feel the love of your humans. It can be easily kept in a small apartment as long as it has its place on the sofa with a cushion. This is sacred to him. But there shouldn't be too many stairs to climb. He loves his daily walks, you also need to stay fit, and is a smooth companion when traveling or in the restaurant. The Bulldog behaves perfectly and can also be left in the room for a few hours.

    But, when is hot, you have to let her rest. You have to be careful that you are neither physically nor mentally stressed. You should avoid long car trips even with air conditioning. Otherwise, it is perfectly suitable for traveling. to most of the Bulldogs they love to travel by car. Since he doesn't have a strong hunting instinct, you can walk with him relaxedly through the landscape, what he also likes Bulldog. You have to control yourself with food. Most of the Bulldogs they are voracious eaters, who empty their bowl in no time and then look at us with an innocent expression: "That, Thats not all, I'm supposed to starve here?» Being overweight is bad for your health, even in the Bulldogs.

    No special coat care necessary; occasional brushing is good for fur and psyche.
    Regular cleaning is necessary in case of exaggerated wrinkles.

    Nutrition / Food

    The Bulldog he's a greedy dog. He hurriedly empties the bowl and then asks with a disapproving look if that was it.. In the interest of your health and your tendency to be overweight, must keep short and always watch the total ration of sweets included. It is advisable to feed the English Bulldog with high quality food with a high meat content.

    Life expectancy

    Due to over-exploitation and exaggeration in its appearance, the Bulldog has a life expectancy of only 6,3 years according to the standard leading Kennel Club static. A typical Bulldog of serious breeding without exaggeration can easily reach the 10-12 years.

    Health "Bulldog"

    There is probably no dog, nor any animal, that was so deeply shaped and unfortunately deformed by us humans. This caused considerable health problems. In 2009 the Kennel Club of London, who is responsible for him, revised the standard of Bulldog in the sense of a healthier upbringing. Among other things, nose wrinkles are expressly prohibited. Unfortunately, these regulations are ignored in much of the breeding. Natural births are a rarity and mating is increasingly being replaced by artificial insemination by the vet. The Bulldog healthy is very easy to care.

    Many Bulldogs suffer from a deformation of the respiratory tract, it doesn't allow them to breathe freely. As a result, the heart is occasionally overloaded. It also, inflamed wrinkles, entropion (eyelid turned inward) and narrow ear canals are common clinical pictures of the Bulldog. It also tends to cause allergies..


    The basis of your education is a relationship of love and trust with your master and caregiver. Humans must take their stubbornness and occasional stubbornness with humor.. Otherwise, we have a problem. Not a receiver of orders. But, needs clear boundaries and rules that must be strictly adhered to. Because when you want something, can be very stubborn. The Bulldog wants to please his people, but check the meaning of each order. If you don't want something, there is no way to enter. The only way to get in is by asking.. But then he will do what he is asked. A relationship of trust, a good understanding of your individual personality and respect for him can be the basis of an extremely harmonious team, where the Bulldog follows its caregiver with only facial expressions and eye movements.

    Ideal family dogs

    The Bulldogs they are ideal family dogs. Social integration in the human family and participation in his life is the greatest for him. Also for us, the humans, your warm affection is always a cause for joy, smile and good mood. Does not have an innate behavior, like the herding or protective instinct, that could turn into trouble. It is an ideal playmate for children. Although at first glance it seems a bit awkward, he is surprisingly kind even to young children. He also gets along well with other pets..

    Buy a "Bulldog"

    Find a Bulldog healthy is not easy
    Buy a puppy from Bulldog it's not easy. Although there is a wide range of offers on the relevant Internet portals, these are mostly doubtful. Many of the Bulldogs offered there come from Eastern European or even German multipliers. Breeding dogs lead a miserable life and puppies often show their illnesses days after purchase. This can become a very expensive matter, not to mention suffering. The Bulldog seriously bred is an expensive dog to buy, precisely because their upbringing requires a lot of effort. Please, buy your Bulldog only from the local breeder from long ago, preferably breeders with all certifications. Take a close look at the breeder: Serious breeders like to show you their breeding dogs and document the health and age of their ancestors. But it is also recommended to take a look at the refuge – there may be an opportunity to offer a Bulldog a new home. The puppies of a serious breeder cost from 2500 EUR. No special maintenance costs are necessary, but the Bulldog has a high risk of disease and therefore a high risk of cost.

    Characteristics "Bulldog"

    Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Bulldog" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

    Adaptation ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    friendly dog ​​ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    hair loss ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Affection level ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Need for exercise ⓘ

    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Social need ⓘ

    4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Home ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Toilet ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Friendly with strangers ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    barking ⓘ

    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Health ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Territorial ⓘ

    2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Cat friendly ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Intelligence ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Versatility ⓘ

    3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Child friendly ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    Surveillance ⓘ

    1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    joy ⓘ

    5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

    «Bulldog» images

    «Bulldog» Videos

    Type and recognitions:

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    FCI , AKC , ANKC , CKC , ​KC , NZKC , UKC

    FCI breed standard "Bulldog"

    England, United Kingdom

    Date of publication of the valid original standard:


    Companion and deterrent dog.

    General appearance:

    It is a short haired dog, somethingheavy, rather short in stature, width, powerful and compact. Rather large head in proportion to its size, but no part of your body should be excessively large in relation to the others., thus breaking the general symmetry, making the dog look deformed or interfering with its ability to move. Cararelativelyshort, wide snout, blunt and inclined slightly upward, although not very excessive. Dogs showing respiratory problems are highly undesirable. Bodysomething short, of good structure. Strong Member, well muscled and robustno tendency to obesity. Tall and strong rear. females not so developed as males.

    Behavior / temperament:

    You must give the impression of determination, strength and activity. Alert, brave, fair, dependent, courageous, fierce in appearance, but holder of an emotional nature.


    Side view, the head is very high and moderately cuts from the back up to the tip of the nose. Flat front with skin on and around the head, slightly loose and subtly wrinkledwithout excess never prominent or protruding from the face. The face, from cheek to nose bones, relatively short, with skinIt may be slightly  wrinkled. The distance from the interior of the eye angle (or the center of the depression slightly between the eyes) at the end of the tip of the nose, notshould be less than the distance the tip of the nose at the edge of the lower lip.

    Cranial region:
    • Skull: Skullrelatively large in circumference. Seen from the front it appears high from the angle of the lower jaw to the top of the skull, also wide and square. From the stop, a Groove extends to the middle of the skull, may continued his stroke to the vertex.
    • Depression links (Stop) : Defined.

    facial region:

    Seen from the front, several properties of the face,  must be equally balanced to both sides of an imaginary center line.

    Nose: Nose and large nostrils, wide, black, under no circumstances liver colored, Red or brown. Large nostrils wide and open, with a well defined line, vertical and straight in between I.

    Snout:  Short snout, width, downturned, deep from the corner of the eye to corner of mouth.

    The wrinkle on the nose, If it is present, full or broken, It should never negatively affect or obscure the eyes or nose.

    Narrow nostrils and heavy wrinkles over the nose are unacceptable and should be severely penalized.

    • Lips: Thick belfos, large, and deep, covering the sides of the lower jaw, but joining the lower lip in front. Teethnon-visible.
    • jaws and teeth: Wide jaws, strong, square, lower jaw projectingslightly towards front topwith a moderate slope upward. Wide, square jaws with six small front teeth between the canines, in an even row. Canines well separated from each other, large, strong teeth that should not be seen when the mouth is closed. When seen from the front, the lower jaw is seen exactly below the upper jaw and parallel to it..
    • Cheeks: Well rounded cheeks and extends laterally beyond the eyes.
    • Eyes: Seen from the front, located low in the skull, well separated from the ears. The eyes and the naso-frontal depression are in the same straight line, at right angles to the front furrow. Separate, however the external angles within the outer line of the cheeks. Round, moderate size, or sunk or prominent, very dark, almost black, not showing the white when they look directly in front. Free of obvious problems of eyes.
    • Ears: High insertion, that is the front edge of each ear (seen from the front) touch the edge of the skull in its top margin, so that they are as far apart as possible from each other, separated from the eyes as possible and high. Small, thin “rose-shaped ears” is correct, It is said that internal wrinkles fall back, the top edge, front internal, curving outward and backward, showing part of the inside of the ear canal.


    Moderate long, very thick, deep and strong. Well arched at the top, with somethingloose skin, thick and wrinkled around the throat forming one mild dewlap on each side.


    • top line: It falls slightly to the back behind the tip of the blades (This is the lowest part) where thorn goes to the back (higher than the cross point) curving again more suddenly towards the tail, forming amild  bow a distinctive feature of the breed.
    • Back: Short back, strong, wide at the height of the scapulae. Chest: Chest width, prominent and deep. Body with well-defined ribs backwards. Chest deep and rounded. Well lowered between the front legs.Ribs not being flat at the sides, well rounded
    • Bottom line and belly: Abdomen retracted and not hanging.


    Low insertion, rather right out and then turning down. Rounded, smooth and devoid of fringe or wire-haired. Moderate long, short rather than long, thick at the base, fine tuning quickly towards a tip. You must take it down (without a clear upward curve at the tip) and never carried above the level of the top line. Absence of tail, reversed or too tight queue are undesirable.



    • General appearance: Short front legs in proportion to the rear, but not so short as to make the back look like long or as to hinder the activity of the dog.
    • Shoulder: Wide shoulders with steep and deep scapulae, very powerful and muscular giving the appearance of being glued to the body.
    • Elbows: Elbows low and well away from the ribs.
    • Arm: Very Beefy front legs and strong, well developed, inserted separate good, thick, muscular and straight, the bones of the legs are large and straight, not bent or curved.
    • Metacarpus: Short metacarpals, straight and strong.
    • Previous feet: Straight and returned very slightly outward, moderately rounded and medium sized. Compact and thick fingers, well separated up, making knuckles prominent and high.


    • General appearance: Great legs and Forelegs, in proportionslightly longer than the front ones. Long legs and Forelegs from the spine to the Hock.
    • Knees: Knee wrapsvery slightly away from the body.
    • Metatarsus: Slightly sloping and well descended metatarsals.
    • Hind feet: Round and compact. Compact and thick fingers, well separated up, making knuckles prominent and high.


    Walking with short, quick steps on the tip of your fingers, the rear feet not lifted high, resembling the floor rozan, running with one or another shoulder relatively moving. The strength of the movement is of the utmost importance.


    • Fur: Texture fine, short, pasted and smooth (hard only small and paste, rather than wire)
    • COLOR : Solid or sooty, (is a single color with black mask or muzzle). Unicolores (It must be bright and pure of his type) how striped, Red in its various shades, trode, Griffon etc., White and parties (is the combination of white with any of the above colors) Flesh-colored, black and black and Tan are highly undesirable.

    Size and weight:

    • Males: 25  kgs.
    • females: 23  kgs


    Any deviation from the above mentioned points should be considered as missing and the seriousness with which this is to be taken must be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect on the health and welfare of the dog.


    • Aggressive or fearful dog.
    • Any dog ​​showing physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified..


    Males should have two apparently normal testicles, fully descended into the scrotum.

    TRANSLATION : Brígida Nestler / Original version : (IN)
    Technical supervision : Miguel Angel Martinez

    Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

    Alternative names:

    1. British Bulldog, English Bulldog (English).
    2. Bulldog (French).
    3. Bulldog (German).
    4. Bulldog-inglês (Portuguese).
    5. Bulldog inglés (español).