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St. Bernard
Suiza FCI 61 - Molossoid . Mountain

San Bernardo

The St. Bernard It is very affectionate and has an innate sense of relief especially in the snow.



The St. Bernard It is a breed of dog whose name in other languages: St. Very, Bernhardiner, Chien du Saint-Bernard, Saint Bernard Dog.

According to breed historians, the St. Bernard, descended from the ancient molossians Asian, whose ancestral form was and is represented by the Tibetan Mastiff.

A team of researchers from the University of Manchester, directed by Chris Klingenberg of the Faculty of biological sciences, reviewed 47 skulls of St. Bernard donated by Swiss breeders to the Natural History Museum in Bern covering a period of 120 years, from modern copies until those old dogs of the time that was initially defined the standard of the breed. It was found that the traits stipulated in the breed standard of the St. Bernard have become more exaggerated over time, as breeders selected dogs that had the desired physical attributes.

Compared to their ancestors, the St. Bernard modern has the widest skull, the angle between the nose and the forehead more pronounced, and also a more significant bump over the eyes. These changes are described exactly as desired in the breed standards. Clearly, not due to other factors such as overall growth, since they do not provide the animal with any physical advantage, so we can be sure of have evolved only by selective breeders considerations.

This research shows how the selection, either natural or in this case artificially influenced by the man, It is the fundamental driving force behind the evolution of life on the planet.

In the year 923 born Bernard of Menthon in Menton, region of Savoy (France), which he became Archdeacon of Aosta, in the Italian Alps, dedicated to spreading the Christian faith among the inhabitants of the Alps. In one of these Alpine passes was founded in the year 1049 the Hospice of the Gran San Bernardo, to help, help and shelter to hikers who were the step. The Holy, Catholic scholar and theologian, He was part of the Cistercian order or better known as Trappist, as fellow (the Trappist monks) in Switzerland they had a dog of this breed as a companion around the 16th century.

In the great Mount St mountain pass. Bernhard, to 2.469 meters above the sea level, monks founded in the 11th century, a hospice for travellers and pilgrims. there they were raised, Since the mid-17TH century, big mountain dogs for guard and surveillance. The existence of those dogs is documented graphically from 1695 written in a chronicle of the Hospice from the year 1707.

These dogs were soon used as guard dogs and, especially, as rescue dogs for travellers lost in the fog and snow.

Existen crónicas publicadas en muchos idiomas sobre las numerosas vidas que fueron salvadas por estos perros de la «muerte blanca» y relatos de soldados que cruzaron el paso de montaña con Napoleón Bonaparte hacia 1800, in the 19th century, they spread the dog's fame for St. Bernard all over Europe.

Ya llamado por aquel entonces «Barry Hund«, y el legendario «Barry» se convirtió en el símbolo del perro de rescate. The direct ancestors of the dog of St. Bernard were the very widespread oversized dogs, peasants of the region. These large dogs became only a few generations, an ideal pattern, in the current race.

As a result of an international cynological congress held on 2 in June of 1887, the dog of St. Bernard was officially recognized as a Swiss breed and the breed standard became mandatory. Desde entonces el perro de San Bernardo se convirtió en el «perro nacional suizo».

Heinrich Schumacher Holligen, was the first, in 1867 creating genealogical documents for their dogs. In February of 1884 se abrió el «Schweizerische Hundestammbuch” (Swiss races book, SHSB). The first entry was that of St. Bernard «León», followed by other 28 annotations also of dogs of St. Bernard. The 15 in March of 1884 se fundó el «Schweizerische St. Bernhardsclub» (Swiss Dog Club St. Bernard) in Basel.

Physical characteristics

The Saint Bernard, is classified in the Group 2: Dog type Pinscher and Schnauzer, Molosoides and mountain dogs and Swiss Cattle Dogs, and other races; section 2; Molossoid, 2.2 Type mountain (without working trial). Of the FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale).

There are two varieties of the dog St. Bernard:

  • The variety of short hair (double hair, Stockhaar).
  • The long-haired variety.

Two varieties are of great stature and of a noble general appearance; they have a vigorous body, robust, harmonic and muscular, as well as an imposing head with an expression of attention on the face.

The cross appeal is, minimum of 70 cm for males and 65 cm for females. The FCI standard sets a maximum of 90 cm for males and 80 cm for females (dogs exceeding the maximum height is not devaluarán if its general aspect is harmonic and its proper motion).

In general the size is defined as:

  • «Very large«, to be optimal in San Bernardo, When exceeds the 86 cm in males and the 80 cm in females.
  • «Grand» cuando va de 82 to 86 cm in males and 75 to 80 cm in females.
  • «Media» cuando va de 78 to 82 cm in males and 70 to 75 cm in females.
  • «Small» cuando va de 70 to 78 cm in males and 65 to 70 cm in females.

In it "golden period of St. Bernard” (1920-1940) were very rarely seen in exposures lower males to 80 Switzerland cm, of Germany, in the Netherlands and the subjects were not so rare above the 90 cm..

Also currently a good San Bernardo to access the championship would never have to be -with some exceptions- below the 80-82 cm and abundantly exceed such limit to reach above if possible the maximum of the German Mastiff and of the Irish Wolfhound but with greater volume, greater length of the trunk and heavier, course.

Character and skills

The dog's St. Bernard radiates calm and tranquility. He is balanced and self-confident.. Despite its imposing size, it is sensitive and has a gentle nature. Su «terquedad» es típica de esta raza, not only in appearance. The St. Bernard is trustworthy and kind, even with strangers. There is hardly a dog that has such a tolerant and balanced nature. Quietly he lets himself be caressed and understood by children he does not know. There is hardly a dog as fond of children as the St. Bernard. Nothing seems to bother him.

But, has an alert protective instinct. Defends his family and territory inflexible and extremely effective. One St. Bernard healthy and well socialized never loses control. It is not a barking dog and will stop any intruder quietly and abruptly. How do you like to live outside, still suitable as a guard and protection dog – but it is not in any way a dog to be in a kennel. The basis of this is the close connection with your human family, who should be the center of attention. Because he is affectionate and needs a lot of contact with humans as well as with other dogs.. After all, the close connection with his master is the decisive basis of his education.

Due to its size and strength, a St. Bernard a dog is not for beginners. It also, its maintenance is – as with all big dogs – very complex. If you want to buy a dog from St. Bernard, You must first be clear about some basic things:

The extreme dimensions bring with them quite practical problems. This starts with the car. And what if the adult giant is sick or cannot walk for a while due to age?? The St. Bernard not a dog for an apartment. The floor of the house should not be slippery. The dog should not have to climb the stairs frequently. To the St. Bernard he likes to travel; not an athlete, and take it easy. In the interest of your fitness, one should ensure that he exercises outdoors every day. Ideally, a St. Bernard stay in the field.

St. Bernard Education

To have fun with your dog St. Bernard, consistent education from the puppy's age is a basic requirement. 60 and more kilos of stubbornness, reluctantly following instructions, it's not a fun thing. Also keep in mind that the St. Bernard It, in case of doubt, much stronger than any well-trained man.

A deep and intimate bond with your caregiver is the basis of education, never difficulties or coercion. As puppies it must be carried with a stoic consistency. In his youth, the St. Bernard they are usually very lively and challenge the leadership of their humans. But, the dog of St. Bernard can be well educated. His calm and kind nature even forgives this or that mistake. But a solid education foundation with clear rules for daily life is an absolute prerequisite for your future attitude..

St. Bernard health and care

Coat care is simple. Regular brushing is enough. During the change of coat, twice a year, everything is a little more complex.

The main health problem of St. Bernard is the extreme breeding, breeding for gigantism. Puppies and young dogs of such breeding already grow too fast. So, it's about body coordination problems. Epilepsy and other diseases accompany the giant that is becoming. Life expectancy decreases dramatically. The enormous growth and associated rapid weight gain is an extreme challenge for the entire body.. The dog's fingerprint is not designed for such giants. the heads, por más «típicas» que parezcan, they have also been raised to be unhealthy and powerful, which can cause problems at birth.

One should pay attention to the eyes: Droopy eye or droopy eyelid is a widespread problem, especially with particularly powerful heads, that requires lifelong care and can seriously damage the eyes. Professor Distl of the Hannover University of Veterinary Medicine considers the St. Bernard as one of the breeds in which epilepsy is more common. Various types of cancer such as osteosarcoma also appear to be common in St. Bernard. The breed is strongly affected by dysplasia of the hip joint, as well as other skeletal diseases.

Nutrition / Food

Puppies and young dogs, they grow very fast, require expert guidance for proper nutrition. At the same time, attention should be paid to controlled exercise, neither too much nor too little. In the adult Saint Bernard there is a risk of stomach torsion. Otherwise, as with any big dog, the same applies to food: good and hearty.

The life expectancy of a St. Bernard

The legendary Barry I had 14 years, 10 of which he spent them on active rescue service in the Gran San Bernardo. Today is different, made by the man. Today, the St. Bernard is one of the dogs with the lowest life expectancy. The colossi of today reach only 6 to 8 years. Only very rarely does he reach an age of 10 years or more. On the other hand, a St. Bernard raised healthy with a weight lower than 70 kg is a robust dog and, despite its size, very frugal, without problems can live 10 years.

Buy a St. Bernard dog

Before buying a St. Bernard, you should check very carefully if you really have all the requirements to be able to spend many wonderful years with this giant. Only when all this clears up, a breeder must be found and contacted long before purchase. Special importance must be given to the fact that the breeder avoids exaggeration. Dogs in your kennel should not be large or too heavy. Also the heads should not be too powerful. It also, make sure that no epilepsy occurred in the ancestors. In any case, it should be clear that a puppy is only bought directly from a serious breeder. Better pay a few hundred euros more for a puppy from a serious breeder. These euros have a good opportunity to become the best investment of your life. Coming from a serious upbringing, a puppy of St. Bernard costs between 1.500 and 2.000 EUR.

Characteristics "St. Bernard"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "St. Bernard" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

Adaptation ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

friendly dog ​​ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

hair loss ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection level ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for exercise ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Social need ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Home ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Toilet ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendly with strangers ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

barking ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Health ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Territorial ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Cat friendly ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Intelligence ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Versatility ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Child friendly ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Surveillance ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

joy ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

St. Bernard Images

St. Bernard Videos

Type and recognitions:

  • Group 2: Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid and Swiss Mountain and Cattledogs
  • Section 2.2: Molossoid, mountain type. Without working trial. .


  • FCI – Pinscher and Schnauzer-Molossoid type dogs – Swiss Mountain Dogs and Cattledogs. Section 2.2 Molossoid, mountain type.
  • AKC – Workgroup
  • ANKC – Group 6 (utility dogs)
  • CKC – Workgroup
  • ​KC – Workgroup
  • NZKC – Utility dog
  • UKC – Watchdog

FCI breed standard "St. Bernard"


Date of publication of the valid original standard:


De compañía, perro de guardia y de granja.

General appearance:

Existen dos variedades del San Bernardo:

  • Variety of short hair (manto doble, “Stockhaar”)
  • Long hair variety.

Las dos variedades son de tamaño considerable y una apariencia general impresionante. Tienen un cuerpo balanceado, powerful, fuerte y musculoso con una cabeza impresionante y una expresión facial alerta.


  • La proporción deseada entre la altura de la cruz y la longitud del cuerpo (measured from the tip of the shoulder to the tip of the buttock) is of 9 : 10.
  • La proporción deseada entre la altura a la cruz y de la profundidad del pecho se refleja en el bosquejo del principio.
  • La longitud total de la cabeza es ligeramente mayor que la tercera parte de la altura de la cruz.
  • La proporción entre la profundidad del hocico (medida en su raíz) y su longitud es aproximadamente 2 : 1.
  • La longitud del hocico es ligeramente mayor que la tercera parte de la longitud de la cabeza.

Behavior / temperament:

Amigable por naturaleza. Temperamento tranquilo a alegre; vigilant.


Powerful, imponente y muy expresiva.

Cranial region:
  • Skull: Strong and wide. Seen from the front and profile the top part of the skull is slightly domed. When is the dog at attention, la inserción de las orejas forma una línea recta con la parte superior del cráneo la cual lateralmente presenta una suave curvatura hacia mejillas altas y fuertemente desarrolladas. The inclination from forehead to well steep snout. The occipital Protuberance should shortly be accented. The orbitals above arches strongly developed. Clearly marked front Groove starts on the forehead and extends to the top of the head. Skin from the forehead over the eyes forms slight folds that converge toward the central sulcus. When is the dog at attention, they are usually almost imperceptible.
  • Depression links (Stop): Strongly pronounced.

facial region:

  • Truffle: Wide and square with well marked angles, well open nostrils. The truffles must be black.
  • Snout: Uniformly wide. Nasal helm straight with a slight furrow in the Center.
  • Belfos: Pigmented edges of black. Los belfos de la mandíbula superior deben ser muy desarrollados, shoulder straps, but not too pendants; they form a wide arc towards the nose. The corners must be visible.
  • Jaws/Teeth: Mandíbulas superior e inferior fuertes, wide and the same length.
  • Bitescissors or well developed clamp, regular and complete. It allows light lower prognathism, provided that the incisors do not lose contact. The absence of the PM1 is tolerated (premolars 1) and the M3.
  • Eyes: Medium-sized, they can be dark brown to hazelnut; moderately sunken. friendly expression. The edges of the eyelids are completely Pigmented.
  • A full closure is desirable, natural. Is allowed a small fold on the bottom with little visible conjunctival eyelid and a small crease on the upper eyelid.
  • Ears: Medium-sized, high and wide insertion. Highly developed Pavilion. Lobes soft triangle with rounded tip. The back edge is slightly separated from the head, While the above should be set to the cheeks.


Strong and good long. The double chin neck and throat, moderately developed.


  • As a whole: The general impression should be, harmonica, well muscled and imposing.
  • Cross: Well developed.
  • Back: Wide, powerful and strong. La línea superior es recta y nivelada hasta la región lumbar.
  • Rump: Long, slightly descending with a harmonious transition to the insertion of the tail.
  • Breast : Moderately deep chest with well sprung ribs, but not abarriladas. You must not get below the elbows.
  • Abdomen and lower line: Slight upward backward.


Of wide and strong base, It should be long and heavy.
  • La última vértebra debe llegar por lo menos hasta la articulación del corvejón. En reposo debe colgar recta o ligeramente curvada hacia arriba en el último tercio. In State care may be higher.


Former members:

  • As a whole: Seen from the front, rather wide position. Members must be straight and parallel.
  • Shoulder: Inclined scapula, muscular and firmly attached to the body.
  • Arm: As long as the scapula. The angle between the scapula and the arm must not be too open.
  • Elbow: Attached to the body.
  • Forearm: Straight, strong bone and muscles dry.
  • Metacarpus: Seen from the front must be vertical in its extension to the forearm. Viewed laterally must be slightly oblique.
  • Front feet: Widths, with strong fingers, together robust and highly arched.

Later members:

  • As a whole: Moderately angled rear limbs and muscled. Seen from the rear must be parallel and not together.
  • Thigh: Robust, muscular and wide.
  • Knee: Well angled and not turn inward or outward.
  • Leg: Fairly long and oblique.
  • Hocks: Moderately angled and strong.
  • Metatarsals: Seen from the back as straight and parallel.
  • Hind feet: Widths, with strong fingers, together robust and highly arched. The Spurs are tolerated if not they interfere with normal movement.


Harmonic, long steps. Good push from the hind limbs. The back remains firm and stable. Los miembros anteriores y posteriores deben avanzar en línea recta al andar.


  • Short hair (double hair): Dense outer layer, smooth and stuck to the body. Internal NAP thick. Thighs with fringes of not very notable hairs. Tail with thick hair.
  • Long hair: Outer layer of hairs of medium length, smooth. Abundant internal NAP. On the hip and rump, the hair can be somewhat wavy. Thighs with fringes of abundant hair and forelimbs with flags. Face and ears with short hair. Tail with abundant bushy hair.

COLOR: The basic color is white with reddish brown spots smaller or larger (spotted dogs), to form a continuous blanket of uninterrupted reddish brown on the back and flanks (dogs with mantle). This mantle interrupted by white veins have the same value. The reddish brown tabby is allowed. The yellowish-brown is tolerated. The dark brown on the head is much appreciated. Will tolerate some light traces of black color on the body.

  • Major brands: Sill, feet, the tail, nose cane, headband and nape.
  • Desirable markings: White collar.
  • dark mask symmetrical.

Size and weight:

Minimum height:

  • Males: 70 cm..
  • females: 65 cm..

Maximum height:

  • Males: 90 cm..
  • females: 80 cm..
  • Dogs exceeding the maximum height is not devaluarán in its judging if their general appearance is harmonious and correct movement.


Any deviation from the above mentioned criteria is considered as missing and the gravity of this is considered in proportion to the degree of deviation to the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog.

  • Características del sexo no desarrolladas suficientemente.
  • Non-harmonic overall appearance.
  • Very short relative to the height of the cross member.
  • Excess of folds in head and neck.
  • Muzzle too long or too short.
  • Belfos de mandíbula inferior colgantes y vueltos hacia fuera.
  • Lack of teeth (except the PM1 and the M3) ; small teeth (especially the incisors).
  • Slight lower prognathism.
  • light eyes.
  • Eyelids too loose.
  • Back saddle or in tent.
  • Grupa demasiado alta o demasiado caída.
  • Tail coiled on top of the back.
  • Absence of white markings deemed important.
  • Curved or very returned former members out.
  • Later in the form of Coop members, de “X”, or too straight.
  • Faulty movement.
  • Curly hair.
  • Incomplete or lack of it in the truffle pigmentation, belfos, eyelids and around the nose.
  • Wrong basic color, small splashes or spots of wetwood color on white.


  • Fearful dogs, aggressiveness.
  • Upper prognathism, marked lower prognathism.
  • Blue eyes.
  • Entropion, ectropion.
  • Completely white or completely brown reddish coat (absence of the basic color).
  • Coat of a different color.
  • Perros que no alcanzan la altura mínima.
  • Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified..


Males should have two normal-appearing testicles., fully descended into the scrotum.

  • This revised standard shall be applicable from April 2004.

TRANSLATION: Brígida Nestler.

Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

Alternative names:

1. St. Bernhardog, Bernhardinner, Alpine Mastiff (archaic), Saint, Saint Bernard (English).
2. Grand-Saint-Bernard (French).
3. St. Bernhardshund, Chien du Saint-Bernard, Saint Bernard Dog, Perro San Bernardo (German).
4. Cão de São Bernardo (Portuguese).
5. Gran San Bernardo (español).

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