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Cane Corso
Italia FCI 343 - Molossoid - Dogo

The Cane Corso It is a versatile and balanced dog that can adapt to all.

Cane Corso


Characteristics "Cane Corso"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Cane Corso" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

Adaptation ⓘ

2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

friendly dog ​​ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

hair loss ⓘ

1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection level ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for exercise ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Social need ⓘ

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Home ⓘ

2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Toilet ⓘ

1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendly with strangers ⓘ

1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

barking ⓘ

2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Health ⓘ

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Territorial ⓘ

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Cat friendly ⓘ

1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Intelligence ⓘ

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Versatility ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Child friendly ⓘ

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Surveillance ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

joy ⓘ

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


Something small and elegant that the Neapolitan mastiff, the Cane Corso (or Italian mastiff) It was used in the past not only as Cattle dog but also in wild boar hunting, and as dog escort on long journeys of traders and, even, as a grip of Bull Dog. It was widespread throughout the southern Italian region and even more so in Calabria, Lucannia, Pugglia, and Sannia, until end interrelating so with history, the tradition, and local legends that, in the Royal Lottery game, the Corsican was assigned the number 22.

Both fierce and determined appearance, as its imposing structure of all the molossians, They seem to be on the agenda of its name, therefore means powerful Corso, robust, strong, and these are, without a doubt, its main characteristics.

Others attribute the etymological origin of the word to Latin “Cohors” or greater guard of the body or to the Greek “kortos”, referring to the fact that he kept and watch people and animals during periods of transhumance. Finally, others see the name associated with the island of Corsica. The truth is that outside of Italy very little is known about the Cane Corso and that even in its country of origin, for years, the race has remained forgotten and ignored. He took that in 1973 Professor Giovanni Bonatti refer to the presence in the province of Puglia in a “molosser dog for short hair, different from the Neapolitan mastiff, similar to the Bullmastiff and similar to the dog's Mallorquin Dam” for a group of enthusiasts to get down to work and try to recover it and make it known inside and outside the country.

In fact its official recognition from the ENCI (Ente Nazionale di Cinophilia Italian) has only taken place in January of 1994, Once the table of work of the società  Amatoria Cane Corso (SACC) provide sufficient documentation, photos, data and a large group of typical specimens to defend its existence and ancient origin.

It is almost always difficult to make History of the history of a dog breed, but in the case of the Cane Corso there was enough documentation that revealed its presence since ancient times in the southern part of what is now Italy. Certainly had to be traced back to many centuries ago, Learn about the legends of the inhabitants of the Mezzogiorno, investigate its folklore and more ingrained traditions, Learn about its history, the superstitions of an entire people, but, finally, After many years of intense and arduous research, Professor Fernando Casolino, of the SACC, He managed to gather enough data to this impressive animal because they have been many, many written and pictorial references that have been found about this dog. It should be noted some dating as far back as the 15th and 16th centuries, such is the case of the burlesque poems written in Italian mixed with Latin by the Benedictine friar Folengo or the quotes in the “Of Quadrupelibus“, the renowned physician and naturalist Gessner, known as the “German Pliny”, without forgetting the very detailed description of the illustrious Valvassone, that showed his power and the strength of their jaws in the “Poem of the head”.

In the 18th century, the count of Leclerc, Georges Buffon, mentioned you in your “Natural history” as well as did Oronzio Costa in his Treaty on “The fauna of the Kingdom of Naples”, published in 1839. Thirty years later Palumbo wrote also about our protagonist in his “Catalog of mammals of Sicily”.

Quotations continued to be frequent and already in 1900 Spalikowski mentioned him in his work “Evolution of the dog in the human society“, of essential reading for all lovers of dogs; much closer in time are the articles and works published by Fiorenzo Fiorone, Danilo Mainardi, Bonatti Mizzoli and how does not, my good friend Mario Perricone, who in the “Great encyclopedia of the dog” published by Agostino in 1987, He wrote widely on race, in which the most important monographic article on the Cane Corso is considered. Recently also of Priscus and Johson cite you in the “Canine Lexicon” referring to him as “a recreation of the old Marcellaio Cane”, under the heading of “Sicilian Branchiero”, explaining that it existed exclusively in Sicily and that it was known for its particular way of moving in front of the herd, so according to the authors it could even be related to the German bullenbeiser and that “on the island he functioned as a butcher dog and herd driver of unique abilities” What, at a time “He could participate in bulls fighting just as did it other dogs of butchers in the continent”.

Priscus and Johson they also claim that in the eighties they arrived to the United States.UU. the first puppies imported by a Sicilian farmer who died soon after and which constitute the scant breeding base in that country.

They have been missing many years of work and staff of a few efforts to again talk of Italian Corso Dog, race so ancient and so deeply linked to the traditions and the history of the South of Italy and properly recover virtually from scratch. There was, in fact, There were many contradictions about which dog truly resembled and contained the very essence of the Cane Corso and it took many debates and many discussions to finally agree on which specimen the foundations of the new breeding lines should be based on..

Gone are all agreed on a male name “Dauno” that summed up the very essence of the race and that traced the path to be followed by those who, with a passion beyond doubt wore years looking for precisely this path. It was decided to locate up to three closely related subjects in order to establish the characteristics of the breed., just as the Ballota professors had described it, Bonatti and Casolina.

After exhaustive research studies and, at the end, not without major sacrifices, the recovery programme was gradually bearing fruit. In 1988, the ENCI Board of Directors decided that the time had come to gather as many copies as possible, produced by people not linked to that society both the scope of the SACC, and carry out a pilot trial in order to check homogeneity of type, of construction and character and its similarity with the characteristics described in the draft standard that the SACC had presented to them. In three exhibitions-Bari, Florence and Milan- the judges Morsiani, Perricone and Vandoni examined fifty copies; then, in the autumn of that same year the SACC presented the ENCI the outcome of the first census carried out by the Lords Bruno and Indiveri which is didn't data out of a total of 57 perfectly typical and rustic specimens already registered.

Did you know??

The Cane Corso is also known as Dogo di Puglia, that means “Dog Puglia”.

As result of this effort the ENCI promulgated the opening of a “Open book” in which all adult specimens that had been duly tattooed could be registered, and therefore recognized as conforming with the standard project and in just four years became part of the same over 500 dogs, so it was clear that the recovery program had been successful.

Such results finally gave rise to the official recognition of the race in January of 1994.

Modernity and the decline of the work for which it was intended, have not prevented this race from maintaining its characteristic gifts. He continues to be a dog with a tenacious temperament but does not bite for anything. It is one of the best races of property protection. If you are very fond with the owner can be very sensitive to your mood.

Physical characteristics

Its skin is thick enough, with tissue limited connective and therefore virtually glued to the subcutaneous tissues of each region. The neck does not present practically double chin. The head does not have to submit wrinkles. The pigment of the mucous and the esclerosas has to be black. The pigment of the soles and nails must be dark.
The coat is short but not satin, glassy in texture, gleaming, bright, adherent, serious, very dense, with a light layer of undercoat that is accentuated in winter, without that never reaches to emerge on the hair of coverage. His medium-length is 2/2′ 5 cm.. On the cross, the rump, and the subsequent edges of the thigh and on tail reaches the 3 cm., without ever giving rise to fringes. On the nose hair is private, smooth, adherent and not more than 1/1′ 5 cm..

It may be black, grey lead, Slate gray, light grey, Griffon clear, Red cervato, Dark tawny and striped (stripes against a background of Griffon or grey colour of various shades). In fawn and brindle subjects, a black or gray mask is present whose extension should not exceed the line of the eyes. Admitted a small white patch on the chest, at the tip of toes and on the nasal helm.

The height the cross in the males is of 64 to 68 cm., in the females of 60 to 64 cm.. With tolerance of 2 cm more or less. The weight in the males is of 45 to 50 kg (ratio weight /talla 0,71 kg per cm). And in the females of 40 to 45 kg (ratio weight /talla 0,68 kg/cm).

Salud de Cane Corso

Some of the health conditions that have been in the Cane Corso are the Hip Dysplasia, eye problems such as Entropion or ectropion, demodectic mange and the tendency to bloat.

Remember that after bringing a new puppy home, has the power to protect you from one of the most common health problems: the obesity. Cane Corso maintain an adequate weight is one of the easiest ways to prolong life. Make the most of your preventive skills to help ensure a healthier dog for life.

Character and skills

His character affable and faithful with their own. His psychological balance and extreme functional versatility that allows you to adapt to everything, He is doing to gain more followers and indeed again used you in grazing and foster as old tasks, and also in the hunt, although little by little it is gaining a preferential position as a companion animal and in what has been called therapy with domestic animals (“pet therapy”).

But, for its size and extraordinary force Cane Corso owner should be able to educate from the first moment to always have it under control, in such a way that never conflicts surprises or, It must learn from puppy what is right and what not, What is prohibited and what is allowed, so that later there will be no setbacks, recommending further vocational training of certain circumstances, provided that the dog has acquired a certain degree of maturity, Therefore we must not forget that, in the case of molossians, their psychological development is always slower than the physical.

Aware of its size and appearance, corso usually does not express nervousness and willingly accepts to any person that his own master will accept either. When he is assigned the custody of a property his balanced temperament allows her always from a background, with great discretion, and only in the case of real necessity, act and attack. Thus we can conclude that the Cane Corso is an impressive animal, balanced and effective in any task requiring him. There is a legend made reality.

Cane Corso's Education

With patience and sensitivity
The Cane Corso is not a beginner dog and only belongs to responsible hands. Learn quickly and with pleasure if you treat it with patience and sensitivity during training. If it is to be kept as a family dog, Cane Corso's protective instincts should not be encouraged during training. Early and comprehensive socialization is especially important, so that the dog gets used to other people and animals and reacts calmly in all situations.

Care of Cane Corso

Cane Corso's coat is shiny, smooth and short, and does not require extensive cleaning. Cane Corso has a thin undercoat that can protect it from the cold at times. A massage sponge or soft brush should be used regularly to stimulate blood circulation. – this ensures a healthy and shiny coat.

Nutrición Cane Corso

Only with high meat content
With prepared food, pay attention to a high meat content, low grain content and high quality. An adult dog needs enough fresh meat and vegetables for a healthy diet.. Young dogs, on the other hand, should not be fed too much protein. Foods that are too high in protein can promote growth too quickly and encourage skeletal diseases. Food should be divided into two meals a day. One of them must be given directly after the daily walk. In this way the dog gets its reward after the “work done”.

The life expectancy of the Cane Corso

Cane Corso can reach a relatively high age, what is really unusual for such large dogs. A healthy and active dog will easily reach the age of 10 to 14 years, as long as you exercise a lot and have a balanced diet. This robustness and long life expectancy compared to other larger dog breeds are due to the strong bone structure and robust construction.

Buy Cane Corso

Serious breeders offer not only a pedigree with a complete record of the dog's ancestors, but also a complete advice that goes beyond the purchase. Before buying or reserving a puppy, exhaustive information must be obtained from the local authority to know what conservation regulations exist.

Images Cane Corso

Vídeos Cane Corso

Type and recognitions:

  • Group 2: Pinscher and Schnauzer Type – Molossoid – Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs
  • Section 2.1: Molossoid, mastiff type. With working trial.



FCI breed standard "Cane Corso"

FCIFCI - Cane Corso

Alternative names:

1. Italian Mastiff, Italian Corso Dog, Cane Corso Italiano (English).
2. Cane Corso Italiano, Chien de Cour Italien (French).
4. Mastim Italiano (Portuguese).
5. Mastín italiano (español).

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