▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Aidi – Atlas Mountain Dog
Marruecos FCI 247 - Molossoid . Mountain


The Aidi is highly energetic, protective and extremely vigilant. Despite its resemblance to Sheepdogs, The Aidi is not one of them because there are no sheepdogs from the Atlas.

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▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Spanish Alano
España Not recognized by the FCI . (Molossoid, Bloodhound)

Alano español

The Spanish Alano it is a breed endorsed mainly for its enormous bravery


History «Spanish Alan»

Breed of gripping or prey dog ​​of very ancient origins. Medium in size and considered to be breed of Spain. When mixed other races are created as the Bull Dog in Spain, the alano of vautre (grip) in France, the Old bulldog in England, the extinct Bullenbeisser in Germany, or own Dogo Argentino.

Molosser light dam and corridor. The traditional functionality It is the handling of cattle bravo and semibravo, Iberian trunk, in extensive regime. Big game hunting was also used., as tooth dog for holding deer and wild boar. Its modern implementation is care and defence, as well as for guarding livestock against any type of predator.

Some authors consider Spanish Alano desciendiente the old dog named Alaunt, Alans used by both war and for handling cattle.

The existence of Alans dogs Spain dates back several centuries ago, Although it is not very clear what its origin was. Some believe that this race was extended by moloso Europe by the alano in the fourth century and was taken to the Iberian Peninsula and to the north africa by the hooligans.

In 1350 publishes the rey Alfonso XI their «Book of Montería». In the fifteenth century it is published «Treaty of Montería», anonymous, which performs a deep somatic description of the dog.

When he is talking about perro Dane everyone knew that it was a running dam that to justify its name had to meet certain features:

With strong head, of longilinear proportions, high rump and good bones. Also your character It was clearly defined by its function gripping dog. "not taking for hunger or reward, but by right nature that God gave him." (we call it today prey).

Videos "Spanish Alano"

Of which there is no doubt is that these dogs were very extended, as evidenced by his appearance in paintings. There is a alano that plasma Velazquez in the hole hunt, which it is in the National Gallery de Londres, those of Goya in his Capturing a bull or those of an engraving of the French romantic Blanchard. They are also appointed by Cervantes and Lope de Vega Alans of Thirds.

It is believed, according to the most probable hypothesis, they reached the Iberian Peninsula, accompanying the Alano people, shortly after the fall of Roman empire, about him V century. The alano used primarily for war, hunting and ranching, They were robust and primitive specimens. Later, his unbeatable psychophysical qualities (robustness, bravery and loyalty) They make the Alano play a remarkable role as a member of the Spanish armies, especially during the conquest of the Americas.

The first written references to the Alano They appear in the Medievo, Hand Gonzalo de Berceo, in 1247.

More complete data can be found in 1347, in the book of the hunt, gift Alfonso XI "The Justice". Other mentions of importance on Alano, worthy of mention occurs in Utrera in 1603, by Fray Francisco de Tamayo.

In the conquest of New world dogs played a key role, animal unknown to the natives. These, coupled with the horses, armor and arquebuses contributed to the victory.
They were the terror of the natives, thus the stories of the time did not spare impressive descriptions such as the following:

The Friar Bernardino de Sahagun refers to testimonies of Indians attacked by "huge dogs, with ears cut, fierce yellow eyes Bloodshot, huge mouths, hanging languages and teeth in the form of knives, wild as the devil and spotted like jaguars¨. The description has an inevitable tone of admiration and fear; let us not forget that in pre-Columbian times (before the arrival of the conquistadors) the Indians had dogs of small size and small body. In this way, the indigenous called the dogs of the Spaniards "a diabolical invention.

Bartholomew Columbus and Fontanarossa, brother of the discoverer and Adelantado and governor of Hispaniola, they say the Chronicles employed 200 men, 20 horses and 20 Alans, It was the "debut" of the Alans in the Conquest of America.

The Spanish Alano It is supported primarily by its huge courage, with special mention when dealing with wild pig, disregarding even his own life. Its functions have changed little during these centuries. War Dog, livestock (especially for the beef and veal), big game hunting and nursery. It is in the eighteenth century when they appear the first written evidence of Spanish Alano, on their participation in the bravo bull party.

His qualities will cross the Spanish borders, becoming very significant exports, both American continent as to countries of Europe as France, England or Germany in order to improve their own races, especially the Bulldog and the Dogue de Bordeaux. even the international press echoes its characteristics, as happened in 1873, in the british press, where a Spanish prey specimen is described in detail (Alano), called Toro and says so: «…fighting holds his opponent only by the head, is silent and immune to pain…».

At the end of the 19th century or the beginning of the 20th, begins the decline of the alano, motivated by multiple factors:

Exclusion of hosts, Changes in the tradition of hunting and livestock activity, definitive exclusion from the Festival of the bull and custom. This resulted in the gradual replacement of alano other imported breeds, in most of the times, in an unjustified way. Years later, you get even speculate about the possible disappearance of alano, since his last public appearance took place in Madrid, in the year 1963 (exhibition at the Retiro Park).

But they weren't gone, some population gaps remained in certain marginal areas, difficult to access, as are certain mountains Cantabria, Basque Country, Burgos and Salamanca. These remnants of the population managed to survive thanks to its functional qualities, as for the farmers and hunters in the area, outside all fashion and with an enviable sense of practicality, there was simply no better animal for such tasks than the Spanish Alano.

Physical characteristics «Spanish Alano»

Today, and thanks to the excellent recovery work of some professionals and public bodies, the Spanish Alano practically, remains unchanged, It's a medium dog of prey, strong, agile and very serious. Specially equipped for the handling of cattle, for hunting and for custody.

Little barking by nature, very resistant to pain and disease, he is usually suspicious and distrustful of strangers and submissive and very affectionate with his owner and family.

AlanoBouCorsoDogo CanarioSpanish MastiffBullmastiff
Height60,5 cm.56,5 cm.66 cm.63 cm.59,5 cm.60,5 cm.
Weight35 kg36,5 kg47,5 kg58 kg47,5 kg59 kg
EyescleardarkdarkdarkEntire rangedark
Lines c/fParallelParallelLig.convergParallelLig.converg
Snout36%33% 33% 40% 30%

Character and aptitudes Alano

The Alano is an animal slow in their development, reaching maturity, physical and mental, about two years. From that moment you will find a powerful animal, determined and very noble. As it's a dog selected primarily by their willingness to work, there is a certain variety of “types”, from the lighter Alans, gifted for hunting, even the heaviest, suitable for grazing and save (cattle lines or old bulldog).

Perhaps in recent times less attention is being paid to the latter, in favor of the most appropriate lines for hunting. Perhaps the lovers of this type of alano (Bull Dog), have to consider its viability as a separate race.

In 1880 the fate of “dogs the bull” and for this reason the bullrings stopped keeping dogs.

On the other hand, by ceasing to practice "round hunting", the montería is organized in a different way so that it is no longer interesting that the cattle fall grabbed by the dogs, but that they arrive at the posts where the huntsman is stationed, who is who pays the entertainment. Due to these circumstances, the Rehalas got rid of the Alans who had.

In the old days a dog was useful if it carried out some task. The Spanish Alano “stopped having a job” after the selection of more docile cattle breeds, thus this race regresses at breakneck speed until it reaches extinction.

«Spanish Alan» images

“Spanish Alano” videos

Spanish Alano of Darkness

Type and recognitions:

  • Molossoid, Bloodhound
  • Federations: Recognized in 2004 as a breed by the RSCE​ (Royal Canine Society of Spain)

Alternative names

1. Spanish Alaunt, Spanish Bulldog, Spanish Alano, Alano (English).
2. Alano espagnol (French).
3. Alano español (German).
4. Alano espanhol, Buldogue espanhol, Alão espanhol (Portuguese).
5. Alano español, Bulldog Español (español).

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

St. Bernard
Suiza FCI 61 - Molossoid . Mountain

San Bernardo

The St. Bernard It is very affectionate and has an innate sense of relief especially in the snow.



The St. Bernard It is a breed of dog whose name in other languages: St. Very, Bernhardiner, Chien du Saint-Bernard, Saint Bernard Dog.

According to breed historians, the St. Bernard, descended from the ancient molossians Asian, whose ancestral form was and is represented by the Tibetan Mastiff.

A team of researchers from the University of Manchester, directed by Chris Klingenberg of the Faculty of biological sciences, reviewed 47 skulls of St. Bernard donated by Swiss breeders to the Natural History Museum in Bern covering a period of 120 years, from modern copies until those old dogs of the time that was initially defined the standard of the breed. It was found that the traits stipulated in the breed standard of the St. Bernard have become more exaggerated over time, as breeders selected dogs that had the desired physical attributes.

Compared to their ancestors, the St. Bernard modern has the widest skull, the angle between the nose and the forehead more pronounced, and also a more significant bump over the eyes. These changes are described exactly as desired in the breed standards. Clearly, not due to other factors such as overall growth, since they do not provide the animal with any physical advantage, so we can be sure of have evolved only by selective breeders considerations.

This research shows how the selection, either natural or in this case artificially influenced by the man, It is the fundamental driving force behind the evolution of life on the planet.

In the year 923 born Bernard of Menthon in Menton, region of Savoy (France), which he became Archdeacon of Aosta, in the Italian Alps, dedicated to spreading the Christian faith among the inhabitants of the Alps. In one of these Alpine passes was founded in the year 1049 the Hospice of the Gran San Bernardo, to help, help and shelter to hikers who were the step. The Holy, Catholic scholar and theologian, He was part of the Cistercian order or better known as Trappist, as fellow (the Trappist monks) in Switzerland they had a dog of this breed as a companion around the 16th century.

In the great Mount St mountain pass. Bernhard, to 2.469 meters above the sea level, monks founded in the 11th century, a hospice for travellers and pilgrims. there they were raised, Since the mid-17TH century, big mountain dogs for guard and surveillance. The existence of those dogs is documented graphically from 1695 written in a chronicle of the Hospice from the year 1707.

These dogs were soon used as guard dogs and, especially, as rescue dogs for travellers lost in the fog and snow.

Existen crónicas publicadas en muchos idiomas sobre las numerosas vidas que fueron salvadas por estos perros de la «muerte blanca» y relatos de soldados que cruzaron el paso de montaña con Napoleón Bonaparte hacia 1800, in the 19th century, they spread the dog's fame for St. Bernard all over Europe.

Ya llamado por aquel entonces «Barry Hund«, y el legendario «Barry» se convirtió en el símbolo del perro de rescate. The direct ancestors of the dog of St. Bernard were the very widespread oversized dogs, peasants of the region. These large dogs became only a few generations, an ideal pattern, in the current race.

As a result of an international cynological congress held on 2 in June of 1887, the dog of St. Bernard was officially recognized as a Swiss breed and the breed standard became mandatory. Desde entonces el perro de San Bernardo se convirtió en el «perro nacional suizo».

Heinrich Schumacher Holligen, was the first, in 1867 creating genealogical documents for their dogs. In February of 1884 se abrió el «Schweizerische Hundestammbuch” (Swiss races book, SHSB). The first entry was that of St. Bernard «León», followed by other 28 annotations also of dogs of St. Bernard. The 15 in March of 1884 se fundó el «Schweizerische St. Bernhardsclub» (Swiss Dog Club St. Bernard) in Basel.

Physical characteristics

The Saint Bernard, is classified in the Group 2: Dog type Pinscher and Schnauzer, Molosoides and mountain dogs and Swiss Cattle Dogs, and other races; section 2; Molossoid, 2.2 Type mountain (without working trial). Of the FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale).

There are two varieties of the dog St. Bernard:

  • The variety of short hair (double hair, Stockhaar).
  • The long-haired variety.

Two varieties are of great stature and of a noble general appearance; they have a vigorous body, robust, harmonic and muscular, as well as an imposing head with an expression of attention on the face.

The cross appeal is, minimum of 70 cm for males and 65 cm for females. The FCI standard sets a maximum of 90 cm for males and 80 cm for females (dogs exceeding the maximum height is not devaluarán if its general aspect is harmonic and its proper motion).

In general the size is defined as:

  • «Very large«, to be optimal in San Bernardo, When exceeds the 86 cm in males and the 80 cm in females.
  • «Grand» cuando va de 82 to 86 cm in males and 75 to 80 cm in females.
  • «Media» cuando va de 78 to 82 cm in males and 70 to 75 cm in females.
  • «Small» cuando va de 70 to 78 cm in males and 65 to 70 cm in females.

In it "golden period of St. Bernard” (1920-1940) were very rarely seen in exposures lower males to 80 Switzerland cm, of Germany, in the Netherlands and the subjects were not so rare above the 90 cm..

Also currently a good San Bernardo to access the championship would never have to be -with some exceptions- below the 80-82 cm and abundantly exceed such limit to reach above if possible the maximum of the German Mastiff and of the Irish Wolfhound but with greater volume, greater length of the trunk and heavier, course.

Character and skills

The dog's St. Bernard radiates calm and tranquility. He is balanced and self-confident.. Despite its imposing size, it is sensitive and has a gentle nature. Su «terquedad» es típica de esta raza, not only in appearance. The St. Bernard is trustworthy and kind, even with strangers. There is hardly a dog that has such a tolerant and balanced nature. Quietly he lets himself be caressed and understood by children he does not know. There is hardly a dog as fond of children as the St. Bernard. Nothing seems to bother him.

But, has an alert protective instinct. Defends his family and territory inflexible and extremely effective. One St. Bernard healthy and well socialized never loses control. It is not a barking dog and will stop any intruder quietly and abruptly. How do you like to live outside, still suitable as a guard and protection dog – but it is not in any way a dog to be in a kennel. The basis of this is the close connection with your human family, who should be the center of attention. Because he is affectionate and needs a lot of contact with humans as well as with other dogs.. After all, the close connection with his master is the decisive basis of his education.

Due to its size and strength, a St. Bernard a dog is not for beginners. It also, its maintenance is – as with all big dogs – very complex. If you want to buy a dog from St. Bernard, You must first be clear about some basic things:

The extreme dimensions bring with them quite practical problems. This starts with the car. And what if the adult giant is sick or cannot walk for a while due to age?? The St. Bernard not a dog for an apartment. The floor of the house should not be slippery. The dog should not have to climb the stairs frequently. To the St. Bernard he likes to travel; not an athlete, and take it easy. In the interest of your fitness, one should ensure that he exercises outdoors every day. Ideally, a St. Bernard stay in the field.

St. Bernard Education

To have fun with your dog St. Bernard, consistent education from the puppy's age is a basic requirement. 60 and more kilos of stubbornness, reluctantly following instructions, it's not a fun thing. Also keep in mind that the St. Bernard It, in case of doubt, much stronger than any well-trained man.

A deep and intimate bond with your caregiver is the basis of education, never difficulties or coercion. As puppies it must be carried with a stoic consistency. In his youth, the St. Bernard they are usually very lively and challenge the leadership of their humans. But, the dog of St. Bernard can be well educated. His calm and kind nature even forgives this or that mistake. But a solid education foundation with clear rules for daily life is an absolute prerequisite for your future attitude..

St. Bernard health and care

Coat care is simple. Regular brushing is enough. During the change of coat, twice a year, everything is a little more complex.

The main health problem of St. Bernard is the extreme breeding, breeding for gigantism. Puppies and young dogs of such breeding already grow too fast. So, it's about body coordination problems. Epilepsy and other diseases accompany the giant that is becoming. Life expectancy decreases dramatically. The enormous growth and associated rapid weight gain is an extreme challenge for the entire body.. The dog's fingerprint is not designed for such giants. the heads, por más «típicas» que parezcan, they have also been raised to be unhealthy and powerful, which can cause problems at birth.

One should pay attention to the eyes: Droopy eye or droopy eyelid is a widespread problem, especially with particularly powerful heads, that requires lifelong care and can seriously damage the eyes. Professor Distl of the Hannover University of Veterinary Medicine considers the St. Bernard as one of the breeds in which epilepsy is more common. Various types of cancer such as osteosarcoma also appear to be common in St. Bernard. The breed is strongly affected by dysplasia of the hip joint, as well as other skeletal diseases.

Nutrition / Food

Puppies and young dogs, they grow very fast, require expert guidance for proper nutrition. At the same time, attention should be paid to controlled exercise, neither too much nor too little. In the adult Saint Bernard there is a risk of stomach torsion. Otherwise, as with any big dog, the same applies to food: good and hearty.

The life expectancy of a St. Bernard

The legendary Barry I had 14 years, 10 of which he spent them on active rescue service in the Gran San Bernardo. Today is different, made by the man. Today, the St. Bernard is one of the dogs with the lowest life expectancy. The colossi of today reach only 6 to 8 years. Only very rarely does he reach an age of 10 years or more. On the other hand, a St. Bernard raised healthy with a weight lower than 70 kg is a robust dog and, despite its size, very frugal, without problems can live 10 years.

Buy a St. Bernard dog

Before buying a St. Bernard, you should check very carefully if you really have all the requirements to be able to spend many wonderful years with this giant. Only when all this clears up, a breeder must be found and contacted long before purchase. Special importance must be given to the fact that the breeder avoids exaggeration. Dogs in your kennel should not be large or too heavy. Also the heads should not be too powerful. It also, make sure that no epilepsy occurred in the ancestors. In any case, it should be clear that a puppy is only bought directly from a serious breeder. Better pay a few hundred euros more for a puppy from a serious breeder. These euros have a good opportunity to become the best investment of your life. Coming from a serious upbringing, a puppy of St. Bernard costs between 1.500 and 2.000 EUR.

Characteristics "St. Bernard"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "St. Bernard" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

Adaptation ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

friendly dog ​​ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

hair loss ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection level ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for exercise ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Social need ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Home ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Toilet ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendly with strangers ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

barking ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Health ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Territorial ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Cat friendly ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Intelligence ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Versatility ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Child friendly ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Surveillance ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

joy ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

St. Bernard Images

St. Bernard Videos

Type and recognitions:

  • Group :
  • Section : . .


  • FCI – Pinscher and Schnauzer-Molossoid type dogs – Swiss Mountain Dogs and Cattledogs. Section 2.2 Molossoid, mountain type.
  • AKC – Workgroup
  • ANKC – Group 6 (utility dogs)
  • CKC – Workgroup
  • ​KC – Workgroup
  • NZKC – Utility dog
  • UKC – Watchdog

FCI breed standard "St. Bernard"


Date of publication of the valid original standard:


De compañía, perro de guardia y de granja.

General appearance:

Existen dos variedades del San Bernardo:

  • Variety of short hair (manto doble, “Stockhaar”)
  • Long hair variety.

Las dos variedades son de tamaño considerable y una apariencia general impresionante. Tienen un cuerpo balanceado, powerful, fuerte y musculoso con una cabeza impresionante y una expresión facial alerta.


  • La proporción deseada entre la altura de la cruz y la longitud del cuerpo (measured from the tip of the shoulder to the tip of the buttock) is of 9 : 10.
  • La proporción deseada entre la altura a la cruz y de la profundidad del pecho se refleja en el bosquejo del principio.
  • La longitud total de la cabeza es ligeramente mayor que la tercera parte de la altura de la cruz.
  • La proporción entre la profundidad del hocico (medida en su raíz) y su longitud es aproximadamente 2 : 1.
  • La longitud del hocico es ligeramente mayor que la tercera parte de la longitud de la cabeza.

Behavior / temperament:

Amigable por naturaleza. Temperamento tranquilo a alegre; vigilant.


Powerful, imponente y muy expresiva.

Cranial region:
  • Skull: Strong and wide. Seen from the front and profile the top part of the skull is slightly domed. When is the dog at attention, la inserción de las orejas forma una línea recta con la parte superior del cráneo la cual lateralmente presenta una suave curvatura hacia mejillas altas y fuertemente desarrolladas. The inclination from forehead to well steep snout. The occipital Protuberance should shortly be accented. The orbitals above arches strongly developed. Clearly marked front Groove starts on the forehead and extends to the top of the head. Skin from the forehead over the eyes forms slight folds that converge toward the central sulcus. When is the dog at attention, they are usually almost imperceptible.
  • Depression links (Stop): Strongly pronounced.

facial region:

  • Truffle: Wide and square with well marked angles, well open nostrils. The truffles must be black.
  • Snout: Uniformly wide. Nasal helm straight with a slight furrow in the Center.
  • Belfos: Pigmented edges of black. Los belfos de la mandíbula superior deben ser muy desarrollados, shoulder straps, but not too pendants; they form a wide arc towards the nose. The corners must be visible.
  • Jaws/Teeth: Mandíbulas superior e inferior fuertes, wide and the same length.
  • Bitescissors or well developed clamp, regular and complete. It allows light lower prognathism, provided that the incisors do not lose contact. The absence of the PM1 is tolerated (premolars 1) and the M3.
  • Eyes: Medium-sized, they can be dark brown to hazelnut; moderately sunken. friendly expression. The edges of the eyelids are completely Pigmented.
  • A full closure is desirable, natural. Is allowed a small fold on the bottom with little visible conjunctival eyelid and a small crease on the upper eyelid.
  • Ears: Medium-sized, high and wide insertion. Highly developed Pavilion. Lobes soft triangle with rounded tip. The back edge is slightly separated from the head, While the above should be set to the cheeks.


Strong and good long. The double chin neck and throat, moderately developed.


  • As a whole: The general impression should be, harmonica, well muscled and imposing.
  • Cross: Well developed.
  • Back: Wide, powerful and strong. La línea superior es recta y nivelada hasta la región lumbar.
  • Rump: Long, slightly descending with a harmonious transition to the insertion of the tail.
  • Breast : Moderately deep chest with well sprung ribs, but not abarriladas. You must not get below the elbows.
  • Abdomen and lower line: Slight upward backward.


Of wide and strong base, It should be long and heavy.
  • La última vértebra debe llegar por lo menos hasta la articulación del corvejón. En reposo debe colgar recta o ligeramente curvada hacia arriba en el último tercio. In State care may be higher.


Former members:

  • As a whole: Seen from the front, rather wide position. Members must be straight and parallel.
  • Shoulder: Inclined scapula, muscular and firmly attached to the body.
  • Arm: As long as the scapula. The angle between the scapula and the arm must not be too open.
  • Elbow: Attached to the body.
  • Forearm: Straight, strong bone and muscles dry.
  • Metacarpus: Seen from the front must be vertical in its extension to the forearm. Viewed laterally must be slightly oblique.
  • Front feet: Widths, with strong fingers, together robust and highly arched.

Later members:

  • As a whole: Moderately angled rear limbs and muscled. Seen from the rear must be parallel and not together.
  • Thigh: Robust, muscular and wide.
  • Knee: Well angled and not turn inward or outward.
  • Leg: Fairly long and oblique.
  • Hocks: Moderately angled and strong.
  • Metatarsals: Seen from the back as straight and parallel.
  • Hind feet: Widths, with strong fingers, together robust and highly arched. The Spurs are tolerated if not they interfere with normal movement.


Harmonic, long steps. Good push from the hind limbs. The back remains firm and stable. Los miembros anteriores y posteriores deben avanzar en línea recta al andar.


  • Short hair (double hair): Dense outer layer, smooth and stuck to the body. Internal NAP thick. Thighs with fringes of not very notable hairs. Tail with thick hair.
  • Long hair: Outer layer of hairs of medium length, smooth. Abundant internal NAP. On the hip and rump, the hair can be somewhat wavy. Thighs with fringes of abundant hair and forelimbs with flags. Face and ears with short hair. Tail with abundant bushy hair.

COLOR: The basic color is white with reddish brown spots smaller or larger (spotted dogs), to form a continuous blanket of uninterrupted reddish brown on the back and flanks (dogs with mantle). This mantle interrupted by white veins have the same value. The reddish brown tabby is allowed. The yellowish-brown is tolerated. The dark brown on the head is much appreciated. Will tolerate some light traces of black color on the body.

  • Major brands: Sill, feet, the tail, nose cane, headband and nape.
  • Desirable markings: White collar.
  • Máscara oscura symmetrical.

Size and weight:

Minimum height:

  • Males: 70 cm..
  • females: 65 cm..

Maximum height:

  • Males: 90 cm..
  • females: 80 cm..
  • Dogs exceeding the maximum height is not devaluarán in its judging if their general appearance is harmonious and correct movement.


Any deviation from the above mentioned criteria is considered as missing and the gravity of this is considered in proportion to the degree of deviation to the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog.

  • Características del sexo no desarrolladas suficientemente.
  • Non-harmonic overall appearance.
  • Very short relative to the height of the cross member.
  • Excess of folds in head and neck.
  • Muzzle too long or too short.
  • Belfos de mandíbula inferior colgantes y vueltos hacia fuera.
  • Lack of teeth (except the PM1 and the M3) ; small teeth (especially the incisors).
  • Slight lower prognathism.
  • light eyes.
  • Eyelids too loose.
  • Back saddle or in tent.
  • Grupa demasiado alta o demasiado caída.
  • Tail coiled on top of the back.
  • Absence of white markings deemed important.
  • Curved or very returned former members out.
  • Later in the form of Coop members, de “X”, or too straight.
  • Faulty movement.
  • Curly hair.
  • Incomplete or lack of it in the truffle pigmentation, belfos, eyelids and around the nose.
  • Wrong basic color, small splashes or spots of wetwood color on white.


  • Fearful dogs, aggressiveness.
  • Upper prognathism, marked lower prognathism.
  • Blue eyes.
  • Entropion, ectropion.
  • Completely white or completely brown reddish coat (absence of the basic color).
  • Coat of a different color.
  • Perros que no alcanzan la altura mínima.
  • Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified..


Males should have two normal-appearing testicles., fully descended into the scrotum.

  • This revised standard shall be applicable from April 2004.

TRANSLATION: Brígida Nestler.

Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

Alternative names:

1. St. Bernhardog, Bernhardinner, Alpine Mastiff (archaic), Saint, Saint Bernard (English).
2. Grand-Saint-Bernard (French).
3. St. Bernhardshund, Chien du Saint-Bernard, Saint Bernard Dog, Perro San Bernardo (German).
4. Cão de São Bernardo (Portuguese).
5. Gran San Bernardo (español).

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Canadá FCI 50 - Molossoid - Mountain


The Newfoundland radiates majestic serenity.



The Newfoundland was born on the east coast of Canada. The great island of Newfoundland, which is in front of Canada, gave him his name. The fact that it descends from the dogs of the Vikings of pre-Columbian times or from the dogs of the Indians is a legend that has not been proven until now.. Its relationship with the molossi can be seen but also proved in the genetic map of the Heidi G dog breeds. Parker.

Probably the ancestors of the Newfoundlands came with the first settlers as molossi from Europe. It proved to be an aid to fishermen and sealers and was occasionally useful when hunting bear and big game on land.. It transported loads and served as a draft dog for the sleds with the dead game.. Working with fishermen in the rough North Atlantic was extremely demanding. The Newfoundland had to think, had to do heavy work on the networks. The Newfoundland saved the lives of the castaways over and over again. In this way, he developed the peculiarities of his character and physique that allowed him to face the harsh weather conditions on land and the dangers of the sea as a water and rescue dog..

With the cod ships he came to England over and over again as early as the 18th century. Here he became famous early on due to his impressive achievements. Was not up 1886 that the Club of Newfoundland in England, and soon after, in 1893, The club of Newfoundland for the Continent, now called the "German Club of Newfoundland«. Even today, Newfoundland keep working as a water rescue dog.

Did you know??

One Newfoundland named Rigel sank with the Titanic and swam alongside a lifeboat for three hours in the icy water, apparently looking for its owner, that had gone down with the ship. The people in the lifeboat were nearly run over by the steamer Carpathia because the crew could not hear their faint cries., but Rigel's bark was noticed and the people and the dog were saved.

Physical characteristics

The Newfoundland is a big dog. According to the standard, adult males must weigh an average of 68 kg and females 54 kg. It is a very strong dog, very muscular and with long dense hair. Her coat is water repellent. It has a strong and soft undercoat, which makes it look even bulkier. This shouldn't tempt you to raise him like a teddy bear.. Because the real Newfoundland combines enormous power with agility, sportiness and impressive skills in the water. Its exterior does not deceive its interior. Master challenges with a committed calm. The hair on your head, muzzle and ears is short and thin. The front and rear legs are covered in fur. The tail is completely covered in long thick hair. The black, brown and black and white are allowed as coat colors.

Character and skills

Even the mere appearance of Newfoundland has a relaxing and calming effect, at least for people who are not usually afraid of dogs. The Newfoundland radiates majestic serenity. Its character is as stable as it appears on the outside. It has a friendly and kind nature. But that must not be misleading: He knows very well how to distinguish between friend and enemy, which you can unequivocally underline by your calm but more determined appearance. If required, defends his family with all his might without hesitation. Barking is not necessary to be heard.

He is extremely friendly with his friends. The Newfoundland he is very close to his family and loves children more than anything. He wants education and he absolutely needs it. Because like a powerful big dog it is always stronger than the other end of the leash.. Sometimes he has a hard head, but after a friendly request from his master or caretaker he does everything, as long as it's well connected. The Newfoundland impresses by the unity of two apparently irreconcilable poles: on the one hand it radiates calm and tranquility, on the other hand it can save people from drowning in a short time in the most difficult conditions. Usually, the Newfoundlands are real water rats. They are excellent swimmers, which they are happy to proudly demonstrate.

The Newfoundland not a dog for the city or a flat. He likes long walks, but water is the best for him. Due to its strength and the high technical demands of its maintenance, not suitable for beginners, although it can be trained and managed well. It is a great family dog. But he also likes to sleep outside, even with wind and rain. What you don't need is running or doing activities in the heat.

The Newfoundland It is a natural lifeguard and can be a good helper for parents who have a pool or enjoy taking children to the lake or ocean, although you should never be solely responsible for your safety.

Newfoundland Education

The Newfoundland can be educated very well. It is intelligent, interested and quickly understand what you are allowed to do and what you are not. Sometimes it's a little slow, but a little motivated, he is very cooperative and strives to make his master and lady happy. The puppy should already show itself clearly and without exception where the hammer hangs. There should be no doubt about the orientation of your humans, as well as about the intimate relationship and respect for him.

It must always be kept in mind that this dog is the physically strongest and that leadership only works through unquestioning recognition of the human leadership role.. With praise and results, basically you can achieve everything with it. On the basis of a good education you can train him very well Newfoundland. Many terranovas they are successfully used as guide dogs for the blind and especially as water rescue dogs, but also on land. For this you can do work tests with water in the clubs.

Caring for a Newfoundland

Maintain and care for the Newfoundland it is very expensive. The dense, weather-resistant coat must be brushed every day with a special brush.. Should not be sheared or trimmed. Due to its constitution and dense coat, do not tolerate heat well.

Nutrition / Food

Like all large dogs, Newfoundland need a lot of food. Especially in the growth phase you need professional nutritional planning.

Newfoundland life expectancy

Life expectancy is between 8 and 12 years. That depends a lot on the upbringing. Thin and light dogs tend to age more than heavy, plump dogs.

Newfoundland Health

as could be predicted, given its large size, the Newfoundland can suffer a series of joint and structural problems. It is important that young and growing dogs are kept lean and are not allowed to exercise too hard or eat too much, since this will cause injuries and problems that can be paralyzing in the future. In fact, all the Newfoundland they need to stay slim, since obesity increases the chances of them developing structural problems and makes them more painful when they occur.

One such structural problem is genetic hip deformation known as hip dysplasia.. The head of the femur does not fit well into the hip socket; with the time, the cartilage in the joint wears away and the underlying bone is damaged. Serious arthritis occurs that usually affects very young dogs. In some cases, expensive surgery required, including total hip replacement surgery. If not treated, the dog will suffer pain and a poor quality of life. Elbow dysplasia is another inherited joint problem, resulting from abnormal elbow formation.

The possibility that a Newfoundland develop dysplasia of the hip or elbow just because the parents are free of the disease, although it reduces the possibilities. And while a puppy's bones keep growing, it can sometimes be difficult to confirm a diagnosis, depending on the tests performed and the severity of the condition.

To each Newfoundland X-rays of your dog's hips and elbows should be taken by two years of age, regardless of whether or not he shows symptoms of lameness or stiffness. For dogs that show lameness before that age (that is to say, during the puppy stage), diagnostic tests should be performed promptly.

The Newfoundlands are at risk of heart disease, including dilated cardiomyopathy and subaortic stenosis (SAS). There is currently no genetic test for SAS, who has a complex inheritance, making it difficult to develop a test. Breeders must not breed Newfoundland with no signs of SAS and puppies should be examined by a certified veterinary cardiologist.

Cystinuria is a genetic kidney defect that leads to the formation of bladder stones that are very difficult to manage with diet or medication and often requires surgery both to remove the bladder stones and to repair urinary obstructions.. There may be no early signs that the dog is forming cystine stones, which can create a life-threatening emergency if they cause an obstruction. Fortunately, there is a genetic test for cystinuria. Given the availability of the genetic test, no need for a breeder to produce a dog with the disorder

Not all of these conditions are detectable on a growing puppy, and it can be difficult to predict whether an animal will be free of these diseases, so a reputable breeder must be found who is committed to raising the healthiest animals possible. Must be able to produce an independent certification that the parents of the dog (and grandparents, etc.) have been screened for these defects and considered healthy for breeding. That's where health records come in..

Not all visits by Newfoundland to the vet they are due to a genetic problem. It is known that the Newfoundland experience cruciate ligament rupture. They are also among the deep-breasted breeds predisposed to bloating., a condition in which the stomach is distended by gas and may twist in on itself (called gastric torsion), cutting off blood flow. Swelling and torsion appear very suddenly, and a dog that was fine a minute can die a few hours later. Watch for symptoms such as restlessness and pacing, la baba, the paleness of the gums, lip licking, unsuccessful attempt to vomit and signs of pain. Swelling requires immediate veterinary intervention, and surgery is necessary in many cases. Unfortunately, dogs that have swollen can do it again, So most veterinarians offer a procedure known as gastropexy or "stomach turning.", which anchors the stomach to the body wall to help prevent future twisting. This procedure can also be done as a preventive measure.

Buy a Newfoundland

You should only buy a puppy locally from a breeder who is affiliated with the FCI. should come from a baby, where dogs are rather sporty, thin and not too fat and «beary». A puppy in the kennel is usually sold at a price between 1500 and 2000 EUR.

Valuations "Newfoundland"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Newfoundland" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

Adaptation ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

friendly dog ​​ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

hair loss ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection level ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for exercise ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Social need ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Home ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Toilet ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendly with strangers ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

barking ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Health ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Territorial ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Cat friendly ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Intelligence ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Versatility ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Child friendly ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Surveillance ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

joy ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Images "Newfoundland"


1 – Terranova by Maria Amaro Jimenez / CC BY-SA
2 – Terranova by https://pixabay.com/es/photos/terranova-perro-negro-609531/
3 – Terranova by https://pxhere.com/es/photo/112392
4 – Terranova by https://www.publicdomainpictures.net/es/view-image.php?image=197196&picture=newfoundland-cute-puppy-dog
5 – Terranova by https://www.pxfuel.com/es/free-photo-obraa
6 – Terranova by https://www.pxfuel.com/es/free-photo-jttkx

Videos "Newfoundland"

Type and recognitions:

  • Group :
  • Section : . .


  • FCI – Pinscher and Schnauzer-Molossoid type dogs – Swiss Mountain Dogs and Cattledogs. Section 2.2 Molossoid, mountain type.
  • AKC – Dogs working
  • ANKC – Group 6 (utility dogs)
  • CKC – Group 3
  • ​KC – Working dogs
  • NZKC – Utility dog
  • UKC – Watchdog

FCI breed standard "Newfoundland"


Date of publication of the valid original standard:


Sled dog for heavy loads, water dog.

General appearance:

The Newfoundland has a powerful body, solid, muscular. Their movements are well coordinated.

IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: The length of the body, measured from the scapulo-humeral joint to the tip of the ischium, is greater than the distance from the cross to the ground (height to the cross). The body is compact. The female's body may be slightly longer and less massive than the male's. From the withers to the lower chest the distance is slightly greater than from the lower chest to the ground.

Behavior / temperament:

The expression of the Newfoundland reflects kindness and sweetness. Worthy, happy and creative, is characterized by its genuine gentleness and serenity.


Solid. The female's head has the same general configuration as the male's, but it is less massive.

Cranial region:
  • Skull: It is wide; the apex is slightly arched and the occipital bone is well developed.
  • Depression links (Stop): It is well observable, but never abrupt.

facial region:

  • Truffle: Wide and well pigmented. Windows are well developed. In black dogs and black and white, It is black; it is brown in dogs of this same color.
  • Snout: Definitely square, deep and moderately short. It is covered by short fine hair and has no wrinkles. The corners of the lips are apparent, but not too pronounced.
  • Belfos: soft.
  • Jaws / Teeth: The bite is uniform or scissor-shaped.

Eyes: Moderately sunken and relatively small. They are well separated and there is no presence of a third eyelid.. They are dark brown in black and black and white dogs. Lighter shades are allowed in brown dogs.

Ears: They are relatively small, triangular and rounded edges. They sit back on both sides of the head and are very heavy.. When the adult dog's ear is extended forward, it reaches the inner corner of the eye on the same side of the head.


It is strong, muscular and well-seated on the shoulders. It is long enough to allow a distinguished bearing of the head. The double chin should not be excessive.


The bone structure is everywhere solid. In profile, the body is deep and vigorous.

  • top line: It is horizontal and firm from the cross to the rump.
  • Back: Wide.
  • Pork loin: Strong and well muscled.
  • Rump: Wide. Tilts at a 30° angle.
  • Breast : Width, deep and spacious; the ribs are well arched.
  • bottom line: Almost uniform and never raised.


While the Newfoundland is swimming, the tail serves as rudder; therefore, It must be strong and wide at the root. When the dog is at rest, the tail is down, perhaps forming a small curve at the tip; reaches the hock or a little lower. When the dog is moving or animated, the tail is carried straight with a slight upward curve, but it never comes rolled up on the back, nor curved between the hind limbs.


PREVIOUS MEMBERS: They are straight and parallel also when the dog walks or jogs slowly.

  • Shoulder: They are well muscled and oblique.
  • Elbows: stuck to the chest.
  • Metacarpus: They are slightly inclined.
  • Previous feet: Large and in proportion to the body. They are rounded and compact, with also compact and firm fingers. The fingers have an interdigital membrane.

LATER MEMBERS: Since the urge to drag heavy loads, swimming and covering a lot of ground efficiently depends largely on the hindquarters, in Newfoundland their structure is very important. The pelvis must be strong, wide and long.

  • Thigh: He is broad and muscular.
  • Knee: It is well angled, but not enough to give the impression that the dog is crouched.
  • Leg: It is strong and quite long.
  • Hocks: They are relatively short and are well lowered and separated, parallel to each other. They don't even deviate inwards, nor out.
  • Hind feet: Firm and compact. In case of dewclaws, these must have been removed.


The Newfoundland's forelimbs have good range and their hindlimbs give a strong boost, which denotes ease and strength. A slight rocking of the back is considered natural. As speed increases, the top line remains uniform.


  • Fur: The Newfoundland has a double layer of waterproof hair. The outer layer is moderately long and straight hair without curls; a slight wave is allowed. The inner layer is soft and dense. It is denser in winter than in summer, but still it is always existing in the rump and chest. The hair of the head, the muzzle and ears are short and thin. Front and rear limbs have bangs. The tail is completely covered with long, dense hair, but it has no flag shape. Any haircut or grooming should not be encouraged.
  • Color: Negro, black and white and chestnut.
    • Negro: This is the traditional color. It should be as uniform as possible, but a slight tan tone is allowed. White markings on chest are also allowed, fingers and tip of tail, the both.
    • black and white: This variety has historical significance for the breed. The preferred marking pattern is: black head, preferably with a white list that extends to the muzzle, black saddle with uniform markings and black upper back and tail. Other parts of the body should be white with minimal mottling.
    • Chestnut: This color ranges from chocolate to bronze. White markings on chest allowed, fingers and tip of tail, the both. Black and white and brown dogs must be shown in the same class as blacks.

Size and weight:

Height to the cross: The average height at withers in adult males is 71 cm and of 66 cm in adult females. The average weight is approximately 68 kg in males and 54 kg in females.

A large animal is valued, but this should not be more important than the general state of health, symmetry, strong structure and correct movement.


Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered as a fault and the severity of this is considered to the degree of the deviation to the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog..

  • General appearance: very long limbs, lack of substance.
  • General structure of the bones: flojedad, fine bones.
  • Character: aggressiveness or shyness.
  • Narrow head.
  • Long or pointed snout.
  • Pronounced noses.
  • Round eyes, saltones, yellow, or with a pronounced third eyelid.
  • Convex back, float or concave.
  • Forelimbs: sunken metacarpus, crushed feet, fingers that turn inward or outward, absence of membrane between fingers.
  • Hind limbs: knee joint very straight, cow hocks, crowded limbs, feet twisted inward.
  • Short tail, long, doubled or bent.
  • Take short, quick steps, dragging the feet, obliquely displaced like a crab; tight and knitting motion, crossing the front limbs, with deviated feet in or out; high movement (hockney action); amble step.
  • Sparse hair; absence of inner layer of hair


  • Aggressiveness or extreme shyness.
  • Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified..
  • Upper or lower prognathism, arch of deviated incisors.
  • Short straight hair.
  • Marks of a color other than white on black or brown dogs.
  • Any color other than black or black and white or brown.

  • Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..
  • Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with the typical conformation of the breed, should be used for parenting.

TRANSLATION: IRIS Carrillo (Puerto Rico Kennel Federation).

Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

Alternative names:

1. Newfs, Newfies (English).
2. Retriever de Terre-Neuve, Chien de Terre-neuve (French).
3. Newfoundland (German).
4. Cão terra-nova (Portuguese).
5. Perro de Terranova (español).

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Dogo Canario
España FCI 346 - Molossoid . Dogo

Dogo Canario

The aggressiveness of Dogo Canario should not be overly stimulated. It is an optimal guardian and defender without the need for training.



The Dogo Canario It is a classic moloso. It is the offspring of an ancient and in this ancient form is only rarely found in Central Europe today.. It has many names: Presa Canario, Perro de Presa, Perro de Toro, Alano o Presa Canario. Dogs of the current type Dogo Canario they existed still ago 200 years everywhere. They were the old saupackers, bear teethers, guard dogs, butcher dogs, the ancestors of the current great danes, bulldogs, boxers and mastiffs. They are extremely strong and bulky dogs, that even today are summarized as molossers. They were already bred in ancient times and have always been highly appreciated. They were used on large farms, with livestock herds or for example on merchant ships such as guard and protection dogs, served as herding dogs and as hunting dogs for wild boar or bear. They served rulers like Hammurabi as war dogs, they had them carved in stone in full recognition does 3700 years.

Due to its strength, courage and determination, have been used as fighting dogs in the arenas of animal fighting since Roman times. Molossians have a commanding head with a rather short snout and long lips.. The ears are usually worn hanging. According to the traditions of antiquity in words and images, the main characteristics of the molossian have remained essentially the same for thousands of years, but in recent centuries and especially due to modern dog breeding, the classic type of molosser has been lost to some extent. In extreme cases strange shapes have been bred with many extremely short folds or snouts such as bulldogs or giants like him Great Dane or the Mastiff. The Dog is still raised in his homeland only for his performance at work.

So, chances are that the Dogo Canario still personify the type Molosoide as was common in the old days. It is clearly recognized as trotting, but does not suffer from cultivated exaggerations of any bodily characteristics or traits. Can only hope it stays that way. Unfortunately, breeders are very much at odds with Dogo Canario. They haven't even managed to agree on a name and a registry office. Since 1991 It has been officially considered as "The Canarian Presa Dog" among the natural symbols of the Canary Islands.. Meanwhile in 2001 the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture recognized these dogs as a national breed also under the name of Dogo Canario, the same dogs were then provisionally recognized as Dogo Canario by the world federation FCI in 2001 and finally in 2011. Other names are Perro de Presa y Alano. Alano It is an old word that means Great Dane.

Physical characteristics

The Dogo Canario, Perro de Presa, Perro de Toro, Alano o Presa Canario – all designations for the same four-legged friend – he is an elegant dog that radiates athletic power. He is an athletic, muscular, elongated but nevertheless typical molosser.

The skull-muzzle ratio is approximately 6:4. The upper lip rests a little flaccidly on the lower one. The eyes, medium-sized, they are oval and hazelnut, the ears, high, they are separated from each other and are shaped like a button; they are only amputated to remember their original function as a combat dog. The neck, long and muscular, shows a slight dewlap. The tail is implanted high: thick at the base, is tuned to the extreme. the belly is retracted, but the last ribs stand out only slightly, giving a harmonious harp shape. Limbs are sturdy, muscular and perfectly plumb; angulation of the hind limbs is not very marked.

The difference between male and female bulldogs desired by the FCI standard is therefore unnaturally large. In any case, desires of this standard for outward appearance should not be taken so seriously.

Because fortunately this originally preserved dog breed, robust and healthy has set its standard “for itself”, more exactly for their performance at work, and has kept it in the practice of life until today. People, who now wants to put him in a standard of modern pedigreed dog breeding, don't even agree to the principle, as we can see in its history of the breed. Modern pedigreed dog breeding has done no breed of dog any good, both in terms of health and character. In old times, the Bulldog fitted with pleasure to the ears, so that they protruded upwards. This is now prohibited. Today they show large down-hanging ears..

  • Fur: short, without Undercoat, pretty hard.
  • Color: leonado or atigrado. The tabby specimens have a wide range of colors, from very dark to a light gray with a rather cold tone.
  • Size: males, of 61 to 66 cm.; females, of 57 to 62 cm..


The Dogo Canario is a quiet dog, balanced and self-assured. He is a powerful and defensive athlete who can show his performance at any time. Like all molossi, he is extremely kind, has strong nerves and a high stimulus threshold. But, he is more eager to move and not as lethargic as most molossers today bred only as companions. One Dogo Canario well socialized is friendly to people who know and like children. It is very sociable. Towards strangers is at first a little distant without fear. He is an incorruptible guardian, fearless and protective of his family without being aggressive himself. The FCI standard describes the character desired by the breed:

Calm appearance; alert look. It is especially suitable as a watchdog… His temperament is even-tempered and he is very self-confident.. Deep barking. He is docile and kind to his family members and with strong ties to his master, but you may suspect strangers. Self-assured demeanor, elegant and somewhat distant. When you are alert, his attitude is confident and alert.

It must be added that the Dogo Canario rarely barks. But if it barks once, it's pretty awesome.


The Dogo Canario is undemanding in terms of external conditions. Of course: a small apartment in the big city would not be optimal for your attitude. But other than that it's easy to maintain. It is also a working dog, a guard, a driver, a hunting dog for hunting wild boar. The Dogo Canario it is suitable as a family dog ​​only on the condition that it is well socialized, well educated and physically fit. You also have to take into account a fact: It is considered a "dangerous dog" in many countries.

Dogo Canario Education

The Dogo Canario can be trained well, but still not a beginner dog. It is intelligent, very sociable and eager to work. But at the same time he is very powerful and assertive. In case of doubt, always the strongest end of the strap. So, his master or caretaker should not leave doubts about his role as leader and this on the basis of natural authority. So this dog will gladly leave the leading role to his bipeds without reservation.. But it must be filled. The Dogo Canario it is even suitable for demanding tasks such as training as an assistance or protection dog. The basic requirement is that it comes from a serious breeder and that it has already been socialized there..

Dogo Canario health and care

The Dogo Canario has no special demands on your care.

Typical diseases

Breed-specific diseases are not known.. Due to his still short career as an official pedigree dog, it can be assumed that the population of the Dogo Canario, Presa Dog or Presa Canario – Whatever this ancient breed of dog is called – enjoys robust health.

Nutrition / Food

The Dogo Canario has no special demands on their diet.

Life expectancy Dogo Canario

There are no reliable figures on life expectancy. Seriously raised, the Dogo Canario should be able to live off 10 to 12 years.

Buy Dogo Canario

Before making a purchase, be aware that the restrictive attitude of the State can cause many problems in daily life and additional financial burdens. The Dogo Canario it is a large and powerful dog that belongs to the hands of an experienced teacher or lover. The cost of a Dogo Canario is of some 1200 EUR.

Characteristics "Dogo Canario"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Dogo Canario" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

Adaptation ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

friendly dog ​​ⓘ

1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

hair loss ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection level ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for exercise ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Social need ⓘ

1,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Home ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Toilet ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendly with strangers ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

barking ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Health ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Territorial ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Cat friendly ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Intelligence ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Versatility ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Child friendly ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Surveillance ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

joy ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Images "Dogo Canario"


1 – Canarian Presa Dog – Canary Dog by Kamen Rider Snipe / CC BY-SA
2 – Presa Canario dog – Dogo Canario by Basil Dragon / CC BY-SA
3 – Presa Canario by https://pxhere.com/es/photo/732874
4 – Canary bulldog, edited by Canecorsodog (en.Wikipedia) edited by Caronna 12:25, 6 February 2008 (UTC) / CC BY-SA
5 – Zai-Kan de Irema Curtó. Canary prey perro byManuel Curtó Jr. / CC BY-SA
6 – Presa Canario by Wikipedia
7 – Presa canario dog by https://pxhere.com/es/photo/75916

Videos "Dogo Canario"

Type and recognitions:

  • Group :
  • Section : . .


  • FCI – Pinscher and Schnauzer-Molossoid type dogs – Swiss Mountain Dogs and Cattledogs. Section 2.1 Molossoid, mastiff type.
  • AKC – FSS
  • UKC – Watchdog

FCI breed standard "Dogo Canario"


Date of publication of the valid original standard:


Guard dog and caring for cattle.

General appearance:

Large Medium-sized Molossoid Dog, straight profile and black mask. Robust and well proportioned.

IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: The body is longer than its height at the withers. This characteristic is more pronounced in females..

The ratio of the skull to the antecara is 60-40 %. The width of the skull is 3/5 the total length of the head. The distance from the elbow to the ground must be 50 % height at withers in males and somewhat less in females.

Behavior / temperament:

calm look, attentive expression. Especially suitable as a guard dog and traditionally used to care for livestock. Balanced temperament and very self-confident. Low and deep bark. Obedient and docile with family members, very devoted to his master but can be reserved with strangers. Confident fitness, noble and somewhat distant. When he is alert his posture is firm with an alert attitude.


Solid, brachycephalic and compact in appearance covered in thick skin. Its shape tends towards a slightly elongated cube. The skull lines- facials are parallel or slightly convergent.

Cranial region:
  • Skull: Somewhat convex in anteroposterior and transverse direction. The frontal bone tends to be flat. The width is almost identical to its length.
    Pronounced zygomatic arches with well-developed but not prominent cheek and jaw muscles, covered in loose fur. Occipital bump only slightly marked.
  • Stop: The stop is pronounced but not abrupt. The fold between the frontal lobes is well defined and approximately two thirds the size of the skull.

facial region:

  • Truffle: Wide, heavily pigmented black. In the same line of the muzzle. Large nostrils to facilitate breathing.
  • Snout: Shorter than the skull, usually about the 40 % of the total length of the head. Width is 2/3 the width of the skull. Its base is very wide, slightly tapering towards the nose. Flat, straight nose without grooves.
  • Lips: The upper lip is hanging but not excessively. Seen from the front, the upper and lower lip join forming an inverted V. The edges are slightly divergent. The inside of the lips is dark.
  • Jaws / Teeth: Scissor bite or slightly prognathic bite, max. 2 mm. Tweezer bite is accepted but not desired due to tooth wear. The canines have a wide transverse distance. Teeth are wide with strong implantation base. Large molars, small incisors and well-developed canines.

EYES: Slightly oval, medium to large. Placed well apart but never sagging or protruding. Tight black eyelids, never fallen. Color varies from dark to medium brown depending on coat color. They should never be clear.

EARS: Medium size, set well apart with short fine hair. Naturally fall on both sides of the head. If they are folded they are shaped like a rose. Its insertion is slightly above the level of the eyes. Ears with a very high insertion or close together are considered unusual. In countries where amputation is permitted, they must be erect..


Shorter than the length of the head. Skin on the lower part loose forming a slight dewlap. Solid and straight, tends to be cylindrical and muscular.


Long, wide and deep.

  • top line: Straight, without deformations supported by well-developed but poorly visible muscles. Rising slightly from the cross to the rump. The height at the rump is 1 – 2 cm greater than the height at the withers.
  • Rump: Average length, wide and rounded. It should not be long because it would limit your movement.. Females are usually wider.
  • Breast : High capacity and well-defined pectoral muscles. Seen both from the front and in profile, it must be lowered, at least down to elbow level. Chest circumference is generally equal to the height at the withers plus 45 %. Well arched ribs.
  • Bottom line and belly: Slightly collected and never lowered. The flanks only slightly pronounced.


Thick at the base tapering towards the tip, reaching no further than the height of the hock. Middle insertion. During movement it lifts it in the shape of a saber but without stooping or leaning on the back. At rest it hangs right with a slight curve towards the end.



  • Shoulder: With good inclination.
  • Arms: Well angled, oblique.
  • Forearm: Well balanced, straight. Strong bones and good musculature.
  • Elbows: They must not be glued to the ribs or open outwards. Metacarpus: Very solid and slightly inclined.
  • Previous feet: Cat foot with rounded toes, not very close.
    The foot pads are highly developed and black. Nails are dark. White nails should be avoided although it can happen according to the coat color.


  • General appearance: Seen from behind strong and parallel without deviations.
  • Thighs: Long and very muscular.
  • Knee: Angulation is not very pronounced but should not be insufficient.
  • Metatarsals: Always well descended.
  • Hind feet: Slightly longer than the front ones and with similar characteristics.


During movement, the Presa Canario is agile and elastic, covering the terrain well. Long step. The tail is brought down and the head is only slightly raised above the level of the back. When you are alert, the tail and the head are carried high.


SKIN: Thick and elastic. Looser over and around the neck. When alert, the skin over the head forms symmetrical folds that form from the fold between the frontal lobes..

  • Fur: Short, rough, smooth without undercoat (may appear on the neck and on the back of the thigh). Rather rough to the touch. Very short and thin on the ears, slightly longer on the withers and on the back of the thighs.
  • Color: All shades from fawn to sand, from dark brown to light gray or blonde. All shades from tabby to sand. White marks are accepted on the chest, at the base of the neck or throat, front feet and back toes but this should be minimal. The mask is always black and should not be spread above eye level.

Size and weight:

Height at the withers:

  • Males: 60 to 66 cm..
  • females: 56 to 62 cm..

In the case of very typical specimens, 2 cm tolerance above or below limits.

Minimum weight:

  • Males: 50 Kg.
  • females: 40 kg.

Maximum weight:

  • Males: 65 kg.
  • females: 55 kg.


Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered as a fault and the severity of this is considered to the degree of the deviation to the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog..

Bite in clamp


Any fault is considered severe when it affects the expression and limits the type of dog..
Incorrect head proportions
Extremely convergent craniofacial lines (stop too steep)
Loin and cross at the same height
Incorrect limb position
Square profile.
Triangular head, close (not cube)
Fine tail, threaded. High insertion.
Sunken or soggy back.
light eyes (yellow), very close to each other or oblique, sunken or bulging
Excessively prognathic bite.
Insufficient mask.
Absence of teeth (Except P 1)


Aggressiveness or extreme shyness.
Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities.
Totally nonpigmented nose.
White marks not accepted.
Bite: enognática.
Croup lower than the cross. Sloped top line.
Blue eyes or with tonal difference.
amputated tail.

  • Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..
  • Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with the typical conformation of the breed, should be used for parenting.

    TRANSLATION: Brígida Nestler

Technical supervision: SR. Miguel Angel Martinez

Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

Alternative names:

1. Canary Mastiff, Canary Catch Dog, Canarian Dogo, Presa Canario.Dogo Canario, Presa (English).
2. dogo Canario (French).
3. Presa Canario, Kanarische Dogge (German).
4. Perro de presa canário, Dogo canário (Portuguese).
5. Perro de presa canario (español).

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Majorca Mastiff (Majorcan mastiff dog)
España FCI 249 - Molossoid - Dogo

The Majorca Mastiff is a gentle dog, extremely affectionate with their owners, faithful to his master

Ca de Bou


Characteristics "Majorca Mastiff (Majorcan mastiff dog)"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Majorca Mastiff (Majorcan mastiff dog)" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

Adaptation ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

friendly dog ​​ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

hair loss ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection level ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for exercise ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Social need ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Home ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Toilet ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendly with strangers ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

barking ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Health ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Territorial ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Cat friendly ⓘ

2,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Intelligence ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Versatility ⓘ

3,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Child friendly ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Surveillance ⓘ

5,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

joy ⓘ

4,0 of 5 stars (based on 1 review)


The Majorcan mastiff dog, also known as Majorca Mastiff in Catalan or Perro de presa mallorquín in Spanish, is a fairly old dog whose history remains unclear.

It is believed to have originated from a number of races, especially the Spanish Mastiff and the Alano, that crossed over the centuries.

The result of these crosses came to Mallorca in the thirteenth century, specifically in 1229, during the conquest of the island by King James I of Aragon. Some of these dogs remained there and were bred with local dogs.. The resulting individuals turned out to be much less sensitive to heat and adapted very well to local conditions. They began to be used by the local population to monitor houses and livestock.

It was also in the thirteenth century when the butchers of the island found in the dog an assistant for his ability to control livestock, especially bulls, before and during their sacrifice. In fact, his powerful jaw made him able to keep them immobile by holding them firmly by the nose.

At the same time, it was also used by the Knights of Malta in battle and to guard the camps. It also, he was unrivaled in his ability to breach enemy camps, which greatly facilitated the assaults.

In 1713 the Treaties of Utrecht are ratified, which put the island of Mallorca under British rule. The English then introduced their own guard and fighting dogs in the Balearic Islands. Mallorcan dogs were bred with the Bulldog, and the result of these crossings was called "Ca de Bou", which is a translation of the English word «Bulldog» ("bull" means bull) in Catalan. This name reflects the main use given to it. In fact, at the beginning of the 18th century, the bull-baiting, show in which a pack of dogs had to kill a bull, it was widespread and very popular in England, and the English did not stop importing it to Mallorca.

The Majorca Mastiff they also began to hunt wild boar and deer. It was also used for many years as a watchdog on ships, especially in case of pirate attacks, and sometimes you ate when there was nothing to eat.

Following the ban on bull hunting in 1835, was limited to two main functions: watchdog and hunter.

An eventful twentieth century

In the early 20th century, the Majorcan mastiff dog became better known. The first written record of the breed dates from 1907.

In 1923, the first representative of the breed was inscribed in the Spanish studbook. One year later, in Barcelona, made his first appearance at a dog show.

But, its development was greatly hampered by the famines of the decades of 1920 and 1930. Then, like many other breeds, was affected by World War II. Its population declined considerably throughout the period.

However, in 1946 a breed standard was developed, but it was not recognized by the International Cynological Federation (FCI) until about twenty years later, in 1963. But, by then there were probably no more left Majorca Mastiff pure. It also, the interest of breeders and individuals had largely shifted to other breeds that were expanding rapidly at the time, as the Great Dane, the German Shepherd and the Rottweiler.

In the Decade of 1980, the Majorca Mastiff, as it was known after the war, actually ceased to exist, especially due to the numerous crosses with Mallorcan sheepdogs (Ca de Bestiar). The latter came from the same region as the Majorca Mastiff and they brought their brindle coat. But, these unions substantially modified the characteristics of the Majorca Mastiff, so that it gradually moved away from the description given in the official standard.

But, passionate and determined breeders tried to save the breed and ensure that it kept the characteristics as close as possible to the registered standard. They set out to find individuals as close as possible to their ancestors. Two specimens called Tito and Anastasia (father and daughter, respectively), who were the first individuals considered sufficiently similar to the Majorca Mastiff of yesteryear. Its union and crossing with other crossed dogs on the island helped to resurrect the breed from a solid base. But, the number of breeders is still very low and the breed remains confidential. The specimens obtained did not leave the island and were reserved for the national market., where they were highly coveted for dogfighting.

In 1992 dogfighting was banned in the Balearic Islands, and it was then that the breed began to be exported slowly. The opening to the international market also allowed the introduction of new breeders in the lines, in order to expand the genetic heritage of the breed; they were both subjects of unknown origin with physical traits similar to the race, as hybrids of Majorcan mastiff dog.

These exports gave rise to numerous hatcheries in a wide variety of countries., where the Majorca Mastiff It is used both as a companion dog and as a guard dog.. In fact, it can be said that it was the export of the breed that almost saved it, since in Mallorca itself it is now only present in very limited numbers.

The recognition and popularity of the “Majorcan Bulldog Dog”

In the last decades, the reputation of the Majorcan mastiff dog has increased and their number has grown in many countries, but there is still a long way to go. In fact, its recognition by the main canine organizations in the world is still very partial, which obviously limits its visibility and dissemination.

In France, in the first decade of the twenty-first century, went from a handful of records a year to about fifty, and then the number skyrocketed in a few years, until exceeding 200 annual births in 2014. Since then, has hovered around this value.

Further east, countries such as Poland and Russia have welcomed a good number of representatives of the breed since the beginning of its international spread. Some even claim that over the years 90 there were more than 2.000 Majorca Mastiff only in the city of Moscow. This is likely to be unfounded, but the fact is that it was quickly appreciated there, and still appreciated.

It is also especially popular in Puerto Rico, where there is a prestigious locally developed lineage, which was created from the Spanish champion Chimo and other quality specimens that were sent there.

There are also several representatives of the breed in Holland, Denmark, Finland and Sweden. But, this is still quite embryonic, as evidenced by the low number of breedings in these countries.

In United States, the Majorcan mastiff dog It was recognized in 2006 by the United Kennel Club (UKC). But, the other reference organization in the country, the American Kennel Club (AKC), has not yet taken the step. Further north, the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) he doesn't recognize it either. In fact, in North America, both the reputation of the breed and its diffusion are still very low.

In the United Kingdom, where it was introduced in 2001, it is also not recognized by the prestigious Kennel Club (KC).

In Spain, not only on the island of Mallorca the Majorca Mastiff is discreet. In fact, the Royal Canine Society of Spain (RSCE), the main canine organization in the country, received less than 50 enrollment requests per year to mid-year 2010, figure that was even reduced to less than 20 at the end of the decade.

Physical characteristics

He has a bulky head, solid and the skull is wide. The eyes are oval and somewhat oblique; in the color, the more dark best. The ears are short and played backwards. The body is a massif with included belly. The forelimbs are strong and the tail reaches to the Hock. The coat is short and rough.

The favorite colors in your order are: the striped, the Fawn and black. In the striped prefer the dark tones in the leonados the intense nuances. The white spots are admitted in the previous members, chest and tolerated up to a maximum of 30 % the surface of the body. The black mask is also supported.

The Ca de Bou or Majorcan Dogo, It is a dog reserved and suspicious with strangers. It has an extraordinary adaptation, but it is not a dog to place in any hand. Their education and socialization should be initiated as soon as possible because the breed is naturally dominant.

The care of the fur is a simple weekly brushing and a regular cleaning of the ears and eyes. It is a rustic dog that adapts well to changes in temperature and withstands inclement weather well..

Character and skills

Although the Majorca Mastiff it has been used in its history for quite violent tasks, like bull hunting, the slaughter of bulls or the fighting of dogs, he is surprisingly very affectionate and has an excellent temperament. In fact, tends to create a very strong bond with his family.

They will do anything to protect their family and are very good watchdogs.. In fact, has a strong protective instinct and is very suspicious of strangers. But, although it can be impressive and dissuasive when needed, he only shows aggression when he feels his family is in danger. On the other hand, when dealing with people you don't know, he is always cautious, but he refers to his teacher to determine whether or not they are to be trusted. If the landlord invites someone you don't know to the house, will normally keep distance, but will not intervene in an untimely or even aggressive way. However, good socialization is necessary from an early age to avoid excessive distrust of all strangers.

Fits well with children, with whom he is patient and kind. He is even-tempered and likes spending time playing with them as much as being quiet on the couch. But, as with any dog ​​of any breed, should never be left alone with a young child without adult supervision. This is especially true because it is relatively heavy and can easily push or knock over a young child..

On the other hand, the Majorca Mastiff tends to get along very well with other dogs, both with those who share their home and with those who are on a walk. But, if the dog is a male and is in the presence of another male with a dominant temperament, a rivalry relationship may develop. So, it is better to avoid this type of coexistence and to take precautions to avoid any fight when you meet other dogs, in particular doing gradual introductions.

As they don't have a strong hunting instinct, his relationships with small animals, as cats, rodents or birds, they are usually quiet. If you have to live with them on a daily basis, the ideal is to present them as soon as possible, but his great sociability makes it possible to integrate newcomers into his house even if he has always been the only animal.

Perhaps because it has been used to being used in so many ways and in so many different environments throughout its history., the Majorcan mastiff dog is generally very adaptable, so much so that it is possible that he lives in a flat. But, for your well-being, it is better that I live in a house with a garden, since he likes to run and exercise a lot. To feel good on its legs and on its head, usually needs an hour of activity a day, which can consist of walks or games in the garden. In any case, long daily outings are essential if you don't have access to a garden. They are always happy to accompany their owners on walks, and are well suited to active and sporty families. An elderly or very sedentary person, on the other hand, may not satisfy your need for activity and would be better off with another breed.

In addition to participating in the activities of their owners, can, of course, distinguish yourself in various dog sports such as agility, el cane-cross, The tracking, the RCI or the ring. It can even be made to pull a light trolley that the children sit in..

In any case, considering his past as a working dog, to the Majorca Mastiff he likes to be assigned tasks. These may include, takes his role as guardian very seriously: although it is not necessarily obvious at first glance, always watch out for the slightest noise or movement, and shows great reactivity. In general, Giving him chores to do and keeping him busy is the best way to ensure he thrives..

Once you are in your right mind, the Majorcan mastiff dog it is quiet and very quiet. He is not one of those who annoys the neighbors, he just barks in his role as guardian, that is to say, when a stranger enters your territory and tries to show you that you better leave.

Nor is he one of those who let themselves be heard when their owners are not: although he especially likes to be in contact with them, knows how to stay alone without suffering separation anxiety.

In summary, as long as he is well socialized and educated, and as long as you have enough opportunities to exercise, the Majorcan mastiff dog it is a fairly easy dog ​​to carry. It is even an ideal breed choice for those who wish to acquire their first Molossian type dog., since it does not constitute a danger for his family and he is also very sociable with other animals in general.

But, this is only possible if the dog's place in the family hierarchy is perfectly clear and, Therefore, if he has a master who knows from the beginning how to position himself as a leader and how to be strict when necessary. Although the Majorca Mastiff it is quite easy to train and handle compared to other similar breeds, still a giant, so it is better that it is in the hands of a person who already has some experience in dog training.


The Majorcan mastiff dog is an independent and determined thinker. So, can be very overbearing if not confronted by an experienced dog training person, who knows how to show both firmness and consistency to behave as a leader and make his dog understand who is the master.

So, your education should start at an early age, when it is still more impressionable, to lay the foundations on which the coexistence will be based throughout his life. As such, you have to be firm, but also soft, at the risk of antagonizing him or damaging the quality of his relationship with his owners.

The latter must also show some coherence: the rules should not only be fixed in time, but also from one person to another, that is to say, everyone should be in phase on what the dog is or is not entitled to do. The dog did not understand why one person allowed him to get on the sofa when another had strictly prohibited it the previous time.

As long as these conditions are met throughout the education of the Majorcan mastiff dog, things are going well; it is easy to carry and learns quickly.

This is even more true if your teacher is in charge of organizing small training sessions and asking you to do various things.. In this way, stays focused all the time, instead of boring you and losing your attention with long and repetitive sessions.

Learning is also easier and more enjoyable for everyone when the owner opts for methods based on positive reinforcement., that is to say, rewarding (with a word of encouragement, a caress, a treat…) good behavior and ignoring bad. In fact, punishment-based techniques quickly frustrate the dog, and an operation based on the constraint, although it may work in the short term, usually limits the prospects for evolution, or even counterproductive - or even dangerous- long-term. The Majorca Mastiff he is not one of those who turn against his master, but if he is brutal with him and uses bad methods, You may end up responding to what you perceive as assault with an equally violent reaction.

Last, all dogs benefit from being socialized as soon as possible, but this is especially true for the Majorcan mastiff dog. In fact, his developed instinct for protection generally leads him to distrust strangers and, Therefore, to be especially reserved with them. Not the type to get unnecessarily aggressive towards them, but it is preferable to ensure that you do not show an excessive reserve every time a visitor arrives at your house. As such, nothing like making him meet a wide range of people in all kinds of situations from his first months, so that little by little you will better accept the confrontation with strangers. The same goes for exposure to other dogs and animals of all kinds, as well as to all kinds of environments and stimuli (noises, smells, etc.). The sooner and more intensely a dog is socialized, the easier it will be for you to move around in the human world, whatever the circumstances.


The Majorcan mastiff dog generally in very good health and predisposed to few problems., it is a very resistant dog in general.

This also applies to temperatures., used to the quite hot climate of the island of Mallorca, it is very resistant to high temperatures., not very sensitive to cold either, although this is really not a common thing in his homeland.

Among the diseases to which you are particularly predisposed, we can mention: brachycephalic syndrome, which affects dog breeds with flattened nose and short nose. In effect, This anatomical peculiarity notably translates into narrow nostrils and an excessively narrow nasal cavity, which implies respiratory failure, manifested especially during physical exertion and / or in case of strong heat. It can also be the cause of various digestive problems (vomiting, etc.). If the most serious cases must be treated by means of a surgical act to increase the respiratory capacity of the animal, most of those affected live in a more or less normal way as soon as their owner saves them from too intense physical effort (above all, especially when it's hot or humid) and carefully monitor your diet to avoid being overweight (a problem the breed is not particularly prone to).French Bulldog or the Pug;

  • The Hip Dysplasia, joint malformation in which the femur is not correctly positioned in the pelvic cavity of the hip joint, causing pain and lameness, as well as osteoarthritis as we age. Is problem, whose appearance is often favored by a hereditary predisposition, can be treated or alleviated by surgical intervention;
  • The dilation-torsion of the stomach, a problem that particularly affects medium-large dogs. It can happen especially when the animal ingests large amounts of food too quickly. It consists of sudden and excessive swelling of the stomach, that folds on itself;this blocks the evacuation of gases and interrupts blood circulation. Without prompt medical intervention, dog death occurs quickly;
  • The entropion, where the lid of one eye turns inward in contact with the eyeball. This problem can be inherited and causes severe irritation to the eye.. It is quite possible to remedy this by surgery;
  • The ectropion, corresponding to a curl defect of the lower eyelid. Then, the eye is no longer adequately protected, causing more or less severe irritation and conjunctivitis. Once again, this condition can be inherited and can be cured with surgery.

Although the breed is not predisposed to a large number of diseases, it is important to go to a breeder of Majorcan mastiff dog serious and competent. In effect, this allows the adopted puppy to have benefited from a good living environment and good socialization from its first weeks, but also and above all to maximize the chances that you enjoy good health and the rest. In fact, a serious breeder avoids breeding a dog with a hereditary defect such as Hip Dysplasia., because there would be a significant risk of transmission to young people. If you do not present them spontaneously, as should be the case, you should be asked for the results of the corresponding tests carried out on the parents or the puppy.

You must also always be able to provide a certificate of good health of the puppy prepared by a veterinarian, as well as a health or vaccination record, that proves that the child has received all the necessary vaccines. Once the animal has returned to its new home, should never be forgotten, during the following months, that is still growing and, therefore, particularly fragile. Thus, until I am about a year and a half, it is important to avoid any physical exercise that is too intense or too long, otherwise your joints or bones could suffer seriously. Or even end up presenting developmental defects that can incapacitate him throughout his life. This is all the more true as Majorca Mastiff is predisposed to Hip Dysplasia.

Last, even once this growth period has passed and the animal has become an adult, it is important to always pay attention to your health. As such, nothing substitutes for a complete check-up at a vet at least once a year, to ensure that no problem appears that cannot be detected by an inexperienced person. These regular appointments also offer the opportunity to be reminded of your vaccinations., so you never stop being protected. It should also be used against internal and external parasites, so it is up to your teacher to renew your antiparasitic treatments whenever necessary, throughout the year.

Life expectancy

11 years


The Majorca Mastiff it is an easy breed to care for, and this is especially true for their fur. A weekly brushing is more than enough to keep it in good condition. But, not so during moulting periods, in spring and autumn: much more must be done each day, to allow good removal of dead hairs.

It also, as it is not dirty or smells bad, rarely need a bath. Unless it was especially dirty during an outing or in contact with toxic material, do it 2 or 3 times a year is more than enough. It may also be wise to do this at the same time as your seasonal shedding to save time during these periods., since it removes a good amount of dead hair. In any case, always use a shampoo specially developed for dogs, since the pH of your skin is different from that of human skin.

It also, although their ears are not especially prone to infection, they should be checked and cleaned once a week to prevent dirt or moisture from accumulating that could cause infection.
Your eyes are also not immune to infection, so you also have to check and clean them weekly to prevent dirt from accumulating.

Brushing your dog's teeth is also a good habit that should be established at least once a week, making sure to use a dog-specific toothpaste each time. This helps prevent plaque formation., which can cause serious health problems when it turns into tartar. If possible, it is advisable to opt for an even higher frequency, even daily.

As for the claws, this adaptable dog wears them down to a greater or lesser extent, according to the activity level of your family and your living environment. A dog that walks and spends a lot of time a day does not need to have its nails trimmed manually, since they file themselves, especially if it is on a hard surface like asphalt. But, if the dog lives in a flat and is not very active, it needs to be trimmed regularly. Too long claws can be very annoying for the dog, especially when traveling. It also, if they break, they can hurt the dog. In fact, as soon as the friction with the hard ground is heard, they have become too long and have to be cut.

Whether the fur, the ears, the eyes, teeth or claws, grooming your dog requires a minimum of precision and vigilance. If you don't, not only can you fail in grooming your dog, but it can hurt you, or even injure it. So, the first time it is best to seek the advice of a veterinarian or professional dog groomer, and learn from him how to take care of his Majorca Mastiff.

The sooner you train your dog, the better it will be for the rest of your life.


Feeding a Majorcan mastiff dog it is not an arduous task: is perfectly fine with a balanced, quality industrial diet. Homemade rations are another perfectly adequate option, as long as they are well composed and, Therefore, are able to meet your nutritional needs. As such, should consist mainly of meat, but they can also contain large bones, remains, vegetables and rice.

In any case, the amount given must be consistent with his age, your health and the amount of physical exercise you get on a daily basis.

It also, the fact that it is prone to dilation-torsion of the stomach means that some precautionary rules should be observed when feeding the Majorcan mastiff dog. So, it is essential to divide your daily ration into at least two meals, and that these be taken in stride. It also, should not be preceded or followed by any intense or prolonged activity for an hour.

Although this breed is not very prone to obesity, it is important to regularly monitor the dog's weight. In fact, no one is immune to sudden and significant weight gain, especially after sterilization. Weighing your dog about once a month will allow you to quickly spot any unexplained deviations, so that you can take your dog to the vet if the deviation is confirmed or even increased during the following measurements. In fact, only a health professional can make a reliable diagnosis and indicate how to remedy the problem, because diet and lack of activity are not the only possible causes of being overweight: it can also be caused by illness or a reaction to treatment.

Last, like all dogs, the Majorca Mastiff a bowl of clean, fresh water should always be available to you.


The Majorcan mastiff dog can be found at various prices. In all cases, the latter depend, in particular, of the reputation of the kennel, from the line the pup came from, but also of its intrinsic qualities, in particular of their physical qualities, especially of its greater or lesser conformity and its color.

In fact, the brindle color is the most sought after in this breed, what can explain the price differences, sometimes substantial, even within the same litter.

In Spain, the average price of a companion puppy is around 700 EUR. Obviously, like in other places, can be much higher for the best subjects. Those sold with a confirmation guarantee, whose attributes will allow them to be exhibited in dog shows or used as breeders, can reach much higher sums, up to several thousand euros.

Majorca Mastiff Images

Videos Ca de Bou

Type and recognitions:

  • Group :
  • Section : . .



FCI breed standard "Majorca Mastiff (Majorcan mastiff dog)"


Date of publication of the valid original standard:


Guard and defense dog

General appearance:

Race typically molosoid, slightly elongated, strong and powerful. Medium rise, with marked sexual differentiation in cranial volume, higher in the male than in the female.

Behavior / temperament:

Quiet nature, that demonstrates bravery and courage, being sociable to the humane treatment and faithful and grateful to its owner. In the work of guard and defense, acts as an unbeatable guardian. At rest he appears confident and self-assured.; being alert, his gaze is penetrating.


Strong, solid

Cranial region:
  • Skull: Grand, width, tending towards the square, with a larger perimeter than the size at the withers, essentially in males. Wide front and flat, with well-marked front Groove; front, skull shape belies the occipital. The upper line of the skull and the supranasal line are almost parallel, with slight convergence.
  • Depression links (Stop): Profile, well marked and outstanding. Head on, perceptible only by the superciliary arches that delimit a clear frontal furrow.

facial region:

Very strong and prominent jaw muscles, developed up to the average level of eyes, and although it has some wrinkles on the sides of the masseter, It can be said that, in general, of the head do not skin wrinkles.

  • Truffle: Black and wide. Between the Windows you have well defined filter.
  • Snout: Born from the inner corner of the eyes, wide, tapered, Recalling a truncated cone of base profile broadband; with straight and slightly ascending supranasal line. The length of the muzzle must be in relationship 1/3 with respect to the head.
  • Lips: Upper lips are superimposed on the lower half of the snout, where it appears the labial commissure. The top is rather picked, While the lower retracting at its Center, and no they highlight is the lips when the mouth is closed. Oral cavity with marked striae and black gum edges, the rest of your mouth Red.
  • Jaws / Teeth: Powerful JAWS with well aligned incisors, Canine something separate, White complete teeth and strong with bite prognata; without being excessive this lower prognathism, It should be a maximum of one centimeter. They shall never see teeth with mouth closed.
  • Eyes: Large, oval, with opening wide, steep and somewhat oblique, color as dark as possible relative to the layer, without let see the conjunctiva; seen from the front can't see white ; situated low and far apart.
  • Ears: High and lateral deployment, rather small and pitches back and curved, showing the ear ; the guy named rosa. At rest the end of the ear lies at a level below the eye.


Strong, thickness and provided, at his birth he has a similar to the diameter of the head width ; well linked with the cross. Something loose skin, being a thin dewlap permitted.


  • Kidneys and flanks: Short, relatively narrow and forming an arch pronounced to the rump.
  • Rump: Approximately from 1 to 2 cm taller than the cross, inclined at about 30° from the horizontal, somewhat narrower than the thorax.
  • Chest: Rib something cylindrical, deep up to the height of the elbows, width to the height of the cross, due to the separation of the shoulder blades.
  • Lower profile: Parallel to the ground chest, Belly gently up and collected, never agalgado.


Implemented low, thick at its root, it thins to its end that reaches the hock, and finished in tip; during rest falls naturally, while in action it arches slightly and is arranged at the level of the dorsal line.



  • Shoulder: Moderately short, some prominent and slightly oblique.
  • Arms: Straight, plumb and separated from each other.
  • Elbows: Separated due to the breadth of chest, but never open.
  • forearms: Well muscled, straight and thick bones.
  • Previous feet: Strong, with fat fingers, slightly round and well United; lightly pigmented pads.

LATER MEMBERS: Muscled, longer than the previous ones.

  • Thighs: Long ; natural joints.
  • Hocks: Short, straight and strong. Undesirable Spurs.
  • Hind feet: Strong, with fat fingers longer than the previous toes, presenting its oval shaped joint; preferably pigmented pads.


The typical gait of the breed is the trot.


Rather thick, firmly attached to the body, except in the neck, It can form slight double chin.


  • HAIR: Short and rough to the touch.
  • COLOR: Striped, black & Fawn, desirable in this order. For the atigrados dark tones are preferable; tawny in intense colors.

white spots are allowed in forefeet, chest and muzzle, up to a maximum total of a 30%. Also supports the black mask.

Size and weight:

Height to the cross:

  • Males of 55 to 58 cm.
  • females of 52 to 55 cm..


  • In males ranges from the 35 to 38 kg
  • In females ranges from the 30 to 34 kg.


Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered as a fault and the severity of this is considered to the degree of the deviation to the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog..


  • Individuals whose height at the withers is higher than the rump.
  • Inferior prognathism that is greater than one centimeter.
  • Scissor bite, or clip.
  • Lack of two premolars.
  • Individuals who do not have ears in pink, This is glued together and flat ears to the face ; and with ears erect on its base, still being in pink in its final third.
  • Queue type bulldog.
  • Any other fault that its gravity apart from the standard.


  • Aggressive or fearful dog.
  • Upper prognathism.
  • Eyes clear and yellow.
  • Amputated ears or tail.
  • White color more of 30% in parts of the body that are not above feet, chest and muzzle.
  • Any other colouring stains.


  • Weight 36 kg
  • Height at Croup 58 cm.
  • Height in cross 56 cm.
  • Chest perimeter 78 cm.
  • Head circumference 59,5 cm.
  • Distance occipital to the birth of the tail 73 cm.
  • Distance of the occipital to snout 22 cm.
  • Distance from the muzzle to the frontal trough 8 cm.

Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified..


Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..

Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

Alternative names:

1. Mallorquin Mastiff, Mallorquin Bulldog, Silverback (English).
2. Dogue de Majorque (French).
3. Ca de Bou (German).
4. Ca de bou, Dogo maiorquino (Portuguese).
5. Dogo mallorquín, perro de presa mallorquín, Presa mallorquín (español).

▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Japón FCI 260 - Molossoid - Dogo

Tosa Inu

The Tosa is quiet, serene, dignified and extraordinarily peaceful.



The Tosa It is a breed of dog originating in Japan. Molosser imposing aspect, It is one of the favorite breeds for the lovers of dogs large size around the world. The breed emerged in the mid-19th century, When crossing various European breeds of large size (Great Dane, Mastiff, St. Bernard, Bulldog, German Shorthaired) with the indigenous Shikoku.

In Spain is regarded as a potentially dangerous breed of dogs by Royal Decree, by which to his possession must obtain the licence for possession of dangerous dogs and register it in the corresponding Municipal registry of potentially dangerous animals. One of the things that are required for this license is insurance of civil liability to third parties.

The Tosa varies considerably in size. Japan-bred specimens tend to have half the size of the specimens bred in the rest of the world. Japanese copies are usually weigh between 35 and 55 kg, While exemplary foreigners have a weight which varies between the 60 and 100 kg. The mantle is characterized by short and smooth appearance and is often red, striped or brown clear. The maintenance of its fur is minimal.

This breed originated in the second half of the 19th century. The race started from the natives – Shikoku, an indigenous dog. It weighs some 25 kg and stand about 55 inches tall, that it resembles the European Spitz. These dogs were crossed with dogs of European races, as the Old English Bulldog in 1872, Mastiff, in 1874, St. Bernard, German pointer in 1876, Great Dane, in 1924, and the Bull Terrier. The goal was to raise a bigger dog, more powerful.

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▷ The world of Pets: Dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians

Alemania FCI 145 - Molossoid . Mountain


Once you get to know Leonberger dogs better, you will be enchanted by them forever.



The Leonberger it is a very big and beautiful dog. In his head and in his charisma he remembers a St. Bernard and a lion at the same time. And this is not a coincidence, because the St. Bernard is one of the ancestors of Leonberger. The Leo, as his friends call it, It is a young and at the same time old breed of dog. This breed is ancient, because it has been specifically bred to the standard since 1846. The Leo It, therefore, one of the oldest dog breeds in modern breeding. At the same time it is a breed of young dog; because it was only created at that time. Most other pedigree dogs have a long history and originated from ancient working dog breeds..

The Leonberger, However, has a different and unique story. Among 1820 and 1850 San Bernardo became fashionable throughout Europe. The heroic exploits of the legendary St. Bernard Barry at the Great St. Bernard Pass in the Alps had a great effect. Barry has been shown to save more than 40 people of death by snow. Everywhere people wanted these big dogs and they were (and they are) really big dogs.

Breeders and traders were unable to meet the high demand. At the same time high prices were paid for a puppy of St. Bernard. So quite a few dog dealers from southwestern Germany helped out without further ado.. They mated St. Bernard with very big bitches from the region. The pups that looked like a St. Bernard they were sold as such, but for the others there were at most a few potatoes from a farmer. The dog trade was – as it still is today – a lucrative business and some sold hundreds of puppies a year and became rich.

Like Leonberg City Hall and dog vendor Heinrich Essig. An intelligent idea occurred to him and turned need into virtue. He created a brand out of the puppies that he could not market as St. Bernard. Instead of giving them away, sold the puppies for good money. Thus was born the Leonberger. Inspired by the lion from the coat of arms of his hometown, this new breed of dog has the appearance of a lion. His dogs were nicknamed Leonhardiner in the envious competition. Also in the official world of dogs these hybrids went unnoticed for a long time. Like this, el cinólogo Ludwig Beckmann, universally recognized at that time, ni siquiera menciona al Leonhardiner en su obra en dos volúmenes «Die Rassen des Hundes» (dog breeds) of 1895. From the point of view of health, such a genetically heterogeneous offspring is an advantage.

The Leonberger should be a success in all respects. Today it belongs to the primitive rocks of the world of purebred dogs., that no dog lover wants to miss. In 1895 se fundó el «Club Internacional de Perros Leonberger«, which quickly achieved official recognition of the Leonberger like race. In 1948 le siguió el «Club Alemán de Perros Leonberger» con sede en Leonberg, who still represents the Leonberger at VDH and around the world. The Leonberger has a unique charisma, imposing and at the same time friendly, quiet and just sovereign. Its appearance is reminiscent of a lion and its character is also majestic, peaceful and totally suitable for families.

Physical characteristics

The Leonberger It is an impressive large dog with a height at the withers in males between 72 and 80 cm and in females between 65 and 75 cm.. No weight given. But, will be some 80 kg. The standard describes its appearance as:

«De acuerdo con su propósito original, the Leonberger it's a very big dog, strong, muscular and elegant at the same time. It is characterized by a harmonious build and a self-assured calm with a lively temperament.. Especialmente el perro macho es poderoso y poderoso.»

Its coat should be medium soft to thick, broadly long, well lying. The Leo has a strong inner layer. The shapes of your physique should be recognizable. On the neck and chest, the fur, especially in males, must form a mane. The coat will be lion yellow, red, reddish brown and all the combinations between them, but always with a black mask. In favor of this lion gaze, hereditary factors related to health and longevity have been neglected.

A study published by the University of Vienna evaluated 7582 layers of Leonberger between 1932 and 2009. «Se determinó que la edad promedio de muerte del Leonberger It was from 7,55 años». During the study period, life expectancy had even decreased in 1,5 years in the last three decades. With a healthy upbringing, 10 or 12 years would be normal. The breed has recognized these warning signs and is now focusing more on the health and extension of the life expectancy of these large dogs..

Character and skills

The mind of a Leonberger is pious as a lamb. Being with him is pure slowdown for man. The essence is described in the standard:

as family dog, the Leonberger is a pleasant companion in current living conditions, that can be carried everywhere without any difficulty and is characterized by a pronounced kindness towards children. He is neither shy nor aggressive. As a companion dog it is a pleasant companion., obedient and fearless in all life situations.

The strength of character required includes above all: self confidence, sovereign calm, average temperament (including game instinct), willingness to subordinate, good learning and memorizing ability and noise tolerance. The character of Leonberger impresses all dog lovers.

Once you get to know dogs better Leonberger, you will be enchanted by them forever. There is almost nothing that can disturb this giant. His very high stimulus threshold as well as his stoic composure are the necessary counterpart to his enormous strength.. These two poles thus characterize the nature of Leonberger. Here and there is something stubborn. Only good persuasion and pleading will help., then he will do everything for his master or lady. But as a family member he is very kind. Seeks proximity to its humans. It is a reliable protector for them. The Leonberger he is a great guy, a fascinating dog!


The Leonberger not an easy dog ​​to keep due to its size. By its nature, has very few demands. A daily walk, brushed once a week, that was all. You don't need a big garden, but a garden is already useful. He likes to take possession of it. So, a small apartment on the nth floor would not be for him. Does not fit in all cars. One must consider: You're mine, the whole car will get wet. Leo can bear the heat, but it should not be challenged. prefers the cold. The Leonberger he is a great friend and not an object for acting addicts.

It should also be borne in mind that in our current society, large dogs are often rejected. Some people just fear a giant like Leo, even if he behaves – as is normal for him – exemplary. This is one of the reasons why it is not advisable to keep it in the big city..

One must have a sufficient budget to be able to pay a lot of good food and, in case of doubt, also the vet. It also, should have considered before buying what to do if the dog is sick and may need to bring 80 kg or more. Last, but not less important, there are many practical things that have a profound influence on everyday life. Here one must take real responsibility and honestly look in the mirror if all the conditions for a happy coexistence with dogs are met. Leonberger. Who can claim this, is in an enviable situation of dog owner. The Leonberger worth a sin.

Leonberger's Education

It must be remembered that in a Leo adult, the leash is just a symbol of control. The Leonberger has the power to control the other end of the strap. But he doesn't want. The Leonberger it's basically easy to train. Only his stubbornness has to be broken here and there with consistent smoothness.. He wants to follow his lord and master and he does it very reliably. It is an elementary duty of the owner of a Leonberger to pay attention to a consistent education already in the puppy. Because only this and not the leash makes wonderful walks in nature possible, that together with this great four-legged friend become a balm for the soul of agitated people. El gran perro nunca debe ser «educado» por golpes o métodos de cuartel. Because that would cause the exact opposite of education and end in disaster..

Leonberger care

Caring for a healthy Leo is not a problem. Brushing the coat once a week is enough.

Nutrition / Food

You need a lot of high quality food. A raised bowl is useful to counteract the risk of stomach twisting. Always pay attention to the weight.

Leonberger Health

As in most large dogs, we see hip or elbow dysplasia. Osteosarcoma, the most common bone tumor in dogs, It is also very common in Leonberger.

Leonberge life expectancy

Before the life expectancy of a Leonberger It was from 12 years, today is from 7 to 9 years. The breeding is working to recover the possible natural life of a healthy dog. He is accompanied here by a research project of the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover.

Buy a Leonberger

The purchase of a Leo it should be long-term and well thought out. You should carefully check if you have all the requirements to be able to spend many wonderful years with this giant.. If you are looking for a puppy, you should make sure above all that the dogs are not bred too much. Ask about ancestors, their illnesses, his age reached. You should see an FCI affiliated breeder Leonberger. Really, a Leonberger it costs about 2.000 EUR.

Images "Leonberger"


1 – Leonberger bitch by The animal photography at de.wikipedia / CC BY-SA
2 – Leonberger by https://pxhere.com/es/photo/1394923
3 – Leonberger, head photographed in 2004 at a dog show in Dresden by Karina Leo-Steffen, uploaded here from –Caronna 13:43, 15 Apr 2005 (UTC) / CC BY-SA
4 – Leonberger by https://www.pexels.com/es-es/foto/75295/
5 – Leonberger by https://pxhere.com/es/photo/1434187
6 – Leonberger by Pleple2000 / CC BY-SA
7 – Leonberger by https://www.needpix.com/photo/1100946/dog-leonberger-giant-pedigree-purebred-animal-canine

Videos "Leonberger"

Leonberger - Breed of dog

Type and recognitions:

  • Group :
  • Section : . .


  • FCI – Pinscher and Schnauzer-Molossoid type dogs – Swiss Mountain Dogs and Cattledogs. Section 2.2 Molossoid, mountain type.
  • AKC – Working dogs
  • ANKC – Group 6 (utility dogs)
  • CKC – Working dogs
  • ​KC – Working dogs
  • NZKC – Utility dog
  • UKC – Watchdog

FCI breed standard "Leonberger"


Date of publication of the valid original standard:


Watchdog, de compañía y de familia.

General appearance:

Complying with the original use purposes, the Leonberger is a big dog, strong, muscular and elegant at the same time. It is characterized by its harmonious body structure and poised tranquility, aware of his own worth with a lively temperament. The male is especially powerful and robust.

PROPIMPORTANT ORTIONS: Relationship of the height of the cross with the length of the body = 9:10; the depth of the chest corresponds almost to 50% the height of the cross.

Behavior / temperament:

Como perro de familia, the Leonberger adapts to modern living and room conditions and turns out to be a pleasant companion that can be taken anywhere without causing problems. It also, es muy amistoso con los niños y no es tímido ni agresivo. As a companion dog it is a pleasant companion., obedient and fearless in all situations that arise. To achieve his nature and strength, he mainly needs:

  • Confianza en sí mismo y una serenidad soberan
  • Medium balanced temperament (urge to judge).
  • Willingness to submit.
  • Good learning ability and attention.
  • Be insensitive to noise.


In its entirety it is deeper than broad and seems longer than plump; the relationship between the muzzle and the cranial region is approximately 1:1. The skin is adherent on all parts and does not form frontal folds.

Cranial region:
  • Craging: Seen in profile and from the front it is slightly arched; is strong corresponding to the body and limbs, but it doesn't look heavy. The posterior region is not much wider than the region where the eyes are located.
  • Ston: It is clearly noticeable and moderately marked.

facial region:

  • Nariz: Black.
  • Horcico: It is long, but it never ends on end. The nose is in broad correspondence, never sunk, but rather slightly arched (ram's nose).
  • Labios: Adherents, black, with closed corners.Jaws / Teeth: Mandíbulas potentes con una mordida de tijera completa, regular and perfect with good adaptation of the upper incisors over the lower ones without leaving space. The teeth are implanted vertically in the maxilla, showing 42 healthy teeth according to dental formula (lack of M3 is tolerated). Caliper bite allowed; in the lower jaw there should be no narrowness next to the fangs.
  • Cheeks: Poorly developed.
  • Ojors: Light brown to as dark as possible, medium-sized, oval, or sunk or bulging, ni muy juntos ni muy separados entre sí. Adherent eyelids, they don't show the conjunctiva. The whites of the eyes (visible part of the dermis) does not show redness.
  • Obars: High insertion and placed not far behind, pendants, medium-sized, stuck and fleshy.


Forma una curva ligera que continúa sin interrupción hasta la cruz. It is longer than it is wide; has no loose or double chin.


  • Cruz: Pronounced, especially in the male.Back: Robust, straight, wide.
  • Itmors: Widths, powerful, well muscled.
  • Glikeness: Wide, relatively long, gently rounded, en forma de transición progresiva hasta la raíz de la cola, never higher than the back.
  • Pecho: Large, deep, reaches at least to elbow height; not barrel-shaped but rather oval.
  • Línand the bottom: Sólo ligeramente retraída.


With lots of hair. Cuando está en pie la lleva colgada en línea recta; también durante el movimiento la dobla sólo ligeramente sin sobrepasar la línea de la espalda.


PREVIOUS MEMBERS: Straight, parallel, not closed.

  • Shoulder / Arms: Long, obliquely placed; entre sí forman un ángulo no demasiado obtuso. They have good muscles.
  • Elbows: Glued to the body.
  • Metacarpus: Strong, firm, viewed from the front they are straight and viewed from the side almost vertical.
  • Pinis previous: Straight (no deviations outwards or inwards), rounded, compact; well arched fingers; black pads.

LATER MEMBERS: Viewed from behind they are not placed too tightly; they are parallel; lukewarm joints- tarsians and feet do not deviate inward or outward.

  • Cadhere: In oblique position.
  • Thigh: Rather long; placed obliquely, has strong muscles. The thigh and leg form a fairly sharp angle.
  • Atibio-tarsal articulation: Powerful, with a marked angle between the leg and the metatarsal.
  • Pinis later: Straight, just a little long; arched toes; black pads.


Cover the ground, it is balanced in all walks; good momentum and breakthrough; both during walking and jogging, observed front and back, conduce las extremidades en línea recta.


  • Fur: Hair should be a little soft to hard, quite long, stuck and never form a streak; Despite having a lot of internal fleece, you can recognize the shapes of your body structure. The hair is smooth, although it is allowed to be slightly wavy; on the neck and chest (especially in the male) a mane is formed; hay plumas visibles en los miembros anteriores y “pantalones” marcados en los miembros posteriores.
  • Color: Yellow (lion color), red, reddish brown, also sand color (pale yellow, cream-coloured) and all its combinations, although with a black mask. Hair is allowed to have black tips; However, black should not be the basic hair color. The paleness of the basic color in the lower part of the tail, on the necklace, en las plumas de los miembros anteriores y en los “pantalones” de los posteriores no debe ser exagerada para no trastornar la armonía del color básico. A small white spot or a thin white streak is tolerated on the chest and white hairs on the fingers.

Size and weight:

Height to the cross:

  • Males: 72 – 80 cm., ideal measure 76 cm.,
  • females: 65 – 75 cm., ideal measure 70 cm..


Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered as a fault and the severity of this is considered to the degree of the deviation to the standard and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog..


    • Aggressiveness or extreme shyness.
    • Any dog ​​showing clear signs of physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified..
    • Severe anatomical failures (p. e.g.. notable cow members, carp back marked, badly beaten back, exaggerated outward deviation in the forefoot, absolutely insufficient angulation in the shoulder joints, elbow, knee and tibial-tarsian).
  • brown truffle.
  • Excessive depigmentation on the lips
  • Lack of teeth (except the M3), superior and inferior prognathism; other faults in the bite.
  • Eyes without brown color.
  • Ectropión, ectropion.
  • Tail too curled or carried too high and curled.
  • Brown pads.
  • Curly or frizzy hair.
  • Lack of color (brown with brown truffle and brown pads; Black with fire; silver black; deer color).
  • Total lack of mask
  • Too much white color (that reaches from the fingers to the carpus, stain on the chest larger than a hand, white color elsewhere).

  • Males should have two normal-appearing testicles fully descended into the scrotum..
  • Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with the typical conformation of the breed, should be used for parenting.

TRANSLATION: Federation Canófila Mexicana a.c..

Source: F.C.I - International Cynological Federation

Alternative names:

1. Leo, Gentle Lion, Gentle Giant (English).
2. Chien Leonberg (French).
3. Leo (German).
4. Leo (Portuguese).
5. Leo (español).