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Skye terrier
Escocia FCI 75 .Small sized Terriers.

Skye terrier

The Skye is a typical terrier: tenacious hard with a propensity to bark and dig.



The Skye terrier it is one of the oldest Scottish breeds. The Skye was known as the Western Isles Terrier which comprised at Skye Terrier with a mixture of races like their ancestors, including prototypes of the Cairn Terrier.

References to a terrier Scottish island of Skye back to long ago. In his book of the sixteenth century “Ingleses Dogs”, Johannes Caius wrote that the Skye Terrier was “taken from the barbarian borders of the countries furthest to the north… what, because of the length of hair, does it look or face or body”. That certainly sounds like a description of profuse coat Skye.

The dogs were bred to hunt and kill foxes, badgers and otters that threatened livestock farm or property damage caused. Their long coat and facial hair were meant to protect them from injury and the typical rainy weather of Scotland..

Three centuries later, the Queen Victoria, dogs lover, he became interested in the race during one of his visits to Scotland, and dogs became fashionable pets noblewomen. It was said that even a duchess would be ashamed to show her face in the park without the company of a Skye.. A portrait of Queen Victoria with one of his Skyes, Rona II, was painted by William Nicholson, and other Sykes appeared in paintings Sir Edwin Landseer.

Under threat of extinction

There are concerns that the breed could disappear entirely., since during 2012 only 44 puppies were born in the UK. The particularly lowest period for this breed was in 2005, when they registered only 30 Puppies. ​Today this is the most endangered dog breed within the classification of Vulnerable Native Breeds3​of the UK Kennel Club, and it is estimated that if it continues like this within 40 years the breed could become extinct.

Did you know??

One of the best known and loved Skye Terrier It was Greyfriars Bobby, who faithfully he watched the grave of his owner, John Grey, during 14 years after the death of man. A statue honoring the loyalty of the dog is visited Edinburgh for dog lovers around the world.

Physical characteristics

The Skye terrier it's a long-bodied dog. Its length is twice its size with good length hair. It moves seemingly effortlessly. its members, body and jaws are strong. His head is long and powerful. It has a long body and under. The flat edges occur because the coat that falls straight.

The mantle is double layer. The inner layer should consist of short hair, thick, soft and fleecy. The outer layer for reasonably long hair, hard, straight, flattened without curls that should never prevent movement. On the head the hair is shorter, softer and falls over his forehead eyes watching but not preventing vision. He meets the hair on the sides of the head, surrounding ears like a fringe allowing appreciate the way.

Its color can be black, dark or light gray, leonado, cream, all with black markings.
Its ideal height is 25 – 26 cm..
Length from tip of nose to tip of tail: 105 cm.. Females are slightly smaller in the same proportions.


The Skye Terriers They may be affected by various medical conditions, including eye problems (as glaucoma and dislocation of the lens), hipotiriodismo, of von Willebrand disease (a disorder of blood clotting), allergies and ulcerative colitis.

The “lameness of Skye” or “cojera dog” sometimes it occurs in puppies between 3 and 10 months of age. You can resolve without treatment, but some veterinarians suggest that activity is restricted. The Skye Terriers They can also undergo genetic forms of liver and kidney disease. The breeder of your puppy should be willing – in fact, anxious – review your dogs' health histories and discuss the prevalence of these and other health problems in your lines.

Character and skills

The Skye It is a classic Terrier: bold to, well, anything, friendly people who know, reserved and cautious with strangers. An old Scottish word, “clever”, It applies to him too. It is an intelligent dog and prudent people will consider carefully before deciding whether granted his affections. But, Once you are given, They are given lifetime.

It may not seem like a great athlete at first sight, but Skye has resistance, strength and agility galore. You'll find it by participating in agility, obedience and tracking, but it is also a partner willing sofa. Two or three rides 15 minutes or games a day will meet your exercise needs, but he's up for more if you are. If your temperament permits, Skye can also be a therapy dog ​​cheerful, visiting people in facilities such as nursing homes and children's hospitals.

Like all terrier, the Skye has a mind of its own, but learns well. Train this sensitive dog with loving firmness and enjoy their trust and respect will win.

Characteristics "Skye terrier"

Coexistence is important that you have with your new friend. Before considering the acquisition of a dog of the breed "Skye terrier" you know certain factors. Not all breeds of dogs are apt to live in an apartment, you must take into account his character, their need for exercise, their interaction with other pets, their care and if you have small children, their level of tolerance towards them.

Adaptation ⓘ

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

friendly dog ​​ⓘ

2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

hair loss ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Affection level ⓘ

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Need for exercise ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Social need ⓘ

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Home ⓘ

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Toilet ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Friendly with strangers ⓘ

2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

barking ⓘ

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Health ⓘ

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Territorial ⓘ

4.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Cat friendly ⓘ

2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Intelligence ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Versatility ⓘ

2.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Child friendly ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Surveillance ⓘ

3.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

joy ⓘ

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)

Images "Skye terrier"/h2>

Videos "Skye terrier"

Type and recognitions:

  • Group 3: Terriers
  • Section 2: Small sized Terriers. Without working trial..



FCI breed standard "Skye terrier"

FCIFCI - Skye terrier

Alternative names:

1. Skye (English).
2. Skye (French).
3. Skye (German).
4. Skye (Portuguese).
5. Skye (español).


1 – Pleple2000 / CC BY-SA
2 – Pleple2000 / CC BY-SA
3 – A Skye terrier at the 2019 Kelso Dog Show © Copyright Walter Baxter and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.
4 – Skye Terrier, Gold Country Kennel Club Dog Show, Grass Valley by Larry Miller – Flicker

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